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“A Day Without a Mexican” Anticipation Guide

YES NO Latino immigrants only have low-level jobs. YES NO
YES NO Latino immigrants take jobs from native-born Americans. YES NO
YES NO The United States is worse off because of immigration. YES NO
YES NO “Chicano” is another word for “Mexican”. YES NO
YES NO Most immigrants are illegal. YES NO
YES NO Cinco de Mayo is celebrated by all Spanish speakers. YES NO
YES NO All Latino immigrants speak with an accent. YES NO
YES NO Every Latino on the West Coast is Mexican. YES NO
YES NO Americans have nothing in common with immigrants. YES NO
YES NO “Gringo” is just another word for “American”. YES NO

Put on your critical thinking caps! The questions below make you
EXAMINE and ANALYZE what you see in the film. There’s not
necessarily a right answer; it’s about your own interpretations!

What types of jobs does the movie show Mexicans doing?

What is Senator Abercrombie so nervous about having illegal Mexicans work for
him? Why does his wife say that they are cheaper?

How are the border protestors portrayed? Do they look like average Americans?
Are we supposed to agree or disagree with them?

What is the significance of Lila Rodriguez using Lyla Rod as her professional name?

Why does the TV station want a Latino reporter with an accent?

What does the Spanish used by the man interviewing Lila show about him? (Does it
make him look good?)

What’s the significance of the anti-immigrant white man’s son using “gracias” while
his father says “I can’t say ‘gracias’, but I can say ‘thank you’”?

How are the border patrol guards portrayed? What is the significance of them
shutting the van door on the woman’s skirt?

What does Lila’s statement, “I was born in the United States; give me something
important to do!” show about her identity? Does she have any prejudices?

Senator Abercrombie and his wife are lost without their housekeeper. What
message does this give about white people or Americans in general?

The substitute for the Buenos Diaz Report is pretty bad. What does this imply?

Lila says “I used to make fun of my parents with my friends all the time. I used to
pretend my friends’ parents were mine.” Why did she do this?

How have peoples’ perspectives about immigration changed by the end of the film?

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