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Functions of the Spleen

The Spleen has 6 Primary Functions:

1. To govern transformation and transportation: of the
liquid and solid products of digestion after they have been
rottened and ripened by the stomach.
2. To control the Blood: to dominate the first stage of its
formation and holding it in its proper place and preventing
3. To control the muscles and the four limbs: to provide vigor
and bulk
4. To open into the mouth (dominate sense of taste) and
manifest in the lips
5. To control the raising qi (to counteract sinking and
6. To house Yi

Point Actions and Indications:
Treats failure of the transportation and transformation function,
resulting in borbygmus, loose stools, undigested food in the stool,
poor appetite, etc.
Treats disorders of the intestines such as dysenteric disorder,
diarrhea, and constipation
Treats retention of dampness and consequent qi stagnation,
resulting in distention and pain of the abdomen, edema, heaviness
of the body, soreness of the muscles and joints, swelling of the
four limbs, difficult urination, leucorrhea, somnolence, lethargy,
Tonifies qi and blood
Resolves blood stasis, especially in the uterus and cools the blood
Reinforces the SP function of holding blood in the proper place
Raises qi and treats prolapse
Treats dyspnea, fullness and distention of the chest and lateral
costal region, sighing, etc.
Calms and regulates the Spirit.
Treats disorders of the genitals.
The Spleen Channel

The Main Pathway

1. The Spleen meridian
begins at a superficial
level at SP 1 on the
medial aspect of the first
digit. It runs up the
medial aspects of the
foot and leg and crosses
the LR channel at a point
8 cun superior to the
medial malleolus.

2. It ascends to the lower
abdomen at SP 12/13,
where the pathway
crosses to CV 3 and CV

3. The meridian continues
to SP 14 and SP 15,
entering the spleen and
pancreas and connecting
with the stomach above
CV 10.

4. One deep branch travels
from the stomach (at CV
10) through the
diaphragm and onwards
to the heart to link with
the Heart channel.

5. The main branch goes to
SP 16 and then ascends
through the diaphragm
(passing GB 24 and LR
14 (and LU 1 acc. to D))
and chest to end at SP

6. From SP 20 a deep
pathway passes centrally across the chest, past LU 1 and through the neck and esophagus to the
root of the tongue, where it radiates around the back of the tongue and sublingual areas.

The Spleen Channel

Divergent Channel

Leaving the primary meridian on the thigh, this converges with the Divergent channel of
the Stomach and passes up to the throat and then enters the tongue

Luo Channel

This leaves the primary meridian at SP 4 and connects with the Stomach meridian.
A branch ascends to the abdomen to connect with the stomach and intestines.

Muscle Channel

This originates on the medial side of the first digit and ascends the foot to bind with the
medial malleolus.
It passes up to bind with the medial aspect of the knee, then traverses the medial aspect of
the thigh to bind with the hip and join the reproductive organs.
It crosses the abdomen, binds with the umbilicus, enters the abdominal cavity, binds with
the ribs, and finally disperses through the chest.
An internal branch binds to the spine
SP 1 Retired White

Wood, Well, Entry, Ghost point 1 X
Forbidden Months 1+
Location Medial nail point of the big toe

About .1 cun proximal to the corner of the nail
Just distal to the flare of the distal phalanx

Needling 90 or 45 insertion directed proximally .1-.2 cun, or prick to bleed

Function Stops Bleeding (moxa)
D, M

o Uterine bleeding, menorrhagia, blood in urine or stool,
vomiting blood, nosebleed

Calms the Spirit (ghost pt)
D, M

o Sadness, mania-depression, excess dreaming, insomnia, loss of consciousness

o Depression and restlessness in Excess patterns resulting from blood stasis

Moves Blood Stasis

o Blood stasis in the uterus

Jing-Well, Acute Conditions

o Abdominal distention, swelling of the limbs, diarrhea, etc.

Unbinds Chest

o Heat in chest, fullness of chest, dyspnea, sighing

Wood Under-Controlling Earth

o Lack of organization, erosion of center (sp qi def.)
o Bleeding, prolapse of the bladder, anus or uterus, hemorrhoids.(sp qi def.)
o Slow thought processes, lethargy, boredom (dampness)
o Ingratiation to avoid anger, difficulty asserting oneself, feeling emotionally untable.
o Slow metabolism (dampness)

Wood Over-Controlling Earth

o Constraint (rootbound). Obsession, rumination, cant get off Hollywood circle
o Tension, pressure, and pain across middle jiao, acid reflux, bitter or sour taste,

Name Hidden White
Yin: hidden, obscure
Bai: white
Alternate Names: Yin White, Ghost Pile, Ghost Eye

LJ Virtues: Empowers earth to hold center.
Diminishes constraint that comes with being root bound.

o This point is a rising power. Radiating power, it allows the breath of earth to rise into the
LU. Its important in creating a balance between earth and celestial harmony.

o JG: Use when a person cant see a way out, he/she needs new roots in the soil. The
person is stuck and needs new growth. This point anchors us to the ground and enhances
the clarity of thought. Overactive wood in earth is alike a potted plant choking off life.
This point aids in study and recall.
SP 2 Great Capital

Fire, Tonification, Spring, First Aid 3 3-5
Forbidden Months 1+

Location On the medial edge of the big toe
Just distal to the base of the proximal phalanx

On the medial surface of the first digit
Distal to the metatarsophalangeal joint
Just distal to the flare of the base of the
first proximal phalanx
(Traditionally at the junction of the change in skin color)

