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Working Of Punjab National

An internship report submitted to Dr Hari
Singh Gour Vishwavidhyalaya Saugor in
partial for the award of the degree
Bachelor Of Commerce
Gaurav Haryani
Supervised by
Sir D.K.Nema
Head professor
Department of %ommer%e
Dr& Hari Singh Gour V'shwavidhyalaya
Department Of )ommer%e
(S%hool Of )ommer%e * +anagement$
Dr& Hari Singh Gour Vishwavidhyalaya
(formerly ,nown as saugor university$
Saugor(m&p$ -.!!!#
Dr. Hari Singh Gour
!or"#rly known as
Saugor $niv#rsity%
Saugor ".&% '()))*
D#&art"#nt Of +o""#r,#
s,hool of ,o""#r,# - "anag#"#nt%
/t is h#r#by r#,o""#nd#d that th#
int#rnshi& r#&ort #ntitl#d
0Working Of Punjab National Bank 0
"ay b# a,,#&t#d in &artial ful1ll"#nt of
th# d#gr## of ba,h#lor of ,o""#r,#.

Sir D.K.Nema

Proj#,t guid#

D#&t. of ,o""#r,#

+andidat# D#,laration
/2 Gaurav Haryani2s3o shri Prata&
Haryani stud#nt of B.,o" .oll no. 454)6*
h#r#by d#,lar# that th# diss#rtation #ntitl#d
0Working Of Punjab National Bank7 whi,h is
b#ing sub"itt#d to d#&art"#nt of ,o""#r,#2
Dr. Hari Singh Gour Vishwavidhyalaya
Saugor2 is "y auth#nti, work r#,ord ,arri#d
out at Punjab National Bank
/ d#,lar# that th# work has not b##n
sub"itt#d in &art or in full to any oth#r
for th# award any d#gr## or di&lo"a to th#
b#st of "y knowl#dg#.

Gaurav Haryani%
8his is ,#rti1#d that th# abov# stat#"#nt
"ad# by th# ,andidat# is tru# to th# b#st of
"y knowl#dg#.

