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Laurie Baird
Case Studies 4.1 - 4.2 - 4.3
AIS 4081 Leadership Theory and Practice
February 5, 2013

Case 4.1

1) From the style perspective, how would you describe Mark's leadership?

Mark's leadership style had transformed over time. I would say his leadership style
at this point in time is more relationship oriented. Mark took on a team approach by
delegating some responsibilities and also staying in touch with employees by socializing.
When he started his job, Mark was admittedly "task oriented".

2) How did his style change over time?
Mark started his career with a militaristic outlook. He was diligent in setting up the criteria
for his job responsibilities. Not only did he know how to manage the painting situations,
but everything was spelled out for others to know how to do it also. After he got things
moving along in the right direction, he backed off and worked on his personal skills and
created a team approach.

3) In general, do you think he is more task oriented or more relationship orientated?

In the beginning of Mark's career, he was more task oriented. As he grew into his
leadership position, he became more relationship orientated. "Mark says that when he
started out in his new job he was 'all task', like a drill sergeant who didn't seek any input
from his subordinates" (Northouse 87). The case goes on to further state that Nark relaxed
his style and was less demanding (Northouse 87).


4) What score do you think he would get on the Blake and Mouton's grid?

When Mark began his career, I would have rated him an 8 -2. After he had been in
the job for a while, I would say, more of a 6 - 5.
Case 4.2
1) According to the style approach, how would you describe Susan's leadership?

This is an interesting question, as Susan has such strong, varied reactions to her
leadership. The Authority/Compliance style seems to be her dominant style. However, I
believe Susan is more of a team player if should could allow herself to be. As part-owner,
she probably feels such a sense of responsibility to the store and the employees. Therefore,
she pushes herself very hard. That type of leadership style is understandably miss-read by
those who think she is being pushy.
2) Why does her leadership style create such a pronounced reaction from her
I believe it creates such a pronounced reaction because people are so different. No
two employees are going to react the same. The store employs 10 people, and I believe you
are going to have different receptors for different people. Some people are obviously
admiring her for her work ethic, while others are feeling left out of her life. So the saying
goes..."All work and no play".....
3) Do you think she should change her style?
I believe Susan is doing a great job. However the work/home life balance is getting
compromised. The employees that see her as unable to relate to and not much fun should
be a sign to Susan to adapt and change...a bit. She has success, but she needs to slow down

a bit. Maybe delegate more. It sounds like she has strong employees and she should rely
on them a bit more.
4) Would she be effective if she changed?
I believe she would be. Susan has already set the bar for her expectations. She has
"buy-in" from a fair amount of her employees. If she adapted some leadership tendencies
to be more relational, she may pick up more work from the employees that just don't get
her work ethic...yet.
Case 4.3
1) Marianne and Betsy do indeed have different leadership styles. What style would you
ascribe to Betsy? To Marianne?

I would like to first start with Marianne. I believe she has "County-Club
Management leadership styles that are totally affecting the department. She also has a
sense of authority that is sneaky. This is a poor type of leadership that does not create a
team approach. Betsy, on the other hand, feels betrayed by Marianne. She has no support
or back up to her ideas. The original thought process was they were on the same page.
Therefore Betsy instilled her teamwork approach to leadership but was undermined by
Marianne. Betsy has not had a fair chance to show her exact leadership style.
2) Does Betsy need to change her leadership style to improve the situation with Bridget
and Suzanne?

Betsy needs to stay the course. She needs to implement the changes she feels
necessary to grow the department to positive results. She has quite a road ahead of her
with the sneaky type of leadership above her. This may be decision time for Betsy. Does
she really want to stay in this type of situation? Two of her direct reports are willing to

change and grow. Two are not, with full support from Betsy's boss. A decision will have to
be made to how much she can handle with that type of set up in her day-to-day activities.
Marianne should change her leadership style. She is pitting one grouping against another -
non-team approach. She is using the "mentoring" excuse to buy friends. This is a toxic
3) How can Marianne and Betsy work together?
The only chance at success in this working relationship is to keep Betsy strong and
reasonable. Marianne needs to change her focus to being a true leader instead of only
certain employees "friend". This is a difficult situation.

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