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1. Daniels, Peter; Morrissy, Chris; Poermadjaja, Bagoes; Selleck, Paul; Stratton,
John; Allen, John; Padungtod, Pawin; Colling, Axel; ong, !go "hanh; #ong,
$rank; Wiyono, Ag!; A%ila, &onello; 'al(ra)idh; #antanee* Diagnostic
ca(acity +or regional emergency in+ectious disease (re(aredness* ,n -
Proceedings o+ an international worksho( held in Siem &ea(, Cam%odia, ./0
.1 August 2/./* (* 31435* Australian Centre +or ,nternational Agricultural
&esearch 6AC,A&7 2/.2
No "#!$%"&$
2. W"%)*"n", A+%i, H*; M*"%!ini, S%i6De(artment o+ Parasitology,
,ndonesian &esearch Centre +or 8eterinary Science, Bogor, ,ndonesia79all,
M*J*&; Mahamdallie, S*S*; &eady, P*D*6De(artment o+ :ntomology, !atural
9istory Museum, ondon7Cameron, M*M*6$aculty o+ ,n+ectious and "ro(ical
Diseases, ondon School o+ 9ygiene and "ro(ical Medicine, ondon, ;'7*
Phylogenetics o+ the <ld #orld screwworm =y and its signi>cance +or (lanning
control and monitoring in)asions in Asia* ,nternational Journal +or Parasitology*
2/.2* 8ol*?2- (*@2A4@13*
Phylogenetic, genealogical and (o(ulation relationshi(s o+ Chrysomya %eBBiana, the
<ld #orld screwworm =y 6<#S$7, were in+erred +rom D!A seCuences o+ mitochondrial
cytochrome % 6cyt %7, nuclear elongation +actor4.a 6:$4.a7 and nuclear white eye
colour 6white7, using seCuences o+ Chrysomya megace(hala and Chrysomya ru>+acies
as outgrou(s* Cyt % 6@.@ %(, @D? s(ecimens7, :$4.a 615. %(, 2D5 s(ecimens7 and
white 6D@@ %(, 2?2 s(ecimens7 were analysed +rom u( to two A+rican and nine Asian
countries, including ./ ,ndonesian islands* #e show that <#S$ occurs as distincti)e
A+rican and Asian lineages %ased on cyt % and white, and that there is a marked
diEerentiation %etween Sumatran and Ja)an (o(ulations in ,ndonesia, su((orted %y
the genealogy and analysis o+ molecular )ariance o+ cyt % alone* $our cyt % su%4
lineages are recognised in Asia- only 2*. occurs on the Asian mainland, +rom Femen to
Peninsular Malaysia; only 2*2, 2*1 and 2*? occur in central ,ndonesia; 2*?
(redominates on !ew Guinea; and 2*. co4occurs with others only on Sumatra in
western ,ndonesia* "his (hylogeogra(hy and the genetic distances %etween cyt %
ha(loty(es indicate (re4historic, natural dis(ersal o+ <#S$ eastwards into ,ndonesia
and other Malesian islands, +ollowed %y )icariant e)olution in !ew Guinea and central
,ndonesia* <#S$ is a%sent +rom Australia, where there is sur)eillance +or im(ortation
or natural in)asion* Judged %y cyt % ha(loty(e markers, there is currently little s(read
o+ <#S$ across sea %arriers, des(ite +reCuent shi(ments o+ Australian li)estock
through ,ndonesian seas to the Middle :ast Gul+ region* "hese >ndings will in+orm
(lans +or integrated (est management, which could %e a((lied (rogressi)ely, +or
exam(le starting in :ast !usa "enggara 6central ,ndonesia7 where <#S$ has regional
cyt % markers, and (rogressing westwards to Ja)a where any in)asion +rom Sumatra is
unlikely* Cyt % markers would hel( identi+y the source o+ any re4emergence in treated
3. !idom, Chairul A*,6A)ian ,n=uenBa4Boonosis &esearch Center, Airlangga
;ni)ersity, Sura%aya, ,ndonesia7:ri !akayama6Di)ision o+ Glo%al
:(idemiology, 9okkaido ;ni)ersity &esearch Center +or Hoonosis Control,
Sa((oro, Ja(an7&e)iany 8* !idom; Mohamad F* Alamudi6,nstitute o+ "ro(ical
Disease, Airlangga ;ni)ersity, Sura%aya, ,ndonesia7Sya+ril Daulay6Center +or
Diagnostic Standard o+ Agriculture Iuarantine, Ministry o+ Agriculture, Jakarta,
,ndonesia7In)i N- L- P- D*"%."y"n$i6,ndonesian &esearch Center +or
8eterinary Science, Ministry o+ Agriculture, Bogor, ,ndonesia7Foes P*
Dachlan6"ro(ical Disease 9os(ital, Airlangga ;ni)ersity, Sura%aya,
,ndonesia7Mohamad Amin; Mana%u ,garashi6Di)ision o+ Bioin+ormatics,
9okkaido ;ni)ersity &esearch Center +or Hoonosis Control, Sa((oro,
Ja(an79iroko Miyamoto; &eiko Foshida; Ayato "akada* Serological :)idence o+
:%ola 8irus ,n+ection in ,ndonesian <rangutans* PLoS One. 2012; 7(7): e40740. Published
online 2012 July 18. doi: 10.1371/joun!l."one.0040740
:%ola )irus 6:B<87 and Mar%urg )irus 6MA&87 %elong to the +amily $ilo)iridae and
cause se)ere hemorrhagic +e)er in humans and nonhuman (rimates* Des(ite the
disco)ery o+ :B<8 6&eston )irus7 in nonhuman (rimates and domestic (igs in the
Phili((ines and the serological e)idence +or its in+ection o+ humans and +ruit %ats,
in+ormation on the reser)oirs and (otential am(li+ying hosts +or >lo)iruses in Asia is
lacking* ,n this study, serum sam(les collected +rom 1D1 healthy Bornean orangutans
6Pongo (ygmaeus7 in 'alimantan ,sland, ,ndonesia, during the (eriod +rom Decem%er
2//D to Decem%er 2//5 were screened +or >lo)irus4s(eci>c ,gG anti%odies using a
highly sensiti)e enByme4linked immunosor%ent assay 6:,SA7 with recom%inant )iral
sur+ace glyco(rotein 6GP7 antigens deri)ed +rom multi(le s(ecies o+ >lo)iruses 6D
:B<8 and . MA&8 s(ecies7* 9ere we show that .3*?J 65DK1D17 and .*@J 65K1D17 o+
the sam(les were sero(ositi)e +or :B<8 and MA&8, res(ecti)ely, with little cross4
reacti)ity among :B<8 and MA&8 antigens* ,n these (ositi)e sam(les, ,gG anti%odies
to )iral internal (roteins were also detected %y immuno%lotting* ,nterestingly, while
the s(eci>city +or &eston )irus, which has %een recogniBed as an Asian >lo)irus, was
the highest in only .*?J 6DK1D17 o+ the serum sam(les, the majority o+ :B<84(ositi)e
sera showed s(eci>city to Haire, Sudan, Cote dL,)oire, or Bundi%ugyo )iruses, all o+
which ha)e %een +ound so +ar only in A+rica* "hese results suggest the existence o+
multi(le s(ecies o+ >lo)iruses or unknown >lo)irus4related )iruses in ,ndonesia, some
o+ which are serologically similar to A+rican :B<8s, and transmission o+ the )iruses
+rom yet unidenti>ed reser)oir hosts into the orangutan (o(ulations* <ur >ndings
(oint to the need +or risk assessment and continued sur)eillance o+ >lo)irus in+ection
o+ human and nonhuman (rimates, as well as wild and domestic animals, in Asia*
4. Daniels, PeterM Australian Animal 9ealth a%oratory, CS,&< Animal, $ood and
9ealth Sciences, PMB 2?, Geelong, 122/, AustraliaNAg! Wiyono,M,ndonesian
&esearch Center +or 8eterinary ScienceN:lly Sawitri, Bagoes Poermadjaja; * D*
Sims* 9D!. 9ighly Pathogenic A)ian ,n=uenBa in ,ndonesia- &etros(ecti)e
Considerations* Curr "o( Micro%iol ,mmunol* 2/.2 Se( 5* M:(u% ahead o+ (rintN
,ndonesia is one o+ the >)e countries where highly (athogenic a)ian in=uenBa )iruses
o+ the 9D!. su%ty(e 69D!. 9PA,7 remain endemic in (oultry* ,m(ortantly, it is one o+
the countries where the )irus causes human in+ections* #9< data indicate that as o+
2 May 2/.2, .3A human cases o+ ,n=uenBa A 69D!.7 had %een re(orted in ,ndonesia,
with .D@ human deaths* "hese human cases included a small num%er in which
limited human4to4human transmission could ha)e occurred* 9ence, there remains a
critical need in ,ndonesia +or a more eEecti)e <ne 9ealth a((roach to the control and
(re)ention o+ this disease in (eo(le and in (oultry* "his cha(ter ex(lores a num%er o+
as(ects o+ the e)olution o+ this disease in ,ndonesia, the )irus that causes it and the
control and (re)enti)e measures introduced, +ocusing on the successes and
shortcomings o+ )eterinary and <ne 9ealth a((roaches* ,ndonesia (ro)ides many
exam(les o+ situations where this latter a((roach has %een success+ul, and others
where +urther work is needed to maximiBe the %ene>ts +rom coordinated res(onses to
this disease leading to eEecti)e management o+ the risk to human health*
#. Purnawarman, "rioso; #i%awan, , #ayan "eguh; Pasari%u, $achriyan 9asmi;
Setiyono, Agus6$akultas 'edokteran 9ewan, ,nstitut Pertanian
Bogor7S"1+,,o*, M*"%".6Balai Besar Penelitian 8eteriner, Bogor7*
Sensiti)itas dan S(esi>sitas !ested Polymerase Chain &eaction untuk
Mendeteksi D!A Coxiella %urnetii* MSensiti)ity and S(eci>city o+ !ested
Polymerase Chain &eaction +or Detection o+ Coxiella%urneth D!AN* Jurnal
8eteriner* 2/.2* 8ol*.16.7- (* D.4D5*
Sensiti)ity and s(eci>city o+ nested (olymerase chain reaction 6nested PC&7 to detect
Coxiella %urnetii 6C* %urnetii7 D!A were studied* "he (rimer system which consists o+
external (rimers 6<MP. and <MP27 and internal (rimers 6<MP1 and <MP?7, was
designed +rom the nucleotide seCuence o+ the corn , gene encoding +or 2@ kDa outer
mem%rane (rotein and used to s(eci>cally am(li+y a D/. %y and ?13 %y +ragment*
"his nested PC& assay was D/ +old more sensiti)e than that o+ using PC& external
(rimer only* "he !ested PC& has a detection limit as low as 1// (gKgl* S(eci>city
studies showed that nested PC& only detected C* %urnetii D!A and did not ha((ened
Brucella a%ortus, :scherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Cam(ylo%acter Jejuni
D!A* !ested PC& has high sensti)ely and s(eci>caly diagnostic method o+ C* %urnetii
as4agent o+ I +e)er disease*
$. N"$",i", Li,y; P%i")i, A)in 6Balai Besar Penelitian 8eteriner, Jl* &*:*
Martadinata !o* 1/, P< Box .D., Bogor .5..?7* :nterotoksemia Fang
Dise%a%kan Clostridium perfringens "i(e C Pada ,kan Paus Putih
6Delphinapterus Leucas7* M:nterotoxemia Caused %y Clostridium perfringens
"y(e C in #hite #hale 6Delphinapterus leucas7N* Dalam - Prosiding Seminar
!asional "eknologi Peternakan dan 8eteriner* Bogor* @ 4 3 Juni 2/..* (* 3A?4
A/.* Bogor* Pusat Penelitian dan Pengem%angan Peternakan* 2/.2*
"he Beluga or white whale, Delphinapterus leucas, is an Arctic and su%4Arctic s(ecies
o+ cetacean* "his marine mammal is commonly re+erred to Beluga or Sea Canary due
to its high4(itched twitter* $rom a conser)ation (ers(ecti)e, the Beluga is considered
Onear threatenedO %y the ,nternational ;nion +or Conser)ation o+ !ature 62//A7* "hree
Belugas owned %y Gelanggang Samudra, Ancol died in $e%ruary 0 March 2/..* "he
>rst Beluga died suddenly and the second and the third Beluga looked unhealthy and
died within a week* !ecro(sy was carried out immediately and tissue sam(les were
su%mitted to la%oratory* Grossy, se)ere and extensi)e haemorrhagic organs 6li)er,
intestine, heart, s(leen and lungs7 ga)e the red a((earance o+ the whole %ody which
is entirely due to hemolyBed red %lood cells* Clostridium perfringens was +ound
dominantly in gut sam(le* Mouse neutraliBation test to the %acterial culture
su(ernatant demonstrated al(ha and %eta toxins and classi>ed as Cl. perfringens
ty(e C 6al(ha and %eta toxin (roducer7, and the toxin (roduced was P .// MDsKml*
Moreo)er, mouse neutraliBation test using al(ha and %eta antitoxins against %ody
=uids o+ the Beluga indicated the (resence o+ toxins that could %e neutraliBed %y Cl.