Sir D.K.Nema

Proj#,t guid#%
/ndian banks
and th# global ,hall#ng#s -
8h#ir solutions 9
8h# #nhan,#d rol# of th# banking s#,tor
in th# /ndian #,ono"y2 th# in,r#asing
l#v#ls of d#r#gulation along with th#
in,r#asing l#v#ls of ,o"&#tition hav#
fa,ilitat#d globali:ation of th# /ndia
banking syst#" and &la,#d nu"#rous
d#"ands on banks. O&#rating in this
d#"anding #nviron"#nt has #;&os#d
banks to various ,hall#ng#s. 8h# last
d#,ad# has witn#ss#d "ajor ,hang#s in
th# 1nan,ial s#,tor < n#w banks2 n#w
1nan,ial institutions2 n#w instru"#nts2
n#w windows2 and n#w o&&ortuniti#s <
and2 along with all this2 n#w ,hall#ng#s.
Whil# d#r#gulation has o&#n#d u& n#w
vistas for banks to aug"#nt r#v#nu#s2 it
has #ntail#d gr#at#r ,o"&#tition and
,ons#=u#ntly gr#at#r risks. D#"and for
n#w &rodu,ts2 &arti,ularly d#rivativ#s2
has r#=uir#d banks to div#rsify th#ir
&rodu,t "i; and also #>#,t ra&id
,hang#s in th#ir &ro,#ss#s and
o&#rations in ord#r to r#"ain
,o"&#titiv# in th# globali:#d
? Globali:ation @ a ,hall#ng# as w#ll as an
o&&ortunity 9 8h# b#n#1ts of
globali:ation hav# b##n w#ll do,u"#nt#d
and ar# b#ing in,r#asingly r#,ogni:#d.
Globali:ation of do"#sti, banks has also
b##n fa,ilitat#d by tr#"#ndous
advan,#"#nt in infor"ation and
,o""uni,ations t#,hnology.
Globali:ation has thrown u& lot of
o&&ortuniti#s but a,,o"&ani#d by
,on,o"itant risks. 8h#r# is a growing
r#ali:ation that th# ability of ,ountri#s to
,ondu,t busin#ss a,ross national bord#rs
and th# ability to ,o&# with th# &ossibl#
downsid# risks would d#&#nd2 int#r<alia2
on th# soundn#ss of th# 1nan,ial syst#"
and th# str#ngth of th# individual
&arti,i&ants. Ado&tion of a&&ro&riat#
&rud#ntial2 r#gulatory2 su&#rvisory2 and
t#,hnologi,al fra"#work on &ar with
int#rnational b#st &ra,ti,#s #nabl#s
str#ngth#ning of th# do"#sti, banking
syst#"2 whi,h would h#l& in fortifying it
against th# risks that "ight aris# out of
globali:ation. /n /ndia2 w# had
str#ngth#n#d th# banking s#,tor to fa,#
th# &r#ssur#s that "ay aris# out of
globali:ation by ado&ting th# banking
s#,tor r#for"s in a ,alibrat#d "ann#r2
whi,h follow#d th# twin gov#rning
&rin,i&l#s of non<disru&tiv# &rogr#ss and
,onsultativ# &ro,#ss.
? Global ,hall#ng#s in banking 9 .#,#ntly /
was a>ord#d an o&&ortunity to s&#ak on
th# ,hall#ng#s fa,#d by th# /ndian
banking industry. 8o r#,a&itulat#2 / had
id#nti1#d a f#w broad ,hall#ng#s fa,#d
by th# /ndian banks in th# following
ar#as2 vi:.2 #nhan,#"#nt of ,usto"#r
s#rvi,#B a&&li,ation of t#,hnologyB
i"&l#"#ntation of Bas#l //B i"&rov#"#nt
of risk "anag#"#nt syst#"sB
i"&l#"#ntation of n#w a,,ounting
standardsB #nhan,#"#nt of trans&ar#n,y
- dis,losur#sB and ,o"&lian,# with CD+
as&#,ts. /f w# w#r# to id#ntify a f#w
global ,hall#ng#s whi,h banks fa,#
today2 / a" sur# w# would ,ov#r so"#
,o""on ground. An ov#rvi#w of th#
global ,hall#ng#s would in,lud# th#
following9 Bas#l // i"&l#"#ntationB
#nhan,ing ,or&orat# gov#rnan,#B
align"#nt of r#gulatory and a,,ounting
r#=uir#"#ntsB outsour,ing risksB and
a&&li,ation of advan,#d t#,hnology. /
&ro&os# to ,ov#r th#s# as&#,ts now.
? +o"&r#h#nsiv# risk "anag#"#nt 9 $nd#r
Bas#l / banks w#r# fo,us#d on ,r#dit and
"ark#t risks. Bas#l // has brought into
fo,us a larg#r nu"b#r of risks r#=uiring
banks to fo,us on a larg#r ,anvas.
B#sid#s th# in,r#as# in th# nu"b#r of
risks2 banks ar# now b#ginning to fo,us
on th#ir int#r<linkag#s with a vi#w to
a,hi#v# a "or# ,o"&r#h#nsiv# risk
"anag#"#nt fra"#work. Bas#l //
i"&l#"#ntation2 th#r#for#2 is b#ing
in,r#asingly s##n as a "#diu" through
whi,h banks ,onstantly #nd#avor to
u&grad# th# risk "anag#"#nt syst#"s
to addr#ss th# ,hanging #nviron"#nt.
!urth#r2 in th# initial stag#s2 banks w#r#
"anaging #a,h risk in isolation. /t is no
long#r ad#=uat# to "anag# #a,h risk
ind#&#nd#ntly. Ent#r&ris#s worldwid#
ar#2 th#r#for#2 now &utting in &la,# an
int#grat#d fra"#work for risk
"anag#"#nt whi,h is &roa,tiv#2
syst#"ati, and s&ans a,ross th# #ntir#
organi:ation. Banks in /ndia ar# also
"oving fro" th# individual silo syst#" to
an #nt#r&ris# wid# risk "anag#"#nt
syst#". Whil# th# 1rst "il#ston# would
b# risk int#gration a,ross th# #ntity2
banks ar# also awar# of th# d#sirability
of risk aggr#gation a,ross th# grou&
both in th# s&#,i1, risk ar#as as also
a,ross th# risks.
Banks would2 th#r#for#2 b# r#=uir#d to
allo,at# signi1,ant r#sour,#s towards
this #nd#avor.
? +a&ital #F,i#n,y 9 Bas#l // &r#s,ri&tions
hav# ush#r#d in a transition fro" th#
traditional r#gulatory "#asur# of ,a&ital
ad#=ua,y to an #valuation of wh#th#r a
bank has found th# "ost #F,i#nt us# of
its ,a&ital to su&&ort its busin#ss i.#.2 a
transition fro" ,a&ital ad#=ua,y to
,a&ital #F,i#n,y. /n this transition2 how
#>#,tiv#ly ,a&ital is us#d will d#t#r"in#
r#turn on #=uity and a ,ons#=u#nt
#nhan,#"#nt of shar#hold#r valu#. /n
#>#,t2 banks "ay ado&t a "or# dyna"i,
a&&roa,h to us# of ,a&ital2 in whi,h
,a&ital will Gow =ui,kly to its "ost
#F,i#nt us#. 8his r#vis#d #F,i#n,y
a&&roa,h is #;&#,t#d to guid# th#
r#turn<on<#=uity strat#gy and inGu#n,#
banksH busin#ss &lans. With th#
#;t#nsion of ,a&ital ,harg# for "ark#t
risks to th# A!S &ortfolio this y#ar and
th# ,o"ing into for,# of Bas#l // nor"s in
Iar,h 5))(2 banks would n##d to shor#
u& th# ,a&ital l#v#ls not only for
,o"&lying with th#s# r#=uir#"#nts but
also for su&&orting th# balan,# sh##t
? With a vi#w to #nhan,ing th# o&tions
availabl# to banks for aug"#nting th#ir
,a&ital l#v#ls2 th# .#s#rv# Bank has
r#,#ntly &#r"itt#d banks to issu# n#w
,a&ital instru"#nts2 in,luding &#r&#tual
instru"#nts. A notabl# f#atur# of th#s#
instru"#nts is that th#s# ar# d#sign#d to
h#l& banks in not only "anaging th#ir
,a&ital #>#,tiv#ly but also #F,i#ntly.
Enhan,ing ,or&orat# gov#rnan,#.
? 8h# issu#s r#lat#d to ,or&orat#
gov#rnan,# hav# ,ontinu#d to attra,t
,onsid#rabl# national and int#rnational
att#ntion in light of a nu"b#r of high<
&ro1l# br#akdowns in ,or&orat#
gov#rnan,#. 8his b#,o"#s all th# "or#
r#l#vant for banks sin,# th#y not only
a,,#&t and d#&loy larg# a"ount of
un,ollat#rali:#d &ubli, funds in
1du,iary ,a&a,ity2 but also l#v#rag#
su,h funds through ,r#dit ,r#ation.
Banks ar# also i"&ortant &arti,i&ants
in th# &ay"#nt and s#ttl#"#nt
syst#"s. /n vi#w of th# abov#2 l#gal
&r#s,ri&tions for own#rshi& and
gov#rnan,# of banks in Banking
.#gulation A,t2 *6'6 hav# b##n
su&&l#"#nt#d by r#gulatory
&r#s,ri&tions issu#d by .B/ fro" ti"#
to ti"#.
? /n vi#w of th# i"&ortan,# of th# banking
syst#" for 1nan,ial stability2 sound
,or&orat# gov#rnan,# is not only
r#l#vant at th# l#v#l of th# individual
bank2 but is also a ,riti,al ingr#di#nt at
th# syst#" l#v#l. E>#,tiv# risk
"anag#"#nt syst#"s d#t#r"in# th#
h#alth of th# 1nan,ial syst#" and its
ability to surviv# #,ono"i, sho,ks. 8o a
larg# #;t#nt2 "any risk "anag#"#nt
failur#s r#G#,t a br#akdown in ,or&orat#
gov#rnan,# whi,h aris# du# to &oor
"anag#"#nt of ,onGi,ts of int#r#st2
inad#=uat# und#rstanding of k#y
banking risks2 and &oor Board ov#rsight
of th# "#,hanis"s for risk "anag#"#nt
and int#rnal audit.+or&orat# gov#rnan,#
is2 th#r#for#2 th# foundation for #>#,tiv#
risk "anag#"#nts in banks and thus th#
foundation for a sound 1nan,ial syst#"
8h#r#for#2 th# ,hoi,#s whi,h banks "ak#
wh#n th#y #stablish th#ir risk
"anag#"#nt and ,or&orat# gov#rnan,#
syst#"s hav# i"&ortant ra"i1,ations for
1nan,ial stability.8h#s# syst#"s ,an
a>#,t how th# institution fun,tions and
how oth#rs &#r,#iv# it in th#
? A good 0gov#rnan,# ,ultur#7 is ,ru,ial
for 1nan,ial stability but sin,# it is an
Kintangibl#H2 rul#s "ay not b# abl# to
,a&tur# its #ss#n,# #>#,tiv#ly.
8h#r#for#2 banks "ay hav# to ,ultivat# a
good gov#rnan,# ,ultur# building in
a&&ro&riat# ,h#,ks and balan,#s in th#ir
o&#rations. 8h#r# ar# four i"&ortant
for"s of ov#rsight that should b#
in,lud#d in th# organisational stru,tur#
of any bank in ord#r to #nsur#
a&&ro&riat# ,h#,ks and balan,#s9
v ov#rsight by th# board of dir#,tors
or su&#rvisory boardB
v ov#rsight by individuals not involv#d
in th# day<to<day running of th#
various busin#ss ar#asB
v dir#,t lin# su&#rvision of di>#r#nt
busin#ss ar#asB and
v ind#&#nd#nt risk "anag#"#nt2
,o"&lian,# and audit fun,tions. /n
addition2 it is i"&ortant that k#y
&#rsonn#l ar# 1t and &ro&#r for th#ir
jobs. Although so"# own#rshi&
stru,tur#s "ight hav# th# &ot#ntial
to alt#r th# strat#gi#s and obj#,tiv#s
of a bank2 th#s# banks will also fa,#
"any of th# sa"# risks asso,iat#d
with w#ak ,or&orat# gov#rnan,#.
+ons#=u#ntly2 th# g#n#ral &rin,i&l#s of
sound ,or&orat# gov#rnan,# should
also b# a&&li#d to all banks
irr#s&#,tiv# of th#ir uni=u# own#rshi&
? 8#,hnology is a k#y driv#r in th# banking
industry2 whi,h ,r#at#s n#w busin#ss
"od#ls and &ro,#ss#s2 and also
r#volutionis#s distribution ,hann#ls.
Banks whi,h hav# "ad# inad#=uat#
inv#st"#nt in t#,hnology hav#
,ons#=u#ntly fa,#d an #rosion of th#ir
"ark#t shar#s. 8h# b#n#1,iari#s ar#
thos# banks whi,h hav# inv#st#d in
t#,hnology. Ado&tion of t#,hnology also
#nhan,#s th# =uality of risk "anag#"#nt
syst#"s in banks. .#,ognising th#
b#n#1ts of "od#rnising th#ir t#,hnology
infrastru,tur# banks ar# taking th# right
initiativ#s. Whil# doing so2 banks hav#
four o&tions to ,hoos# fro"9 th#y ,an
build a n#w syst#" th#"s#lv#s2 or buy
b#st of th# "odul#s2 or buy a
,o"&r#h#nsiv# solution2 or outsour,#. /n
this ,ont#;t banks n##d to ,l#arly d#1n#
th#ir ,or# ,o"&#t#n,i#s to b# sur# that
th#y ar# inv#sting in ar#as that will
distinguish th#" fro" oth#r "ark#t
&lay#rs2 and giv# th#" a ,o"&#titiv#
? A furth#r ,hall#ng# whi,h banks fa,# in
this r#gard is to #nsur# that th#y d#riv#
"a;i"u" advantag# fro" th#ir
inv#st"#nts in t#,hnology and avoid
wast#ful #;&#nditur# whi,h "ight aris#
on a,,ount of un,oordinat#d and
&i#,#"#al ado&tion of t#,hnologyB
ado&tion of ina&&ro&riat#3 in,onsist#nt
t#,hnology and ado&tion of obsol#t#
? +a&a,ity building 9 As di,tat#d by th#
,hanging #nviron"#nt2 banks n##d to fo,us
on a&&ro&riat# ,a&a,ity building "#asur#s to
#=ui& th#ir sta> to handl# advan,#d risk
"anag#"#nt syst#"s and su&#rvisors also
n##d to #=ually #=ui& th#"s#lv#s with
a&&ro&riat# skills to hav# #>#,tiv#
su&#rvision of banks ado&ting thos#
syst#"s. /n th# lik#lihood of a high l#v#l of
attrition in th# syst#"2 banks n##d to fo,us
on "otivating th#ir skill#d sta> and
r#taining th#"
. Skill r#=uir#"#nts would b#
signi1,antly high#r for banks &lanning to
"igrat# to th# advan,#d a&&roa,h#s und#r
Bas#l //. +a&a,ity building gains gr#at#r
r#l#van,# in th#s# banks2 so as to #=ui&
th#"s#lv#s to tak# advantag# of th#
in,#ntiv#s o>#r#d und#r th# advan,#d
/ would like to record my profound gratitude to Sir Nema
Deptt. of Commerce , Saugor University under whose able
supervision this was conceived , executed and concluded . In
spite of enormous academics pre-occupation he was
compassionate enough to accommodate numerous requests for
discussion and guidance at every part of this work . I greatly
respect his supervision , the conceptual clarity as well as his
depth knowledge of the subject which he shared with me
from time to time .
My thanks are due to Respected Sir J.K. Jain, Head of
Department and Resp. Sir Y. Thakur, Dean , for their envying
kindness and encouraging provision for my project work .
I would like to thank the employees of diferent banks I
visited during survey for then who were patience enough to
answer my questions and issuing me certifcate for making
this project .
Lastly , I would like to thank god , my , friends , colleges and
my parents for being so supportive .

