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.MCQ Questions ADC Preliminary eamination Version !."
All of these questions are based on what people remembered after exams SO IT CAN
NOT BE RELIE ON !""# but it is the onl$ wa$ to %et an idea about the sub&e'ts(
matters and topi's $ou would be as)ed about* +lease add whate,er $ou 'an after the
exam ends and )eep this sample in the hands of an$ who is sittin% the exam* B$ the wa$
it too) me about - months to %et this or%anised the wa$ it is now*
T.AN/S to all who ha,e 'ontributed to this and to all who will*
Note: There may be wrong answers given in the answer list!
#. $or lo%er &remolars' t(e &ur&ose o) in*linin+ t(e (an,&ie*e lin+ually is to'
A. Avoid buccal pulp horn
B. Avoid lingual pulp horn
C. Remove unsupported enamel
D. Conserve lingual dentine
Ans A
!. $or an amal+am restoration o) a %ea-ene, *us& you s(oul,'
A. reduce cusp by mm on a !lat base !or more resistance
B. reduce cusp by mm !ollowing the outline o! the cusp
C. reduce mm !or retention !orm
Ans A
.. /e)ore )illin+ a *lass V a0rasion *a1ity %it( 2IC you s(oul,'
A. Clean with pumice" rubber cup" water and wea# acid
B. Dry the cavity thoroughly be!ore doing anything
C. Acid itch cavity then dry thoroughly
Ans A $lace the rubber dam" debride the cavity with non !luorited !lour o! pumice and
water slurry in a rubber polishing cup"rinse thoroughly and dry.Apply $oliacrylic Acid
3. 4(i*( o) t(e )ollo%in+ statement a0out t(e ,e)e*ti1e mar+ins o) amal+am
restorations is true5
A. The larger the brea#down" the greater the chance o! decay.
6. T(e retention &in in an amal+am restoration s(oul, 0e &la*e,'
A. $arallel to the outer wall
B. $arallel to the long a(is o! tooth
Ans A
7. T(e 0est %ay to *lean a *a1ity 0e)ore t(e &la*ement o) 2IC is'
A. )*
B. $hosphoric Acid
C. $olyacrylic acid
Ans C Apply $oliacrilic Acid %& seconds" rinse throughly !or %&'with air+water spray" and
dry lightly " do not desiccate
#8. 4(at is t(e se9uen*e )rom su&er)i*ial to t(e ,ee&est in ,entine *aries5
A. ,one o! bacterial penetration" demineralisation" sclerosis" reparative dentine
B. ,one o! bacterial penetration" reparative dentine" demineralisation" sclerosis.
C. ,one o! bacterial penetration" sclerosis" reparative dentine" demineralisation.
Ans A -n the earliest stages o! e(posure to microorganisms" there is an e!!ort to seal the
tubules.This is accomplished by increased calci!ication. #nown as .transparent dentin.
or" better" .dentinal sclerosis.. -n addition" pulpal odontoblasts" stimulated by the
advancing carious lesion" will rapidly deposit dentin. The dentinal tubules in this new
dentin are irregular" ma#ing them less permeable" newly+!ormed dentin/ the .
.reparative dentin". .secondary dentin". and .tertiary dentin. all have been used.
:7. O) all t(e )a*tors t(at in*rease t(e resistan*e o) teet( to ,ental *aries' THE MOST
A. The general nutrition o! a child during the period o! tooth !ormation
B. The inta#e o! !luoride during the period o! enamel minerali0ation and maturation
C. $eriodic topical !luoride application by dental health care !ollowing tooth eruption
D. 1u!!icient inta#e o! calcium and 2itamin D during the period o! enamel minerali0ation
and maturation
Ans B
76. t(e &ul& (orn most li-ely to 0e e&ose, in t(e &re&aration o) lar+e *a1ity in
&ermanent molar toot( is'
A. 3esio45ingual in upper !irst molars
B. 3esio4Buccal in upper !irst molars
C. Disto4buccal in lower !irst molars
D. 3esio45ingual in lower !irst molars
6. 3esio+ Buccal in lower !irst molar
Ans B
;.. $or ,ental *aries to &ro+ress in ,entine'
A. The dentine must contain soluble collagen
B. 6namel must contain glycoproteins
C. Diet must contain simple carbohydrate
D. Diet must contain polysaccharides
6. $ulp must contain complement
Ans C
;3. Stre&to*o**us mutans utilises %(i*( su0tra*t to )orm ,etran'
Re!er to Boucher 3icrobiology
A. 7lucose
B. 8ructose
C. 1ucrose
D. Amylopectin
6. De(trans
Ans C
#"#. 4(at is Miller<s t(eory a0out
A. Acidogenic micro+organism
B. $roteolytic
Ans A
###. Patient &resents %it( ra&i,ly &ro+ressi1e root *aries on many teet(. 4(i*( o) t(e
)ollo%in+ la0oratory results %oul, 0e a &ossi0le in,i*ator o) t(is5
A. 1timulated salivary secretion rate o! %.&ml9min
B. 1. mutans concentration o! %:
C. A pla;ue sample containing &< 1. mutans
D. A lactobacilli concentration o! %:
6. 1alivary bu!!ering $) &.&
Ans D
##7. 4(i*( o) t(e )ollo%in+ is true in relation to ,ental ,e*ay5
A. 8oods that re;uire vigorous mastication will increase salivary !low and
reduce $)
B. Tooth brushing immediately a!ter meals is most e!!ective because
demineralisation has already started
C. 8ood that encourage the mastication will increase the number o! lymphocytes
in saliva and thus reduce decay
D. 2igorous mastication will increase pla;ue $) and lead to reduce o! decays
6. The 1tephan Curve describes an increase in $) during a meal with resultant
o! demineralisation
Ans D
#!7. 4(en &re&arin+ a *lass III *a1ity )or *om&osite restoration= in %(i*(
situation s(oul, a*i, it*(in+ 0e use,>
A. Always should be per!ormed to minimise marginal lea#age
B. 1hould not be per!ormed because it might damage the ad=acent tooth
C. >hen e(tra retention is re;uired
D. *nly in situations where cavity is shallow to avoid pulp irritation
Ans A
#.". 4(i*( &in system (as &ro1en to 0e t(e most retenti1e
A. 1el! tapping threaded pin
B. 8riction pea# pin
C. Cemented pin
Ans A
#.#. Re*onstru*tin+ t(e o**lusal anatomy is 0ase, on>
A. 8unctional !actors
B. Depth o! restoration on a tooth
C. Necessity to restore normal anatomy
Ans A
#... 4(en ,o you )inis( *om&osite resin restorations>
A. -mmediately a!ter curing
B. A!ter ? hours
C. A wee# a!ter placement
Ans A
#.;. 4(at is t(e most *ommon )ra*ture o) Class II amal+am restorations>
A. -sthmus because o! insu!!icient depth
B. -nternal !racture
C. 3arginal ridge site
Ans A
#3". 4(at is t(e a,1anta+e o) *om&osite o1er sili*ate resin>
A. 5ess shrin#age
B. 5ess sur!ace erosion
C. 5ess water absorption
D. All o! the above
Ans D
#3#. T(e settin+ e&ansion o) *astin+ in1estment is a&&roimately
A. : to :.%<
B. :.% to :.&<
C. :.& to %<
D. %.% to %.@<
Ans B
#3!. T(e *ontra*tion o) +ol, alloys on soli,i)yin+ is a&&roimately>
A. :.&<
B. .&<
C. %.?:<
D. A<
Ans C
#3.. T(e un?&olymeri@e, monomer in Sel)?*ure, resin is a&&roimately>AA
A. :.&<
B. .&<
C. &<
D. %:<
Ans C
#33. T(e 1olume s(rin-a+e o) met(yl meta*rylate monomer %(en &olymeri@e,
A. %<
B. %&<
C. %B<
D. %<
Ans D
#3:. Oil or %ater on im&ression )or treatment *asts *auses>
A. An increase o! the ;uality
B. No alteration
C. A decrease o! the ;uality
D. Bubbles on the cast
6. None o! the above
Ans C
#6:. Prolon+e, 2IC settin+ time *an 0e a*(ie1e, 0y'