Needling 45 inferior insertion .3-.5 cun

Function Damp & Damp-Heat
D, M

o Edema of the limbs, heaviness of the body with pain in the bones, oppression of the

Harmonizes middle jiao

o Abdominal distention, epigastric pain, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation

Febrile diseases
D, M

o At beginning stage with absence of sweating (gets you to sweat and get rid of the
o Febrile disease that does not disperse

Local point for disorders of the big toe

First Aid: fractures, sprains

Deficient Fire within Earth

o Slow digestation and integration, poor digestion, excess deliberation and slow
thought process (dampness)
o Excess water contributing to fluid stagnation and deficient qi and yang (dampness)

Excess Fire within Earth

o Insatiable appetite (hungry heart) (ST heat)
o Fluids are consumed leading to yin deficiency (geographic tongue)

Name Great Metropolis
Da: great, big
Du: unit of government organization, a capital city; a pool

LJ Virtues: Warms the earth so our lifes harvest may flourish. Helps satiate the
hungry heart.

o This point warms the Earth, giving mental energy. It is like putting lava in the soil. It
brings deep joy and sparks the earth. Its good for concentration and memorization.
o It aids cold hands, heavy limbs and fertility.
SP 3 Supreme White

Source, Earth, Horary, Stream 3 3-5

Location On the medial edge of the foot
Just proximal to the head of the first metatarsal bone

At the flare of the head of the first metatarsal bone
Proximal to the metatarso-phalangeal joint
(at the junction of the change in skin color)

Needling 90 insertion .5-1 cun

Function Tonifies SP Qi
D, M

o Fatigue, no appetite, diarrhea, undigested food in stool D
o Mental overwork: stimulates brain, promotes memory, induces mental clarity M
Resolves Dampness
M, D

o Heaviness of the body, pain of bones, oppressive sensation in the four limbs,
borborygmus, diarrhea, dysenteric disorder D
o Dampness anywhere in the body, confused thinking, muzziness of head, stuffiness of
the chest, fullness and stuffiness of epigastrium, no appetite, difficult urination with
cloudy urine and vaginal discharge, feeling of heaviness, sticky tongue coating M
Dispels Wind-Damp:

o Wind-damp causing fever, febrile disease with fullness and oppression and inability
to lie down, febrile disease that begins with heaviness of head, pain of forehead
o Dispels wind-damp from joints and lumbar, treats atrophy disorder
Moves Qi in the Chest and Abdomen

o Abdominal and epigastric distention and pain, distention of chest and lateral costal
region, constipation
Clears Phlegm in the Lungs

Strengthens the Spine

o The Spleen controls the spine (Huang Ti Nei Ching Su Wen). Weak or not straight
spine in cases of chronic backache

o Treats disorders of the big toe and the head of the 1st metatarsal
Horary Point (Earth within Earth)

o Incongruence between intentions, speech and actions. Neediness and ingratiation.
o Unable to mix or propose
o Acquired burdens that obscure recognition of our real needs and appetites

Name Supreme White
Tai: very, extreme
Bai: white

LJ Virtue: empowers nourishment from the earth as the source of acquired qi.

o This point lends a sense of solidity and groundedness.
o JG: This point nourishes, holds and lifts. It aids in concentration, memorization and
study. Its useful for folk ungrounded due to airplane travel or frequent moving from
place to place.
o White Jade is considered extremely precious to the Chinese. The White in this point
name can refer to that aspect of preciousness found within all of us. This point helps a
person to know his/her own specialness and preciousness.
SP 4 Princes Grandson

Luo point, Chong Mo MP, Yin Wei Mo CP 3 3

Location On the medial edge of the foot
Just distal to the proximal end of the first metatarsal bone

Distal and inferior to the base of the first metatarsal bone
Just distal where the bone flares, 1 cun proximal to SP 3

Needling 90 insertion .5-1 cun

Function Regulates the SP & ST
D, M

o Clears Damp In the epigastrium

o Blood Stasis in the ST

o Clears ST Heat

o Descends ST Qi

o Vomiting, cold in ST, no pleasure in eating, borborygmus, diarrhea, undigested
food in stool, dysenteric disorder, blood in stool

Regulates Menstruation via Chong Mo

o Irregular menstruation, stops excessive bleeding, gynecological disorders, retention
of placenta and lochia
Relieves Pain
D, M

o Important for pain and distention anywhere in upper or lower abdomen
o Treats heart and chest pain (Chong Mo capillary-like vessels dispersing into chest)
Calms the Spirit

o Mania-depression, manic raving, insomnia and restlessness, epilepsy, GB deficiency,
much sighing

Name Yellow Emperor
Gong: grandfather; public; a surname
Sun: grandson; a surname, general sun

LJ Virtues: Unites the mind (stomach) and the heart (spleen) of the earth element.
In the relationship between the earth officials, the spleen is the grandfather and the stomach is
the grandson, spanning generations, forming a bridge between the wisdom of the past and our
hope for the future. In response to shock we can lose touch with our centers, projecting the
fulfillment of our needs onto to others. Our appetites can come to be based on our drive to
seek comfort with no attention paid to the quality of nourishment our spirits truly hunger for.
This dynamic can be embodied as stagnation of damp. SP 4 helps dispel damp and directs the
mind inwardly back towards the jing so it can serve as a healthy foundation for building
ourselves newly from acquired qi.

o This is one of the most beautiful points in the body. The Chinese character is the name of
the Princes grandson who literally saved the realm.
o Use this point to give essence to distribution, the healer of the land.
o This is used for the spirit a lot. It is the only point with a royal name so influential. Its
about wealth, riches and plenty.
o The Grandson is one of the Emperors favorites. It is like entrusting the future to your
grandchildren, leaving a legacy. There is a sense of encouraging and enhancing the
grandchildren. This point brings tremendous youthful richness.
o Its an investment in the patients future. Use when a patient can no longer think about
the future, has suicidal thoughts or is feeling sorry for him/herself.
SP 5 Merchant Mound

Metal, Sedation, River 3 3-7

Location In the hollow anterior and distal to the medial malleolus
Posterior to the tendon of the tibialis anterior

Traditionally midway between the tuberosity of the
navicular bone and the prom. of the medial malleolus.