Gaurav Haryani
For completion of this project , books referred were :
Refresher Programme on TBM / MBB
(For private circulation only) : Issued by BOI;
Marketing , Customer Service and Image Building :
Issued by Punjab National Bank;
Source of Leafets , Pamphlets , Pictures ,etc.:
Sadar bazaar branch,sagar(m.p)
Search Engine : Google.
website :
Career Prospects in Banking
Industry :
Banking ofers wide career opportunities to the
candidates. The career options available are discussed as
below :-
Merchant banking : Merchant banking refers to
investment management. The candidate have to manage
mutual funds, public issues, trusts, securities and
international funds. The work also include dealing with
the corporate clients and providing them fnancial advice
on various issues like - mergers, acquisitions, public
issues, capital structure decisions etc.
Treasury and Forex functions : With the increase in
popularity of Forex fow in the country the career
opportunities are increasing and the international
markets are funding the operations of the corporates in
India. In a forex marketing job, which is an interbank job,
a person needs to assess various markets on the behalf of
the bank to advise corporates or other banks who need
foreign currency. The job requires one to be constantly
updated about the policies of the regulatory bodies,
monitoring the current prices, making predictions based
on analysis of trends etc
Introduction to Banking Career:
Banks are institutions that take care of the money of
individuals and corporates. The operations have been
computerized to provide more efcient service to the
customers. Most banks are now ofering the facility to use
ATM card so that cash can be withdrawn or money can
be deposited via cheque 24 hours a day. Banks pay
interest on the deposited money, provide loans to people
for business or personal use. They also ofer a wide range
of services like exchange of foreign currency, giving
advise related to investment and insurance and acting as
trustees. There is a tremendous competition in the
banking sector to come up with innovative and customer
friendly schemes. All this has created an increase in
opportunities in banking jobs and a requirement for
people with marketing and technological skills.
Certifcate of the Supervision
Institution :
This is to certify that Gaurav Haryani has
visited our Institution for her project work
. During the project work her work and
behavior was
satisfactory .
Date : Signature:
Place :sadar bazaar,
sagar Name:

Designation :