A. Cool down the slab
B. -ncrease the amount o! distilled water
Ans A
#8#. In re+ar, to 2ol, *astin+ alloys %(i*( one is a1aila0le )or 0ri,+e
A. )ard alloy CType -2.
B. Type --
C. Type -
Ans A
#8!. Bsin+ )luori,e in t(e root sur)a*e *aries is to &rote*t'
A. 6namel
B. Dentine and cementum
C. Cuticle
Ans B
#8.. T(e )irst t(in+ to *(e*- %(en &atient *omes *om&lainin+ o) &ain un,er
,enture is>
A. *cclusion
B. 1o!t tissues changes
Ans A
#83. T(e )o1ea &alatini is a lan,mar- to ,etermine t(e &osterior 0or,ers o) u&&er
,enture in %(i*( re+ar,>
A. $ost dam
B. 8langes
Ans A
#86. Attrition is'
A. $rocess o! normal wear o! teeth
B. 5ost o! teeth substance as a result o! chemical e(posure
Ans A
#88. Mo,ulus o) elasti*ity is ,e)ine, as>
A. The stress at the proportional limit
B. The stress+strain ratio within the proportional limit
Ans B
#8:. Tissue *on,itionin+ materials> CSili*on linin+ materialsD
A. are more resilient than plastic acrylic
B. can minimise any bacterial colonies
Ans A
#8;. T(e &osition o) t(e lin+ual *us& o) a maillary )irst &remolar ,urin+ settin+ o)
teet( an, on o**lusal 1ie% is &ositione,>AA
A. Distally
B. 3esially
C. Central buccolingually
#:!. Transillumination is use, to ,ete*t >AA
A. intrinsic tooth coloration
B. caries
C. $ulp+stones
D. )emorrhagic pulp
6. Calculus
Ans B
#::. Ho% ,o you treat ,entine 0e)ore a&&lyin+ 2IC
A. Conditioner
B. $umice E water
AnsA and B
#:7. T(e )irst ste& in t(e treatment o) erosion is>
A. $umice and water
B. 1pray with Na+bicarbonate
C. 7-C
Ans A
#7!. Poly1inyl im&ression material are'
A. The most stable
B. The most resistant to heat
Ans A
#73. 4a &atterns ARE NOT to 0e le)t on t(e 0en*( )or lon+ time 0e*ause o)'
A. Distortion
B. 5ost o! elasticity
Ans A
!"6. In meltin+ +ol,' %(i*( &art o) )lame %illl you use'
A. Reduced 0one
B. *(idi0ing 0one
Ans A
!":. I) t(e in1estment is 0urne, out ra&i,ly' %(at %ill (a&&en>
A. Bac# pressure porosity
B. Crac#ing o! the investment
Ans B
!"7. 4(at is t(e DISADVANTA2E o) +y&sum ,ies>AA
A. >ea# edge strength and lac# o! sur!ace details
B. Dimensional inaccuracy
Ans A
!";. O1er,enture a,1anta+e is'AA
A. $roprioceptors
!##. Hy0ri, *om&osite resin is use, in &osterior teet( 0e*ause it>
A. Contains micro !illed
B. Better colour matching
Ans A
!#.. 4rou+(t metal is to 0e'
