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I, (Name) _________________________________________ have neither received nor given help

BMB 401/506-Fall 2008

Exam 3 Form 2
Thursday November 6 2008
!ur"#$ %h"s exam you should #o% be "# &ossess"o# o'
a#y ele(%ro#"( e)u"&me#% *bee&er (ellular &ho#e
ear&ho#e "+ods (al(ula%ors e%(,- boo.s a#d &a&ers
o%her %ha# %he %es%, +lease &la(e all %hese ma%er"als "#
your boo. ba$ *a'%er you %ur# %hem o''//- a#d &la(e
%he ba$ a$a"#s% %he 0all o' %he room,
T1E2E 34E 2T3N!34! 3N25E4 M67T8+7E
91:89E ;6E2T8:N2, T1E +:228B7E 3N25E42
34E 73BE7E! 3 B 9 ! 3N! E, 2E7E9T T1E
28N<7E BE2T 3N25E4 3N! M34= T1E
3++4:+483TE 98497E :N T1E 293NT4:N
3N25E4 21EET, Bubble "# your #ame 'orm> a#d
8!> *9> &lease- a#d 0r"%e your sea% #umber, There are
38 )ues%"o#s, ?ou 0"ll re(e"ve 'ull (red"% 'or 36 (orre(%
1. The conversion of L-3-hydroyacyl !o" to 3-#etoacyl
!o" (a$ove fig%re) is an eample of &hat type of
chemical reaction'
". (ehydration
). Isomeri*ation
!. +idation
(. ,ed%ction
-. Thiolysis
.. (%ring fatty acid synthesis, fatty acyl chains are lin#ed to
acyl carrier protein via/
". "s ester lin#age
). "n amide lin#age
!. " thioester lin#age
(. -lectrostatic interactions
-. 0ydrogen $onding
3. There are t&o nitrogen atoms eliminated from the h%man
$ody in the %rea molec%le. +ne of these comes from
ammoni%m ion thro%gh car$amoylphosphate. 1hat
compo%nd $rings the other nitrogen directly to the %rea
". "spartate
). "sparagine
!. 2l%tamate
(. 3ethionine
-. "lanine
4. 1hich +N- of the follo&ing statements a$o%t the
synthesis of car$amoylphosphate $y car$amoylphosphate
synthetase is IN!+,,-!T'
". The en*yme cataly*es the rate-limiting reaction in the
%rea synthesis
). The reaction is allosterically activated $y N-acetyl
!. The reaction is reversi$le
(. The reaction incorporates !+. into
-. The reaction re5%ires t&o high energy phosphates for
each car$amoylphosphate synthesi*ed
6. 1hich statement $est descri$es the fate of propionyl !o"
in mammalian tiss%es'
". It is converted to acetyl !o"
). It condenses &ith acetyl !o" to form a five car$on
prec%rsor of a T!" cycle intermediate
!. It is meta$oli*ed $y a reaction se5%ence involving the
participation of vitamin )1. and a $iotin-containing
(. It is oidi*ed to malonate 7 !o"
-. Its methyl gro%p is transferred to 8-adenosyl-
homocysteine to form 8-adenosylmethionine
9. 1hich one of the follo&ing phrases IN!+,,-!TL:
descri$es ins%lin'
". It is synthesi*ed as a preprohormone
). Its receptor possesses its o&n #inase activity
!. It inhi$its glycogen synthesis
(. It is classified as a polypeptide-type hormone
-. It is secreted $y the pancreas
;. 1hat is the difference $et&een pepsin and pepsinogen'
". +ne contains a cofactor re5%ired for catalysis, &hile
the other does not
). +ne contains an additional N-terminal segment (pro-
domain), &hile the other does not
!. +ne initiates the digestion of triacylglycerols, &hile
the other does not
(. There is no difference< these are t&o different names
for an other&ise identical en*yme
=. 1hich of the follo&ing compo%nd(s) is>are N+T essential
&ith respect to the diet'
". !holesterol
). Linoleic acid
!. Linolenic acid
(. ?itamin -
-. "ll of the a$ove are essential
)3) 4@1 A.@@= (epartment of )iochemistry B 3olec%lar )iology, Cniversity of 3iami, reprod%ction prohi$ited. Dage 1 of 4
I, (Name) _________________________________________ have neither received nor given help
E. Cncontrolled dia$etes mellit%s can res%lt in the formation
of ecess #etone $odies $eca%se +N- of the compo%nds
sho&n $elo& is N+T present to r%n the citric acid cycle.
