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What is infertility ?

Incapability of the woman to conceive, after one year of regular sexual union without
contraceptives, or to retain the fetus till childbirth is called as infertility. It is a problem, which not
only affects the physical life of the woman but also disturbs the social and emotional life of the
couple. According to some experts about half the childless marriages are due to abnormalities in the
male partners though women are traditionally blamed for sterility. Infertility is also assigned to
factors relating to non production of sperms or to other reasons relating to quality.
Factors Involved in Creating a Healthy Child
According to Ayurveda, conception takes place due to healthy sperm, healthy ovum, and a healthy
uterus. For both men and women, reproductive health depends on the health of the shukra dhatu,
or reproductive tissue. In women the shukra tissue creates the ovum as part of the monthly cycle,
and in men the semen is formed due to sexual stimulation.
The shukra tissue itself is created as part of a long chain of metabolic transformations, starting with
the digestion of food and including the transformation of food to nutrient fluid, blood, muscle, fat,
bone, bone marrow and finally, to shukra tissue. Healthy shukra tissue, then, according to ayurveda,
depends on the health of all the other tissues in the body.
causes of infertility :
Problems with infertility can arise when nutrition does not reach the reproductive tissue;
this can happen due to under nutrition, poor digestion or obstruction due to toxins.
Having sex by compulsion with a person whom you do not like.
Eating spicy, salty and hot food increase pitta and destroys shukra (semen).
Overindulgence in sexual activities leads to shukra kshaya. It may lead to clibya (impotency).
By controlling sexual urges for longer duration leads to veeryaavarodha (Obstruction of
semen) and this leads to decreased libido.
Infertility can also arise when the reproductive tissue is damaged by infection or trauma.
Some acquire the impotency by birth
General Guidelines for treatment:
Determine the Constitution of both the partners
Clear any obstructions or blockages
Tonify any weaknesses
Ensure that the digestive fire is strong
Ensure that the nervous system is relaxed
Being loving and loved is the best tonic for fertility
The Ayurvedic view of the menstrual cycle:
Average menses are considered to be 4-5 days, moderate flow, moderate colour, no clots, no
Kapha phase: End of bleeding until ovulation is a time of building the endometrium and increasing
kapha. (Oestrogen is increasing).
Pitta phase: Ovulation until bleeding. (Progesterone is high and is secreted by the corpus luteum -
prepares endometrium for implantation and breasts for milk secretion).
Vata phase: Apana vayu (the downward descending wind) pushes the menstrum down and out,
therefore emptying the contents of the womb.
If there is any disturbance in these phases then they need to be balanced. The main problem with
the female menstrual cycle is that the downward descending energy (apana vayu) is blocked. This
causes all sorts of fluctuations from pain, bloating, dryness, anxiety, insomnia, scanty periods,
irregular cycle, clots and infertility. The strategy is to first clear any obstructions and then to tonify
with nourishing boosting herbs.
Tips to balance the menstrual cycle:
Ensure that there is no obstruction in the pelvic cavity; this means making sure you are not
constipated and have no pain during ovulation or menstruation- use Triphala and Aloe vera
to help with this.
Daily self-massage with warm sesame oil followed by a warm shower or bath. Focus on a
clockwise abdominal massage for 5 minutes a day.
Take Aloe vera juice throughout the cycle from day 7 until day 21 to cleanse and nourish the
Take 'A.L.Compound' to boost fertility and normalise menstruation.
Drink a tea made from fennel seeds, liquorice, saffron and fresh ginger.
Drink rose water regularly as it prepares the uterus for implantation.
Balance vata during the vata bleeding phase by relaxing, resting, staying warm and calm. Especially
keep your abdomen warm and avoid the cold.
Balance kapha during the proliferative phase by eating nourishing soups that strengthen the blood
and enhance ovulation- include beetroots, aloe vera, shatavari, nettles and whole grains in your diet.
Balance pitta during the last phase of the cycle by keeping off foods that might aggravate heat and
stress in your body, i.e. coffee, chocolate, alcohol. Increase your yoga practice, have lots of warm
baths and clockwise abdominal massage and add Ashoka Triphala and Aloe vera in your regime to
keep the pelvic region uncongested.
