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/* C++ header file Sun_position_algorithms.


last modified : ?????
This file contains the 5 algorithms to calculate the sun position described in the paper
Use of the algortihms:
- This header file must be included in the program.
- At the beginning, before starting calculations, a class of type sunpos must be declared. The
constructor of the class accepts also initial values for the input parameters of the algorithms,
but they can be omitted (default values are used) and given later.
Examples of declarations:
sunpos Sun_Position;
sunpos Sun_Position(UT, Day, Month, Year, Dt, Long, Lat, P, T);
In this second example, variables UT, Month, etc. show the parameters that can be given to
the constructor: UT is the time UT (double, in hours), Day, Month and Year are the date (all
integers), Dt is the difference TT-UT (double, in seconds), Long and Lat are the geographical
longitude and latitude (double, in radians), P is the pressure (double, in atm), T is the
temperature (double, in Celsius degrees).
- Before every position calculations, the input data can be set simply assigning new values to
the members of the class: es. to change the hour UT in the class declared as above, assigning
the value NewUT, the command is
Sun_Position.UT = NewUT;
Input members in the class are named UT, Day, Month, Year, Dt, Longitude, Latitude, Pressure,
The variables not assigned before the calculation are left unchanged, This is convenient, since
usually changes in the input data concern only the time, while coordinates are kept fixed.
Parameters left unchanged can be declared at the beginning, e.g. using the constructor, and
then left unchanged through all the computations.
- once the input variables are set, the calculations (e.g. using Algorithm 3) can be performed
simply with the command

In the first case the long algorithm is used, while in the second case (with the parameter 's')
the short algorithm is used.
Other algorithms (1,2,4,5) can be used simply changing the final number.
This command does not return any values, but writes the output values computed in the
corresponding class members, which can be read and used as usual variables. In order to
output on the screen the value of the Zenith, for example, the command
can be used. Output members in the class are named RightAscension, Declination, HourAngle,
Zenith, Azimuth.
Note that all the class members are public; no access control to variables, neither consistency
controls are made, since the maximum computational efficiency and versatility are the aim. A
bit of caution should be employed (e.g. when changing input parameters, outputs does not
change automatically and remains at the old values until the function AlgorithmN is called; or,
when using short algorithms, quantities not computed (Zenith and Azimuth) are left with the
previous values).
The following code performs the computation of the position at every hour (from 1 to 24) on
1st January 2012, at Rome, using Algorithm 5, writing a table of the zenith and azimuth on the
output screen. All the input parameters except UT are left unchanged as declared in the
constructor, while the hour is changed at every calculation.
sunpos Sun_Position(0.0, // initial hour (arbitrary - not used)
1,1,2012, // date
65.0, // Dt
0.21787, // Longitude in radians
0.73117, // Latitude in radians
1, 20); // Pressure (atm) and Temperature (Celsius)
for (double hour = 1.0; hour < 24.1; hour += 1.0) {
Sun_Position.UT = hour-1.0; // correct UT ("hour" is the time of Rome)



#ifndef PI
#define PI 3.14159265358979

#define PI2 6.28318530717959 // 2*PI
#define PIM 1.57079632679490 // PI/2

class sunpos {


// input data:
double UT;
int Day;
int Month;
int Year;
double Dt;
double Longitude;
double Latitude;
double Pressure;
double Temperature;

//output data
double RightAscension;
double Declination;
double HourAngle;
double Zenith;
double Azimuth;

double t, te, wte, s1, c1, s2, c2, s3, c3, s4, c4,
sp, cp, sd, cd, sH, cH, se0, ep, De, lambda, epsi,
sl, cl, se, ce, L, nu, Dlam;
int yt, mt;

// constructor
sunpos(double h = 0.0, int d = 1, int m = 1, int y = 2010,
double Dt = 65.0, double Long = 0.0, double lat = 0.0,
double P = 1.0, double T = 20.0);

// algorithms
void Algorithm1(char flag = 'l');
void Algorithm2(char flag = 'l');
void Algorithm3(char flag = 'l');
void Algorithm4(char flag = 'l');
void Algorithm5(char flag = 'l');


sunpos::sunpos(double h, int d, int m, int y, double dt, double Long, double lat, double P,
double T) {
UT = h;
Day = d;
Month = m;
Year = y;
Dt = dt;
Longitude = Long;
Latitude = lat;
Pressure = P;
Temperature = T;

void sunpos::Algorithm1(char flag) {

if (Month <= 2) {
mt = Month + 12;
yt = Year - 1;
} else {
mt = Month;
yt = Year;

t = double(int(365.25*double(yt-2000)) + int(30.6001*double(mt+1)) - int(0.01*double(yt)) +
Day) + 0.0416667*UT - 21958.0;
te = t + 1.1574e-5*Dt;

wte = 0.017202786*te;

s1 = sin(wte);
c1 = cos(wte);
s2 = 2.0*s1*c1;
c2 = (c1+s1)*(c1-s1);

