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School of Business
Green and Sustainable Enterprise Management
opyright ! "00#$ "00% by &ni'ersity of (hoeni)* +ll rights reser'ed*
Course Description
This course pro'ides an o'er'ie, of sustainable management techni-ues from an economic$ social$ and
corporate en'ironmental responsibility perspecti'e* Special emphasis is placed on production principles$
inno'ati'e and sustainable practices$ and the importance of managing the bottom line in business*
.aculty and students/learners ,ill be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained
,ithin the follo,ing t,o documents/
&ni'ersity policies/ 0ou must be logged into the student ,ebsite to 'ie, this document*
1nstructor policies/ This document is posted in the Course Materials forum*
&ni'ersity policies are sub2ect to change* Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class* (olicies
may be slightly different depending on the modality in ,hich you attend class* 1f you ha'e recently changed
modalities$ read the policies go'erning your current class modality*
Course Materials
hristopher$ 3* .* 4"0056* Holistic management: Managing what matters for company success* 7obo8en$ 9:/
:ohn 3iley ; Sons*
<es:ardins$ :* 4"0056* Business, ethics, and the environment: Imagining a sustainable future. &pper Saddle
=i'er$ 9:/ (earson*
Sa'it>$ +*$ ; 3eber$ ?* 4"0066* The triple bottom line: How today's bestrun companies are achieving economic,
social and environmental success ! and how you can too* San .rancisco$ +/ :ossey@Bass*
3ilson$ 3*$ ; Sasse'ille$ <* 41###6* "ustaining environmental management success: Best business practices
from industry* 7obo8en$ 9:/ :ohn 3iley ; Sons*
+ll electronic materials are a'ailable on the student ,ebsite*
Week One: Business Practices and the Biosphere
Details Due Points
Objectives 1.1 <escribe ho, business practices may affect the biosphere*
1.2 +naly>e the affect shareholdersA and sta8eholdersA concerns ha'e
on business decisions*
1.3 Summari>e opposing 'ie,points on en'ironmental crises*
Readings Read h* 10 4pp* 3#"BC"16 of Holistic Management*
Read h* 1 of Business, #thics, and the #nvironment*
Read h* " of Business, #thics, and the #nvironment*
Read h* 1 of The Triple Bottom $ine.
Read h* 3 of The Triple Bottom $ine.
Read this ,ee8As Electronic =eser'e =eadings*
Particiation Particiate in class discussion* Dn@going "
Resond to ,ee8ly discussion -uestions* !" 1#Thurs
<ay 3
!" 2# Sat <ay
Resource# Biosphere 3or8sheet found on the student ,ebsite
Co%lete the Biosphere 3or8sheet* &ub%it the ,or8sheet to the
'ssign%ent (in).
Mon$ <ay 5 10
Week Two: Regulation and Voluntary Sustainale Practices
Details Due Points
Objectives 2.1 ompare mandatory and 'oluntary business practices*
2.2 E)plain ma2or elements of en'ironmental management systems*
2.3 +ssess the sustainability of a businessAs current practices*
Readings Read h* C of Holistic Management*
Read h* C of Business, #thics, and the #nvironment*
Read h* E of Business, #thics, and the #nvironment*
Read h* 6 of Business, #thics, and the #nvironment*
Read h* C of The Triple Bottom $ine*
Read h* % of The Triple Bottom $ine*
Read this ,ee8As Electronic =eser'e =eadings*
Particiation Particiate in class discussion* Dn@going "
Resond to ,ee8ly discussion -uestions* !" 1#Thurs
<ay 3
!" 2# Sat <ay
(earning Tea%
Create a Fearning Team harter and submit to the 'ssign%ent (in). Mon$ <ay 5 "
(earning Tea%
Resources# Business Sustainability +ssessment 3or8sheets$ =iordan
Manufacturing Girtual Drgani>ation
+egin collaboration on your urrent Business (ractices +udit
Create a presentation in ,hich you demonstrate ho, different sta8eholders are
affected by business decisions and practices*
&elect one of the follo,ing types of industries/ a pharmaceutical manufacturer$
an organic yogurt producer$ a carpet cleaning company$ or a city a-uarium*
1dentify a representati'e e)ample of a real business among one of these
industries and pro'ide a brief summary of this businessAs products$ ser'ices$
and practices*
$denti,- four types of sta8eholders for your chosen business* <escribe ho,
each sta8eholder is in'ol'ed in or affected by the business and specify their
concerns ,ith the businessAs standard practices*
./lain ho, sta8eholdersA preferences may conflict ,ith shareholdersA financial
./lain$ in the conclusion$ ho, decisions that benefit one group may ha'e a
negati'e effect on the other and describe the role of a business leader in trying
to balance the shareholdersA and sta8eholdersA concerns*
&ub%it a (o,er(oint
file of 6 to % slides ,ith spea8erAs notes to the
'ssign%ent (in).
