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for English Language Education

#last u$dated %& 'a( )*%)+
Alvarez-Torres, M. J., & Fernandez-Garcia, M. (1999). The effects of task reetition on
lin!"istic o"t"t. Language Learning, 49(#), $#9-$%1.
&ach'an, (. F. ()**)). +o'e reflections on task-,ased lan!"a!e erfor'ance assess'ent.
Language Testing, 19(#), #$--#./.
&e!lar, 0., & 1"nt, A. ()**)). 2'le'entin! task-,ased lan!"a!e teachin!. 2n J. 3. 4ichards
& 5. A. 4enand6a (7ds.), Methodology in language teaching: An anthology of
current practice (. 9/-1*/). 3a',rid!e, 89: 3a',rid!e 8niversit6 ;ress.
&o<ler, &., & ;ar'inter, +. ()**)). Mi=ed-level teachin!: Tiered tasks and ,ias tasks. 2n J. 3.
4ichards & 5. A. 4enand6a (7ds.), Methodology in language teaching: An anthology
of current practice (. $9-/#). 3a',rid!e, 89: 3a',rid!e 8niversit6 ;ress.
&reen, M. (19%.). (earner contri,"tions to task desi!n. 2n 3. 3andlin & 0. M"rh6 (7ds.),
Language learning tasks (. )--#/). 7n!le<ood 3liffs, >J: ;rentice-1all.
&rindle6, G. (19%.). Factors affectin! task diffic"lt6. 2n 0. >"nan (7d.), Guidelines for the
development of curriculum resources (. #$-$/). Adelaide, A"stralia: >ational
3"rric"l"' 4eso"rce 3entre.
&ro<n, G., & ?"le, G. (19%-). Teaching the spoken language. 3a',rid!e, 89: 3a',rid!e
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&ro<n, J. 0., 1"dson, T., >orris, J., & &onk, 5. J. ()**)). An investigation of second
language task!ased performance assessments. Manoa, 12: 8niversit6 of 1a<aii
&"tler, ?. G. ()*11). The i'le'entation of co''"nicative and task-,ased lan!"a!e teachin!
in the Asia-;acific re!ion. Annual "evie# of Applied Linguistics, $1, -/-$..
&6!ate, M. (1999). Task as conte=t for the fra'in!, refra'in! and "nfra'in! of lan!"a!e.
%ystem, &', ---#%.
&6!ate, M. ()**1). 7ffects of task reetition on the str"ct"re and control of oral lan!"a!e. 2n
M. &6!ate, ;. +kehan, & M. +<ain, (7ds.), "esearching pedagogic tasks: %econd
language learning, teaching and testing (. )--#%)( 1arlo<, 89: (on!'an.
&6!ate, M., +kehan, ;., & +<ain, M. (7ds.). ()**1). "esearching pedagogic tasks: %econd
language learning, teaching and testing. (ondon, 89: (on!'an.
&6rnes, 1. ()**)). The role of task and task-,ased assess'ent in a content-oriented colle!iate
forei!n lan!"a!e c"rric"l"'. Language Testing, 19(#), #19-#-..
1.. 5e,ster +t., @))*, Montere6, 3A 9-9#* 8+A
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The International Research Foundation
for English Language Education
3andlin, 3. (19%.). To<ard task-,ased learnin!. 2n 3. 3andlin & 0. M"rh6 (7ds.),
Language learning tasks (. $-))). 7n!le<ood 3liffs, >J: ;rentice-1all.
3andlin, 3., & M"rh6, 0. (7ds.). (19%.). Language learning tasks. 7n!le<ood 3liffs, >J:
;rentice-1all 2nternational.
3arless, 0. ()**9). 4evisitin! the T&(T vers"s ;-;-; de,ate: Boices fro' 1on! 9on!. Asian
)ournal of *nglish Language Teaching, 19, #9-//.
3enteno-3ortes, &., & Ji'enez-Ji'enez, A. ()**#). ;ro,le'-solvin! tasks in a forei!n
lan!"a!e: The i'ortance of the (1 in rivate ver,al thinkin!. +nternational )ournal
of Applied Linguistics, 14, .--$.
3ha"dron, 3., 0o"!ht6, 3. J., 9i', ?., 9on!, 0-9., (ee, J., (ee, ?-G., (on!, M. 1., 4ivers,
4., & 8rano, 9. ()**$). A task-,ased needs anal6sis of a tertiar6 9orean as a forei!n
lan!"a!e ro!ra'. 2n M. 1. (on! (7d.), %econd language needs analysis (. ))$-
)/1). 3a',rid!e, 89: 3a',rid!e 8niversit6 ;ress.