Excessive mental, emotional and physical stress can worsen the symptoms of many chronic
disorders, including infertility. This is due to hormonal changes and other biochemical responses to
stress that can imbalance the nervous system.Trying to get pregnant can be very stressful. What is
important is that getting pregnant can be facilitated by optimising your health. It is easy to say it but
basically just try to relax and let nature work her course. Also remember that when we are tense
then our channels and vessels are constricted. If this happens with uterus then the fallopian tubes,
the blood vessels nourishing the uterus can also be constricted, which is the opposite of what is
needed to conceive. So, just relax!
Male fertility can be caused by all sorts of sperm defects (low volume, low motility, irregular shape),
erectile dysfunction and obstructions (varicocele and prostatitis).
Tips to boost male fertility
There are two basic strategies to optimise male fertility. First clear any obstructions and then tonify
the reproductive tissue.
1. If you think there is an obstruction (constipation, dribbling urine, poor erectile function) use herbs
such as Gokshura (Tribulis terrestris), Guduchi (Tinosporia cordifolia) and Triphala to clear the
blockage. When the path is clear use tonics.
2. Ayurveda has a fantastic repertoire of tonic herbs for improving erectile function, boosting sperm
count, strengthening motility, and enhancing form. Use Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) and
Kapikacchu (Mucuna pruriens) to treat any weakness in sperm count, form or function.
3. Other things men can do to enhance their fertility is to avoid alcohol and smoking, reduce poor
quality fats in the diet, and increase exercise.
Yoga for Fertility:
Padmasana, the classic Lotus Pose increases blood flow to the perineum and directs prana or the life
force to the lower two chakras that govern sexual functions. A very useful yogic exercise for both
partners is to practice pelvic floor exercises. Just contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor greatly
enhances the circulation to the reproductive system. Such practices as moola bandha, ashwini
mudra and vajroli mudra are famed for enhancing sexual prowess and potency.
Maintaining fertility:
Optimising fertility is one of the delicious arts of Ayurveda. There are certain foods and herbs that
have an affinity for the reproductive system that anyone wanting to enhance their fertility should
include in their diet. These are usually foods that have qualities of sweetness, nourishing and
building. Examples include There are two kinds of foods and herbs that help enhance shukra dhatu,
and therefore help enhance fertility. One is called 'Bruhana', and these foods enhance shukra by
enhancing all the seven dhatus. 'Vrishya' foods and herbs target shukra dhatu in particular
Foods to Nourish All Seven Dhatus (Bringhana)
Fresh, organic fruits and vegetables
Nuts: Almonds, walnuts and pumpkin seeds
Dairy proteins, including milk,cream, ghee, lassi, and panir (a fresh cheese made of milk)
Sweet, juicy fruits such as mangoes, peaches, plums, and pears
Dried fruits such as dates, figs, and raisins
Herbs like Ashoka (Saraca indica), Aamla (Emblica oficinalis), Pippali (Piper longum), Haritaki
(Terminalia chebula), etc., are age old proven rejuvenators.
The generic preparations like Chyavanprashavaleha, Brahmi Ghrita, and Agatsya Haritaki
Avaleha are prescribed for the gain and maintenance of the strength and vigor.
Foods to Enhance the Reproductive Tissue (Vrishya)
Milk , milk-date shake, milk-mango shake
rice pudding
Spices such as ajwain powder, cumin (which purifies the uterus in women and the
genitourinary tract in men), turmeric (to improve the interaction between hormones and
targeted tissues), and black cumin, fenugreek, garlic, onion, and licorice are said to
invigorate the reproductive organs.
Caution: Do not take licorice or fenugreek if you suspect you may be pregnant or after
becoming pregnant.
Herbs: Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera),
Shatavari (Asparagus racemosa) is considered the most important rejuvenative tonic for
women Use Shatavarikalpa
Kapikacchu (Mucuna pruriens) is a proven medicine for increasing the sperm count in the
patients of oligospermia and defective sperm formation.
'Vrishavati' is a safe, nonhormonal aphrodisiac formulation. It is useful in male infertility due
to Oligospermia and low sperm motility, impotency, loss of libido and other reproductive
disorders. The ingredients such as Ashwagandha, Kavachbeej help to improve sexual
functions ,quality and quantity of semen.
Gokshura (Tribulis terrestris),
Bala (Sida cordifolia)

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