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THEY said that the female of the species was usually deadlie
tha! the male" #i$$y did!%t e&actly hold with that theoy' !ot
afte Simo! had' a( !ot o!ly put he $a!) $ala!ce i! the ed'
$ut $( also succeeded i! $ea)i!* he heat"
How he had ma!a*ed to do the latte' she was!%t sue" All she
)!ew was that you did!%t i!sta!tly stop lo+i!* someo!e ,ust
$ecause they said o!e mo!i!* o+e $ea)fast' -Soy this is!%t
wo)i!* out'% $efoe casually pic)i!* up a! aleady pac)ed
holdall fom the hall cup$oad"
All i*ht' the way he had fi!ished with he had $ee! callously
sudde! a!d thee had $ee! times dui!* thei elatio!ship
whe! he had $ee! a little $it o! the selfish side" .ut thee had
also $ee! wo!deful times a!d u!fotu!ately these wee the
memoies that pla*ued he sometimes late i!to the !i*ht" /hy
was the $ai! so stupidly selecti+e0 /hy could!%t she ,ust
emem$e the $ad times' o at least co!ce!tate o! the fact
that $ecause of Simo! she was *oi!* to ha+e to mo+e out of
he apatme!t' as' despite the fact that she had a *ood ,o$ i!
ad+etisi!*' he $ills had mou!ted up to the poi!t whee she
could!%t affod to li+e i! Meio! Teace o! he ow!"
A!d !ow to add i!sult to i!,uy it seemed that Simo! had u!
up a!othe set of hu*e $ills o! he cedit cad"
-It was my cad $ut a ,oi!t accou!t'% #i$$y co!fided to he $est
fie!d Chloe as they met fo thei usual 1iday di!) i! the wi!e
$a afte wo)" -I suppose I should ha+e ca!celled it whe! he
left' $ut I ho!estly !e+e thou*ht he%d do a!ythi!* li)e this"%
-Ha+e you tal)ed to him a$out it02
%Not yet"% #i$$y too) a sip of he wi!e' he e&pessio! *im"
-He%s !ot a!swei!* his mo$ile" .ut I%m ha+i!* some time off
wo) !e&t wee) to *o flat3hu!ti!*' so I%ll ty a!d tac) him dow!
Althou*h it was o!ly fi+e3thity the $a was filli!* up as
$usi!ess people fom the suou!di!* offices piled i! fo a swift
di!) $efoe headi!* home" .y ei*ht the place would $e
deseted a*ai!4 it was the same e+ey 1iday i! this pat of
Chloe lea!ed fowad sudde!ly" -5o!%t loo) !ow' $ut thee%s a
ma! watchi!* you fom the !e&t ta$le" A!d he )eeps lea!i!*
o+e as if he%s tyi!* to liste! to what you ae sayi!*"%
-I%m !ot i!teested' Chloe" To $e ho!est' the way I feel i*ht
!ow I thi!) I am off me! fo life"% #i$$y did!%t e+e! $othe to
*la!ce aou!d"
-No!se!se" You%ll meet some$ody else a!d fall madly i! lo+e"%
-I do!%t e+e! )!ow if I $elie+e i! lo+e a!y moe"% #i$$y fi!ished
he wi!e a!d put the *lass dow! fimly o! the ta$le" -I eally
do!%t thi!) I%d tust my heat to someo!e else a*ai!" I! fact'
!e&t time"""if thee is a !e&t time"""I%m *oi!* to $e uled $y my
head6*o fo someo!e with loads of mo!ey"%
Althou*h the wods wee said with fim esolutio!' Chloe was!%t
co!+i!ced fo o!e mome!t" She *la!ced o+e at he fie!d a!d
lau*hed" -Yeah' i*ht' a!d this fom the *il who would le!d you
he last pe!!y a!d fo*et to as) fo it $ac)"%
-/ell' this is the !ew me'% #i$$y said esolutely" -/ould you
li)e a!othe di!)0% As #i$$y *la!ced towads the $a he eyes
cau*ht the *ia!t T7 scee! $ehi!d it" The !ews was o! a!d
they wee showi!* pictues of a ma! *etti!* out of a stetched
limousi!e" As the camea 8oomed i! o! him #i$$y felt he
$eath fee8e i! he thoat"""felt the cowds i! the $a melt
It was Cal Sheida!"""her father! .ut how could it $e0 Co!fusio!
a!d shoc) +ied fo positio! i!side he" He fathe was dead"""he
mothe had told he so yeas a*o"
She staed at the scee! dou$ti!* he ow! eyes fo a mome!t'
$ut e+e! thou*h she had o!ly $ee! se+e! yeas of a*e the last
time she%d see! him she )!ew it was he fathe" He had!%t
cha!*ed that much' same ,et3da) hai a!d pieci!* $lue eyes
that #i$$y had i!heited" /hat was he fathe doi!* o!
tele+isio!0 A!d whee had he $ee! fo all these lo!* yeas0
A!d' moe impota!tly' why had he mothe told he he was
%#i$$y' ae you all i*ht0% Chloe%s +oice seemed to $e comi!*
fom a lo!* way away"
-Not eally"""!o"% #i$$y shoo) he head a!d could!%t da* he
eyes away fom the T7" -That%s my dad9%
-/ho0% Chloe followed he *a8e"
-That ma!"""Cal Sheida!"""/hat ae they sayi!* a$out him0%
#i$$y stai!ed he eas' $ut it was impossi$le to hea what was
$ei!* said o! the T7 o+e the !oise i! the $a"
%That%s Cal :ui!to!"""He%s a! Ameica! mo+ie sta' #i$$y"%
Chloe shoo) he head i! pu88leme!t"
#i$$y loo)ed $ac) at he fie!d i! supise" Chloe wo)ed i! PR
a!d she followed the media pa*es +ey closely" ;sually she was
spot o!' )!ew e&actly who was who" .ut this time she had *ot
it wo!*" -I%m telli!* you' Chloe' he%s my dad a!d he is !ot a!
