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Multiple Choice Items

1) Lean manufacturing is a (n):
a) Fad.
b) Method for reducing labor.
c) Way to impo!e custome !alue.
d) Efficiency improvement technique.
) !ustomer "alue is defined as:
a) !ost.
b) #elivery.
c) $eliability.
d) $esponse.
e" All o# the a$o!e%
%) & 'cell( is:
a) &n amoeba.
b) A layout that mo!es se&ue'tial opeatio's close to(ethe.
c) & unit of measure.
d) & management tool to ma)e *or)ers miserable.
+) ,he five '-.s( of $oot !ause &nalysis are:
a) -ho/ *hat/ *here/ *hen/ *hy.
b) -hat/ *here/ *hen/ *ho/ *hy.
c) -ho/ *ho/ *ho/ *ho/ *ho.
)" Why* +hy* +hy* +hy* +hy%
0) !ycle time is:
a) Elapse) time #om custome o)e to payme't.
b) $educed to eliminate 1obs.
c) ,he amount of time the machine runs.
d) 2mproved by larger lot si3es.
4) !ycle5time5efficiency is:
a) 2mproved by increasing utili3ation.
b) ,he machine cycle divided by number of pieces produced.
c) 2ncreased by larger lot si3e.
)" ,alue-a))e) time o!e elapse) time%
6) 7ne5piece5flo* means:
a) 8atch.
b) Larger lot si3es.
c" O'e piece mo!es to the 'e.t opeatio'%
d) 7perators need to *or) harder.
9) :tatistical ;rocess !ontrol !harts include all the follo*ing e<cept:
a) =pper !ontrol Limit.
b) :ample average.
c" /o)uct speci#icatio's%
d) :ample range.
>) ,he primary focus of any improvement activity is the elimination of:
a) -or)ers.
$" Waste%
c) Fle<ibility.
d) #ecision ma)ing at the lo*est level.
1?) 2n a manufacturing cell/ *ho has authority to stop production@
a) ,he line supervisor.
b) Machine operators.
c) ,he material handler.
)" All o# the a$o!e%
11) 2n a cell/ the operator is responsible for:
a) Ma<imum production output.
$" Meeti'( custome )ema')%
c) Aust the machines they are running.
d) #irecting requests to the supervisor.
1) Lean manufacturing uses *hich of the follo*ing techniques@
a) Economic order quantity.
b) Ma)e to stoc).
c) $un *hatever material is available.
d) E.cess capacity.
1%) ,he main purpose of set up reduction activity is to:
a" Ru' smalle lot si0es%
b) Ma)e higher production.
c) Eliminate set up personnel.
d) !harge more per hour.
1+) :et up reduction involves all of the follo*ing e<cept:
a) #efine internal and e<ternal tas)s.
b) Mista)e proofing.
c) A)) a)1ustme'ts to'(.
d) Beep tools and gages in )its.
10) ;ilot pro1ects should be chosen based on:
a) ,otal savings to the company.
b) A'ticipate) cha'ce #o success.
c) ,he number of people affected by the changes.
d) &ll of the above.
14) ,he *orst that can happen in a pilot pro1ect is:
a) ,otal failure of the company.
b) ;eople.s 1obs *ill be eliminated.
c) Ha!i'( to cha'(e it $ac2.
d) &ll of the above.
16) Measures should be developed that:
a) :ho* number of 1obs eliminated.
b) Wo2es ca' a##ect i' thei )aily )ecisio's.
c) &re aggregate and financial.
d) $equire an M8& to understand.
19) 2mplementing shorter cycle times:
a) !reates problems.
b) U'co!es po$lems.
c) $equires tight controls on machine utili3ation.
d) &ll of the above.
1>) -hich of the follo*ing is not one of the five *astes:
a) 7verproduction
b) ,ransporting
c) -aiting
)" E.cess machi'e capacity
?) &n operator *ith time5on5hand should:
a) 8e punished.
b) 8e re*arded.
c) $un e<tra pieces.
)" /actice cha'(eo!e%
1) &n operator *ith time5on5hand should:
a) Fi< an oil lea).
b) ;erform the ne<t operation on *or)5in5process.
c) $earrange his *or) for more time5on5hand.
d) All o# the a$o!e.