perfringens ty(e C antitoxin* "he results indicated that Beluga whale died +rom
enterotoxemia caused %y Cl.perfringens ty(e C* Escherichia coli and Plesiomonas
shigelloides were also isolated +rom the gut sam(le while Stre(tococcus grou( CKG*
were +ound in li)er* But these %acteria were classi>ed as non(athogenic %acteria on
Congo red agar* <ur >ndings oEer insight +or guiding (olicy and management
decision regarding Beluga risk o+ enteric in+ection %y o((ortunistic %acterial
(athogens in ,ndonesia*
7. A*."), Ri2" ("in))in6Balai Besar Penelitian 8eteriner, Bogor7Satrija,
$ajar; Pasari%u, $achriyan 9asmi6$akultas 'edokteran 9ewan, ,nstitut
Pertanian Bogor7Sukarno, !am(iah6$akultas Matematika dan ,lmu
Pengetahuan Alam, ,nstitut Pertanian Bogor7* Pemakaian Duddingtonia
=agrans dan Saccharomyces cere)isiae dalam Mereduksi ar)a ,n+ekti+
9aemonchus contortus* M"he Study o+ Duddingtonia $lagrans and
Saccharomyces Cere)isiae use on &educing o+ ,n+ecti)e 9aemonchus
Contortus ar)aeN* Jurnal 8eteriner* 2/.2* 8ol*.16.7- (* @/4@5*
"he use o+ Duddingtonia =agrans as the %iological control o+ nomatode in+ections has
%een widely re(orted* 9owe)er, no re(ort is a)aila%le on the use o+ yeast
Saccharomyces cer)iciacae +or such (ur(ose* "he aim o+ this study was to i)estigate
the use o+ %oth +ungi to reduce the num%er o+ 9eamoncus contortus in+ecti)e lar)ae*
Agar and +ecal media containing the s(ore o+ the +ungi was inoculated with in+ected
9* contortus lar)ae 61rd stage7* $ecal media containing the +ungi was (re(ared %y oral
inoculation o+ shee( with liCuid containing ./ 5, ./@ s(ores o+ D* =agrans, and ./5,
./@ s(ores o+ D* =agrans, and ./5, ./.2 s(ores o+ S* cer)iciae* "he num%er o+ lar)ae
tra((ed in the +ungi was counted* "he result showed %oth +ungi were a%le to reduce
the num%er o+ in+ecti)e la)e* 9owe)er, +or D* =agrans, %eside it a%le to kill the lar)ae,
it also a%le to tra( the lar)a which did not occur in S* cer)iceae* "he com%ination o+
%oth +ungi can %e used to reduce o+ the num%er o+ in)ected 9* contortus lar)ae*
8. A*."), Ri2" ("in))in6Balai Besar Penelitian 8eteriner Jl* &*:* Martadinata
1/ Bogor79artanto, : S*6Balai Besar ,ndustri Agro Jl* ,&, 9* Juanda !o-..*
Bogor7* Cemaran Cendawan Pada 8irgin Coconut <il 68C<7, 'ela(a Parut Dan
Am(as 'ela(a* Dalam - Prosiding Seminar !asional Mikologi Biode)ersitas dan
Bioteknologi Sum%erdaya 9ayati $ungi* Purwokerto, .D 4 .5 Mei 2/.2*
Purwokerto- $A';"AS B,<<G, ;!,8:&S,"AS J:!D:&A S<:D,&MA!* 2/.2*
8irgin Coconut <il 68C<7 adalah salah satu (roduk kela(a yang mem(unyai khasiat
se%agai antimikro%a* 'andungan asam4asam yang dimilikinya %erkhasiat se%agai
antimikro%a termasuk anticendawan* "ujuan dari (enelitian ini untuk menguji 8C<
terhada( cemaran cen4dawan di%andingkan dengan ser(ihan kela(a dan am(as
kela(a selama . %ulan* ;ji dilakukan dengan cara mengisolasi dan identi>kasi
cendawan yang ditemukan (ada 8C< 6., 2, 1 dan ? minggu7 se%agai hasil olahan,
ser(ihan kela(a 6kela(a (arut7 se%agai %ahan asal dan am(as kela(a se%agai sisa
olahan* 9asil yang di(eroleh menunjukkan %ahwa ser(ihan dan am(as kela(a
tercemar, teta(i 8C< tidak tercemar* Dari (erco%aan ini disim(ulkan %ahwa 8C< tidak
tercemar cendawan dan kemungkinan da(at digunakan se%agai anticendawan*
%. A*."), Ri2" ("in))in; 4*o$i"*, Si$i; H"%)i."n 6Balai Besar Penelitian
8eteriner Jl* &*:* Martadinata 1/ Bogor7* Peran Cendawan dalam Bidang
8eteriner* Dalam - Prosiding Seminar !asional Mikologi Biode)ersitas dan
Bioteknologi Sum%erdaya 9ayati $ungi* Purwokerto, .D 4 .5 Mei 2/.2*
Purwokerto- $A';"AS B,<<G, ;!,8:&S,"AS J:!D:&A S<:D,&MA!* 2/.2*
Cendawan se%agai salah satu (lasma nut+ah di ,ndonesia mem(unyai (eran (enting
dalam kehidu(an manusia termasuk )eteriner* Bidang )eteriner meli(uti kesehatan
hewan ternak %eserta manusianya* Cendawan ada yang menguntungkan dan
merugikan dalam %idang )eteriner* 'erugian yang ditim%ulkannya %eru(a mikosis dan
mikotoksikosis dalam hitungan ekonomi menim%ulkan angka nominal yang %esar*
Se%aliknya keuntungan melalui (eman+aatan cendawan %esar nilai ekonomisnya
dalam %entuk (eningkatan (rodukti)itas dan memelihara kesehatan hewan ternak*
9ara(an di masa mendatang melalui mikologi )eteriner da(atlah dikendalikan
kerugian aki%at cendawan yang merugikan dan da(at meman+aatkan cendawan
secara maksimal untuk hewan ternak*
10. A*."), ("in))in Ri2"6Balai Besar Penelitian 8eteriner7Anis, S*6BBPP8
Maros7* 'ejadian Penyakit Selakarang (ada 'uda dan Cara Pengendaliannya*
M,ncidence and Control o+ Selakarang Disease in 9orsesN* #artaBoa* 2/.2* 8ol*
22627- (*5D4@.*
Selakarang is a +ungal disease attacking horses*Q Although the mortality rate
is low, the mor%idity is high leading to economic loss* "he island o+ Sulawesi
has a%out .D.*/// horses and they are distri%uted in* D (ro)inces- !orth,
Central, #est, South, South4:ast Sulawesi and Gorontalo which (otentially
has endemic out%reaks caused %y the Selakarang +ungus, 9isto(lasma
+arciminosum* "he disease might %e endemic throughout ,ndonesia i+ the
horse trading is not monitored* ,n Maros, South Sulawesi, the disease is +ound
with sym(toms in the +orm o+ nasal, cutan, and ocular sym(toms* ,gnorance
o+ the a((ro(riate authorities will increase the likelihood o+ s(read o+ the
disease* According to the Staat%lad act (roduced in .A.2 and the disease
%elonged to the Boonotic disease and when it is not well handled and (ro(erly
managed, in+ection to human may occur* Pre)ention is %etter than treatment*
,n the +uture, we may (ro(ose to (roduce inacti)e )accines and de)elo(
serological test to detect antigen and anti%ody in &,8S colla%orating with
other go)ernment agencies or (ri)ate (arties interested in this disease
11. G*o,i#, D5"1n)in6Balai Besar Penelitian 8eteriner, Jl &: Martadinata !o* 1/
Bogor .5..?7* MAnti+ungal :Eect o+ 'encur "u%er 6'aem+era galanga *7
:thanol :xtract on Mold "richo(hyton )errucosum %y ,n 8itro "estN* ;ji Daya
Anti+ungi :kstrak :tanol &im(ang 'encur 6'aem+era galanga *7 "erhada(
Pertum%uhan Jamur "richo(hyton )errucosum Secara ,n 8itro* Dalam -
Prosiding Seminar !asional "eknologi Peternakan dan 8eteriner* Bogor* @ 4 3
Juni 2/..* (*35D435A* Bogor* Pusat Penelitian dan Pengem%angan Peternakan*
'encur tu%er extract 6'aem+era galanga *7 was extracted %y mean o+
maceration using A5J ethanol as solution, was studied on its anti+ungal eEect
on dermato(hyte mold "richo(hyton )errucosum using dilution method* "he
extract +or this study was diluted into /*2D, /*D, . and 2J* "he results
re)ealed that Minimal ,nhi%ition Concentration 6M,C7 was .J* Phytochemical
analysis o+ the extract showed that it contains the com(ound o+ alkaloid
grou(, sa(onin, tannin, =a)onoid, +enolic and glicosid*
12. A*."), Ri2" ("in))in 6Balai Besar Penelitian 8eteriner, Jl* &*:*
Martadinata !o* 1/ Bogor .5..?7* Mastitis Mikotik di ,ndonesia* MMycotic
Mastitis in ,ndonesiaN* Dalam - Prosiding Seminar !asional "eknologi
Peternakan dan 8eteriner* Bogor* @ 4 3 Juni 2/..* (* ?/14 ?./* Bogor* Pusat
Penelitian dan Pengem%angan Peternakan* 2/.2*
Mycotic mastitis is caused %y (athogenic +ungi 6mold and yeast7* "his disease leads
to loss to dairy cattle as it caused deterioration o+ milk* "hese cases in ,ndonesia was
re(orted during .A3D 4 .A3@ and it is assumed that it is still (resent until now* "his
case is diRcult to %e recogniBed %ecause it commonly has su%clinical sym(tom and
the disease a((eared chronicly* Due to the im(ortance o+ the disease there+ore this
(a(er ex(lains the etiology, distri%ution, (athogenesis, clinical sym(toms, diagnosis
and control o+ the disease to reduce and eradicate mycotic mastitis in ,ndonesia*
13. A*."), Ri2" ("in))in 6"he ,ndonesian &esearch Centre +or 8eterinary
Science* J* &*:* Martadinata !o* 1/, Bogor7* Po(ulation Dynamics o+ $ungi in
Poultry $eed Against Some Anti+ungal* MDinamika Po(ulasi Cendawan dalam
Pakan ;nggas Menghada(i AnticendawanN* Dalam - Prosiding Seminar
!asional "eknologi Peternakan dan 8eteriner* Bogor* @ 4 3 Juni 2/..* (* @?54
@D2* Bogor* Pusat Penelitian dan Pengem%angan Peternakan* 2/.2*
A good Cuality (oultry +eed com(osed %y car%ohydrate, (rotein, )itamine; and
mineral is a +undamental nutrition source in achie)ing o(timal (roduction yields*
9owe)er, the +eed also (otentially ser)e as a carrier +or microorganisms, (articularly
+ungi contamination including their toxic meta%olism (roducts* "he aim o+ this study
is to in)estigate the dynamic (o(ulation o+ +ungus in (oultry +eed a+ter %eing
treated %y some anti +ungal* "wo diEerent stocks o+ (oultry +eeds 62// g in a (lastic
container 6S2//7 and D/ kg in a sack 6SD/7 were used in this study and three anti
+ungal addition into those (oultry +eed stocks 6/*.J o+ A$.; /*. J o+ A$2 and /*/DJ
o+ A$17 were tested* A control grou( was stocks without any anti +ungal* "hey were
incu%ated +or .5 weeks at 2D 0 1/SC* <%ser)ation o+ the dynamic (o(ulation was
conducted at week /, 2, ?, 3, .2 and .5* &esults demonstrated that there was a
=uctuating num%er o+ mold, yeast and Mycelia sterile +or %oth S2// and SD/ during
.5 weeks o+ o%ser)ation* $or S2//, num%er o+ mold, yeast and M* sterile was
signi>cantly diEerent +rom control 6P T /*///.7* !um%er o+ mold declined at week 3
and week 2 +or A$. and A$1 grou(s, res(ecti)ely* Anti +ungal eEect o+ A$2 on mold
was +ound at week 2 and ?* $or S D/, although num%er o+ mold in the control grou(
was signi>cantly diEerent +rom A$., A$2 and A$1 6P T /*///.7, %ut those three anti
+ungal signi>cantly re)ealed the same eEect 6P P /*/D7* Signi>cant diEerence o+ M*
sterile num%er was occurred on A$. and A$2 6P T /*/17* ,nterestingly, there was no
signi>cant diEerence %etween the control grou( and all anti +ungal on num%er o+
yeast 6P P /*.7 %ut A$1 signi>cantly reduced more num%er o+ yeast than A$2 6P T
/*/27* Anti +ungal A$. and A$2 acted to inhi%it the +ungi growth starting at week 3 0
.5 and at week 2 +or A$1* $or SD/, A$. and A$2 were more eEecti)e than A$1
es(ecially at week .2 0 .5* "his study also demonstrated that Mycelia sterile
contamination in the (oultry +eed was more dominant than %oth mold and yeast*
14. W"%)*"n", A+%i, H-; M*"%!ini, S%i 6,ndonesian &esearch Centre +or
8eterinary Science, Bogor, ,ndonesia7 &eady, P*D*; 9all, M*J*&* 6De(artment o+
:ntomology, !atural 9istory Museum, ;nited 'ingdom7 Cameron, M*M*
6$aculty o+ ,n+ectious and "ro(ical Diseases, ondon School o+ 9ygiene and
"ro(ical Medicine, ;nited 'ingdom7* Geogra(hical characteristics o+
Chrsyomya %eBBiana %ased on external mor(hology study* M'arakterisasi
Geogra> Chrsyomya %eBBiana %erdasarkan (ada studi mor+ologi ekternalN*
Jurnal ,lmu "ernak dan 8eteriner* 2/.2* 8ol*.@6.7- (*154?3*
Correct identi>cation o+ Chrysomya %eBBiana is a +undamental ste( to e)aluate the
success+ulness o+ the eradication (rogram %ased on Sterile ,nsect "echinCue 6S,"7*
9owe)er, geogra(hical )ariation o+ the =y is %eing contro)ersial among scientists*
"he aim o+ the study was to in)estigate the eEect o+ (reser)ation method on
)isualisation o+ characters o+ external mor(hology and to analyse geogra(hical
)ariation o+ C* %eBBiana (o(ulations throughout their distri%ution regions* A total o+ 33
=ies collected +rom @ (o(ulations in ,ndonesia, 2 (o(ulations in A+rica and each .