A. 3arble
B. Fuenched
C. 1ub=ected 9undergone9 to cold treatment during processing GannealedH
Ans C
!#3. 4(ere ,o you use t(e )loss as a +ui,e to t(e ru00er ,am>
A. Through the contacts.
!.3. 4(i*( o) t(e )ollo%in+ may 0e *ause, 0y a ne%ly &la*e, restoration %(i*(
inter)eres %it( t(e o**lusion
A. Apical abscess
B. $ulpal necrosis
C. Apical periodontitis
Ans C
!66. An im&ression %it( elastomer in *ustom tray (as 0een ta-en )or *ro%n
&re&aration= it %ill 0e t%o ,ays 0e)ore t(e im&ression +ets to t(e la0oratory
)or *onstru*tion o) t(e *ro%n. 4(i*( im&ression material is &re)erre,5
A. $olyether
B. Thio#ol or meraptan rubber
C. Condensation silicone
D. 2inyl polysilo(ane
Ans D
!68. A lar+e amal+am *ore is to 0e *on,ense, aroun, se1eral &ins in a 1ital molar
toot(= %(at ty&e o) amal+am mi %oul, you &re)er>
A. A large mi( to ensure homogeneity
B. A large with e(tra mercury to give easier manipulative ;ualities
C. 1everal small mi(es" se;uentially triturated
D. 1everal small mi(es with varying mercury9alloy ratios
6. A basic mi( to which additional mercury is added as needed
Ans C
!6:. Mi*ro?lea-a+e at t(e atta*(e, enamel?*om&osite resin inter)a*e is most li-ely
to 0e ,ue to>
A. )ydrolysis o! the !iller phase o! the composite
B. )ydrolysis o! the resin phase o! the composite
C. Bacterial acid !ormation dissolving the enamel
D. 1alivary pellicle growth at the inter!ace
6. 1etting contraction o! the composite resin
Ans 6
!67. T(e o&timum *a1osur)a*e an+le )or o**lusal amal+am sur)a*e is>
A. ?&+@:I
B. J:+B&I
C. ?&+B:I
D. K&+%%:I
6. %A:+%&:I
Ans D
!6;. A maEor ,i))eren*e 0et%een li+(t *ure, an, *(emi*al *ure, *om&osite is t(at
,urin+ settin+ or in )un*tion t(e li+(t *ure, material ten,s to>
A. 1eal the margins better and completely
B. 6(hibit less wear on time
C. Lndergo greater colour change
D. 1hrin# more rapidly
6. $osses greater !racture toughness
Ans D
!8". I) t(e sealant o) 0on,in+ a+ent is not &la*e, on &art o) enamel t(at (as 0een
et*(e, 0y an a*i, solution= you %oul, e&e*t>
A. Arrest o! enamel carries by organic sulphides
B. The enamel is to return to normal within J days
C. Continued enamel declassi!ication in the etched area
D. 1light attrition o! the opposing tooth
Ans B
!8#. 4(en restorin+ %ea-ene, *us&s %it( ,ental amal+am you s(oul, *onsi,er>
A. mm reduction while !orming a !lattened sur!ace
B. mm reduction while !ollowing the original contour o! the cusps
C. ?mm reduction while !orming a !lattened sur!ace
D. ?mm reduction while !ollowing the original contour o! the sur!ace
Ans A
!8!. T(e 0ur s(oul, 0e tilte, lin+ually %(en &re&arin+ t(e o**lusal sur)a*e o)
*lass II *a1ity on a man,i0ular )irst &remolar in or,er to>
I. Remo1e unsu&&orte, enamel
II. Pre1ent en*roa*(ment on t(e 0u**al &ul& (orn
III. Pre1ent en*roa*(ment on t(e lin+ual &ul& (orn
IV. Maintain ,entinal su&&ort o) t(e lin+ual *us&
A. - and --
B. - and ---
C. -- and -2
D. --- and -2
6. -2 only
Ans C
!83. In re+ar, to *ar0i,e 0urs= t(e more num0er o) *uttin+ 0la,es an, lo% s&ee,
%ill result in>
A. 5ess e!!icient cutting and a smoother sur!ace
B. 5ess e!!icient cutting and a rougher sur!ace
C. 3ore e!!icient cutting and a smoother sur!ace
D. 3ore e!!icient cutting and a rougher sur!ace
Ans A
!86. $or an onlay &re&aration' %(i*( o) t(e )ollo%in+ is t(e MOST E$$ECTIVE
means )or 1eri)yin+ a,e9uate o**lusal *learan*e
A. >a( bite chew in
B. $roper depth cuts
C. 2isual inspection
D. Articulating paper
Ans A
!88. C(oose a statement t(at *orre*tly ,e)ines t(e term AMAL2AM>
A. Amalgam is a metallic powder composed o! silver" tin" copper and 0inc
B. Amalgam is an alloy o! two or more metals that have been dissolved in each
other in the molten state.
C. Amalgam is an alloy o! two or more metals" one o! them is mercury
D. Amalgam is a metallic substance in powder or tablet !rom that is mi(ed with
6. Amalgam is an alloy o! two or more metals" one o! them is tin
Ans C
!8:. At %(i*( an+le to t(e eternal sur)a*e o) &roimal *a1ity %alls s(oul, a *lass
II &re&aration )or amal+am 0e )inis(e,
A. An acute angle
B. An obtuse angle
C. A right angle
D. An angle o! ?&I
Ans C
!76. 4(i*( o) t(e )ollo%in+ is true re+ar,in+ &re&aration o) *ustom tray )or
elastomeri* im&ression>
A. Adhesive is pre!erred over per!oration
B. $er!oration provides ade;uate retention
C. Adhesive is applied immediately be!ore procedure
D. $er!orations are not made in the area over the prepared tooth
Ans A
!77. T(e $o1ea Palatinae are>
A. 8oramina covering the lesser palatine nerves and vessels
B. 3orphologically related to the !ormation o! the prema(illa
C. 5ocated on either sides o! the midline close to the =unction o! the hard and
so!t palate
D. Closely related to the rugae o! the palate
Ans C
!7;. 4(i*( o) t(e )ollo%in+ restoration material<s stren+t( is not e))e*te, 0y &ins>
A. Amalgam
B. Composite resin
Ans B
!;". 4(i*( one o) )ollo%in+ statement a0out O1er,enture is not *orre*t>
A. 7reater occlusal loads can be applied by the patient
B. Retention and stability are generally better than with conventional complete
C. Alveolar bone resorption is reduced
D. The retained roots are covered by the denture thus protecting them !rom
caries and periodontal diseases
Ans D
!;#. 4(i*( o) t(e )ollo%in+ is a maEor ,isa,1anta+e to imme,iate *om&lete
,enture t(era&y>
A. Trauma to e(traction site
B. -ncreased the potential o! in!ection
C. -mpossibility !or anterior try in
D. 6(cessive resorption o! residual ridge
Ans C
!;8. In re+ar, to t(e +lass o) 9uart@ &arti*les o) )illin+ restorati1e resin= t(e
mi*ro)ill resins ten, to (a1e'
A. A higher coe!!icient o! thermal e(pansion and a higher crashing strength
B. A higher coe!!icient o! thermal e(pansion and a lower crashing strength
C. A lower coe!!icient o! thermal e(pansion and a higher crashing strength
D. A lower coe!!icient o! thermal e(pansion and a lower crashing strength
Ans B
!;:. Mer*ury is ,an+erous %(en it turns into 1a&our )orm 0e*ause o)'
A. -t is accumulative and causes liver poison
B. -t is accumulative and causes #idney poison
C. -t induces neoplasia in the liver
D. -t is accumulative and causes brain poison
6. -t induces neoplasia in the brain
Ans D
!;7. T(e elasti* limit may 0e ,e)ine, as t(e AA'
A. The ma(imum stress under tension that can be induced without !ailure
B. The ma(imum elongation under tension that can be measured be!ore !ailure
C. The minimum stress re;uired to induce permanent de!ormation o! a structure
D. 3inimum stress in structure
6. 3a(imum strain that can be measured.