RightAscension = -1.38880 + 1.72027920e-2*te + 3.199e-2*s1 - 2.65e-3*c1 + 4.050e-2*s2 +
RightAscension = fmod(RightAscension, PI2);

Declination = 6.57e-3 + 7.347e-2*s1 - 3.9919e-1*c1 + 7.3e-4*s2 - 6.60e-3*c2;

HourAngle = 1.75283 + 6.3003881*t + Longitude - RightAscension;
HourAngle = fmod(HourAngle + PI, PI2) - PI;

if (flag == 's') return;

sp = sin(Latitude);
cp = sqrt((1-sp*sp));
sd = sin(Declination);
cd = sqrt(1-sd*sd);
sH = sin(HourAngle);
cH = cos(HourAngle);
se0 = sp*sd + cp*cd*cH;
ep = asin(se0) - 4.26e-5*sqrt(1.0-se0*se0);
Azimuth = atan2(sH, cH*sp - sd*cp/cd);

if (ep > 0.0)
De = (0.08422*Pressure) / ((273.0+Temperature)*tan(ep + 0.003138/(ep + 0.08919)));
De = 0.0;

Zenith = PIM - ep - De;


void sunpos::Algorithm2(char flag) {

if (Month <= 2) {
mt = Month + 12;
yt = Year - 1;
} else {
mt = Month;
yt = Year;

t = double(int(365.25*double(yt-2000)) + int(30.6001*double(mt+1)) - int(0.01*double(yt)) +
Day) + 0.0416667*UT - 21958.0;
te = t + 1.1574e-5*Dt;

wte = 0.017202786*te;

s1 = sin(wte);
c1 = cos(wte);
s2 = 2.0*s1*c1;
c2 = (c1+s1)*(c1-s1);
s3 = s2*c1 + c2*s1;
c3 = c2*c1 - s2*s1;
s4 = 2.0*s2*c2;
c4 = (c2+s2)*(c2-s2);

RightAscension = -1.38880 + 1.72027920e-2*te + 3.199e-2*s1 - 2.65e-3*c1 + 4.050e-2*s2 +
1.525e-2*c2 + 1.33e-3*s3 + 3.8e-4*c3 + 7.3e-4*s4 + 6.2e-4*c4;
RightAscension = fmod(RightAscension, PI2);

Declination = 6.57e-3 + 7.347e-2*s1 - 3.9919e-1*c1 + 7.3e-4*s2 - 6.60e-3*c2 + 1.50e-3*s3 -
2.58e-3*c3 + 6e-5*s4 - 1.3e-4*c4;

HourAngle = 1.75283 + 6.3003881*t + Longitude - RightAscension;
HourAngle = fmod(HourAngle + PI, PI2) - PI;

if (flag == 's') return;

sp = sin(Latitude);
cp = sqrt((1-sp*sp));
sd = sin(Declination);
cd = sqrt(1-sd*sd);
sH = sin(HourAngle);
cH = cos(HourAngle);
se0 = sp*sd + cp*cd*cH;
ep = asin(se0) - 4.26e-5*sqrt(1.0-se0*se0);
Azimuth = atan2(sH, cH*sp - sd*cp/cd);

if (ep > 0.0)
De = (0.08422*Pressure) / ((273.0+Temperature)*tan(ep + 0.003138/(ep + 0.08919)));
De = 0.0;

Zenith = PIM - ep - De;


void sunpos::Algorithm3(char flag) {

if (Month <= 2) {
mt = Month + 12;
yt = Year - 1;
} else {
mt = Month;
yt = Year;

t = double(int(365.25*double(yt-2000)) + int(30.6001*double(mt+1)) - int(0.01*double(yt)) +
Day) + 0.0416667*UT - 21958.0;
te = t + 1.1574e-5*Dt;

wte = 0.0172019715*te;

lambda = -1.388803 + 1.720279216e-2*te + 3.3366e-2*sin(wte - 0.06172) + 3.53e-
4*sin(2.0*wte - 0.1163);

epsi = 4.089567e-1 - 6.19e-9*te;

sl = sin(lambda);
cl = cos(lambda);
se = sin(epsi);
ce = sqrt(1-se*se);

RightAscension = atan2(sl*ce, cl);
if (RightAscension < 0.0)
RightAscension += PI2;

Declination = asin(sl*se);

HourAngle = 1.7528311 + 6.300388099*t + Longitude - RightAscension;
HourAngle = fmod(HourAngle + PI, PI2) - PI;

if (flag == 's') return;

sp = sin(Latitude);
cp = sqrt((1-sp*sp));
sd = sin(Declination);
cd = sqrt(1-sd*sd);
sH = sin(HourAngle);
cH = cos(HourAngle);
se0 = sp*sd + cp*cd*cH;
ep = asin(se0) - 4.26e-5*sqrt(1.0-se0*se0);
Azimuth = atan2(sH, cH*sp - sd*cp/cd);

if (ep > 0.0)
De = (0.08422*Pressure) / ((273.0+Temperature)*tan(ep + 0.003138/(ep + 0.08919)));
De = 0.0;

