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Comparativa vocabulario Bsico 1, Bsico 2 e Intermedio 1 English File

Basic 1 Basic 2 Intermediate 1

- days of the week, numbers 0-20,
- continents, countries and nationalities,
numbers 21-100
- classroom language
- in a hotel, checking in
- things in a room
- the alphabet
- colours, adjectives, modifiers: quite,
very, really
- feelings
- verb phrases: go, read, work, have,
- jobs
- question words: how, how many, what,
what kind, when, where, which, who,
- !amily
- "veryday activities
- #dverbs and e$pressions of frequency
- %erb phrases: freetime
- %erb phrases: talking about the
- &he weather and seasons
- 'lothes
- (hone language
- )ates, ordinal numbers
- 'ommon verb phrases
- *pelling and numbers
- (eople+s appearance and personality
- 'lothes, prepositions of place
- ,olidays
- (repositions of time and place: at, in,
- #irports
- %erbs - preposition . arrive in //0
- "$pressions of paraphrasing: like, for,
- ,ousework, make and do
- *hopping
- #djectives ending in 2ed and 2ing
- &ime e$pression: spend time, 1
- )escribing a town or city
- ,ealth and the body
- 3pposite verbs
- %erb - back
- #djectives - preposition
- %erbs - infinitive: try to, forget to, 1
- %erb - gerund
- 4odifiers: a bit, really, 1
- 5et
- 'onfusing verbs
- #dverbs of manner
- #nimals
- !ood, cooking and restaurants
- !amily, adjectives of personality
- 4oney
- *trong adjectives: e$hausted, ama6ed
- &ransport
- 'ollocation: verbs7 adjectives -
- -ed and 2ing adjectives
- phone language
- sport
- relationships
- cinema
- the body
- education
- houses
- shopping, making nouns from verbs
- work
- making adjectives and adverbs
- electronic devices, phrasal verbs
- compound nouns
- 4usic
- 8ord formation: 9obs .-er, -or, -ian, -ist,
- (ast time e$pressions
- 5o, have, get
- )irections
- :rregular verbs
- &he house: rooms and furniture
- (repositions of place and movement
- !ood, basic ingredients for a recipe
- !ood containers
- ;inds of food or cusine
- ,igh numbers
- )ays and numbers
- # menu
- (laces and buildings
- %erb phrases with holidays
- %erb phrases .fortune-teller0
- 'ommon manner adverbs .-ly0,
irregular adverbs .well0, modifiers
.really, very, incredibly, quite0
- %erbs that take the infinitive .learn,
need, d+ like, plan, hope, want0
- <ike - -ing
- %erb phrases: &hings you want to do in
your life
- &he :nternet: nouns and verbs, things
you can do on the :nternet
- (ublic transport
- :rregular past participles
- (hobias and words related to fear
- =iographies
- %erbs: invent, discover, 1
- *chool subjects
- 8ord formation: noun formation
- *ports, e$pressing movement
- (hrasal verbs
- *imilarities
- %erb phrases
- *ay or tell

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