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1) Recent neurological research suggests that in emotionally stressful situations, an

Aspergers person has a neuronal process that automatically shuts down their
memory if they are socially or emotionally overwhelmed. They cannot hear or
understand whatever you would have to say, nor communicate their own thoughts
or feelings
2) Its true that Aspergers kids are most comfortable at home. There they experience
fewer sensations, fewer surprises and less social discomfort. They put so much
effort into just holding it together when theyre out of the house and interacting
with people that they need a retreat where they are comfortable and they can
decompress. Please accept that they preferand need-- this sanctuary from the
real world. Being alone does not mean they are lonely. And in solitude, they do
better at problem solving and calming themselves.
3) Aspergers kids are definitely late bloomers. Emotionally and socially, they are
often a couple of years behind their peers while intellectually they are on par or
way ahead.
Because social situations are a struggle for them and the basics of building
friendships elude them, Aspies are usually slower to make the kinds of
connections that lead to dating and long-term relationships. But, yes, they can
have relationships that turn into dating, and yes, they may marry.
4) Often, they need to stay at home longer than your other children because they
need extra time to mature and pick up organizational and other skills to make sure
they can plan their days, feed themselves, do their laundry and show up to classes
or work on time.
5) Will they ever take the initiative and reach out to others? No, probably
not. Part of Aspergers is being unable to take the initiative because they dont see
things the same way as others do. They will need your help to coax them to call
potential friends, or even existing ones, to ask them over. Or you may need to call
the childs parent yourself and set up a play date for your Aspergers child.
6) Why dont they try harder when they are challenged? Aspergers kids are
prone to perfectionism. They are afraid to be wrong, so they wont do something
if they think they may make a mistake. we try to help them understand that
guessing is just thata guess, that doesnt have to be right. Aspergers kids wont
take a guess if theyre not sure its the right answer.
7) When tackling a task, many people with Asperger syndrome will do it in the way they did it before,
even if that method did not work. They may recognise that it doesnt work and may have been
told a better way of performing the task, but still find themselves doing it the same way as before.
8) At work they appear to be oppositional or defiant, difficulty in beginning and ending projects
on time, empathizing/interacting/relating customers or cowarkers and supervisors,mega
anxiety which leads to poor judgement and decision making, they struggle to take initiative at
work and home, higher anxiety when meeting new people or changed or new situation,
difficulty in multi tasking, difficulty interacting in team environment, difficulty with
unstructured time, difficultry in seeing full scope of the project, difficulty writing reports,
slower productivity or performance, low motivation to perform task of no interest, overly
sensitive reaction to feedback,
9) Aspergers remains a useful way to categorize people with very low social skills and very high
IQ and a high rate of manic-depression and suicide. Its useful to separate out these people
in order to help them
10) Aspergers remains a useful way to categorize people with very low social skills and very high
IQ and a high rate of manic-depression and suicide. Its useful to separate out these people
in order to help them. Its a friend who never calls or emails because they dont see
communication as part of a friendship. There are a million different ways people with
Aspergers inadvertently isolate themselves from the world of friendship, but suffice it to say
that while people with Aspergers have lots of depression and lots of anxiety, youll rarely
hear them say they need more friends. People with Aspergers want one friend. The problem
is that in adult life your one friend has to be your spouse. So if you know you have Aspergers
you need to focus carefully on finding a spouse. Theoretically, this should be easy
because high IQ and good looks go hand in hand, and the definition of Aspergers includes
higher IQ. Its overwhelming to be close to people. A lot of people with Aspergers who are
married sleep in separate beds or have sex with minimal physical contact.
11) The reason we stop doing these monotonous jobs is because were ashamed of having such a
high IQ and enjoy doing jobs that dont require high IQ. So part of getting along in the world
with Aspergers is accepting that not everybody has to have a high IQ job just because they
have a high IQ.