(o(ulation +rom <man, ,ndia, Malaysia and Pa(ua !ew Guinea 6P!G7 were tested in
the study* All lar)ae were remo)ed +rom natural myiasis cases* "he lar)ae were
reared at la%oratory until they %ecame adult =ies* "he sam(les were (reser)ed into
two methods, wet 63/ (ercent ethanol7 and dried 6(in7 methods* "en external
characters o+ head and %ody were o%ser)ed* Data were su%jected to (rinci(al
com(onents and hierarchical cluster analyses in ;!,S"A" so+tware* "he :uclid
distance measure was used +or the cluster analysis, and the linking method used was
the unweighted (air4grou( method using arithmetic a)erage 6;PGMA7, to com(ute
the distance %etween clusters* &esults indicated that dried (reser)ation 6(inned
sam(les7 (ro)ided %etter external character than ethanol (reser)ation* Based on
external mor(hology o+ adult stages re)ealed that C* %eBBiana occurs as two
geogra(hical races, A+rican and Asian races* "here was no geogra(hical )ariation o+
C* %eBBiana throughout ,ndonesian archi(elago, exce(t +or the (o(ulation +rom P!G
+orming its own cluster*
1#. Wi1)o!"%i, Ening6,ndonesian &esearch Centre +or 8eterinary
Science7Piedra>ta, Da)id6School o+ Biomedical Science,Monash ;ni)ersity,
Australia7* Com(arison o+ Cytokine Pro>le %etween ,ndonesian "hin4"ailed and
Merino Shee( during A Primary ,n+ection with $asciola gigantica*
MPer%andingan (ro>l Sitokin antara Dom%a :kor "i(is dan Dom%a Merino yang
diin+eksi (ertama dengan $asciola GiganticaN* Jurnal 8eteriner* 2/.2*
8ol*.16.7- (* 2/42D*
"he aim o+ this study was to in)estigate the ex(ression o+ cytokines (ro>les
inter+eron4y ,$!4y7, interleukin4D 6,4D7 and ,4./ in &asciola gigantica resistant
,ndonesian thin4tailed 6,""7 shee( com(ared to susce(ti%le merino shee( in+ected
with $asciola gigantica* A total o+ ten ,"" and merino shee( were randomly allocated
into in+ected 6nUD7 and control 6nUD7 grou(s, shee( were in+ected with 2D/ )ia%le
metacercariae o+ $* gigantica* "he cytokines were determined %y isolated m&!A +rom
he(atic lym(h node %y semi4Cuantitati)e &"4PC& 6&e)erse "rancri(tase 4Polymerase
Chain &eaction7* "he result showed ,"" shee( (roduced signi>cantly higher ,4D and
./ 6 PT/,/D 7 than merino shee(, while ,"" shee( (roduced less ,$!4y 6 PT/,/D7 than
merino shee( at ./ weeks (ost in+ection* ,t could %e concluded that merino shee(
tend to de)elo( " ty(e . cells, while the ,"" shee( tend to de)elo( " ty(e 2 cells
which eEecti)ely killed $* gigantica*
1$. W"%)*"n", A+%i, H-; M*"%!ini, S%i; M"%y"., R-M,ndonesian &esearch
Centre +or 8eterinary Science, Bogor, ,ndonesiaN9all, M*J*&*MDe(artment o+
:ntomology, "he !atural 9istory Museum, ondon, ;'N* :Eecti)eness o+
Sites ;sing an <dour4Baited Sticky "ra( +or Cathing Adult Myiasis $lies*
,nternational Con+erence on i)estock Production and 8eterinary "echnology*
Bogor* .4? <kto%er 2/.2* (* ?2* Program and A%stract Book* "echnology
,nno)ation in Su((ort o+ Sustaina%le i)estock De)elo(ment and $ood
Security* 2/.2*
"raumatic myiasis caused %y old world screwworm =y, Chrysomya %eBBiana remains
a major (ro%lem attacking %oth li)estock and human* As medically im(ortant =ies,
the urgent control o+ =ies (o(ulation is a +undamental need, es(ecially in e(idemic
regions* A new attractant +or screwworm =ies has %een de)elo(ed and tested using
%ioassay a((roach* "he aim o+ this study is to determine the %est site +or tra((ing
around cattle +arms using the attractant to ca(ture adult myiasis =ies* A (air o+
sticky tra(s were tested in each location with three diEerent sites o+ two sta%les; in
+ront o+ sta%le 6site A7, centre o+ sta%le 6site B7 and outside sta%le o)er tree or
(lantation 6site C7* "he distance %etween tra(s ranged +rom .. 4 .D m de(ending on
the siBe o+ the cattle shed and cattle (en* :ach tra( was attached to a tree and
maintained +or 1 days* "he num%er o+ =ies caught was com(ared to the data o+
myiases cases occurred* Data was analysed using a Fates corrected V 2 6Chi SCuare7
test in :(i ,n+o* &esult demonstrated that there was no signi>cant diEerent in total
adult =ies ca(tured in %oth location* 9owe)er, setting a tra( near )egetation 6site C7
ca(tured more =ies than (utting inside or in +ront o+ cattle (en* ,n addition, the new
attractant were a%le to catch six diEerent s(ecies that %elonged to myiasis agents,
either (rimary, secondary or tertiary =ies*
17. W"%)*"n", A+%i, H"%i; M*"%!ini, S%i; M"%y"., Ro.!y"*6Balai Besar
Penelitian 8eteriner, Jl &: Martadinata !o* 1/ Bogor .5..?7* M$ield Assay o+
BeBBilure in Catching $lies Causing Myasis to i)estockN* ;ji a(angan Pemikat
BeBBilure ;ntuk Menangka( alat Penye%a% Myasis Pada "ernak* Dalam -
Prosiding Seminar !asional "eknologi Peternakan dan 8eteriner* Bogor* @ 4 3
Juni 2/..* (*5/545.2* Bogor* Pusat Penelitian dan Pengem%angan
Peternakan* 2/.2*
<ne o+ eEorts in controlling myasis cases in li)estock can %e (er+ormed %y setting
tra(s o)er a +arm* &esearch on im(ro)ement o+ attractant +or myasis =ies was started
in 2/// and co(leted in 2//5 0 2//3* BeBBilure is one o+ attractant candidates in
catching more C. bezziana +or %oth cage and room assays* "he aim o+ study was to
in)estigate eEecti)ity o+ BeBBilure in the >eld* am(ung and South 'alimantan were
chosen to test the attractant candidate* A sticky tra( was set outside cattle (en
surrounded %y (lantation and shady )egetations* A+ter three days, all =ies caught
were collected and sent to the ,ndonesian &esearch Centre +or 8eterinary Science +or
identi>cation* "he result demonstrated that BeBBilure caught @/*DJ and @D*2J o+
secondary myasis =ies 6C. megacephala, C. ruffacies, Hemypyrellia7 +or am(ung and
South 'alimantan, res(ecti)ely* "he attractant was also a%le to catch tertiary myasis
=ies 6Sarcophaga sp and Musca sp*7 in am(ung and South 'alimantan +or 2A*DJ and
2?*@J, res(ecti)ely* 9owe)er, none o+ (rimary =y 6C.bezziana7 was caught* $actors
in=uencing low res(onse o+ C. bezziana are discussed in this (a(er.
18. H"%yning$y"!, Dy"*; 'ning!i*; E!$ning!i* S"%7i$%i En)"*6Balai
Besar Penelitian 8eteriner, Jl &: Martadinata !o* 1/ Bogor .5..?7* M:Eecti)ity
o+ PachyrhiBus erosus Seeds :xtracted %y #ater and Acetone Against
Sarco(tes sca%iei Mites ,n 8itroN* :+ekti)itas :kstrak Biji Bengkuang
6PachyrhiBus erosus7 Dengan Pelarut Air dan Aseton "erhada( "ungau
Sarco(tes sca%iei Secara ,n 8itro* Dalam - Prosiding Seminar !asional
"eknologi Peternakan dan 8eteriner* Bogor* @ 4 3 Juni 2/..* (*DA345/D* Bogor*
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengem%angan Peternakan* 2/.2*
Sca%ies is a Boonotic (arasitic disease caused %y Sarcoptes scabiei mite* "he mite
commonly in+ests skin o+ goat* Control sca%ies using synthetic drugs ha)e limitation
%ecause o+ the ex(ensi)e (rice, negati)e eEect to en)ironment, emerging (ro%lem o+
drug resistance and also una)aila%ility in the rural area* "here+ore, it is needed to
de)elo( a %otanical acariside research as an alternati)e drug which are chea( and
accesci%le +or +armer* "he aim o+ the initro study was to in)estigate the (otency o+
%engkuang Pachyrhizus erosus seeds against S. scabiei collected +rom goat skin* "he
extraction was (er+ormed using acetone and water* "wo hundred and se)enty mites
were used in this study and di)ided into two grou(s e*g* water 6., 2*D, and DJ
concentration7, and acetone extracts grou( 62*D; J and ./J7* Cy(ermetrin 2DJ was
used as (ositi)e control* Six extract solutions were tested to mite mortality 6"D/ and
"AD7 in incu%ation cham%er and o%ser)ed e)ery hour +or 5 hours* "he mortality data
analysed using (ro%it analisis with ADJ signi>cant le)el* "he result demonstrated that
acti)e coum(ound o+ %engkuang 6Pachyrhizus erosus! seeds 6rotenone7 had
eEecti)ely contact toxic (ro(erty +or S. scabiei at DJ concentration %oth in water and
acetone extract* #ater extracts ha)e CD/ and CAD +or 3*D and /*3 and acetone
extract +or 2,1 and ..*1 res(ecti)ely on D hours* "he lethal concentration o+ acetone
extract were lower than water extract on DJ concentration e*g* .*3 hours 6"D/7; ?*3
hours 6"AD7 and 2*D hours 6"D/7; D hours 6"AD7 res(ecti)ely* $i)e (ercent o+ water
extracts Pachyrhizus erosus seed concentration was a((lica%le +or +armer in the rural
area since it was chea( and (ractical and also eEecti)e to kill mite*
1%. W"%)*"n", A+%i, H"%i; M*"%!ini, S%i; M"%y"., Ro.!y"*6Balai Besar
Penelitian 8eteriner, Jl &: Martadinata !o* 1/ Bogor .5..?7S* SA!"<SA,
6$akultas $armasi, ;ni)ersitas Pancasila, Jakarta7 Aram%ewela, *S*&*
6,ndustrial "echnology ,nstitute, Colom%o, Sri anka7 'umarasinghe,S*P*#*
6"eaching 9os(ital Colom%o !orth "eaching 9os(ital, &agama, Sri anka and
Consultant Dermatologist, &oyal Perth 9os(ital, Australia7* MMyiasis "reatment
;sing :ssential <il Cream o+ Green Pi(er %etle on Shee( ,n+estated with
Chrysomyia %eBBiana ar)aeN* Pengo%atan Myiasis Dengan Sediaan 'rim
Minyak Atsiri Daun Sirih 9ijau 6Pi(er %etle 7 (ada Dom%a yang Diin+estasi
Dengan ar)a Chrysomyia %eBBiana* Dalam - Prosiding Seminar !asional
"eknologi Peternakan dan 8eteriner* Bogor* @ 4 3 Juni 2/..* (*D354DA@* Bogor*
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengem%angan Peternakan* 2/.2*
&esearches on usage o+ Piper betle as her%al medicine ha)e %een done +or years* "n
itro assessment re)ealed that the essential oil o+ Piper betle lea+ was eEecti)e to
kill Chrysomya bezziana lar)ae which is known as (rimary agent o+ myiasis in
li)estock, wild and (et animals including human in ,ndonesia* "he aim o+ this study is
to examine eRcacy o+ the essential oil o+ Piper betle lea+ and haematological )alue
in shee( in+ested %y C. bezziana lar)ae* $our incision wounds were made on shee(Ls
%ack 6two in the le+t side and two in right side7 and then 2D lar)ae were introduced to
each wound* $our treatments tested were- shee( without any treatment 6negati)e
controlK'!7, shee( treated with 2J asuntol 6(ositi)e controlK'P7, 2J and ?J essential
oil cream o+ Piper betle lea+ +or MA 2J and MA ?J, res(ecti)ely* "he clinical
sym(tom(s, weight and num%er o+ the lar)ae collected +rom myiasis wounds
including num%er o+ eosino(hil and neutro(hil were o%ser)ed* "he result
demonstrated that all o+ the shee( suEered +rom in=ammation reaction marked %y
increased %ody tem(erature and num%er o+ eosino(hil and neutro(hil counts* "here
was no signi>cant diEerence %etween shee( treated neither with MA 2J nor with MA
?J on o%ser)ed )aria%les* Myiasis treatment using the essential oil cream o+ Piper
betle lea+ was signi>cantly a%le to reduce the growth o+ C. bezziana lar)ae due to
contact and digesti)e eEect o+ the acti)e com(ounds contained in the essential oil o+
Piper betle lea+.