Ans C
!;;. Ran- t(e )ollo%in+ im&ressions materials a**or,in+ to t(eir )lei0ility
A. AlginateM $olysulphideM 1iliconeM ,inc *(ide 6ugenol
B. 1iliconeM AlginateM $olysulphideM ,inc *(ide 6ugenol
C. AlginateM $olysulphideM ,inc *(ide 6ugenolM1ilicone
D. AlginateM 1iliconeM $olysul!ideM ,inc *(ide 6ugenol
6. AlginateM ,inc *(ide 6ugenolM 1iliconeM $olysulphide
Ans A
."". Denture resins are usually a1aila0le as &o%,er an, li9ui, t(at are mie, to
)orm a &lasti* ,ou+(= t(e &o%,er is re)erre, to as'AA
A. -nitiator
B. $olymer
C. -nhibitor
D. 3onomer
6. Dimer
Ans B
."#. 4(i*( one o) t(e )ollo%in+ is t(e maEor ,isa,1anta+e o) stone ,ies use, )or
*ro%n )a0ri*ation'
A. They lac# accurate reproduction o! sur!ace details
B. Their overall dimensions are slightly smaller than the original impression
C. The strength o! the stone
D. The ha0ard o! aspiration o! to(ic materials during trimming o! the dies.
Ans A
."!. 2lass Ionomer Cement sets 0e*ause o)'AA
A. Acid+Base reaction
B. Addition polymerisation reaction
C. 7rowth o! glass crystals
D. 1lip plane loc#ing
6. 1olvent evaporation
Ans A
.".. T(e arti*ular sur)a*e o) t(e normal tem&oroman,i0ular Eoint are line, %it('
A. A specially adapted" highly !ibrous tissue
B. )yaline cartilage
C. Chondroitin+@+phosphate
D. )ighly vesiculated tissues
Ans A
.##. T(e most resistant )illin+ materials to )ill *lass IV *a1ities are>
A. Resins with silicone dio(ide G1i*H
B. Resins with glass or ;uart0
C. 1ilico+phosphate
D. 1ilicates
Ans B
.#!. 4it( ,entin 0on,in+ a+ent' you a&&ly>
A. 8irst acid etching to dentine and then bonding agent
B. Bonding agent directly to dentine
C. Chelating agent G6DTAH and bonding agent
Ans C
.!". 4(at is t(e )un*tion o) +y&sum?0in,er in t(e in1estment>AA
A. 1etting and hydroscopic
B. 1trength and rigidity
Ans B
.!6. 4(at )a*tor ,o you *onsi,er t(e most im&ortant %(en restorin+ t(e o**lusal
&art o) a toot(>
A. *cclusal anatomy
B. 8unction
Ans B
.!7. 4(i*( material is not *om&ati0le %it( *om&osite resin>
A. ,inc *(ide eugenol G,*6H
B. CaG*)H
C. Carbo(ylate
D. ,inc phosphate cement
Ans A
.!;. Toot( un,er o**lusal trauma may s(o%>
A. Bone resorption
B. Necrosis o! the pulp
C. )ypercementosis
D. Triangulation
6. All o! the above
Ans 6
..;. T(e 0est lo*ation o) &in in *lass II inlay is'
A. >here the biggest thic#ness is
B. 3esial and distal angle
C. Contact area
Ans A
.3". Class V *om&osite resin restorations *an 0e &olis(e,'
A. ? hours a!ter application
B. -mmediately a!ter application
C. A to ? days
D. A to ? wee#s
6. Not at all
Ans B
.3#. Caries %(i*( is *lose to t(e &ul& *(am0er= on rays you )in, F,ens in ,ente<=
t(e ri+(t treatment is>
A. ,inc o(ide eugenol cement and amalgam
B. $ulpectomy
C. $ulpotomy
D. Calcium hydro(ide on pulp and amalgam
Ans D
.3.. T(e main a,1anta+e o) amal+am %it( (i+( *ontent o) Cu is>
A. Better marginal sealing
B. 5ess corrosion
C. Better tensile strength
D. )igher and immediate compressive strength
Ans B
.33. T(e maEor ,isa,1anta+e o) sel)?t(rea,e, &ins is>
A. 8riction loc#ed
B. Too e(pensive
C. Not all si0es available
D. 3ay cause tooth crac#ing
Ans D
.36. In %(i*( *lass o) *a1ities ,o *om&osite restorations s(o% most ,ura0ility>
A. -
B. --
C. -2
D. ---
6. 2
Ans D
.38. Ho% mu*( s&a*e ,o you nee, to *a& a %ea-ene, *us& %it( amal+am>
A. %mm
B. %.&mm
C. mm
D. .&mm
Ans C
.3:. B&&er )irst &remolar %it( MO *a1ity= %(at is im&ortant a0out t(e a&&li*ation
o) t(e matri 0an, Ct(e 9uestion (as also s(o%n too as G.4(at is
*om&li*ate, 0yD>
A. The mesial concavity o! the root sur!ace
B. 1mall lingual pulp
C. )igh buccal pulp horn
D. )igh lingual pulp horn
6. Concavity o! distal root sur!ace
Ans A
.37. Et*(in+ te*(ni9ues are use, al%ays to>
A. minimise the lea#age o! restorations
B. !or aesthetic considerations
Ans A
.6!. 4(y *an Class IV +ol, not 0e use, in *a1ity as a )illin+ material>
A. Can not be polished Cburnished'
B. The corrosive properties
Ans A
.66. In re+ar, to in,ire*t *om&are, to ,ire*t %a te*(ni9ue' %(at *(ara*teristi*s
must t(e %a (a1e>AA
A. 5ow temperature solidi!ying point
B. )ard in room temperature
C. )igher !low in room temperature
Ans B
.68. I) amal+am +ets *ontaminate, %it( moisture' t(e most un*ommon result is>AA
A. Blister !ormation
B. $ost operative pain
C. 1econdary caries
D. 5ower compressive strength
Ans A
Answer should be blister !ormationNN..this is the most uncommon result
3"#. 4(i*( o) t(e )ollo%in+ (as t(e (i+(est su*rose *ontent>
A. -ce cream
B. Canned =uice
C. Cough syrups
D. Brea#!ast cereal
6. 1weet potato
Ans C
3##. Ho% *an you im&ro1e t(e a,(esion o) a )issure sealant>
A. Acid etching techni;ue
3#!. T(e a,1anta+e o) usin+ ,ental )loss o1er ru00er &oint inter,entally>
A. Remove pla;ue and debris in interpro(imal sur!aces
B. $olish
C. 3assage o! the interdental papillae
D. Aid and recognise subgingivally
Ans A
3#.. A)ter &ro&(yla*ti* treatment' you ,e*i,e to *(an+e t(e )lora to a non?