3o"!hlan, ;., & 0"ff, ;. A. (199#). +a'e task different activities: Anal6sis of +(A task fro'
an activit6 theor6 ersective. 2n J. ;. (antolf & G. Ael (7ds.), ,ygotskian
approaches to second language research (. 1.--19#). >or<ood, >J: A,le=.
0el ;ilar Garcia Ma6o, M. (7d.). ()**.). +nvestigating tasks in formal language learning.
3levedon, 89: M"ltilin!"al Matters.
0o"!ht6, 3., & ;ica, T. (19%/). C2nfor'ation !aD tasks: 0o the6 facilitate second lan!"a!e
acE"isitionF T*%-L .uarterly, &/()), )*$--)$.
0Grn6ei, H., & 9or'os, J. The role of individ"al and social varia,les in oral task
erfor'ance. Language Teaching "esearch, 4(-), ).$--**.
7llis, 4. (199/). 2nterretation tasks for !ra''ar teachin!. T*%-L .uarterly, &9, %.-1*$.
7llis, 4. ()***). Task-,ased research and lan!"a!e eda!o!6. Language Teaching "esearch,
4(-), 19--))*.
7llis, 4. ()**-). Task!ased language learning and teaching. I=ford, 89: I=ford 8niversit6
7llis, 4. ()**$). 2nstr"cted lan!"a!e learnin! and task-,ased teachin!( 2n 7. 1inkel (7d.),
0and!ook of research in second language teaching and learning (. .1-J.)%).
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7llis, 4. ()**/). The 'ethodolo!6 of task-,ased teachin!. Asian *1L )ournal, 2, -. 4etrieved
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Fole6, J. (1991). A s6cholin!"istic fra'e<ork for task-,ased aroaches to lan!"a!e
teachin!. Applied Linguistics, 1&(1), /--.$.
1.. 5e,ster +t., @))*, Montere6, 3A 9-9#* 8+A
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The International Research Foundation
for English Language Education
Foster, ;. (1999). Task-,ased learnin! and eda!o!6( *LT )ournal, 3$, /9-.*.
Foster, ;., & +kehan, ;. (199/). The infl"ence of lannin! on erfor'ance in task-,ased
learnin!. %tudies in %econd Language Ac4uisition, 12, )99--)#.
Foster, ;., & +kehan, ;. (199.). Modif6in! the task: The effects of s"rrise, ti'e and lannin!
t6e on task ,ased forei!n lan!"a!e instr"ction. Thames ,alley 5niversity #orking
papers in *nglish language teaching, #, %/-1*9.
Foster, ;., & +kehan, ;. (1999). The infl"ence of so"rce of lannin! and foc"s of lannin! on
task-,ased erfor'ance. Language Teaching "esearch, $(-), )1$-)#..
Fotos, +., & 7llis, 4. (1991). 3o''"nicatin! !ra''ar: A task-,ased aroach. T*%-L
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Fotos, +. +. (199-). 3onscio"sness-raisin! and noticin! thro"!h foc"s on for': Gra''ar task
erfor'ance vers"s for'al instr"ction. Applied Linguistics, 14(#), -%$-#*..
F"lcher, G., & MMrE"ez 4eiter, 4. ()**-). Task diffic"lt6 in seakin! tests. Language
Testing, &/(-), -)1--##.
Gass, +., Macke6, A., Alvarez-Torres, M. J., & Fernandez-Garcia, M. (1999). The effects of
task reetition on lin!"istic o"t"t. Language Learning, 49, $#9-$%1.
Gass, +., Macke6, A., & 4oss-Feld'an, (. ()**$). Task ,ased interactions in classroo' and
la,orator6 settin!s. Language Learning, 33(#), $.$-/11.
Gil,ert, 4. ()**.). 7ffects of 'ani"latin! task co'le=it6 on self-reairs d"rin! () oral
rod"ction. +nternational "evie# of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 43(-),
G"k, 2., & 9ello!!, 0. ()**.). The H;0 and <hole class teachin!: Teacher-led and st"dent-
led interactional 'ediation of tasks. Language Teaching "esearch, 11(-), )%1-)99.
1el!esen, M. ()**-). &rin!in! task rec6clin! to the classroo'. The *nglish 6onnection, '(-),
1"nt, A., & &e!lar, 0. (199%). 3"rrent research and ractice in teachin! voca,"lar6. The
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2<ashita, >. ()**-). >e!ative feed,ack and ositive evidence in task-,ased interaction:
0ifferential effects on () develo'ent. %tudies in %econd Language Ac4uisition,
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Johnson, 9. ()***). 5hat task desi!ners do. Language Teaching "esearch, 4(-), -*1--)1.
