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Macao Polytechnic Institute

School of Public Administration

Bachelor of Science in Computing
Course Syllabus
Academic Year 201!201" Semester 1
Course #itle Web Technologies Course Code COMP113
&anguage of
English Credit 3
Course 'uration
30 hrs Course 'uration
15 hrs #otal Course
45 hrs
#eacher(s) ! #itle Philip Lei *$mail
+ffice !m. M540" Meng T#$ %ldg. #elephone &5''(335)
Course 'escription,
This corse pro*ides # +ond#,ion +or Web #pplic#,ion de*elopmen, #nd +ocses on #,horing
-ell(s,rc,red -eb p#ges. ., co*ers crren, *ersions o+ ,he Web l#ng#ges /TML #nd C00.
0,den,s -ill h#*e h#nds(on e1perience in -eb p#ge #,horing #nd l#2o, in l#bor#,ories.
&earning +utcomes,
3+,er comple,ing ,he corse" s,den,s -ill be #ble ,o4
1. Compose -eb p#ges sing s,#nd#rd(compli#n, m#r$p #nd s,2le rles5 6701" E31" P1"
9. Emplo2 si,#ble s,rc,res in /TML #nd C00 ,o org#ni:e con,en, in -eb p#ges5
6701" P)8
3. .mplemen, b#sic -eb p#ge l#2o,s ,h#, #re cross(bro-ser comp#,ible. 6E31" P18
.ncldes 3 hors o+ +in#l e1#min#,ion

1. %#sic ,e1, m#r$p #nd s,2le 6;.5 hors8
1.1 %#sic m#r$p4 inline" bloc$ #nd lis, elemen,s
1.9 Te1, s,2le4 proper,ies #nd inheri,#nce
1.3 The C00 %o1 Model
1.4 %#sic C00 selec,ors. 0peci+ici,2
9. Lin$s #nd -eb resorces 6;.5 hors8
9.1 Componen,s o+ -eb p#ge #nd Web #rchi,ec,re
9.9 Lin$s #nd im#ges
9.3 E1,ern#l s,2le shee,
3. Web docmen, s,rc,re 6) hors8
3.1 02n,#1 #nd gr#mm#r o+ /TML5
3.9 3dding s,rc,re -i,h <sp#n= #nd <di*=
3.3 0ec,ioning elemen,s in /TML5
4. Web p#ge l#2o, 6' hors8
4.1 Norm#l +lo- #nd >lo#,ing
4.9 Colmn #nd grid l#2o,. C00 +r#me-or$s
4.3 C003 +le1ible bo1 l#2o,
5. T#bles #nd Web +orms 6' hors8
5.1 3d*#nced C00 selec,ors. 0peci+ici,2
5.9 T#bles4 m#r$p #nd s,2le
5.3 Web +orms4 m#r$p #nd l#2o,
). 3d*#nced ,opics 6) hors8
).1 Embedded con,en,
).9 3bsol,e posi,ioning
).3 ?2n#mic e++ec,s sing C00 psedo(cl#sses
).4 6Op,ion#l8 C00 c#sc#de
#eaching Method,
Lec,res #nd l#b pr#c,ice
3,,end#nce re@iremen,s #re go*erned b2 ,he 3c#demic !egl#,ions. 0,den,s -ho do no,
mee, ,he #,,end#nce re@iremen,s +or ,he corse -ill no, be permi,,ed ,o si, ,he +in#l #nd
spplemen,#r2 e1#min#,ion #nd sh#ll be #-#rded #n A>B gr#de.
This corse is gr#ded on # 100 poin, sc#le" -i,h 100 being ,he highes, possible score #nd 50
,he p#ss score.
Item 'escription Percentage
1. 3ssignmen,6s8 /ome(b#sed progr#mming e1ercises 30 C
9. Tes,6s8 Dno-ledge #ssessmen, 30 C
3. E1#min#,ion 3(hor -ri,,en e1#min#,ion 40 C
#otal Percentage, 100 C
0,den,s -i,h #n o*er#ll score o+ less ,h#n 35 in ,he corse-or$ ms, ,#$e ,he spplemen,#r2
e1#min#,ion e*en i+ ,he o*er#ll score +or ,he corse is 50 or #bo*e. (#his applies to inta-es
starting from 201.!201)
0,den,s -i,h # score o+ less ,h#n 35 in ,he +in#l e1#min#,ion ms, ,#$e ,he spplemen,#r2
e1#min#,ion e*en i+ ,he o*er#ll score +or ,he corse is 50 or #bo*e. (#his applies to all
#eaching Material(s),
There is no o++ici#l ,e1, +or ,his corse. Corse no,es #re dis,rib,ed in ,he cl#ss.
0eference boo-(s)
1. Msci#no" C. E Denned2" %. 6900;8. HTML & XHTML: the definitive guide. OF!eill2.
9. 0chmi,," C. 6900;8 CSS Cookbook. OB!eill2.
1. /TML5 speci+ic#,ion 6Edi,orBs dr#+,84
9. C009.1 speci+ic#,ion4 h,,p4GG---.-3.orgGT!GC009G

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