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[2] Buna stare de functionare a instalatiilor de incarcare/descarcare de la bordul navelor se atesta prin :

(d) corect cartea instalatiei de ridicat marfuri.

[5] Diferenta dintre deplasamentul navei la un pescaj dat si greutatile cunoscute( inclusiv greutatea navei goale) se materializeaza
(d) corect constanta navei.

[7] n cazul deplasrii unei greuti la bordul navei, pe o direcie orizontal - transversal, se va modifica
raspuns bifat raspuns corect continut raspuns
(c) corect unghiul de canarisire al navei

[8] Se spune c braul stabilitii este o msur a stabilitii transversale a navei, deoarece
raspuns bifat raspuns corect continut raspuns
(a) corect deplasamentul navei nu se modific pe timul nclinrii

[10] Panoul de avarie este
(c) corect un panou de lemn, de diferite forme i dimensiuni, avnd conturul prevzut cu perne (margini moi), folosit la
astuparea provizorie a gurilor de ap

[11] What significance shall the light signal "2 flashes" have, if associated with the sound signal ?
(c) corect I am altering my course to port.

[12] Where shall the shape of the power-driven vessel underway be placed, when the length of the tow exceeds 200 metres ?
(b) corect Where it can best be seen.

[13] A whistle signal of one prolonged,one short,one prolonged and one short blast,is sounded by a vessel _____________.
(c) corect being overtaken in a narrow channel

[14] Which vessel's way shall, so far as possible, a vessel engaged in fishing, when underway, keep out of ?
(b) corect Vessels not under command.

[15] At night, a power-driven vessel underway of less than 7 meters in length where its maximum speed does not exceed 7 knots
may show, as a minimum, ______________.
(c) corect one all-round white light

[16] What shapes shall a vessel engaged in trawling exhibit ?
(a) corect A shape consisting of 2 cones with their apexes together.

[17] What is the significance of a continuous sounding with any fog-signalling apparatus ?
(b) corect A distress signal.

[18] Which is the distress signal given by arms ?
(c) corect Slowly and repeatedly raising and lowering arms outstretched to each side.

[19] The bearing is steady. The range is 5 miles, reducing slowly. What action would you take?
(a) corect Sound one short blast and alter course to starboard.

[20] You observe this vessel at a range of 9 miles. What action would you take?
(b) corect Stand on - no risk of collision - continue to monitor.

[21] Linia de credinta a compasului magnetic de la bord materializeaza:
(b) corect axul longitudinal al navei;

[22] Ce sint contraalizeele ?
(a) corect Sint vinturi de inaltime care inlocuiesc masele de aer deplasate de alizee si au directia SW in emisfera nordica
respectiv NW in cea sudica.

[23] Semicercul manevrabil al ciclonilor tropicali in emisfera nordica este zona situata in:
(b) corect Stanga traiectoriei furtunii

[24] In emisfera vestica, daca nava se deplaseaza spre Vest:
(b) corect longitudinea punctului de plecare este mai mica decat longitudinea punctului de sosire;

[25] Sunteti in regiunea "A" de balizaj, in mars pe un senal navigabil, iesind catre larg. Marcajul alaturat trebuie:
(b) corect lasat la babord;

[26] Valoarea limita a functiei XTE (abatere laterala de la drumul deasupra fundului pana la urmatorul WAYPOINT) se stabileste in
raport de:
(a) corect Sensibilitatea pilotului automat coroborata cu gradul marii

[27] Care din urmatoarii factori nu influenteaza deviatia radio:
(a) corect Distanta nava-radiofar

[28] Who publishes the chart catalogue?
(a) corect Hydrographer to the Navy

[29] To convert a compass course to a magnetic course, it is necessary to apply.....
(a) corect deviation.

[30] In what latitude do tropical revolving storms generally originate?
(a) corect 0 to 25 degrees.

[31] The OOW has, during the pre-departure check of the bridge equipment, found an error in the weather facsimile. What
should he do?
(d) corect Advise the master as soon as possible before the vessel's departure

[32] When should one abandon a ship?
(a) corect On verbal orders from the master.

[33] Sub-refraction is likely to result in....
(c) corect reduced target detection ranges

[34] How many points of the compass are there?
(c) corect 32

[35] What would you say about a ship which is course unstable?
(a) corect When you apply rudder, she will continue to turn when the rudder is put amidship, and may even increase rate of

[36] You have made a turning test on full speed in deep water. You are now going to make a test in shallow water. Do you think
the turning diameter will be the same?
(a) corect No, the turning diameter will be increased in shallow water

[37] Pe timpul manevrei navei prin zone cu gheuri, la intrarea dintr-o zon liber ntr-o zon cu sloiuri, se va ine cont de
urmtoarele aspecte:
(d) corect Se va reduce mult viteza pentru ca la contactul cu gheaa s nu aib de suferit corpul navei, iar crma va fi
manevrat cu unghiuri mici i numai la mar nainte

[38] Barcile de urgenta trebuie sa aiba fixat un dispozitiv de remorcat:
(b) corect Cu caracter permanent si rezistent pentru remorcarea si manevrarea plutelor de salvare

[39] A ship is fitted with david launched liferafts. How often should onboard training take place, including, when practicable, the
inflation and lowering of a liferaft?
(c) corect Every four months

[40] Your ship is on a course of 240 True. A person has fallen overboard on the port side and, after letting go smoke and light
floats, in order to carry out a Williamson Turn would you.....
(a) corect go hard to port until you are heading 180 True, then hard to starboard until you are on 060 True.

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