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Researched and Compiled by
Dorothy Carter 1985
Dwiggins - Mitchell
Source: Register of Black, Mulatto & Poor Persons in Four Ohio Counties
1791 - 1861 by Joan Turpin; Heritage Books, I985; published by
Heritage Books, Inc. 3^02 Maureen Ln, Bowie Md 20715 for $5.00
Found: Ohioana Room, Mary L. Cook Library, Waynesville, Ohio, I9B5
Clinton County, Ohio; Emancipation - Darmarius Ann Mitchell, Marg3.ret,
George &Elijah Dwiggins (pp I9 & 20)
Guilford Co., NG, 1 June I860; Samuel Dwiggins testified that he freed
the following slaves: Darmarius Ann Dwiggins Mitchell, Margaret Dwiggins,
colored, aged about 24- years, George Dwiggins, colored, aged about 32
years, Elijah Dwiggins, aged about 39* All placed on premises of William
Peele, Wilson Twp., Clinton Co., Oh. Witnesses, Mark Peele, John Carter
and Wm. PeeHe.
Source: Beers, W. H.; 1882 Clinton County History of Ohio
Simpson Mitchell, Sabina, born 1833 Guilford N.G., son of Archibald
Mitchell. When 6 year old a Quaker named Starbuck kept him and he
stayed until he was 20. Then he worked for John King for l|- months and
for a Mr. Dwiggins of Guilford of Guilford, N.G. for 6j years. In 1859
he emigrated to Clinton County, Ohio and married the same year to Miss
Demaris A. Dwiggins born Sept. 3 1831. They had two children, Carolina
and Oliver. They are members of the African-Methodist Episcopal Church
at Sabina, Republican and owner of ^0 acres of land.
Source; Clinton County Cemetery Records; Sabina cemetery (Ohio), lot 7,
section 3
Mitchell, Demaris A., w of Simpson Mitchell, d 2-4rl882 ae ^Oy 21d
Mitchell, Simpson bur 8-4-1911
Mitchell, William G. bur 2-7-I9II
Mitchell, Susan bur 9"18-1926
Soiirce: Beers, Vf. H.; 1882 Clinton County History of Ohio
About the Sabina A. M. E. Church, called Allen chapel; org. 18791
brick school house built I883, charter members, Dorias Mitchell
and Simpson Mitchell.
Soiarce: Clinton County (Ohio) Probate court records, Wilmington, Ohio
Court house, 1983 Marriage Records.
Marlin L. Dwiggins md 12-7-1882 Carrel Robins (colored) M.M. Smith, M.G.
Martin L. Dwiggins md 5-4-1882 Celia E. Jones (colored)
Source McMillan family reminiscences
The family of Joe McMillan remembers their grandmother Dwiggins
telling of her father releasing his slaves before coming to Clinton
County, Ohio in I8O7, but that one came with him. She remembers
listening to the tales he had to tell in the evenings while sitting
on the porch. Nothing is known about him, whether he was married,
had children, etc. (or his name).
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B O', "T . : .Bj^A:lo^x^. npso/ni^: on.n.
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. B " . a.bxoooX . s;p.sXxxn;L: tp80I 3 sanori ininpO
.. OM ,nXXnTc , ;X (BsxoXooBBndooH Bs^ci/sO p..;. ::vi:nr;xrO- . ; alXxoi-I
A- vXdAoXoo), aBdoiBPn niXoD So3X--B-o TiT'd-ABvru . a nJiXxAX;'
aoonsr:oXrtX:f:ox yXXpi.bX u-Eiri'd;:: go-xaioO;
anXn^Xvd rt-syjorJ-p.&s^ ixedd-O a.xi^^'njaj-fpjo .-nsXX ::o"^r ag ^xXtlsx dd'i'
AoOffjlO oj :-xLd'ico oxoX9^^ aovRrG Bi:.B.APXnr-:^Xox xnrBod xnd Bo OpTxXXoX.