". +aloacetate
). "cetyl !o"
!. "cetoacetyl !o"
(. 3-hydroy-3-methyl-gl%taryl !o" (032-!o")
-. Dropionyl !o"
1@. 1hich +N- of the follo&ing compo%nds is an
intermediate in the synthesis of $oth #etone $odies and
". "cetoacetyl-!o"
). Farnesyl pyrophosphate
!. 3alonyl !o"
(. 3evalonic acid
-. G-0ydroy$%tyrate
11. The a$sence of &hich +N- of the follo&ing en*ymes
acco%nts for the ina$ility of glycogen in s#eletal m%scle
to serve as a direct so%rce of $lood gl%cose.
". 2lycogen phosphorylase
). 2l%cose-9-phosphate dehydrogenase
!. 0eo#inase
(. 2l%cose-9-phosphatase
-. 2lycogen synthase
1.. +ne of the follo&ing is al&ays re5%ired $y the central
nervo%s system, $%t is N+T essential in the diet. 1hich
". 2l%cose
). Tyrosine
!. "cetoacetate
(. "rachidonic acid
-. Triacylglycerol
13. !holesterol and cholesterol esters are transported from
peripheral tiss%es to the liver $y &hich one of the
follo&ing lipoprotein particles'
". !hylomicrons
). 8er%m al$%min
!. 0igh density lipoproteins
(. Lo& density lipoproteins
-. ?ery lo& density lipoproteins
14. 1hich of the follo&ing is N+T an eample of reversi$le
reg%lation of en*ymatic activity'
". !onversion of pro-elastase to elastase
). Inhi$ition $y an %ncompetitive en*yme inhi$itor
!. (ephosphorylation of glycogen phosphorylase
(. "llosteric reg%lation of pyr%vate #inase $y fr%ctose
-. !ompetitive $inding of a s%$strate analog inhi$itory
16. 1hat #ind of inhi$itor is aspirin'
". !ompetitive
). Noncompetitive
!. Cncompetitive
(. 3ied
-. Irreversi$le
19. )inding of ins%lin to its receptor res%lts in/
". "ctivation of protein #inase "
). Inhi$ition of protein #inase "
!. 8tim%lation of tyrosine #inase on its receptor and of
phosphoprotein phosphatase that can a$stract
phosphate from inactive glycogen synthase
(. 8tim%lation of protein #inase !
-. Inhi$ition of protein #inase 2
1;. 1hich +N- of the follo&ing statements a$o%t
prostaglandins is F"L8-'
". They generally affect cells near the cells that release
). They are not transported to their target cells via the
circ%latory system.
!. They are !.@ poly%nsat%rated fatty acid compo%nds
derived from arachidonic acid and contain a five-
car$on ring.
(. "re present in high concentrations, 1@
to 1@
3, in
-. They affect several physiological systems incl%ding
the cardiovasc%lar, renal, nervo%s, and reprod%ctive
1=. ?erte$rate acetyl !o" car$oylase/
". !ataly*es the committed reaction in the synthesis of
sat%rated fatty acids
). Is stim%lated $y citrate
!. "ctivity is inhi$ited $y phosphorylation of the
(. Is an eample of an allosteric en*yme
-. "ll of the a$ove
1E. 0o& many moles of "TD are re5%ired to synthesi*e
1 mole of palmitic acid from = moles of acetyl !o"'
". .
