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Ayurvedic weight loss treatment | Ayurveda[20/10/2014 12:23:13 PM]

ayurvedic weight loss for men
Ayurvedic weight loss treatment
Obesity Ayurvedas solution to the Big problem
Obesity statistics is increasing all over the world, and it is becoming one the worlds biggest health problems. Recent reports suggest that it may soon overtake
cigarette smoking as a serious health risk. These statistics are alarming because being overweight, and especially being obese, increases ones risk of many health
problems, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, certain cancers,(endometrial, breast and colon) stroke, back and joint pain, osteoarthritis, high blood pressure,
gallstones, fatty liver, infertility, breathlessness, depression, insomnia, etc.
WHO definition:
Body mass index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly
used to classify overweight and obesity in adults. It is defined as a person's weight in
kilograms divided by the square of his height in meters (kg/m
The Problem:
It is a serious medical disease that affects over a quarter of adults in the United
States, and about 14% of children and adolescents. A report from the National Audit
Office concluded that obesity could shave an average of nine years from our lifespan.
Obesity needs to be treated early in life to prevent the long-term complications later
in life. Ayurvedic weight loss program is one of the best ways to lose weight.
Ayurvedic lifestyle, which includes Ayurvedic weight loss diet and massage, (Udvartana) gives the long lasting results without any side effects.
The Causes:
The most obvious causes of obesity are eating more than the body needs and physical inactivity, such as sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise. Other factors that
contribute to obesity are genetic factors and genetic disorders, an underlying illness, eating disorders, consumption of certain medications.
Obesity and Ayurveda:
According to Ayurveda every human being is a unique phenomenon of cosmic energy, which manifests itself through the three basic elements or the Tridosha
Vata Air, Pitta- Fire and Kapha Water. The individuals constitution has its own unique balance of these three energies.
Obesity is caused by an imbalance of Kapha Water Energy. People with a Kapha constitution are more likely to gain weight through excess fat than a Pitta (Fire)
or Vata (Air) person. People with an imbalance in their Kapha energy have to take that little extra care to avoid putting on those unwanted pounds.
In the Ayurvedic texts, Charaka has described eight nindya prakruties (undesirable constitution) of the body; obesity is one of them and is described as Medoroga.
In an Obese person, individual Medas (Fat) is excessively nourished and remaining other Dhatus (tissues) g et malnourished. Kapha gets accumulated. When Kapha
increases in an abnormal fashion, Fat metabolism gets hampered, and person becomes Obese.
Panchakarma treatments for weight loss or Ayurvedic weight loss treatment or Ayurvedic treatment for Obesity is achieved through a
combination of:
Fat accumulates as Ama in the body. These purification and detox procedures
remove this excess toxin (ama) from the body. These are gentle treatments and
easily manage the weight loss. The beauty of Ayurvedic treatment for weight loss is
that it produces weight loss without adversely affecting the physiology and does
not cause any side effects.
The special herbal massage called Udvartana prevents sagging of the skin as it
gradually regains its elasticity and adjusts to the weight loss. Rapid weight loss
programs with severe diet restrictions without adequate exercise programs and
special massages have been known to be unsustainable. Most people regain the lost
BMI greater than or equal to 25 is overweight
BMI greater than or equal to 30 is obesity
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Ayurvedic weight loss treatment | Ayurveda[20/10/2014 12:23:13 PM]
ayurvedic weight loss for women
weight very soon and sometimes even gain more weight.
In Ayurvedic weight loss treatment, these pitfalls are avoided. Weight loss takes
place gradually over a period of time, and you adapt to this program much better
than any other programs. Throughout the process, you feel good about it. You find
it easy and comfortable to adapt to the Ayurvedic lifestyle, which is one of mind
body balance.
The Ayurvedic weight loss detox program, besides the immediate weight-loss, cleanses out toxins from your body and allows it to function more efficiently
promoting an overall feeling of health and wellness.
Ayurvedic weight loss diet:
Diet for weight loss:
These spices prevent accumulation and remove Ama (toxin) from cells, thus lowering the excess fat in the body.
Ideal Ayurvedic diet should
Meal Item (Choose anyone) Concept
On empty stomach in the
Eat fresh cooked food
Use mild spices and avoid oily food
Add fresh fruits and vegetables to the diet
Do not eat or snack between meals
Eat three simple meals a day
The amount of food you eat should not exceed the quantity, which you could hold in your two hands cupped together
Avoid processed food as much as possible
Eat slowly and quietly in a calm atmosphere
Do not cook the same food twice
Try and avoid refrigerating and reheating the food. This creates more toxin (ama) in the body
Make sure of daily, complete and regular bowel movement
Drink a big glass of hot water (around 40 degrees Centigrade) once during mid morning and again at mid afternoon
Avoid sleeping during the day. If you need to sleep, take a short nap before lunch
Drink green tea or herbal tea 2-3 times a day
Eat at regular intervals, Do not skip any meal unless there are medical reasons. Eating at regular intervals balances your Doshas.
Drink herbal tea (Ozone teas) and warm water.
Eat spices in balance(Indus valley dosha balancing Sambar and Rasam powders) / herbs as Turmeric, Cinnamon, Ginger, Garlic, Pepper, Cumin These
spices improve and maintain metabolism and
Avoid Heavy, spices, oily, rich calorie preparations, refined cereals, white flour, cheese, curds, whole milk, red meat, pork, beef, Potato, egg plant,
mushroom, tomato
Use coconut oil, olive oil, ghee These oils are essential for a balanced metabolism in the body and have special properties and protect your
body and mind. Click here to read more about ayurvedic oil
Maintain proper metabolism
Remove toxins (Ama) and prevent the accumulation of toxins in the body and mind
should maintain balanced tridosha.
One glass juice of any one of the following,
Bottle gourd, Ash gourd, wheat grass or
Ayurvedic weight loss treatment | Ayurveda[20/10/2014 12:23:13 PM]
Along with Papaya
Carbohydrate source to start the
Mid morning Detoxification