20. W"*y7"%)"ni, S$i"!$$i6Balai Besar Penelitian 8eteriner, Jl &:
Martadinata !o* 1/ Bogor .5..?7* MDescri(tion o+ Gum%oro 8irus Pathological
,n+ection and Antigen Detection to the Bursae o+ $a%ricius with
,mmunohistochemical "echniCueN* Gam%aran Patologik ,n+eksi 8irus Gum%oro
dan Deteksi Antigen (ada Bursa $a%ricius dengan "eknik ,munohistokimia*
Dalam - Prosiding Seminar !asional "eknologi Peternakan dan 8eteriner*
Bogor* @ 4 3 Juni 2/..* (*@@24@@3* Bogor* Pusat Penelitian dan Pengem%angan
Peternakan* 2/.2*
Gum%oro )irus in+ection trial using isolates o+ )),BD4indoD was conducted in %roilers
at the age o+ .D days* <%ser)ation o+ (athological changes and detection o+ Gum%oro
)iral antigen to the %ursae o+ $a%ricius was (er+ormed at )arious stages (ost
in+ection* Pathological changes +ound was in accordance with Gum%oro disease
sym(toms in general* "here were hy(heremic o+ thigh muscle and atro(hy o+ the
%ursae $a%ricius +ound +rom @ to .? days (ost in+ection* "he results o+ scoring
histo(athologic changes in the %ursae o+ $a%ricius showed that the highest score
achie)ed at .? days (ost in+ection* Detection o+ antigens %y immunohistochemical
techniCue using (rimary anti%ody that was raised in ra%%it (ro)ides an o(timal result
at dilution o+ . - 5//* Gum%oro )irus antigens can %e detected in %ursae $a%ricius,
+rom . to .? days (ost in+ection* "he antigens in %ursae o+ $a%ricius was +ound at the
greatest num%er at 1 and @ days (ost in+ection* 9owe)er the num%er o+ the antigen
decreased at .? days (ost in+ection* "his might %e due to o+ the loss o+ num%er
lym(hoid cells in the lym(hoid +ollicle o+ the %ursa $a%ricius %ecause o+ necrosis or
21. R"&*."7"$i, S%i; Mn"7"%, H"!i.6Balai Besar Penelitian 8eteriner, Jalan
&*:* Martadinata no*1/, Bogor .5..?7* 8alidasi Metoda Analisis A=atoksin B.
Secara :nByme inked ,mmunosor%ent Assay 6:,SA7 (ada Jagung, Pakan dan
'acang "anah* Dalam - Prosiding Prosiding Pertemuan dan Presentasi ,lmiah
Standardisasi, Bali, 3 Mei 2/.2* Jakarta* Badan Standardisasi !asional* 2/.2 -
A=atoksin B. 6A$B.7 adalah senyawa racun dari As(ergillus =a)us yang tum%uh (ada
media se(erti jagung, (akan, dan kacang tanah dengan kondisi (enyim(anan dan
(enanganan yang kurang %aik* Metode :nByme inked ,munnosor%ent Assay 6:,SA7
sudah %anyak dikem%angkan dan digunakan karena dinilai cuku( ce(at, dan relati+
murah* Balai Besar Penelitian 8eteriner 6B%alit)et7 telah mengem%angkan metoda
analisis secara :,SA yang dia(likasikan untuk analisis sam(el jagung, (akan dan
kacang tanah* "entunya (engem%angan metoda terse%ut (erlu di)alidasi* Parameter
uji )alidasi yang dilakukan diantaranya adalah, linieriti, (enentuan limit deteksi dan
limit kuanti>kasi, (resisi dan akurasi* 8eri>kasi dengan (endekatan uji 9orwich
dilakukan setelah %e%era(a waktu untuk memastikan metoda masih )alid untuk
digunakan* 9asil (engujian menunjukan %ahwa linieritas dari )ariasi standar A$B.,
kisaran /,.241/ ngKml 6((%7 mem%erikan hasil yg %aik dengan nilai rata4rata* &2U
/*A3.1 dari 2/ kali (eneta(an* imit deteksi 6<D7 U /*.@ W /*/5 ((% dan limit
kuanti>kasi 6<I7U /,3 ((%* Metoda :,SA juga mem%erikan nilai yang te(at dan
re(roduci%el* 'eterulangan, re(eta%iliti (ada uji :,SA sangat %aik karena &SD nya
le%ih kecil 2K1 dari '8 9orwiBt, dan hasil uji akurasi dalam (akan 33 (ersen , jagung
31 (ersen dan kacang tanah A5 (ersen*
22. R"&*."7"$i, S%i; Mn"7"%, H"!i.6Balai Besar Penelitian 8eteriner, Jalan
&*:* Martadinata !o 1/ Bogor .5..?7* Pem%uatan ,mmunoreagen 6'onjugat
<"A49&P<7 ;ntuk Pengem%angan Deteksi <kratoksin Pada Pakan "ernak
Secara :,SA* Dalam - Prosiding Seminar !asional Mikologi Biode)ersitas dan
Bioteknologi Sum%erdaya 9ayati $ungi* Purwokerto, .D 4 .5 Mei 2/.2*
Purwokerto- $A';"AS B,<<G, ;!,8:&S,"AS J:!D:&A S<:Di&MA!* 2/.2-
<kratoksin A 6<"A7 adalah senyawa racun hasil meta%olit sekunder dari ka(ang
As(ergillus dan Penicillium* <"A da(at mengkontaminasi (akan ternak dari (ra dan
(asca (anen hingga selama (enyim(anan* :+eknya adalah kualitas (akan menjadi
menurun sehingga mengaki%atkan toksisitas (ada ternak* "eknik deteksi secara
:nByme inked ,mmunoassay 6:,SA7 untuk analisis <"A da(at dikem%angkan,
dimana untuk (engem%angan metode ini di(erlukan immunoreagen yaitu anti%odi
anti4<"A dan konjugat <"A horseraddish (eroxide 6<"A49&P<7* Pada makalah ini
diuraikan (em%uatan konjugat <"A49&P< dan (engujian res(on sensiti>tasnya* 9asil
(enelitian menunjuk4kan %ahwa konjugat <"A49&P< mem%erikan sensiti>tas yang
tinggi (ada (engenceran 2@// kali sam(ai dengan 3.// kali (ada (enggunaan
anti%odi anti4<"A yang dikoleksi (ada (engam%ilan darah ke41 6%leed417 dengan nilai
<(tical Density 6<D7 adalah .,.1@ dan /,531 dan (ada (enggunaan anti%odi anti4<"A
%leed ? dengan nilai <D adalah .,?D. dan .,2@2* 'onjugat dengan (engenceran 2@//
kali dengan nilai <D yang tinggi di(ilih untuk uji linieritas* ;ji linieritas dilakukan
dengan mela(is anti%idi anti <"A %leed ? (ada mikro(lat dengan konsentrasi ./
ugKml 6,gG7 dan kisaran standar <"A /,? 4 .// ngKml yang mem%erikan nilai regresi
linier se%esar /,A3./* Sejauh ini, konjugat <"A49&P< yang dihasilkan da(at
digunakan se%agai (ereaksi untuk (engem%angan deteksi <"A (ada (akan ternak
dengan :,SA direct Com(etiti)e*
23. Mn"7"%, H"!i.; 'ning!i*6Balai Besar Penelitian 8eteriner, Jalan &*:*
Martadinata no*1/, Bogor .5..?7* 8alidasi Metode Analisis Artemisinin 6<%at
Antimalaria7 dalam "anaman Artemisia annua dengan 'romatogra(i a(is
"i(is* Dalam - Prosiding Prosiding Pertemuan dan Presentasi ,lmiah
Standardisasi, Bali, 3 Mei 2/.2* Jakarta - Badan Standardisasi !asional* 2/.2-
Artemisinin as an acti)e ingredient in Artemisia annua can %e used as an
alternati)e to malaria 6%lood (arasites7* "he method used was thin layer
chromatogra(hy which has the eRciency and eEecti)eness in the
semiCuantitati)e analysis* "he analysis started to extract o+ lea)es, =owers,
and stems o+ dried Artemisia annua in hexane, and s(ot in the (late $2D? and
calculate concentrations* "hen, the )alidation method is tested %y
determination o+ reco)ery test and detection limit* "he results o+ this study is
reco)ery test was ADJ and detection limit was /*/5 ug* Concentration o+
artemisinin was 2?@ ((m +rom the stem, and 2D// ((m +rom %oth o+ the
lea)e and =ower* Based on ex(erimental results, thin4layer chromatogra(hy
method is Cuite eEecti)e and eRcient in analysis o+ artemisinin in (lant*
Artemisinin se%agai %ahan akti+ dalam tanaman Artemisia annua da(at
digunakan se%agai o%at alternati+ malaria 6(arasit darah7* Salah satu metode
isolasinya yang digunakan adalah kromatogra> la(is ti(is yang mem(unyai
e>siensi dan e+ekti>tas dalam analisis secara semikuantitati+* Analisis diawali
dengan mengekstrak daun, %unga, dan %atang Artemisia annua yang sudah
kering dalam heksana, dan ditotolkan dalam (late Silika Gel 5/ $2D?* ;ji
)alidasi dengan (enentuan uji (erolehan kem%ali dan limit deteksi* 9asil
)alidasi metode menunjukan uji (erolehan kem%ali AD J 6mendekati .//J7
dengan (enam%ahan .// ug, 5 ulangan dan limit deteksi /,/5 ug* 'andungan
artemisinin yang terukur adalah 2?@ ((m dalam %atang dan 2D// ((m
masing4masing dalam daun dan %unga* Berdasarkan hasil )alidasi metode,
maka metode kromatogra> la(is ti(is cuku( te(at dan e+ekti+ untuk analisis
artemisinin dalam tanaman*
24. 'ning!i*6Balai Besar Penelitian 8eteriner, Bogor7* 'eracunan sianida (ada
hewan dan u(aya (encegahannya* MCyanide (oisoning on animals and their
(re)entionN* Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengem%angan Pertanian* 62/.27* 8*1.6.7,
(* 2.425*
A cyanide is a ra(idly acting, (otentially deadly chemicals that can exist in )arious
+orms, es(ecially cyanide gas 69C!, C!C,7 which is more acti)ely than cyanide
crystals M!aC!, 'C!, and Ca6C!7 2N* !early ?/ (ercent +rom 1D cases o+ toxic
com(ound (oisoning in .AA242//D in ,ndonesia was caused %y adding synthetic
cyanide deli%erately in +eed 6crime7* "his issue makes anxiously concerned with
animal wel+are* ,n order to sol)e this (ro%lem it is )ery im(ortant to know the cyanide
com(ounds 6natural, synthetic7, including their toxicity and the method to diagnose
cyanide (oisoning in animal %y analyBing cyanide content in the sus(ected +eed
sam(les* S(eci>c signs o+ cyanide (oisoning are death acutely with %right colored
%lood* "he treatment is (er+ormed %y injecting sodium nitrite and sodium thiosul+ate
which will s(lit cytochrome4cyanide %one and su%seCuent ra(id remo)al o+ a cyanide
com(lex and to +orm thiocyanate which is readily excreted in the urine* "he
(re)ention o+ cyanide (oisoning is recommended %y monitoring cyanide content in
cyanogenic (lants which grow in certain conditions 6wilted, young, her%icide4treated7,
which will increase glycoside 6cyanide7 le)els*
2#. R"&*."7"$i, S%i; Mn"7"%, H"!i.6Balai Besar Penelitian 8eteriner, Jalan
&*:* Martadinata !o 1/ Bogor .5..?7* "ingkat 'ontaminasi A=atoksin Pada
Jagung Se%agai Bahan Pakan "ernak* Dalam - Prosiding Seminar !asional
Mikologi Biode)ersitas dan Bioteknologi Sum%erdaya 9ayati $ungi*
Purwokerto, .D 4 .5 Mei 2/.2* Purwokerto- $A';"AS B,<<G, ;!,8:&S,"AS
J:!D:&A S<:D,&MA!* 2/.2- (*2D@4251*
'eadaan iklim dengan curah hujan, kelem%a%an, dan suhu yang tinggi sangat cocok
%agi (erkem%ang%iakan ka(ang (encemar se(erti As(ergillus s(( (ada %ahan4%ahan
(akan ternak, yang meman+aatkannya se%agai su%strat* 'edua jenis ka(ang terse%ut
dalam (ertum%uhannya le%ih lanjut akan menghasilkan meta%olit sekunder yang
dise%ut a=atoksin* A=atoksin B. 6A$B.7 sangat %er%ahaya %aik %agi hewan ternak
mau(un manusia dan %eraki%at kerugian ekonomi yang cuku( tinggi di %idang