1.. 5e,ster +t., @))*, Montere6, 3A 9-9#* 8+A
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The International Research Foundation
for English Language Education
9laer, J. ()**-). Takin! co''"nication to taskF A critical revie< of recent trends in
lan!"a!e teachin!. Language Learning )ournal, &', ---#).
9"iken, F., & Bedder, 2. ()**.). Task co'le=it6 and 'eas"res of lin!"istic erfor'ance in
() <ritin!. +nternational "evie# of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 43(-),
(a',ert, 3. ()**#). 4everse-en!ineerin! co''"nication tasks. *LT )ournal, 32(1), 1%-)..
(ittle<ood, 5. ()**#). The task-,ased aroach: +o'e E"estions and s"!!estions. *LT
)ournal, 32(#), -19--)/.
(ittle<ood, 5. ()**.). 3o''"nicative and task-,ased lan!"a!e teachin! in 7ast Asian
classroo's. Language Teaching, 4/(-), )#1-)#9.
(on!, M., & 3rookes, G. (199))( Three aroaches to task-,ased s6lla,"s desi!n. T*%-L
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(on!, M. 1. ()**)). Task !ased language teaching. I=ford, 89: &asil &lack<ell.
(oschk6, (., & &le6-Bro'an, 4. (199-). Gra''ar and task-,ased 'ethodolo!6. 2n G.
3rookes & +. Gass (7ds.), Tasks and language learning: +ntegrating theory and
practice (. 1)--1/.). 3levedon, 89: M"ltilin!"al Matters.
(o"'o"rdi, (. ()**$). 0eveloin! fro' ;;; to T&(: A foc"sed !ra''ar task. 2n 3.
7d<ards & J. 5illis (7ds.), Teachers e8ploring tasks in *nglish language teaching
(. ----9). (ondon, 89: ;al!rave.
("'le6, T., & &ro<n, A. (199/). +ecific "rose lan!"a!e erfor'ance tests: Task and
interaction. Australian "evie# of Applied Linguistics, 1$, 1*$-1-/.
(6nch, T., & Maclean, J. ()***). 7=lorin! the ,enefits of task reetition and rec6clin! for
classroo' lan!"a!e learnin!. Language Teaching "esearch, 4(-), ))1-)$*.
Menni', ;. ()**-). 4ehearsed oral () o"t"t and reactive foc"s on for'. *LT )ournal, 3'()),
Michel, M. 3., 9"iken, F., & Bedder, 2. ()**.). The infl"ence of co'le=it6 in 'onolo!ic
vers"s dialo!ic tasks in 0"tch (). +nternational "evie# of Applied Linguistics in
Language Teaching, 43(-), )#1-)$9.
Mislev6, 4., +tein,er!, (., & Al'ond, 4. ()**)). 0esi!n and anal6sis in task-,ased lan!"a!e
assess'ent. Language Testing, 19(#), #..-#9/.
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for English Language Education
Mori, J. ()**)). Task desi!n, lan, and develo'ent of talk-in-interaction: An anal6sis of a
s'all !ro" activit6 in a Jaanese lan!"a!e classroo'. Applied Linguistics, &$(-),
M"ranoi, 1. ()***). Foc"s on for' thro"!h interaction enhance'ent: 2nte!ratin! for'al
instr"ction into a co''"nicative task in 7F( classroo's. Language Learning, 3/,
>aka'"ra, 7. ()**%). 7ffects of task reetition in N;oster caro"sel.O 2n 9. &radford 5atts, T.
M"ller, & M. +<anson (7ds.), )ALT&//' 6onference 9roceedings. Tok6o, Jaan:
>P'eth, >., & 9or'os, J. ()**1). ;ra!'atic asects of task-erfor'ance: The case of
ar!"'entation. Language Teaching "esearch, 3(-), )1--)#*.
>o,"6oshi, J., & 7llis, 4. (199-). Foc"sed co''"nication tasks and second lan!"a!e
acE"isition. *LT )ournal, 4', )*--)1*.
>orris, J. M. ()**)). 2nterretations, intended "ses and desi!ns in task-,ased lan!"a!e
assess'ent. Language Testing, 19(4), 337-346.
