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I have felt the water in my body transform into the bottom right shape.

A mobius
4 point tetrahedral that felt like super dense ice water. This happened perform
ing an energy earthing with the sunrise after intense all night meditation. The
instant the transformation occured I felt connected to something like a massive
magnetic river of water in the earth beneath me. The experience was also like dr
owning in the sound of the note ?#?G?, radiating from the shape in my body and r
inging the earth like a bell. Since that day, my perceptions have changed massiv
I would like to raise a point about allergy. Let alone the number of diseases yo
u can develop from animal products, some people are born allergic to shellfish,
as one example, this alone should tell us we do not have to and probably should
not eat any animal product, seeing as those people live long healthy lives if th
ey do not eat the animal products we are born allergic to. I have acquired bee v
enom allergy, which is worse than genetic allergy. Ever hear of a Honeybadger wi
th bee venom allergy? Perhaps humans were too greedy with even bee farming where
we are not eating the animals but what they produce for themselves. Over genera
tions the genetic strength of our species is being weakened by reliance on anima
ls. Natural order, natures order, must prevail or disease and deficiencies born
out of imbalances will be all that proliferate on the levels of life that includ
e and is ultimately expressed as our bodies, how invisible systems of life (bact
erium balance) generate either harmony or chaos.
Here is a thought: People that live in the poorest conditions often get sick, an
d beat the illnesses whereas those in luxury often get sick worst of anyone beca
use hardship makes you stronger and ease makes you weak, and the irony is that p
oor people who get sick first and beat the disease will be better of than someon
e who encounters a highly mutated form of the same viral life form, even though
they surround themselves with protective measures like are available people will
continue to be threatened unilaterally by pathogenic life we allow to prolifera
te in those with the unhealthiest living environments. ~Dei Eif ILLUME
From Indigo children we see the same awareness of the worlds greatest thinkers,
when we realise the true power of creation is being harnessed by individuals tha
t create enduring bodies of thought, that last centuries longer than the languag
e they used, we will begin to see the decoding of higher mathematics, that lead
to architecture and technological innovation, comes through people that stand ou
t from the system they are born into, the same way Indigo people stand out spiri
tually. We all tap into the divine source of energy, and those who utilize it co
rrectly are able to produce great works and revolutionize the spiritual viewpoin
Imagine if all the televisions in the world could be converted quickly and easil
y into solar charger generators. They would go from a blight on the living room
to useful objects to power actually worthwhile appliances. Brought to you by Dei
Eif Just Thinkin'
maybe earth's true shape is a heptapentadecagon
resting on a pentadecagonal seal which is greater in size than the
earth by a magnitude of five or equivalent and less than one half the
nature of complexity in actual dimensions.
this would make toroidal arcs the shape of the land masses, sky, oceans
and internal or lower section of earth an inverted vortex.
sustaining dimension of the highest vibrational frequency is a
septadecagonal seal about twelve times larger in magnitude than the
the grandiosity of size and dimension then could be said to be resting
in a space that is interpolated by larger spaces that enclose the
smaller ones. This is true of chemical and microbial natures, I believe
much more closely a reflection of the bodies internal mechanical balance
with organisms would be represented by the cosmological order I am
logos ergo sum
have you ever heard of the ant pedometer? It is an early man mathematical concep
t that says in all of the steps an ant would take in it's life, the odds of an a
nt acting independantly by leaving the pheremone trail to go it alone, without t
he queen, is calculatable to the mathematically graphable probability of a human
to form independant thought, without impetus that is not provided as satisfacti
on to the senses.
this says something very interesting, that we are not only slaves to impulse, bu
t the system that is generating the impulse by leaving all of the pieces in a li
ne for us to walk, without deviation from the central system.
we are all in centrifugal elevation, our fixation is to the creation of an exper
imental liaison that reaches into the mind of alkaline stablization smoke and bu
bble rings from mammalian tracheathaumaturgic transcendent sonoluminescent reson
ant of the language of the bridging of natures and states between the kingdoms o
f earth, water, life and fire; conscious of the subconscious transformation of d
A serious note: Most of the under developed world is in what is said to be the l
ower hemisphere by some and by others the outer radium of a disc. The fact that
I shall juxtapose this divided notion with the fact of the developed societies f
ound there reveals also the ideas of regency and empire seem also to dominate th
e upper hemisphere or inner radium. Does this suggest a society guided by class
division on all levels of it's function succeeds more often and for much longer
the closer they are to the north pole? To me the north pole seems likely to be t
he center of the world disc and with proximity and espescially alignment to it;
flourishes the ideas of the ascendency of species above the natural order. Does
an inner kingdom exist and exert influence on our world radiating most strongly
directly approximate to the north pole geologically ?