(eternakan, karena (rodukti>tas dan kesehatan ternak menurun* Jagung se%agai
%ahan dasar utama (akan ternak unggas tidak mustahil terkontaminasi (ula oleh
a=atoksin* Pada makalah ini disajikan sejauh mana tingkat kontaminasi a=atoksin
(ada jagung se%agai %ahan dasar (akan* Sam(el jagung dikum(ulkan dari daerah
Jakarta dan "angerang 6(a%rik (akan7 %e%era(a taha( sam(ai di(eroleh se%anyak D2
sam(el jagung* Jagung di su((lai dari daerah Jawa "engah, Jawa "imur, am(ung dan
Makasar serta jagung im(or dari China dan "hailand* Analisis kadar A$B. dilakukan
secara :nByme inked ,mmunosor%ent Assay 6:,SA7 yang dikem%angkan B%alit)et*
9asil yang di(eroleh adalah umumnya jagung terkontaminasi A$B. dalam kisaran
.,/4D.@ ngKgr 6((%7, dengan 2? sam(el 6?5,2 (ersen7 mele%ihi standar mutu
%erdasarkan S!, /.4??314.AA3 6 PD/ ngKgr7* Jagung dari Makasar mengandung A$B ,
cuku( tinggi dengan rata4rata kadar .A@,1 ngKgr 6nUD7, kemudian jagung dari P* Jawa
mengandung A$B . rata4rata D?,@ ngKgr 6nU .A7 dan jagung am(ung rata4rata kadar
A$B. nya 1/,@ ngKgr 6nU.37* Sedangkan jagung im(ort yang mengandung kadar
A$B. tinggi adalah dari "hailand* 9asil (emeriksaan ini mem%uktikan %ahwa
kandungan A$B . (ada jagung yang meru(akan kom(osisi ter%esar (akan ternak
cuku( tinggi sehingga (erlu diwas(adai agar (akan yang dikonsumsi ternak harus
mengandung A$B. dalam %atas aman*
2$. Wi)i"!$$i, R"+*"1,,"; R"&*."7"$i, S%i; M%)i"$i, T-B*M,ndonesian
&esearch Center +or 8eterinary ScienceN* Chloram(henicol &esidues in Bee+
Meat Detected %y A iCuid Chromatogra(hy Mass S(ectro+otometry 6CMS7*
,nternational Con+erence on i)estock Production and 8eterinary "echnology*
Bogor* .4? <kto%er 2/.2* (* ?.* "echnology ,nno)ation in Su((ort o+
Sustaina%le i)estock De)elo(ment and $ood Security* Program and A%stract
Book* 2/.2*
Chloram(henicol 6CAP7 is a %road s(ect+um anti%iotic that has %een %anned as animal
drug %y the :uro(ean ;nion 6:;7 due to the (otential serious toxic eEects in human*
"here+ore, there are no withdrawal times and no sa+e residue le)el in any animal
(roduct consumed %y human %eing* A minimum reCuired (er+ormance limit 6M&P7 o+
CAP o+ /*1 ngKg means all methods should %e a%le to at least see to this le)el* "he
(ur(ose o+ this study was to de)elo( a conX rmatory and Cuantitati)e method +or the
determination o+ CAP in %ee+ meat em(loying C4MS and a((lied to in)estigate the
status o+ CAP residue in sam(les collected +rom #est Ja)a and Jakarta (ro)inces* C
se(aration on a Shim(ack column C.3 with acetonitrileK water as mo%ile (hase; and
:S,4MS analysis in negati)e ion mode* 8alidation results +or linearity showed &2 U
/*AA3A, reco)eries +or s(iked at /*D and .*/ ngKg were A3*@5 and 3?*// (ercent
res(ecti)ely, and limit o+ detection was /*1/2 ngKg* Analysis result +or 1D meat
sam(les showed . sam(le was (ositi)e +or CAP at concentration o+ 1*.@ ngKg*
27. 4!."ning$y"!, Eni; M"%y"., Ro.!y"*6Balai Besar Penelitian
8eteriner, Jl &: Martadinata !o* 1/ Bogor .5..?7* M$eed Contamination %y
As(ergillus =a)us Producing A=atoxin in &egion o+ Cianjur, De(ok and Bekasi
in 2//AN* Pencemaran Bahan Pakan oleh As(ergillus =a)us yang Mam(u
Mem(roduksi A=atoksin di #ilayah Cianjur, De(ok dan Bekasi "ahun 2//A*
Dalam - Prosiding Seminar !asional "eknologi Peternakan dan 8eteriner*
Bogor* @ 4 3 Juni 2/..* (*3@/43@D* Bogor* Pusat Penelitian dan Pengem%angan
Peternakan* 2/.2*
#spergillus $aus and a=atoxin, as its secondary meta%olite, are o+ten +ound in +eed*
A=atoxin (roduction o+ each isolate was diEerent, there+ore in this research a=atoxin
(roduced %y #. $aus isolate contaminating +eed was measured* Sam(les were taken
+rom three regions o+ Ja%odeta%ek i*e* Cianjur, De(ok, and Bekasi* Assay o+ a%ility to
(roduce a=atoxin was conducted %y growing #. $aus isolates +rom sam(les on to
Potato de%trose broth and were incu%ated at 23oC +or A days, and then their a=atoxin
(roduction were measured* #spergillus $aus contaminations in +eed were +rom ./.
to ./D C$;Kg* "he a%ility to (roduce a=atoxin )aried +rom not detected to .2.2,23
gKml* #spergillus $aus isolated +rom corn sam(le +rom Bekasi (roduced the highest
a=atoxin 6.2.2,23 gKml7* ,t was higher than a=atoxin (roduced %y #. $aus +rom
&&alitet Culture Collection 6BCC7 or 'apan Collection of Microorganisms 6JCM7 +or
3?*?3 and 3/A*?1 gKml res(ecti)ely* Based on the result, it was concluded that #.
$aus isolated +rom +eed sam(les (otentially (roduced high le)el o+ a=atoxin,
there+ore it might %ecome a thread +or animal health
28. 'ning!i*6Balai Besar Penelitian 8eteriner, Jl &: Martadinata !o* 1/ Bogor
.5..?7* MIuick and :asy Method +or Pentachloro(henol 6PCP7 Pesticide
&esidue Detection in &ice Straw and BranN* Metode Ce(at dan Mudah Deteksi
&esidu Pestisida Pentachloro(henol 6Pc(7 Dalam Jerami dan Dedak Padi*
Dalam - Prosiding Seminar !asional "eknologi Peternakan dan 8eteriner*
Bogor* @ 4 3 Juni 2/..* (*3@5433.* Bogor* Pusat Penelitian dan Pengem%angan
Peternakan* 2/.2*
Iuick and easy method has %een im(ro)ed +or detection o+
(entachloro(henol 6PCP7 residue in rice straw and %ran* "he extraction o+
straw sam(le was (er+ormed with acetone and ethyl acetate4cyclohexane 6.
W ., )K)7* &ice %ran sam(le was extracted using acetonitrile, anhydrous
magnesium sul+ate and sodium chloride, then extraction result were (uri>ed
using =orisil column* Both extract s(otted on (late thin layer chromatogra(hy
6"C silica gel 5/ $2D?7 %y de)elo(ing sol)ent hexane4 acetone 6?W., )K)7*
"he s(ot result was detected %y ;8 lam( on 2D? nm wa)e length* 8alidation
could %e assesed %y reco)ery test %y adding D, ./ and 2/ Yg* PCP standard
solution 6in tri(licates7, . re(lication o+ %lanko and determination o+ limit o+
detection 6<D7* &esult o+ reco)ery test was .//*/; ..2*D; .//*/; and .//*/;
.//*/; .//*/J; +or straw and %ran rice res(ecti)ely* "hey were in the range o+
8alidation Acce(tance Criteria +or Analysis Pesticide &esidues 6@/ 0../J7* ,n
conclusion, the im(ro)ed method is suita%le to detect PCP residue with <D-
/*/2 Yg PCP*
2%. 'ning!i*6Balai Besar Penelitian 8eteriner, Jl &: Martadinata !o* 1/ Bogor
.5..?7* MAn :asy and :Eecti)e Method 6'it Method7 +or ParaCuat 6Gramoxone7
9er%icide &esidue Detection in Drinking #aterN* Metode Mudah dan :+ekti+
6Metode 'it7 Deteksi &esidu 9er%isida ParaCuat 6Gramoxone7 Dalam Air
Minum* Dalam - Prosiding Seminar !asional "eknologi Peternakan dan
8eteriner* Bogor* @ 4 3 Juni 2/..* (*3324335* Bogor* Pusat Penelitian dan
Pengem%angan Peternakan* 2/.2*
An easy and eEecti)e method ha)e %een im(ro)ed +or determination o+ (araCuat
her%icide residue in drinking water* ParaCuat was reduced with glucose in an alkaline
medium, and %lue radical ion o%tained was measured at 5// nm %y using
s(ectro+otometer* 8alidation o+ im(ro)ed method was conducted %y reco)ery,
linearity, re(eata%ility 6(recision7 o+ 5 ty(e concentration 6D, ./, 2/, 1/, ?/ and D/
((m (araCuat7 and limit o+ detection 6<D7* "he result o+ reco)eries a+ter adding /*D,
.,/ dan 2,/ Yg (araCuat standard solution 6in du(lo7 in water sam(le were mean o+
reco)eries are ./5; @A and @2J which its in range @/ 0 ../J* inearity 6correlation
coe>sient7 r2- /*AA?2 is nearly good result 6/*AAA7* All o+ )alidation result is in range
o+ 8alidation Acce(tance Criteria +or Analysis Pesticide &esidues, so this im(ro)ed
method is Cuite signi>cant with <D /*2D /*/.D YgKml* Blue color intensity +rom ./
to D/ ((m (araCuat standard solution can %e a((lied as (araCuat kit color chart 6'it
Method7 +or (raCuat residue analysis in water sam(le without using s(ectro+otometer*
30. R"&*."7"$i, S%i 6Balai Besar Penelitian 8eteriner Jl* &*:* Martadinata !o* 1/,
Bogor .5..?7* Produksi Pereaksi ,munokimia ;ntuk Pengem%angan "eknik
:lisa <kratoksin A 6<ta7 Dalam &angka Monitoring 'eamanan Pakan "ernak*
6,mmunoreagent Production +or De)elo(ment o+ :,SA <chratoxin4A "echniCue
in Monitoring i)estock $eed Security7* Dalam - Prosiding Seminar !asional
"eknologi Peternakan dan 8eteriner* Bogor* @ 4 3 Juni 2/..* (* @124 @?/* Bogor*
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengem%angan Peternakan* 2/.2*
<chratoxin A 6<"A7 contaminates +eed material such as corn, starting +rom (re u( to
(ost har)est* $or monitoring (ur(ose o+ <"A contamination and Cuality control,
there is a need to (ro)ide a tool ca(a%le o+ analyBing contaminant ra(idly with high
accuracy* Currently, there are only limited num%er o+ la%oratories in ,ndonesia
ca(a%le o+ analiBing <"A, and mostly using the instrument such as 9PC which need
%ig in)estation, skilled o(erator, long (re(aration, and ex(ensi)e cost* So,
immunodetection +or Cuanti+ying <"A is necessary to %e de)elo(ed in ,ndonesia*
"he o%jecti)e o+ this research was to (roduce the immunoreagent +or de)elo(ment
o+ <"A :,SA kit* "he research acti)ities in)ol)ed- 6a7 Polyclonal anti%ody anti <"A
(roduction in ra%%it serum; 6%7 (re(aration o+ <"A49&P 6horseraddish (eroxidase7
conjugate +or de)elo(ment o+ direct com(etiti)e :,SA and 6c7 de)elo(ment and
characteriBation o+ indirect and direct com(etiti)e :,SA to >nd out the sensiti)ity o+
reagents (roduced* Blood serum was coolected +rom .st, 2nd, 1rd, and ?th
%leeding, the serum was (uri>ed using (rotein A se(harose column, the ,gG content
were in the range o+ . 0 5 mgKml +or .st 0 ?th %leeding anti%ody* ,ndirect :,SA test
using 1rd %leed anti%ody with ,gG content o+ .*@ mgKml indicated that anti%ody anti
<"A had the acti>ty gi)en the high diEerent o+ <D )alue 6/*A7 with the <D o+ control
serum 6(re4immuniBation serum7 on dilution +actor o+ D/* "he diluted anti%ody o+
.K?// 6dilution +actor o+ ?//7 still ga)e good res(onse* ,ncreasing acti)ity o+
