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It was close to sunset when he came; a figure dressed in black, quiet, with no a

ir of aggression. I rose to greet him well enough, though I asked him of his bus
"Well, I did comme to speak with you," he replied. Still couldn't see his face,
but the smile in his voice was evident. "If that qualifies as a form of business
"I suppose... what about?" I couldn't help but sit there and apply the typical f
eline trait of wanting to seem disinterested.
"I have a business proposition of sorts."
Tipping my ears back, I couldn't help but stare. "Business proposition? What sor
t of business proposition?"
"Ah, thou'rt indeed the lady I searched for," he drawled. "Suspicion. A willingn
ess to question. I need just that."
"What for?"
"Well, you see, some people travel to enlighten themselves," The man replied, si
tting down on a nearby stone and dabbling a pale hand into the water. "I suppose
my aim is to enlighten others as I can, while I enlighten myself."
"I see... No tricks, now. I've little time or patience for that sort of thing."
There was a vehement shake of the head and the only giveaway I got were a few li
ght traces of dark hair. "No tricks. On my honor as a gentleman, or simply on my
honor if nothing else. Such a thing is of great value today, yes?"
"Speak plain, please. I'm not overfond of riddles either."
"And she goes straight for the point. I like that," he replied to no one in part
icular. "I want you to pass on knowledge and to educate, if you will. I ask this
of many that I find to be particularly suitable to the task. You have a sharp m
ind. You question. Not many people do that these days."
I couldn't help but wonder. Yes, he was a bit more clear but we were skirting th
e point. "This is true, but pray, sir. Elaborate. You're still dancing around th
e bush, so to speak."
The man rose, dropping into a formal bow.
"Then allow me to elucidate. The philosopher Virgil spoke of political figures a
s "concealing truth in obscurity, shrouding the truth in darkness. I wish to pul
l the truth from its hiding place, if you will, so that all may see. Sadly, I ca
nnot always be at the forefront of such things, nor can I always convince others
due to my appearance."
"What appearance?" I replied drily. "You haven't once let me see your full face
since your arrival. Why do you hide your features?"
"To show, I suppose that not all evil exists in darkness. That even the brightes
t light when exposed to something that blocks it will cast shadows. And to save
some from seeing my face. For whatever reason, I sometimes unnerve people."
"Aye.. but do not people fear also what they cannot see?" I came to sit by him t
hen, fairly aware now that he held no threat. The man chuckled then, amused, but
the tone held approval.
"Very clever, child. Clever indeed. And that wit will arm you against the enemy
we fight, should you accept. I wish you to teach those you come across to be awa
re of their surroundings, to know the joy of knowledge, and how to arm themselve
s against those who would keep them ignorant and easy to utilize.. Teach them to
question the world around them... the world, authority and its many figures, an
d, should the situation call for it, sometimes even themselves... In veritate qu
aerenda, if you will.
I quirked an ear and gave him a puzzled glance. "Latin?"
The hood moved, a small nod. "Indeed. It means, 'In pursuit of the truth,' which
is what we all should seek. You, my dear, I wish to be a harbinger of wisdom, a
seeker of knowledge, a sharer of question, and someone to show others the way.
To teach them to question what seems off, to throw off what others push upon the
m, and to trust their knowledge both of outward sources, and that strange wisdom
that comes only from within. I wish the world to some day entirely be full of p
eople who pursue the vast sea of information in pursuit of the truth."
He leaned forward, taking my paw (as I was not currently in a more humanoid form
) and then and only then did I catch his face, slim, wise, with again only a few
wisps of rebellious hair slipping outside its moorings to play with the breeze.
His eyes were merry, as was his smile, but smart, and warm.
"I ask you now, will you help me?"
"This idea of yours... I like it," I said. The smile broadened, though subtly. "
I will assist you, I think..."
"It will not be without its bumps in the road," he warned.
"I know.... I was going to ask about that. I assume I will meet resistance."
"As do all who wish to pass on knowledge," he replied, letting go and staring in
to the onset of twilight. "There will be those who oppose you and they will have
many reasons..."
"And those who may not believe me?"
He put a hand in my fur then, as though he could sense my tension. "Yes, there w
ill be those who will deny you. You must perservere."
"Do you wish me to walk among them?"
He shook his head. "Sparingly, I think. Your mind is one of reflection. It is ha
rd to think when distraction abounds."
Yes, he was still talking in riddles, but it made more sense now. "It is not an
easy path, is it?" I grinned a little. Of course it wasn't. It never is.
"If it were easy, everyone would follow." He smiled and ran his hand down my bac
k. "Remember only that wisdom comes in many forms, and you will need your heart
as you do your mind. And you will need patience and courage to temper you. All a
re part of being wise."
I knew what I had done would be no simple task. But then again, life doesn't nee
d to be simple. After all, what kind of adventure is it when you only travel fro
m one path to the other with no sideroads?

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