). 4
!. 9
(. ;
-. =
.@. 1hich +N- of the follo&ing lipoproteins f%nctions to
transport triglycerides from the liver to peripheral tiss%es'
". "l$%min
). ?L(L
!. L(L
(. 0(L
-. !hylomicron
)3) 4@1 A.@@= (epartment of )iochemistry B 3olec%lar )iology, Cniversity of 3iami, reprod%ction prohi$ited. Dage . of 4
I, (Name) _________________________________________ have neither received nor given help
.1. 1hich +N- of the follo&ing statements a$o%t reactions
cataly*ed $y transaminases (aminotransferases) is
". The reactions are generally reversi$le
). They involve the cons%mption or prod%ction of
N"(0 depending on &hether they proceed in the
for&ard or reverse direction
!. They involve the transfer of an amino gro%p from an
amino acid donor to a #eto acid acceptor
(. They play an important role in the alanine-gl%cose
-. They employ pyridoal phosphate (DLD) as a
catalytic cofactor
... In a la$oratory eperiment, acetyl-!o" la$eled &ith
! (a
radioactive isotope of car$on) at the methyl position and
%nla$eled ecess malonyl !o" &ere mied in a test t%$e
&ith the fatty acid synthase comple. 1hat car$ons of the
final prod%ct, palmitate, &ill $e la$eled &ith
". "ll 19 car$ons &ill $e
! la$eled
). "ll the even n%m$ered car$ons, ecept for car$on
H19 &ill $e
! la$eled
!. !ar$ons H16 and H19 &ill $e
! la$eled
(. !ar$on H19 &ill $e
! la$eled
-. None of the car$ons &ill $e
! la$eled
.3. 1hich of the follo&ing conditions &o%ld most li#ely
res%lt in the prod%ction of #etone $odies'
". " high car$ohydrate diet
). 0igh levels of oaloacetate
!. "ctivation of the pyr%vate dehydrogenase comple in
the liver
(. 0igh concentrations of malonyl !o"
-. 0igh levels of gl%cagon
.4. 1hich +N- of the follo&ing statements is correct'
". !TD is %sed to activate phosphatidate in phospholipid
). "ll of the car$ons in cholesterol synthesis come from
malonyl !o"
!. Dhospholipases are %sed in the synthesis of
(. 032-!o" synthase cataly*es the committed step of
cholesterol synthesis
.6. The release of free fatty acids from triacylglycerols
(T"2) transported in chylomicrons re5%ires apo-!-II to
activate &hich of the follo&ing en*ymes'
". 0ormone-sensitive lipase
). Dancreatic lipase
!. Dhospholipase ".
(. Lipoprotein lipase
-. 2lycosidase
.9. 1hich of the follo&ing en*ymes is the common activator
of the pancreatic *ymogens involved in polypeptide
$rea#do&n in the small intestine'
". Depsin
). !ar$oypeptidase "
!. -lastase
(. "minopeptidase
-. Trypsin
.;. Fatty acid oidation (-oidation) can, %nder certain
conditions, lead to the formation of #etone $odies. 1hen
and &here &o%ld that occ%r'
". In muscle during strenuous exercise
). In the heart, during a heart attack
!. In adipose tissues when stimulated by high insulin
(. In the liver when it is also carrying out
-. In the red blood cell under oxidative stress
.=. 1hich of the follo&ing circ%lating f%els &o%ld $e
prod%ced $y adipose tiss%e &hen ins%lin is lo&'
". Lactate
). Glucose
!. Amino acids
(. Glycerol
-. Ketone bodies
.E. If the p0 of the stomach &ere to $e #ept high, &hich of
the follo&ing protease *ymogens &o%ld not $e activated'
". !hymotrypsinogen
). Droelastase
!. Depsinogen
(. Trypsinogen
-. -nteropeptidase
3@. "po-protein )4= has all of the follo&ing properties
". It forms an amphipathic shell aro%nd the lipoprotein
particle, chylomicron