a*i,o+eni* 0y *(an+in+ t(e ,iet. Ho% lon+ ,oes it ta-e to a*(ie1e t(is *(an+e>
A. 8ew wee#s
B. 1everal months or longer
3#3. 4(i*( one o) t(e )ollo%in+ is a non?*alorie s%eetener>
A. 3annitol
B. 1accharin
C. Oylitol
Ans C
3... 4(at is t(e MOST im&ortant role o) sali1a in &re1entin+ ,ental *aries>
A. Bu!!ering action
3.3. A &atient *omes %it( a la*to0a*illus o) more t(an #""'""" ? %(at is your
A. Reduce sugar in diet
3.6. T(e MOST *ario+eni* su+ar is>
A. 1ucrose
383. Pin Restoration %it( %(i*( material (as t(e 0est retention>
A. Amalgam
B. 7old inlay
C. Composite
D. 7lass -onomer
Ans A
387. 4(i*( im&ression material s(oul, NOT 0e -e&t in %ater %it(in on (our> Cin
anot(er &a&er it %as> ." mins 0e)ore &ourin+D
A. $olyether
B. Condensation silicone
C. $olyvinyl silicone
Ans A
38;. Hi+( *o&&er amal+am lasts lon+er t(an lo% *o&&er amal+am 0e*ause o)>AA
A. -ncreased compressive strength
B. -ncreased corrosion resistance
C. )igh creep
D. -ncreased tensile strength
6. Decreased setting e(pansion
Ans B
3:". Porosity in a*ryli* ,entures is *ause, 0y'
A. Contraction porosity in thic#est point o! the denture
B. -nsu!!icient pressure during !las#ing
Ans B
3:3. 4(y %oul, you *ast +ol, in (ot moul,>AA
A. To compensate !or the e(pansion o! investment.
3:6. I) tem&orary *ementation is re9uire,' %(i*( *ement %ill you use>
A. ,*6
B. ,inc $olycarbo(ylate
C. 7-C
Ans A
3:;. 4(i*( *ement is less solu0le in t(e oral *a1ity>
A. $olycarbo(ylate
B. ,inc phosphate
C. 1ilicate phosphate
D. 7-C
Ans D
37". A &atient %it( reasona0le oral (y+iene (as a small &roimal *aries on t(e
&remolar. T(e &atient re9uests an aest(eti* )illin+. Your &re&aration %ill 0e>
A. 1ame as amalgam with cavo+sur!ace bevels
B. $ro(imal caries removal with occlusal E gingival bevels
Ans B
3;". 4(i*( o) t(e )ollo%in+ is t(e most si+ni)i*ant )a*tor re+ar,in+ )iller in
*om&osite )or in*rease, stren+t(>
A. $article si0e %+A micron
B. 1ub micron si0ed particles
C. )igh concentration o! the !iller particles
Ans C
3;#. A &atient (as a small in*isal )ra*ture o) t(e maillary in*isor. 4(i*( is t(e
0est material to resist )ra*ture at t(e a*i, et*(e, toot( *om&osite inter)a*e>
A. 3icro+!illed composite
B. )ybrid composite
C. 7-C
D. 1ilicate
Ans B
3;:. T(e 0est met(o, o) *leanin+ an, toilet *a1ity>
A. Alcohol
B. Citric acid
C. >ater
D. *rganic acid
Ans C
6.8. T(e &ul&al )loor o) t(e Class II *a1ity )or a man,i0ular )irst &remolar s(oul,
A. $arallel to occlusal plane
B. $erpendicular to long a(is
C. Tilted lingually
Ans C
6.:. Mar+inal lea-a+e at t(e &roimal +in+i1al *a1osur)a*e o) a re*ently restore,
*lass II *an 0e *ause, 0y>
-. -nsu!!icient condensation
--. 8irst pro(imal increment was too large
---. Neglecting to wedge the matri(
-2. )and manipulation instead o! mechanical
2. Debris contamination
A. -" --" ---
B. --" ---" -2
C. -" --" 2
D. None o! the above
6. All o! the above
Ans C
6.7. 4(at is t(e ,an+er o) usin+ air as a *ooler ,urin+ *a1ity *uttin+>
A. )ypersensitivity
B. *dontoblast is drawn into the tubule
Ans B
63:. Sel) &olymerisin+ a*ryli* resins ,i))er )rom (eat *ure, resins 0e*ause t(ey
A. )igher molecules weight
B. )igher content o! residual monomers
Ans B
63;. T(e *ontra*tion C2aseousD &orosity in inlays is relate, to>AA
A. *verheating o! the alloy
B. 3olten gases
C. Diameter o! the sprue
D. *verheating o! investment
Ans B
66". 4(ere %oul, you e&e*t to )in, t(e Mylo(yoi, in relation to &eri&(ery o)