Ameica!' he%s a #o!do!e"%
Chloe fow!ed" -/ell' he is )!ow! as Cal :ui!to! !ow' #i$$y" I
was eadi!* a! aticle a$out him ,ust the othe day"%
-A!d what did the aticle say0% #i$$y as)ed !um$ly"
-It said he stated out i! a made3fo3T7 dama fo a local
!etwo) i! Califo!ia a!d e+eyo!e lo+ed him" The! he was
offeed a stai!* ole o! .oadway" A!d si!ce the! he%s $ee! a
$i* hit i! the States' $ut may$e !ot too well )!ow! i! Euope
yet" Howe+e' all that is set to cha!*e $ecause he%s eally hit
the $i* time !ow a!d is co3stai!* with <ulia Hy!es i! a film
called Family Values' which is a$out to pemiee i! Ca!!es"%
/hat Chloe was telli!* he was so completely mi!d3$lowi!*
that #i$$y could!%t =uite ta)e it i!" -Ae you sue we ae tal)i!*
a$out the same peso!02
%A$solutely" He%s =uite a peso!ality i! the States' li+es i!
.e+ely Hills a!d he%s $ee! maied a!d di+oced thee times"
Thee was !o me!tio! of a!y childe!' thou*h"%
-/ell' whethe he me!tio!ed them o !ot I am his dau*hte'%
#i$$y said softly" -A!d his eal !ame is Cal Sheida!"% She
ta!sfeed he atte!tio! $ac) to the T7 whee he was still
tal)i!* to a epote" -He a!d my mothe split up whe! I was
-E&cuse me"% The ma! at the !e&t ta$le pulled at the slee+e of
#i$$y%s ,ac)et" -5id I hea you say that Cal :ui!to! is you
fathe0% #i$$y *la!ced aou!d at the ma!4 he was a$out he
a*e' twe!ty3se+e!' a!d had thic) $lo!d hai' a pale face a!d
shaply i!=uisiti+e *ey eyes" Thee was somethi!* a$out the
way he as)ed the =uestio! that was +ey u!settli!*"
-No"% #i$$y shu**ed away fom his ha!d"
.ut' !ot to $e thwated' the ma! mo+ed to sit o! the +aca!t
stool at thei ta$le" -My !ame is <oh! /i*ht a!d I%m a
feela!ce ,ou!alist" I%d $e +ey i!teested to hea the i!side
stoy of Cal :ui!to!%s life"%
-I do!%t )!ow the i!side stoy of Cal :ui!to!%s life"%
-I ta)e it you ha+e!%t see! you fathe fo a while0% Althou*h his
to!e was fie!dly' his ma!!e was +ey i!siste!t"
-Please *o away a!d mi!d you ow! $usi!ess'% #i$$y s!apped"
-#oo)' I could!%t help o+eheai!* that you ae a $it stapped
fo cash at the mome!t" I%ll pay you fo the stoy'% the ma!
co!ti!ued $is)ly" -A!d pay you +ey well62
-I do!%t wa!t you mo!ey"% #i$$y stood up" %Chloe' I%+e *ot to
*et out of hee"%
#i$$y could!%t emem$e lea+i!* the $a" .ut it was a elief to
$e outside e+e! thou*h the ai! was $ou!ci!* off the #o!do!
They wee $oth soa)ed thou*h $y the time they fla**ed dow!
a ta&i a!d clim$ed i!" -/hat did that ma! *i+e you0% Chloe
-He did!%t *i+e me a!ythi!*"%
-Yes' he did"% Chloe lea!ed o+e a!d tapped he ha!d"
#i$$y u!culed he fist a!d was supised to see a cad thee" It
said -<oh! /i*ht I!+esti*ati+e <ou!alist% a!d thee was a
telepho!e !um$e"
#i$$y scu!ched the cad up a!d sho+ed it i! he poc)et" -All
he wa!ts is to a)e thou*h the mud"% A!d thee was a
supisi!* amou!t of mud to a)e thou*h as well' she thou*ht
#ea!i!* he head $ac) a*ai!st the seat of the ta&i' she shut he
eyes" She was shi+ei!* u!co!tolla$ly' $ut whethe it was with
cold o shoc) she was!%t sue"
#i$$y emem$eed how much she had lo+ed he fathe4 she
also emem$eed the close $o!d they had o!ce shaed" E+e!
!ow she could emem$e the way he had lifted he up i! his
ams' teasi!* he a!d flyi!* he thou*h the ai ma)i!* he
*i**le u!co!tolla$ly" A!d how some !i*hts he had $ee! the
o!e to tuc) he up i! $ed' ead he a stoy a!d )iss he
*ood!i*ht4 she could still emem$e the sce!t of his colo*!e"
.ut he most poi*!a!t memoy was the day he had left"
-I ha+e to lea+e' sweetheat' $ut it does!%t mea! I do!%t lo+e
She emem$eed $e**i!* him !ot to *o' teas olli!* dow! he
-I ha+e to' sweetheat" .ut I%ll come $ac)"%
She tied to hold o!to him' $ut he mothe pulled he away"
%5addy"""please"""please"""% She stu**led a!d escaped to u!
afte him' $ut eached the doo ,ust as he closed it $ehi!d him"
E+e! emem$ei!* that mome!t !ow upset he" He fathe had
!e+e etu!ed" A!d she had!%t head a!ythi!* fom him si!ce
that day" E+ey $ithday a!d e+ey Chistmas she had waited
fo some co!tact fom him' $ut !o!e had e+e $ee! made"
The! ,ust $efoe he te!th $ithday he mothe had *e!tly
pulled he to o!e side a!d told he he was dead" Why had she
done that? The fustati!* thi!* was that #i$$y could !o lo!*e
as) he mothe' as she a!d he stepfathe had died i! a tai!
cash twel+e mo!ths a*o"
;p u!til !ow she had thou*ht she had !o family left"
-/hat will you do !ow0% Chloe as)ed cuiously"
#i$$y ope!ed he eyes" -I%m *oi!* to fi!d him' of couse"% He
+oice was filled with hus)y detemi!atio!" -I !eed a!swes to
=uestio!s" I !eed to see him"%
THE South of 1a!ce spa)led i! the afte!oo! su! a!d as the
pla!e tu!ed a!d $a!)ed eady fo la!di!* #i$$y had a pefect
+iew o+e thic)ly wooded hills a!d a $ay whee millio!aies%
yachts $o$$led peacefully o! tu=uoise wate" As they came
e+e! lowe she could see Nice shimmei!* o! the .ay of
A!*els" 5espite the fact that she was feeli!* appehe!si+e
a$out the pospect of seei!* he fathe a*ai! afte all this time'
#i$$y felt a $ust of happi!ess" It was had !ot to feel *ood
whe! the s)y was so clea a!d the sea so $lue" E+eythi!*
would wo) out' she told heself fimly" He fathe would meet
he while she was hee a!d"""A!d what0 she thou*ht i! sudde!
