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Things you can do (Speaking, Listening and Writing)

Comparativa Bsico 1, Bsico 2, ntermedio 1

Basic 1 Basic 2 ntermediate 1
! ntroductions, spe""ing names and
giving#understanding te"ephone
! Where are you %rom&
! 'nderstand num$ers up to 1((
! )ersona" intervie*s and %i""ing in %orms
! Checking!in at the airport
! Can you +&, *ou"d you "ike to +&
! denti%ying things in a room or on a
! ,escri$ing things and peop"e-s
! ./pressing %ee"ings and reacting to
! Car instructions and understanding
! Ta"k a$out London and their peop"e
! Ta"k a$out 0o$s1 *here, *hen, ho*&, +
! 2eading and *riting pro%i"es on the net3
4eeting peop"e %or the %irst time 5
6uestions *ith *here, *hat, *hat kind
o%, *ho is your %avourite +&!,
! Buying a co%%ee
! Ta"king a$out someone in a picture1
name, age, 0o$, %ami"y or %riend
! Ta"king a$out *eekdays
! Speak a$out your home, %ami"y, 0o$ or
studies and %reetime
! Say and understand num$ers
! Spe"" *ords
! denti%y vo*e" sounds
! ,escri$e a %riend1 appearance, persona"
in%o, routine, %reetime, "ikes and
! ,escri$e a photo, say *hat someone is
doing or *earing at the moment
! 'nderstand s$3 Ta"king a$out a photo
! ./press p"ace
! Ta"k a$out hote" pro$"ems
! 2ead a$out s$37s ho"iday and ta"k a$out
your "ast ho"idays
! Ta"k a$out things in the past, descring
p"aces and *eather
! ,escring a photo a$out a moment in
history and e/p"ain *hat *as
! 'se prepositions to e/press time in the
! 'sing se6uencers and connectors to te""
a story in the past
! 2ead and ta"k a$out airports
! Ta"king a$out p"ans and predicitions
! ta"king a$out eating ha$its and ho*
%ood makes us %ee"
! Listen and ta"k a$out restaurants
! ./pressing your opinion and reacting
on peop"e ta"king statements re"ated to
%ood, cooking and restaurants
! ./pressing %uture (revie* o% a"" %orms),
ta"king a$out changes in %ami"y "i%e
! ,escri$ing persona"ity
! 2ead, "isten and speak a$out ho* $ith
order or $eing an on"y chi"d a%%ects our
! Write a description o% a %riend you
kno* *e""
! 2eacting to *hat peop"e say and using
phrases *hich give you time to think
! Ta"k a$out money, are you a spender or
a saver&
! Ta"king a$out the past, di%%erence
$et*een present per%ect and past
simp"e, the mi""ionaire *ith a secret3
! 'se present per%ect simp"e and
continuous to ta"k a$out and "isten to
peop"e ta"king a$out peop"e changing
! Ta"k a$out possessions and say ho*
! Writing a maga8ine artic"e1 your
%avourite day
! ./pressing %re6uency
! What can you do&
! Ta"k a$out neigh$ours and "isten a$out
noise ru"es
! Things you can do in London
! Things you are doing no*
! Write on 9ace$ook a$out *hat you-re
doing on ho"iday
! :po"o"ogi8ing
! Buying c"othes
! Te"ephone conversations
! Ta"k a$out reading in .ng"ish
! Ta"k a$out our %avourite time o% the day
! Ta"k a$out the things you "ike, hate,
don-t mind, don-t "ike and "ove
! 4usic 6ui8
! Write an in%orma" emai", te""ing a$out
your name, age, *hat you do, *hy you
are studying .ng"ish, *ho you "ive
*ith, your %ami"y and *hat you do in
your %reetime3
! Ta"k a$out peop"e in the past;
! Ta"k a$out *hat you did yesterday or
the "ast time you +
! Listen read and *rite a$out a
memora$"e night
! Ta"k a$out p"ans %or a %ree morning
! <iving directions
! 4aking %uture arrangements
! 'sing paraphrasing to descri$e things
! Ta"k a$out restaurant pro$"ems
! 2eading a$out teenagers annoying
ha$its and "isten a$out the kind o% tasks
they have to do
