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[find and replace all square bracketed text before use!]

[Home address]
[Contact telephone number]
[Email ID]
[Date of Birth]
[Years] [Institution]
[De!ree Course ""# M $ "#"#B]
[Grades, unusual subjects taken]
[Years] [%chool]
[Hi!her %econdar& Education]
[Years] [%econdar& %chool onl& for !raduate or internship applications]
[Secondary School Certificate / Grades]
[Practising lawyer with the Bar Council of [State], India (date of admission
[date]) Roll o! [num"er]!]
[Practising Solicitor with the Bombay Incorporated Law Society (date of
admission [date])!]
[#ther $rofessional associations or %uali&cations Solicitor, #'erseas
(uali&cations, etc!]
EM'"+MENT HI%T(+ [only if relevant]
[Dates, Month/Year] [)irm name, office location]
[Position held and practice area, if applicable]
[Describe type of ork done and le!el of responsibility]
["#$# %ssisted on / led tea& / drafted docu&entation on ri$hts
issues / restructurin$ / liti$ation / etc#]
[Dates, Month/Year] [)irm name, office location]
[Position held and practice area, if applicable]
[Describe type of ork done and le!el of responsibility]
["#$# %ssisted on / led tea& / drafted docu&entation on ri$hts
issues / restructurin$ / liti$ation / etc#]
INTE(N%HI'% [only for graduate applications]
[Duration, Date] [)irm name, office location]
[(ery brief description of ork done and partner orked ith#]
["#$# perfor&ed / drafted / assisted in / researched task )#
Should be no lon$er than to lines#]
[Duration, Date] [)irm name, office location]
-(. E/'E(IENCE [only if relevant]
Important Assi!nments Handled
[Date] [Name of client and assi!nment]#
["#$# %ssisted on / led tea& / drafted docu&entation on *s '++ crore
ri$hts issue / restructurin$ / liti$ation / etc]
[Date] [Name of client and assi!nment]#
[Date] [Name of client and assi!nment]#
[Date] [Name of client and assi!nment]#
[Date] [Name of client and assi!nment]#
(esearch 'apers $ Articles
[Date] [Title of article], [title of publication],
[Date] [Title of article], [title of publication],
[Date] [Title of article], [title of publication],
E/T(A0CU((ICU"A( ACHIE1EMENT% [particularly for graduate and internship
[Academic pri2es or scholarships recei3ed]
[%tudent representati3e positions]
[Conferences or other e3ents or!anised]
(E)E(ENCE% [preferably up to two, or "Provided on request" if you are unable to confirm
or there are issues of confidentiality, etc]
[-a&e of Person] [-a&e of Person]
[Position / relationship] [Position / relationship]
[Contact details] [Contact details]

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