pa!ic" All the pai! of losi!* him fo twe!ty yeas would
disappea0 It was u!ealistic to e&pect that" She was ,ust *oi!*
to ha+e to ta)e this a day at a time a!d !ot e&pect a!ythi!*
too much" 1o all she )!ew he fathe mi*ht !ot e+e! tu! up'
mi*ht !ot wa!t to see he"
>etti!* i! co!tact with him had $ee! hade tha! she had
thou*ht" 1ist she had tied to *et i! touch with him thou*h his
film studio i! Califo!ia' $ut o!e peso! afte a!othe had *i+e!
he the u!3aou!d o! the pho!e a!d she could tell that they
did!%t $elie+e she was Cal :ui!to!%s dau*hte' $ut ,ust thou*ht
she was some ca8ed fa!" So i! the e!d she%d had to use
Chloe%s co!tacts i! the PR wold to fi!d out who he fathe%s
a*e!t was so she could co!tact he dad thou*h him"
She had $ee! a $it supised to lea! that his a*e!t was Mac
Clayto!' o!e of the most poweful a!d i!flue!tial mo*uls i! the
$usi!ess" He fathe eally had hit the $i* time to ha+e Mae
Clayto! $atti!* i! his co!e $ecause a!y$ody who was
a!y$ody wa!ted to $e epese!ted $y him a!d he could pic)
a!d choose fom the ceam of cele$ity lists" He had the
eputatio! of $ei!* a uthless $usi!essma!' $ut he always *ot
the $est deals fo his clie!ts' his compa!y ha!dled all thei
pu$licity' a!d i! the pocess he ceated me*astas" He had also
made himself a millio!aie $y the a*e of thity3thee a!d was
somethi!* of a cele$ity himself"
#i$$y had see! him o! T7 at pemiees a!d she had see! his
pictue i! the pape" Thee had e+e! $ee! pictues i! *lossy
ma*a8i!es of his weddi!* to the $eautiful film actess Maietta
a!d moe pictues whe! they%d had a $a$y a few mo!ths late"
.ut althou*h they had seemed to $e the pefect *olde! couple
the maia*e had!%t wo)ed' a!d twel+e mo!ths late they wee
di+oced" No easo! had $ee! *i+e! fo the split a!d !eithe
had maied a*ai!" 1om what she could *athe his e& was still
hotly pusui!* he caee i! Hollywood' while Mac spe!t moe
a!d moe time i! Euope whee he had ope!ed a !um$e of
!ew offices"
/he! #i$$y had se!t him a! email with a! attached lette fo
he fathe she had e&pected to $e *i+e! the same u!3aou!d
that the film compa!y had *i+e! he" So she had ta)e! the
i!itiati+e a!d $oo)ed heself a fli*ht to the South of 1a!ce a!d
a hotel oom fo se+e! !i*hts" She )!ew he fathe would $e
thee fo the Ca!!es film festi+al so if she could!%t co!tact him
i!diectly she would tac) him dow! i! peso!' e+e! if it mea!t
ha!*i!* aou!d outside the co!+e!tio! ce!te !i*ht a!d day"
Thee had $ee! !o eply to that fist email so #i$$y had se!t a
seco!d telli!* Mac Clayto! he pla!s a!d ma)i!* it +ey clea
that she would see he fathe with o!without his help" She had
$ee! supised to ecei+e a! immediate espo!se fom him
apolo*isi!* fo !ot *etti!* $ac) to he soo!e"
He had told he that he had passed o! he messa*e a!d that
he fathe was +ey much loo)i!* fowad to seei!* he i!
Ca!!es' $ut due to pio commitme!ts would !ot $e ai+i!* i!
1a!ce u!til two days afte he" Howe+e' i! the mea!time
would she do him the ho!ou of ha+i!* di!!e with him o! the
!i*ht of he ai+al0
The pla!e touched dow! o! the u!way with a thud" She had to
admit that !ot ecei+i!* a diect eply fom he fathe had $ee!
disappoi!ti!*" The di!!e i!+itatio! fom Mac Clayto! had
$ee! a total supise" E+e! !ow as she *atheed he $elo!*i!*s
she could!%t help $ut wo!de why he fathe%s a*e!t would
wa!t to ha+e di!!e with he"
It did!%t ta)e lo!* to collect he lu**a*e a!d ma)e he way
thou*h customs a!d out i!to the temi!al"
Mac Clayto! spotted he immediately" 1om the fist mome!t
he email had ai+ed o! his des) he%d )!ow! she was *oi!* to
$e tou$le" .ut whe! he saw he wal) acoss the aipot
temi!al he )!ew she was *oi!* to $e dou$le tou$le" He had
hied a pi+ate i!+esti*ato to chec) he out' $ut the photo that
had la!ded o! his des) had cetai!ly !ot do!e he ,ustice" #i$$y
Sheida! was =uite stu!!i!* a!d thee was !o de!yi!* she was
Cal%s dau*hte4 he could see the esem$la!ce" Tall a!d le**y
she wal)ed with a! ai of *aceful co!fide!ce acoss the
co!couse' lo!* da) hai shimmei!* as shafts of su!li*ht
cau*ht its chest!ut hi*hli*hts" She was!%t e&actly a)e3thi!' $ut
he cu+es wee i! all the i*ht places' a!d she woe copped
,ea!s a!d a pale $lue T3shit that emphasised he lo!* waist
a!d fim cu+es" He o!ly lu**a*e was a soft ca!+as holdall
that she caied o+e o!e shoulde"
She was ma)i!* fo the e&it towads the $us stops whe! he
called he"
-Ms Eli8a$eth Sheida!0%
She swu!* aou!d' cystal3$lue eyes wide a!d =uestio!i!*"
He watched as she wal)ed a little close' he ma!!e way"
-You se!t me a! email telli!* me you wee comi!*" I%m Mac
Clayto!"% He e&te!ded a ha!d towads he"
-Oh9% It too) he a mome!t to put dow! he $a* a!d each to
sha)e his ha!d" -I did!%t e&pect to see you hee"%
As he ha!d was ta)e! i! a fim *ip a!d she loo)ed up i!to the
da)!ess of his eyes #i$$y%s heat$eats stated to i!cease
damatically" She )!ew fom photo*aphs that Mac Clayto!