O-AOBidniOA O."; .r'TXd dX.CW eiTiOO OtTO X.naddjor[ tV-'dr iid QidO jVXffOOX
' oXxd:-;'oxnXne'-o arBr -il BlaX; od^ oBi nd odJ odBpiXdoXoXX
,Boxxaaa; dpvf, nd xo/iOddv; ,j5Txd, Xnoifp rnvonX ai :rxXXt oX . .doxoq; adX uo
'd. >V^non bXt; x-B . oje ViiO"X-bIldod.-;H
Researched and Compiled by
MITCHELL Dorothy Carter
Source; Guilford County Apprentice Bonds and Papers 1817 - 1870
Abstracted from the original indenture papers, North Carolina Archives;
in 1981 for the Guilford Genealogist, published by the Guilford County
Genealogical Society of North Carolina, Fall, I98I. Vol. 9, No. 1,
Number I5.
Alson Mitchell, male of color, age 3 on 3-10-18^2 (apprentice)
Charles B. Starbuck, 11-22-1842 (master &date of bond, co-signed
by Jesse V^heeler)
Special conditions of Indenture - farming & horse, saddle & bridle
worth $75 at "full age"
Agent for court & witness - John A. Mebane, C.G.C.C.; Job Worth (w)
(The rest of the Mitchell's I did not copy the complete information)
Alexander (male orphan of color) - supposed to be I6
Gain (male orphan of color) - age, not given
Ellen (female of color) - age 9
Ellis (male orphan of color) - age 2 yrs 11 mos
Ellis (male orphan of color - age 7 on 12-24-1824
1 (his master, Ellis Mitchell, 11-22-1824)
Ellis (male orphan or color) - age 18 on 12-24-1834
Elmina (female orphan) - age 7 on 11-1-1866
Henry (male orphan of color) - age 1 on 5-I5-I847
Jane (female orphan of color) - age 5
John Peter Mitchell ^male orphan of color) age 5 on 3-25-1849
John Peter Mitchell (male orphan of color - age 5 on 3-25-1849 (the same?)
Lugenia H. Mitchell (female orphan of color) - age 8
Ifery Mitchell (female orphan of color) - age I7
Minerva Mitchell (female oirphan of color) - age 6 on 7-I-I859
Oliver Mitchell (male orphan of color) - age 3 on 7-1844
Sally Mitchell (female of color) - age 5
Sarah Ann Mitchell (female orphan of color) - age 9
William Mitchell (male orphan of color)- age 8
, "vn^vo-xqifT , - . ''
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. sXSHTBa 3dx) P4^Bf-rS-5 no q xoloq n.^dqxc sI-'-ifTq. iXedili; i xdj sX
: :nX93B - (o:aXoq 5o nBdgxp-eIj^r0l:;)-.^enpii:X vd:.a.&n9^n
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.'3, - -i-vxal-op xo nBriqxo BiBaoiJ XlsrioXi' - ovasni?^'
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S 5.:qB - fxolpd 5o nBiicxqXsXsrirX .rf0d:;3XI" iHBxXIxW
Researched and Compiled by
About Samuel Dwiggins; Dorothy Carter 1985
He testified at Guilford County, North Carolina 1 June I860 that he freed
the above slaves (Darmarius Ann Dwiggins Mitchell, Margaret Dwiggins,
colored, aged about 2^ years, George Dwiggins, colored, aged about 32
years, Elijah Dwiggins, aged about 39 years. All were placed on the
premises of William Peele, Wilson Twp., Clinton Co., Ohio.
Samuel Dwiggins, son of Robert Dwiggins and Lydia Hunt, bom 10 May
1787 Guilford Co., NC; died 10 Jan. 1862 bur. Dover Friends Cem.,
Guilford Co., NG (formerly named Deep River) - md to Sally Starbuck
12 Mar. 1811 She was the daughter of William and Jean (Taylor) Star-
buck. (William must have been the Mr. Starbuck whom Simpson Mitchell
refers to in Beers; 1882 Clinton County History of Ohio.)