*om&lete ,enture>
A. 3andibular buccal in the midline
B. 3andibular lingual in the midline
C. 3andibular disto buccal area
Ans B
66#. Class V lesions may ori+inate>
A. -n lingual pits
B. -n buccal !issures
C. $oor oral hygiene
Ans C
66!. Retention )or o**lusal amal+am *a1ities in &remolars is /EST &ro1i,e, 0y
A. 1lightly undercutting o! walls with inversed cone bur
B. 3esial and distal undercuts
C. Buccal and lingual undercuts
Ans C
667. Denture (y&er&lasia is +enerally attri0ute, to>
A. $oor oral hygiene
B. Denture movement
Ans B
66;. In *om&lete ,entures' *(ee- 0itin+ is most li-ely a result o)>
A. Reduced *ver=et o! posterior teeth
B. -ncreased vertical dimension
C. Teeth have large cusp inclines
Ans A
68". Restin+ )a*e (ei+(t in e,entulous &atients>
A. Decreases when head is tilted bac#
B. -ncreases when lower denture is inserted
C. Does not change over time
Ans C
68#. Ala?Tra+al line is>AA
A. The line running !rom the tragus o! the nose to ala o! the ear
B. A guide used to orient the occlusal plane
C. $arallel to 8ran#!urt hori0ontal plane
D. A guide to the occluding !ace height in complete denture.
Ans B
68!. De*ision to em&loy *us&e, or %it(out *us&s teet( is in)luen*e, 0y>AA
A. Reverse *ver=et
B. T3P problems
C. Cranio mandibular s#eletal relationship
Ans B
686. 4(at is an im&ortant re9uisite )or )illers in ,ental *om&osite restorati1e resins
in loa, 0earin+ areas>
A. 1ub micro si0ed particles
B. )igh coe!!icient o! thermal e(pansion
C. )igh in content G)igh !illerH
Ans C
688. Sensiti1ity to (ot an, *ol, )oo,s soon a)ter *a1ity &re&aration an, &la*ement
o) 2IC an, *om&osite resin in an u&&er in*isor toot( is ,ue to>
A. 3echanical trauma due to cavity preparation
B. Chemical
C. )eat !rom 7-C settings
Ans A
6:#. In re+ar, to C(lor(ei,ine mout( %as(>AA
A. -s anionic
B. Lsed in :.:< concentration
C. Lsed in :.%< concentration
D. $enetrates the gingival crevice9poc#et
Ans B
6:;. A &atient is resistant to *aries 0ut (as a &erio,ontal ,isease. In t(is *ase'
