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Enter Chinese Characters under Windows XP - March 18, 2002

Biblioscape supports double byte languages including Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK). If
you have Windows !!! or "#, you don$t need to download any third party software. If you are
are running other versions of Windows, you can download a CJK enabling software li%e &J'tar,
(winBridge, )nion Way, etc. (he following tutorial shows you how to enter Chinese into
Biblioscape under Windows "#. *ou need Windows "# installation C+ to co,plete the following
-. .irst, you need to add Chinese to the language settings of your syste,. /o to Windows status
bar and clic% 0'tart 1 'ettings 1 Control #anel0. +ouble clic% the icon 02egional and 3anguage0.
. 4n the 03anguages0 tab, chec% the bo5 before 0Install files for 6ast 7sian 3anguages0 under
section 0'upple,ental language support0.
8. Clic% the 0+etail0 button to select the 0+efault input language0.
9. 4n the 07dvanced0 tab, 'elect 0Chinese (#2C)0 as the language to ,atch the language version
of the non:)nicode progra,s you want to use. (his is a very i,portant step. Without this step,
Biblioscape can$t display Chinese correctly. 7fter clic%ing the 4K button, Windows will pro,pt you
to insert your Windows !!! installation C+. Insert the C+:24; and clic% 4K button.

<. 7fter Windows copied so,e files into your local drive, you will be pro,pted the following
Window. Clic% the 0*es0 button. *ou can then be pro,pted to restart Windows. Clic% *es button to
restart Windows.
=. 7fter Windows is restarted, an language input icon will be displayed on your Windows status

;ove the cursor on top of 06&0 icon, clic% the right ,ouse button, then clic% the 0#roperties0
>. 4n the 0Input 3ocales0 tab, select 0C? Chinese (#2C) Chinese ('i,plifies) : )' Keyboard0
entry, then clic% on the 0#roperties0 button.
@. 4n the 0Input 3ocale #roperties0 window, select the input ,ethod you prefer. If you %now
#in*in, you can choose 0Chinese ('i,plified) : ;':#in*inA@0 and clic% 4K button.
A. 7fter you co,e bac% to the 02egional 4ptions0 window, the Chinese input icon will be changed
to ;':#in*inA@. If you want, you can set this input ,ethod as the default by clic%ing on the 0'et
as +efault0 button. Clic% 4K button to close this window.
-!. 'tart Biblioscape. If you did not set Chinese input as the default input ,ethod, clic% on the 6&
icon on the Window$s status bar and change it to ;':#in*in input ,ethod.
--. *ou can now enter Chinese into Biblioscape.
-. Chinese records will also be displayed correctly in the reference list. *ou can also do search.
When for,atting papers with Chinese records, don$t forget to go to 0(ools 1 4ptions0. 4n 0.or,at
;anuscript0 tab, chec% bo5 0.or,at double byte languages (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc.)0.
NoteB (o display Chinese correctly in the for,atted preview window, you need to edit the file
0...CBiblioscape 9C/lobalCpreviewDrtfDheader.t5t0. ?ere is the content of that fileB
ECrtf-CansiCdeff!Cdeftab>!ECfonttblECf!Cfnil ;' 'ans 'erifFGECf-CfnilCfcharset 'y,bolFG
ECfCfswissCfprH 'yste,FGECf8Cfnil (i,es &ew 2o,anFGG
*ou need to change the f8 definition to the Chinese character set. .or e5a,pleB fro, ECf8Cfnil
(i,es &ew 2o,anFG to ECf8CfnilCfcharset-89 'i,'unFG
NoteB .*IB (he above e5a,ple was used to change to 'i,plified Chinese, if any one wants to
change to (raditional Chinese, please change it toB ECf8CfnilCfcharset-8 ,ingliuFG. .or other
languages, please refer to the following charset table.
charset B language
! 7&'I (Latin languages)
1 Default
2 Symbol
3 Invalid
77 Mac
128 Shift Jis Ja!anese)
12" #angul $o%ean)
13& Johab $o%ean)
132 '%aditional (hinese)
13) *+2312 Sim!lified (hinese)
13, +ig- '%aditional (hinese)
1,1 *%ee.
1,2 'u%.ish
1,3 /ietnamese
177 #eb%e0
178 1%abic
17" 1%abic '%aditional
18& 1%abic use%
181 #eb%e0 use%
18, +altic
2&) 2ussian
222 'hai
238 3aste%n 3u%o!ean
2-) 4( )37
2-- 53M
(ont%ibution f%om Sean Lai at +ibliosca!e fo%um6

37mail us at,
J Copyright !!8 C/ Infor,ation 7ll 2ights 2eserved

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