anti%ody o+ 1rd %leed also +ound %y an increase o+ coating antigen <"A4BSA /*?; 2
and ./ YgKml* iniearity testing o+ 1rd %leed anti%ody ga)e a linier cur)e in the
range o+ . u( to .// ((% o+ <"A standard* 9owe)er the res(onse seemed not too
sensiti)e as the (ercent inhi%ition gi)en o+ .// ((% <"A standard only ?1J*
Com%ination o+ coated antigen <"A4BSA and anti%ody still ha)e to %e studied to >nd
out the o(timum condition o+ indirect :,SA test* ,mmunoreagent o+ conjugate <"A4
9&P< was also (re(ared +or the direct :,SA test* "itration o+ conjugate ga)e )alue
o+ /*@ <D +or .K1// and /*? +or .KA//* "he conjugate test did not gi)e a satis>ed
result* $urther synthesiBing and testing o+ conjugate still needed to >nd sensiti)e
31. Wi)i"!$$i, R"+*"1,,"; M%)i"$i, T-B- 6Balai Besar Penelitian 8eteriner, Jl*
&*:* Martadinata 1/, Bogor .5..?7* &esidu Anti%iotika S(iramisin Pada 9ati
dan Daging Ayam Pedaging yang Dicekok Anti%iotika S(iramisin* MS(iramycin
&esidue in Muscle and i)er o+ Chicken &ecei)ed S(iramycin Anti%iotic
Administered <rallyN* Dalam - Prosiding Seminar !asional "eknologi
Peternakan dan 8eteriner* Bogor* @ 4 3 Juni 2/..* (* @?.4 @?D* Bogor* Pusat
Penelitian dan Pengem%angan Peternakan* 2/.2*
S(iramycin, one o+ macrolides anti%iotic is widely used in )eterinary medicine to
treat res(iratory diseases or as +eed additi)es to (romote growth* 9owe)er
uncontrolled usage andKor slaughtered the animal %e+ore the recommended
withdrawal (eriod may cause the (resence o+ residue in animal (roducts* "he aim o+
this research was to study the distri%ution o+ s(iramycin residue in meat and li)er o+
5 weeks chicks that were orally treated with . gKl s(iramycin +or @ consecuti)e days*
"he s(iramycin residue in meat and li)er sam(les were extracted chemically and
analysed %y a high (er+ormance liCuid chromatogra(hy 69PC7* S(iramycin residue
in meat disa((eared ra(idly and remained only +or one day (ost withdrawn* <n the
other hand the occurrence o+ s(iramycin residue in li)er tissue was higher than in
meat and remained more than @ days (ost withdrawn*
32. S"1+,,o*, M*"%".; B"*%i, S5".!,; R"*."7"$i , S%i;
D*"%."y"n$i, N-L-P- In)i 6Balai Besar Penelitian 8eteriner, Jl* &:*
Martadinata 1/, P<* Box* .D., Bogor .5..?7* Pengaruh "oksin Binder dan
A=atoksin B. "erhada( &es(on "angga( 'e%al !ewcastle Disease Pada Ayam
Pedaging* M:Eect o+ "oxin Binder and A=atoxin B. Against ,mmune &es(onse
o+ !ewcastle Disease in BroilerN* Dalam - Prosiding Seminar !asional
"eknologi Peternakan dan 8eteriner* Bogor* @ 4 3 Juni 2/..* (* @D14@5?* Bogor*
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengem%angan Peternakan* 2/.2*
"he aim o+ this research was to study the eEecti)eness o+ toxin %inder to a=atoxin B.
6A$B.7 in chicken +eed and also its in=uence to anti%ody res(onse against !ewcastle
Disease 6!D7 in %roiler* "hree commercial (roduct o+ toxin %inder 6A, B, and C7 that
contain (ro(ionate acid and calcium (ro(ionate were used to a%sor% the a=atoxin in
chicken +eed* :ach o+ toxin %inder with a dosage /*2J was mixed with chicken +eed
that contain a=atoxin .// ((% and D/// ((% which was gi)en to ex(erimental
chicken +or 1 and ? week, res(ecti)ely* "he result showed that the used o+ %inder A,
B, and C was still eEecti)e as toxin %inder when the chicken +eed only contained .//
((% A$B.* 9owe)er, all o+ the %inders were not eEecti)e when chicken +eed contained
D/// ((% A$B.* Based on the challenged test against !D, death was not +ound in
treatment grou(s, exce(t in the control grou( without )accination and one chicken
death in treatment grou( ,V 6D/// ((% o+ A$B. and %inder B7* "he result
demonstrated that the %inder A, B and C will %e more eEecti)e i+ the a=atoxin content
in chicken +eed was relati)ely lower 6.// 0 2// ((%7 +or (rolonged eEect as the case
with layer* "here+ore, +urther research in layer was needed to >nd out the anti%ody
res(onse against !D*
33. Mn"7"%, H"!i. 6Balai Besar Penelitian 8eteriner, Jl &: Martadinata !o* 1/
Bogor .5..?7* Per%andingan Standar Multi :lemen dan :lemen "unggal ;ntuk
Analisis 'adar Seng 6Hn7 Pada Daging Ayam dan Sa(i* MCom(arison o+ Multi
and Single :lement Standards ;sed to AnalyBe Hinc 6Hn7 ,n Chicken and
Bee+N* Dalam - Prosiding Seminar !asional "eknologi Peternakan dan
8eteriner* Bogor* @ 4 3 Juni 2/..* (* @5D4@@.* Bogor* Pusat Penelitian dan
Pengem%angan Peternakan* 2/.2*
Hinc 6Hn7 is an essential metal in animal +eed %ecause it aEects (hysiological +unction
and meta%olism (rocess* "he (ur(ose o+ this study was to test the accuracy o+ multi
element standard with atomic a%sor(tion s(ectro(hotometer 6AAS7, and com(are it
with the single element standard %ased on linearity, (recision, and reco)ery test*
A%sor%ance and concentration o+ single and multi element standards were measured,
and then were made line regression eCuation and linearity regression* $urthermore
digestion (rocess, sam(le 6chicken and %ee+7 were dissol)ed in 9!<1 5DJ, and
heated to get clear solution* "he digestion solution was measured with atomic
a%sor(tion s(ectro(hotometer 6AAS7 at wa)elength o+ 2.1*A nm* Precision and
reco)ery were (er+ormed on a standard that had the %est linearity %y taking data
+rom measured sam(le* "he result o+ line eCuation o+ the standard multi element y U
/*.@ADx W /*/.2A was o%tained with linear regression /*AA32*Precision calculated %y
determining coeRcient o+ )ariance was /*//.D, and the reco)ery was A/*/A* Based
on these data, multi element standard can %e determined using AAS including as a
standard +or the sam(le %ecause the linearity resulted +rom multi element was %etter
than that o+ single element.
34. H17"5,i, Dy"* Ay; D*"%."y"n$i, N-L-P-I*MBalai Besar Penelitian
8eterinerN* M"he &elationshi( o+ A)ian ,n=uenBa and #ater%irds in Creating
Genetic Di)ersity and the &ole o+ #ater%irds as &eser)oir +or A)ian ,n=uenBaN*
9u%ungan A, dan unggas air dalam menci(takan keragaman genetik serta
(eran unggas air se%agai &eser)oir (ada (enye%aran )irus A,* #artaBoa*
62/.27* 8ol*226.7- (*.2421*
<ut%reaks o+ A)ian ,n=uenBa 6A,7 has enormous im(lications +or (oultry and human
health*"hese out%reaks are caused %y in=uenBa A )irus that %elongS to the +amily o+
<rthomyxo)iridae* "hese )iruses are &!A )iruses, negati)e (olarity, and the en)elo(e
has segmented genom* Generally, A)ian ,n=uenBa is a disease which originally
occurred in %irds with com(lex ecology including reassortment and transmission
among diEerent s(ecies o+ %irds and mammals* "he gene o+ A, )irus can %e
transmitted among human and a)ian s(ecies as shown %y the )irus reasortantment
that caused (andemic human in=uenBa in .AD@ and .A53* Pandemi in .AD@ and .A53
were diEerent +rom (re)iously human )iruses %ecause the su%stitution o+ se)eral
genes are deri)ed +rom a)ian )iruses* #ild water+owls es(ecially Anseri+ormes 6duck,
musco)y duck and geese7 and Charadrii+ormes 6gulls, sea%irds, wild %irds7 are the
natural reser)oirs +or in=uenBa ty(e A )iruses and (lay im(ortant role on the ecology
and (ro(agation o+ the )irus* $rom this reser)oir, in=uenBa ty(e A )irus usually can %e
transmitted to other %irds, mammals 6including human7 and caused out%reak o+ lethal
diseases* #ater+owl that is in+ected with in=uenBa A )irus usually does not show any
clinical sym(toms* 9owe)er, se)eral re(orts stated that 9PA, )iruses can cause
se)ere disease with neurogical disorders led to death in water+owl* Migration o+ %irds
including water+owls ha)e acti)e role in transmitting and s(reading the disease*
Mo)ement o+ wild %irds and ina((ro(riate (oultry trade trans(ortation (lay a greater
role as )ector in s(reading 9PA, to humans* :cological change o+ en)ironment has
also a great eEect in s(reading A, )iruses* "he s(reading (attern o+ A, )iruses is
usually in=uenced %y seasons, where the (re)alence o+ A, was re(orted to %e in the
+all, winter and rainy seasons* $inally, the eEecti)e control strategies against the
s(reading o+ A, )iruses is reCuired* Programs o+ monitoring, sur)eilence and
)accination is (art o+ the control strategies o+ A, )iruse s(reading %esides other
strategies that had %een a((lied*
3#. S1n)o7, In)%"7"$i6Balai Besar Penelitian 8eteriner7* Peran Bank Serum
9ewan dalam Menyidik Suatu Penyakit 9ewan Secara Seroe(idemiologis dan
&etros(ekti+* M"he &ole o+ Animal Serum Bank in ,n)estigating Animal
Diseases %y Seroe(idemiological and &etros(ecti)e StudiesN* #artaBoa*
62/.27* 8*22627, (*@A43?*
Serum %ank is a (lace to collect sera +rom random collection as a
re(resentati)e (o(ulation +or a long (eriod and still maintain its characteristic
o+ %iochemical and immunological as(ects* Serum Bank can store many sera
+rom diEerent s(ecies o+ animals +rom diEerent areas* !ational and regional
serological sur)eys can %e done relati)ely in short (eriod, without the need o+
skilled human resources and %udget to collect the sera +rom the >eld* 9ence,
the %asic in+ormation or seroe(idemiological and retros(ecti)e studies can %e
o%tained within in a short time* Serum Bank at &esearch ,nstitute +or
8eterinary Science 6&,8S7 consists o+ sur)ey and sentinel collections which
were conducted %y &,8S staEs, regional li)estock ser)ices, Disease
,n)estigation Center and +armers* "his (a(er will descri%e the role,
management, the ad)antages o+ Bank Serum and its (ro%lem* Due to its
im(ortance, Serum Bink needs to %e maintained to kee( its +unction +or other
3$. D*"%."y"n$i, N-L-P- In)i6Balai Besar Penelitian 8eteriner7Diwyanto,
'usuma; Bahri, Sjamsul6Pusat Penelitian dan Pengem%angan Peternakan7*
Mewas(adai Perkem%angan A)ian ,n=uenBa 6A,7 dan 'eragaman Genetik 8irus
A,K9D!. di ,ndonesia(* M"he Genetic 8ariation o+ A)ian ,n=uenBa 9D!.
