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!"#$"% '$()"*"(+"+, -.$)"/.* 0'1-2 3((# '$(/.

4 5' 6/78"*"9(+ 3((#*#$:; <(=+>(:? @
1he vS LargeL devlce acqulres an l address uslng Lhe uC8A process. 1he followlng
congurauons are supporLed:
B.#=($C 3((9+, D =E<A!' F;9(+* 0+( 'GH -.$)"/.2
B.#=($C 3((9+, D =E'GH -.$)"/. 0+( <A!' F;9(+*2
!"#$"% 3((# 5-F D -#:9/ 5'
!"#$"% 3((# 5-F D <A!'
<A!' <"*/().$ 3$(:?/:*#
1. 1he 1argeL uevlce broadcasLs uPC ulscover packeLs.
2. 1he uPC Server sends a uPC Cer packeL Lo Lhe
1argeL uevlce wlLh Lhe l address, SubneL Mask, lease ume.
uefaulL CaLeway and unS Server uomaln name lnformauon
Lo Lhe 1argeL uevlce.
<A!' FJ.$ ':/C.#
<A!' K.78.*#
3. 1he 1argeL uevlce sends a unlcasL message Lo Lhe uPC
Server requesung Lhe oered l address. A 1ransacuon lu ls
used Lo Lrack Lhe accepLed oer. 1he 1argeL uevlce wlll send a
broadcasL message noufylng oLher uPC Servers LhaL Lhe oer
fromanoLher uPC Server was accepLed.
<A!' 6/C+(=>.?,.L.+#
4. 1he uPC Server sends a uPCACk packeL Lo Lhe 1argeL uevlce.
An l Address ls obLalned uslng Lhe followlng ulscover, Cer,
8equesL and Acknowledge (uC8A) process.
ln Lhls congurauon, Lhe uC8A process explalned above ls used
ln addluon Lo Lhe followlng:
1he 1l1 Server name and 8ooulle name (ardbp32.bln)
ls provlded uslng opuons 66 & 67
<A!' FJ.$ ':/C.#
1he booLsLrap le ls downloaded fromLhe 1l1 Server Lo Lhe 1argeL uevlce uslng Lhe 1l1
Server fromuPC opuon 66 and lename (A8u832.bln) fromuPC opuon 67. 1S88uM.bln
ls downloaded lf 8ooL uevlce Manager (8uM) ls used and 1S8C8CM.bln ls used lf Lhe LargeL
devlces use opuon 8CM (C8CM).
1. 1he rmware of Lhe 1argeL uevlce adds opuon 60 Lo Lhe uPC
ulscover packeL belng broadcasL.

