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Beginners tests and exercises

Choose the correct answer:
1. The carrot, the tomato, the potato, the cabbage, the cucumber and the onion are all
a. Fruit b. insects c. colours d. vegetables e. animals
2. Ce ordine este corecta?
a. Spring, summer, autumn b. Spring, winter, summer c. Autumn, spring, winter
d. inter, autumn, spring e. Spring, summer, winter
3. hat number is not correct?
a. twelve b. twent! c. "orteen d. eighteen e. "i"teen
4. hat animal do !ou use with a computer?
a. hamster b. cat c. mouse d. elephant e. rat
5. hich group is onl! with school ob#ects?
a. $en, rubber, mil% b. Boo%, cheese, pencil
c. $encil case, pencil sharpener, apple d. burger, ruler, rubber e. &lue, ruler, paintbrush
6. 'ar! $oppins has got a ... and an ....
a. 'agic wand, reindeer b. Bag, umbrella c. Sister, brother
d. cat, dog e. Bo!, girl
7. Santa Claus brings children ...
a. reindeers b. coo%ies c. presents d. snow e. Chocolate eggs
8. (n )alloween*s night children dress up as ...
a. witches b. mothers c. "airies d. "lowers e. doctors
9. )ow man! legs has a spider got?
Beginners tests and exercises
a. "our b. eight c. six d. nine e. "ive
10. hich ob#ect is not in the bathroom?
a. sponge b. toothbrush c. towel d. paintbrush e. mirror
11. This is ...
a. +ittle ,ed ,iding )ood b. -aster Bunn! c. A dinosaur
d. A giant e. A crocodile
12. . live in the water. '! colour is gre!. . am a ver! good swimmer. . haven*t got a
shell and . haven*t got an! legs or arms. . am ver! intelligent. . love people,
especiall! children.
ho am .?
a. The shar% B. The octopus C. The penguin
/. The dolphin e. The #ell!"ish
13. 0.*m "ine, than% !ou.1 is the answer to which 2uestion?
A. )ow do !ou do? B. )ow are !ou?
C. hat*s !our name? /. )ow old are !ou? -. here do !ou
come "rom?
14. hat sentence is true?
a. /eedee is /exter*s "riend. b. /eedee is /exter*s mother.
c. /eedee is /exter*s teacher. d. /eedee is /exter*s
brother. e. /eedee is /exter*s sister. e. /eedee is /exter*s grandma.
15. hat animal has got a ver! long nose?
a. Sna%e b. crocodile c. elephant d. bee e. gira""e
16. hich one is not a girl?
Beginners tests and exercises
a. Buttercup b. Blossom c. Scoob! /oo d. Sailor 'oon
e. Barbie
17. (dd word out3 doctor, teacher, pilot, trans"ormer, engineer
a. doctor b. teacher c. $ilot d. trans"ormer ". engineer
18. A "rog can
a. wal% b. -at ice cream c. #ump d. sing e. "l!
19. This is a ....
a. Batman b. $lane c. $arachute d. bird e. bat
20. Alina is m! sister. ... ten !ears old.
a. Shi*s b. She*s c. 4i5 d. )e*s e. )e
21. Ta%e ... !our hat, -dd!6
a. in b. out c. o"" d. on e. under
22. Cinderella has ...
a. Three sisters. b. Two sisters and a brother. c. Two twin sisters. d. Two
sisters e. A sister
23. Translate3 0'i7e "oame61
a. .*m sleep!. B. .*m tired. C. .*m hungr!. /. .*m late. -. .*m
24. (dd word out3 second, minute, hour, cloc%, da!.
a. Second b. minute c. )our d. cloc%
e. da!
25. The sun is ....
Beginners tests and exercises
a. (range b. !ellow c. blue d. white e. red
26. hich is not an insect?
a. lad!bug b. cric%et c. butter"l! /. tortoise -. bee
27. +ondon is the capital o"3
A. The 8.S.A. b. ,omania c. &reat Britain d. &erman!
e. .tal!
28. hat "ood is sweet?
a. )ot dog b. $i55a c. Fish and chips d. ice
cream e. cheese
29. here do pelicans live?
a. .n the desert B. .n the "orest. C. .n the deltas.
/. .n the #ungle. -. (n the "arm.
30. )ow man! pigs want to build a house?
a. Seven b. three c. -leven d. Ten e. -ight
31. The birds are ... the nest.
a. (n b. 8nder c. .n d. 7
e. 9ext to
32. The s2uirrel is ... the tree.
a. (n b. .n c. 8nder d. 7 e. 9ext to

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