They did not have children. They lived on the land that belonged to
his father. He was just 2 years old when his father died. His father
was a veteran of the Revolutionary War. It may have been that since his
mother was living until 1814, he and his sister, Mary (Polly) who married
Itharaar Hunt, being the youngest remained on the property and took care
of her. (See Dwiggins history for Robert and Samuel's wills)
Enclosed is a letter that will tell more about everyday occurences in
their life in 1847
Researched and Compiled by
Dorothy CArter, 1985
The following letter is from Sally (Starbuck) Dwiggins, Oak Ridge,
North Carolina to Sarah (/Sally) (Dillon) Dwiggins, a sister-in-law,
living in Clinton County, Ohio, dated March 23, 18^7. The original
letter was given to Dorothy Garter by a cousin, Edith Dwiggins, of
Wilmington, Ohio.
Oak Ridge, North Carolina
To Sarah Dwiggins, Ohio
Clinton County, Wilmington, P.O.
North Carolina, Guilford County, this the 20 of March.
Respected Sister,
I now take my pen to write a few lines to inform you all that we
are in tole3:able health at this time, though Samuel and myself often
complain. Hoping this may find you well. Not much sickness in this
My sister, Jane, and two of my cousins, Eunice Smith and Eunice Gaxd-
ner, departed this life this winter and also Melinda Starbuck.
I saw thy two cousins at Elihu's while Jane was sick, Seth and Abigail,
and they are well. Uncle Nathan Hunt is confined to his bed and chair.
He can't walk and has a chair with rollers to toll him about.
I haven't seen Sally Linsey since I wrote before but I sent her thy
letter and asked her to write to thee and if she has not there is
none but she and Martha living. They still are as far as I know.
We have had a warm, wet, winter and spring so far. Some really cold
days. People can't get out to plow but a few days at a time People
have, at least, a great deal of pork. We have not much to save or lose,
All is good that we have tried and we have enou^ to do us. We have 7
in the family besides Tilmon. He is new here. He just returned from
Tenn. Came down the Ohio River. Zimri is in Tenn. He did not see> him.
Tilmon was gone for nearly 5 months and traveled a great deal.
Milton's wife left in four days after they did. One of her brothers went
with Tilmon. They left from Milton's. His wife had been keeping company
with ( ) Coffin for some time and Milton had been unhappy for several
weeks but was so unwilling to harbor any such thoughts that he kept it to
himself only what he said to her. He talked to her on the day they left
that night and she cried and used as much deceit as a human being could.
She had supper and put her children to bed. She put the baby in the cra
dle and told Caroline to rock until she came back.
Milton said as she passed them going out she cast her eyes on him and then
on the children. He thought she went to the kitchen. A man was with Mil
ton arrf. when he left, Milton went to look for her but to his surpiise she
was gone. Everyone went out to hunt for her and then the blacks told
Milton what they had been afraid to tell him before. They could carry him
to them. The night before, their meeting place was in the garden.
His people and her people were sent for and Polly told me she had never
seen such a time in her life. The first straight account they had heard
of them, they were taken in South Carolina. He was ironed and taken back
to Guilford jail, but he got away and the next they knew they were taken
in by the Iridians (?) and tried and let go.
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v;nt -I ixxa V j-r/,x j^xoXeX Bd^orn-; I eoxJio yoanxx v:xxbX itaQB X'ns" .1
3X o-vpriT :' ox 0:7( oria ?x frrs. boPX oX BXx'Xvr oX xerl rs:iso3 iijax xoXtoI
- _ .-"oxX I Oo xe';' axx>xo^XXxja-pdxIT; xpiX'-xX -ixr.o xda jtfd'.'biibn ,
xroB vXX;"v-:;: of-oc .xxX oo ,P9H p-X'->r x bod oxBd aX
pXpoo ;^^ .. do ov..'bxio> o dpd r'ojp'od\ TOO dp-x d'itoo plQPBp - .pvob
^oao.L.xo o\oa oi noum oX .dccoq; po :[xeo doaox .o ..TaosX .ro
o ::> vv X' .cq cj cp- ?iopo!x Bvod ,a;r ibnp b^ nvsil^o*-' dorii bGo^^-oi XIA
lioiX X-.loXo-x dari; o ^ ;X bxsd vep cl eii .i-gxIxX pobiooX vlbnj:x B^^: a.c
.nsd -noz to:: bXX .x-' .rtobb ;:.: si Xo/fiXX .,o;s-;iX oidb odd-m-ob, S!;:bO .iincX.
