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... through Bertha Dudde

Childship to God....
Severe trials....
Earth, as a place for further spiritual educatio, has !ee chose
to shape people ito the purest !eigs of light, ito childre of God,
"ho ca attai the highest degree of happiess ad the !eholdig
of God. #he achieve$et of this degree is only possi!le o this
%lthough other "or&s of creatio are e'uall( destied for the
$aturig of spiritual !eigs "hich are ot perfect as (et, ad their
degree of $aturit( ca still costatl( !e icreased, the degree of
childship to God can nevertheless only be attained by the
soul on earth, o accout of "hich people are also cofroted !(
the full gravit( of earthl( life, ad this is eve harder the closer the
soul is to its goal.
#he soul $ust !e a!le to leave the earth i a totall( purified state,
spirituall( re!or ad i $ost heartfelt uio "ith God. )t $ust
e*periece ever( trial, it $ust "or& ad create "ith profoud love
for God ad its fello" hu$a !eigs, it $ust have sur$outed all
"orldliess i order to eter the spiritual &igdo$ free ad
Ol( a fe" people depart fro$ this earth as perfected !eigs of
light, ad ol( a fe" people ca !ehold God straight after their life
o earth, for ol( a fe" !eco$e victorious over $atter, !ecause
earthl( life al"a(s ad forever $a&es its de$ads o people ad
this is oe of the $ost po"erful te$ptatios "hich approaches a
#i$e ad agai people $ust tr( to li!erate the$selves+ ti$e ad
agai spiritual life $ust co$e to the fore, ad ever( thought $ust
!e directed up"ards.
) order to attai the childship to God, God,s grace $ust !e a!le to
!e especiall( effective o people, a perso $ust $a&e costat use
of the grace flo"ig to hi$ "ithout $easure+ he $ust accept
ever(thig that cotri!utes to"ards purif(ig the soul, he $ust
e*periece all sufferig as grace ad !e grateful to God that -is
love has destied hi$ for higher spheres ad "ats to dra" hi$ to
.ot $a( people ca achieve such a high degree of $aturit( that
God ca sed the$ eve the harshest sufferig "ithout !eco$ig
#hese fe", ho"ever, are !lessed, eve if their earthl( life see$s
$ost difficult to !ear for the$....
#heir $arriage "ith God is the $ost !eautiful re"ard a"aitig such
souls at their death, ad for the sa&e of this the soul "ill patietl(
"ait util its earthl( ed co$es.
%ll !urdes ad trou!les, all sufferig ad sorro" see$ s$all oce
it is released fro$ its earthl( cover, oce it is a!le to !ehold God
ad has !eco$e the $ost !lissfull( happ( !eig i the spiritual
&igdo$.... oce it co$es ito its iheritace of the Father as God,s
child ad "or&s "ith -i$ i -is "ill.
/ 0u!lished !( frieds of e" revelatios of God /
)for$atio, do"load of all traslated revelatios, the$e1!oo&lets

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