! Ta"k a$out things you have 0ust done or
you haven-t done yet
! Ta"k a$out e/periences in "i%e
! 4ake sentences using something,
any*here, +
! 2ead and ta"k a$out shopping
! 2ead and ta"k a$out your "ast *eekend
! Ta"k a$out the *ay *e "ive and
compare *ith your "i%e a %e* years ago
! Listen to someone ta"king a$out ho* to
"ive more s"o*"y
! 4aking comparisons *ith as +3as
! ,escri$ing to*ns and cities
! 2eading a$out %riend"y#un%riend"y cities
! 'sing super"atives = present per%ect
! Writing a$out the p"ace *here you "ive
! 2ead, ta"k and *rite a$out diet and
! 'sing 6uanti%iers and enough to ta"k
a$out your diet and other things
! Taking st3 $ack to a shop
! 4aking predictions %or the %uture *ith
*i"" and responding
! Listen to s$3 :nd ta"k a$out $eing
"ong have you had it and ho* "ong have
you $een using it3
! 2ead and ta"k a$out cha""enges
! Write an in%orma" emai" te""ing *hat
you have $een doing recent"y
! Comparing means o% transport
! Listen to an e/pert ta"king a$out the
most dangerous things *hi"e driving a
! ./press your opinion and reacting on
statements re"ated to driving
! Write an artic"e %or a maga8ine
comparing di%%erent means o% transport
in your to*n and city
! 2eading and ta"king a$out stereotypes
a$out men and *omen
! <iving opinions# agree or disagree
a$out something
! 'sing %orms o% can to ta"k a$out %ai"ure
and success
! Ta"k a$out the things you *eren-t
a""o*ed to do at schoo"
! Learning a "anguage, peop"e giving tips
on ho* to improve, things you do
outside the c"assroom
! ./pressing o$"igation, "ack o%
o$"igation, prohi$ition and advice
! Ta"k a$out mo$i"e phone manners
! <etting on *ith peop"e, ta"king and
reading a$out good manners
! <oing sightseeing
! 4urder story1 ta"k a$out events in the
past3 )o"ice intervie*
! 2enting a house
! Ta"king a$out your home
! Write a description o% your house
! ./p"ain *hat there *as in a room
! Ta"k a$out *hat you ate yesterday
! Ta"k a$out your %avourite dish and its
! >uestionnaire a$out %ood *ith ho*
much and ho* many&
! 2ead and understand "ong num$ers
! Comparatives 6ui88
! Congratu"ating someone
! 'nderstanding a menu
! ?rdering a mea"
! 'se super"atives to speak a$out your
to*n ( the most $eauti%u" $ui"ding, +)
! Ta"king a$out p"ans and ho"idays
! Write a %orma" emai" making a
reservation in a $ed @ $reak%ast
! The %ortune!Te""er1 4aking predictions
%or the %uture
! 2ead a$out the British diet
! 2ead, "isten and *rite a$out your %irst
impressions a$out a city1 the driving,
the %ood, the peop"e, the houses, the
! Ta"k and *rite a$out the things you
positive thinker
! Ta"k a$out dreams and revie* ver$a"
! 4ake a promise, o%%er, a decision *ith
! 2ead and *rite and artic"e on ho* to
make a good impression +3
! Ta"k a$out the things that make you
happy or you don-t mind doing
! Listen and speak a$out ho* to "earn to
! 2ead and ta"k a$out "earning "anguages
! ./press o$"igation
! :ns*ering 6uestions *ith have you
! Write a %orma" emai" asking %or
! <oing to a pharmacy, descri$ing
symptoms, getting a medicine, ta"k
a$out possessions *ith have got and see
di%%erence *ith do you have&
! 2ead pro$"em and advice pages
! Listen and speak a$out pro$"ems,
e/press advice
! Write a response to a pro$"em on a
! 4urphy-s "a*, i% you + you *i"" +
! Speak and "isten a$out things that cou"d
go *rong in a ho"iday
! 2ead and "isten to a story, using
! 'sing past tenses to ta"k a$out an
anecdote or *rite a story that happened
to you
! Listen and ta"k a$out sports, sport