was ha!dsome' $ut she was totally u!pepaed fo ,ust how
ha!dsome he was i! the flesh" The *uy was dop dead
*o*eous" Thee was somethi!* i!te!sely se&y a$out the +el+et
da)!ess of his eyes a!d the way his thic) da) hai was
$ushed $ac) fom a face that was had3$o!ed i! stuctue with
a sto!* s=uae ,aw" A!d he was tall"""well o+e si& feet with the
$ody of a! athlete' wide' poweful shouldes tapei!* to a flat
stomach a!d lithe hips" .ut it was the ai of powe that seemed
to pemeate his e+ey wod' his e+ey loo)' that was most
-I thou*ht as you fathe is!%t hee I should step i!to the $each
a!d see you safely to you hotel"% .efoe she could stop him he
eached a!d pic)ed up he $a*"
-/ell' that is +ey )i!d" .ut it eally is!%t !ecessay"% #i$$y was
sli*htly !o!plussed" She )!ew +ey well how +alua$le this
ma!%s time was" Chloe had impessed that upo! he $efoe she
had left" Appae!tly Chloe%s $oss had o!ce tied to set up a
meeti!* with him a!d $ee! *i+e! a +ey polite $ut fim $ush3
off $y his secetay" Mac Clayto!%s diay was full' had $ee! the
messa*e" I! fact they had ,o)ed i! Chloe%s office that fo the
li)es of thei small fim Mac Clayto! would po$a$ly $e $usy
u!til the yea two thousa!d a!d fifty" -He%s a +ey i!flue!tial
ma!' #i$$y'% Chloe had told he ea!estly" ->etti!* a!
appoi!tme!t with him is li)e fi!di!* *old i! the Thames"%
So what was he doi!* hee' ma)i!* time fo he0 The Ca!!es
1ilm 1esti+al was set to stat soo!' so the *uy must ha+e had a
millio! moe impota!t places to $e"
Thee was!%t time to as) $ecause $efoe she could say
a!ythi!* futhe he was leadi!* the way outside' his pace $is)"
The heat of the afte!oo! was i!te!se4 it shimmeed o+e the
tamac oad a!d was so o+ewhelmi!* that #i$$y felt heself
fla**i!* as she stu**led to )eep up with his lo!* stides"
They eached a pale $lue ope!3top Mecedes a!d Mac ope!ed
the $oot a!d flu!* he case i!" The! he too) the ,ac)et of his
e&pe!si+e sa!d3coloued suit off a!d slu!* that o! the $ac)
seat $efoe ope!i!* the passe!*e doo fo he"
-Now' I )!ow you told me i! you email that you had $oo)ed
i!to the Rosette hotel' $ut whe! I chec)ed it out I decided it
eally was!%t suita$le so I hope you do!%t mi!d $ut I ha+e ta)e!
the li$ety of cha!*i!* you to the Empoium hotel"% The wods
wee so $is) a!d authoitati+e that it too) #i$$y a mome!t to
e*iste the fact that' actually' !o' it was!%t OK"
-/hy did you do that0% She did!%t *et i!to the ca"
-.ecause the Rosette is a two3sta hotel a!d the Empoium a
fi+e3sta' so !atually I thou*ht you would $e moe comfota$le
i! the latte"%
#i$$y felt a flae of a!*e" She had always $ee! a +ey
i!depe!de!t woma! a!d she did!%t li)e the feeli!* of $ei!*
ta)e! o+e li)e this" -M Clayto!' I $oo)ed the Rosette hotel
$ecause that was whee I wa!ted to stay"% She efai!ed fom
sayi!* that she had chose! he hotel $ecause it suited he
$ud*et at the mome!t" A fi+e3sta hotel was cetai!ly out of the
=uestio!' especially as he e& still had!%t paid the mo!ey he
had spe!t o! he cedit cad"
Mac Clayto! loo)ed +a*uely amused' as if he could!%t $elie+e
that a!yo!e would wa!t to stay i! a two3sta hotel' which made
#i$$y%s tempe ise futhe" -You )!ow' M Clayto!' I do
appeciate the fact that you ha+e come out of you way to pic)
me up today' $ut I ca!%t help wo!dei!* why"%
-I told you why"% He shu**ed" -I! you fathe%s a$se!ce I
thou*ht I had $ette ma)e sue you wee OK"%
-I ca! assue you that I do!%t !eed loo)i!* afte"% She tilted he
chi! up i! a sli*htly stu$$o! )i!d of way a!d met his eyes
detemi!edly" Thee was a pat of he that was tempted to tell
him a!*ily that he fathe had!%t loo)ed afte he si!ce she
was the a*e of se+e! so she cetai!ly did!%t !eed a!y ma!%s
help !ow" .ut she held he to!*ue o! that $ecause sta!*ely it
seemed li)e a $etayal to he fathe"""althou*h why she should
feel such loyalty to him !ow she did!%t )!ow"
As Mac *la!ced dow! at he he !oticed the $ief flic)e of
+ul!ea$ility a!d sad!ess i! the delicate $lue $eauty of he
eyes" The loo) too) him $y supise" The! she seemed to pull
heself up a!d the fie of co!fide!t detemi!atio! etu!ed i!
he e&pessio!' ma)i!* him wo!de if he had i! fact ima*i!ed
the mome!t"
-A!yway' M Clayto!' I would appeciate it if you would ,ust
dop me at the hotel that I $oo)ed" 1o o!e thi!* it suits my
$ud*et at the mome!t' a!d fo a!othe it is whee I ha+e told
e+eyo!e I will $e stayi!*"%
-Ah"""I see"% It had!%t ta)e! he that lo!* to *et aou!d to
me!tio!i!* mo!ey' Mac thou*ht wyly" Now this was moe
what he had e&pected fom he"
#i$$y was mome!taily thow! $y the mea!i!*ful to!e of his
+oice" -/hat do you see02
%5o you wa!t to *et i!0% He !odded towads the ca" -I should!%t
eally $e pa)ed hee so I%d li)e to mo+e" /e ca! tal) as we *o"%
-OK"% As she mo+ed past him a!d i!to the passe!*e seat he
had a *ood +iew of he +ey shapely ea" She was i!cedi$ly
se&y"""it was a distactio! he did!%t !eed"
The leathe seat was hot $e!eath he s)i!' the su! pumpi!*
dow! fom a clea $lue s)y" #i$$y umma*ed i! he ha!d$a*
a!d fou!d a u$$e $a!d' the! pulled he hai up a!d away
fom he !ec) a!d secued it i! a po!y3tail"
-I did!%t ealise it was *oi!* to $e as hot as this'% she
-This is the South of 1a!ce"% Mac smiled wyly"
-Yes"% She shu**ed" -I )!ow' $ut it is o!ly May" A!d it%s $ee!
so cold a!d misea$le at home" /he! it%s li)e that it%s had to
$elie+e that the su! is shi!i!* a!ywhee"% She tu!ed he face
up to the s)y" -This is wo!deful"""ma)es me wish I could stay
lo!*e tha! a wee)"%
-/ell' the weathe ca! $e cha!*ea$le hee i! May'% Mac told
he huiedly" -/e ca! *et toe!tial ai! a!d the mistal ca!
