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Our Lady of Sorrows Church revealed as He came forth from

the grave.
From the Pastor’s Desk
Jesus hides Himself in the Bread
My Dear People: and Wine, but shows His divine
love for us by instituting this
A blessed Christmas feast to each Sacred Meal for our spiritual
one of you. On a birthday, we growth. We will see His presence
usually give gifts to the one now only with the eyes of faith.
whose birthday we celebrate; and But He promises that those who
we all, hopefully, have a gift trust in His hidden presence will
for Jesus. But on this birthday, see His divinity. He tells us:
the honoree gives so many gifts
of grace. He gives people the “He who eats my flesh and
extra grace to worship Him in drinks my blood has
church when they usually don’t. everlasting
The Scriptures say that we cannot life. I will raise him up
even pray without His help. So on the last
He gives people the grace to day.”
pray, to reach out to others with
kindness, to visit one another The Christian life is a life
and to speak to that relative to which cannot be lived unless
whom we would rather not be Christ exists with His divine
speaking. grace given to us. So the hidden
God is seen in people who live
The greatest gift Jesus gives to the faith.
us is His coming into the world.
We all came into the world to The effects of the birth of the
live; He came into the world to Savior in our lives should be
die so that we might live. fourfold:

God has a way of hiding Himself. 1. PRAISE: We need to praise

He hid Himself as a human infant Him
in Bethlehem. Then as an adult for His goodness to us.
His divinity is revealed with His The
miracle at the wedding feast of Angels in coming to the
Cana, the curing of the blind, shepherds
the deaf, the crippled, bringing to announce this birth
the dead back to life. Jesus sang: GLORY TO GOD IN THE
then claimed to be God as He HIGHEST. We need to do
said, “Before Abraham (2000 b.c.) the same.
came to be, I am.” With this, God
was no longer hidden. 2. REJOICE: We need to
rejoice that
God was very much hidden as Jesus we have a Savior, for who
suffered the scourging at the of us
pillar and as He was covered with can say we don’t need the
His own blood on the way to forgiving power of God,
Calvary. Then the God in Him was saving us through the
work of Jesus.
building was finished and the
“Rejoice always, Again, first Mass was Midnight 1959.
I say ‘rejoice’” Fifty years later we still have a
(Philippians). Midnight Mass with seven other
Christmas Masses.
3. GIVE THANKS: It is one
thing to This is God’s house and thousands
rejoice; but it is just have come to worship Him here
as important through Jesus, the Son, offered
to go back and not just to the Father, still in 2009.
see what
has been done for us…but This church building, finished
to thank Him for doing fifty years ago, has had many
this. additions throughout the years.
Added was the choir loft making
4. IMITATE: Just as Jesus room for another hundred souls.
given so much to us, we Stained glass windows were
need to find ways to give installed telling us of the
to other people. So we sorrows of Mary, the coming of
have all the gift-giving the Spirit and the giving of the
at Christmas. Let us do keys to Peter.
it in His name, not just
a custom of the year, Cushions were added to the pews
forgetting the reason for with the color of Mary, for
the custom. comfort and better sound
When we approach that Nativity
scene, that scene of the Baby in The pipe organ was added. It
the manger, that mother ecstatic, gives that royal sound for the
Joseph her husband mystified, and King of Kings. Later the
the shepherds shocked and full of elevator was added, helping the
wonderment, we need to say: “ disabled come into His House. The
Praise to You, God. I am so altar has been moved in order to
happy you came to save us. Thank have Mass facing the people.
you a thousand times. Help me to
do things for others, as you have It is fifty years now that this
taught us by your life, death and House has been here for weddings,
resurrection.” funerals, baptisms, the offering
of the Son of the Father in
With prayers and blessings, heaven, to bless the people, to
Fr. Muller give them hope, to keep them
praying and to remind them of
God’s other home, a home for us
Golden Anniversary of the also, the place we call heaven.
Construction of Our Lady of
Sorrows Church A huge thanks to all through the
years contributed to the building
Fifty years ago today, the renovation of OLS House of God.
construction of OLS Church
6:00 a.m., followed by Mass at
Rejoice! A child is born to us. This First Saturday Devotions will be
Prince of Peace is the great light. Go held on Saturday, January 2, at
and share your joy with others. (Isaiah
9:1-6). For children, may they know that 7:15 a.m. followed by Mass at
Jesus is the greatest gift to us and 7:45 a.m.
rejoice in his promises.

Chapel of Our Savior

The Chapel needs permanent
Committed Adorers for:
Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. (to share
Friday at 3:00 a.m.
Saturday at 4:00 p.m.
Our goal is to have a least two
people of each hour. These are
the hours needed, but do select
an hour that best fits your
schedule. Please call Ida Wilker
at 879-7040 or Mary Claire
Brouillette at 871-2909.
“When you awake in the night,
transport yourself quickly in
spirit before the Tabernacle,
saying: ‘Behold, my God, I come
to adore You, to praise, thank,
and love you, and to keep you
company with all the Angels’.”
St. John Vianney

The Priests and Staff would like

to wish everyone a Merry
Christmas and a Happy and Blessed
New Year.


Thursday, December 31, vigil Mass
6:00 p.m.
Friday, January 1, 6:30 a.m.,
7:30 a.m.,
12 Noon, and 6:00 p.m.

First Friday Devotions will be

held on Friday, January 1, at

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