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Substation Yard Design & Installation

Package C-7030
Project Description:
Te project includes a gold ore processing !acilit" located near Ili#$ in te eastern part
o! Turke"% Te &ine installations are not part o! te S'C-(a)alin*s scope o! +ork%
Plant co&&issioning is e,pected to start on -anuar" .00/$ +it operation starting +itin
te ne,t 3 to 0 &onts%
Inco&ing po+er is at 120 k3$ e!!ecti)el" earted% Plant distribution is at 4%4 k3$ ig-
resistance earted 5206$ 10s7%
Scope o! Package:
Te 3endor sall design$ as a !irst pase$ te ig-)oltage substation "ard !or te
processing plant% Te design sall e&pasi8e on !ootprint opti&i8ation$ !or possible
addition in te !uture o! anoter trans!or&er and protecti)e gear% Te allocated area !or
te "ard is 27 & , 00 &% Te design sall also &eet te re9uire&ents o! te :tilit"%
3endor sall de&onstrate tat te" a)e reali8ed si&ilar installations tat connect to
te T;I6S po+er grid%
Design sall be based on Turkis regulations 5bot national and tose o! te po+er
utilit"7 and local current practices%
6s a second pase$ te 3endor sall reali8e all ci)il$ structural$ &ecanical and
electrical +ork% Te +ork sall include te testing and te "ard sall be read" !or
<atter" (i&its:
;,tending b" one &eter outside te !enced peri&eter o! te "ard
;art +ork and underground &ecanical and electrical +ork included
Suppl" side o! substation "ard =recei)ing> portal
Scope o! ?ork 5suppl"$ installation and connection$ unless indicates oter+ise7:
Yard !ence
@ecei)ing portal o! trans&ission line
Co&plete earting$ including grid
Concrete !oundations
Catc basin !or &ain trans!or&er
Steel structures
6ll electrical co&ponents 5potential trans!or&ers$ current trans!or&ers$ surge
arresters$ ligtning protection$ etc%7 re9uired !or te design
Inco&ing ig-)oltage circuit-breaker$ &otor-operated isolating disconnect
s+itces and earting s+itc
6ssistance to &ain trans!or&er installation and energi8ing b" supplier 6<<
6ll ig-)oltage cabling and bars and &ediu&-)oltage cables to te &ain
s+itcegear and to te po+er !actor correction unit
Co&plete &ain electrical s+itcroo&$ co&prising all ser)ices 5..0 3 outlets$
3A0 3 +elder outlet$ ligting$ B36C s"ste&$ distribution trans!or&ers and
panels$ DC po+er supplies and teleco&&unication and control e9uip&ent
re9uired b" T;I6S per te connection agree&ent !or &etering$ control and
data ac9uisition
Installation and connection o! te &ain s+itcgear in te s+itcroo&
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Substation "ard testing co&&issioning and energi8ing
Cptional Scope o! ?ork D To be 9uoted separatel" 5suppl"$ installation and
4%4 k3 auto&atic po+er !actor correction unit 5!our controlled detuned . E36@
20 6$ 10-second rated outdoor neutral earting resistor
Cutdoor 8ig-8ag neutral earting trans!or&er rated !or te neutral earting
'F)e ;nerji 5trans&ission line designer7 !or connection on trans&ission line and
co&&unication link
T;I6S electric po+er utilit" !or protection$ co&&unication and &etering
S'C-(636(I' 5S(I7 !or interconnections at te batter" li&its
;9uip&ent Pre-Purcased b" Client:
14 E36 120:4%4 k3 &ain po+er trans!or&er 5P-70.07 5suppl" and installation
Eain 4%4 k3 s+itcgear 5P-70307
@e!erence Docu&entation Supplied to 3endor:
Plant single line diagra&
Preli&inar" control and protecti)e sce&e
Connection 6gree&ent
Deli)erables !ro& 3endor:
Deli)erables sall include all speci!ications 5electrical e9uip&entGco&ponentsGard+are$
structural steel7$ dra+ings 5la"outs$ )ie+s and details$ control diagra&s$ protecti)e
diagra&s$ calculations and docu&entation 5cabling scedule$ &aterial take-o!!$ etc%7 in
general% Docu&entation re9uired !or appro)al b" T;I6S o! te &etering$
co&&unication and protecti)e installations are also included%
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