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Regarding the Midterm Election 2014: Will the Saving Remnant Save the

By Jean F. Drew
In the run-up to the 2014 Midterm Election, our sitting president, Barack H. Obama, has
taken every opportunity to remind us voters that his name is not on the ballot this time.
But like virtually every statement he makes, this one is both true and false at the
same time. It is literally true that his name does not appear on any ballot in the nation.
But it is positively false that his policies, methods, and basic ideological positions are not
on the table in this election, to be subjected to the scrutiny, deliberation, and choice of
Barack Obama has no concept of citizen. There are only voters, and they can be
depended upon to be swayed, manipulated, and ultimately bought by savvy political
rhetoricians/operators. In Obamas ideological universe, voters are mere passive,
unruly cattle that need a strong master to guide them for their own good.
For the president to use the word citizen, on the other hand, would be to signify that he
acknowledges that decisions regarding matters of American governance and American
civil order ought to be referred to the active participatory decision of the rational, free
adults who compose the American body politic the We the People of the Preamble.
The U.S. Constitution makes We the People sovereign; it requires the legitimacy of the
government to rest entirely on the consent of the governed that is, of citizens. (It even
suggests a remedy in situations where We the People withdraw consent. But that is well
beyond the scope of the present writing.)
In the big picture, the fate of the Senate rises to preeminence for Christians and other
constitution-loving conservatives or as I argue, should so rise.
To me, the biggest picture in this election involves recognition that the federal
Constitution is not only under full-scale attack from the so-called progressive Left; but
that it may well be on its last legs, unless the saving remnant steps up to the plate. That
would be us Christians and/or other people of conservative temperament who appreciate
that the Constitution derives its core principles from the Judeo-Christian heritage
which makes us Americans culturally a Christian nation, a nation under God.
America is politically secular in the operations of its governmental institutions. But
America is a body politic composed of free individuals, many of whom very likely have
religious convictions. In America, demographically, such convictions are mainly
Christian in some form. The First Amendment states that the federal government is
forbidden to interfere with the expression or transmission of such convictions, which in
turn have social effects that cannot legitimately be prohibitively, prospectively hampered
or infringed by laws promulgated by a State arrogating political sovereignty to itself.
What most needs to be saved is the Constitution itself which the president despises,
calling it a charter of negative liberties. Translation: The Constitution tells what the
government cant do. The upshot is you cant be a transformational president under
constitutional constraints. Ergo, dump the Constitution. And a Democrat-controlled
Senate under the leadership of Harry Reid will not object to this. Indeed, the president
needs Harry Reid as his key collaborator and most willing accomplice to achieve his
purpose of usurping legislative powers to expand the power of the Executive.
As Obama and Reid reason, if the Congress is doing nothing when urgent problems
are piling up, then isnt it just logical that this situation requires the President to
arrogate legislative powers to himself, regardless of whether this is constitutionally
The Constitution says NO to any such usurpation of power by any of the separated
branches of the federal government against any other branch, and in no uncertain terms.
For the president to propose such a thing instantly puts him in violation of his Oath of
Office. Were we to stick with the Constitution as wrought by Madison et. al. very much
in the Jeffersonian spirit (see the Declaration of Independence), then any such act
properly would be judged an impeachable offense.
To me, the evident collusion between the president and the Senate leader represents a
monumentally breath-taking swindle being perpetrated on the American people,
seemingly without their notice or objection at all.
On this point, its clear to me that every Democrat senator up for reelection this year has
stood lock-step in Obamas shadow in every vote. When allowed to vote: Which is
something Harry Reid mostly wont allow. For to actually allow votes to take place
would put Democrat senators trying to hold onto their seats under the disadvantage of
having a voting record that can be assessed by their constituents. Heaven forfend!
There are some 300 House-passed bills that moulder on Reids desk: He will not bring
them to the Senate floor for a vote. And then he has the chutzpah to blame the
Republicans for the do-nothing Congress! It would be laughable, were it not so pitiful
and hideous.
So, for me any way, Job #1 of the 2014 Midterms is: to elect a GOP Senate majority. If
the 2012 presidential election is any guide to understanding, this means that the saving
remnant needs to get mobilized if its going to save anything. Which decidedly they
did not do in the last presidential election cycle.