All roads lead to Rome they say. I say all points of a circle can draw a direct
line to it's center because empire is created by minds that replicate the proces
s of an ascended energy that ties us to an inner kingdom. Anyone that buys the i
deas of empire has recreated the centrifugal nature of power emanating from the
center of the world disc for notions of personal superiority visa vie religion,
government and all systems of centralization.
A man is a storm when he is like Hitler. Calm at the center that spirals energy
to feed its own growth and destroy everything else. The U.N flag is the symbol o
f the Club of Rome ruling the world through celestial brainwashings of religion
and the geomancy of masonry. All a giant anti-cycle to disconnect you from the t
rue nature of the centrifugal world energies.
If you want logic, go with tetrahedral. You get three things:
Problem. Reaction. Solution.
Problem. Math. Order.
State. Function. Transpose
All fire is tetrahedral so twice its value must be the impetus to lose half itse
lf to the universe. The capacity to spark and all it burns through half the dens
ity and twice the vibrational frequencies.
Ice as fire is cold fusion. Mastery of meta concept in to base state four the el
ement of three universal over-unity from ocean floors and volcano cores made ava
ilable to you and me through mastery of the mysterious math in the shapes of met
Flat earth will never die follow its dialect to the letter it points the way to
the pyramids and lost science that carved things that survive while we struggle
to realise who they were or what they knew about shape and math and me and you.
North South East West going on forever outside me and you within this place of m
eta. Flat truths straight lines three states and one mind universal together res
ounding forever life's journey. Gods meta. Forget the ball. Get better. Flat wil
l rock you. With science not lies that spite you.
I'm saying if you blink those balls your eyes that look like half balls you'll s
ee the earths the same half a ball you cant see and half with a clear dome ceili
ng for you and me with magnetised portals both poles like the muscles and tendon
s that anchor for movement your orbs of perception meant to see through global d
Glow Baal deception. The evil of climate change is a disguised attempt to brainw
ash society to the sacrifice of Baal all heating up in ritualism as the demon of
despair rises in every place. Man lost his language in the smiting of Babel whi
ch was really the pineal gland which was why its a spiral. That was our connecti
on severed to our depth of perception when they perfected the method of corrupti
ng the senses. The ages went on now its worse than ever. You think google transl
ate will save you or the Pope reads gods letters? Better realise the movements o
f cabal reveal the corrupting of the mind that dates back to Babel our first att
empt as a species to come together and remember how to live liberated from the c
hains of the kings of mesopotamia. Who were their priests and how did the knowle
dge survive to use spiritualism to fuel an autocracy? Secret hands pass in shado
w behind closed doors no one enters all because someone guarantees the right to
protect you comes from above within or around it don't matter when were all drow
ning in sound. The generators are on and de-populations begun they don't want th
e world getting wise to all the secret fun.
I have an idea for a metal song about the lives of Octavius Augustus, first empo
rer of Rome and his popular uncle Julius Ceaser. Here is part of what I have so
far in terms of lyrics: "Just a small town boy Brought before all you fools Risi
ng up to crush the law Making the law account Reform to prosperity Don't grant m
e that power DE-FY! DE-FY! DE-FY! DE-FY! DE-FY!
