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Module 9
Grammar: Overview of modal verbs
1. Modal Verbs: Estos verbos se usan con verbos principales para formar
afrmaciones o preguntas. Los modales no tienen conjugaciones ni tiempo y
no se pueden usar sin el verbo principal. En ingls, el verbo principal
siempre queda en forma infnitiva sin to, ecepto el modal ought.
1) !ould"!ould#$% &deber"#o deber): is used by obligations
t!at are not strong. "t is not necessary to do somet!ing but its
#a good idea$ or t!e rig!t or t!e correct t!ing.
%ou s!ould be in bed now. &deber'as estar en la cama
%ou s!ould#'% eat so muc! c!ocolate &no deber'as
comer tanto c!ocolate(
a( Ought to !as t!e same mea#(#) as s!ould. "t is followed
by t!e infnitive *to+
%ou ou)!% %o be in bed now.
Should can be followed by a continuous form
%ou s!ould#$% be *arr+(#) t!at !eavy suitcase. &no
deber'as estar cargando ese equipaje pesado(
,) Mus%"Mus%#$%: epress a necesity. ,!ere are two types of
a( -bl()a%(o# &obligatorio, por mandato de ley, trabajo, jefe,
padres, etc(
" mus% go now. "$ve got to be at wor- early tomorrow.
&.ebo/tengo que irme a!ora. ,engo que estar en el
trabajo ma0ana temprano.(
b( .o)(*al #e**es(%+: !ere mus% means #from the evidence I
am sure this is true
1e$s not answering !is p!one. 1e mus% be in a
No%e: "f we want to say t!at somet!ing is logically impossible,
we use *a#$%
2urely !e *a#$% be sity, !e only loo-s about forty
/) Ca#: 3an epress possibilitty in t!ree ways:
a( Ab(l(%+: 2!e *a# spea- 4uent 5erman &6 s!e is able to
spea- geman(
b( Persm(ss(o#: 3an " interrupt for a moment &6 "s it possibly
to interrupt7(
c( Ge#eral 0oss(b(l(%+: "t very !ot in summer, but it *a# be
free8ing in winter.
9otice t!at *a# is not used to tal- about specifc possibilities,
eit!er in t!e present or in t!e future. Eample:
Loo- in t!e cupboard. "t can / could / may / mig!t be
1) Could: also epress possibilitty in t!ree ways:
a( Ab(l(%+ &as %!e 0as% o2 *a#(. 1e *ould already wal- in !is
frst birt!day
b( Persm(ss(o#: Could " interrupt for a moment7
c( Prese#%"2u%ure 0oss(b(l(%+: Of course " *ould be wrong
3) Ma+: 5enerally may &not( epresses in two ways
a( Perm(ss(o# &mainly in t!e frst person: 2ormal)
Ma+ " spea- to you for a moment7
b( Prese#%"2u%ure 0oss(b(l(%+ : ,!ere ma+ be a storm later
4) M()!%: Epresses in t!ree ways
a( Prese#%"2u%ure 0oss(b(l(%+: :e mig!t see you later. :e$ll
see w!at !appens.
b( Perm(ss(o#: M()!% " as- you to spea- up a little
*) I# re0or%ed s0ee*! as %!e 0as% o2 ma+
5it may rain+ ;;; 1e said it m()!% rain later
Resume: ,!e di<erents degrees of probability epressed by modal
verbs can be summarised li-e t!is:
ure"lo)(*all+ *er%a(#: must
Poss(ble6 bu% #o% *er%a(#: may,mig!t,could
ure"lo)(*all+ *er%a(# %!a% #o% %o !a00e#: can=t
,. Pas% modals
1) 7ad %o &tuve que(: :!en must epresses obligation t!e past
form is had to and t!e negative didnt have to
:!en " was at sc!ool6 I !ad %o"d(d#'% !a8e to wear a
,) Could: ,!e past of can is could or was able to
:e *ould come and go w!erever we wanted
/) Ca#$% !a8e6 *ould &#o%) !a8e6 ma+ &#o%) !a8e6m()!% &#o%)
!a8e6 mus% !a8e: all t!ese modal verbs of probability !ave
equivalent past forms &modal>!ave>past participle(
%ou mus% !a8e bee# worried w!en you !eard about
t!at. &6logically seems certain t!at t!is !appened(
,!e ma+"m()!%"*ould"*ould !a8e got in t!roug! t!e
window &6logically it is possible t!at t!is !appened(
,!ey *a#$% !a8e *l(mbed over t!at wall wit!out a
ladder &6logically it seems impossible t!at t!is
1) !ould !a8e a#d ou)!% !a8e: ,!e past form of should is
should have
%ou s!ould !a8e loc-ed t!e door before you went out.