Zenith = PIM - ep - De;


void sunpos::Algorithm4(char flag) {

if (Month <= 2) {
mt = Month + 12;
yt = Year - 1;
} else {
mt = Month;
yt = Year;

t = double(int(365.25*double(yt-2000)) + int(30.6001*double(mt+1)) - int(0.01*double(yt)) +
Day) + 0.0416667*UT - 21958.0;
te = t + 1.1574e-5*Dt;

wte = 0.0172019715*te;

L = 1.752790 + 1.720279216e-2*te + 3.3366e-2*sin(wte - 0.06172) + 3.53e-4*sin(2.0*wte -

nu = 9.282e-4*te - 0.8;
Dlam = 8.34e-5*sin(nu);
lambda = L + PI + Dlam;

epsi = 4.089567e-1 - 6.19e-9*te + 4.46e-5*cos(nu);

sl = sin(lambda);
cl = cos(lambda);
se = sin(epsi);
ce = sqrt(1-se*se);

RightAscension = atan2(sl*ce, cl);
if (RightAscension < 0.0)
RightAscension += PI2;

Declination = asin(sl*se);

HourAngle = 1.7528311 + 6.300388099*t + Longitude - RightAscension + 0.92*Dlam;
HourAngle = fmod(HourAngle + PI, PI2) - PI;

if (flag == 's') return;

sp = sin(Latitude);
cp = sqrt((1-sp*sp));
sd = sin(Declination);
cd = sqrt(1-sd*sd);
sH = sin(HourAngle);
cH = cos(HourAngle);
se0 = sp*sd + cp*cd*cH;
ep = asin(se0) - 4.26e-5*sqrt(1.0-se0*se0);
Azimuth = atan2(sH, cH*sp - sd*cp/cd);

if (ep > 0.0)
De = (0.08422*Pressure) / ((273.0+Temperature)*tan(ep + 0.003138/(ep + 0.08919)));
De = 0.0;

Zenith = PIM - ep - De;


void sunpos::Algorithm5(char flag) {

if (Month <= 2) {
mt = Month + 12;
yt = Year - 1;
} else {
mt = Month;
yt = Year;

t = double(int(365.25*double(yt-2000)) + int(30.6001*double(mt+1)) - int(0.01*double(yt)) +
Day) + 0.0416667*UT - 21958.0;
te = t + 1.1574e-5*Dt;

wte = 0.0172019715*te;

s1 = sin(wte);
c1 = cos(wte);
s2 = 2.0*s1*c1;
c2 = (c1+s1)*(c1-s1);
s3 = s2*c1 + c2*s1;
c3 = c2*c1 - s2*s1;

L = 1.7527901 + 1.7202792159e-2*te + 3.33024e-2*s1 - 2.0582e-3*c1 + 3.512e-4*s2 - 4.07e-
5*c2 + 5.2e-6*s3 - 9e-7*c3 -8.23e-5*s1*sin(2.92e-5*te) + 1.27e-5*sin(1.49e-3*te - 2.337) +
1.21e-5*sin(4.31e-3*te + 3.065) + 2.33e-5*sin(1.076e-2*te - 1.533) + 3.49e-5*sin(1.575e-2*te
- 2.358) + 2.67e-5*sin(2.152e-2*te + 0.074) + 1.28e-5*sin(3.152e-2*te + 1.547) + 3.14e-
5*sin(2.1277e-1*te - 0.488);

nu = 9.282e-4*te - 0.8;
Dlam = 8.34e-5*sin(nu);
lambda = L + PI + Dlam;

epsi = 4.089567e-1 - 6.19e-9*te + 4.46e-5*cos(nu);

sl = sin(lambda);
cl = cos(lambda);
se = sin(epsi);
ce = sqrt(1-se*se);

RightAscension = atan2(sl*ce, cl);
if (RightAscension < 0.0)
RightAscension += PI2;

Declination = asin(sl*se);

HourAngle = 1.7528311 + 6.300388099*t + Longitude - RightAscension + 0.92*Dlam;
HourAngle = fmod(HourAngle + PI, PI2) - PI;

if (flag == 's') return;

sp = sin(Latitude);
cp = sqrt((1-sp*sp));
sd = sin(Declination);
cd = sqrt(1-sd*sd);
sH = sin(HourAngle);
cH = cos(HourAngle);
se0 = sp*sd + cp*cd*cH;
ep = asin(se0) - 4.26e-5*sqrt(1.0-se0*se0);
Azimuth = atan2(sH, cH*sp - sd*cp/cd);

if (ep > 0.0)
De = (0.08422*Pressure) / ((273.0+Temperature)*tan(ep + 0.003138/(ep + 0.08919)));
De = 0.0;

Zenith = PIM - ep - De;


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