loob .;;-:v: i*r X boXo -B'XT, addPOX X X"iTO0O IlO'X SripT Sili-f XXOlTlIxT
diTrv/ n^rOii J uM; dori lo snd . bib. vofid . ^odio npob .dxcd iii'dio^ o'tiv a'podXiM:
vii^Txioo .xxidBoi nxoi bo:i .Gbbir aXH" . adioiXId noM:i i'isX ;v.9rid' .iioinXiV ridX-w
. X.TBa x.od diudriiio noai bod JiGoridddLS Odxi aaoa do'i nliioG . ) ddin-
od J i dqeb orXdo;!/ aird;or'd doL^-t xcoTivi od o-iiXXiKib; ca ooi-7 duo adsew
diBj" Gdj y.ob oif.7 no dod 07 dodXod .od ,o:pd o-'biBadod'dedwdrlrxo. IXeambi
. bj'iioo :pbX:b borual .s ap dibdob doi/i:. a.s baap bno"boX^PV sda bdo-df^
--,"10 odd 111 vd>X, 'odd dap orii . hi od :7;S7cbXX;io dad- luq bar 'xspqija fed ode;
.-dob,/, o.'iTB.o a/-a XXinij oiooi :od' v;nXXo-xpO ixCcd bao oXb
n^d:- biii: xUd ao arp-^ -xod, dsoo oda doo dnXoyv jiiorlx P3aa.Bq" oda ao bXpG riodlXd
-XX i ddX^r ai i/ ir-T ^ . r.ododiX odd od iaovr oda ddprrorid s'X . rro^cblXdr) bfid ixo
oda. ;ja.b>rx:TH aid oi d;:7-r -xorl, ^vcx dooJ gt- insK ixGi-XXX d'ioI ori inemr XTfo nod
bXc-j a-'ooXd. odd nond bao -xod puox dnori cd :li;c "inevr snoyiodbd..,. orro^y aoj-r
x/rf o'dc^'o orooo vor'j' .xj-xoXed' i^rxd iXod nd bioxio noocv bjri vorid 'd-GfiH fioi XXn
'' .AoVis--^:-, ' odd nX sm-/ oooXa xdixdeoffi bXodd .GbodoX ddpXn OdX biodd od
xo-70ii bod -iflFt o-T iXod vXIoX brr-.s no'i; dnoa eoov? sXposq ccod, bn-o olaooq aXH
oxo-bi nod 7-3di .d:r:.;oo.o ddpXdxdo daoXd sdXS X^^XX o;aii_nX o/i-Xd -B^ doos nsOa
X(oafr .i9/:od box do.:7cxX aop o]; . onXiopoO doboc; nXinodod axovr vodd \,xdnd do
nndoi '^\0x vsdd vo^nX vodd: ixon odx. bxo vpu/x doxv d^^ ,XXpC:'fooXXio^.od
. cpv d^JX bos b0X::cd anoX&I; ortd p;cf aX
Now she is at Solomon Meredith's and he has written to Milton twice and
she, once, and wants to go hack. Milton is gone! He got her letter be
fore he left and wrote to her but I don't know what he wrote. He wrote
a letter to Solomon.
Since Milton left and Jabes and Tilmon both answered it they got the
cold comfort.
Milton has broke up and sold everything nearly and carried off all his
blacks with him but one which he left at his father's to help take care
of his children, a hard task for Polly to have four little children a-
round her.
We received a letter from Abel and he wrote that he wanted us to write
the particulars about Mary and I have written enough to tire you all.
You can write to him, they are his people.
We have plenty of fruit. I dried nearly twenty bushels to use and some
for beer. \Ie have our dining room nearlv finished, I sent the little
Meredith girl that I had to the ( ) last fall to tell Rebecca
Hodgins. I should be glad to get a letter from her.
I want thee to write to me and tell me who lives with thee and how thee
gets along in thy old age since thy girls left thee. I have more help
and less work than I ever had but I don't know how long it will be. The
case being, what we have today we are not sure of tomorrow.
I believe I have nothing more to write at present but remain yours,
Sally Did.ggins
(to) Sally Dwiggins
and children
In back of the letter from Sally Dwiggins
A few lines to brother and sister and children. We received a letter
from Abel dated the 5 of last month. He was detained at the Wabash river.