superstitions, re%erees
! 'se usua""y and used to to ta"k a$out
ho* a coup"e you kno* met and say
*hat they used to do
! Ta"k a$out re"ationships
! 'se di%%erent e/pressions to ask %or
permission and make re6uests
! <reet s$3 Aou haven-t sen %or a "ong
! Ta"k a$out %i"ms and *rite a %i"m
! 'se the passive (a"" tenses)
! 'se moda"s o% deduction to 0udge
peop"e %rom appearance
! Listen to peop"e-s descriptions ,ook at
some pictures and identi%y them
! Ta"k a$out the $ody
! Ta"k a$outyour education
! ./pressing your opinion on statements
re"ated to education, using e/pressions
to organi8e your ideas
! What *i"" you do i%, %uture time c"auses
*ith *hen unti", +
! Ta"k and *rite a$out houses and "iving
at your parents- house
! 'sing the second conditiona" to ta"k
*ant to do in your "i%e
! Listen and ta"k a$out the things peop"e
do on the nternet
! :sk %or a ta/i and $uy a ticket on
pu$"ic transport
! Ta"k and "isten to peop"e ta"king a$out
%i"m e/periences
! Ta"k a$out recent actions in the past
and "i%e e/periences
! 2evision1 6uestionnaire
adver$s and possessive pronouns
! Ta"king a$out dangerous anima"s and
imaginary situations, *hat *ou"d you
do i% +, think -d pro$a$"y +
de%inet"y +
! ./pressing duration *ith ho* "ong,
since and %or
! 2ead, "isten and ta"k a$out pho$ias and
! Listen, speak, ta"k and *rite a$out
peop"e or yourse"%-s past and present
! :sking %or directions and using pu$"ic
! :po"ogi8ing %or $eing "ate
! 'sing the )assive to ta"k a$out
! 'sing 'sed to to ta"k a$out schoo"
su$0ects and ho* you $ehaved at schoo"
and "isten to peop"e ta"king their
memories o% schoo"
! 'sing might to e/press indecision and
ta"k a$out $eing indecisive
! ./pressing movement and ta"k a$out
! Ta"k a$out Bdo you think there is too
much %oot$a"" on TCD and *rite an
artic"e B do you think there are too
many rea"ity sho*s on TCD
! Being an ear"y $ird and phrasa" ver$
a$out *hat you *ou"d do i% you *on a
"ot o% money or had more %reetime
! 4aking suggestions
! :po"ogi8ing and making e/cuses
! 2eporting *hat some one has said or
! 2ead a$out and make comp"aints
! Write a "etter o% comp"aint
! 'sing gerunds and in%initives to ta"k
a$out the things you "ike and are good
! Ta"king a$out, matching 0o$s *ith
! Listen to s$3 comparing t*o products1
$oth, neither o% them +E descri$e a
! Write a cover emai" *ith your CC
! ('sing the third conditiona" to e/press
*hat *ou"d have happened i% +33)
! 2ead a$out in%ormation over"oad, ta"k
a$out e"ectronic device, descri$e a
gadget that you use and say *hy it-s
use%u"s, use phrasa" ver$s and
6uanti%iers to descri$e st3 that you do
too much or don-t do enough
! Listen and ta"k a$out trying to "ive
*ithout nternet %or a %e* days
! Write a maga8ine artic"e a$out the
advantages o% having a smartphone
! 4aking indirect 6uestions
! ./pressing simi"arities *ith so, neither,
either, +
! Listen to peop"e meeting a%ter a "ong
time on 9ace$ook
! ?n the phone1 say *ho you are, *ho
you *ant to ta"k to, "eave a message %or
! 2esponding to ne*s
! ('sing )ast )er%ect)
! ( 2eporting *hat s$3 Fas said, say#te"")
! Ta"king a$out ho* enviromenta""y!
%riend"y you are
! Ta"king a$out techno"ogy
! Ta"king a$out %ami"y and re"ationships
! Ta"k a$out sports
! ,iscussing a pro$"em
! 'se re"ative c"auses
! Listen, read and ta"k a$out modern
icons and peop"e you admire
! Write a $iography
! 2eading murder mysteries
! 'sing 6uestion tags

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