Institution :
Commercial Banks:
The commercial banking structure in India consists of:
Scheduled Commercial Banks
Unscheduled Banks
Scheduled commercial Banks constitute those banks
which have been included in the Second Schedule of
Reserve Bank of India(RBI) Act, 1934.
RBI in turn includes only those banks in this schedule
which satisfy the criteria laid down vide section 42 (60 of
the Act. Some co-operative banks are scheduled
commercial banks albeit not all co-operative banks are.
Being a part of the second schedule confers some benefts
to the bank in terms of access to accomodation by RBI
during the times of liquidity constraints. At the same
time, however, this status also subjects the bank certain
conditions and obligation towards the reserve
regulations of RBI.
For the purpose of assessment of performance of banks,
the Reserve Bank of India categorise them as public
sector banks, old private sector banks, new private sector
banks and foreign banks.
* FSF steps to boost fnancial systems
* BSE Banking index ends in the red
* Reserve Bank of India completes 75 Years
* FSF to be institutionally strengthened
* Inter-Bank usage of ATMs becomes free
* Basel steps to strengthen banking sector
* EU agrees on Solvency II framework
Banking is "accepting, for the purpose of lending or
investment of deposits of money from the public,
repayable on demand or otherwise and withdrawable by
cheques, draft, order or otherwise."
Bank is defned as a person who carries on the business of
banking. Banks also perform certain activities which are
ancillary to this business of accepting deposits and
lending. Since Banking involves dealing directly with
money, governments in most countries regulate this
sector rather stringently.
Banks provide almost all payment services by conducting
checking or current accounts for customers, paying
cheques drawn by customers on the bank, and collecting
cheques deposited to customers' accounts. Banks also
enable customer payments via other payment methods
such as telegraphic transfer. Banks have added new
payment channels like Internet banking, Mobile Banking,
ATMs etc.
Banks' activities can be divided into retail banking,
dealing directly with individuals; business banking,
providing services to mid-size business; corporate
banking dealing with large business entities; private
banking, providing wealth management services to High
Net Worth Individuals; and investment banking, relates
to helping customers raise funds in the Capital Markets
and advising on mergers and acquisitions. Banks are now
moving towards Universal Banking, which is a
combination of commercial banking, investment banking
and various other activities including insurance.
Banks are among the main participants of the fnancial
system in India. This section of the provides
comprehensive and updated information, guidance and
assistance on all areas of banking in India.
Bank of Hindustan, set up in 1870, was the earliest Indian
Bank. Banking in India on modern lines started with the
establishment of three presidency banks under Presidency
Bank's act 1876 i.e. Bank of Calcutta, Bank of Bombay
and Bank of Madras. In 1921, all presidency banks were
amalgamated to form the Imperial Bank of India.
The commercial banking structure in India consists of:
Scheduled Commercial Banks & Unscheduled Banks.
Banking Regulation Act of India, 1949 defnes Banking as
"accepting, for the purpose of lending or investment of
deposits of money from the public, repayable on demand
or otherwise and withdrawable by cheques, draft, order
or otherwise."
The Software Packages for Banking Applications in India
had their beginnings in the middle of 80s, when the Banks.
spurred on by RBI and the Rangarajan Committee
Report, started computerising the branches in a limited
The arrival of foreign and private banks with their
superior state-of-the-art technology-based services
pushed Indian Banks also to follow suit by going in for
the latest technologies so as to meet the threat of
competition and retain customer base.
The evolution of IT services outsourcing in the Indian
banks has presently moved on to the level of Facilities
Management (FM). Banks now looking at
Business Process Management (BPM) to increase returns
on investment,
improve Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and
employee productivity.
For, these entities sustaining long-term customer
relationship management (CRM) has become a challenge
with almost everyone in the market with similar
products. is the only, dedicated and neutral
vertical portal on the Indian Banking Sector, promoted
by a career banker and supported by a team of senior
professionals in the feld. It is ranked among the Top 25
banking sites in the world.
The global challenges which banks face are not
confned only to the global banks. These aspects
are also highly relevant for banks which are part of
a globalized banking system. Further, overcoming
these challenges by the other banks is expected to
not only stand them in good stead during difcult
times but also augurs well for the banking system
to which they belong and will also equip them to
launch themselves as a global bank.
D#,laration of th#
Stud#nt 9
/ Gaurav haryani son of Shri Prata&
Haryani ,#rtify that th# &roj#,t
r#&ort #ntitl#d WO.C/NG O!
by "# is "y &#rsonal and and
an auth#nti, work und#r th#
guidan,# of
S/. NEIA D#&tt. of +o""#r,#% .
Dat# 9
Signatur# 9
Pla,# 9
Na"# 9 Gaurav haryani

+lass : B.COM- !h S"M.

.oll No.9 454)6*

Addr#ss9 J35* sadar

ba:aar2 sagar

+onta,t 9 6O5(LLOOJO
D#&osit S,h#"#s
Provid#d By PNB 9
!D. !i;#d D#&osit .#,#i&ts% .
SD. Short D#&osit .#,#i&ts% .
DBD Doubl# B#n#1t D#&osits% .
I/+ Ionthly /n,o"#
+#rti1,at#% .
P/+ Puart#rly /n,o"#
+#rti1,at#% .
.D .#,urring D#&osits% .
SBD Savings Bank D#&osits%.
+D +urr#nt D#&osits% .
D#tail#d Syno&sis
of 8h# Proj#,t
8itl# Of 8h# Proj#,t Work / Working of
Punjab National Bank
Obj#,tiv# Of S#l#,tion Of 8h#
+ours# 9
The reason for choosing the
above topic was to know the actual working of PNB .To
know the scope of employment in banking sector . Also to
examine the challenges faced by these type of banks.
Point Wis# D#tails Of O&tion On
!ollowing Bas#s 9
Name of option : Working of Punjab National Bank.
Related to : Semi Government Institution.
Source of Inspiration : The scope of the topic.
1 +l#ri,al Edu,ation 9
Iini"u" #du,ation r#=uir#d is *5

&ass with ag# *O yrs. and abov#.
2 8#,hni,al Edu,ation 9
Graduat# 2 Cnowl#dg# in th# 1#ld of
,o"&ut#r and a,,ounting 2 &ra,ti,al
3 E;&#ri#n,# r#=uir#d 9
+l#arify th# #ntran,# t#st of bank
and also th# int#rvi#w and L "onths
4 High#r Edu,ation .#=uir#d 9
!or an Ianag#r on# should b# a
Iast#r in Busin#ss Ad"inistration .
And ,l#ar all &ro"otion t#st
in,luding int#rvi#ws.
+o"&#tativ# E;a"38raning
.#=uir#d 9
Q +o"&#titiv# #;a" @ th#
#ntran,# t#st.
Q 8raining @ L "onths on th#
job training.
O&&ortuniti#s in
Banking 9
Banking is one of the most sought after career choice
among the students. It is an entry into a well paid, secure
and status career. Though it may appear that these jobs
are meant for commerce/economics students but the fact
is that majority of bank ofcers are from diferent
streams of education. Further, it is also not a fact that
top positions in Foreign/Multinational Banks are held by
MBA's from Premier Management Institutes. Though the
Public sector Banks are now appointing management
graduates, CAs and CFAs but bright graduates from any
subject can get entry in the Public sector Banks through
an All India Examination conducted by them.
The emergence of technology-driven new private banks
have broadened the scope and range of banking service
and entry of Financial Institutions are into the short-
term lending business, is resulting in needs for more
professionals. Now banks are in the mutual funds ,
securitization business credit cards, consumer loans,
housing loans, housing loans besides trading in gold and
forex activities.
Generally banks look for good communication skills,
good interpersonal skills, the ability to deal with
customers, an alert nature, and basic knowledge of the
industry. However to join foreign or private sector banks
at higher than entry level one needs specialization in
some specifc areas. For example expertise in project
analysis, credit appraisal skills, managing huge loan
portfolios general and foreign exchange and money .Good
computer knowledge is always preferred.
There are front ofce personnel in all banks, and then
there are supervisors who handle most back ofce
operations like completion of transactions, general ledger
work, overall supervision.Banks are now ofering good
salary packages. Most Public sector ofcers can begin in
the Rs 6000-8000 per month scale. MBAs recruited by
private and foreign banks are given plum packages to the
extent of about Rs 25000-30000 a month.
There are following type of Commercial Banks:
1.)Public sector Banks
2.)Private sector Banks
3.) Foreign/Multinational Banks