Provide at least one +(+@formatted source*
Mon$ <ay 5 10
Week Three: Planning Sustainale Business Practices
Details Due Points
Objectives 3.1 Summari>e strategies and practices businesses use to impro'e
3.2 ompare costs and benefits for rele'ant sustainable business
3.3 <e'elop a plan to impro'e sustainable business practices*
Readings Read h* 5 of Business, #thics, and the #nvironment*
Read h* # of The Triple Bottom $ine*
Read h* E of "ustaining #nvironmental Management "uccess*
Read this ,ee8As Electronic =eser'e =eadings*
Particiation Particiate in class discussion* Dn@going "
Resond to ,ee8ly discussion -uestions* !" 1#Thurs
<ay 3
!" 2# Sat <ay
Resource# =iordan Manufacturing Girtual Drgani>ation
+egin collaboration on your EMS =ecommendations*
Resources# Business Sustainability +ssessment 3or8sheets$ =iordan
Manufacturing Girtual Drgani>ation
0se the Business Sustainability +ssessment 3or8sheets pro'ided on
the course page of the &ni'ersity of (hoeni) student ,ebsite*
Conduct a sustainability audit and ,rite a report of no more than 1$E00
,ords in ,hich you analy>e a 'irtual manufacturing firmAs current
business practices and identify aspects of the business that ,ould
benefit from the implementation of a sustainability plan*
&ub%it the Business Sustainability ,or8sheets attached to the end of
the report*
The follo,ing scenario is representati'e of ho, a business 'oluntarily
de'elops and implements a sustainability plan/ =iordan Manufacturing
is a plastic in2ection molding company ,ith locations in alifornia$
Georgia$ Michigan$ and hina* Mar8 9eit>el$ 'ice president of
operations$ has decided to assess the companyAs current business
practices and$ ,here possible$ mo'e to more sustainable practices*
(ocate the lin8 to the &ni'ersity of (hoeni) Girtual Drgani>ations
,ebsite on the course page of the &ni'ersity of (hoeni) student
,ebsite* 9a'igate to the Dperations section on the =iordan
Manufacturing 1ntranet ,ebsite and read through the Sustainability
Study and ommunications pages*
1ill in the charts in the Business Sustainability ,or8sheets to conduct
Mon$ <ay 5 10
an audit of =iordan ManufacturingAs current business practices at the
plants in alifornia$ Georgia$ Michigan$ and hina* Each ma2or
production stage in Section " and Sections C@E of each ,or8sheet must
be completed 4sections 1 ; 3 are completed for you*6 1f the production
stage is not applicable to a particular plant$ mar8 ,ith I9/+*J '((
sections o, eac* 2or)s*eet %ust be co%leted t*is 2ee). Some
information ,ill be used in subse-uent ,ee8 assignments*
&elect three nonsustainable practices as the focus of the sustainability
plan$ once all four plant locations ha'e been audited*
3rite a report describing the three practices your team selected*
!iscuss ,hy these practices are not sustainable and e)plain the
negati'e effects they ha'e on the en'ironment*
Conclude the report ,ith an e)amination of mandatory and 'oluntary
actions =iordan may ta8e to impro'e its sustainability*
$denti,- any state or federal regulations to ,hich =iordan must adhere*
3hat actions must =iordan ta8e to be compliantK Besides these
mandatory actions$ ,hat further actions may =iordan ta8e to impro'e
its sustainability related to$ for e)ample$ brea8 room and custodial
ser'ices$ office supplies$ and employee issuesK 3hat are the
differences bet,een these 'oluntary actions and other mandatory
actionsK onsider moti'ations$ conse-uences$ and effects on the
business and the en'ironment*
&ub%it urrent Business (ractices +udit*
&ub%it a Fearning Team E'aluation to your $ndividual 1oru%. Mon <ay 5
Week !our: "#ple#enting and Monitoring Sustainale Business Practices
Details Due Points
Objectives 4.1 1dentify barriers to implementing and maintaining a sustainable
business plan*
4.2 <e'elop strategies that may o'ercome implementation barriers*
4.3 <escribe methods to systematically measure and monitor
sustainable business plans*
Readings Read h* 10 of The Triple Bottom $ine*
Read h* 11 of The Triple Bottom $ine*
Read h* 13 of The Triple Bottom $ine*
Read h* 6 of "ustaining #nvironmental Management "uccess*
Read h* 5 of "ustaining #nvironmental Management "uccess*
Read this ,ee8As Electronic =eser'e =eadings*
Particiation Particiate in class discussion* Dn@going "
Resond to ,ee8ly discussion -uestions* !" 1#Thurs
<ay 3
!" 2# Sat
<ay E
3rite a paper of no more than 1$000 ,ords in ,hich you describe the
characteristics of effecti'e sustainable business leadership*
&elect a prominent business leader ,ho has increased his or her
companyAs sustainable business practices* Briefly describe the steps
this leader too8 to impro'e the companyAs sustainability* +mong the
possible leaders are 9icole Basset of (atagonia$ Forraine Bolsinger of