$low"% He did!%t wa!t he ha!*i!* aou!d too lo!*9 She could
cause eal ha+oc with his pomotio! pla!s fo Cal%s film9
Mac *la!ced aou!d at he as he pulled the ca out o!to the
mai! oad" He could see the lo+ely shape of he face !ow' the
hi*h chee)$o!es' the sli*htly tip tilt of he small !ose' a!d the
smooth pefectio! of he s)i!" She loo)ed li)e a tee!a*e with
he hai i! that po!y3tail' fesh a!d e&citi!* a!d""" Swiftly he
cha!*ed the diectio! of his thou*hts away fom such
da!*eous *ou!d4 if he caied o! li)e that she could cause
ha+oc to moe tha! his $usi!ess pla!s" He tied to co!ce!tate
o! the eal easo! she was hee"
-So I ta)e it mo!ey is ti*ht at the mome!t' othewise you%d $e
stayi!* lo!*e"""a!d you%d $e i! a $ette hotel"%
#i$$y loo)ed acoss at him' the impeti!e!t =uestio! ta)i!* he
$y supise" -I ca!%t stay a!y lo!*e $ecause I%+e *ot to *o $ac)
to wo) soo!" A!d I ha+e chose! the Rosette hotel $ecause that
is whee I wa!t to $e' tha!) you"%
-You mea! it will do fo !ow"%
The dy dis$elief i! his to!e made he sit stai*hte i! he seat"
-<ust what o! eath ae you *etti!* at' M Clayto!0% 5espite he
$est effots he to!e was +ey shap"
-I%m tyi!* to *et to the tuth' Ms Sheida!" O shall I call you
#i$$y""" that is what e+eyo!e calls you' is!%t it02
%That%s what my fie!ds call me"% He to!e dipped with ice !ow"
He smiled at that" -A!d you ca! call me Mac"% He cha!*ed
*ea as he headed the ca up towads the motoway" -You see'
I am a +ey $usy ma!"""Libby"""%
She !oticed how he lea!ed hea+y emphasis o! he !ame"
-So I su**est we ,ust cut to the $ottom li!e"%
-A!d what would that $e0% #i$$y as)ed' a small fow! playi!*
$etwee! he eye$ows"
-How much do you wa!t0%
The =uestio! mea!t !othi!* to #i$$y" He fow! deepe!ed" -5o
you mi!d telli!* me what o! eath you ae tal)i!* a$out02
%I am tal)i!* a$out the fact that' despite you fathe%s $est
effots' you ha+e wa!ted !othi!* to do with him fo all these
#i$$y was so shoc)ed $y the stateme!t that she could!%t fi!d
he +oice to a!swe" /hat $est effots0 she wo!deed ha8ily"
She had!%t head a wod fom he fathe si!ce the day he%d
wal)ed out"""!ot o!e wod9
-A!d !ow you )!ow Cal has hit the $i* time' fou!d fame a!d
fotu!e' a!d sudde!ly you ha+e ai+ed o! his doostep'% Mac
co!ti!ued o! i! a laco!ic to!e a!d sla!ted a wy *la!ce o+e at
he" -Call me cy!ical if you wish' #i$$y' $ut you timi!* leads
me to $elie+e that you ha+e moe tha! a =uiet little family
eu!io! i! mi!d"%
-/hat I ha+e i! mi!d' M Clayto!' is !o!e of you dam!
$usi!ess"% #i$$y%s +oice tem$led with shoc) a!d with fuy"
-How dae you su**est somethi!* so epu*!a!t0 You do!%t
e+e! )!ow me"""you )!ow !othi!* of my elatio!ship with my
-/ell' I )!ow what you fathe has told me"%
Those wods se!t e+e! deepe shoc) wa+es cousi!* thou*h
#i$$y" -/hat has he told you0%
Mac *la!ced o+e at he a*ai!" He !oted the wide ho3o i! he
eyes' the hi*h spots of ed colou i! he chee)s" -You )!ow'
you should thi!) a$out ta)i!* up acti!*'% he said calmly" -You
ae eally =uite *ood"%
-May$e it u!s i! the family"% She mutteed the wods u!de he
-May$e it does"% He *la!ced aou!d at he"
She shoo) he head" -/hat did my fathe tell you0% The wods
felt li)e wood i! he mouth" Thee was a pat of he that did!%t
wa!t to hea this" She felt sic) i!side" It was $ad e!ou*h that
she had *ow! up without at least heai!* fom he fathe' $ut
that he should lie a$out the fact was +ey pai!ful" Why would
he do that?
-He told me that all thou*h you life he has se!t you cads a!d
lettes' mo!ey a!d e&pe!si+e *ifts' a!d that the cads a!d
lettes ha+e always $ee! etu!ed $ut the *ifts a!d the mo!ey
wee )ept"%
-I do!%t $elie+e he told you that"% #i$$y%s +oice was $ittle"
-/hy ae you sayi!* these thi!*s to me02
%.ecause they ae tue' you )!ow they ae tue" A!d the! o!
you ei*htee!th $ithday he tied to ma)e diect co!tact with
you" He tu!ed up at you paty a!d you slammed the doo i!