O&&ortuniti#s in
Banking 9
Nationalization of the major commercial banks in India
in 1969/1980 brought almost the entire banking system
within the public sector. State Bank of India being the top
commercial bank of the country.
The Private sector with the entry of new banks mostly
promoted by the major Financial Institutions like IDBI,
ICICI etc has provided competition to both Public sector
and Foreign Banks. They are more technology savvy and
ofer better salaries than Public sector Banks. Unlike
public sector banks, the promotional avenues are not
Foreign Banks are the most sought after due to their
salary packages comparable to the best in the country
and better job profles. However, in addition to personal
performance, the job security in these banks is also
dependent on various external factors, like the economy
of the parent country, performance of the bank
worldwide, change in expatriate management etc.
Public sector Banks recruit mainly graduates at the entry
level on the basis of All India Level examination.
However professionals like engineers, doctors,
technologists, lawyers, ex-defense ofcers etc are
recruited on senior positions through All India tests.
Private sector/Foreign Banks prefer to take MBA's,
CA's etc at junior positions through Campus
recruitment and interviews. However, at the senior
positions they opt for experienced bankers. Thus the
ofcers from Public sector Banks become the natural
choice for such positions. Thus job-hopping has
become an well - accepted norm in the Industry.
Therefore joining a Public sector Bank as
Probationary Ofcer (Direct Ofcer) on the basis. All
India exam has become a stepping stone for the career
growth in the Banking Industry.
Bank of India has cut its prime lending rate by 50
basis points to 12% from 12.5% with efect from 1st
April 2010.
!a,iliti#s o>#r#d by
Punjab National Bank9
Produ,t availabl# in a&&ro;. JJ*5
+BS Bran,h#s .
Si"ultan#ous ,r#dit of salari#s
a,ross various ,iti#s &ossibl#
through n#tworking in "or# than
J)) ,iti#s%.
Iulti Bran,h Banking *(4) n#twork
A,,#ss to *4))) A8Is.
!or#; S#rvi,#s.
SDV No,k#rs.
Gold +ards - Gold +ard
8i#ris#d Savings A,,ounts.
El#,troni, !unds 8ransf#rs.
S&##di#r +oll#,tion of outstation
Star Housing Noan 2 Star Auto Noan .
Star Iortgag# Noan .
Star /PO Noan .
Star Edu,ational Noan and "any
Working of Punjab National
Bank and /ts
/"&ortan,# 9
8h# banking s#,tor is th# "ost
do"inant s#,tor of th# 1nan,ial syst#"
in /ndia 2 and with good valuations and
in,r#asing &ro1ts 2 th# s#,tor has b##n
a"ong th# to& &#rfor"#rs in th#
"ark#ts . A,,ording to a !/++/ surv#y 2
th# ,hi#f strong &oint of /ndian banking
industry s th# r#gulatory syst#" 2 whi,h
has #nabl#d /ndia to ,arv# a &la,# for
its#lf in th# global banking s,#n# .
A r#&ort RO&&ortuniti#s in
/ndian Banking S#,torR by "ark#t
r#s#ar,h ,o"&any 2 .N+OS 2 for#,asts
that th# /ndian Banking S#,tor will grow
at a h#althy ,o"&ound annual growth
rat# +AG.% of around 5J.J S till 5)** .
8h# .#gulatory Syst#"s of /ndian Banks
ar# rat#d abov# +hina and .ussia B at
&ar with Ma&an and Singa&or# .
A,,ording to a study by Dun -
Bradstr##t an int#rnational r#s#ar,h
body% All banks in /ndia 2 th#r# ar#
ov#rall 4L2L') bran,h#s or oF,#s
O6J2J4L #"&loy##s and 5(2)OO A8Is .
8hus 2 Publi, s#,tor banks ad# u& a
larg# ,hunk of th# infrastru,tur#.
Noan - /ts 8y&#s9
Star Edu,ational Noan S,h#"# 2
Star Ho"# Noan 2
Star Iortgag# Noan 2
Star P#rsonal Noan 2
Star /PO Noan 2
Star Auto Noan 2
Star Holiday Noan.
Edu,ational Noans S,h#"#9
a.%Stud#nts Eligibility 9
Nationality < /ND/AN
S#,ur#d ad"ission to
&rof#ssional3t#,hni,al ,ours#s in /ndia
or Abroad through Entran,# t#st 3 "#rit
bas#d s#l#,tion &ro,#ss.
b.%Puantu" of !inan,# 9
N##d bas#d 1nan,# subj#,t to r#&aying
,a&a,ity of th# &ar#nts 3 stud#nts with
"arginand th# following ,#ilings 9
Stud#nts willing to study in /ND/A <Ia;.
.s.(.4 Nakh
Studi#s abroad < Ia;. .s.*4.)) Nakh.
,.%Pro,#ssing +harg#s 9
No Pro,#ssing 3 u&front ,harg#s should
b# ,oll#,t#d on #du,ational loans. of /nt#r#st 9
$&to .s.*4 Nakhs<Banks PN. &r#s#ntly
*).(4 S&.a.
P#nal int#r#st T5S to b# ,harg#d for
loans abov# .s.'lakh for th# ov#rdu#
a"ount and ov#rdu# &#riod.
*S int#r#st ,on,#ssion availabl# if th#
int#r#st is s#rvi,#d r#gularly during
study &#riod.
#.%.#&ay"#nt 9
.#&ay"#nt holiday3"oratoriu"9<
+ours# &#riod U *y#ar or L "onth aft#r
g#tting job 2 whi,h#v#r is #arli#r .
8h# loan is to b# r#&aid in 4<( yrs.aft#r
,o""#n,#"#nt of r#&ay"#nt.
Origin Of Punjab
National Bank9
Punjab und#r th# British #s&#,ially aft#r
ann#;ation in *O'6 witn#ss#d a &#riod of
ra&id d#v#lo&"#nt giving ris# to a n#w
#du,at#d ,lass 1r#d with a d#sir# for
fr##do" fro" th# yok# of slav#ry. A"ongst
th# ,h#rish#d d#sir#s of this n#w ,lass was
also an ov#rriding a"bition to start a
Swad#shi Bank with /ndian +a&ital and
"anag#"#nt r#&r#s#nting all s#,tions of th#
/ndian ,o""unity. 8h# id#a was 1rst "oot#d
by .ai Iool .aj of Arya Sa"aj who2 as
r#&ort#d by Nal Naj&at .ai2 had long
,h#rish#d th# id#a that /ndians should hav#
a national bank of th#ir own. H# f#lt k##nly
Rth# fa,t that th# /ndian ,a&ital was b#ing
us#d to run English banks and ,o"&ani#s2
th# &ro1ts a,,ruing fro" whi,h w#nt #ntir#ly
to th# British#rs whilst /ndians had to
,ont#nd th#"s#lv#s with a s"all int#r#st on
th#ir own ,a&italR.
At th# instan,# of .ai Iool .aj2 Nala Naj&at
.ai s#nt round a ,ir,ular to s#l#,t#d fri#nds
insisting on an /ndian Moint Sto,k Bank as th#
1rst s&#,ial st#& in ,onstru,tiv# Swad#shi.
Nala Harkrishan Nal who had r#turn#d fro"
England with id#as r#garding ,o""#r,# and
industry2 was #ag#r to giv# th#" &ra,ti,al
On Iay 5J2 *O6'2 th# #>orts "at#riali:#d.
8h# founding board was drawn fro" di>#r#nt
&arts of /ndia &rof#ssing di>#r#nt faiths and
a vari#d ba,k<ground with2 how#v#r2 th#
,o""on obj#,tiv# of &roviding ,ountry with
a truly national bank whi,h would furth#r th#
#,ono"i, int#r#st of th# ,ountry.
8h# Bank o&#n#d for busin#ss on *5 A&ril2
*O64. 8h# 1rst Board of ( Dir#,tors
,o"&ris#d of Sardar Dayal Singh Iajithia2
who was also th# found#r of Dayal Singh
+oll#g# and th# 8ribun#B Nala Nal,hand on# of
th# found#rs of DAV +oll#g# and Pr#sid#nt of
its Ianag#"#nt So,i#tyB Cali Prosanna .oy2
#"in#nt B#ngali &l#ad#r who was also th#
+hair"an of th# .#,#&tion ,o""itt## of th#
/ndian National +ongr#ss at its Nahor#
s#ssion in *6))B Nala Harkishan Nal who
b#,a"# wid#ly known as th# 1rst
industrialist of PunjabB E+ M#ssawala2 a w#ll
known Parsi "#r,hant and &artn#r of
Ma"sh#dji - +o. of Nahor#B Nala Prabhu
Dayal2 a l#ading .ais2 "#r,hant and
&hilanthro&ist of IultanB Bakshi Maishi .a"2
an #"in#nt +ivil Nawy#r of Nahor#B and Nala
Dholan Dass2 a gr#at bank#r2 "#r,hant and
.ais of A"ritsar. 8hus a B#ngali2 Parsi2 a Sikh
and a f#w Hindus join#d hands in a &ur#ly
national and ,os"o&olitan s&irit to found
this Bank whi,h o&#n#d its doors to th#
&ubli, on *5th of A&ril *6O4. 8h#y w#nt
about it with a Iissionary V#al. Sh. Dayal
Singh Iajithia was th# 1rst +hair"an2 Nala