>orris, J., &ro<n, J.0., 1"dson, T., & &onk, 5. ()**)). 7=a'inee a,ilities and task diffic"lt6
in task-,ased second lan!"a!e erfor'ance assess'ent. Language Testing 19(#), -9$-
>"nan, 0. (19%9). :esigning tasks for the communicative classroom. 3a',rid!e, 89:
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>"nan, 0. ()**#). Task!ased language teaching( 3a',rid!e, 89: 3a',rid!e 8niversit6
>"nan, 0. ()**/). Task-,ased lan!"a!e teachin! in the Asia conte=t: 0efinin! CtaskD. Asian
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language learning: +ntegrating theory and practice (. 9--#). 3levedon, 89:
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;latt, 7., & &rooks, F. &. ()**)). Task en!a!e'ent: A t"rnin! oint in forei!n lan!"a!e
develo'ent. Language Learning, 3&, -/$-#**.
1.. 5e,ster +t., @))*, Montere6, 3A 9-9#* 8+A
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for English Language Education
4ichards, J. (19%.). &e6ond 'ethods: alternative aroaches to instr"ctional desi!n in
lan!"a!e teachin!. 9rospect, $(1), 11--*.
4ichards, J. 3. ()**)). Addressin! the !ra''ar !a in task <ork. 2n J. 3. 4ichards & 5. A.
4enand6a (7ds.), Methodology in language teaching: An anthology of current
practice (.1$--1//). 3a',rid!e, 89: 3a',rid!e 8niversit6 ;ress.
4o,inson, ;. ()**1). Task co'le=it6, co!nitive reso"rces and second lan!"a!e s6lla,"s
desi!n. 2n ;. 4o,inson (7d.), 6ognition and second language instruction (. )%.-
-1%). 3a',rid!e, 89: 3a',rid!e 8niversit6 ;ress.
4o,inson, ;. ()**1). Task co'le=it6, task diffic"lt6, and task rod"ction: 7=lorin!
interactions in a co'onential fra'e<ork. Applied Linguistics, &&(1), ).-$..
4o,inson, ;. ()**.). Task co'le=it6, theor6 of 'ind, and intentional reasonin!: 7ffects on
() seech rod"ction, interaction, "take and ercetions of task diffic"lt6.
+nternational "evie# of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 43(-), 19--)1-.
4o,inson, ;. ()*11). Task!ased language learning. Malden, MA: &lack<ell.
4o,inson, ;., & Gila,ert, 4. ()**.). Task co'le=it6, the 3o!nition 16othesis and second
lan!"a!e learnin! and erfor'ance. +nternational "evie# of Applied Linguistics in
Language Teaching, 43(-), 1/1-1./.
4o,inson, ;., & 4oss, +. (199/). The develo'ent of task-,ased assess'ent in 7n!lish for
acade'ic "roses ro!ra's. Applied Linguistics, 1'(#), #$$-#./.
4oe,"ck, 4. ()***). +",Lects seak o"t: 1o< learners osition the'selves in a
s6cholin!"istic task. 2n J. ;. (antolf (7d.), %ociocultural theory and second language
learning (. .9-9/). I=ford, 89: I=ford 8niversit6 ;ress.
4"so, >. ()**.). The infl"ence of task ,ased learnin! on 7F( classroo's. Asian *1L
)ournal, 12, Article ). 4etrieved fro' htt:KK<<<.asian-efl-
+a'"da, B. ()**1). G"idin! relationshis ,et<een for' and 'eanin! d"rin! task
erfor'ance: The role of the teacher. 2n M. &6!ate, ;. +kehan, & M. +<ain (7ds.),
"esearching pedagogic tasks: %econd language learning, teaching and testing (.
119-1-#). (ondon, 89: (on!'an.
+a'"da, B., & &6!ate, M. ()**%). Tasks in second language learning. &asin!stoke, 89:
;al!rave Mac'illan.
+eedho"se, ;. (1999). Task-,ased interaction. *LT )ournal, 3$, 1#9-1$/.
+ha<, ;. ()**9). The s6lla,"s is dead, lon! live the s6lla,"s: Tho"!hts on the state of
lan!"a!e c"rric"l"', content, lan!"a!e, tasks, roLects, 'aterials, <ikis, ,lo!s and
the <orld <ide <e,. Language and Linguistics Compass, 3($), 1)//-1)%-.
1.. 5e,ster +t., @))*, Montere6, 3A 9-9#* 8+A
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for English Language Education
+hehadeh, A. ()**$). Task-,ased lan!"a!e learnin! and teachin!: Theories and alications.
2n 3. 7d<ards & J. 5illis (7ds.), Teachers e8ploring tasks in *nglish language
teaching (. ----9). (ondon, 89: ;al!rave.