ln Lhls scenarlo, Lhe 1argeL uevlce ls congured for neLwork booL.
<A!' <"*/().$ 3$(:?/:*#
3. 1he xL Server replles wlLh Lhe 1l1 Server address
and booLsLrap le name.
'GH -.$).$ K.;>N
3((#*#$:; O">. K.78.*#
4. 1he 1argeL uevlce sends a requesL Lo Lhe 1l1 Server
for Lhe booLsLrap le.
3((#*#$:; O">. K.;>N
3. 1he 1l1 Server replles wlLh Lhe booLsLrap le name.
When uslng a ClLrlx 8ooL lSC Lo download Lhe booLsLrap Lhe
1argeL uevlce geLs Lhe l address lnformauon dlrecLly fromLhe
booL lSC and downloads Lhe booLsLrap manager. As congured ln
Lhe 8ooL uevlce ManagemenL (8uM) congurauon.
ln Lhls scenarlo, 8uM ls congured for Lhe 1argeL uevlce Lo use Lhe
uC8A process Lo geL Lhe l address lnformauon. 1hen Lhe Lwo sLage
booLsLrap download wlll sLarL.
3((# <.)"/. P:+:,.$ 03<P2
1he 1l1 Server name ls obLalned fromuPC opuon 66 and Lhe lename
ls obLalned fromuPC opuon 67.
8uM uses a Lwo-sLage booL process where Lhe vS locauon ls hardcoded lnLo
Lhe booLsLrap generaLed by 8uM. 1he resL of Lhe requlred booL lnformauon llke
Lhe low level vS devlce drlvers ls downloaded fromLhe vS Server uslng a
proprleLary download proLocol based on 1l1 LhaL uses uu porL 6969.
Cn 1argeL uevlces LhaL use opuon 8CM, Lhe booLsLrap le name ls
congured on Lhe neLwork lnLerface card (nlC) .
'1- T(,(+ '$(/.** Q
Aer Lhe 1argeL uevlce geLs an l address and downloads Lhe booLsLrap le lL proceeds Lo
logln Lo a vS Server Lo sLarL sLreamlng Lhe vulsk lmage. 1hls sLeps are as follows:
1he 1argeL uevlce conLacLs Lhe vS Server specled
ln Lhe booLsLrap le uslng Lhe defaulL uu porL 6910.
1he server responds wlLh Lhe l address and porL Lo
Conunue Lhe logln process.
U.# T(,"+ '($#
1he 1argeL uevlce ldenues lLself by lLs MAC address and
specles Lhe Lype of logln belng requesLed.
T(,"+ -#:$#
I$:+*V.$$.? #( 5F
1he vS Server moves Lhe 1argeL uevlce fromLhe logln
Lhread Lo Lhe l/C Lhread. 1he vS Server replles wlLh all
dlsk, cllenL and pollcy lnformauon needed and senL Lo
Lhe 1argeL uevlce.
U.# 5F '($#
1he 1argeL uevlce requesLs Lhe l address and porL
used for Lhe slngle read mode.
U.# 5F -.$)"/.
1he 1argeL uevlce requesLs Lhe vS Server sLarL Lhe l/C
Lhread and requesLs lnformauon on whlch vulsk Lo use.
T(,"+ !(L;>.#.
1he vS Server granLs access for Lhe l/C operauon Lo
Lhe 1argeL uevlce.
Addluonal congurauon ls senL speclfylng Lhe booL
U.# )<"*C 5+V($L:9(+
1he 1argeL uevlce requesLs whlch vulsk wlll be sLreamed.
1he vS Server replles wlLh Lhe vulsk lnformauon lncludlng
wrlLe cache locauon lf Lhe 1argeL ls ln sLandard mode.
T(:? 3:>:+/"+, 6>,($"#WL
All vS servers are capable of acung as boLh a logln
server and an l/C server. A vS logln server normally
auempLs Lo load balance devlces beLween all servers
LhaL have access Lo a glven vulsk when Lhe devlce
lnlually logs ln. 1he logln server only bypasses load
balanclng lf Lhe server overrlde properLy ls seL for Lhe
vulsk locaLor. 1he load balanclng algorlLhmprovldes
slmple connecuon counL balanclng. (l.e. Lhe logln server
auempLs Lo place Lhe same number of devlces on each
server LhaL has access Lo a glven vulsk.)
-"+,>. K.:? P(?. X
Aer a LargeL devlce has logged lnLo vS and has been dlrecLed Lo a vS Server for
sLreamlng, Lhe booLsLrap le (A8u832.bln, 1S88uM.bln or 1S8C8CM.bln) wlll Lhen
lnLercepL any requesLs (l.e. hard dlsk requesLs) made Lo lnLerrupL 13.
3B5-I6!Y E P5F Z
-"L;>. K.78.*#* M K.;>".*
1he 1argeL uevlce and Lhe vS Server wlll conunue Lo
communlcaLe exchanglng vulsk daLa unul Lhe Mlcroso
Wlndows Cperaung SysLems sLarLs loadlng drlvers and
8nlS1ACk ls successfully loaded.
uurlng Lhe nal phase, Lhe 8nlS1ACk urlver ls loaded and muluple l/C (MlC) beglns
1he 1argeL uevlce lnluaLes a handshake wlLh Lhe vS
Server sLaung Lhe 8nlS1ACk drlver ls up. 8nlS1ACk ls
loaded lnLo memory and Lakes over for Lhe booLsLrap
managlng Lhe MlC communlcauon. AL Lhls polnL ,
Lhe followlng lnformauon ls exchanged:
vulsk name
lmage Mode
Acuve ulrecLory assword ManagemenL Cpuon
WrlLe Cache 1ype and Slze
CllenL name
2013 ClLrlx. ClLrlx rovlslonlng Servlces ls elLher a reglsLered Lrademark or a Lrademark of ClLrlx ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes and/or oLher counLrles. All rlghLs reserved. CLher Lrademarks or Lrade names menuoned hereln are Lhe properLy of Lhelr respecuve owners.
1hls opuon ls used wlLh devlces fromuell and oLhers
LhaL use Lhe lnLel ueskLop 8oard. lurLher lnformauon
can be found aL

uurlng Lhe MlC sLage, Lhe 1argeL uevlce ls operauon and read /wrlLe requesLs
occur as follows:
-"+,>. K.:? K.78.*# ':/C.#
-.$).$ -"+,>. ^$"#. K.;>N !(+_$L:9(+ ':/C.#
IN;"/:> K.:? K.78.*#*
IN;"/:> ^$"#. K.78.*#*`
K.:? K.;>N
*MlC wrlLes occur when Lhe vulsk ls ln prlvaLe mode or Lhe wrlLe cache ls
congured for server slde cache.
IW. V(>>(="+, *8LL:$"a.* #W. '1- 3((# '$(/.** ?.#:">.? (+ #W. ?":,$:L\

1. l Acqulsluon - 1he 1argeL uevlce acqulres an l address.
2. 8ooLsLrap uownload - 1he booLsLrap le ls downloaded.
3. vS Logon rocess - 1he 1argeL uevlce logs on Lo vS.
4. Slngle 8ead Mode - Slngle read mode communlcauon ls esLabllshed
beLween Lhe 1argeL uevlce and Lhe vS Server.
3. 8nlS1ACk / MlC - 1he 8nlS1ACk drlver on Lhe 1argeL uevlce Lakes over
communlcauons wlLh Lhe vS Server and Muluple l/C
68#W($*\ ClLrlx 1echnlcal SupporL/rovlslonlng Servlces Lscalauon 1eam
lease submlL feedback Lo hup://
2. uPC Server responds wlLh l Address, CaLeway and
SubneL lnformauon.
<A!' -.$).$ K.;>N
SLarung wlLh vS 7.x a 8uM hard dlsk paruuon can be asslgned Lo vlrLual
machlnes durlng lnlual vM deploymenL vla Lhe xenueskLop SeLup Wlzard.
1hls scenarlo does noL use Lhe Lwo-sLage booL because Lhe newly creaLed
8uM ls monollLhlc and already conLalns Lhe low level vS drlvers. 1he 1l1-
based download proLocol ls no longer needed.

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