I am magnetic forces
Weak and strong
I hold creation together
I tear it apart
I am electricities pure energy
I tear at the skies unearthed
You are a slave to me
I am the stone enduring
Strength and density
The skeleton of worlds
I am the rushing wind
Flowing and spiralling
Breathing life into the void
I am endless falling rain
I am ripples spreading
From a billion raindrops
I am fire unquenching
I am the roaring sound
Of a billion burning suns
Exact. Opposite. Order. Take these three words as a logical conclusion to a worl
d that has been changed into it's exact opposites. Order therefore is the exacta
tion of opposite nature, so in it's entirety society must switch to it's opposit
e, polarize away from the source of conflicts that perpetuate. ~Yang Yin, Yang Y
in, Yang Yin~
You could tell your children there is no santa claus and finding out is like fin
ding out where animal products come from, and how they are processed. Like findi
ng out the ingredients to coca-cola, and if you see santa claus, coca-cola, and
the meat industry the same way, because they are all based on fanciful notions t
hat belie the processes used to generate the products, you will also realise cok
e and santa-claus back the meat industry by subconsciously branding everything t
he colours of meat and bone. Your kids might adjust to the actual reality of the
choices everyone makes if you show them how society has the ideology of animals
confused with consumptive symbology and that both are wrong and completely adap
ted away from their origin into the mass consumption mechanism... Santa was once
green, purple and gold. cocoa-beans never had to become a slurry and animals ar
en't meant to fit into steaming little happy boxes, just like everyones everyday
christmas at do nothing for meat 24/7 central. With a free coke. From Tiamaat t
o Christmas to Xmas to X-MAAT
I think orgonite is like any technology. People personalize technology to their
own lifestyle. A guitar or mixing desk is only as good as the musician, similarl
y everything individuals create are original, so the function of orgonite seems
to tailor to an individuals inclination to one aspect of energy. How we activate
and what it achieves seems connected to specialization of choice based on inher
ent natures. Imagine orgonite releasing energy as a flow through the channels of
the body, only like a watercourse, the energy finds the flow of least obstructi
on, which comes from the way your body remembers and codes information based on
your emotional and psychological makeup. Incongruence to life creates dams in th
e body's system and orgonite acts as a dam buster, the manifestation of that is
then the refilling of the bodies energy tributary system into the greater ocean
of nature. The course the energy takes is determined by your body. How easily ca
n energy flow through the tributary of you and back into the ocean of nature? Do
es it flood out like a delta? Or divert you somewhere new? Maybe new things come
to you to be around the vibrant new energy tributary, like how nature and anima
ls return to a river after drought. Just being around orgonite is like being aro
und someone with an I-pod and speakers playing their custom playlists for people
, you can't help but be affected by the way that person uses technology and pers
onal perspective. Being around it constantly though, is like becoming the radio.
Things non-vegans should stop saying : It's quicker because it's fast food. That
's why I buy it. ( waits in line, in a car, around a corner, in ranks and files
It's not my ethical responsibility ( nature has ethics without you )
It's healthier to live this way ( do some research or a basic B.M.I )
Vampires aren't real ( stop eating flesh and drinking blood )
It's financially clever ( You invented money after you evolved beyond the need t
o hunt as an animal and claim that the only way to sustain non-vegan diets world
wide in a monetised society is to constantly part with money you give to the peo
ple you also gave all the land to, to grow food & keep water to feed to animals
you eventually pay to eat part of one that has come to you through the most barb
aric systemized machination of death and gore, then you claim there is a shortag
e of space, unbalanced economy and massive ammount of violence in the world. Wel
l, all those problems are exactly what is required by the sustaining of a non-ve
gan world dietary distribution system )
the mind constantly seeks to simplify yet it is the nature of will to engage. Th
e merging of the will with the mind is what transforms the individual and this s
implifies the will, making lifes goals achievable and the minds clouded natures
controllable through observation of this process.
If Jesus was a kingfisher he would not be a "fisher of men" but a "fisher of kin
gs". This has more than a ridiculous phonic joke to it because the ancient gods
and kings were half human half animal. If religion is a re-written version of an
cient religion, maybe it is that simple and the idea of Jesus is like a fisher f
or people that want to live as kings. Recruiting people to religion is like a ki
ngfisher taking fish from a river. Think on what I am saying in terms of how thi
s would act on the subconscious, so it is never connected consciously why animal
traits are all the way through religions. We are guided to habit and reaction b
y programming into subconscious re-identification, by providing us a model for s
omething we cannot perceive consciously.
cephalapoda coleoida titans govern from the deep
Natural expression of a giant creature with extended lifespan and the ability to
tap into and manipulate natural energies.
This theory may require the butterfly effect to become plausible.
With a shift in density, deep within the oceans where the water is denser the vi
brations created by the movements of such
a creature would be greatly exaggerated, and this could allow the butterfly effe
ct to become plausible.
anger the telepath god with your hateful thought vibration, and his startled mov
ements will shift your puny landmasses
and mans tribe will split and become all the colours of the telepath god and his
homes shall stretch as his arms across
the land
the tentacle is the physical manifestation of the toroid vortex of divine mathem
atics, also the shape of the suction cups
and the giant whirlpool or tornado.
manifestation ability to merge with the mathematics of trees through the titan c
uttlefish auric vibration
also the power to manifest lightning
the final geo manifestation is the volcano that resembles the beak and spews ash
like ink.
conic vortex, caldera, magma cap, giant beak. When one resonates the exact shape
of the other, destruction occurs
vesica pisces is the truth and the light. the god beak severs.
If mass opinion decisions were left open ended, Sovereignty and Abolitionism mov
ement's could gain majority favor much more easily. To leave the actual final de
cision to a small window of time limits the true nature of changing mass opinion
being able to express itself.