Needling (1) 90 insertion .2-.3 cun
(2) 0 insertion beneath the tendons towards, or to join with, ST 41

Function Tonifies the Spleen and resolves Damp
D, M

o Indolence, somnolence, lethargy, desire to lie down, abdominal distention,
borborygmus, watery diarrhea, undigested food in stool

Benefits Sinews and Bones
D, M

o Pain and contraction of the sinews, pain of the inner thigh, wind-damp-bi, bone
painful obstruction, heavy body with painful joints, hemiplegia

Calms the Spirit

o Mania-depression, excessive thinking, propensity to laughter, nightmares, sighing,
chronic childhood fright wind, childhood fright epilepsy

Benefits the Tongue

o Stiffness and pain in root of the tongue, impaired speech


o For disorders of the ankle joint and surrounding soft tissue

Deficient Metal within Earth (Earth not sedating naturally thru Sheng cycle)

o Dampness: bloating, excess weight, constipation or diarrhea, feelings of being stuck.
o Self-image tied to body weight and continually feel worthless and heavy from
overeating. Empowers feeling of lightness.

Excess Metal within Earth (Earth losing too much through Sheng cycle)

o Release of nutrients before assimilation. Diarrhea = crying, the embodiment of grief
over value that slips away. Shenling Baizhu San
o This person tends towards being too thin.
o Self righteousness and perfectionism constrain ability to be nourished, assimilation
through digestion and breath is obscured.

Name Shang Hill
Shang: 1 of the 5 sounds of the musical scale, market
Qiu: hill

LJ Virtue: Empowers harmony in the process of assimilating substantial and
essential nourishment.

o This point speeds up veinous return. It is very cleansing.

o JG: Metal gives the earth value, provides structure and order. Use when people are
overly self-involved. It brings honor and respect to woundedness, acknowledging the
hurt. You can sedate it for extreme agitation in children.
SP 6 Three Yin Crossing

Reunion SP, LR, KI 3 3-7
Forbidden Months 9+
Location On the medial surface of the leg
4 ACI proximal to the prominence of the medial malleolus
Posterior to the edge of the tibia

3 cun proximal to the prominence to the medial malleolus
On the posterior border of the medial aspect of the tibia
Between the tibia and soleus muscle

Needling 90 or 45 proximal insertion 1-1.5 cun,
Contraindicated in pregnancy

Function Resolves Damp
D, M

o Heavy body, heaviness of 4 limbs, edema, borborygmus, diarrhea, undigested food
in stool, abdominal distention, cold abdomen, no desire to eat and drink, vomiting,
o Wind-damp bi, atrophy disorder and painful obstruction of lower limbs, eczema
From Lower Jiao
o Reproductive organs: leucorrhea, infertility, fibroid tumors, prostate infections
o Uro-genital tract: Difficult urination, enuresis, painful urination, cloudy urine
Tonifies Spleen Qi
D, M

o All SP deficiency patterns: poor appetite, loose stools, fatigue.
o Combine with ST 36 to tonify Middle Jiao, Qi and Blood to relieve chronic fatigue
Regulates the Uterus and Menses and moves Blood Stasis
D, M

o Induces labor, irregular menses, uterine bleeding, menorrhagia, amenorrhea,
dysmenorrhea, clots, abdominal masses, uterine prolapse, infertility, restless fetus,
transverse presentation, difficult labor, retention of lochia, post-partum dizziness
Regulates Sexual function and the Genitals

o Seminal emission, sexual hyperactivity in men, impotence, pain in genitals, pain in
penis, contracted testicles, shan disorder
Stops pain

o Lower abdomen: regardless of cause (smoothes out LR qi, clears Damp, tonifies SP)
Moves Stagnant LR Qi

o Irritability
Tonifies KI Yin

o Dizziness, tinnitusl, night sweats, heat, dry mouth, and other KI yin def. symptoms
Tonifies LR and HT Blood deficiency deriving from SP qi deficiency

Clears Blood Heat

o Exterior Heat disease at Xue stage or chronic Blood heat (skin disorders)
Calms the Spirit
M, D

o Esp. if from Blood and/or Yin deficiency or SP qi deficiency not creating Blood

o Palpitations, insomnia

Name Three Yin Intersection
San: three
Yin: yin, the complement of yang
Jiao: to intersect, joint, meet, cross

o Use this point for very deep depressions when the person is desperate, wants to run away,
wants to throw up his/her job, family and food.
o JG: This is a classic point for clearing damp. Its very stabilizing, empowering, strengthening.
Helps you take yourself on and move the force of the mountain, edema. It grounds, roots and
strengthens the trunk. Its good for the person who says, I cant go on
SP 7 Leaky Valley

3 X

Location On the medial surface of the leg
7 ACI proximal to the prominence of the medial malleolus
Posterior to the edge of the tibia

6 cun proximal to the prominence to the medial malleolus
On the posterior border of the medial aspect of the tibia
Between the tibia and soleus muscle
Note: Historically there have been various cun locations for
SP 6, 7, and 8. 4/7/9 are given in Dr. Wu Wei-Pings book,
on Dr. J. Laviers diagrams and in LAcuponcture Chinoise
by George Soulie de Morant.