his face" Told him you hated him a!d !e+e wa!ted to see him
#i$$y ope!ed a!d closed he mouth" She wa!ted to tell him
that it was all a dam! lie' $ut calli!* he fathe a lia to
this"""appalli!* sta!*e was moe tha! she could $ea" -This is
!o!e of you $usi!ess'% she said i!stead' he +oice tem$li!*" -I
lo+ed my fathe"%
-#o+ed0% Mac Clayto! *la!ced aou!d at he' o!e da)
eye$ow aised wyly" -That%s past te!se' is!%t it0%
#i$$y swallowed had" -I still lo+e him !ow"% It was had to say
the wods' especially to Mac Clayto!' $ut they wee
!o!etheless tue" No matte what' she did still lo+e he fathe"
A!d he must ha+e had his easo!s fo doi!* what he had
do!e""" sayi!* what he had said" She despeately wa!ted to
$elie+e that he had' which supised he somewhat $ecause up
u!til !ow she had!%t ealised ,ust how much she wa!ted
e+eythi!* to $e OK $etwee! he a!d he dad' wa!ted to fly
i!to his ams a!d ha+e that old $o!d $ac) $etwee! them" She
had missed him so much"
#i$$y a+eted he face fom Mac Clayto! as she felt teas
welli!* up $ehi!d he eyes" She was dam!ed if she would *i+e
this ao*a!t ma! the satisfactio! of )!owi!* he had *ot to he"
-/ell' a!yway' I thi!)' putti!* all that aside' it would $e $est if
we could come to some aa!*eme!t $efoe the pess stat to
po)e thei !oses aou!d i! this'% Mae co!ti!ued $is)ly"
-/hat )i!d of aa!*eme!t0% #i$$y as)ed a!*ily"
Mac pulled the ca to a sta!dstill at the toll$ooth a!d thew
some mo!ey i!to the machi!e" The ti!)le of coi!s filled the
sile!ce $etwee! them" -That )i!d of aa!*eme!t'% Mac said
-I do!%t wa!t you flami!* mo!ey"%
-<ust you fathe%s0 O may$e you thi!) you ca! sell you stoy
to the pess a!d $ecome the dali!* of the tal) show cicuits fo
a while02
%>o to hell'% #i$$y said fuiously"
-/e !eed to sot thi!*s out62
-A!ythi!* I ha+e to sot out I will $e soti!* out with my fathe"
Not you"%
-1o a stat' you ca! of couse stay at the Empoium hotel a!d I
will ta)e cae of the $ill62
-You ae !ot liste!i!* to me"% #i$$y *laed at him' he eyes
o+e$i*ht" -This is $etwee! my fathe a!d I" A!d I will !ot $e
stayi!* at the Empoium" If you ta)e me thee I will simply
-You ae +ey stu$$o!' ae!%t you0% Mac eplied tesely"
She said !othi!* to that"
-OK' ha+e it you way" I%ll dop you at the Rosette"%
Still she made !o eply' $ut co!ti!ued to stae out at the
passi!* sce!ey"
They wee ta+elli!* alo!* the palm3li!ed Coisette !ow" I!
odi!ay cicumsta!ces #i$$y would ha+e $ee! e!,oyi!* the
di+e' would ha+e $ee! di!)i!* i! the si*hts alo!* the
pome!ade' the desi*!e shops a!d the $eautiful achitectue"
Thee wee la*e postes up e+eywhee pomoti!* the films
that wee $ei!* show! hee !e&t wee) fo the festi+al" O!e of
them was he fathe%s film" Thee was a *ia!t pictue of him
a!d his co3sta <ulia Hy!es !e&t to the Calto! hotel with the
wods' -Meet <ac) /i!*e the *uy who $elie+es i! 1AMI#Y
7A#;ES%" The poste appeaed se+eal times alo!* the
pome!ade" He fathe loo)ed i!cedi$ly ha!dsome o! it' much
you!*e tha! his foty3fi+e yeas" #i$$y could hadly $elie+e
that he was stai!* opposite such a $i* sta as <ulia Hy!es"
-I ta)e it <ac) /i!*e is the chaacte my fathe is playi!* i!
this film0% #i$$y as)ed' sudde!ly fo*etti!* that she had
decided she was!%t tal)i!* a!y moe to Mac Clayto!"
-Yes" A!d he%s all set to $e a teme!dous $o&3office success"
You fathe is a $illia!t acto"%
Mac tu!ed the ca away fom the $lue spa)le of the
Meditea!ea! a!d the colouful aw!i!*s that li!ed the pi+ate
-I%m afaid you hotel is =uite a lo!* way $ac) fom the
pome!ade'% Mac mumued"
#i$$y *la!ced o+e at him" -May$e' $ut I%m willi!* to $et it is
!ot as fa away fom whee my fathe is stayi!* as the hotel
you wa!ted to put me i!"%
Thee was a *leam of amuseme!t i! Mac%s da) eyes fo a
mome!t" -You ae +ey suspicious' do you )!ow that0%
She sla!ted him a wy loo)" -A!d you%e !ot0%
His lips twisted i! a! amused smile" -Touche"%
-So whee is my fathe stayi!* whe! he fi!ally ai+es0%
/he! thee was !o immediate espo!se #i$$y shoo) he head"
-/ell' I%ll ha8ad a *uess that it%s the Calto!' shall I0 1om what
I ca! emem$e a$out my fathe he always did li)e the $est of
-/as that whee you wee holdi!* out fo"""a! all3e&pe!ses3
paid stay' at the Calto! hotel0%
#i$$y%s lips twisted i! dy distaste" %.ut of couse'% she
mumued flippa!tly" -A!d !atually I would o!ly ha+e accepted
a suite with a $alco!y a!d sea +iew"% She was ,o)i!*' $ut o!e
*la!ce at Mac Clayto! a!d she )!ew he thou*ht she was
seious" A!*e $u$$led thou*h he" This *uy eally was a piece
of wo)" Ao*a!t""" i!suffea$le a!d with a! opi!io! of he that
was o$+iously lowe tha! low" /ell' what did she cae0 she
as)ed heself swiftly" He was !othi!* to he" So what if he
wa!ted to thi!) of he as a *old3di**i!* me!ace0 She would let
him *et o! with it' ,ust as lo!* as he did!%t *et i! the way of he
eu!io! with he fathe"""o' wose' i!flue!ce he fathe%s
-My fathe does )!ow I%m hee' does!%t he0% she as)ed
-Yes' I told you" I passed o! you email"%
