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><pre style="word-wrap: break-word; white-space: pre-wrap;">// Array Generator -
Adobe Photoshop Script
// Description: generates a two-dimensional array by cloning the selected layer;
user defines number of rows and columns, as well as the horizontal and vertical
// Requirements: Adobe Photoshop CS, or higher
// Version: 1.0.0, 9/July/2009
// Author: Trevor Morris (
// Website:
// ============================================================================
// Installation:
// 1. Place script in 'C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS#\Presets\Script
// 2. Restart Photoshop
// 3. Choose File &gt; Scripts &gt; Array Generator
// ============================================================================
// enable double-clicking from Mac Finder or Windows Explorer
// this command only works in Photoshop CS2 and higher
#target photoshop
// bring application forward for double-click events
// main - main function
function main() {
// initial dialog values
var dlgValues = new Object();
dlgValues.numRows = 3; // number of rows in array
dlgValues.numCols = 3; // number of columns in array
dlgValues.gapRows = 10; // space between rows
dlgValues.gapCols = 10; // space between columns
// declare local variables
var doc = activeDocument;
var layer = doc.activeLayer;
var name =;
var bounds = layer.bounds;
// check if Background layer is selected
if (layer.isBackgroundLayer) {
alert("The Background layer can't be used to create an array.",
'Background Layer', false);
// check if current layer contains artwork
if (bounds[0] == bounds[2]) {
alert('The current layer contains no artwork.\n' +
'Please select another layer and try again.', 'Empty Lay
er', false);
// check if a group (layer set) is selected; prompt to use entire group
if (layer.typename == 'LayerSet' &amp;&amp; !confirm('Are you sure you w
ish to create an array from the selected layer group?', false, 'Center Entire Gr
oup?')) {
// remember layer lock state
var allLock = layer.allLocked;
var posLock = layer.positionLocked;
// unlock layer
layer.allLocked = false;
layer.positionLocked = false;
// get layer dimensions
// BUG: both width and height will be off by +2 px for shape layers
var width = Number(bounds[2] - bounds[0]);
var height = Number(bounds[3] - bounds[1]);
// display dialog; continues on OK or Enter key press (OK = 1, Cancel =
var win = getDialog(dlgValues);
if ( == 1) {
// handle rows
for (var row = 1; row &lt;= dlgValues.numRows; row++) {
// duplicate across (columns)
for (var col = 1; col &lt; dlgValues.numCols; col++) {
var duplicate = doc.activeLayer.duplicate();
doc.activeLayer = duplicate; = name + ' [R' + row + 'C' + (col
+ 1) + ']';
duplicate.translate(width + dlgValues.gapCols);
// duplicate down (rows)
if (row &lt; dlgValues.numRows) {
duplicate = layer.duplicate(doc.activeLayer, Ele
doc.activeLayer = duplicate; = name + ' [R' + (row + 1) + 'C1]
duplicate.translate(0, row * (height + dlgValues
// name initial layer = name + ' [R1C1]';
// restore original lock state
layer.allLocked = allLock;
layer.positionLocked = posLock;
// getDialog - build Array Generator dialog
function getDialog(dlgValues) {
// define dialog for Photoshop CS3 (and higher)
if (parseInt(version, 10) &gt;= 10) {
var dlg = "dialog {text: 'Array Generator', alignChildren: 'fill
', \
dims: Panel {orientation: 'column', \
text: 'Array Dimensions', alignChildren: 'right'
, \
numRows: Group {orientation: 'row', \
st: StaticText {text: '&amp;Rows:'}, \
et: EditText {text: " + dlgValues.numRow
s + ", characters: 4} \
}, \
numCols: Group {orientation: 'row', \
st: StaticText {text: '&amp;Columns:'},
et: EditText {text: " + dlgValues.numCol
s + ", characters: 4} \
} \
}, \
gaps: Panel {orientation: 'column', \
text: 'Array Spacing', alignChildren: 'right', \
gapRows: Group {orientation: 'row', \
st: StaticText {text: 'Ro&amp;w Spacing:
'}, \
et: EditText {text: " + dlgValues.gapRow
s + ", characters: 4} \
}, \
gapCols: Group {orientation: 'row', \
st: StaticText {text: 'Column &amp;Spaci
ng:'}, \
et: EditText {text: " + dlgValues.gapCol
s + ", characters: 4} \
} \
}, \
buttons: Group {orientation: 'row', \