12) Discouragement is a common emotion of those with low self esteem who have unusually high
expectations of others and who have either unreasonably high or nonexistant goals for
themselves. Striving for unreachable goals is a recipe for feeling like one is failing. Others with
LSE are too discouraged and fearful to try anything new, to initiate relationships, or even to
attempt to develop new skills. They remain complacent willing to accept what life brings
rather than trying to better themselves.
13) Fear and anxiety are the cornerstone of low self esteem. Based on early life experiences,
people develop a perspective of how they fit in the world: whether they are adequate, lovable,
worthy, and/or competent. If their view of themselves is negative, they go through life fearful
and anxious, on guard, disappointed, anticipating the worst, and unable to relax until they
recover from this devastating issue of low self esteem. This anxiety is extreme and permeates
everything in the persons life including the ability to make sound decisions, the ability to
maintain ambition, the ability to bounce back after disappointments, the persons basic
emotional stability, the persons sustainability, the persons energy, the persons ability to
learn from his mistakes, the persons openness to developing new skills, the persons ability to
be introspective.
14) Overly sensitive, those with low self esteem frequently get their feelings hurt, are easily
offended, are quick to become angry or defensive, and are easily provoked. They tend to be
overly self-focused and can appear insensitive to the feelings of others or can inaccurately look
as though they are narcissistic. Basically they are constantly looking for signs that others are
rejecting or disapproving of them and then conclude this is happening even when it is not.
Mixed Emotions
15) "Self Esteem Attacks" occur whenever a person with low self esteem does or says something
that he afterwards deems to have been inappropriate, stupid, rude, obnoxious, off target, or
inaccurate. At that time, the person may experience immediate remorse, excruciating anxiety,
his heart racing, his face turning red, a sinking feeling of embarrassment, depression and/or
devastation. Wishing he could sink into the floor or disappear, he may immediately look for a
way to escape. He may feign illness, sneak out without saying anything, or just become totally
silent, hoping not to be noticed. He will believe that everyone saw his blunder and is thinking
poorly of him, maybe even laughing at him. This is a full blown Self-Esteem Attack that may
last for minutes, hours, even days during which he berates himself, is fearful of seeing anyone
who was in attendance at the time he made his "mistake," and remain seriously depressed.
16) It is not unusual for those who have low self-esteem and who have been abused, abandoned, or
literally to have been treated as being in the way, to be unable to recognize what they feel.
Having suffered from many emotionally charged and hurtful situations, they automatically feel
a need to shield themselves from more such experiences. Having practiced denying their
feelings or even acknowledging them. They now find themselves unable to know what they fee.
Having been hurt repeatedly, whether verbally, emotionally, or physically, they may also lower
their expectations of others and of life in general. They may be available but never initiate
with others; they may feel they have little or nothing to offer and above all, are unable to risk
17) The normal person usually sees the asperger person as being emotion-less, though this is not
true. Emotions are just kept very deep inside and not brought to the surface. The aspie also does
not know what to do with another person who is experiencing emotions, and needs to be told
what to in these instances
18) Aspies will appear to lack empathy. As stated above, this is not due to lack of empathy, but a lack
of knowledge of how to show it.
19) at least five behavioral subtypes are classified as part of the autism spectrum
disorders (ASD) autistic disorder, Asperger's syndrome, Rett's syndrome,
disintegrative disorder, and pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) not otherwise
specified. According to the DSM-IV, a triad of symptoms, impaired social
interactions, communication deficits as well as stereotypic, restricted, and repetitive
behaviors, characterizes all these subtypes of autism
20) Heterogeneity further manifests within each of the three core symptoms. In the
social domain, inter-individual variability may range from a complete absence of
interest in interacting with others, to more subtle dysfunctions in managing complex
social interactions, in which other peoples' intentions or the social context need to be
taken into account. Communication impairments may range from a complete
absence of spoken language over mild impairment, with the use of idiosyncratic
vocabulary, to hyper-linguism in some of the Asperger cases. Stereotyped behaviors
may also range from simple motor stereotypies and a preference for sameness to
more complex rituals, which may be accompanied by considerable distress and
aggression when they cannot be fulfilled.

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