-Ri*ht"% #i$$y $it dow! o! he lip" -5o you thi!) he *ot it0%
Mac pulled the ca up outside a small hotel" -Yes' he defi!itely
*ot it"%
He switched the e!*i!e off a!d the! loo)ed acoss at he" -You
fathe a!d I ha+e $ecome *ood fie!ds o+e the last couple of
yeas" I cetai!ly would!%t )eep a!ythi!* fom him"""especially
somethi!* I )!ow mea!s so much to him"%
-You thi!) I mea! a lot to him02 The hus)y =uestio! was out
$efoe she could help it"
1o a seco!d Mac *limpsed a*ai! that +ul!ea$le loo) a$out
he' the flic)e of deep sad!ess i! he $lue eyes" A!d it had a
sta!*e effect o! him4 it made him wa!t to each out a!d touch
he' daw he close' hold he""" He fow!ed to himself" She was
a cold3$looded *old3di**e a!d a dam! *ood actess' he
emi!ded himself"
-You )!ow you mea! a lot to him" He was de+astated whe! he
lost you"% Mac said the wods fimly" -I%+e sat with him while he
has poued his heat out a$out the day whe! he last held his
dau*hte" .elie+e me' e+ey day he has spe!t apat fom you
has $ee! a we!ch fo him"%
#i$$y staed up at him' he heat $eati!* so fiecely a*ai!st he
chest that it hut" She wa!ted to $elie+e that so much"""
Mac watched the e&pessio! i! he $eautiful $lue eyes a!d
impulsi+ely he eached out a!d touched the side of he face" -It
will $e OK"% E+e! as he said the wods he was wo!dei!* why
he felt he should comfot he" It was as if some sot of spell
wee wea+i!* its way $etwee! them"
#i$$y felt it too' a!d the touch of his ha!d a*ai!st he s)i! se!t
some +ey u!e&pected emotio!s aci!* thou*h he" O!e
mome!t she was thi!)i!* a$out he fathe a!d the !e&t she
was loo)i!* up i!to Mac Clayto!%s da) eyes a!d it was as if
she wee dow!i!* a!d spi!!i!* i! a coil of se&ual te!sio! that
came completely out of !owhee"
Co!fusio! a!d desie mi&ed i!side he' a heady' lethal
co!coctio! that fou*ht o!e a*ai!st the othe' ma)i!* he heat
ace e+e! hade" She !oticed his *a8e mo+i!* towads the
soft!ess of he lips a!d she moiste!ed them !e+ously"
/hat would it $e li)e to $e )issed $y Mac Clayto!0
The =uestio! shoc)ed he" You do!%t e+e! li)e him' she told
heself fiecely" He%s ao*a!t a!d i!sulti!*"
E+e! so it too) all of #i$$y%s self3co!tol to pull away fom him'
$ac) fom the $i!) of disaste" This ma! was playi!* *ames
with he' she told heself a!*ily" He was sayi!* somethi!* !ice
a!d acti!* i! a sympathetic ma!!e $ecause fo some easo!
he wa!ted to co!tol the situatio!"
-Of couse I%ll $e OK'% she said' a!d fom somewhee she
summo!ed up a $is) co!fide!ce she was fa fom feeli!*" -A!d
I%ll $e e+e! moe OK afte I ha+e met up with my fathe"%
-I%m sue he will see you i*ht fi!a!cially' if that%s what you
mea!"% Mac%s lips twisted wyly" -You )!ow' fo ,ust a seco!d
thee that little3*il3lost loo) of yous was +ey co!+i!ci!*" I
could almost"""almost""" $elie+e that you *e!ui!ely caed a$out
you fathe"%
#i$$y%s $lue eyes !aowed o! him" A!d to thi!) that two
seco!ds a*o she had $ee! wo!dei!* what it would $e li)e to
)iss him4 she must ha+e $ee! out of he ti!y mi!d9 -/ell' that
ma)es two of us' $ecause fo almost a mi!ute thee I could
almost $elie+e that you wee a cai!* huma! $ei!*"%
Mac watched as she stepped out of the ca o!to the pa+eme!t
a!d a small smile cu+ed his lips" He hated to admit it' $ut
thee was somethi!* a$out he fiey co!fide!ce that he
admied" OK' he was too much of a had3headed $usi!essma!
to $e ta)e! i! $y he' $ut she did i!ti*ue him"
#i$$y we!t aou!d to the $ac) of the +ehicle' i!te!di!* to ta)e
he $a* a!d lea+e him without a!othe wod' $ut u!fotu!ately
she could!%t ope! the $oot of the ca"
-Need some help%0% Mac clim$ed out fom $ehi!d the di+i!*
wheel a!d smi)ed" She made !o eply' ,ust stepped $ac) a!d
watched as he etie+ed he $a* fo he"
-Tha!) you"% She held out he ha!d fo he lu**a*e' $ut he
did!%t pass it acoss fo he"
-I%ll cay it i!side fo you"%
-Thee%s eally !o !eed62
-Oh I thi!) thee is e+ey !eed'% he said calmly" -Afte all' I
ha+e pomised you fathe that I will loo) afte you" So I ca!%t
,ust lea+e you' ca! I02
%I wish you would'% #i$$y *ated u!de he $eath"
.ut Mac did!%t hea he4 he was aleady headi!* off i!to the
hotel without he"
-#oo)' I will $e fi!e !ow'% she mumued as she followed him
i!to the eceptio!"
Mac did!%t say a!ythi!*' ,ust a!* the $ell o! the eceptio!
des)" #i$$y fell sile!t as they waited fo someo!e to ai+e"
Thee was !o poi!t telli!* Mac to *o a*ai!4 he was o$+iously
,ust *oi!* to do as he dam! well pleased" He was so a!!oyi!*"
I! ode to )eep he mi!d off ,ust how a!!oyi!* he was' she
*la!ced aou!d at he suou!di!*s" Thee was a lou!*e at the
othe e!d of the eceptio! with se+eal settees a!d chais" The
place was a $it da)' $ut the deco was stylish a!d it loo)ed
clea!" Thee wee some lilies o! the des) a!d thei sweet sce!t
pemeated the ai"
-The place loo)s OK'% Mac said as he *a8e etu!ed to him"
-I )!ew it would $e'% she lied with a shu*" I! fact she had ,ust
hoped fo the $est whe! she%d made the ese+atio!"