Evidently, the problem for many of my brothers and sisters in Christ the last time out was
they would not vote for Romney because the LDS theology he embraces is scandalous
to Christians. Therefore, he must be an evil man even though on the public record,
he is a man of sterling character in all other respects. The problem then was these
Christians were also confronted with another, arguably more compelling and obvious
evil: the prospect of reelecting a president who evidently has no sympathy whatsoever
for American historical order, for the principles, values, and God-given natural liberties
of a free people not to mention for the Christian roots of this understanding of
individual liberty who apparently works 24/7 to destroy any vestige of historically-
founded American civic order. Not to mention the American middle class into the
bargain, who are the main victims of this ideological assault.
That is, these Christians could not vote for Obama. This situation put them in the position
of having to make a choice between two evils. Rather than do that, they just washed their
hands of the entire affair, and stayed home that day.
They cited conscience as the reason they did not participate in the election: for evil is
evil; it has no grades that can be described as lesser or greater. They wouldnt get
their hands dirty engaging in such a discriminatory process. Confronted by two evils,
such Christians simply decided to take a pass.
Thus they gave the margin of victory to an even greater evil than Romneys personal
theology: a second term for the most ill-qualified and mendacious president in American
history Barack Obama who is working, in concert with his countless minions, most
of whom are anonymous and will probably ever stay that way to undermine and
destroy American order and American power from within.
I suspect many such Christians even now feel virtuous about their decision to stay
home that fatal day.
But I regard what they did as a seriously grave mistake that I hope and pray will not be
repeated in this election cycle. For if the saving remnant does not save, then who will do
the saving? God himself has appointed man to use his reason and judgment as stewards
of His Creation to navigate, and make decisions, about human existence in a natural
world that God Himself deliberately chose not to make perfect. The Lord deliberately
created a world that leaves scope for evil.
The Lord Himself tells us He did not make a perfect world, only a very good one. Do
you ever wonder why, my dear sisters and brothers in Him?
Had the Lord made a perfect world, there would be no role for human beings in it, no
room for human free will. Such a creation would have the character of a perfect machine,
running itself all by itself, like a clockwork.
No, in His infinite wisdom, He created a gloriously beautiful world, but one messy
enough to leave room for the free acts of His children; that is, human beings, whom He
regards as sons, intended from the Beginning to be co-creators with Himself in some
Yet this situation entails that human beings cannot eradicate evil in this world all by
themselves. All God asks of his faithful ones is that they mitigate evil wherever they may
find it, as much as they possibly can. And when they do that, even if imperfectly, God
will do the rest.
For a Christian, this is not a question of having clean hands. Sometimes in the service
of Gods Truth, man has to get his hands dirty or at least dirty enough to vote for
somebody that one might dislike, but who, if elected, would contribute to a GOP majority
in the Senate.
This is not the be-all, once-for-all cure-all for all the problems that currently afflict the
American people. Perhaps at best, it only represents a holding action that slows down the
seemingly inexorable rot of the historical American way of life again, from within
that Obama and like-minded Left progressives work overtime, constantly, on a very long
timeframe, to realize and perfect.
As if one can perfect rot. But thats their problem.
Of all people, the Christian saving remnant should NOT be enabling such a process.
But if theyre going to stay home again on November 4th, I will lose all hope for any
kind of specifically American, let alone Christian future in the territory of what is now
known as the United States of America.
I must close soon; but not before I add a cautionary tale. On an edition of Fox News
Sunday that aired a couple weeks ago, host Chris Wallace queried Dr. Benjamin Carson
about his plans, if any, to run for president in 2016.
I was extremely disturbed by Carsons reply in which he raised concern about whether
there would even be a national election in 2016. When Wallace asked him why he had
worries about this, Carson replied to the effect: The United States might very well be in a
condition of total anarchy by then. Which, by implication, could constitute a pretext for
the currently sitting president to declare a national election as unfeasible under the
circumstances. Upshot: No election; entailing Obama would assume the status (by
default, regular elections deemed impossible under anarchic conditions) of some kind of
president for life as if the United States of America were some kind of banana
I found Carsons remarks absolutely chilling, frightening. But Wallace did not follow up.
And I have heard nothing about this interchange ever since not one single word.
I conclude: If the saving remnant will not save, then who will? Ultimately, the answer is
always: God.
But I imagine He will only step in when human beings with the authority and
responsibility to engage and decide such issues have utterly failed to do so. Meanwhile,
who can tell the cost of human suffering that will take place absent the timely action
of Gods Saving Remnant?

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