) & *or)er *ho lac)s material for do*nstream demand should:
a) Mo!e upsteam to help.
b) $un another 1ob they are qualified for.
c) ;ractice changeover.
d) $eport to the supervisor.
%) -hen implementing Banban/ e<isting production orders should be:
a) /ocesse) to the 'e.t stoe* a') the' split i'to 2a'$a' u'its.
b) Left alone and pushed through conventionally.
c) :plit into )anbans/ then processed conventionally.
d) Cone of the above.
+) ;roducts *ith lo* demand should be:
a) /o)uce) i' e.actly the &ua'tity 'ee)e).
b) 8atch processed and held in stoc) until needed.
c) &ssigned higher cost per unit.
d) #iscontinued or purchased from another supplier.
0) :ingle Minute E<change of #ie (:ME#) techniques apply to:
a) All $usi'ess pocesses.
b) :tamping and molding dies only.
c) Machining operations only.
d) Manufacturing only.
4) !hange over should be organi3ed on the basis of:
a) I'te'al* e.te'al* a') a)1ustme't.
b) ,he cost of direct vs. indirect labor.
c) Machine utili3ation.
d) Do* many *or)ers it ta)es to perform the change over.
6) Banban is based on a model of:
a) :hipbuilding.
b) &utomotive assembly line.
c" 3upema2et%
d) Aob shop machining.
9) 2n Banban/ production is triggered by:
a) ,he production planner.
b) Forecast and production plan.
c" 4o+'steam )ema') o# po)uct%
d) &ny of the above.
>) ,he supervisor.s main responsibility is:
a) Beeping production moving.
b) Beeping *or)ers busy.
c) &chieving production quotas.
d) A$'omality co'tol.
%?) #efective product should be:
a) 2mmediately moved to the M$8 area.
b) 4isplaye) #o e!eyo'e to see.
c) :crapped or repaired immediately.
d) Moved to the ne<t process.
%1) Each discrete operation must be completed *ithin the:
a) Lead time.
b) !ycle time.
c) Ta2t time.
d) :hift time.
%) 2n Banban/ demand flo*s:
a" Upsteam%
b) #o*nstream.
c) From production control.
d) &ccording to the routing.
%%) 2n assembly operations/ subassemblies should be:
a) ;roduced in batches and returned to stoc).
b) /o)uce) i' the &ua'tity co'sume).
c) ;ulled from stoc) *ell in advance.
d) 7utsourced based on quantity discounts.
%+) "alue :tream Mapping begins *ith:
a) !ustomer specifications.
b) & consensus among managers of ho* product should flo*.
c) & theory of ho* the product should flo*.
d) A map o# po)uct a') i'#omatio' #lo+ as it e.ists to)ay.
%0) ,he number one reason :i< :igma pro1ects fail is:
a) /oo team )y'amics.
b) :cope creep.
c) Co E poor pro1ect champion involvement.
d) Lac) of analysis E 1ump to solutions.
Tue 5 False Items
Each of the follo*ing statements is either true of false. =sing your mouse/ select the true
or false button. 2f your ans*er is correct/ you *ill advance to the ne<t slide.
%4) Lead time is the same thing as cycle time. False
%6) 2mplementing lean manufacturing *ill require huge investments in capital. False
%9) -e should offer quantity discounts to our customers. False
%>) Lean manufacturing only *or)s in high production environments. False
+?) 2mplementing lean manufacturing means everyone *ill have to *or) harder. False
+1) ;roduction cells should be configured for fle<ible demand. ,rue
+) Lean manufacturing techniques apply to accounts payable and payroll. ,rue
+%) ,op management needs to be involved *ith the implementation of a pilot cell. False
++) 7nce 0: is done/ *e can claim to have implemented Lean Manufacturing. False
+0) Lot si3e should continually be decreased *ith a goal of one piece. ,rue
+4) :et5up is all activity performed on a change over *hile the machine is idle. False
+6) 2t is 7B to increase e<ternal set up time. ,rue
+9) & production line that never stops is either tremendously good or bad. ,rue
+>) ;roduction line problems should be apparent to even a casual observer. ,rue
0?) :i< :igma 8lac) 8elts are trained to implement Lean Manufacturing from the bottom
up. False

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