Harkishan Nal2 th# 1rst s#,r#tary to th#
Board and Shri Bulaki .a" Shastri Barrist#r
at Nahor#2 was a&&oint#d Ianag#r.
A Iaid#n Divid#nd of 'S was d#,lar#d aft#r
only ( "onths of o&#ration. Nala Naj&at .ai
was th# 1rst to o&#n an a,,ount with th#
bank whi,h was hous#d in th# building
o&&osit# th# Arya Sa"aj Iandir in Anarkali
in Nahor#. His young#r broth#r join#d th#
Bank as a Ianag#r. Authoris#d total ,a&ital
of th# Bank was .s. 5 lakhs2 th# working
,a&ital was .s. 5)))). /t had total sta>
str#ngth of nin# and th# total "onthly salary
a"ount#d to .s. J5).
8h# 1rst bran,h outsid# Nahor# was o&#n#d
in .awal&indi in *6)). 8h# Bank "ad# slow2
but st#ady &rogr#ss in th# 1rst d#,ad# of its
#;ist#n,#. Nala Naj&at .ai join#d th# Board of
Dir#,tors soon aft#r. in *6*J2 th# banking
industry in /ndia was hit by a s#v#r# ,risis
following th# failur# of th# P#o&l#s Bank of
/ndia found#d by Nala Harkishan Nal. As "any
as (O banks fail#d during this ,risis. Punjab
National Bank surviv#d. Ir. MH Iaynard2 th#
th#n !inan,ial +o""ission#r2 Punjab2
r#"ark#d....RDour Bank doubt
du# to good "anag#"#ntR. /t s&ok# volu"#s
for th# "#asur# of ,on1d#n,# r#&os#d by
th# &ubli, in th# BankWs "anag#"#nt.
8h# y#ars *65L to *6JL w#r# turbul#nt and
loss ridd#n on#s for th# banking industry th#
world ov#r. 8h# *656 Wall Str##t ,rash
&lung#d th# world into a s#v#r# #,ono"i,
/t was during this &#riod that th# Malianwala
Bagh +o""itt## a,,ount was o&#n#d in th#
Bank2 whi,h in th# d#,ad# that follow#d2 was
o&#rat#d by Iahat"a Gandhi and Pandit
Mawaharlal N#hru. 8h# 1v# y#ars fro" *6'*
to *6'L w#r# on#s of un&r#,#d#nt#d growth.
!ro" a "od#st bas# of (*2 th# nu"b#r of
bran,h#s in,r#as#d to 5(O. D#&osits gr#w
fro" .s. *) ,ror#s to .s. L5 ,ror#s. On Iar,h
J*2 *6'(2 th# Bank oF,ials d#,id#d to l#av#
Nahor# and transf#r th# r#gist#r#d oF,# of
th# Bank to D#lhi and &#r"ission for transf#r
was obtain#d fro" th# Nahor# High +ourt on
Mun# 5)2 *6'(.
PNB was th#n hous#d in th# &r#,in,ts of
Sr##niwas in th# salubrious +ivil Nin#s2 D#lhi.
Iany a sta> "#"b#r f#ll vi,ti" to th#
wid#s&r#ad riots in th# dis,harg# of th#ir
duti#s. 8h# ,onditions d#t#riorat#d furth#r.
8h# Bank was for,#d to ,los# 65 oF,#s in
W#st Pakistan ,onstituting JJ &#r,#nt of th#
total nu"b#r and having ')S of th# total
d#&osits. 8h# Bank2 how#v#r2 ,ontinu#d to
"aintain a f#w ,ar#tak#r bran,h#s.
8h# Bank th#n #"bark#d on its task of
r#habilitating th# dis&la,#d a,,ount hold#rs.
8h# "igrants fro" Pakistan w#r# r#&aid th#ir
d#&osits bas#d u&on what#v#r #vid#n,# th#y
,ould &rodu,#. Su,h g#stur#s ,#"#nt#d th#ir
trusts in th# bank and PNB b#,a"# a sy"bol
of 8rust and a na"# you ,an bank u&on.
Sur&lus sta> &os#d a big &robl#". !ast
#;&ansion b#,a"# a &riority. 8h# &oli,y &aid
ri,h divid#nds by o&#ning u& an #ra of
&h#no"#nal growth.
/n *64*2 th# Bank took ov#r th# ass#ts and
liabiliti#s of Bharat Bank Ntd. and b#,a"#
th# s#,ond larg#st bank in th# &rivat# s#,tor.
/n *6L52 it a"alga"at#d th# /ndo<
+o""#r,ial Bank with it. !ro" its dwindl#d
d#&osits of .s. 'J ,ror#s in *6'6 it ros# to
,ross th# .s. J44 ,ror#s "ark by th# Muly
*6L6. /ts nu"b#r of oF,#s had in,r#as#d to
4L6 and advan,#s fro" .s. *6 ,ror#s in *6'6
to .s. 5'J ,ror#s by Muly *6L6 wh#n it was
Sin,# in,#&tion in *O642 PNB has always
b##n a RP#o&l#Ws bankR s#rving "illions of
&#o&l# throughout th# ,ountry and also had
th# &roud distin,tion of s#rving gr#at
national l#ad#rs lik# Sarvshri Mawahar Nal
N#hru2 Gobind Ballabh Pant2 Nal Bahadur
Shastri2 .a1 Ah"#d Cidwai2 S"t. /ndira
Gandhi #t,. a"ongst oth#r who bank#d with
8h# Nif# and 8i"#s
of Nala Naj&at .ai9
8h#r# ar# f#w l#ad#rs of th# &r#<
ind#&#nd#n,# #ra who2 aft#r having
&lung#d th#"s#lv#s into th# &oliti,al
struggl#2 ,ontinu#d to tak# an a,tiv#
int#r#st in so,ial2 ,ultural and
#du,ational work. Nala Naj&at .ai was
on# of su,h l#ad#rs. Born on 5Oth
Manuary2 *OL4 at a s"all villag#2
Dhudik# in th# !#ro:#&ur distri,t of
Punjab2 h# b#long#d to th# Agarwal
Baniya ,ast# and it was &#rha&s
b#,aus# of this2 in addition to taking
&art in so,ial and &oliti,al lif# of th#
,ountry2 h# took k##n int#r#st in
industrial and 1nan,ial "att#r also. His
fath#r was a t#a,h#r of P#rsian and
$rdu in a gov#rn"#nt s,hool.
Having &ass#d th# 1nal #;a"ination in
Naw fro" Punjab $niv#rsity2 h# start#d
his &ra,ti,# in*OOJ2 wh#n h# was bar#ly
*O y#ars old. Endow#d with a ri,h
l#ga,y of "oral and int#ll#,tual
ba,kground2 Nala Naj&at .ai had b#n#1t
of #du,ation in th# &ra,ti,al rationalis"
of w#st#rn s,i#n,# ,o"bin#d with th#
r#ligious &urity and "oral #l#vation of
East#rn lit#ratur# that &ut on hi" th#
hall"ark of tru# ,ultur#. Whil#
sy"&athi:ing with and aiding #v#ry
"ov#"#nt "ad# for &rogr#ss2 Nala
Naj&at .ai id#nti1#d hi"s#lf v#ry
,los#ly with Arya Sa"aj2 in whi,h h#
found a"&l# s,o&# for th# #;#r,is# of
his &atriotis"2 &hilanthro&y and
r#ligious :#al.
Having =uali1#d as a &l#ad#r2 Nala
Naj&at .ai start#d &ra,ti,# at Hissar and
soon b#,a"# a l#ading lawy#r of th#
distri,t. H# organi:#d th# Arya Sa"aj
th#r# and &ut it on &ro&#r lin#s. /n
*O652 h# transf#rr#d his &ra,ti,# to th#
wid#r 1#ld at Nahor#.
Edu,ation2 both s#,ular and r#ligious2
was in Nala Naj&at .aiHs vi#w an
i"&ortant fa,tor in national
d#v#lo&"#nt. H# took &art in th#
foundation of th# D.A.V. +oll#g# at
P#rsonal Attribut#s
and Skills 9
A good bank#r r#=uir#s a w#ll @
organi:#d "ind with an #y# for
d#tail .
Good v#rbal and writt#n
,o""uni,ation skills h#l& in
#>#,tiv# int#ra,tion with th#
,li#nts as w#ll as th# sta>.
His work in,lud# "aint#nan,# of
r#,ords whi,h r#=uir#s a,,ura,y
and #F,i#n,y.
8h# &#rson should hav# a
"ath#"ati,al skills.
E"&loy##s joining as oF,#rs
should b# abl# to l#ad 2 "otivat#
and "anag# th# bank sta> .
/nt#grity and hon#sty &lay a
"ajor rol# in all d#alings r#lat#d
to "on#y2 sta> and ,li#nts.
Banking Mobs
S#l#,tion Pro,#dur#
Candida!es #e! recrui!ed a! $ levels in !he
ban%s - clerical level and o&cer level. 'he
(eserve Ban% of )ndia conduc!s !es!s for
!hree !ypes of en!ry level posi!ions*
Clerical #rade*
Grade + o&cers
Grade B o&cers
'he en!ry poin! for clerical s!a, is in !he cash
depar!men! as e-aminers of coins and no!es.
'hey are promo!ed !o !he ne-! #rade .hen
!hey successfully clear !he relevan!
e-amina!ions af!er /-01 years of service.
'here is an +ll )ndia "-am conduc!ed for
class ) pos!s. Gradua!es2 3os! Gradua!es2
C+4s2 MB+4s in !he $0-$5 years of a#e #roup
are eli#ible. 'he e-amina!ion is in par!s.
3aper ) * is a .ri!!en !es! comprisin#
of General Men!al +bili!y 6Ob7ec!ive
3aper )) * is a sub7ec!ive one .hich
has "n#lish
"ssays9Comprehension93recise .ri!in#
3aper ))) * is on "conomics and Social
+nyone in !he a#e #roup of 0:-$5 years
havin# a de#ree is eli#ible for appearin# in
!he .ri!!en !es!. 'he forma! of !he !es! is
similar !o !he (B) e-amina!ion. 'es! is
follo.ed by an in!ervie.. Clerical s!a, #e!s
recrui!ed !hrou#h re#ional boards. 'he
eli#ibili!y and !es! forma! are !he same as for
3O e-amina!ion.
Savings A,,ount 9

