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Multi-genre Research Paper Assignment 10C

This variation of the traditional research paper asks you to do more than simply research
a subject and write about it. You will also be applying your knowledge of arious
genres and modes of writing in your own creatie pieces to put together a
portfolio assignment in which each piece is connected by one oerall theme!
For example, if you are writing about defning honor in literature and society, you may
study the historical and fctional representations of a character from Julius aesar and
evaluate whether that character accurately represents !honor.! For your creative
expression, you might explore you might re"tell a auto"biographical or write a short
fctional story about a time when honor needed to be shown.
#tudents will be able to
$. %pply research techni&ues fnding information related to a focus of in&uiry with
online and print resources.
'. %pply knowledge and skills learned throughout the year by your study of
autobiographical narrative, short fction, novels, persuasive argument, poetry, and
(. )dentify a major theme in a work of literature and create a multi"genre portfolio in
which both researched information and creative writing connect relate to that
*. +resent work done through research and creative exploration to an audience
through professional, well organi,ed, and informative oral presentation.
5. Apply MLA format to research writing.
Research Paper Re"uirements#
$-% page research paper related to one of the following topics#
-esearch the historical information related to one or two characters from
#hakespeare.s Julius aesar and compare it to #hakespeare.s portrayal of that
Research Elizabethan society around the time of the production of Julius Caesar and eplain how
!ha"espeare used this play to comment about fears related to the instability of #ueen Elizabeth$s
o MLA formatting re%uires& Left 'ustified heading with name( class( teacher( date) a centered title
without underlining or italicizing) top right 'ustified page numbering including your last name
and the page number) * inch margins all around) *+ point ,imes -ew Roman font( parenthetical
citations within the body of the essay) a wor" cited page with one primary source and at least two
additional secondary sources.
/ultigenre %ssignments0
1! &lash &iction or Autobiographical 'arratie (1-$ pages) single-spaced*
%. &lash +ction - This brief fctional story should include a protagonist, major
con1ict, and resolution. onsider the way you apply mood and atmosphere
through the setting. Think about how you can use situational or verbal irony
to make your story uni&uely interesting. Think of using a symbol as
representation for your major theme. 2ou can use characters from Julius
aesar for the story.
3. Autobiographical 'arratie - )n this story, you will focus on context,
events, sensory detail, and dialogue that you can combine to tell a personal
story related to your main theme. onsider what social experiences have
shaped your interpretation of the events. oncentrate on making the story
as vivid in its details as possible.

$! Poetry (12 line minimum) - .n this short written piece( you must use /i/id imagery( at least two
eamples of figurati/e language 0metaphor( etended metaphor( simile( personification( hyperbole(
symbol1( apply two sound effects 0metric or free /erse( repetition( rhyme( and 2 or alliteration1 to de/elop
your theme. Remember that connotations of words can help you epress more imagery and more
emotion in this compact format. 3our final product should include one /isual image related to some
aspect of your poem or its o/erall theme.
,! Persuasie Argument (-.11 adertisement* - )n this assignment, you will
combine visual and written elements in an advertisement related to your main
theme. 2ou may create your own product or use a current product in a creative
way. 2ou must apply at least one example of each of the major elements of
persuasion0 4ogos 5logical6, +athos 5emotional6, and 7thos 5ethical6 appeals. )n
addition, apply at least one example of a logical fallacy.

%! Presentation - The fnal piece will be a 8 minute presentation in which you
introduce and explain the ideas behind main theme of your multi"genre portfolio9
discuss the major points of your research paper9 and then share at least one genre
assignment. 2ou should conclude with the major theme 5example friendship, the
corruption of power, good leadership, etc...6. 2ou will be expected to have at least
one major visual 5poster, +ower+oint, etc.6, dress appropriately 5ie professionally,
like you were going for a serious job interview6 and know your subject matter well
enough to not be staring at your visual as you present.