su*rose in ,iet is im&ortant 0e*ause>
A. 1ucrose is greatly involved in pla;ue development
B. 1. mutans produces 5evans !rictions which are used by periodontal
C. The streptococcus mutans cannot survive with a continual supply o! sucrose
D. 6(isting pla;ue must continue to get sucrose in order to grow
Ans A
67". Cario+eni*ity o) Stre&to*o**us mutans is 0e*ause o) t(e &ro,u*tion o)>
A. 7lucans
B. 5evans
C. 8ructans
D. 1ucrose
Ans A
6;3. In *lass II &re&aration it is ,i))i*ult to &la*e t(e +in+i1al seat %(en
&re&aration is eten,e, too +in+i1ally 0e*ause t(e>
A. 6namel rods are directed occlusally
B. 3ar#ed cervical constriction
Ans B
8#:. 4(at is %ron+ in re+ar, to C%ater Eet s&rayD (y,rot(era&y>
A. Does not harm gingivae
B. Removes pla;ue
C. Removes re;uired pellicle
8:7. In )ull ,entures &orosity in t(e most t(i*-est area is ,ue to>AA
A. 7aseous porosity
B. 1hrin#age porosity
Ans A
8:;. T(e most *ommon *ause o) )ra*ture at t(e ist(mus o) *lass II ,ental amal+am
restoration is>
A. Delayed e(pansion
B. -nade;uate depth at the isthmus area
C. -nade;uate width at the isthmus area
D. 3oisture contamination o! the amalgam during placement
Ans C
:!3. Class III *a1ity is >
A. $ro(imal cavity slightly gingival to the contact area
:!6. Terminal Hin+e Ais *an 0e o0taine, 0y>
A. 8ace bow
B. Qinematic !ace bow
C. Articulator
Ans B
:.7. Com&are, to ,ental &laster all ,ie stones>
A. Re;uire less gauging water
B. Re;uire more gauging water
C. Re;uire the same ;uantity o! gauging water
D. Are beta+hemihydrate
6. None o! the above
Ans A
:.;. T(e MOST e))e*ti1e manner to &ro,u*e a (ar, sur)a*e on a *ast is 0y>
A. 6mploy as much water as possible on mi(ing
B. 6mploy as little water as possible on mi(ing
C. Adding < o! bora( to the mi(
D. Adding calcium tetraborate
6. None o! the above
Ans B
:3". 4(en ,ry *ast is immerse, in %ater saturate, %it( *al*ium sul&(ate>AA
A. There is contraction
B. There is negligible e(pansion
C. There is de!inite e(pansion
D. There is no change
6. None o! the above
Ans B
:3#. $usion tem&erature o) im&ression *om&oun, s(oul, o**ur>
A. Below mouth temperature
B. Above mouth temperature
C. As o! the s#in temperature
D. At the room temperature
6. None o! the above
Ans B
:3!. T(e )lo% o) t(e )ollo%in+ &er*enta+e is allo%a0le )or im&ression *om&oun,
Cty&e ID at t(e oral tem& o) .:H
A. @<
B. %:<
C. <
D. :<
6. None o! the above
Ans A
:3.. T(e ,isa,1anta+e o) (eatin+ t(e im&ression *om&oun, in a %ater 0at( is>
A. -t may become brittle
B. -t may become grainy
C. 5ower moles with constituents are leached out
D. The plasticity o! the compound may be altered
6. All o! the above
Ans 6
:33. 2enerally t(ere is 5555 @in* oi,e eu+enol im&ression &astes 0et%een )lo%
A. >or#ing time
B. Accelerator
C. 1etting time
D. Composition
6. None o! the above
:36. Dental im&ression materials are (y,ro*olloi,s o)>
A. The emulsoid type
B. The suspension type
C. The sol type
D. The gel type
6. None o! the above
Ans A
:38. Elastomers are>AA
A. )ydrophilic
B. )ydrophobic
C. >ater+loving impression material
D. $otassium alginates
6. None o! the above
Ans B
:3:. T(e &olysul)i,e ru00er im&ression materials are>
A. Not sensitive to temperature when curing
B. Fuite sensitive to temperature when curing
C. 5ess sensitive to temperature than silicone rubber
D. The same sensitivity to temperature as silicone rubber
6. None o! the above
Ans B
:37. T(e elasti* &ro&erties o) ru00er im&ression materials>
A. -mproves with time
B. Deteriorates with time
C. Deteriorates when e(posed to temperature
D. -mproves when e(posed to temperature
6. None o! the above
Ans A
:3;. T(e e))e*t o) t(e tem&erature risin+ a0o1e #""HC on (eat?*ure, ,enture?0ase
a*ryli* resins is>
A. $roduces porosity on the e(ternal portion o! the resin.
B. $roduces porosity on the internal portion o! the resin.
C. $roduces porosity on the sur!ace o! the resin.
D. $revents porosity on the interior o! the resin
Ans B
:6". T(e &rin*i&le *ause o) )ailure o) amal+am restoration is>
A. -mproperly prepared amalgam
B. -mproper cavity preparation
C. $erio involvement
D. $articles o! amalgam
6. None o! the above
Ans B
:6#. Re,u*e, o**lusal area means>
A. 3ore !racture potential !or amalgam
B. 5ess !racture potential !or amalgam
C. $ulpal involvement
D. $erio involvement
6. None o! the above
Ans B
:6!. T(e less mer*ury remainin+ in *on,ense, amal+am>
A. The stronger the restoration which contains !ewer matri( alloys and !ewer
B. The wea#er the restoration
C. The more matri( alloys
D. The more voids
6. None o! the above
Ans A
:6.. Hi+( *o&&er amal+ams are su&erior i)>
A. Copper is available !or a secondary reaction
B. Copper is not available !or a secondary reaction
C. Copper is burnished
D. Copper is !ractured
6. None o! the above
Ans A
:63. Con*ernin+ *on,ensation o) restorati1e +ol,>
A. -t may vary widely and has no in!luence on the !inal restoration
B. The degassing procedure is not important
C. -t is the Achilles heel o! direct gold restoration
D. Clinical tech are more important than the physical properties o! restorative
6. All o! the above
:68. A*i, *on,itionin+ o) enamel an, ero,e, ,entine>
A. $rovides an none traumatic" conservative clinical approach to the bonding o!
restorative material
B. -s a traumatic approach to bonding materials
C. -s not a sa!e and simple method o! bonding
D. Bonding !ails to produce a highly signi!icant retention and good marginal
integrity and clinical durability
6. None o! the above
Ans A
:6:. T(e e))e*ti1eness o) t(e a*i, et*( is ,e&en,ent on %(i*( o) t(e )ollo%in+
A. 3aterial must be used to clean the sur!ace o! the tooth prior to etching
B. The e!!ectiveness o! the itchant
C. The chemical and physical nature o! the tooth
D. The area and sur!ace o! the enamel to be itched
Ans C
:67. Cree& in amal+am is t(e +reatest in>
A. 5ow copper lathe cut alloy
::3. 4(en a,(esi1e is use, %it( a &olysul&(i,e im&ression material>
A. 1hould be thin and dry
::6. 4(en a &ro0e &enetrates 0et%een toot( an, amal+am>
A. -t is not always an indication o! caries
::8. Re1ersi0le (y,ro*olloi, im&ression materiasl in *om&arison to al+inate are>
A. Better !or undercuts areas
::;. T(e Initiation o) t(e *urin+ &ro*ess in sel) *ure a*ryli* resins is a*(ie1e,
A. Ben0yl pero(ide
:;#. 4(i*( o) t(e )ollo%in+ 2ol, *astin+ alloys are a1aila0le>
A. 3edium alloy CType --'
B. )ard alloy CType ---'
C. 6(tra )ard alloy CType -2'
D. All o! the above
Ans D
7#!. T(e )un*tion o) 1arnis(>
A. To reduce initial marginal lea#age C1hort+term lea#age'
B. To prevent long term lea#age
Ans A
7#3. T(e out*ome o) ra&i, %a 0urn out is>
A. Crac#ing o! the investment
B. Bac# pressure porosityR
Ans A
7#6. T(e MAIN &ur&ose o) 0urnis(in+ is>
A. To help eliminating e(cess mercury
B. To condense margins
C. $olishing o! !illing
Ans B
7#8. 4(at (a&&ens to et*(e, *om&osite resins a)ter settin+>
A. 6(pand
B. Contract
C. Contract and e(pand
D. 6(pand and contract
Ans B
7!!. 4(i*( *om&osite is use, in loa, 0earin+ areas>AA
A. )ybrid composite
B. 3icro !illed composite
Ans A
7!;. 4(at is t(e )un*tion o) )lu>
A. To protect alloy !rom o(idation" and distribute metallic o(ides as they are
7.". 4(at is TRBE>
A. Boiling point o! acrylic acid M boiling point o! water
B. Boiling point o! acrylic acid is similar to that o! water
C. Boiling point o! acrylic acid S boiling point o! water
Ans A %::.B degree celcius
7.#. Por*elain 0on,e, to metal is stron+est>
A. -n compression
B. -n tension
Ans A
737. T(e MOST )re9uently synt(esi@e, su0stan*e 0y Stre&to*o**us mutans is>
A. 5iven
B. 8ructose
C. 7lucan
D. 7lycogen
Ans C
76:. 4(at is t(e ran+e o) t(e 1isi0le li+(t *ure 0eam>
A. %::+%: nm
B. ::+A:: nm
C. ?::+?A: nm
D. ?J: nm or ?&:+&:: nm
Ans D Blue light 4 ?@B nm
767. 4(en is a +in+i1al +roo1e LEAST re9uire,>
A. >hen restoring with 7-C !or abrasion
B. >hen restoring with 7-C !or root caries
C. >hen restoring with 7-C base and composite lamination
D. >hen restoring with amalgam
Ans C
76;. Corrosion an, ,is*olouration o) amal+am restorations is usually *ause, 0y>
A. 1ulphur o(ides
B. *(ygen
C. Chlorides
D. *ver trituration
Ans A
78". 4(en you )in, ,it*(in+ in an amal+am )illin+ you %oul,>
A. Replace the de!ective !iling
B. Repair de!ect with un!illed resins
Ans A
786. 4(y ,o you it*( enamel )or *om&osite restorations>
A. To increase sur!ace area
B. To decrease sur!ace area
C. Does not really change the sur!ace area
D. -ncrease the chemical bonding capability
6. Decrease the chemical bonding capability
Ans A
78:. 4(i*( o) t(e )ollo%in+ %ill NOT 0e use, in t(e ,etermination o) 1erti*al
A. Aesthetic
B. $honetics
C. 7othic arch tracing
D. 1wallowing
Ans C
787. Iin* oi,e im&ression material>
A. 3ay cause irritation to mucosa
B. -s a thermoplastic material
Ans A
7:#. 4(y ,o you o1er&a*- amal+am>
A. To ensure e(cess mercury reaches the sur!ace
7:!. A lateral in*isor la0ial to t(e ar*( nee,s to 0e restore, in normal ali+nment
%it( P$M retra*tion. Ho% %ill t(e toot( a&&ear>
A. Too wide
B. Too short
C. To narrow
D. To long
Ans C
7:.. 4(i*( o) t(e )ollo%in+ *us&s is more &rone to *ra*->
A. Buccal o! lower molars
B. 5ingual o! lower molars
C. 5ingual o! upper molars
D. Buccal o! upper molars
Ans B
7:7. An irre+ular s(a&e, 1oi, on t(e sur)a*e o) a +ol, *ast %oul, in,i*ate t(at>
A. A !ragment o! investment had been carried into the mould
B. Air carried into mould
C. Burning out o! wa( was inade;uate
D. The powder9water ratio !or the investment was too high
Ans A
77". 4(at e))e*t ,o )issure sealants (a1e on *aries &ro+ression>
A. Reduce new caries and hamper the progress o! !reshly established caries
B. Reduce new caries and hamper the progress o! e(isting caries
Ans A
776. In re+ar, to mar+inal lea-a+e in amal+am>
A. The wider the gap the better the chance o! secondary caries
B. 1eal the margin with !issure sealant would prevent !urther brea#down
C. 1econdary caries may develop
Ans A
778. Pit an, )issure *aries start at>
A. bottom o! the !issure
B. walls o! the !issure
Ans B
77:. 4(at inter)eres %it( a maillary ,enture in t(e &osterior 1esti0ular )ol,>
A. Coronoid process
B. Condyle
C. 3asseter muscle
Ans A
77;. Ho% lon+ s(oul, a*ryli* sel)?*ure s&e*ial trays 0een ma,e &rior to ta-in+
A. % hrs
B. -mmediately a!ter !abricating it
C. A!ter been le!t in water !or an hour
D. >ait !or an hour be!ore pouring
Ans A
7;". T(e MAIN CABSE o) +in+i1itis in &artial?,enture &atients is>
A. $lacement o! dentures
B. $la;ue accumulation
Ans B
7;8. 4(i*( o) t(e )ollo%in+ is t(e MOST a&&ro&riate relate, to (ar,ness>
A. Tungsten carbideM$orcelainM)uman enamelMacrylic
B. $orcelainM6namelMTungsten carbideMamalgamMacrylic
C. $orcelainM6namelMTungsten CarbideMAmalgamMAcrylic
Ans A
7;:. Ho% mu*( %oul, you re,u*e a *us& to 0e re&la*e, %it( amal+am onlay>
A. mm to achieve a good retention !orm
B. mm to achieve a good resistance !orm
C. %mm
Ans B
;"#. To in*rease t(e settin+ time o) &(os&(ate *ements you %oul,>
A. Lse a cold glass slab
;.!. Elasti*ity o) im&ression material %ill lea, to i,eally>
A. $revent distortion when impression is removed out o! the mouth
;... A &atient (as 0een *omin+ to your *lini* )or se1eral times *om&lainin+ a0out
soreness un,er t(e ,enture' %(at %oul, you ,o>
A. Chec# occlusion o! lower buccal cusps
;.3. 4(at is t(e ,i))eren*e 0et%een ar*on an, non ar*on arti*ulator>
A. -n arcon the condylar element is in the lower compartment
;37. A 1ital toot( (as a *ro%n *emente, to a &in?retaine, amal+am *ore= %(ere
,oes a )ailure o**ur>
A. Between crown and cement
B. Between core and cement
C. -n the crown and the root
D. -n the core and the margin preparation
Ans B
;68. T(e rou+(est sur)a*e on *ut toot( stru*ture>
A. Cross cut !issures at ultra speed
The runout can never be less than the concentricity" and it is usually substantially greater.