He wrote to you. Had been to see your children and that sister had been
very sick since. Which was sorry to hear for such hard spells a person
never gets over. I know by experience. I should like for you to come and
see us or any of the family. I saw your cousins at the camp meeting. They
came in the tent to see me and we had a chatten spell about Abel. They
are Methodist. I forgot their names. All three of the girls came to see
me. Their brother did not tell Abel that Selean Donel is married to James
Donel. He is rich. Florence Kerner is married to a Dutchman. I don't
know how to spell his name down. Well, we were invited to the wedding.
It snowed so that we did not go. I have spilled my ink two or three times
and left out words but maybe you can read some and guess at the rest. I
tried to get Samuel to write this side and could not. He took a jaunt
over the mountains this winter to look at the country and talked of going
to Indiana to buy land. Milton talked of going there before he returned.
When Samuel is gone there is no white substance with me. You may judge
how I get along. Lydia and Sally and Lyse (Liz) and Nancy, all of you write
to me. You can fill a sheet and Aunt Sally's girls too. Tell Abel there
is some money here if he wants it. Before he comes for his shoes he must
write to us how to procede with it. love, I bid you all farewell.
Sally Dwiggins
Oil'" o,t- /If)j".j rs.f'd on/' a iic\Xi?'3iX9;i si'Jc-rjn'a v/oii
-od- .'j:^d ro.:^ or^ :>rio>i sx no-tJ^K .;! o^ o.^ "a'.tiiBij..,,?one>.
fji-orr.-- fd; . 9j-on:'- od j-cidu -ron-I J- 'npb l d/ru ^/::rf oj, 94en. SiiifD./:-
- " ' : d .nonioXoci b
s:;:? jo;; yed-t .i.i: i>en:9vand iijoi noniXl'd dfi.s ssrfpi- m.r: jd;-.i' nojXi/i ao/ilo .
-'' " .jiccxiuoo ibtoo -
ei/i XI.E 'Ido beiXA'-r .L:xr.'; y;I'r/isA r^frxf! j:^'nev9dMoa :i::nn x-; - nodfxH .
e'xx:-. O/I/sd, uierl cj ff''Xv?rij.s'> sxd jx dieX ed nnx/iw eno ri-fr ri trr.; ^ileslc
-9 nenArXno vldddJ- oi/ioX ev/^d-oj ^.e.,nex.e.i;xi1? :aXri lo
' . " d V ; .nnri dbn/jox .
^ ox no .b9xn'^--j- nd jjfdj ejoxv- ^ri xno- IeqX doxd xisjjel x .bevxxosx' oVdd
.11:; uox e'ilc od d/x/ono nejix'xv? I : X -xxs; axoXnoxxxxo; sdj ^
. . dlqo0<n axri exx ;,/^xn qX ejxxK nro ;;or
0'm03 ki9 en;;-00 nlena/x: jixei-Jd. . bexxp ;! ;. jxxfnd; to v .inalq ; eV'
eXTjxl ;u;j.j::on I ;bnriainxd ^^Ixcafi mooxxsnxrrxbxix/p fiv^nd eV ..xeed xo'l
;oo3d9/i IXf)j oj lio": dnxJ; ( -) odj od . I)^: i tsdt. Xxx;T. fijxboxed'
.xori jnoxl: xejjel x ie^ oj .bxJd; ad' i/Ii-oda X ;afiXdbo;T
eedt, voii onx rend dj.h^ ee^'xl orhr ent Iloj ixix em 0j 3 txxn od eeri j' dnxw I
ci'Ied exom evdri; I . osrij d'xel arrxd' ep/ixo: sdx-bXo Ydd nx xno.Cft ^dax
odd . IXlB dxxuiol vo/i wond .t'nob i.j/jd Jdxd xav I. nM. )h:o;/ asel bn.s\
.Ko'xxomoj 'xc axu2 jon-sxB-sw'Ydbdj evxfi ei-r jxd/v ,T\n.ced f;axD
.axi/oY Jix-faiax jjjd jnxaeiiq d/r edioiiy- oJ exonxY^iixr!eyaiXau I
ariXd;^XvrQ'Yxlnd .
d : / Y ' Ydy'lbbYXirU YxXxin vOj);
,'. . d. ;nexi)xx;Ie bao ''
-- srixoxxTTdL vxlad moxi xejdal odj "rq-nl.