Savings A3, is wh#r# int#r#st is &ayabl# and
no in,o"# ta; is ,harg#d on int#r#st a"ount.
*.%!D. !i;#d D#&osit .#,#i&t% 9
/n this ty&# of saving a,,ount 2
a"ount is d#&osit#d for a 1;#d &#riod
ranging "ini"u" L "onths to *) yrs
.at# of int#r#st vari#s as &#r &#riod of
d#&osit whi,h is at &r#s#nt 4S to O.4S
/nt#r#st ,r#dit#d to ,usto"#rs a3, #v#ry half

5.%SD.Short D#&osit .#,#i&t% 9
SD. d#&osit ar# "#ant for
*4 days to L "onths .
.at# of /nt#r#st vari#s ' 4 to LS as &#r
&#riod of "aturity.
J.%DBDDoubl# B#n#1t D#&osit% 9
/n this d#&osit
,o"&ounding int#r#st is &ayabl#.
/nt#r#st is ,o"&ound#d in #v#ry =uart#r as a
r#sult "aturity valu# b#,o"#s "or#.
'.%I/+Ionthly /n,o"# +#rti1,at#% 9
/n this d#&osit int#r#st is
,r#dit#d to savings a,,ount #v#ry "onth so
that ,usto"#r ,an "##t th#ir "onthly
4.%P/+Puart#rly /n,o"# +#rti1,at#%
/nt#r#st ,r#dit#d in #v#ry J
L.%.D.#,urring D#&osit% 9
8his A3, ,an b# o&#n#d fro"
.s.*)) to any a"ount. +usto"#r has to
d#&osit it as &#r th# ,ontra,t of "aturity *S
int#r#st is "or# &ayabl# to s#nior ,iti:#n
aging L)yrs - abov#% on #v#ry d#&osit.
Noan against d#&osits ,an b# grant#d to
#v#ry d#&osit.
(.%SBDSaving Bank D#&osit % 9
Saving bank d#&osit ar#
"#ant for day to day transa,tions of
withdrawal and &aying ba,k.
O.%+D+urr#nt D#&osit% 9
8his a,,ount is us#d by
trad#rs and busin#ss"#n for th#ir busin#ss .
No int#r#st is &aid by bank in ,urr#nt
R8o b# a N#ading Global Bank
with Pan /ndia foot&rints and
b#,o"# a hous#hold brand in
th# /ndo<Gang#ti, Plains
&roviding #ntir# rang# of
1nan,ial &rodu,ts and s#rvi,#s
und#r on# roofR

