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Nina Dearle

Definition of equality in the workplace

Equality in the workplace takes on the same meaning as it does in your
everyday life. It is defined as treating everyone the same, regardless of
their differences. Whether the difference is a person's age, race, sex, sexual
orientation, religion, national origin or physical disability, he is entitled to be
held in the same esteem as any of his coworkers.
Equality Practices
Regardless of the factors that make up who a person is, employers bear the
burden of treating workers equally. This includes not passing over certain
people for promotions in favor of another person because of their race,
gender or other personal factors. It also means making sure that all workers
have the same equipment and peripherals to do their jobs.
One of the most important equality practices that companies should employ
deals with wages. Men should not be paid more than women solely because
they are male. Whites should not be paid more than nonwhites because of
their race. The list goes on to include sexuality and other factors that can be
used to judge people as not being as worthy as their counterparts in the
Gender equality
Situation of women and men in the EU
So how is the situation when it comes to equality between women and men
in the EU? Progress is measured every year and presented in a Report on
Equality between women and men. Some examples:
The employment rate of women increases but remains lower than
men's, although women represent a majority of students and
university graduates.
Women continue to earn on average 17.8% less than men for every
hour worked and this figure remains stable.
Women are still very under-represented in economic and political
decision-making positions, although their share has increased over
the last decade.
The division of family responsibilities is still very unequal between
women and men.
The risk of poverty is higher for women than for men.
Women are the main victims of gender-based violence and women
and girls are more vulnerable to trafficking of human beings.

Equality in the workplace means accepting the
qualities of all employees, regardless of their


Nina Dearle

Talking about men and women

the role of women/men in society
womens rights
Womens Liberation Movement
The Suffragettes
sex discrimination
to fight for equal rights
a feminist
to fight against prejudice
to be treated as a sex object
to be exploited
to be taken for granted
to have equal opportunities
to be treated as second-class citizens

to be married to s/e
to be close to s/e
a partnership
equal partners
to commit oneself
a degree of commitment
to meet s/e halfway
to give and take
to depend on s/e or on each other

the maternal instinct
psychological/biological differences

to settle down
to stay single
to have a family
to bring up/raise a family

a working mother
to go out to work
to support a family
the breadwinner
to pursue a carer
a career woman
to do as you please
to be financially independent
to go back to work
the glass ceiling

to be housebound
to run a house
to do the housework/the chores
the family budget
to be tied down
to be stuck behind the kitchen sink
to be cooped up
to be a drudge
to struggle to make ends meet
to feel that life is slipping away

a domineering/demanding husband
a hen-pecked husband
male chauvinist/chauvinism

to get a divorce

sex appeal
sexist attitudes/words

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