'v^.jded n, o; - xeoex e'd .naxbI.;;dQ hn.G xaobxa bns "xoddoxf oj aenil 'S'ja'i /
. X0 'XT do;; fi; o;id xo fertXHjeb a/5v; H ddnom js-^I/ iO ^ edj dedxb iocfA moxx
.nond .;r' ;r.:;axa derlj bd/s nexi;d[xiid xdOY'pj nose uqy oj ejox>r' 9H
nqaxo'f x;'aXXooa idisH ;doi^ a xol: xded oj ^aq^ ddidd . eonxaddpxa '
onn atnon oj dov; xc?: sdXi Jdubda x . eofiaxasdray vd ivond' I . xe'-'o- aje^ xsvqri
odd- .Yxx j os;; qi):d3 s/Uv d,n. a:d^ xnov 1 .. Y-ExitTed' qdx jo vn:e tq; air eea
: vadT ".lad; jcioda ileqa "nsjjX5do xi ^xsd ew mf aiir aqa' oj jne.t s/ix nx arrrxo
aaa ox exxx aJ'xxy sdx do oeiain IIA . aomxxt xxsflx: jpTiXo't I .. jaxbori jsM bxb
ao/iFT. :D;r bexxx//; ax iDnob nRsXxd. .ixdx led;; Ixex jon lYtxdx/oijo-icr^xxer'T ' . em
j' nob I ..ii.fxndojxx d c.r b^xxo'kir ai ojonxaX aoriaxoX :', ./b>x al' sH' . Xexcix-
vxaxxd/or ddx ox bexxi-nx exei-r sf ,.lC9V: .m-?p.b sm.rxf,xid/Tleqa" oj focdI
aoxXx eo-:idj xo ovrj dnx yx bsxXxqa SYed I . . o;t jp/r dxb ew j.erix os ibsFona xl
I .o aeo /'dx fix Doo/'X vxioa--eaex nxo xoy Pffyxm Xi;d" aiixovr xiro xxaX dUB
jxfjd, ; doox oH .don ibXyo*. .dnx o.bXa axdx 0j.lxH "px Isijmxd dox ox j3eixx
'naXox do dov: Cxj ixis yxXnxoo-sj-i;!- Xe dpcX oj XQbxiirF-a^ij anxxxro/cnr 3/X7
. Jbsno-dtcx 'or expXy f sied r .^nioy Ic xioxXx-'d Yjxd oX" xnexxriX. oX;
vxi;! . cY . . Oil: fiXxF 0Oi.x-jadca 3jxdF on; ax sxsd:r 3X_ IexiT;S neriV
rxxi i.;ov; "do Xxx .yonxd ba" (pixX) xayd- oftJ? yll.e!:": ba.o_.qx^b .y^noXn tsqv Xx'od
3xedj XadA XXs-iX voox slxx v a'vXXxd xnxA Jinx jspria Jx XXxX . am. oX
j3L;m 3d aabde nxd box oemor oy; - xoxpd . xx aXni^T 3d;XrX exad YPnom q/rioa ax..
;:Xv);T;x:-fx: .^X.dx;o^x bid ;I ,evoI .x.i: nxxF obsnoxq od .FOd ab ox eii-xi-r
anX'i.oxiiu X--XXJ3C ; , ..:
"The Cast" - from Sally Dwiggins letter
The writer of the letter, Sally (Sarah) Starbuck md Samuel Dwiggins.
She was b Aug. 179^ d July 131 1870, md Mar. 12, 1811 Samuel,
son of Robert Dwiggins and Lydia Hunt, bom 5 19-1786, d 1-10-1862.
She was the daughter of V/illiajn and Jane (Taylor) Starbuck. Both are
buried near Colfax, Guilford N.C. in Dover Friends Cemetery They did
not have children.