+kehan, ;. (199/). +econd lan!"a!e acE"isition research and task-,ased instr"ction. 2n J.
5illis & 0. 5illis (7ds.), 6hallenge and change in language teaching (. 1.--*).
I=ford, 89: 1eine'ann.
+kehan, ;. (199%). Task-,ased instr"ction. Annual "evie# of Applied Linguistics, 12, )/%-
+kehan, ;. ()**1). Tasks and lan!"a!e erfor'ance assess'ent. 2n M. &6!ate, ;. +kehan, &
M. +<ain (7ds.), "esearching pedagogic tasks: %econd language learning, teaching,
and testing (. 1/.-1%$). (ondon, 89: (on!'an.
+kehan, ;. ()**-). Task-,ased instr"ction. Language Teaching, $7, 1-1#.
+kehan, ;., & Foster, ;. (199.). Task t6e and task rocessin! conditions as infl"ences on
forei!n lan!"a!e erfor'ance( Language Teaching "esearch, 1(-), 1%$-)11.
+kehan, ;. (199/). A fra'e<ork for the i'le'entation of task-,ased instr"ction. Applied
linguistics, 1', -%-/).
+kehan, ;., & Foster, ;. (1999). The infl"ence of task str"ct"re and rocessin! conditions on
narrative retellin!s. Language Learning, 49(1), 9--1)*.
+kehan, ;., & 5esche, M. ()**)). 3o''"nicative, task-,ased, and content-,ased lan!"a!e
instr"ction. 2n 4. 9alan (7d.), -8ford hand!ook of applied linguistics (. )*.-))%).
I=ford, 89: I=ford 8niversit6 ;ress.
+<affer, J. 9., Arens, 9., & Mor!an, M. (19%)). Teacher classroo' ractices: 4edefinin!
'ethod as task hierarch6. Modern Language )ournal, 72(1), )#---.
+<ain, M., & (akin, +. ()***). Task-,ased second lan!"a!e learnin!: The "ses of the first
lan!"a!e. Language Teaching "esearch, 4(-), )$1-).#.
+<ain, M., & (akin, +. ()**1). Foc"s on for' thro"!h colla,orative dialo!"e: 7=lorin!
task effects. 2n M. &6!ate, ;. +kehan, & M. +<ain (7ds.), "esearching pedagogic
tasks, second language learning, teaching, and testing (. 99-11%). (ondon, 89:
Ban den &randen, 9. (7d). ()**/). Task!ased language education: 1rom theory to practice.
3a',rid!e, 89: 3a',rid!e 8niversit6 ;ress.
5an!, +. 3., & +hih, +. 3. ()*11). The role of lan!"a!e for thinkin! and task selection in
7F( learnersD oral collocational rod"ction. 1oreign Language Annals, 44()), -99-
1.. 5e,ster +t., @))*, Montere6, 3A 9-9#* 8+A
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5illis, 0., & 5illis, J. ()**1). Task-,ased lan!"a!e learnin!. 2n 4. 3arter & 0. >"nan (7ds.),
The 6am!ridge guide to Teaching *nglish to %peakers of -ther Languages (. 1.--
1.9). 3a',rid!e, 89: 3a',rid!e 8niversit6 ;ress.
5illis, 0., & 5illis, J. ()**.). :oing task!ased teaching. I=ford, 89: I=ford 8niversit6
5illis, J. (199/). A frame#ork for task!ased learning. 1arlo<, 89: ;earson 7d"cation.
5illis, J. ()**$). 2ntrod"ction: Ai's and e=lorations into tasks and task-,ased teachin!. 2n
3. 7d<ards & J. 5illis (7ds.), Teachers e8ploring tasks in *nglish language teaching
(. ----9). (ondon, 89: ;al!rave.
5illis, J. 4. ()**#). ;ersectives on task-,ased instr"ction: 8nderstandin! o"r ractices,
ackno<led!in! different ractitioners. 2n &. (. (eaver & J. 4. 5illis (7ds.), Task
!ased instruction in foreign language education (. --##). 5ashin!ton, 03:
Geor!eto<n 8niversit6 ;ress.
5ri!ht, T. (19%.). 2nstr"ctional task and disco"rsal o"tco'e in the () classroo'. 2n 3.
3andlin & 0. M"rh6 (7ds.), Language learning tasks (. #.-/%). 7n!le<ood 3liffs,
>J: ;rentice-1all.
1.. 5e,ster +t., @))*, Montere6, 3A 9-9#* 8+A
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