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The Regretful Jihadists of the

Islamic State
The West is terrified of foreign fighters returning from Iraq and
Syria. But not all of them are trying to bring jihad with them.
On sept. 24, as the U.N. Security Cunci! prepare" t a"pt
a res!utin ai#e" at tac$!in% the threat & &rei%n terrrist '%hters arun"
the (r!", )rench security ser*ices (ere (rappin% up a +,iha"ist arrest+ that
see#e" (rthy & the -u#-!in% .nspectr C!useau.
Three )rench#en suspecte" & '%htin% (ith e/tre#ist %rups in Syria 'na!!y
arri*e" in 0aris a&ter -rie1y (a!$in% &ree "ue t a series & %!arin% #ishaps
that hi%h!i%ht the cha!!en%es cn&rntin% Eurpean authrities as they
tac$!e the ne/t step n the +,iha"ist turis# trai!+2 the return & -att!e-
har"ene", ra"ica!i3e" EU natina!s c#in% h#e &r# h!y (ar.
The -tche" arrest & the three suspecte" ,iha"ists -e%an in Tur$ey, (here
they (ere initia!!y "etaine" a&ter crssin% the -r"er &r# Syria.
4-"e!uaha- E! Ba%h"a"i, .#a" 5,e-a!i, an" 6ae! 7auri3e, a!! )rench
natina!s hai!in% &r# suthern )rench t(ns an" cities, (ere suppse" t
arri*e n Sept. 23 at 0aris8s Or!y 4irprt, (here )rench security 9cia!s,
a!erte" -y their Tur$ish cunterparts, (ere (aitin% t ta$e the# &r
:uestinin% an" start !e%a! prcee"in%s.
.nstea", the tri !an"e" hun"re"s & #i!es a(ay, in the )rench prt city &
7arsei!!e, a&ter the pi!t & the 0aris--un" c##ercia! 1i%ht re&use" t
a!!( the #en a-ar" -ecause they !ac$e" the necessary
"cu#ents.)rench 9cia!s -!a#e" their Tur$ish cunterparts &r a !ast-
#inute "ecisin t put the terrr suspects n a 7arsei!!e--un" 1i%ht
(ithut in&r#in% the#.
But the #ishaps t c#e (ere e/c!usi*e!y )rench. 4s inte!!i%ence 9cia!s
(aite" at Or!y 4irprt, the three unacc#panie" #en arri*e" at 7arsei!!e
an" sai!e" thru%h passprt cntr! since the centra!i3e" security s&t(are
(as nt (r$in%. Un"aunte", the )rench .nterir 7inistry sai" the suspects
ha" -een arreste" at Or!y an" (ere -ein% :uestine" -- n!y t -ac$trac$
(hen it -eca#e c!ear this (as nt the case.
The ne/t part & the suspects8 return is pure ,iha"ist satire #ateria! -- a srt
& )rench se:ue! t the Chris 7rris c#e"y, Four Lions. 4ccr"in% t
!a(yers &r the three suspects, their c!ients (ere surprise" t 'n" n
security 9cia! (aitin% &r the# upn their arri*a! at 7arsei!!e. S the tri
rente" a car at the airprt, hea"e" nrtheast t(ar" Tu!use, their h#e
city, an" then trie" t turn the#se!*es in &r :uestinin% at a *i!!a%e p!ice
statin a!n% the (ay -- n!y t 'n" the p!ice (ere a(ay n their run"s.
The sa%a & three $n(n ,iha"ist suspects &ai!in% t *!untari!y turn
the#se!*es in t )rench authrities cntinue" unti! they reache" the *i!!a%e
& ;e Cay!ar, arun" 1<0 #i!es east & Tu!use, (here they 'na!!y
surren"ere" t p!ice an" (ere then 1(n t 0aris. Ba%h"a"i, 5,e-a!i, an"
7auri3e (ere then p!ace" un"er &r#a! in*esti%atin &r cri#ina!
assciatin (ith a terrrist %rup (ith the ai# & p!annin% terrrist acts. The
three #en a"#it t tra*e!in% t Syria, -ut "eny ha*in% &u%ht there r
p!ttin% terrrist attac$s in )rance.
)r )rench authrities, the -un%!e" arrest (as particu!ar!y e#-arrassin%
%i*en the hi%h pr'!es & the suspects. Ba%h"a"i =n re!atin t se!&-
"ec!are" .s!a#ic State ca!iph 4-u Ba$r a!-Ba%h"a"i> is the -rther-in-!a( &
in&a#us +Tu!use %un#an+ 7ha#e" 7erah, (h #ur"ere" se*en pep!e
in three 2012 attac$s -e&re he (as $i!!e" in a shtut (ith the p!ice.