Needling 90 or 45 insertion 1-1.5 cun
Contraindicated for moxa in several classical texts

Function Spleen Qi Deficiency

o Wasting of the muscles and the flesh despite normal eating and drinking


o Abdominal fullness, borborygmus, diarrhea, painful belching, edema, difficult
urination, swelling of the ankle, sadness with counterflow qi, seminal emission, leg
paralysis, leg qi, inversion counterflow of legs and knees, knee painful obstruction

Spleen Qi Leaking Earth not Controlling/Holding Water

o Dampness, excessive need to give or receive sympathy, craving sugar

Name Leaking Valley
Lou: to leak, to drip
Gu: valley

LJ Virtue: empowers the spleen to hold the center and prevent leaking. The valley
alluded to in the points name can refer to the stomach or to the hara in the lower jiao. If earth
qi is deficient, the spleen may fail to empower the center to contain nourishment adequately.
Incomplete digestion can be congruent with conditions such as leaky gut syndrome. ST 43 is
named sunken valley, and it refers to deficient stomach qi failing to hold the middle and
lower jiao in place. Hemorrhoids and prolapse are evidence of our valleys sinking. Earth
controls water across the ko cycle. If the controlling influence of earth is deficient, water will
leak as it overflows the boundary created by the rivers banks. Evidence of the valley leaking is
seen in signs of damp stagnation. Leaky valley can function to prevent leaking or reduce edema
and disinhibit the flow of urine when elimination is difficult. Emotional leaking can manifest as
the excessive need to give or receive sympathy. The craving of sympathy is the psycho-
spiritual equivalent of craving sugar, and it engenders a type of dampness experienced
clinically as neediness. Cloying and neediness are the correlates of ying leaking due to erosion
of our emotional center. SP 7 can strengthen our centers and help treat such leaking in all
aspects of being.

o JG: Use for incontinence and urine issues. Use when Earth is not holding water or
nourishment. It helps stop circular thinking. It allows the patient to reap the rewards of
doing for others.

SP 8 Earth Motivator

Xi Cleft point 4 3-7

Location On the medial surface of the leg
9 ACI proximal to the prominence of the medial malleolus
Posterior to the edge of the tibia

10 cun proximal to the prominence to the medial malleolus
On the posterior border of the medial aspect of the tibia
Between the tibia and soleus muscle
Note: Historically there have been various cun locations
for SP 6, 7, and 8. 4/7/9 are given in
Dr. Wu Wei-Pings book, on Dr. J. Laviers diagrams and
in LAcuponcture Chinoise by George Soulie de Morant.

Needling 90 or 45 insertion 1-1.5 cun

Function Moves Blood Stasis in the Uterus
D, M

Important point for dysmenorrhea, uterine masses, abdominal masses and irregular
Often combined with LI 4 for acute dysmenorrhea

Resolves Dampness

For abdominal distention, poor appetite, difficult urination, edema, leucorrhea,
especially when these symptoms accompany menstrual disorders.

Turns over the Earth Moves Earth Stagnation (tonify)

Helps Overactive Earth Relax (sedate)

Name Earths Crux
Di: earth
Ji: crucial point; to cure; machine

LJ Virtue: Promotes integrity by moving stagnation. Inertia and momentum define a
continuum of dysfunctional expression associated with earth. Earth tends to remain at rest
mirroring the slow process of geological change. But when it does finally initiate movement, it
tends to move cataclysmically. Either end of the spectrum, whether typified by lethargy and
boredom or habitual doing, can present as obstinacy. Earth Motivator is similar to utilizing a
bulldozer to come and move stuck earth. Tonifying it can help motivate earth to move,
whereas sedating it can help overactive earth relax.

o If the Spleen gets sluggish or hyper, this point helps to revitalize or calm down.
o The Spleen has to work hard transporting qi around the body. With all Earth CFs,
question whether or not you need to start off by motivating the earth.
o Some peoples earth has not been turned over in generations. This turning over is needed
to prepare the Earth to receive. It can be so hard, impacted, and water logged that it is of
no use to the person.
o JG: This point is moving and motivating. It turns over new earth. This is how you have
experienced Earth so far and we are going to till the earth so that you can plant new
seeds. There is a lot of blood/qi/energy here. Its like a bulldozerit shakes up the
earth, turns it over and forces it to move. Its good for stubborn people who dont hear
what you say. Its helpful for fluid or fatty tissue buildups, irregular menses.
SP 9 Yin Mound Spring

Water point, Spring point 5-8 X

Location On the medial surface of the leg
13 ACI proximal to the prominence of the medial malleolus
On the posterior edge of the tibia
(Haig: In the corner formed by the tibias shaft and medial condyle

13 cun proximal to the prominence to the medial malleolus
between the tibia and gastrocnemius muscle
On the inferior border of the medial condyle of the tibia
(This is level with the tuberosity of the tibia and GB 34)