:ue :ates0
4ednesday( 52*5& 6* Multi67enre Element 0-arrati/e( 8oem or 8ersuasion1 due
6 9utline of research paper
:riday( 52*;& 6 All Multi67enre Elements due
6 8resentations begin in larger classes
,uesday( 52+*& 6All research papers due

Multi-genre Research Paper Assignment 10/
This variation of the traditional research paper asks you to do more than simply research
a subject and write about it. You will also be applying your knowledge of arious
genres and modes of writing in your own creatie pieces to put together a
portfolio assignment in which each piece is connected by one oerall theme!
For example, if you are writing about defning honor in literature and society, you may
study the historical and fctional representations of a character from Julius aesar and
evaluate whether that character accurately represents !honor.! For your creative
expression, you might explore you might re"tell a auto"biographical or write a short
fctional story about a time when honor needed to be shown.
#tudents will be able to
$. %pply research techni&ues fnding information related to a focus of in&uiry with
online and print resources.
'. %pply knowledge and skills learned throughout the year by your study of
autobiographical narrative, short fction, novels, persuasive argument, poetry, and
(. )dentify a major theme in a work of literature and create a multi"genre portfolio in
which both researched information and creative writing connect relate to that
*. +resent work done through research and creative exploration to an audience
through professional, well organi,ed, and informative oral presentation.
5. Apply MLA format to research writing.
Research Paper Re"uirements#
3-4 page research paper related to one of the following topics:
;ow does #hakespeare use philosophies and perceptions of 7li,abethan 7ngland in
his play Julius aesar.
Research Elizabethan society around the time of the production of Julius Caesar and eplain how
!ha"espeare used this play to comment about fears related to the instability of #ueen Elizabeth$s
monarchy or otherwise comment on the time period.
o /4% formatting re&uires0 4eft justifed heading with name, class, teacher,
date9 a centered title without underlining or italici,ing9 top right justifed
page numbering including your last name and the page number9 $ inch
margins all around9 $' point Times <ew -oman font, parenthetical citations
within the body of the essay9 a work cited page with one primary source and
at least two additional secondary sources.
Multi-0enre Assignments#
1! &lash &iction or Autobiographical 'arratie (1-$ pages) single-spaced*
%. &lash +ction - This brief fctional story should include a protagonist, major
con1ict, and resolution. onsider the way you apply mood and atmosphere
through the setting. Think about how you can use situational or verbal irony
to make your story uni&uely interesting. Think of using a symbol as
representation for your major theme.
3. Autobiographical 'arratie " )n this story, you will focus on context,
events, sensory detail, and dialogue that you can combine to tell a personal
story related to your main theme. onsider what social experiences have
shaped your interpretation of the events. oncentrate on making the story
as vivid in its details as possible.

'. Poetry (1$ line minimum* " )n this short written piece, you must use vivid
imagery, at least two examples of fgurative language 5metaphor, extended
metaphor, simile, personifcation, hyperbole, symbol6, apply two sound e=ects
5metric or free verse, repetition, rhyme, and > or alliteration6 to develop your
theme. -emember that connotations of words can help you express more imagery
and more emotion in this compact format. 2our fnal product should include one
visual image related to some aspect of your poem or its overall theme.

(. Persuasie Argument (-.11 adertisement* " )n this assignment, you will
combine visual and written elements in an advertisement related to your main
theme. 2ou may create your own product or use a current product in a creative
way. 2ou must apply at least one example of each of the major elements of
persuasion0 4ogos 5logical6, +athos 5emotional6, and 7thos 5ethical6 appeals. )n
addition, apply at least one example of a logical fallacy.

*. Presentation - The fnal piece will be a 8 minute presentation in which you
introduce and explain the ideas behind main theme of your multi"genre portfolio9
discuss the major points of your research paper9 and then share at least one genre
assignment. 2ou should conclude with the major theme 5example friendship, the
corruption of power, good leadership, etc...6. 2ou will be expected to have at least
one major visual 5poster, +ower+oint, etc.6, dress appropriately 5ie professionally,
like you were going for a serious job interview6 and know your subject matter well
enough to not be staring at your visual as you present.

:ue :ates0
4ednesday( 52*5& 6* Multi67enre Element 0-arrati/e( 8oem or 8ersuasion1 due
6 9utline of research paper
:riday( 52*;& 6 All Multi67enre Elements due
6 8resentations begin in larger classes
,uesday( 52+*& 6All research papers due

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