The 7erah &a#i!y sa%a -- as t!" -y 4-"e!%hani 7erah, ne & the -rthers,
in his -$ Mon Frre, Ce Terroriste =My Brother, the Terrorist> -- is a "is#a!
stry & a -r$en i##i%rant &a#i!y in )rance8s tru-!e"banlieues =su-ur-s>,
(ith a !ar%e!y a-sent &ather "ea!in% "ru%s -e&re a-an"nin% the &a#i!y &r
his nati*e 4!%eria, !ea*in% a sin%!e #ther una-!e t cpe (ith her
chi!"ren8s s!i"e &r# petty cri#es t .s!a#ist e/tre#is#.
5,e-a!i, a chi!"h" &rien" & the Tu!use %un#an, appears t hai! &r# a
si#i!ar -ac$%run" an" (as arreste" in 200? n terrris# char%es. 4!! three
#en (ere a!rea"y un"er in*esti%atin in Septe#-er 2013 in a case
in*!*in% the s-ca!!e" 4rti%at net(r$ & ,iha"ists, na#e" &r the *i!!a%e in
suthern )rance (here they (ere reprte"!y -ase".
7ean(hi!e, acrss the En%!ish Channe!, there ha*e -een si#i!ar!y &rau%ht
atte#pts t return &r# the '%htin% in Syria an" .ra:. Ear!ier this #nth, a
%rup & British ,iha"ists cntacte" a ;n"n--ase" anti-ra"ica!i3atin %rup
t say they re%rette" ,inin% a #i!itant %rup in Syriaa9!iate" (ith .s!a#ic
State =.S> an" they (ante" t c#e h#e. But, they sai", they &eare"
+@e ca#e t '%ht the ABashar a!-4ssa"B re%i#e an" instea" (e are in*!*e"
in %an% (ar&are. .t8s nt (hat (e ca#e &r -ut i& (e % -ac$ At BritainB (e
(i!! % t ,ai!,+ a British natina!, (h c!ai#e" t spea$ &r a-ut 30
"isi!!usine" ,iha"ists, t!" researchers at the .nternatina! Centre &r the
Stu"y & Ra"ica!isatin =.CSR>, accr"in% t the Times of London.
4s the tric$!e & &rei%n '%hters t Syria turne" int a 1" *er the past
year, @estern an" re%ina! %*ern#ents ha*e &rette" *er the &a!!ut &r#
thusan"s & their citi3ens ,u#pin% n the Syria--un" ,iha"ist -an"(a%n.
But e*en as authrities are stru%%!in% t a""ress the issue -- re!easin%
esti#ates & the nu#-ers & their natina!s in the re%in an" settin% up
"era"ica!i3atin pr%ra#s -- the ,iha"ist turis# train has a!rea"y starte"
chu%%in% its (ay h#e. The 1( & '%hters hea"in% t an" &r# the
-att!e'e!"s in Syria an" .ra: has pene" ne( !e%a! &rnts in their h#e
cuntries, (ith %*ern#ents rushin% thru%h #easures t ste# the ti"e &
thse hea"in% &r h!y (ar n the ne han", an" "ea!in% (ith the returnees
n the ther. The "e-ate is particu!ar!y intense in "e#cratic cuntries,
(hich ha*e t -a!ance security p!icies in a ne( era & terrr threats (ith
ci*i! !i-erties. @estern Eurpe, (ith its %e%raphic pr/i#ity t the 7i""!e
East, its !ar%e i##i%rant c##unities & 4ra-ic- an" Tur$ish-spea$ers, its
pen -r"ers, an" the sheer nu#-ers & its citi3en-,iha"ists, is at the
&re&rnt & this !e%a! tuss!e ra%in% in #any capita!s acrss the (r!".
C#e t Eurpe8s -i%%est 7us!i# c##unity an" surce & the !ar%est
nu#-er & @estern '%hters in the Syria-.ra: cn1ict 3ne,)rance has the
unen*ia-!e "istinctin & -ein% ahea" & the cur*e in the !atest ,iha"ist
turis# trai!. 4ccr"in% t the )rench .nterir 7inistry, near!y 1,000 )rench
natina!s ha" tra*e!e" r are p!annin% t tra*e! t the re%in. .n
aninter*ie( (ith the )rench (ee$!y Le Journal du Dimanche, )rench .nterir
7inister Bernar" Ca3eneu*e nte" that s#e ,iha"ists (h ha*e returne"
h#e -ast a-ut their -att!e'e!" e/p!its an" *( t % -ac$ n a secn"
)rance &e!t the 'rst -!(-ac$ &r# the Syrian cn1ict n 7ay 24, (hen
7eh"i Ne##uche, a )rench natina! & 4!%erian ri%in, a!!e%e"!y attac$e"
the Brusse!s De(ish 7useu# in nei%h-rin% Be!%iu#, $i!!in% &ur pep!e.