,ndonesian 8irusesN* Pen&e'b!n&!n (no)!si Pe*!ni!n ("ubli+!si ele+*onis), 2012, )ol.
0#(2): ".124-141 "us*!+!.li*b!n&.de"*!n.&"ubli+!si/i"0#212#."d.
,n ,ndonesia, the 9D!. a)ian in=uenBa 6A,7 )irus has %een circulating more than nine
years* "he high human case o+ 9D!. and endemic situation in ,ndonesia allow the
emergence o+ A, )irus o+ 9D!. su%ty(e which is more ada(ta%le to humans*
Meanwhile, studies on the character o+ A, )irus o+ 9D!. su%ty(e +rom %irds to in+ect
humans as well as those +rom the (oultry are still limited* imitations in some ways
make the studies o+ A, )iruses +rom ,ndonesia are still )ery +ew to do* "his (a(er
iscusses the genetic di)ersity o+ 9D!. )irus (remises as a result o+ the e)olution o+
the 9D!. )irus* Since the )irus had %een identi>ed in 2//1, A, )iruses ha)e e)ol)ed
into three grou(s, namely 6.7 )iruses that were similar to (rogeny 9D!. A, in 2//1;
627 )iruses that ha)e s(eci>c mutations isolated around 9D!. human cases; and 617
the antigenic dri+t )iruses created %y immunological (ressure due to )accination*
$rom this grou(ing, there were genetic character diEerences %etween the grou(s o+
)iruses, so the go)ernment )accination (olicy should %e %ased on scienti>c
assessment* Control measures, sur)eillance and im(ro)ement o+ monitoring o+ )irus
circulation should also %een conducted +or the alert to the emergence o+ new )irus
which is likely to %e more dangerous and more ada(ta%le to humans*
37. D*"%."y"n$i, NLP In)iM,ndonesian &esearch Center +or 8eterinary ScienceN*
Molecular ,denti>cation o+ ,n=uenBa 8irus Su%ty(e 91 and 9./ in A)ian
S(ecies* Dalam - ,nternational Con+erence on i)estock Production and
8eterinary "echnology* Bogor* .4? <kto%er 2/.2* (* ?5* "echnology ,nno)ation
in Su((ort o+ Sustaina%le i)estock De)elo(ment and $ood Security* Program
and A%stract Book* 2/.2*
,n ,ndonesia, the endemic status o+ 9D!. and identi>cation o+ no)el 9. !. in humans
and (igs since 2//A, would %e a serious situation* 8irus 9D!. and other in=uenBa
)iruses (ro)ide o((ortunities +or the )irus 9D!. reassortant with other in=uenBa
)iruses such as 91!2 or no)el 9.!. )irus that is likely to create a new in=uenBa )irus
that more (athogen or more easily ada(t to human* Circulating o+ in=uenBa )iruses in
a)ian s(ecies excluding the 9D!. )irus ha)e not studied yet* ,n this study, we
conducted the molecular identi>cation o+ in=uenBa )iruses that cannot %e identi>ed
with 9D!. (rimer that is necessary to identi+y (rimer in=uenBa ad)anced %y others to
>nd out what kind su%ty(e in=uenBa )irus circulating in the >eld* "he sam(le used is
>)e allantoic =uid sam(les 6Code B,4BD7 are thought to contain a )irus other than
in=uenBa )irus 9D!.* "he method used in this study was to &"4PC& using multi(le
s(eci>c (rimer sets and con>rmation o+ in=uenBa carried %y D!A seCuencing* $rom
the analysis o+ &"4PC& and D!A seCuencing showed that the code sam(les B. and B2
show the highest homology with the data registered in GenBank )irus 6!CB,7 %y 91
su%ty(e in=uenBa* "he )irus sam(le with code B? has the highest homology with the
in=uenBa )irus su%ty(e 9 ./* $rom the identi>cation and characteriBation result
showed that the )irus with sam(le code B. 6AKChickenKBulelengKBB8D?334AK2//A7
and 6B27 AKDuckK"a%ananKBB8DD@14./K2//A7 were )irus su%ty(e 91 while B? code
6AKChickenK'lunglcungKBB8D//54.K2/./7 is the A, )irus su%ty(e .4../*
38. H"%$"7"n, Ri!2"M,ndonesian &esearch Center +or 8eterinary ScienceN*
,denti>cation o+ MarekQs Diseases 8irus 6MD87 and 9er(es)irus o+ "urkey
698"7 ;sing Du(lex Polymerase Chain &eaction 6PC&7 A((roach* Dalam -
,nternational Con+erence on i)estock Production and 8eterinary "echnology*
Bogor* .4? <kto%er 2/.2* (* ?D* "echnology ,nno)ation in Su((ort o+
Sustaina%le i)estock De)elo(ment and $ood Security* Program and A%stract
Book* 2/.2*
<ut%reaks o+ MarekQs disease in all o)er the world ha)e resulted in considera%le
economic re(ercussion in aEected layer or %reeding +arms* $ortunately, the
)accination (rograms ha)e generated satis+actions outcome to reduce the num%er o+
out%reak des(ite a +ew num%er o+ cases ha)e still occurred* ,n ,ndonesia, two kind
master seeds o+ )accine are extensi)ely a((lied in the >eld; including attenuated
MD84. C8,A33 and 98" strain $C.23, either as single or com%ination )accine* "he
o%jecti)e o+ the current study is to identi+y and diEerentiate these two strain o+ )irus
using (olymerase chain reaction test that are +aster and relia%le* #hile the test o+
strain MD84. is targeted on the meC gene as gene marker, the sor+ . gene are used
+or the identi>cation strain 98"* As a result, PC& +or these genes are success+ully used
to diEerentiate these two strains o+ )irus, either as in single assay or in du(lex assay
(lat+orm* "his outcome is %ene>cial +or the next stage o+ MarekQs disease study*
3%. In)%i"ni, Ri!"; D*"%."y"n$i, NLP- In)iM,ndonesian &esearch Center +or
8eterinary ScienceN* Anti%ody e)el o+ A)ian ,n=uenBa Su%ty(e 9D ,n
Commercial Broiler Chicken on $arms* Dalam - ,nternational Con+erence on
i)estock Production and 8eterinary "echnology* Bogor* .4? <kto%er 2/.2* (*
1D* "echnology ,nno)ation in Su((ort o+ Sustaina%le i)estock De)elo(ment
and $ood Security* Program and A%stract Book* 2/.2*
9ighly Pathogenic A)ian ,n=uenBa 69PA,7 su%ty(e 9D!. has %een in ,ndonesia since
the middle o+ 2//1* 8accination o+ chicken has %ecome a routine (ractice in the
countries o+ Asian 6including ,ndonesia7 where 9PA, is endemic* "his is es(ecially
conducted +or layer and %reeder +arms, %ut the %roiler is le+t un)accinated* "o see the
innate immune anti%odies against A, su%ty(e 9D, which deri)ed +rom hen in young
%roiler, this ex(eriment was conducted on commercial %roiler +arm in sector 1*
Se)enteen +arms which are located in the district o+ Suka%umi and Cianjur were
chosen* "wenty serum sam(les were collected +rom each +arm %y random at the time
o+ %roiler D<C, two weeks o+ age and at around +our to >)e weeks o+ age or market
ready* Serum sam(les were tested using haemagglutination inhi%ition 69,7 against
three antigen isolates o+ A, su%ty(e 9D!. and one antigen A, 9D!2* Data o+ 9, test
were analyBed in the geometric mean titer 6GM"7 and negati)e titer 6T .57 was
regarded as ? +or the calculation o+ GM"* &esults o+ analysis on serum sam(les
showed that D<C o+ %roiler chicken had maternal anti%ody titer o+ A, su%ty(e 9D were
U .5, then at 2 weeks o+ age the maternal anti%ody titer su%ty(e 9D were T .5 and
at the time market ready or at ? 4 D weeks o+ age the maternal anti%ody titer A,
su%ty(e 9D has reached /* ,t is concluded that maternal anti%ody A, su%ty(e 9D in
%roiler chicken is no longer (ro)iding (rotection, and it is (ossi%le to %roiler chicken to
%e in+ected %y A, )irus in the >eld*
40. Daniels, PeterM Australian Animal 9ealth a%oratory, CS,&< Animal, $ood and 9ealth
Sciences, PMB 2?, Geelong, 122/, AustraliaNAg! Wiyono,M,ndonesian &esearch
Center +or 8eterinary ScienceN:lly Sawitri, Bagoes Poermadjaja; * D* Sims* 9D!.
9ighly Pathogenic A)ian ,n=uenBa in ,ndonesia- &etros(ecti)e Considerations* (* 1D*
Current "o(ics in Micro%iology and ,mmunology* Berlin* S(ringer Berlin 9eidel%erg*
,ndonesia is one o+ the >)e countries where highly (athogenic a)ian in=uenBa )iruses
o+ the 9D!. su%ty(e 69D!. 9PA,7 remain endemic in (oultry* ,m(ortantly, it is one o+
the countries where the )irus causes human in+ections* #9< data indicate that as o+
2 May 2/.2, .3A human cases o+ ,n=uenBa A 69D!.7 had %een re(orted in ,ndonesia,
with .D@ human deaths* "hese human cases included a small num%er in which
limited human4to4human transmission could ha)e occurred* 9ence, there remains a
critical need in ,ndonesia +or a more eEecti)e <ne 9ealth a((roach to the control and
(re)ention o+ this disease in (eo(le and in (oultry* "his cha(ter ex(lores a num%er o+
as(ects o+ the e)olution o+ this disease in ,ndonesia, the )irus that causes it and the
control and (re)enti)e measures introduced, +ocusing on the successes and
shortcomings o+ )eterinary and <ne 9ealth a((roaches* ,ndonesia (ro)ides many
exam(les o+ situations where this latter a((roach has %een success+ul, and others
where +urther work is needed to maximiBe the %ene>ts +rom coordinated res(onses to
this disease leading to eEecti)e management o+ the risk to human health*
41. Dharmayanti, !**P* ,ndi; &atnawati, Atik; 9ewajuli, Dyah Ayu; ,ndriani, &isa6Balai
Besar Penelitian 8eteriner7* Sirkulasi )irus A)ian ,n=uenBa 9D!. "ahun 2/./- 8irus
genetic dri+t miri( AKCkK#est Ja)aKPwt4#ijK2//5 ditemukan di %e%era(a ka%u(aten di
Sumatra dan Jawa* Jurnal Biologi ,ndonesia* 2/.2* 8ol*36.7, (*./14..A*
;ntil 2/.., the 9D!. su%ty(e o+ A, )irus is still circulating in many (arts o+ ,ndonesia*
"he disco)ery o+ the A, )iruses which ha)e undergone genetic dri+t since 2//5 until
now reCuires serious attention +rom the go)ernment in terms o+ A, disease control,
the sur)eillance and monitoring o+ )irus circulation and execution o+ genetic ma((ing
to determine the genetic character o+ the A, )irus at the molecular le)el, es(ecially on
the sur+ace o+ glyco(roteins 69A and !A (rotein7* "his in+ormation is needed to
determine the di)ersity and character o+ the A, )irus in ,ndonesia* Genetic data are
used to e)aluate the strategy to control A, in ,ndonesia, such as )accination and the
)accine seed used and determine the extent o+ A, )irus mutation in ,ndonesia has
%een mutated* "his study conducted %y monitoring o+ the A, )irus circulation
throughout 2/./* "he methods used were A, )irus isolation, &"4PC&, seCuencing o+
genes coding +or )iral sur+ace and the (rediction o+ three4dimensional analysis to
determine the location o+ )irus mutation* "he results o+ this study showed that most
o+ the A, )irus su%ty(e 9D!., which was isolated during the year 2/./, showed
similar mutations to the genetic dri+t )irus in 2//5, AKCkK#est Ja)aKPwt4#ijK2//5* "he
)iruses were characteriBed %y the (resence o+ .34.A amino acid su%stitutions at the
le)el o+ the 9A (rotein* <n the !A (rotein le)el, there is a single mutation which was
%uried in the !A molecule* "his mutation (ro%a%ly did not in=uence +or !A acti)ity*
Genetic ma((ing o+Al )irus su%ty(e 9D!. in 2/./ showed that the )iral genetic dri+t
as the mutan )irus AKCkK#est Ja)aKPwt4#ijK2//5 ha)e circulated not only in #est Jawa
alone %ut has %een +ound on the island o+ Sumatra, Banten, #est Jawa and :ast Jawa*