Needling 90 insertion 1-1.5 cun

Function Resolves Dampness (esp. lower jiao)
D, M

o Edema, swelling of lower limbs, urine retention, difficult urination, diarrhea,
sudden diarrhea with undigested food in stool, dysenteric disorder, no desire to eat,
jaundice, abdominal distention, leucorrhea

o For pain and swelling of the knee and systemic painful obstruction
Deficiency of Water within Earth

o Excessive appetite, thirst, infertility, lacking sympathy for ourselves and others
Excess of Water within Earth

o Dampness, lethargy, boredom, slow thought process, obsessive thought patterns,
worry, uterine dysfunctions (fibroids)

Name Yin Mound Spring
Yin: yin, the complement of yang
Ling: mound, hill, tomb
Quan: a spring

LJ Virtues: Nourishes earth to promote fertility in all aspects of being. Helps
engender the emotion sympathy for self and others. If water within earth is deficient,
earth is parched as assimilation of nourishment is compromised. If there is lack of control by
water, the fire within earth can rage. Such heat can fuel appetite and thirst, although little of
the nourishment acquired is assimilated. Dry earth can be embodied as infertility as our ability
to make blood and qi is compromised. We can lack sympathy for ourselves and others as we
grow hardened to the world. If water within earth is excess, earth can turn to mud and
become thick and stagnant (dampness, lethargy, boredom, slow thought process). Excess
water can erode riverbanks to flood and destroy the fields. In this way fear can fail to be
checked by the mind as our thoughts become obsessed with worry. SP 9 diminishes the
presence of water within earth and can be used to drain damp. When this point is tender on a
woman, it can indicate uterine dysfunction. It can be diagnostic of uterine fibroids or other
types of damp stagnation that affect the reproductive organs.

o Use when there is a mental craving for sympathy feel sorry for me or dryness, hardness,
bitterness, lack of sympathy I dont need it.
o Its the best point for the knees with ST 35.
o It goes tender on women with hormonal problems and is classically a point used for that.
o JG: This point addresses both the craving and rejection of sympathy. Its a lack of water
in earth that manifests as lack of fluidity on a mental level and gets hard, dry and bitter.
Use when theres too much waterswelling and damp.
SP 10 Sea of Blood

3-5 3-10

Location On the anterior surface of the thigh
3 ACI proximal to the flexure of the knee
In the middle of the belly of the vastus medialis

4 cun proximal to the flexure of the knee
(=3.2 ACI if you use 13 ACI from the
medial knee crease to the medial attachment
of the leg to the trunk (CTA uses 14)
On the prominence of the medial head of the
quadriceps femoris muscle
(i.e. in the center of the vastus medialis muscle)
When the foot is flexed

Note: Dr. Wu Wei-P'ing puts SP 10 at 3 cun
above the flexure, but locates SP 11 anatomically.
Dr. J. Lavier shows SP 10/11 at 3/8 ACI, with 13 measured
between the greater trochanter and popliteal crease.

Needling 90 or 45 insertion 1-1.5 cun

Function Moves Blood Stasis (esp. menstrual)
o Irregular menses, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, uterine bleeding containing clots

Cools Blood (menstrual and skin)
o Irregular uterine bleeding, urticaria, eczema, erysipelas (cinnabar toxin), herpes
zoster, painful hot sores

Tonifies Blood
o Especially when allied with blood stasis, but SP 6 is better for this.

Name Sea of Blood
Xue: blood
Hai: sea

LJ The spleens function is to transform all acquired influences into nurturance by empowering
the nutritive content of blood. This point has the ability to move blood stasis like a xi-cleft
point. It also clears heat in the blood.

o Use this point when theres no life, no blood and no energy.
o Consider this point with anything associated with the blood itself. It revitalizes,
reenergizes and reawakens.
o Its good for coldness on a mental levelrejection and withdrawal.
o Use with the House of Hernia with heavy moxa to reduce a hernia.
o JG: Use for anemia or when a patient is cool to offerings.

SP 11 Basket Gate

Yin Wei Mo 5 3

Location On the anterior surface of the thigh
9 ACI proximal to the knee flexure
On the anterior border of the sartorius

10 cun proximal to the flexure of the knee
(= 9.2 ACI in JRW)
On the line connecting SP 10 and SP 12
(in the groove between the medial border
of the sartorius muscle and the gracilis muscle)

Note: Dr. Wu Wei-P'ing puts SP 10 at 3 cun
above the flexure, but locates SP
11 anatomically. Dr. J. Lavier shows SP 10/11
at 3/8 ACI, with 13 measured
between the greater trochanter and popliteal crease.

Needling 90 or 45 insertion .5-1 cun Deep needling may puncture femoral artery !

Function Regulates Urination and Drains Damp-Heat
o Indicated for painful urinary dysfunction, urine retention, obstructed
urination, enuresis, eczema of the scrotum, damp itching of external
genitalia, pain and swelling of inguinal region, pain in lower abdomen.
o Rarely used

Name Winnower Gate
Ji: winnowing basket; dustpan
Men: door, gate
Alternate Names: Tai Yin Inner Market

Ji translates as winnowing basket. A classical Chinese term for squatting with the legs
spread open, exposing the inner thighs, is ji zuo (literally, winnow-sit, the position
taken while winnowing). The point can be located in this position.

In ancient Chinese astronomy one of the 28 constellations was a dustpan-shaped one
called Ji.