)ur &r#er )rench hsta%es, (h (ere he!" -y ,iha"ists in the nrthern
Syrian city & 4!epp in 2013, ha*e i"enti'e" Ne##uche as ne & their
%uar"s -- a particu!ar!y sa"istic ne -- (hi!e in capti*ity. The 2?-year-!"
)rench ,iha"ist8s ,urney -ac$ h#e un"erscres the "i9cu!ties Eurpean
authrities &ace trac$in% terrr suspects. 4 ,u*eni!e "e!in:uent turne"
cri#ina!, Ne##uche (as cn*icte" se*en ti#es -et(een 2004 an" 200?
&r petty cri#es. Dust (ee$s a&ter his 5ece#-er 2012 re!ease &r# a )rench
,ai!, a ne(!y ra"ica!i3e" Ne##uche #a"e his (ay t Syria, (here he
staye" &r a year -e&re %in% -ac$ t Eurpe *ia Tur$ey, transitin% thru%h
7a!aysia, Sin%apre, an" Thai!an" -e&re !an"in% in )ran$&urt, (here
6er#an 9cia!s a!erte" their )rench cunterparts & his entry, accr"in% t
the )rench "ai!y Le Monde. But Ne##uche (as nt &!!(e" -y the p!ice
an" +n !ea*in% the airprt, he (as a-!e t % (here*er he (ante" an" he
ha" &ree"# & #*e#ent,+ a )rench ,u"icia! surce t!" the ne(spaper.
.n an atte#pt t tac$!e the terrr threat, the )rench Senate n Oct.
1Eappr*e" a ne( anti-terrr -i!! that (u!" i#pse a si/-#nth tra*e! -an
n in"i*i"ua!s i& +there are serius reasns t -e!ie*e that s#ene is
p!annin% t tra*e! a-ra" t ta$e part in terrrist acti*ities, (ar cri#es r
cri#es a%ainst hu#anity ... in cn"itins !i$e!y t ,epar"i3e pu-!ic security
upn their return t )rench territry.+ 4nyne p!ace" un"er the r"er (u!"
ha*e her r his passprt an" )rench i"entity car" sei3e". =The suspect
(u!" a!s ha*e the ri%ht t !e%a! re"ress.>
.n Britain, 0ri#e 7inister 5a*i" Ca#ern has ut!ine" p!ans &r a ne( !a(
that (u!" ena-!e p!ice t te#prari!y cn'scate passprts & suspecte"
terrrists an" (u!" inc!u"e #easures t -!c$ suspecte" British terrrists
&r# returnin% h#e.
The recent U.N. Res!utin 21FG puts in p!ace a -ra"
internatina!&ra#e(r$ &r "ea!in% (ith &rei%n terrrist '%hters. The
res!utin ca!!s n #e#-er states t +ensure that any #easures ta$en t
cunter terrris# A#ustB c#p!y (ith a!! their -!i%atins un"er
internatina! !a(, in particu!ar internatina! hu#an ri%hts !a(.+ But h(
these princip!es are i#p!e#ente" is !e&t up t #e#-er states. The
res!utin re&ers states t the 'n"in%s & the 6!-a! Cunterterrris#
)ru#, a #u!tinatina! initiati*e !aunche" in 2011 -y then U.S. Secretary &
State Ci!!ary C!intn, (hich ca!!e" n %*ern#ents t +use e*i"ence--ase",
in"i*i"ua!-!e*e! ris$ assess#ent &ra#e(r$s &r returnees, e*a!uate their
cn"itin an" esta-!ish apprpriate en%a%e#ent appraches accr"in%!y.+
Nt a!! cuntries are pursuin% the sa#e har" !ine as Britain an" )rance.
5en#ar$ is ta$in% +s&t-han"s apprach+ t the issue & returnin% ,iha"ists,
(ith a ne( reha-i!itatin pr%ra# un*ei!e" in the cuntry8s secn"-!ar%est
city, 4arhus, (hich prtects 5anish citi3ens in Syria &r# prsecutin
pr*i"e" they " nt carry ut terrrist peratins -ac$ h#e. The sta$es
&r 5en#ar$ are hi%h2 @ith a ppu!atin & <.< #i!!in, 4 percent & (h#
are 7us!i#s, 5en#ar$ has @estern Eurpe8s secn"-!ar%est nu#-er &
,iha"ist '%hters per persn, accr"in% t #nitrin% %rups. Un"er the
5anish initiati*e, the p!ice &rce in 4arhus cr"inates (ith (e!&are
ser*ices t pr*i"e returnin% '%hters treat#ent &r -att!e'e!" (un"s an"
psych!%ica! trau#a (ithut the threat & prsecutin an" (ithut ha*in%
t chan%e their -e!ie&s in (hat 5i!!y Cussain, a pr#inent British 7us!i#
,urna!ist, ca!!s +cre .s!a#ic cncepts !i$e the Ca!iphate, ,iha", an" Shariah
The 5anish #"e! #ay sun" %reat -ut it8s "u-t&u! it (i!! &u!!y (r$ at
reinte%ratin% returnin% ,iha"ists25era"ica!i3atin pr%ra#s that ha*e nt
tac$!e" the un"er!yin% issues & .s!a#ic e/tre#is# ha*e ha" pr resu!ts. 4
#uch-tute" Sau"i pr%ra# &r *eterans &r# the 2003-2011 anti-U.S. ,iha"
in .ra:, &r e/a#p!e, &ai!e". .nstea" & a""ressin% the reasns yun% Sau"is
(ent t '%ht in .ra:, such as une#p!y#ent r p!itica! "isen&ranchise#ent,
the pr%ra# &eature" c!erics te!!in% returnin% '%hters that the "esire t
'%ht un-e!ie*ers (asn8t a pr-!e# -- %in% t (ar (ithut the cnsent &
the Sau"i %*ern#ent (as. That8s an especia!!y "u-ius strate%y %i*en the
unppu!arity & the Sau"i #narchy a#n% .s!a#ists.