Runout is the more signi!icant term clinically because it is the primary cause o! vibration
during cutting and is the !actor that determines the minimum diameter o! the hole that can
be prepared by a given bur. Because o! runout errors" burs normally cut holes measurably
larger than the head diameter.
;6:. T(e num0er o) ,ama+e, +in+i1al tissues a)ter &la*in+ ru00er ,am is +reater
A. The distance between holes is too big
B. The distance between holes is too small
C. The punctured holes are too big in si0e
D. Not using lubricant when placing rubber dams
Ans B
;7:. In a &osterior 1ital molar %it( a *ore t(e 0est material to restore is>
A. Amalgam
B. Composite resin
C. 7-C
Ans A
;;". Iin*oi,e?eu+enol im&ression &aste>
A. Can not be used in areas with undercuts
;;#. 4(en restorin+ %it( *om&osite resins' %(y ,o %e ,o t(e *a1o sur)a*e
A. Aesthetic
;;6. 4(en &re&arin+ a *lass II *a1ity' you noti*e a (ar, ,ar- 0ro%n s&ot on t(e
a,Ea*ent toot( Eust 0elo% t(e *onta*t &oint. T(is is MOST LIJELY
A. Demineralised enamel
;;:. In *a1ity &re&aration #mm 0elo% DEK %(at is seen>
A. 3ore dentinal tubules" some intertubular and peritubular
B. 1ome dentinal tubules" more intertubular and less peritubular
C. 3ore peritubular" some intertubular and dentinal tubular
D. 6;ual amount o! dentinal tubules" intertubular and peritubular
Ans B
#""". A %ell *onstru*te, *om&lete ,enture>
A. Needs little maintenance
B. Needs less than a wee# !or ad=ustment and total success
C. )as adverse e!!ects and decreases taste sensations
Ans C
#""#. To &re1ent *er1i*al resor&tion ,e)e*ts )ollo%in+ internal 0lea*(in+>
A. Remove 7utta $ercha at least mm below C6P or above the crest o! alveolar
bone and isolate.
#""!. 4(i*( mus*le a*ts on t(e ,isto?lin+ual *ontour o) lo%er ,enture>
A. 3entalis
B. 3asseter
C. 3ylohyoid
D. Buccinator
Ans C
#""8. On eamination o) a *om&osite restoration you )in, a ,ar- stain>
A. Replace the composite
B. Repair with un!illed resin
C. Apply topical !luoride at the margin
Ans A
#"":. O**asional sensiti1ity in a s(allo% *lass I amal+am restoration a)ter t%o ,ays
%oul, 0e mana+e, 0y>
A. Replace old !iling immediately
B. *(ide ,inc and eugenol
C. Lsing thic#er mi( o! cements
D. Tell patient the discom!ort will disappear a!ter ? t o@ wee#s
6. 5edermi(
Ans D
#"#!. Attrition in el,erly' %(y ,o teet( maintain *onta*t>
A. Building bone around the !undus o! alveolar bone and deposition o!
B. -ncreased interocclusal distance
C. 8ormation o! dentine
Ans A
#"!". 4(y is t(e )re9uen*y o) *ar0o(y,rate inta-e more im&ortant t(an t(e
A. 5ow number o! streptococcus mutans
B. )etero !ormation is better at low sugar concentration
C. )omo !ormation is better at high sugar inta#e
D. Restricted di!!usion o! acid through pla;ue
Ans D
#"3;. T(e (amular not*( is im&ortant in )ull ,enture *onstru*tion 0e*ause it ai,s in
t(e settin+ &osition o) t(e arti)i*ial teet(
A. 8irst statement is true" but the reason given is !alse
B. Both statements are true
C. Both statements are untrue
Ans A
#"6". 4(en settin+ u& teet( )or *om&lete ,entures (a1in+ 0ilateral 0alan*e,
o**lusion' se&aration o) &osterior teet( ,urin+ &rotrusion is ,one 0y>
A. -ncreasing the anterior posterior occlusal curve
B. Decreasing the angle orientation o! the occlusal plane
Ans A
#"6#. 4(en &atient 0ites in &rotrusion %it( *om&lete ,entures you noti*e t(at t(e
&osterior teet( ,o not meet' %(at %oul, you ,o to sol1e t(is>
A. -ncrease the compensatory curve
B. Decrease the angle o! the occlusal plane
Ans A
#"6!. T(e MOST *ommon reason )or )ull ,enture )ailure>
A. -nade;uate interocclusal clearance
#"6:. 4(at ,oes LSYNERESISM in &rost(o,onti*s mean>
A. 5oss o! water and contraction
#"67. 4(y %oul, you in1est t(e %a &attern as soon as &ossi0le in an in,ire*t inlay
A. 3inimise distortion
B. Avoid contraction
C. Avoid e(pansion
Ans A

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