It would be possible to create retroactive legislation to accumulate opinions an
d votes from people no longer to cast them. It would seem wise, however, to limi
t this to people who would be alive now, and opposed to what they saw as wrong,
and those who died believing in a self determining state. That way you cannot cl
aim the ideologies of history as valid, but only those that would be added to ou
r collective voice today, were they not said to leave this life before their tim
Something I have been thinking about lately is the idea of absolution and how we
could integrate it positively for society. All religions talk about absolution
and everyone must experience it at some point in their life. The moment of total
relinquish of resentment and acceptance of the positivity of ultimate realities
, when you cease to see yourself as different for a moment and perceive the comm
on thread through creation, uniting everybody, as it's in the chemical natures e
very living thing experiences it. Science has determined every living thing feel
s emotions and so you could say absolution would occur to the plant that knows i
t is about to die and there is nothing it can do to stop it, your body is heavy
and will crush the flower and kill it and in the moment before it identifies you
r shadow is like the tribe seeing a solar eclipse for the first time with no kno
wledge of it. Everyone is bound together by moments of commonality and through t
he diversity and all of their extremes, moments of complete absolution in every
part of your being are the only moments like birth and death that are the same o
n a basic level to everybody. We need to come to understand how to offer this to
people who have lost how to positively identify to the world or to themselves.
We need to absolve people of conceptualized punishment systems, where the crime
is against an idea or institution, and where people see they have no other choic
e. When we realize people that have already undergone personal absolution becaus
e we collectively realized a long time ago, we do not need religion or churches
for the process, we will understand how to mitigate unfair and non useful punish
ments and also how to identify people with ongoing cause for absolution, yet hav
e not actively sought it out, because they are in denial of their actions still
to the point of ongoing personal benefit and fear of reprimand. Absolution remov
es all fear and denials, all greed and selfish notion. We need to diversify how
to introduce absolution to those who for whatever reason, have still not changed
their nature in spite of the outcry. The greater the outcry, the greater the fi
eld is for implementing absolution anywhere into it's systems. Abolition movemen
ts create change by affecting individuals and entire systems at once and it is a
lmost always by the moment of absolution being experienced to truly finally real
ize how ignorant it was of them to continue to lend support to ways of being tha
t are detrimental in their perpetual involvement of masses of people by non-comm
itted individuals.
I believe it is only one aspect of who we are, the ability to outline problems, t
heir causes and possible solutions, whereas the entire communication must be bui
lt of EVERYTHING we are, every dimension and colour in our lives. This makes the
message we have rooted in the context of the life that is led by it's communica
tor. My point is that Ghandi and Mandela would not have reached people if they w
ere not embodiment of their message. They were victorious through embodiment as
all who embody fallacy fail eventually. Politicians and businessmen cannot live
their message, only pass on collective notion and it is only the embodiment of t
he individual that ever changes collective notion to begin with. This is why the
spurious representatives pass into the forgotten and the righteous arbiter endu
res through to be integrated and remembered, becoming a new part of how we ident
ify. Show them how figureheads pretend to do the jobs no-one wants to and the ac
tivist does the job that must be done, yet seems insurmountable to most. CRACK T
In the original moment, everything is coded and remembered for eternity. The pre
sence of that moment is always with us, and thus we live always in the "now". Go
d is an idea to people, because creation is always that moment of it's own creat
ion, somewhere in it's subconscious memory blueprint.
So in this you hear the notion of expanding the body and contracting the body.
See how expansion death from "space exposure" is trying to hide the possibilitie
s from you by surmising the opposite notion of ascension from this reality, into
the devolutionist principle of a consumptive universe ? Imagine a denser ocean
of water encompassing the earth, then a denser ocean holding that in. It makes o
ur reality made from breathable air, an ocean of it's own density, seem plausibl
e that outer spatial environments match more closely the lower worlds that suppo
rt us. We know there is no oxygen within the earth, because it's fundamental to
life in a bio-sphere, yet the extremeophiles exist, giving weight to the vedic t
heory. Also the notion of absolute destruction becomes relevant to dipping below
the scale of our reality, instead of ascending above it, which gains mass and s
tructure, instead of dematerializing and being recycled, the phenomena again of
the "lower worlds inside the earth" The sun and moon are the easily observable c
hanges in density structure that lead to understanding of the nature of the real
ity beyond ours, but also in modern times, the study of density changes through
ocean channels and in volcanic activity, suggests the vedic theory.
if by harmonic you mean energy exchange in it's superconductive state, as oppose
d to your bodies regular conductive state, or the semi-conductive state of intro
ducing static charge to your body, by rubbing shoes on carpet etc. What I mean i
s water taking on electromagnetic properties, that bind it into new molecular st
ructures that also have physical dimensional properties. This is similar to taki
ng an electro magenet and making a superconductor, by supercooling the rare eart
hing magnet. In nature on the ocean floors and in magma are massive magnetic cur
rents, and I believe tapping into this through meditation, is what creates super
conducting human states- the incarnation of god's consciousness.