Balanced meal for the Day
Mid Afternoon Simple carbohydrate and
minerals for maintenance of
Dinner Carbohydrate source for the

Diet Salad:
Combine all the ingredients together in a bowl and toss well.
Serve immediately.
Diet Soup:
spinach seasoned with cinnamon / ginger
Honey - 10 ml in a glass of warm water
with one tea spoon of lemon/lime juice
Oats Porridge
Any cereal with skimmed milk
Egg white 4 / week
400 ml of Barley Water
Any juice from the above vegetables 400
Diet Soup
Diet Salad
Chapathi / Roti with steamed vegetables
Grilled fish / Chicken twice a week
Fruit (Avoid Avacado, Banana, Mango,
Jack fruit)
Herbal tea
2-Chapthi or 2 Roti / brown rice with
steamed vegetables
Shredded cabbage 50 gm
Cucumber cubes 50 gm
Pineapple cubes 50 gm
Coarsely grated carrot 50 gm
Shredded lettuce 50 gm
Sweet lime 100 gm
Chopped coriander leaves
Finely chopped mint leaves
Almonds (deskinned-soak the almonds in water overnight and remove the skin) 5
Olive oil 10 ml
Lemon juice 5 ml
Pepper 3 corns
Salt to taste
Moong Dal (split yellow gram) - 3 tbsp
Chopped onions 1 small
Ayurvedic weight loss treatment | Ayurveda[20/10/2014 12:23:13 PM]
For Ayurvedic weight loss recipes
Udvartana for weight loss:
It is an Ayurvedic cellulite busting therapy. Udvartana can be used for weight loss, rejuvenation, to improve the complexion and exfoliation of the skin. An
Ayurvedic physician will determine what kind of herbal power or herbal paste is suitable to your condition. Udvartana massage tones the skin, removes cellulite,
loosens fat molecules and eliminates them from the sub-cutaneous level and removes Kapha toxins from the body.
Herbal supplements:
Ayurvedic herbal supplements are of great benefit in weight control and are free of side effects. Click here to order
Therapeutic Yoga :
Yoga not only helps one lose weight but also enhances the healing potential of Ayurveda. There are 72000 Nadis (channels) in the body with central control at the
chakras. The Yoga practice opens up these channels and the life force moves freely in the Nadis balancing body and mind.
This way you will only eat what is needed for the body and the urge to eat more and frequently will disappear on its own. This is the reason why Ayurvedic weight
loss program with Yoga practice is the most successful program. Once you are hooked on it you will stay with it, and the body slowly returns to its normal weight
and keeps it.
Pranayama is the Ayurvedic breathing technique, which brings increased energy, perception and development of various brain faculties. This helps regulate the
appetite centre in the brain there by correcting the eating habits and assists in the gradual weight loss.
Walking for weight loss:
Brisk walking for 30-60 minutes will significantly reduce the risk of diabetes, coronary artery disease, arthritis, depression and many other health problems related
to obesity. Combined with Ayurvedic weight loss treatment with weight loss diet halts and reverses the obesity related health problems. Simple, inexpensive and non
invasive Ayurvedic remedies could prevent you from more invasive heart and other surgeries.
Wear comfortable shoes and clothes and early mornings or evenings are better for the walk. Use an umbrella to protect from the direct sunlight. Doing a mindful
walk in the nature will give more benefits.
The quick fix!
The quick fix There is no such thing! Fad diets, slimming pills, liposuction, surgery, etc. none offer a permanent solution. Ayurveda teaches us to make simple and
permanent lifestyle changes by helping us understand what our body needs, it teaches us to make a commitment to our body and follow through with goals. This
helps us develop respect for our bodies enabling us to enjoy every moment of LIFE. In fact if maintained, even weight loss of as little as 10 percent of body weight
can improve ones health.
Ayurvedic cooking for weight loss:
At Indus Valley, Mysore, we offer weight loss package, which includes cooking classes. You will learn how to prepare simple, tasty Ayurvedic food while you lose
weight. You may also order the necessary spices from us after you return home.
This way having gotten detoxified and lost some weight, you will continue to lose weight till you reach the optimum weight. Our doctors will be available for giving
you any further advice you need after your return.
Weight loss through integrative therapeutics:
Carrot cubes 50 gms
Chopped garlic 4 pods
Pepper 2 corn
Cooked barley / Cooked Rice 50 gm
Olive oil 5 ml
Lemon juice 5 ml
Salt to taste
Wash and soak moong Dal for 2 hours.
Drain, add 3 cups of water, onions and carrots and pressure cook for 1 to 2 whistles or cook in a pan under medium fire covered with a lid.
Saute the onions, garlic for 1 minute or stop before they it starts getting brown.
Add the cooked moong dal and bring to boil. Simmer for 3 to 4 minutes and serve liquidy..
Ayurvedic weight loss treatment | Ayurveda[20/10/2014 12:23:13 PM]
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There are certain situations where in a diet or exercise alone may not be sufficient to lose weight and bring your skin tone back. Few examples are morbid obesity,
post pregnancy abdominal dehiscence, endocrine disorders.
One may need liposuction, tummy tucking and Bariatric surgery etc. Whatever your situation and needs are we are able to guide you and treat you. You will receive
a complete care at Indus valley and our affiliated Centres in Mysore and Bangalore.

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