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Sporadically Infrequently

Enunciating Pronouncing; stating clearly

Gruesome Filling one with horror
Deter Discourage from action
Arduous Needing much effort
Transient Passing away quickly
Tenacious Strong; very determined
Perfunctory Doing things without interest
Versatile Able to use for many things
Prosaic Plain and ordinary
Panoramic A wide view
Heretical Opinion contrary to belief
Constrain Compel
Deleterious Harmful
Salutary Remedial; beneficial
Excoriated To criticize harshly
Tacit Understood without saying
Laud Praise
Assuage Lessen the intensity
Intrigued Secretive
Commensurate Proportionate
Dubious Doubtful
Prejudice Harm to rights
Forestall To prevent from action
Paramount Chief in importance
Detrimental Harmful
Fervent Strong feelings
Cumbersome Burdensome
Oblivious Unaware
Serene Calm and cheerful
Liberal Generous; tolerant
Radical Fundamental
Compunction Regret
Petulance Childish behavior
Misconstrue Misinterpret
Overt Done or shown openly
Soliloquy Speech made aloud to oneself
Domineer Behave forcefully
Monopoly Sole possession of something
Invigorate To give energy
Outlandish Seeming strange or foreign
Agitate Cause anxiety to
Intricate Very complicated
Skepticism Doubtful
Elucidate To make easier to understand
Quell To calm, reduce or stop
Mitigate To make less severe
Meticulous Very careful
Impartial Unbiased
Repression Controlled by force
Tranquility Quiet and peaceful
Pessimism Full of negativity
Dispassion Absence of passion
Subterfuge Use of tricks to hide something
Paragon A model of excellence
Sanctuary A protected place
Frivolous Not important; silly
Insufferable Very bad; unpleasant
Captivate To attract and hold attention
Modest Not too proud or confident
Scant Very small in size
Interminable No end
Banal Boring or ordinary
Gratuitous Not necessary; inappropriate
Flippant Lacking respect of seriousness
Impeccable Free from fault or error
Genteel Elegant or graceful in manner
Tedious Boring or too slow
Impressionable Easy to influence
Obstreperous Loud and noisy
Haughty Arrogant
Overweening Too confident or proud
Morbid Not healthy or normal
Disingenuous Not truly honest or sincere
Fastidious Very careful while working
Iconoclast Person who criticizes settled
Aesthete Person who recognizes and
values beauty
Ideologue Person who supports the
ideology of a particular group
Proponents A person who argues for or
supports something
Aggravate To make angry or more serious
Chronic Occurring repeatedly for a long
Paradox A belief contrary to opinion
Vitiate To make something less
Aerate To put air or gas into
Negate To cause not to be effective
Malevolent Having or showing desire to
harm someone
Onerous Difficult or unpleasant to do or
deal with
Quixotic Hopeful or romantic in a way
that is not practical
Venal Willing to do dishonest things
for money
Frugal Simple and plain
Procrastinate To delay doing something
Adversaries An enemy or opponent
Zealot A person who has strong
feelings about something
Contemporaries Happening in the same time
Corroborative Help support a statement
Unadorned Not decorated or fancy
Contrived Having unnatural or false
Connotation Something suggested by a word
or something
Nonchalant Relaxed and calm; not caring
about anything
Discordant Harsh or unpleasant; not
Placid Calm and steady
Disparate Different from each other
Exasperated To make someone very angry
Brevity Lasting for a short time; concise
Melodrama Drama with exaggerated
Impromptu To improvise
Rambunctious Marked by uncontrollable
Pervasive Existing in every part of
Auspicious Suggesting that future success
is likely
Zenith Pinnacle
Contentious Involving a lot of arguing
Insouciant Relaxed and calm state
Empiricism The practice of basing ideas and
theories on testing
Exhilarating To cause to feel very happy
Foreshadow To give suggestion of
Prolix Use too many words
Eloquent Rhetoric
Meritorious Deserving honor or praise
Unrelentingly Not slowing down
Frenetic Filled with excitement
Enervate Lacking physical or moral vigor
Gullible Easily fooled or cheated
Savor A good taste or smell
Conspicuous Very easy to see or notice
Inexpedient Not effective
Menacing A dangerous or harmful thing
Feline Like a cat
Narcissism Egoism
Clamorous Noisily insistent
Archetype A perfect example of something
Perplex To confuse
Emulate To try to be like someone
Irrefutable Not able to be proved wrong
Preposterous Very foolishly or silly
Plausible Believable; realistic
Paradigms A model for something that
may be copied
Laborious Requiring a lot of time and
Histrionic Too emotional or dramatic
Callow Immature
Trenchant Very strong, clear and effective
Kudos Praise or respect you get from
an achievement

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