E*en as the press-a*erse 6u!& $in%"# (as pu-!ici3in% its "era"ica!i3atin
#easures, s#e & the pr%ra#8s a!u#ni (ere p!ttin% t crss the -r"er
int nei%h-rin% Ye#en, (here they (ent n t '!! s#e & the tp s!ts in
a! Hae"a in the 4ra-ian 0eninsu!a. .n .n"nesia, t, a"era"ica!i3atin
pr%ra# a&ter the 2002 Ba!i -#-in%s instructe" recruits n the #inutiae &
an +.s!a#ica!!y un,usti'a-!e+ (ar a%ainst the +near ene#y+ at h#e. But a
,iha" a%ainst the +&ar ene#y+ =the @est> (as "ee#e" +.s!a#ica!!y crrect.+
C!ear!y, "era"ica!i3atin pr%ra#s ha*e nt ri" the (r!" & ,iha"ist threats,
& curse. But (ith thusan"s & &rei%n '%hters e#-ri!e" in the cn1ict in
Syria an" .ra:, a pure!y har"-!ine apprach (i!! nt s!*e the pr-!e# either,
especia!!y in cuntries !i$e )rance, (here prisns areht-e"s &
One & the &e( -ri%ht spts in the !atest (a*e & the ,iha"ist turis# trai! is
the %r(in% "isenchant#ent & s#e '%hters in the Syria-.ra: cn1ict,
(here they ha*e &un" the#se!*es thr(n int a (ar that is "irtier than
anythin% they ha" e*er i#a%ine", (here the re!i%ius authritarianis# is
stricter than anythin% they ha*e e/perience", an" the *i!ence -et(een
,iha"ist %rups is t -ruta! &r c#&rt. ;a(yers &r the three suspecte"
)rench ,iha"ists (h (ere 'na!!y arreste" in 0aris !ast #nth say their
c!ients "eci"e" t han" the#se!*es *er t Tur$ish p!ice -ecause they
&eare" they .S (u!" $i!! the# *er spyin% a!!e%atins. Once in Tur$ey, they
*!unteere" t turn the#se!*es in t )rench authrities.
Returnee ,iha"ists can -e *a!ua-!e surces & inte!!i%ence, as security
9cia!s $n( (e!!. 4s &r#er British cunterterrr chie& Richar" Barrett
has ar%ue", rather than -ein% %i*en !en%thy ,ai! ter#s, "isi!!usine" '%hters
shu!" -e a!!(e" t return s they can "eter thers &r# ,inin% the ,iha"
a-ra". This (u!" nt (r$, & curse, &r har"ene" cri#ina!-,iha"ists such
as Ne##uche. The cha!!en%e, &r @estern %*ern#ents, is t ha##er ut
a -a!ance" apprach. Cistry has sh(n that pure!y har"-!ine appraches t
returnin% ,iha"ist '%hters n!y -ac$'re2 .!!-cncei*e" p!icies i#pse" -y
4ra- "ictatrs an" #narchs in the past set the sta%e &r &uture security
threats. 7any & a! Hae"a8s !ea"ers &un" the#se!*es in E%yptian prisns
a&ter returnin% &r# 4&%hanistan in the 1??0s.
.n the en", there are &e( %" s!utins. But the (rst (u!" -e a har"-!ine
respnse that c#pr#ises the princip!es & ,ustice an" hu#an ri%hts that
#ar$ a &ree sciety. Because i& that happens, (e (i!! n!y -e pr*i"in% the
!i$es & .S their "rea# *isin & a cntinuin%, n%in% '%ht -et(een the
%!-a! s!"iers & their s-ca!!e" ca!iphate an" a hypcritica!, a*en%in%

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