;Ban%in# for !he unban%ed;
D#bit +ards 9
PNB D#bit +ards9
8h# PNB D#bit +ard is #ss#ntially an on<lin#
&rodu,t. /t b#ars th# Iast#r logo on th#
front and is a,,#&t#d in /ndia and all ov#r th#
world at all Iast#r+ard #nabl#d A8Is and
I#r,hant Establish"#nts with POS "a,hin#s
having a ti# u& with Iast#r+ard and also
ov#r th# int#rn#t for #,o""#r,#
X Iitra ,ard is a Non<P#rsonali:#d A8I ,ard2
whi,h is also availabl# in th# Bio"#tri,
X 8h# daily ,ash withdrawal li"it of this ,ard
is .s. 4)))3<.
X 8his ,ard is not "#ant to b# us#d for
POS3/nt#rn#t transa,tions.
Who ,an a&&ly for a PNB D#bit
X All CD+ ,o"&liant saving and +urr#nt
A,,ount hold#rs who "aintain th# "ini"u"
balan,# and who r#gularly o&#rat# th#ir
a,,ount ar# #ligibl# for a PNB D#bit +ard.
X N#w ,usto"#rs2 ar# #ligibl# for a PNB D#bit
+ard at th# ti"# of o&#ning th# a,,ount.
X D#bit ,ards shall also b# issu#d to
individual ,usto"#rs having an ov#rdraft
fa,ility2 whi,h is in th# natur# of a &#rsonal
loan. 8his shall "#an and in,lud# &#rsonal
loans #;t#nd#d to individual ,usto"#rs in
th# for" of a r#gular ov#rdraft li"it su,h as
,l#an ov#rdraft fa,ility or ov#rdraft fa,ility
against !D3NS+s3N/+s #t,. wh#r# o&#rations
through ,h#=u#s ar# &#r"itt#d.
X D#bit +ard ,an b# issu#d in Moint A,,ounts
with 0Eith#r or Survivor737!or"#r or
Survivor7 "andat#. /n 0Eith#r or Survivor7
a,,ounts2 +ards ,an b# issu#d to both th#
a,,ount hold#rs wh#r#as in 0!or"#r or
Survivor7 a,,ounts ,ard ,an b# issu#d only
to th# !or"#r. /n joint A,,ounts wh#r#
a,,ount has to b# jointly o&#rat#d D#bit +ard
shall not b# issu#d unl#ss "andat# for
o&#ration of a,,ount s&#,i1#s 0Eith#r or
Survivor7 or 0!or"#r or Survivor7.
How 8o A&&ly9
X D#bit ,ard ,an b# obtain#d fro" any
bran,h of PNB irr#s&#,tiv# of your a,,ount
"aintaining bran,h% by 1lling a D#bit +ard
a&&li,ation for".
X /n ,as# of Non<P#rsonali:#d ,ard without
na"#3 &hoto% th# ,ard would b# issu#d
X /n ,as# of a &#rsonali:#d ,ard with na"#3
&hoto% th# ,ard ,an b# "ad# availabl# aft#r
(<*) days.
A f#w as&#,ts of BankHs D#bit
+ard ar# highlight#d as und#r9
X Valid at all Iast#r +ard A,,#&tan,# Iarks.
X A,,#&tan,# in /ndia at all 0Ia#stro7
I#r,hant lo,ations and A8Is having +irrus
Nogo and 0Iast#r +ard7.
X A8I transa,tions ar# P/N P#rsonal
/d#nti1,ation Nu"b#r% bas#d whil# th# POS
transa,tions ar# Signatur# Bas#d. 8h# P/N
,an b# ,hang#d by th# ,ardhold#r as &#r his
/"&ortant Points to #nsur# saf#
usag# of your PNB D#bit +ard :
X /""#diat#ly on r#,#i&t of th# D#bit +ard2
Pl#as# &ut your Signatur# on th# s&a,#
&rovid#d on th# Ba,k of th# +ard. 8his would
h#l& you in id#ntifying your D#bit +ard.
X P/N Nu"b#rs should n#v#r b# dis,los#d to
anybody. Do not &un,h your P/N nu"b#r at
A8Is2 in th# &r#s#n,# of oth#r &#rsons.
X Pr#f#rably2 &l#as# ,hang# your P/N wh#n
you start using your +ard.
X Pl#as# #nsur# that unauthori:#d &#rsons
ar# not &r#s#nt in th# vi,inity of th# A8I2
wh#n you "ak# your transa,tions.
X Pl#as# do not hand ov#r your D#bit +ards 3
shar# your P/N nu"b#r with unknown
&#rsons #v#n to s##k h#l&2 as this ,ould l#ad
to fraudul#nt transa,tion fro" your a,,ount.
X Whil# hotlisting your D#bit ,ard2 aft#r
,o"&l#tion of th# &ro,#ss2 &l#as# #nsur#
that th# ,on,#rn#d +ard is d#stroy#d by
,utting it into &i#,#s2 to avoid "isus#.
X !or furth#r infor"ation3,lari1,ation2 &l#as#
go through th# D#bit ,ard us#r "anual or
s##k guidan,# fro" th# +usto"#r +ar#

H#ad OF,#

+ir,l#s OF,#s L4%

Bran,h#s '6*'%
Pro1l# Of Punjab
National Bank9
With ov#r 4L "illion satis1#d
,usto"#rs and 4))5 oF,#s
in,luding 4 ov#rs#as bran,h#s2 PNB
has ,ontinu#d to r#tain its
l#ad#rshi& &osition a"ongst th#
nationali:#d banks. 8h# bank #njoys
strong funda"#ntals2 larg#
fran,his# valu# and good brand
i"ag#. B#sid#s b#ing rank#d as on#
of /ndiaWs to& s#rvi,# brands2 PNB
has r#"ain#d fully ,o""itt#d to its
guiding &rin,i&l#s of sound and
&rud#nt banking. A&art fro"
o>#ring banking &rodu,ts2 th# bank
has also #nt#r#d th# ,r#dit ,ard2
d#bit ,ardB bullion busin#ssB lif#
and non<lif# insuran,#B Gold ,oins -
ass#t "anag#"#nt busin#ss2 #t,.
Sin,# its hu"bl# b#ginning in *O64
with th# distin,tion of b#ing th#
1rst Swad#shi Bank to hav# b##n
start#d with /ndian ,a&ital2 PNB has
a,hi#v#d signi1,ant growth in
busin#ss whi,h at th# #nd of Iar,h
5)*) a"ount#d to .s 'J46J* ,ror#.
PNB is rank#d as th# 5nd larg#st
bank in th# ,ountry aft#r SB/ in
t#r"s of bran,h n#twork2 busin#ss
and "any oth#r &ara"#t#rs. During
th# !D 5))6<*)2 with ').O4S shar#
of +ASA d#&osits2 th# Bank
a,hi#v#d a n#t &ro1t of .s J6)4
,ror#. Bank has a strong ,a&ital
bas# with ,a&ital ad#=ua,y ratio of
*'.*LS as on IarH*) as &#r Bas#l //
with 8i#r / and 8i#r // ,a&ital ratio at
6.*4S and 4.)*S r#s&#,tiv#ly. As
on Iar,hH*)2 th# Bank has th#
Gross and N#t NPA ratio of *.(*S
and ).4JS r#s&#,tiv#ly. During th#
!D 5))6<*)2 its ratio of Priority
S#,tor +r#dit to Adjust#d N#t Bank
+r#dit at ').4S - Agri,ultur# +r#dit
to Adjust#d N#t Bank +r#dit at
*6.(S was also high#r than th#
sti&ulat#d r#=uir#"#nt of ')S -
*OS r#s&#,tiv#ly.
8h# Bank has b##n abl# to "aintain
its stak#hold#rsH int#r#st by &osting
an i"&rov#d N/I of J.4(S in IarH*)
J.45S IarH)6% and a .#turn on
Ass#ts of *.''S *.J6S IarH)6%.
8h# Earning &#r Shar# i"&rov#d to
.s *5J.6O .s 6O.)J IarH)6% whil#
th# Book valu# &#r shar# i"&rov#d
to .s 4*'.(( .s '*L.(' IarH)6%.
Punjab National Bank ,ontinu#s to
"aintain its frontlin# &osition in th#
/ndian banking industry. /n
&arti,ular2 th# bank has r#tain#d its
N$IBE. ONE &osition a"ong th#
nationali:#d banks in t#r"s of
nu"b#r of bran,h#s2 D#&osit2
Advan,#s2 total Busin#ss2 Ass#ts2
O&#rating and N#t &ro1t in th# y#ar
5))6<*). 8h# i"&r#ssiv#
o&#rational and 1nan,ial
&#rfor"an,# has b##n brought
about by BankHs fo,us on ,usto"#r
bas#d busin#ss with thrust on +ASA
d#&osits2 .#tail2 SIE - Agri
Advan,#s and with "or# in,lusiv#
a&&roa,h to bankingB b#tt#r ass#t
liability "anag#"#ntB i"&rov#d
"argin "anag#"#nt2 thrust on
r#,ov#ry and in,r#as#d #F,i#n,y in
,or# o&#rations of th# Bank.

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