GE$ =ichard Branson of Girgin Group$ Finda :* .isher of <u(ont$ Gary
7irshberg of Stonyfield 0ogurt$ 7annah :ones of 9i8e$ =ichard
MacFean of ompetiti'e En'ironment$ +nita =oper of +lcoa$ and Marie
Liegler of :ohn <eere*
!escribe the personality traits$ management style$ and leadership
-ualities that helped him or her lead the company to a successful
implementation of ne, practices*
!escribe ho, this leader instilled a culture of sustainability at his or her
!escribe general management strategies you use as a business
leader to increase sustainability in your field*
Cite assigned readings and at least t,o additional peer@re'ie,ed
sources to support your points in +(+ format*
Mon$ <ay 5 13
+egin collaboration on your 1mplementing EMS =ecommendations*
Resources# =iordan Manufacturing Girtual Drgani>ation
3rite a report of no more than 1$E00 ,ords in ,hich you ma8e specific
recommendations for =iordan Manufacturing to impro'e its
sustainability practices*
&u%%ari5e the ob2ecti'es$ targets$ and programs you identified as the
most important areas re-uiring impro'ement in sustainability$ using the
audit produced in Week Three$
$denti,- and summari>e rele'ant technologies$ strategies$ products$ or
practices =iordan Manufacturing may use to increase sustainability*
ompare costs and benefits of implementing one to three possible
$denti,- the three best practices =iordan Manufacturing should
implement* <escribe ,hich ne, items or practices must be
implemented$ a summary of costs and benefits$ a 2ustification of ,hy
the benefits out,eigh the costs$ and describe the steps the business
must ta8e to implement ne, items* +lthough you should not base your
recommendations on meeting any state or federal regulations$ do your
recommendations eliminate the need to comply ,ith state or federal
Cite assigned readings and at least three additional peer@re'ie,ed
sources to support your points in +(+ format*
&ub%it the EMS =ecommendations*
Mon$ <ay 5 10
&ub%it a Fearning Team E'aluation to your $ndividual 1oru%. Mon <ay 5
Week !i%e: Maintaining a Business Culture o& Sustainaility
Details Due Points
Objectives 6.1 1dentify -ualities of effecti'e leadership in creating a culture of
6.2 Dutline management strategies to de'elop a business culture of
Readings Read h* # of Business, #thics, and the #nvironment*
Read h* 5 of The Triple Bottom $ine*
Read h* 1C of The Triple Bottom $ine*
Read the Epilogue of The Triple Bottom $ine*
Read h* 11 of "ustaining #nvironmental Management "uccess*
Read this ,ee8As Electronic =eser'e =eadings*
Particiation Particiate in class discussion* Dn@going "
Resond to ,ee8ly discussion -uestions* !" 1#Thurs
<ay 3
!" 2# Sat
<ay E
Preare for your final e)amination* Mon$ <ay 5 10
Resource# 3ee8 .our Fearning Team 1nstructions
3rite a report of no more than 1$E00 ,ords in ,hich you anticipate 416
barriers to implementing your sustainability recommendations$ 4"6 plan
ho, to o'ercome these barriers$ and 436 describe methods to
systematically monitor the plan*
17$denti,- barriers to implementing your sustainability plan using
reco##endations produced in Week !our$ <escribe ,hat those
barriers are and ho, or ,hy they might occur* onsider financial$
social$ ethical$ technical$ and practical aspects of business*
27!evelo strategies to a'oid or o'ercome these barriers* E)plain
necessary steps for doing so*
37!escribe methods currently in place or necessary to ensure
systematic monitoring of ne, sustainable practices* 7o, are they
measured or monitoredK 3hat happens if a recommended practice is
not ,or8ing as it ,as intendedK
$ntegrate the three parts of the sustainability plan 'the week ( Current
Business Practices )udit 'part *+, the week - .MS
Reco##endations 'part /+, and the week 0 "#ple#enting .MS
Reco##endations 'part (+ into one cohesi%e paper$ This is now
your Sustainailty Plan$ +dd a one@page e)ecuti'e summary at the
beginning of the paper 4not a part of the o'erall ,ord count*6
Cite assigned readings and at least three additional eer8revie2ed
sources to support your points in +(+ format*
&ub%it 1mplementing EMS =ecommendations*
Mon$ <ay 5 1E
&ub%it a Fearning Team E'aluation to your $ndividual 1oru%. Mon <ay 5
&ni'ersity of (hoeni)H is a registered trademar8 of +pollo Group$ 1nc* in the &nited States and/or other countries*
MicrosoftH$ 3indo,sH$ and 3indo,s 9TH are registered trademar8s of Microsoft orporation in the &nited States and/or other countries*
+ll other company and product names are trademar8s or registered trademar8s of their respecti'e companies* &se of these mar8s is not
intended to imply endorsement$ sponsorship$ or affiliation*
Edited in accordance ,ith &ni'ersity of (hoeni)H editorial standards and practices*

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