The recipient of the letter was "Sally" (Sarah) Dillon who md Robert
Dwiggins (brother of Samuel Dwiggins) She was b 7-19-1785 d. ^-31-186l
and md 7-25-I8O6. She was the daughter of Jesse Dillon and Hannah Ruck-
man, sister of Martha Ruckman (who married Nathan Hunt). Jesse and Han
nah Dillon came to Clinton County in I8O6 with Robert and Sally Dwig
gins and others from the Guilford Co. neighborhood (Peeles, for one)
Robert was b 7-3/10-1781 d 7-18-1839 All are buried Dover Friends
Cemetery in Clinton County, Ohio (named for the Dover Friends in N. C.).
Sally Starbuck Dwiggins sister, Jane died winter of 18^6/^7 (lO Dec. 1846/
47) She married Elihu Coffin.
Eunice Starbuck Gardner, daughter of Matthew and Lydia Starbuck married
Thadeus Gardner. She was b 3-29-177^1 d 12-3-1846 Guilford Co., NC
Melinda Starbuck born 11-17-1812, d 12-12-1846, daughter of Reuben and
Mary Beeson Starbuck, buried Dover Cem, Guilford Co., NC
Sarah (Dillon) Dwiggins two cousins:
Uncle Nathan Hunt - son of Vfilliam Hunt, Jr. and Sarah Mills. He
married Martha Ruckman, daughter of Joseph and Sarah Ruckman 11-12-1777
in Guilford Co., NC
Martha and Sally Lindsey
Seven in family besides Tilmon. Tilmon Hunt, son of Mary (Polly) Dwiggins
and Ithamer Hunt. Mary is sister of Samuel and Robert Dwiggins and
they lived near Samuel and Sally Dwiggins. Tilmon, Zimri and Milton are
their sons.
Milton is the son of Mary (Polly) Dwiggins and Ithamer Hunt (Eleazor
& Lydia Worley Hunt. Milton's wife was Mary Jane McNairy, daughter of
James and Ann McNairy. (James McNairy b 1-20-1773, son of Francis McNairy
and Mary Boyd)
( ) Coffin
Caroline - Speaking of the black maid caring for the children? Possibly
Demaris Dwiggins' mother since her daughter is named Carolina?
Solomon Meredith - Possibly a cousin or an uncle of Samuel Meredith who
came to Waynesville, Warren County, Ohio in the 1860's.
Abel - Abel Thomas, a Friends minister who preached eaxly in Cincinnati
Rebecca Hodgins - daughter of Hezekiah and Mary Thurston Starbuck who
married Hodgins/Hodgson/Hodson.
The following are all the Black or Mulato Mitchells (and related spellings)
found in the 1850 Federal Census of Guilford County, North Carolina extracted
by Dennis E. Dalton, Mary L. Cook Public Library Community Historian, in
September, 1985.
Ellis Mitchell, 28-male-Mulato-laborer, born Orange, N.C.
Polly Mitchell, 24-female-Mulato-born Orange, N.C.
Tobie Mitchell, 5-female-Mulato, born Guilford, N.C.
John Mitchell-25-male-Mulato-laborer-born Guilford, N.C.
Elizabeth Mitchell-21-female-Mulato-born Orange, N.C.
Angelina Mitchell-7-female-Mulato-born Guilford, N.C.
Osborn or Osbourna Mitchell-22-male-Mulato-Guilford, N. C.
Charity Mitchell-19-female-Mulato-born Guilford, N.C.
Milton Mitchell-25-male-Mulato-laborer-born Guilford, N.C.
Kessiah Mitchell-60-female-Mulatb-born Randolph, N.C.
Betsy Mitchell-36-female-MulaJto-born Randolph, N.C.
Susan Mitchel27femaleBlackborn Guilford, N.C.
Sarah Anne Mitchell9femaleBlackborn Randolph, N.C.
George Mingo Mitchel28Blackfarmerborn Guilford, N.C.
Jared Mitchel-23-male-Black-farmer-born Rockingham, N.C.
Allison Mitchell-ll-male-Mulato=born Guilford, N.C.
Sally (or Polly) Mitchel-50-female-Mulato-born Orange, N.C.
John Mitchel-29-male-Mulato-farmer-born Orange, N.C.
