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I'm coining a term- from now on I"m gonna call people like Neil DeGrasse Tyson "

smart idiots". They're people with high IQs who have a lot of knowledge in one
specific field but are really arrogant and think their knowledge and intelligenc
e can be applied to many other fields they know nothing about. Also, they've be
come puffed up and big-headed by various things like a cult-like group of follow
ers, recognition from the media, or their own insecurity or narcissism, and they
think everything they say is right no matter what, and therefore can't admit wh
en they're wrong or make mistakes. This causes them to do intellectual somersau
lts and twists and turns to try to maintain the level of perceived infallibility
they have with their fans and supporters, and leads them to say illogical and d
ownright ridiculous things when defending themselves from legitimate criticism.
So they're smart when it comes to their area of expertise, but they're blinded
by their arrogance and being surrounded by people who think like them and agree
with them on everything, and this causes them to say idiotic things . . .like th
is .
. .
fy-blatant-quote-fabrication/ . . .Maybe if he actually spent some time around p
eople who don't just worship him and tell him how he's so right and instead offe
r a different perspective, these mistakes would've been pointed out to him soone
r and he wouldn't look so bad after it all blew up in his face many years later
. ..
The situation with DeGrasse Tyson illuminates the hypocrisy of atheist l
iberals who claim that anyone who has faith in a higher power to the point of be
lieving that power is infallible is stupid and ignorant, yet this is exactly wha
t they do with scientists and celebrities who agree with them on the issues they
deem important. They just replace Jesus with their favorite scientists, celebr
ity, or liberal politician, but the faith they have in those people is similar t
o the faith religious people have in Jesus. Liberals believe their heroes are i
nfallible and all-knowing and worship them because they inspire them and give th
em a sense of purpose in their life, which is mainly to reinforce their belief t
hat their is no God and that everyone who thinks their is is dumb or ignorant.
They don't realize that they've just replaced God with science and these heroes
of theirs. It takes as much faith to believe that science has all the answers a
s it does to believe that God has all the answers. The only difference between
people of true faith and atheist liberals is that the atheists aren't honest eno
ugh with themselves and others to admit that they've simply chosen to put their
faith in something or someone other than the supernatural, and worship those thi
ngs or people instead. I think deep down they know, at least some of them, that
if they admitted that they'd soon realize they're not all that different from C
hristians, cause we're all trying to fill the deep-seated need in our hearts and
souls for meaning and purpose in life, a reason for living. Christians call th
is the God-shaped hole in all of us and believe God put it there on purpose so t
hat we'd spend our lives searching for Him and filling that hole with His presen
ce. Atheists simply refuse to recognize this need and dishonestly claim it's ju
st biology and our brains telling us what we wanna hear. The biggest problem wi
th atheism is that it fails to answer the big whys of life- why are we here, wh
y is there suffering in the world, why should we do good things for people who w
on't necessarily do them in return for us? Atheism provides not a single answer
to any of these questions, and atheists seem to be ok with that on the surface,
but I think many of them either haven't thought about it much or haven't reache
d the breaking point in their life and had their beliefs tested, or they're in d
enial and just ignore the logical conclusions one has to reach when asking these
questions. Christianity on the other hand, provides answers for all these ques
tions. Now of course atheists would say they're silly answers without any proof
to back them up, but even if you give them that, they would have to admit that
they are answers, answers that give people a reason to do good things, overcome
suffering, and find purpose in their life.

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