When thinking is replaced by geometry, eventually and inevitably geometry shall
replace thinking all together. Even procreation is guided by this. At the heart
of creation is a geometry, and that is because something much more powerful is c
reating geometry. We are bound to the notions of gods shapes, like genetics rubi
ks cubes, moulding infinitely to a limited order that is divine. Stray from divi
nity, and chaos reveals itself as nightmare shapes of disease and psychology pre
-determined to conflict and hatred. Therefore religion utilizes divine shape, bu
t to realize the truth of how advertising and state symbology also use shape sym
bology, one can see the pre-determined notion bound most strongly to actual stru
ctural world symbology, shall prevail in the subconsciously guided individual. T
hus blood spills eternally across the altars of religions, war memorials and sta
te symbols like the Washington monument or the Vatican. Preachers of pre-determi
ned shape and action.
Wish I could sleep. Wish life wasn't so cheap. Wish all the roads that bent away
would one day meet. So fair a price on a hill so steep we pay to keep backslidi
ng down as the shale of sure footing slips beneath our feet. Cracked and worn he
els rolling back atop a heap of slag supports the instigating beast that usurped
our notion of king of the hill for king of the thrill. Those that heed backslid
e the most, focusing in on the immediacy of bestial goading, never spying the tr
ue mean of safe ascent that only reveals itself in the middle distances and sure
ty of unwavering attunement to movement as instinct, never the impetus of instin
ctive reactionary scrambling.
Ha! I am the unlimited potential of personal empowerment through a pathos of div
ine truths. I need no education systems and if you would like to know a secret;
I only ever attended educational institutions, from when I was a child until now
, in order to confront them with an alternative view on reality I formulated at
age five after conquering developmental disability and self educating myself thr
ough studying encyclopedias, history books, pythagorean theorum and existentiali
sm. By the time I was into the final years of primary schooling I was preselecte
d for an aptitude class which I scored beyond the scale of entry for in which th
ey taught me world history and politics, cryptography, diplomatic fundamentals,
and methods of integrating higher thought function into systems of learning. I p
ossessed even at that age, an innate ability to see through how the information
was presented, in order to indoctrinate people into state servitude, and now use
the tools they gave me to disseminate every backwards system I encounter, witho
ut failing to be questioned often how on earth such a young man can know so much
. My response to them is knowledge is power and the truly powerful are those who
; beset by physical circumstance their whole life, turn to the power of the mind
which expresses itself through personification of the core ideals one can choos
e to adhere to. My principles are in opposition to the nature of rote rhetoric r
eticulated matriculation, and instead resound through people with the power of v
oicing original thought. Life is simple, everyone has the capacity for genius an
d all that is required is a perspective shift toward the establishment. Once you
no longer look at them and what they do as normal, it is like a crack in a dam
wall that spilleth the deluge of truth.
I think gnosis is the balance point of the yin yang, The point that is like the
harmonic fret notes, where everything la-granges over itself into a connection t
o either indigo or magenta frequency. The osmosis gnosis, then is what they used
as the basis for the prevalence of elemental constructs. Subconsciously we call
to the elements because everything has form and polarity which draws it toward
one extreme or the other, ridging off the la grange and into infinite natures. I
n the gnosis of god, working from the point of embodiment in the individual, you
can see forwards and backwards along lines of probabilities. the truth is so po
werful that it polarises itself into negative and positive ultimate realities. T
he game, then, is a tug of war they play by pulling you toward magenta whilst ev
erything inside you cries out in indigo.
And so we are the "New Indigo Gods", those who choose to view the world through
the soft tones of a clear blue sky, with the depth of the oceans and the vast ex
panse of the night sky. We are the embodiment of the frequency of greater awaren
ess through care for all things that has always been a part of human nature. Ana
thema to this is the vibration of hatred, greed, envy etc... all of the human ne
gatives, which seem to be bound into the colour magenta, and to me, people who b
ase their lives on negativity would term them the "Old Magenta Gods". Blood that
spills, Faces that distort in rage, carnal natures, they are the Magenta freque
ncies. I choose to accept both good and evil as existence, and recognize the col
our natures as the vibrational expression of depth and separation. It is so fund
amental to understand the primary and secondary human natures give way to tertia
ry human natures, just as the colours of life do. I would love to hear your thou
ghts. Blend your colours into my palette.

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