Martha Mitchell-25-female-Mulato-born Guilford, N.C.
Polly Mitchell-13-female-Black-born Guilford, N.C.
Georg Mitchell-25-male-Black-laborer-born Guilford, N.C.
Susan Mitchell-24-female-Black-born Guilford,N.C.
1850 Guilford, N.C. Census Page 2
William Mitchell-45-male-Mulato-farmer-Stokes, N.C.
Susannah Mitchell-35-female-Mulato-born Guilford, N.C.
Louisa Mitchell-7-female-Mulato-born - Guilford, N.C.
Lorenzo Mitchell-4-male-Mulato-born Guilford, N.C.
James A. Mitchell-2 mo.-male-Mulato-born Guilford, N.C.
Mary Mitchell-21-female-Black-born Guilford, N.C.
Eunice Mitchell-14-female-Black-born Guilford, N.C.
Henry Mitchell-3-male-Mulato-born Guilford, N.C.
Richard Mitchell-3 mo. (1/4 or 14?)-male-Mulato-born Guilford, N.C.
Abram Mitchell-57-male-Mulato-laborer-$100 real estate-born Granville, N.C.
Chloe Mitchell-55-female-Mulato-born Guilford, N.C.
Angelina Mitchell23femaleMulatoborn Guilford, N.C.
Priscillann Mitchell19femaleMulatoborn Guilford, N.C.
Tepe Mitchell-13-male-Mulato-born Guilford, N.C.
Abram T. Mitchell11maleMulatoborn Guilford, N.C.
William Mitchell-ll-male-Mulato-born Guilford, N.C.
Zephine (or Zepheniah or Zephiniah) Mitchell-40-male-Mulato, bricklayer-$500 real
estate-born Caswell, N.C.
Elizabeth Mitchell-40-female-Mulato-Orange, N.C.
Lucinda Mitchell-16-female-Mulato-born Guilford, N.C.
Sanford Mitchell-45-male-Mulato-farmer-$200 real estate-born Stokes, N.C.
1850 Guilford, N.C. Census Page 3
Henry Mitchell-48-male-Mulato-born Wake, N.C.
Elizabeth Mitchell-48-female-Mulato-born Johnson, N.C.
Josiah Michell-13-male-Mulato-born Guilford,N.C.
Thomas G. Mitchell-13-male-Mulato-born Guilford, N.C.
Nancy E. Mitchell-7-female-Mulato-born Guilford,N.C.
Michael Mitchell-66-male-Mulato-farmer-born Granville, N.C.
Francis Mitchell-50-male-Mulato-born Franklin, N.C.
Josiah Mitchell-70-male-Mulato, born Granville, N.C.
Isham Mitchell-l-male-Mulato, born Guilford, N.C.
Robert Mitchell-32-male-Mulato-shoemaker-born Wake, N.C.
Simpson Mitchell-16-male-Mulato-born Guilford, N.C.
Sally Mitchell-14-female-Mulato-born Guilford, N.C.
Aaron Mitchell-20-male-Mulato-born Guilford, N.C.
Ellis Mitchele-55-male-Blackblacksmith$300 real estateborn Guilford, N.C.
Rachael Mitchele-50-female-Black-born Guilford, N.C.
Hannah Mitchele-28-female-Black-born Guildord, N.C.
Jemina Mitchele-22-female-Black-born Guilford, N.C.
Susanna Mitchele-20-female-Black-born Guilford, N.C.
Thomas Mitchele-17-male-Black-born Guilford, N.C.
Mary A. Mitchele-15-female-Black-born Guilford, N.C.
Ellis, Mitchele-lO-female-Black-born Guilford, N.C.
Harriet Mitchele-7-female-Black-born Guilford, N.C.
Gavina Mitchele-6-female-Black-born Guilford, N.C.
Mary Mitchele-2 mo.-female-Black-born Gmilford, N.C.
Rufus Mitchele-
1850 Guilford, N.C. Census Page 4
Keziah Mitchele-28-female-Mulato-born Guilford, N.C.
Rodrick R. Michele-37-Mulato-male-blacksmith-born Edgecomb, N.C,
-end of Cenus for Guilford Co.-

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