&6t!is was a good idea but you didn$t(
%ou s!ould'#% !a8e left t!e door unloc-ed &6 t!is
wasn$t a good idea but you did it(
,!e past of ou)!% %o is ou)!% %o !a8e>past participle
:e oug!t to !ave boo-ed in advance;t!ere are not tables
1. %ra#)e E8e#%s
a. A !oa9: un enga0o/broma
b. A m(ra*le: un milagro
c. A m+s%er(ous d(sa00eara#*e: una misteriosa desaparici?n
d. A #a%ural 0!e#ome#o#: un fen?meno natural
e. A 0remo#(%(o#: una premonici?n &6 presentimiento, presagio(
f. Tele0a%!+: telepat'a
g. A %r(*:: @.truco / A. broma / B.trampa
-%!ers: a case of mista-en identity, a coincidence, a g!ost story, an
unsolved murder, a state of panic, t!e soul, bald &calvo(, bless you
&salud/epresi?n usada al estornudar(.
Words rela%ed 2or s%ud+:
D(s)ra*e2ul: vergon8oso, des!onroso
0oo:+: espelu8nante, que da miedo
We(rd: @. misterioso A. raro,etra0o
T!e d(a0!ra)m: el diafragma
;allo;(#) ra0(dl+: tragar rapidamente
Tes%os%ero#e: testosterona
T(*:l(s! &adj): cosquilloso, que tiene cosquillas
7(**u0: !ipo
lee0;al:ed: sonCmbulo
<a;#: boste8ar
2. Words0o%: WR-NG
a. %ou$ve got a ;ro#) #umber &#=mero e>u(8o*ado)6 is used
w!en you get a p!one number you didn$t want.
b. E8er+%!(#) ?s )o#e ;ro#) &%odo es%a sal(e#do mal)6
means everyt!ing$s failed or turned out badly.
c. ,!eres is some%!(#) ;ro#) ;(%! &!a+ al)o mal *o#)6 it
means it !as a problem/doesn$t wor-.
d. ,!eres is #o%!(#) ;ro#) ;(%! (% &#ada es%a mal)6 means
somet!ing is wor-ing OD.
e. W!a%$s ;ro#)@ &ABuC 0asa"su*ede@)6 means *w!ats t!e
f. "t$s a ;ro#) ;a+ u0 &0os(*(D# (#*orre*%a de) means t!at
front is at t!e bac- and t!e bac- is in t!e front.
g. "t$s t!e ;ro#) ;a+ rou#d6 means t!at t!e bottom is w!ere
t!e top s!ould be.
h. "t$s (# %!e ;ro#) 0la*e &es%a mal 0ues%o)6 means
somet!ing is not w!ere it s!ould be.
i. %ou ;ere *om0le%el+ ;ro#) abou% &es%aba# e>u(8o*ados
a*er*a de) !er, means you judged someone unfairly.