42. Su%ekti, Didik "*6Balai Besar Penelitian 8eteriner79ayati, isda6$akultas 'edokteran,
;ni)ersitas am%ung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin7&aharja, Sujud M*6Dinas 'esehatan
'a%u(aten umajang7* Per+orma Perangkat Diagnostik :lisa "okso(lasmosis (ada
Serum Dom%a dan Manusia* Jurnal Biologi ,ndonesia* 2/.2* 8ol*3627, (*23A41/2*
"oxo(lasma sero(ositi)ity in ,ndonesia ha)e a high (re)alence, %oth in human and
animals* ;n+ortunately, the a)aila%ility o+ diagnostic tools to su((ort dynamic
sur)eillance are limited* &ecently, the diagnostic tools +or toxo(lasmosis, namely
:,SA BM were de)elo(ed* "he technology was %ased on :,SA techniCue using
solu%le tachyBoite antigen +rom tachyBoites o+ "oxo(lasma gondii* 'it (er+ormance is
one o+ the im(ortant issue +or acce(tance o+ diagnostic tools (rior to wide a((lication*
"he (ur(ose o+ the studies was to asses the Cuality o+ diagnostic tools (er+ormances*
"he assesment com(rises o+ +our stages* $irst stage was to e)aluate the (er+ormance
o+ :,SA BM com(ared to atex Agglutination "est 6A"7 on shee( sera* Secondly, to
e)aluate the (er+ormance o+ :,SA BM to descriminate true sero(ositi)e and
seronegati)e toxo(lasmosis on human sera* "he last stage were com(aring :,SA BM,
:,SA " 6commercial kit7 and A" on (redetermined and unknown human sera* "he
results show that the accuracy o+ :,SA BM is slightly %etter than :,SA "*
Agreement o+ :,SA BM with A" was %etter againts :,SA " with A"* 9owe)er, all
(er+ormance as determined using CohenQs lc and GwetQs AC, o+ :,SA BM, :,SA "
and A" were good u( to )ery good agreement*
43. Chotiah, SitiMBalai Besar Penelitian 8eteriner, *..* &e* Martadinata 1/ Bogor, .5..?N*
Strategic control o+ acute diarrhea o+ new%orn cal)es* Strategi Pengendalian Diare
Bakterial (ada Anak Sa(i Potong* Jurnal ,lmu "ernak dan 8eteriner* 2/.2* 8ol*.@617,
Diare anak sa(i meru(akan gejala (enyakit yang da(at mem(engaruhi (eningkatan
kualitas dan kuantitas sa(i* Penelitian strategi (engendalian diare %akterial (ada
anak sa(i (otong telah dilakukan di B%alit)et dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui agen
%akteri (enye%a% diare (ada anak sa(i (otong, menurunkan kasus diare dan
meningkatkan laju (ertum%uhan %erat %adan anak sa(i yang dilahirkan Penelitian
dimulai dengan identi>kasi kasus diare dan isolasi agen %akteri (enye%a% diare di .2
kelom(ok temak sa(i (otong* A(likasi strategi (engendalian diare anak sa(i (otong
secara ter(adu telah dilakukan (ada kelom(ok (em%i%itan sa(i (otong di la(ang*
Se%anyak .2 ekor sa(i %etina %unting umur ke%untingan @ %ulan keatas telah di(akai
se%agai kelom(ok (erlakuan yang di)aksinasi dengan menggunakan )aksin inakti+
:coli4Clos)ak (oli)alen dosis 1 ml dan %ooster di%erikan 1 minggu se%elum (artus*
Makanan tam%ahan konsentrat di%erikan selama 2 %ulan se%elum (artus, sanitasi
kandang dan (eralatan ditera(kan dan anak sa(i yang lahir di%eri kolostrum*
Pengamatan dilakukan selama D %ulan, dimulai dari )aksinasi induk sam(ai anak
umur 1 %ulan* 9asil (enelitian menunjukkan %ahwa :scherichia coli seroti(e 'AA dan
Clostridium (er+ringens ti(e A dan C telah teridenti>kasi di ? kelom(ok temak sa(i
(otong di 1 ka%u(aten 6Garut, "asikmalaya dan Ciamis7, dan 2 kelom(ok ternak di 2
ka%u(aten 6"asikmalaya dan Ciamis7 di Jawa Barat* &es(on imun terhada( :* coli dan
a toksin C* (er+ringens dideteksi dengan :,SA mem%erikan hasil yang %aik* A(lilcasi
model (engendalian diare ter(adu da(at menyelamatkan semua anak sa(i (erlakuan
sejak lahir sam(ai umur 1 %ulan dari kejadian diare dan kematian* Disam(ing itu laju
(ertum%uhan %o%ot %adan anak sa(i (erlakuan dari umur . %ulan sam(ai tiga %ulan
le%ih ce(at dan le%ih tinggi di%andingkan dengan (edet lahir dari induk kontrol*
44. Daniels, Peter; Morrissy, ChrisMCS,&<4AA9, Geelong, AustraliaNPoermadjaja,
BagoesMDirector General o+ i)estock and Animal 9ealth Ser)ices 6DGA9S7,
,ndonesiaNSelleck, PaulMCS,&<4AA9, Geelong, AustraliaNStratton, JohnM<,:, Bangkok,
"hailandNAllen, JohnMCommonwealth Scienti>c and ,ndustrial &esearch <rganisation
Australian Animal 9ealth a%oratory 6CS,&<4AA97, Geelong, AustraliaNPadungtod,
PawinM$A<, Bangkok, "hailandNColling, AxelMCS,&<4AA9, Geelong, AustraliaNong,
!go "hanhM&egional Animal 9ealth <Rce, 8ietnamN#ong, $rankMCS,&<4AA9,
Geelong, AustraliaNWiyono, Ag!M&esearch institute +or )eternary science, Bogor,
,ndonesiaNA%ila, &onelloM<,:, "hailandN'al(ra)idh, #antaneeM$A<, Bangkok, "hailandN*
Diagnostic ca(acity +or regional emergency in+ectious disease (re(aredness*
Proceedings o+ an international worksho( held in Siem &ea(* Cam%odia* ./4.1 August
2/./* (*31435* AC,A& Proceedings* .1@* Can%erra* Australian Centre +or ,nternational
Agricultural &esearch* 2/.2*
No A#!$%"&$
4#. 'usumaningsih, AnniMBalai Besar Penelitian 8eteriner, *..* &e* Martadinata 1/ Bogor,
.5..?N* Some $actors "rigger ,ncreasing $ood%orne Diseases Cases o+ i)estock
<rigin* $aktor Pemicu 'asus $ood%orne Diseases Asal "ernak* #artaBoa* 2/.2*
8ol*22617, (*./@4..2*
$ood is an essential need +or )arious human %ody acti)ities* ConseCuently, +ood must
%e guaranteed to %e +ree +rom %iological, chemical, and (hysical contaminants and
other haBardous su%stances that can o%struct health* "he (resence o+ )arious
haBardous contaminants in +ood may result in the a((earance o+ +ood%ome diseases,
i*e* human diseases s(read through contaminated +ood and drinks* Biological
contaminants in +ood can %e %acteria, )iruses, (arasites, moulds, or +ungi* "he most
dangerous %iological contaminants that may cause an e(idemic disease in human are
(athogenic %acteria such as Salmonella s((*, :scherichia coli, Bacillus anthracis,
Clostridium s((*, isteria monocytogenes, Cam(ylo%acter s((*, 8i%rio cholerae,
:ntero%acter sakaBakii, Shigella, etc* &esearchers %elie)e that there are se)eral
+actors that can %e the trigger that increase o+ +ood%ome diseases cases such as
community demogra(hy %y increasing the indi)idual grou(s that are more
susce(ti%le to (athogenic +ood%ome in+ections, human %eha)iour related to the
changes in the community li+e style and consum(tion, the ad)ances in industrial and
technological sectors through the increase o+ large scale +ood industries concentrated
in one location, the glo%al trade or tra)el, and increasing %acterial resistances against
antimicro%ials as the result o+ the increasing the uses o+ antimicro%ials +or disease
(re)ention and cure in animals and humans*
4$. !atalia, ily; Priadi, AdinMBalai Besar Penelitian 8eteriner, *..* &e* Martadinata 1/
Bogor, .5..?N* Botulism- Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Pre)ention* Botulismus-
Patogenesis, Diagnosis dan Pencegahan* #artaBoa* 2/.2* 8ol*22617, (*.2@4.?/*
Botulism is a (otential lethal disease in animals as well as in human, a neuro(aralytic
disease caused %y Clostridium %otulinum toxin* C* %otulinum is widely distri%uted in
the soil and )egetation, intestinal contents o+ mammals, %irds and >sh* :ight ty(es o+
C* %otulinum 6A, B, C., C2, D, :, $, G7 ha)e %een recogniBed, each ela%orating an
immunologically distinct +orm o+ toxin* Botulinum neurotoxins are the most (ower+ul
%iological toxins known and in some countries they ha)e %een studied andde)elo(ed
as %iological wea(on* "he medical as(ects o+ the toxin were also de)elo(ed +or
thera(eutic uses in human diseases* "he s(ores o+ C* %otulinum are relati)ely heat
resistant and in contrast to the s(ores, %otulinum toxin is relati)ely heat la%ile*
Botulinum toxins are inacti)ated %y their antitoxins* Botulinum toxin (roduces clinical
mani+estations when either inhaled or ingested* A+ter toxin is a%sor%ed, it enters the
%loodstream and tra)els to (eri(heral cholinergic syna(ses, (rimarily the
neuromuscular junction* <nce at these sites, %otulinum toxin is internaliBed and
enBymatically (re)ents the release o+ acteylcholine leads to (aralysis* a%oratory
diagnoses +or %otulism should include isolating C* %otulinum and detecting o+ toxin in
the (atient* &a(id and sensiti)e detection o+ all ty(es o+ %otulinum toxin are needed*
Cases o+ %otulism in ,ndonesia were +ound (rimarily in (oultry and many cases were
sus(ected and remained undiagnosed* Cases o+ %otulism were sus(ected aEecting
cattle in :ast Ja)a and serologically results showed (ositi)e to C* %otulinum ty(e C*
"he %otulismus (re)ention using )accine induced a strong anti%ody res(onse and
could %e remained (rotecti)e +or .2 months, while %otulism treatment in animals is
usually ineEecti)e*
47. #idiastuti, &a(haelaMBalai Besar Penelitian 8eteriner, *..* &e* Martadinata 1/ Bogor,
.5..?N* Detection o+ nitro+urans residue in %roiler chicken meat analysed %y 9PC*
Deteksi &esidu !itro+uran (ada Daging Ayam Pedaging yang Dianalisis Secara
'romatogra> Cair 'inerja "inggi* Jurnal ,lmu "ernak dan 8eteriner* 2/.2* 8ol*.@6?7,
$uraBolidone 6$HD7, +uraltadone 6$"D7, nitro+urantoin 6!$"7 and nitro+uraBone 6!$H7
are )eterinary drugs that %elong to the nitro+urans 6!$s7 grou( and em(loyed as +eed
additi)es +or growth (romotion and theura(etic treatment o+ gastrointestinal
in+ections caused %y :schericia coli and Salmonella s((* "he occurrence o+ !$s in
animal (roducts will end to cause health (ro%lem in human consumed such +ood* "his
research conducted to study the analysis o+ !$ residues in chicken meat %y a high
(er+ormance liCuid chromatogra(hy 69PC7 and to study the occurrence o+ !$s
residues in sam(les collected +rom traditional markets and su(ermarkets in Bandung,
Bogor and De(ok* "he results o+ )alidation method on se)eral (arameters +or each !$
showed that the a)erage o+ the relati)e standard de)iation 6&SD7 +rom the (recision
study were 2*.D to 2*13 (ercent, the &2 )alues o+ the linearity study were /*AA5? to
/*AAAD; reco)eries were @D*A/ to A.*D/ (ercent and the detection limits were .2*/.
to 1@*2D ngKg* "he residual le)el o+ !$s +or ?2 >eld sam(les showed that 2 sam(les
(ositi)e +or !$H 6A*/A and ./*@? ngKg7, . (ositi)e +or !$" 6./*?5 ngKg7, ? (ositi)e +or
$"D 6.5*?? u( to 2@*2. ngKg7 and none (ositi)e +or $HD* Present results showed that
analysis o+ !$s in %roiler chicken meat can %e done using an 9PC and the analysis
results +rom >eld sam(les showed that these ty(es o+ drugs were %eing used +or
%roiler (roduction %oth as single andKor com%ination drugs, there+ore it is necessary
to raise (u%lic awareness to monitor the use o+ !$ in li)estock (roduction in

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