SP 12 Rushing Gate

Reunion SP, LR, Yin Wei Mo, Yin Wei Mo 7 5

Location On the flexure of the groin
4 ACI lateral to the median line
and 4 ACI inferior to the umbilicus
Level with CV 3

3.5 cun lateral to the anterior median line
(with lateral border of rectus abdominis = 2 ACI)
5 cun inferior to the level of the umbilicus
Just superior to the upper border of the symphysis pubis
and hence level with CV 2
On the lateral side of the femoral artery
and superior to the lateral end of the inguinal groove

Needling 90 insertion .5-1 cun
! Deep needling in a medial direction may puncture the femoral artery !
! Deep needling in a lateral direction may puncture the femoral nerve !

Function Moves blood and qi, and regulates spasm

o Abdominal pain, cold in abdomen with fullness, abdominal masses,
hemorrhoidal pain, fetal qi rushing upward to heart. When Yin Wei
Mo is diseased, heart pain will result. (Classic of Difficulties)

Drains damp, clears heat, and regulates urination

o Difficult urination, urine retention, painful urinary dysrfunction,
leucorrhea, sudden turmois disorder, body heat

Balances giving so that it is not compulsive (moves qi)

Name Surging Gate
Chong: surge, dash, flush, rinse; thoroughfare
Men: gate, door
Alternate Names: Palace of Charity, Upper Palace
of Charity, Front Camphorwood Gate

o This point has a similar action to ST 30 and KI 11.
o Any gateway on the SP must be free moving. This is a reunion point with Liver,
making it a special point.
o Use for bloatedness, retention of urine, constipation
o Use to get things moving. Think of a mind or spirit that wont let go. Us when a
persons obsessed on a sprit level. Wait till the patient is really asking for help to use
this point.
SP 13 Official Residence

Reunion SP, LR, Yin Wei Mo 7 5-10

Location On the abdomen
4 ACI lateral to the median line
and 3 ACI inferior to the umbilicus
Level with CV 4
4 cun lateral to the anterior median line
(lateral border of rectus abdominis =
2 ACI and nipple = 4 ACI)
.7 cun superior to SP 12, 3 cun inferior to SP 14
(i.e., 4.3 cun inferior to the level of the umbilicus)
Note: This point has also been given different
transverse distances to the median line.
Current Chinese literature uses 4 cun for SP 13-16, as SP 11-16 are said to be on
a vertical line directly below the nipple (i.e. at 4 cun), with SP 13 being 3.5 cun
as the lower abdomen is narrower.

Needling 90 insertion 1-1.5 cun
! In thin patients, deep needling may penetrate the peritoneal cavity !

Function Regulates qi and alleviates pain

o Abdominal fullness and pain, abdominal masses (painful), constipation,
pain of lateral costal, thigh pain.

Name Bowel Abode
Fu: mansion, residence; (ancient: bowel)
She: house, abode

o This point is good for bloatedness in the area of the point.
o This may be combined with SP 14 when a person is in a knot with the
Body/Mind/Spirit and has a barren spirit with no harvest.
o Use when a persons in a tangle and cant see their way out.
o This is the Official Residencethe home. It stabilizes the Spleen.
o Use if a person is scattered, hyperactive. It calms them down and allows
them to just be.
o Use when you get the feeling they are a lost child looking for help.
o JG: Use when someone hasnt really established themselves within
themselves; when theyre not centered in their own being. Its about being
your own person, not living through others, partners, friends, etc.

SP 14 Abdomen Knot

7 5-15

Location On the abdomen
4 ACI lateral to the median line
and 1 ACI inferior to the level of the umbilicus
Level with CV 7
4 cun lateral to the anterior median line
(lateral border of rectus abdominis = 2 ACI
and nipple = 4 ACI)
1.3 ACI cun inferior to SP 15 and the umbilicus

Needling 90 insertion 1-1.5 cun
! In thin patients, deep needling may penetrate the peritoneal cavity !

Function Warms the benefits the lower jiao
o Cold diarrhea and dysenteric disorder, cold in abdomen

Rectifies qi and downbears counterflow

o For stagnation of qi in (and uprising qi from) the abdominal
region: umbilical pain, abdominal distention and constipation,
painful shan disorder, qi rushing up to the heart, heart pain, cough

Name Abdominal Bind
Fu: abdomen
Jie: a knot; to tie, weave, congeal
Alternate Names: Intestinal Bind, Abdominal
Hole, Abdominal Bend, Abdominal Exit

LJ Virtue: unties knots in the abdomen congruent with worry and
rumination. SP 14 can help ease abdominal qi stagnation congruent with pain
and distension. This can be the embodiment of worry. The umbilicus mediates
our connection to our mothers while in the womb, and discomfort in the
umbilical region can be associated with issues regarding boundaries as they
impact our assimilation of nourishment. SP 14, 15, and 16 are similar in function
yet address different levels of imbalance relative to the body, mind and spirit. SP
14 addresses stagnation that compromises digestion and assimilation congruent
with worry. SP 15 addresses stagnation in the intestines that can be associated
with weakness, grief, and loss. SP 16 addresses sorrow in life based on the belief
that our needs will never be met.
o Use when the patient describes a tightness, a knot in the stomach, a pain.
Look for when someone is knotted physically, spiritually or mentally.
o This point can help to release that mental and spiritual knot and free them, as
if it were to take them out of prison.
o Many people have this discomfort over something they have not dealt with.
Anger can cause venting your spleen anger isnt just from wood.

SP 15 Great Horizontal

Yin Wei Mo 10 5-10

Location On the abdomen
4 ACI lateral to the median line and the umbilicus
Level with CV 8

Needling 90 insertion .5-1 cun
! In thin patients, deep needling
may penetrate the peritoneal cavity !
! Deep needling may penetrate
a substantially enlarged spleen or liver !