/. M+s%er(es60roblems6odd(%(es &rareEas)
a) A *arr(a)e: un carruaje
b) To *o#s0(re"a *o#s0(ra#*+ : conspirar/una conspiraci?n
c) To ;re*: some%!(#): destruir algo
d) To %ra*e someo#e: describir/ubicar a alguien
e) A me#%al as+lum: manicomio
f) I#sa#e"(#sa#(%+: loco, locura
-%!ers: ,!e plague, a !otel register
1. a+(#) ;!a%$s ;ro#) ;(%! %!(#)s
a) I%$s )o% a !ole (# (%: ,iene un !ueco a!' &ropa, otros (
b) I% does#$% F%: 9o es el apropiado/ideal/adecuado
c) I%$s bur#%: Esta quemado
d) I%$s *!(00ed: @
e) I%$s s!ru#: (# %!e ;as!: 2e !a encogido en la lavadora
f) I%$s )o% a s%a(# o# (%: ,iene una manc!a a!i
g) I% does#$% su(% +ou: Esto no te queda &ropa(
h) I% does#$% ;or:: 9o funciona
i) I%$s s*ra%*!ed: EstC rayado &cds(
j) I%$s (s#$% *!ar)(#): 9o esta cargando &celular(
-%!ers: ,!eres is a part missing, "t$s t!e wrong si8e, it isn$t w!at you order,
it$s t!e wrong colour
@. :rite a story about a Eysteries and oddities: Epressions t!at you
s!ould use:
D(s*uss(#) solu%(o#s
" t!in- " -now w!at mig!t !ave !appened...
One possible eplanation is t!at....
"t seems li-ely, unli-ely t!at because...
On t!e ot!er !and &por otro lado(...
1ow do you eplain t!e fact...7 &3omo eplicas el !ec!o de
Prese#%(#) *o#*lus(o#s
:e t!in-Fmust/can$t !aveFbecause... &Gensamos...tiene/no
tiene que....porqueF(
:e pretty certain t!at...because &Estamos casi seguros
,!e only logical eplanation is t!at...
:e couldn$t agree about t!is because... &no pudimos estar de
acuerdo acerca de esto porqueF(
A. :rite an email about a problem: :rite an email to a seller, tal-ing
about you !ave a problem wit! one of t!eir products. Hse less
Re8(e; o2 2u%ure 2orms
1. Pla#s a#d de*(s(o# (# %!e 2u%ure
1) Going to: :e use going to to epress intentions for t!e future.
,!e action may be distant or in t!e future.
"Im never )o(#) %o get married
2) Will: we use will for a decision made at t!e moment of
Ill 0!o#e you later
3) Present continous: ,o tal- about somet!ing we !ave
arranged to t!e future.
"$m mee%(#) 1enry for Lunc! on Jriday
4) Present si!le: w!en action in t!e future is part of a regular
timetable,t!e Gresent simple is used.
,!e s!ows be)(#s at eig!t o$cloc-
2. Pred(*%(o#s
1) :e can use bot! "going to# and "will# to ma-e predictions
about t!e future. :!en t!e predicton is based on some
evidence in t!e present, we usually use going to.
:atc! outK %ouIre )o(#) to drop t!ose plates if you
are not carefulK
2) :!en t!e prediction is based on our own beliefs and
epectations rat!er t!an present evidence, we use *;(llG$
" wonder w!ere Lnna is7
.ont :orry. "$m sure s!e$ll )e% !ere soon
/. Hu%ure *lausses ;(%! (26(# *ase6;!e#6e%*
:e use a present tense in many uture subordinate clauses. 9otice
t!at t!e main clause uses a future form. :ord t!at introduce suc!
clauses are: a2%er6 as soo# as6 be2ore6 (26 (# *ase6 o#*e6 ;!e#6
u#less6 u#%(l.
W(ll you be t!ere to meet me ;!e# I )e% to t!e airport7
&main clause( &subordinate clause(
1. Hu%ure *o#%(#ous a#d Hu%ure 0er2e*%
1) Hu%ure *o#%(#ous:
:e use t!e future continous for an action in progress at a
particular time.
Eample: "$ll be dr(8(#) !ome at seven o$cloc- t!is evening.
a$ Gositive form: pronoun>will>be> verb &ing(
"$ll be wor-ing
b$ 9egative form: pronoun> won$t &will>not(>be> verb
" won$t been wor-ing
c$ Muestion form: :ill>be>ing7
:ill " be wor-ing7
2) Hu%ure 0er2e*%:
:e use t!e future perfect to tal- about an action wic! will be
completed before a point of time in t!e near future.
