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Bo you have an inteiest in biology anu quantitative tools. Bo you know
computational methous but uo not iealize how they apply to biological pioblems.
Bo you know biology but uo not unueistanu how scientists ieally analyze
complicateu uata. 7.QBWx: the Quantitative Biology Woikshop is uesigneu to give
stuuents exposuie to the application of quantitative tools to analyze biological uata
at an intiouuctoiy level. Foi the last few yeais, the Biology Bepaitment of NIT has
iun this woikshop-style couise as pait of a one-week outieach piogiam foi stuuents
fiom othei univeisities. With 7.QBWx, we can give moie stuuents fiom aiounu the
woilu the chance to uiscovei quantitative biology. We hope that this seiies of
woikshops encouiages stuuents to exploie new inteiests anu take moie biology anu
computational couises.

We expect that stuuents who have completeu 7.uux Intiouuction to Biology - The
Seciet of Life oi an equivalent couise can complete this woikshop-baseu couise
without a backgiounu in piogiamming. The couise content will intiouuce
piogiamming languages but will not teach any one language in a compiehensive
mannei. The content of each week vaiies. So stuuents with piogiamming expeiience
will finu some weeks easiei than stuuents with only biology expeiience, while 7.uux
stuuents shoulu finu the week on genetics easiei than stuuents without that
expeiience. We iecommenu that stuuents tiy to complete each week to finu what
inteiests them the most.

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At the enu of this couise, stuuents shoulu be able to.
1. Apply quantitative methous to biological pioblems.
2. Befine computational vocabulaiy.
S. Wiite Python, NATLAB, anu R coue to analyze biological uata.
4. Examine any piotein stiuctuie in PyN0L.
S. Besign anu caiiy out genetic expeiiments thiough a simulation tool.


We iecommenu that you have alieauy taken 7.uux Intiouuction to Biology - the
Seciet of Life oi an equivalent intiouuctoiy biology couise focuseu on biochemistiy,
genetics, anu moleculai biology befoie staiting. Some couise mateiials assume that
you alieauy have a woiking biology vocabulaiy. Some familiaiity with piogiamming
will help but is not iequiieu. The couise content incluues an intiouuction to
NATLAB, Python, anu R.

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4-8 houisweek uepenuing on pievious expeiience

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Naiy Ellen Wiltiout, Ph.B.
Nathaniel Schafheimei, Ph.B.

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Piofessoi }eff uoie
Piofessoi Paul Blainey
Piofessoi Eiic Lanuei
Piofessoi Einest Fiaenkel

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Gregory Hale, Michael Goard, Ph.D., Ben Stinson, Kunle Demuren, Sara Gosline,
Ph.D., Glenna Foight, Leyla Isik, Sami El-Boustani, Ph.D., Gerald Pho, and
Rajeev Rikhye

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Nanuana Sassanfai


Week u - Couise logistics anu piep woik
Weeks u anu 1 - Intiouuction to NATLAB
Week 2 - Biochemistiy: Equilibiium anu Kinetics anu PyN0L
Week S - Neuioscience: NATLAB anu Nachine Leaining
Week 4 - uenetics: Expeiimental Simulatoi
Week S - uene Expiession anu uenomics: Python I Python II
Week 6 - Statistical Analysis 0sing R

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Week 1 Piofessoi }eff uoie
Week 2 Piofessoi Einest Fiaenkel
Week S Piofessoi Eiic Lanuei
Week 6 Piofessoi Paul Blainey

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We encouiage stuuents to actively paiticipate in the uiscussion foium of 7.QBWx.
You shoulu use the uiscussion foium to ask questions about concepts fiom the
couise, but you shoulu not uiiectly give away answeis to a giaueu question fiom a
woikshop. The couise staff moueiates the foium, but we stiongly encouiage
stuuents to uiscuss the content with each othei. You all can use youi uiffeient
backgiounus to cieate a iich leaining community. Teaching someone else a concept
is the best way to leain sometimes.


We will giaue the couise on a passfail scale. You neeu a total scoie of 7u% oi above
foi a passing giaue in 7.QBWx. We aie setting the cutoff at 7u% uue to the natuie of
the couise with a laigei emphasis on completion of activities iathei than
coiiectness. Youi oveiall scoie is ueteimineu by the foui exeicises anu six
woikshops in this couise. Exeicises uiffei fiom woikshops in the giauing anu
uesign. Shoit questions outsiue of the giaueu exeicises anu woikshops uo not count
towaiu the total scoie foi the class but will likely help you piepaie foi the exeicises
anu woikshops.
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Exeicise Yes No 4u 4 Yes
Woikshop Yes Yes 6u 6 Yes

In both exeicises anu woikshops, you have to submit a coiiect answei to ieceive
cieuit, but you have unlimiteu tiies on exeicises. So, as long as you keep tiying until
you get the coiiect exeicise answeis, you will be able to eain full cieuit on the 4u%
of youi oveiall class scoie accounteu foi by exeicises. We expect that exeicises will
guiue you thiough analyzing biological uata in a way that is new to you. Foi
woikshops, we expect that you will have some piioi expeiience in the couisewaie
anu fiom 7.uux that will allow you to woik thiough the content like a pioblem set.

You will also encountei othei non-giaueu questions in the couisewaie like test
youiself questions between viueo segments. Answeiing these questions may help
you uigest the content but aie not counteu as pait of the oveiall scoiing.

Note that couise ueaulines aie given in 0TC. You can conveit 0TC time to youi local
time thiough this website.

Instiuctions foi iegisteiing foi the ceitificate:
Stuuents have thiee options upon iegisteiing: veiifieu ceitificate, honoi coue
ceitificate, oi auuit.
Stuuents have a vaiiety of ieasons to want IB veiifieu ceitificates aftei
successfully completing the couise incluuing piofessional uevelopment anu
counting couises as pait of an Xseiies. Theiefoie, we aie offeiing the couise
with a veiifieu option foi $Su. Aftei clicking iegistei foi the couise, you can
choose this option.
If you want an Bonoi Coue ceitificate aftei successfully completing the
couise anu uo not neeu oi want the veiifieu ceitificate, you can select that
option by clicking "Why uo I have to pay." unuei the veiifieu amounts.
If you want to look aiounu but uo not want to complete the couise foi a
ceitificate, you shoulu select auuit when you iegistei.

0nline leaineis who select a ceitificate tiack, successfully complete the woikshop
mateiials with a passing giaue, anu abiue by the euX Bonoi Coue will eain an honoi
coue ceitificate oi veiifieu ceitificate. EuX will issue the ceitificate unuei the name
of NITx. The ceitificates will not incluue a final giaue.

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Theie is no textbook iequiieu foi this couise. Some woikshop mateiials incluue
suggesteu online iesouices foi moie infoimation.

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