Function Moves qi and regulates the intestines

o Commonly used for constipation, often in preference to ST 25.
o Also indicated for cold or damp diarrhea and dysenteric disorder
o Like ST 23 and ST 24 it treats disorders of the spirit propensity to
sadness, sighing

Name Great Horizontal
Du: great, big
Heng: horizontal, crosswise
Alternate Names: Humans Horizontal,
Kidney Qi

LJ SP 14, 15, and 16 are similar in function yet address different levels of imbalance
relative to the body, mind and spirit. This kind of relationship is frequently seen
with points in close proximity on a meridian or anatomical region. SP 14
addresses stagnation that compromises digestion and assimilation congruent with
worry. SP 15 addresses stagnation in the intestines that can be associated with
weakness, grief, and loss. SP 16 addresses sorrow in life based on the belief that
our needs will never be met. In this regard longing, loneliness and sorrow
present as barrenness in all realms of being.
o This point is the epitome of the Earth element. It creates calm. Everything is
laid out calmly and flat.
o Use to enhance security, stability and calmness. The Earth is there to provide
solid groundit will be there to nourish.
o Use for a distraught, shattered Earth CF.
o The middle jiao is for processinguse for a person who cant take it
anymore, cant deal with it. This gives them the security and stability to deal
with more.
o Used with ST 25, this point has a powerful centering effect.
o JG: This moves and lifts qi. Its a great balancing point. It calms Earth down
after a shattering crisis.

SP 16 Abdomen Sorrow

Yin Wei Mo 7 5-10

Location On the abdomen
4 ACI lateral to the median line
2 ACI superior to the level of the umbilicus
At a level halfway between CV 10 and CV 11
On the paramedian nipple line
4 cun lateral to the median line
3 cun superior to the level of the umbilicus
Level with CV 11
Note: The origin of SP 16 at 2.5 ACI is unknown

Needling 90 insertion .5-1 cun
! In thin patients, deep needling may penetrate the peritoneal cavity !
! Deep needling may penetrate a substantially enlarged spleen !

Function Regulates the intestines

o Rarely used.
o Indicated for peri-umbilical pain, cold in abdomen, undigested food (in
the stool), dysenteric disorder, stool with pus and blood, constipation

Name Abdominal Lament
Fu: abdomen
Ai: to lament, to sympathize with, to pity;
sorrow, grief

LJ SP 14, 15, and 16 are similar in function yet address different levels of imbalance
relative to the body, mind and spirit. This kind of relationship is frequently seen
with points in close proximity on a meridian or anatomical region. SP 14
addresses stagnation that compromises digestion and assimilation congruent with
worry. SP 15 addresses stagnation in the intestines that can be associated with
weakness, grief, and loss. SP 16 addresses sorrow in life based on the belief that
our needs will never be met. In this regard longing, loneliness and sorrow
present as barrenness in all realms of being.

o Use when there is a spiritual emptiness, sadness, a person who says I dont
want to eat, appealing to your sympathy and wanting to be understood.
o This point is a bit like Broken Bowl. Think of loss in Earth, sadness when
there is emptiness. Theyre not being nourished and loved by Mother Earth.
o Use to help the letting go of motherhoodits good for menopause.
o Its good for a lack of harvest. No return, not growing, a spiritual emptiness.
o JG: This is a great point for moving and lifting qi. It moves old held, deep
sorrow around not having gotten something that you needed at some point
in your childhood. When a person is stuck there, this is what is called for.
Its located at the ribcageuse if theres bloating, stuckness from not
getting filled enough to move things.

SP 17 Food Drain

3 5

Location On the thorax
In the 5
intercostal space
6 ACI lateral to the median line

Needling 20 insertion along the intercostal space, .5-1 cun
! 90 insertion, esp. in thin patients,
carries a substantial risk of Pneumothorax !

Function Dissipates food and fluid stagnation
and promotes digestion

o Connects real SP qi and cures 36 kinds of
Spleen disease. In severe disease,
when life is hanging by a thread,
moxa this point with 200-300 moxa comes to assure the patients
survival. Use often in any major spleen disease. Book of Bian Ques
Secrets Shidou
o Rarely used.

Name Food Hole
Shi: food
Dou: a hole, a drain
Alternate Names: Life Pass

We may visualize the essence of grain qi rising to the lung and passing through
the diaphragm at this point, the Food Hole.

LJ Food stagnation is often associated with eating too quickly or too much. Both are
predicated on feelings of not being or having enough in life. Physically, food
drain can address bloating and feelings of heaviness after eating. SP 17 can help
empower the efficient processing of life , so that nourishment is extracted from
our experiences and mundanity can be released.

o This is like the sluice or drain for clearing the Body/Mind/Spirit when the
SP is stuck. It makes sure the person is moving.
o This is the jiao for taking in, so we want o make sure the SP keeps moving.
o Think of the food of the mind and spirit; e.g. obsession.
o Its also good for things being stuck in the chest and breathing.

SP 18 Heavenly Stream

3 5

Location On the thorax
In the 4
intercostal space
6 ACI lateral to the median line

Needling 20 insertion along the intercostal space, .5-1 cun
! 90 insertion, especially in thin patients,
carries a substantial risk of Pneumothorax !

Function Moves and descends qi

o Fullness and pain of the chest and lateral
costal region, shortness of breath, cough,
rattling of phlegm in throat, running piglet qi,

Benefits the breasts and promotes lactation
o Breast abscess, failure of breast milk to flow, insufficient lactation.