Eamples: :e$ll !ave fnis!ed by Eonday &6 before
a$ Gositive form: pronoun>!ave>past participle
"$ll !ave done it
b$ 9egative form: pronoun> won$t &will>not(>past
" wont !ave done it
c$ Muestion form: :ill>!ave>past participle
:ill you !ave done it
Ge%%(#) %o)e%!er
@. Noyfriend and girlfriend: a date
A. Nussiness Lssociates: a bussiness meeting
B. 3lients: a buss(#ess mee%(#) / an appointment
O. 3olleagues: a celebration meal
P. .elegates: a conference/a summit meeting &cumbre(/general
Q. E;classmates: a s*!ool reu#(o#
R. Jriends: a dinner party/ a !ousewarming party
S. )elatives: a 2am(l+ )e% %o)e%!er" a *elebra%(o# meal
T. 9eig!bours: a !ousewarming party/ big street party
@U.Golitical leaders: a summit meeting, a conference
@@.2trangers loo-ing for a partner: a bl(#d da%e
L. 7a8e: a blind date, a bussiness meeting, a dinner party, a family get
tog!et!er, a sc!ool reunion, a celebration meal.
N. Ma:e: a date, a dinner party, a celebration meal
3. Go o#: a blind date, a date
.. A%%e#d &formal(: bussines meeting, a conference, a summit meeting
Words %!a% )o %o)e%!er:
@. Lrranged ; marriage
A. Nlind W date
B. 3andleit W dinner &cena con candelCbros(
O. Leisure W activity
P. :edding W anniversary
P!rases 2or 0roblems o# %!e %ele2o#e:
1. Lm " calling at a bad %(me @
,. 3ould you s0ea: u0 a bit, please7 %our voice is very faint.
/. "$ll !ave %o 0u% +ou %!rou)! %o anot!er department.
1. "$m calling abou% your 4ig!t to Grague net mont!.
3. :!en ;ould be a good time to ring bac-7
@. bee deep in W conversation wit! someone
A. Xoin a c!at W room
B. !ave a W c!at wit! someone
O. tet ; someone
P. improve W your communication s-ills
Q. -eep W in touc! wit! someone
R. !ave a lot W in common wit! someone
S. catc! W an email to someone
T. get on W well wit! someone
@U.fordward ; up wit! someone
@. L mail giving details of travel arrangements for a busssiness trip
A. L message in a card
B. L note pus!ed under someone$s door
O. L note to a family member or 4amate
P. L tet message sent to a group of teenagers w!o are in a drama
group toguet!er
Examen Parcial Superintensive 11-12 (Dec 2009/Miraflres!
1. Listening: Chosse true or false after listen the audios
1. "nversatin 1 !he "an ha#e got a second hand boo$ sho% & '
2. "nversatin 1 & !he (o"an recei#ed the boo$ (ithout %a)ing & !
3. "nversatin 2 & *ulian (as (aiting a call in his %hone & '
4. "nversatin 2 & *as"ine though she called *ulian+s %hone & !
5. "nversatin # & ,o"eone (anted to bill *ane '
2. -odal .erbs: Choose the correct alternati#e
1. ,hould be
2. -ust
3. /a#e to
4. 0ble to
5. Could
3. 'uture Continous1erfect 21ossiti#e3egati#e)
4. .ocabular) 1: 4ords for 1roble"s in the tele%hone
1. ...faint
2. ...confir"
3. ...through
4. ...regarding
5. .erbs: Cross the 4ord that is incorrect (ith the #erb
1. -a$e: a "eeting
2. 0ttend: an a%%oint"ent
3. /a#e: in touch
4. !a$e: a get toghether
5. 5et: b) ti"e
6. .erbs: Cross the 4ord that is incorrect (ith the #erb
7. .ocabular) 2: Choose the correct alternati#e
1. ,%lit6S$run%
2. Stain6/ole
3. Scratc$e&6Chi%%ed
4. "rac%6-ar$
5. 'it6Suit
8. 4riting: 7ou bought a (atch on 89a): but )ou ha#e so"e %roble"s (ith it.
4rite an e"ail to the seller: e;%laining the %roble" and as$ing hi"6 to sort it
212<14< (ords).

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