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Have you seen this man?

This text is about Robert Johnson who is a successful dentist,

married with two children. But on the 14
ay he disa!!eared.
His !hysical characteristics are that he is very tall, well built
and "uite heavy. He has #ot dar$ hair and sometimes he has a
beard durin# his holidays. %hen he disa!!eared he was
wearin# #lasses and was smartly dressed u! for wor$. His
favorite s!ort is ru#by and he li$es to dress casually when he is
not at home.
His family is very worried because they thin$ that he didn&t
have any reason to run away from home. He is considered to be
a com!letely devoted father and husband who is well 'nanced.
That is why everybody thin$s that this situation is very stran#e
and out of his character.
(ational )haracteristics
The (ational )haracteristics are the ones which di*erentiate all
the nationalities one from another. +or exam!le, the ,talians are
excitable !eo!le who love children while the +inns are very
reserved and don&t tal$ too much. But sometimes this is not as
it loo$s li$e and there is much to it then we thin$.
The British !eo!le are !o!ular for their tolerance and sense of
humor but they sometimes can be very rude. The other
nationalities are confused by this behavior and for exam!le one
+rench writer says that in Britain is rude to have a conversation
but in +rance is rude not to have one. The British island has not
been con"uered since 1-.. and that is why the British !eo!le
are very individualistic. ,n addition we must mention that the
British are four nationalities who all see each other di*erently.
+or exam!le the %elsh are seen as much more tal$ative while
the /cots are seen as serious and "uite mean. +rom the 101-
many other nationalities came to Britain and all of them tried to
establish successful businesses. Because of them today we can
say that Britain is a multi racial society. However all these
nationalities are !art of one island race where the culture and
customs are mixed and form the British identity.
2nd to conclude, to understand Britain and everythin# about it,
many visits bare needed.
3i*erent !ers!ectives on the 45
The creation of the 4uro!ean 5nion means that the !eo!le
should live much freer and that they can live and wor$
wherever they want. any of our everyday routines are decided
by the 45 and it is said that it is actin# li$e a hu#e umbrella
over the lives of all who are members of this 5nion.
2 recent survey carried out amon# adults in +rance, ,taly and
Britain, showed that many of them still identify themselves with
their native countries but almost one third !referred to call
themselves 4uro!ean. any countries worry that with the
existence of the 45 they will lose their national identity and
their uni"ueness. +or exam!le, one +rench woman says that in
the !ast each country was di*erent and now they all loo$ ali$e.
However, other countries thin$ that y the 45 the countries will
#ain many thin#s. 2lso, )onstantine form 6reece says that she
is used to travellin# to international countries and that she feels
at home when she is in one of them .2nd when she is in her
own country she feels li$e a tourist.
The idea of a united 4uro!e came from +rance and 6ermany
after the /econd %orld war. ,t was formed in order to sto!
another war. Today more and more countries are added to this
union. The o!timists thin$ that with the ex!ansion of the 45 we
will all be enriched while the !essimists thin$ that all the
countries will lose their uni"ueness.

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