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Ralph Jarvis H.

Atty. Vyva Victoria M. Aguirre
Sex Offenders vs. Sex Victims:
Their Human Rights as a Balancing Act
Approved By:
Atty. Rosario Olivas!allo
Thesis Adviser
A Thesis Presented to the
College of Law
De La Salle University
In Partial Flfill!ent of the "e#ire!ents
For the Degree
$U"IS D%CT%"
Ral"h #arvis H. Alindogan
Agst &'()
Topi* %tline:
I+ Introd*tion
A+ Thesis State!ent
B+ Ba*,grond of the Stdy
C+ Signifi*an*e of the Stdy
D+ S*ope and Deli!itation
-+ .ethodology
II+ "eview of "elated Literatre
A+ Se/ %ffender "egistration A*t of &''0
B+ 1ational Se/ %ffender "egistry A*t of &''0
C+ .egan2s Law 3United States Law4
D+ Cort "lings of A!eri*an States on Se/ %ffender Laws
-+ Cort "lings of other Contries
F+ Depart!ent of $sti*e 3D%$4 Data on Se/ %ffenses
III+ Dis*ssions
A+ (560 Philippine Constittion
B+ State of Se/ %ffenses in the Philippines
C+ De!ographi*s of Se/ %ffenses in the Philippines
D+ Arg!ents against the proposed Laws
Arg!ent 7 (
i4 Spporting eviden*e
ii4 .ore spporting eviden*e
iii4 -ven !ore spporting eviden*e
Arg!ent 7 &
i4 Spporting eviden*e
ii4 .ore spporting eviden*e
iii4 -ven !ore spporting eviden*e
Arg!ent 7 8
i4 Spporting eviden*e
ii4 .ore spporting eviden*e
iii4 -ven !ore spporting eviden*e
I9+ "e*o!!endations
9+ Con*lsion
i4 A*,nowledge!ent of the opposing side of the arg!ent
ii4 "e:e!phasi;e own arg!ent <y s!!ari;ing !ain points
iii4 Draw final *on*lsions a<ot the strength of the position ta,en
Thesis Statement:
While the purpose o registration and restriction are to encourage
the protection o children and society !y increasing the a"areness o the
co##unity a!out the ris$s that so#e o%enders #ay present on release&
the i#ple#entation o the !ills& '(e) *%ender Registration Act o +007'
and the ',ational (e) *%ender Registry Act o +007' "ill violate the
-onstitution i these !eco#es la"s
.hese la"s "ill violate su!stantive due process rights and e/ual
protection rights as it inringes on unda#ental li!erty rights& i#poses a
lieti#e stig#a& has no e)press purpose and& even i it serves a
co#pelling interest& it is not narro"ly tailored or rationally related to that
.he la"s also ails to ta$e into account the greater capacity or
reor# o the se) o%enders due to the severity o the la"s that oten
#a$es it di0cult or the# to !e reha!ilitated.
1astly& i in act the la"s are dee#ed to !e cri#inal in nature& it
violates the prohi!ition against e) post acto la"s !ecause it i#poses an
additional punish#ent& there!y altering the conse/uences or a cri#e
or "hich they already have !een sentenced thus the i#ple#entation o
the la"s inringe the -onstitutional rights o the se) o%enders.

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