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... through Bertha Dudd

Demonic activity ....
Necessity of divine intervention ....
ust a !itt!e "hi!e !onger and you "i!! remem#er the Words $
s%o&e on earth that the "or!d "i!! #ecome chaotic in every
res%ect. 'oon you "i!! rea!ise "here heart!essness #et"een
%eo%!e "i!! !ead to.
$f you sti!! har#our a s%ar& of !ove "ithin yourse!ves you "i!!
recognise the o%%onent(s %o"er) "ho incites everyone to conf!ict
"ith each other. *is activity is demonic) and as a resu!t %eo%!e
a!so #ehave demonica!!y in their un&indness.
And thus I will intervene and by means of apparent
disorder nevertheless restore order again) so that
humanity(s rea! %ur%ose is made c!ear to them.
When %eo%!e in their de!usion destroy everything) such an act of
destruction from a#ove is a#so!ute!y necessary so that the
in+ustice "i!! #e c!ear!y revea!ed and humanity "i!! recognise it as
,nd there "i!! #e acute distress) and in this distress %eo%!e(s
%!eading %rayers "i!! rise u% to the Father in heaven) "hich is the
%ur%ose of -y intervention) so that people will look for Me,
so that they will remember Me again and ta&e refuge in -e.
For there is no other "ay !eft to achieve this) on!y the harshest
adversity "i!! ma&e them ta&e the %ath to -e) and on!y the
harshest adversity "i!! yet #e ca%a#!e of changing humanity.
But -y s%irit "i!! #e "ith a!! those "ho are !oya! to -e.
.hey "i!! recognise -e in everything that is ha%%ening and
faithfu!!y a"ait -y he!% .... ,nd they "i!! s%ea& on -y #eha!f and
try to e/%!ain to their fe!!o" human #eings the error of their !ives
and refer them to -e. ,nd then) de%ending on their attitude
to"ards -e) $ "i!! a!so ta&e care of their hearts)
and "herever a devout thought rises u% to -e $ "i!! send comfort
and he!%. $ "i!! #esto" -y !ove u%on a!! those "ho recognise
their "rong and thus ca!! to -e a%%ea!ing!y.
For $ !ove -y !iving creations and on!y "ant to save them from
greatest danger .... from a danger "hich "i!! far e/ceed the
earth!y suffering they "i!! encounter.
,nd $ "i!! %ermeate a!! those "ith -y s%irit "ho are "i!!ing to #e
of service to -e) so that they "i!! #e a#!e to com%!y "ith their
tas& and not "aver in their faith "hen the time of aff!iction
arrives ....
0u#!ished #y friends of ne" reve!ations of God 1 $nformation)
do"n!oad of a!! trans!ated reve!ations) theme2#oo&!ets at3

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