okBtn: Button {text: 'OK', properties: {name: 'o
k'}}, \
cancelBtn: Button {text: 'Cancel', properties: {
name: 'cancel'}} \
} \
// define dialog for Photoshop CS2
else {
var dlg = "dialog {text: 'Array Generator', alignChildren: 'fill
', \
dims: Panel {orientation: 'column', \
text: 'Array Dimensions', alignChildren: 'right'
, \
numRows: Group {orientation: 'row', \
st: StaticText {text: 'Rows:'}, \
et: EditText {text: " + dlgValues.numRow
s + ", preferredSize: [40, et.preferredSize.height]} \
}, \
numCols: Group {orientation: 'row', \
st: StaticText {text: 'Columns:'}, \
et: EditText {text: " + dlgValues.numCol
s + ", preferredSize: [40, et.preferredSize.height]} \
} \
}, \
gaps: Panel {orientation: 'column', \
text: 'Array Spacing', alignChildren: 'right', \
gapRows: Group {orientation: 'row', \
st: StaticText {text: 'Row Spacing:'}, \
et: EditText {text: " + dlgValues.gapRow
s + ", preferredSize: [40, et.preferredSize.height]} \
}, \
gapCols: Group {orientation: 'row', \
st: StaticText {text: 'Column Spacing:'}
, \
et: EditText {text: " + dlgValues.gapCol
s + ", preferredSize: [40, et.preferredSize.height]} \
} \
}, \
buttons: Group {orientation: 'row', \
okBtn: Button {text: 'OK', properties: {name: 'o
k'}}, \
cancelBtn: Button {text: 'Cancel', properties: {
name: 'cancel'}} \
} \
// create dialog
var win = new Window(dlg);;
// check dialog values
with (win) {
// make first field active = true;
// check number of rows = function() {
this.text = checkValue(this.text, 1, 20);
dlgValues.numRows = Number(this.text);
// disable row spacing for a single row
if (dlgValues.numRows == 1) { = false;
// (re)enable row spacing for mulitple rows
else { = true;
// check number of columns = function() {
this.text = checkValue(this.text, 1, 20);
dlgValues.numCols = Number(this.text);
// disable column spacing for a single column
if (dlgValues.numCols == 1) { = false;
// (re)enable column spacing for mulitple columns
else { = true;
// check row spacing = function() {
this.text = checkValue(this.text, 0, 100);
dlgValues.gapRows = Number(this.text);
// check column spacing = function() {
this.text = checkValue(this.text, 0, 100);
dlgValues.gapCols = Number(this.text);
return win;
// checkValue - error-check value on change
function checkValue(dlgValue, min, max) {
// declare local variables
var value = Number(dlgValue);
// ensure value is a valid number greater than or equal to min
if (isNaN(value) || value &lt; min) {
value = min;
// ensure value is less than max
else if (value &gt; max) {
value = max;
// ensure value is an integer
else if (Math.round(value) != value) {
value = Math.round(value);
// value is fine
else {
return dlgValue;
// show error and return correct value
alert('Please enter an integer between ' + min + ' and ' + max + '.', 'I
nteger Required', true);
return value.toString();
// isCorrectVersion - check for Adobe Photoshop CS2 (v9) or higher
function isCorrectVersion() {
if (parseInt(version, 10) &gt;= 9) {
return true;
else {
alert('This script requires Adobe Photoshop CS2 or higher.', 'Wr
ong Version', false);
return false;
// isOpenDocs - ensure at least one document is open
function isOpenDocs() {
if (documents.length) {
return true;
else {
alert('There are no documents open.', 'No Documents Open', false
return false;
// showError - display error message if something goes wrong
function showError(err) {
if (confirm('An unknown error has occurred.\n' +
'Would you like to see more information?', true, 'Unknown Error'
)) {
alert(err + ': on line ' + err.line, 'Script Error', tru
// test initial conditions prior to running main function
if (isCorrectVersion() &amp;&amp; isOpenDocs()) {
// remember unit settings; switch to pixels
var originalRulerUnits = preferences.rulerUnits;
preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;
try {
// suspend history for CS3 (v10) or higher
if (parseInt(version, 10) &gt;= 10) {
activeDocument.suspendHistory('Array Generator', 'main()
// just run main for CS2 (v9)
else {
catch(e) {
// don't report error on user cancel
if (e.number != 8007) {
// restore original unit setting
preferences.rulerUnits = originalRulerUnits;

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