Name Celestial Ravine
Tian: celestial, of the heavens; sky;
Nature; Heaven
Xi: ravine

LJ Virtues: empowers earths virtue of reciprocity. Empowers the
emotions of sympathy and empathy.

o In this point, the Mother and Father are united. The family united on an
Earth meridian but with the quality of the Father.
o Also we have the flow from it being spleen and stream.
o This is good for the flow of milk on a physical level and also for the flow of
the milk of human kindness on a deeper level.

SP 19 Chest Region

3 5

Location On the thorax
In the 3
intercostal space
6 ACI lateral to the median line

Needling 20 insertion along the intercostal space, .5-1 cun
! 90 insertion, especially in thin patients,
carries a substantial risk of Pneumothorax !

Function Regulates and descends qi and unbinds the chest

o Fullness of the chest and lateral costal region
extending to the back, inability to turn over
when lying down, cough, shortness of breath.

Name Chest Village
Xiong: chest
Xiang: countryside, village
(under 50,000 people)

The character xiang, village, was chosen for reasons similar to those as for SP 2,
LR 6, KI 19. Conjuring the image of a rural backwater, village reflects the
relative unimportance of SP 19.

o This is good for physical blockage in the upper jiao.
SP 20 Encircling Glory

3 5

Location On the thorax
In the 2
intercostal space
6 ACI lateral to the median line

Needling 20 insertion along the intercostal space, .5-1 cun
! 90 insertion, especially in thin patients,
carries a substantial risk of Pneumothorax !

Function Regulates and descends qi, unbinds chest

o Rarely used.
o Distention and fullness of the chest and lateral
costal region, cough, cough with copious phlegm or pus,
shortness of breath, difficult ingestion, desire to drink fluids.

Name All-Round Flourishing
Zhou: all, whole, circumference
Rong: flourish; honor, glory; to nourish
Alternate Names: All-Round Construction

The Spleen manages blood and disperses essence, thus nourishing the body. The
Lung distributes this nourishment in the form of the qi and fluids through the
body. SP 20 is located just below LU 1; because of its location it influence both
the LU and SP and contribute to the nourishment of the whole body.

LJ Virtues: Empowers a balanced relationship between the SP and LU
officials. Empowers a balance between earthly and heavenly
nourishment. Although the spleen meridian contains no window of the sky
points, I consider this to be similar in function and treat it as such. A virtue
associated with earth is loyalty. A delicate balance exists between being loyal to a
person or principle and compromising our ideals in the service of that to which
we are committed. Encircling Glory can help empower us to experience the
highest aspects of both giving and receiving nourishment in a way that is not
obscured by neediness.

o This point provides a circle of protection and safety e.g. the protection of the
mother. For a person who needs that security but we dont want to approach
too closely.
o Again, the upper jiao is giving and receiving with peace, security and
sympathy. Sedating this point could bring relaxation of agitation on a spirit
o JG: This point tends to have more connection with LU rather than HT> It
allows holding a person in their own grace. Its great for asthma (earth kind).
It fills a void of depletion from over-caretaking.

SP 21 Great Enveloping

Exit point, Grand Luo Point 3 3-7

Location On the thorax
In the 6
intercostal space
On the mid axillary line
In the 6
intercostal space, on the mid axillary line,
Inferior and posterior to SP 17
2 intercostal spaces (or 3 cun) inferior to GB 22
Rarely the point may lie in the 7
intercostal space

Needling 20 insertion along the intercostal space, .5-1 cun
! 90 insertion, especially in thin patients, carries a substantial risk of
Pneumothorax !

Function Regulates qi and blood and firms the sinews and joints

Unbinds the chest and benefits the lateral costal region

Moves Blood in the Blood Connecting channels

It embraces the blood of all the luo-connecting channels: pain of the whole body,
weariness of the four limbs, flaccidity of the limbs, flaccidity of the 100 joints.

Name Great Embracement
Da: great, big
Bao: to wrap, to contain, to include, to embrace;
bag, sack

LJ In its etymology, the character for bao reveals that image of a fetus surrounded by the
womb. SP 21 is the great luo point that sends collaterals branching around the entire
torso, effectively surrounding a personal with an enfolding, motherly embrace. In
Daoism, the term bao-yi means to embrace the one. The inner nature of SP 21
empowers one to feel surrounded by this unconditional nourishment in life, as though in
the womb. Such an image can be potent for a person who feels cut off from sources of
nourishment in life. The character bao reveals in its etymology the image of a fetus
surrounded by the womb. SP 21 is the great luo point that sends collaterals branching
around the entire torso and effectively surrounds each person with an enfolding,
motherly embrace. The term bao in Daoism means to embrace the One. This evokes
the image of the Daoist making the spiritual journey of restoring original nature (de) and
returning back to the womb by patterning himself on the primal Dao. The sage who is
for the belly receives the unconditional nourishment of the mother. The inner nature of
SP 21 is to empower one to feel surrounded by unconditional nourishment in life as
though still in the womb.

This point is a place of incredible harmony. Here all of the meridians are united. The
mother harmonizes the whole household, ensures love is flowing.
Its good where the patient is fractured, disordered and uneasy.
This point opens up everything at all levels.
JG: This is the junction of all junctions. It is great nourishment of the BMS, when a
person feels unconnected with the earth, when they feel the great mother is not
holding/supporting them. I am alone, there is no one here to help me. This point
allows the person to know they are held. I am here for you, I will hold you through

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