). It is a tr%ncated form of apo-protein )1@@
!. It is made $y intestinal cells
(. It is made $y liver cells
-. )oth apo-proteins )4= and )1@@ are encoded by the
same gene
31. )efore their transport into the mitochondrial matri, long-
chain free fatty acids are initially activated prior to the
synthesis of their !o" conJ%gate $y forming +N- of the
follo&ing add%cts. 1hich +N-'
". Thymidylate add%ct
). !ytidylate add%ct
!. Cridylate add%ct
(. "denylate add%ct
-. 2%anylate add%ct
)3) 4@1 A.@@= (epartment of )iochemistry B 3olec%lar )iology, Cniversity of 3iami, reprod%ction prohi$ited. Dage 3 of 4
I, (Name) _________________________________________ have neither received nor given help
3.. 1hich $est descri$es the order of chemical reactions
involved in the synthesis of sat%rated fatty acids as
cataly*ed $y the mammalian m%ltif%nctional fatty acid
synthase comple'
". ,ed%ction, condensation, red%ction, dehydration
). (ehydration, red%ction, condensation, red%ction
!. !ondensation, red%ction, dehydration, red%ction
(. !ondensation, dehydration, red%ction, red%ction
33. (%ring K-oidation of fatty acids, the aliphatic acyl
car$on chain is cleaved into &hich +N- of the follo&ing
gro%ps &hile co-valently $onded to coen*yme "'
". "cetyl
). 3alonyl
!. Dropionyl
(. 8%ccinyl
-. None of the a$ove
34. 1hich $est descri$es the order of chemical reactions that
encompass the K-oidation of sat%rated acyl-!o"
derivatives in the mitochondrial matri'
". 0ydration, red%ction, thiolysis, oidation
). ,ed%ction, hydration, oidation, thiolysis
!. ,ed%ction, oidation, isomeri*ation, thiolysis
(. +idation, hydration, oidation, thiolysis
-. +idation, isomeri*ation, red%ction, thiolysis
36. 1hat type of food sho%ld one avoid eating in the a$sence
of gall $ladder'
". !omple car$ohydrates, s%ch as starches
). (isaccharides, s%ch as s%crose
!. 3eats that is lo& in fat, s%ch as grilled fish or
(. 0igh fat food
-. None, since the gall $ladder does not play a maJor
role in either digestion or a$sorption of ingested food
39. 2l%cagon/
". Leads to the activation of glycogen phosphorylase
). Leads to the inactivation of glycogen synthase
!. )inds to a cell s%rface receptor and ind%ces the
synthesis of the intracell%lar second messenger,
(. (oes all of the a$ove
-. (oes none of the a$ove
3;. 1hat are the prod%cts of the follo&ing transamination
"lanine 7 oaloacetate L ----------- 7 -----------------
". Dhosphoenolpyr%vate 7 gl%tamate
). Dhosphoenolpyr%vate 7 aspartate
!. Dyr%vate 7 gl%tamate
(. Dyr%vate 7 aspartate
-. Dyr%vate 7 M-#etogl%tarate
3=. !holesterol is N+T the prec%rsor for &hich +N- of the
follo&ing class of compo%nds given $elo&'
". ?itamin (
). Drostaglandins
!. 8e hormones
(. )ile acids
-. )ile salts
9he(. here %o (o#'"rm %ha% you bubbled "# your
#ame 9-#umber 2ea% #umber (orre(%ly
N N N &rite only
one point may $e ded%cted for each error.
9he(. here %o (o#'"rm %ha% you bubbled "# %he (orre(%
'orm #umber o' %h"s %es%
N The eam &ill $e graded &ith the &rong #ey
if the form n%m$er is not correctly $%$$led in.
The form n%m$er of this test is .
There 0"ll be a %hree-&o"#% &e#al%y "' %he %es% #eeds %o
be re-$raded be(ause o' a# error "# %he 'orm #umber.
)3) 4@1 A.@@= (epartment of )iochemistry B 3olec%lar )iology, Cniversity of 3iami, reprod%ction prohi$ited. Dage 4 of 4

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