A ma! came out fom the $ac) a!d Mac stated to tal) to him
i! flue!t 1e!ch" This thew #i$$y a $it4 she had!%t e&pected
Mac Clayto! to $e a$le to spea) 1e!ch li)e that' a!d it
sou!ded so dam! se&y that she could feel the hais o! the $ac)
of he !ec) stati!* to pic)le with awae!ess"
-OK' you ae i! oom ?@@"% Mac tu!ed to loo) at he a!d'
ealisi!* she had $ee! stai!* at him' she =uic)ly loo)ed away"
-It%s o! the fouth floo" 5o you wa!t me to come up with you02
%No' I cetai!ly do !ot'% she said =uic)ly' a!d s!atched up the
)ey cad the eceptio!ist had put dow! fo he"
Mac smi)ed a!d she had the feeli!* that eally he%d had !o
i!te!tio! of escoti!* he to he oom' $ut was e!,oyi!*
wi!di!* he up"
-Ri*ht' well' I%ll see you to!i*ht' the!'% he said easily as he
*la!ced at his watch" -I%ll pic) you up at se+e!"%
-I $e* you pado!0% She loo)ed up at him $la!)ly"
-I%m ta)i!* you fo di!!e'% he said calmly" -Had you fo*otte!02
%/ell""" yes' let me see"% She put o!e fi!*e to he foehead' he
to!e sado!ic" -I thi!) that mi*ht ,ust ha+e slipped my mi!d i!
$etwee! you huli!* i!sults at me"%
-Huli!* i!sults0% Mac aised a! eye$ow" -Me0 I thou*ht we
wee ,ust *etti!* each othe%s measue"%
-/ell' I *ot you measue' that%s fo sue'% #i$$y said dyly as
she eached fo he $a* that lay $eside him o! the floo" -A!d I
cetai!ly do!%t wa!t to ha+e di!!e with you" It would cho)e
-You ae so damatic"% Ma) smiled as if she wee the most
amusi!* peso! he had e+e met"
-As well as my $ei!* a! acto""" a *old3di**e a!d' let%s see'
what othe accusatio!s did you hul02
%A $it of a temptess0% Ma) su**ested dyly"
/hat o! eath did he mea! $y that0 Had he eco*!ised the fact
that fo a few wild seco!ds i! the ca she had felt attacted to
him0 If so' she mi*ht as well ,ust cul up !ow a!d die of
em$aassme!t" -/hat a sta!*e thi!* to say9% she mutteed
a!*ily a!d hoped +eheme!tly that the colou i! he chee)s
would $e ta)e! fo a!*e' !ot motificatio!" -/hy o! eath
would you thi!) that of me02
%May$e it%s somethi!* to do with the fact that I%+e !oticed you
ae !ot afaid to $at those $eautiful eyes at me a!d use you
femi!i!ity to wi! a poi!t"% He mumued the wods almost
seducti+ely a!d she felt he heat miss se+eal $eats as his
eyes mo+ed towads he lips" -It%s +ey"""$e*uili!* $ut'
u!fotu!ately fo you' I am !ot fooled $y the act fo o!e
-You )!ow' you tal) a$solute u$$ish"% She ma!a*ed to say the
se!te!ce' $ut she was half woied that it mi*ht come out $ac)
to fo!t she was so i!fuiated" -A!d ,ust fo the ecod I ha+e
!ot $atted my eyes at you9 I! fact' I fi!d you so iitati!* that
I%d athe !ot loo) at you at all'% she added fo *ood measue"
He smiled" -So I%ll pic) you up at se+e!' the!"%
-Ae you liste!i!* to me0 I do!%t wa!t to ha+e di!!e with you
-No' I am !ot liste!i!* to you'% he said with la8y humou" -/e
ha+e impota!t thi!*s to discuss to!i*ht"%
-#i)e what0% She was mome!taily distacted"
-#i)e you fathe"% Sudde!ly Mac%s e&pessio! was seious"
-Thee ae a few thi!*s we !eed to sot out"%
%/hat )i!d of thi!*s02
%/e%ll discuss that to!i*ht"%
-#oo)' the o!ly peso! I wa!t to tal) to is my fathe62
-A!d if you cae a!ythi!* a$out him you will $e dow! hee
waiti!* fo me at se+e!"% Mac said the wods fimly' the!
tu!ed away" -5o!%t $e late"%
Don't be late. /ho did he thi!) he was0 He sou!ded li)e a
schoolteache" #i$$y tu!ed a!d headed fo the lift" /ell' she
had told him she did!%t wa!t to ha+e di!!e with him a!d she
dam! well would!%t" She put he $a* dow! i! the lift a!d
pushed the $utto! fo the fouth floo"
.efoe the doos closed she had a last *limpse of Mac Clayto!
*etti!* i!to his ca outside" A!d despite the fact that she was
so a!!oyed with him she could!%t help $ut thi!) how attacti+e
he loo)ed i! the casual $lac) T3shit a!d the sa!d3coloued
touses to his suit" She wo!deed if thee was a!y 1e!ch
$lood i! him" Thee was somethi!* +ey Meditea!ea! a$out
the way he was so stylishly dessed a!d the da)!ess of his
hai a!d eyes" A!d whe! he had spo)e! 1e!ch to the
eceptio!ist it had sou!ded as if it came +ey !atually to him"
The doos swished closed" She supposed some wome! would
fall fo those poweful Meditea!ea! *ood loo)s' $ut !ot he"
She had Mac Clayto!%s measue" He was a hateful ma!' she
emi!ded heself focefully' lea!i!* $ac) a*ai!st the wall"
Hateful! Thee was !o way i! a millio! yeas that she would fall
fo someo!e as ao*a!t a!d i!suffea$le as him' that was fo
ON THE fouth floo #i$$y pic)ed up he $a* a!d headed out
i!to the coido" Thee was !o wi!dow a!d it was i! total
da)!ess" It too) he a mome!t to fi!d a li*ht switch' a!d the!
$efoe she could each he oom the li*ht clic)ed off lea+i!*
he stu**li!* to fi!d he way"
It was a elief whe! she fou!d he doo a!d stepped i!side to
fi!d a petty su!3de!ched $edoom i! pale pimose" The la*e
wi!dows o+eloo)ed a ow of $ou*eois houses all with
$alco!ies co+eed with tu$s of ed a!d pi!) *ea!iums"
#i$$y flu!* he $a* dow! a!d we!t acoss to loo) out at the
+iew" It was e&taodi!ay $ei!* i! 1a!ce waiti!* fo a eu!io!
with he fathe' a!d i! some ways it did!%t feel =uite eal" It was
as if she had e!teed some lim$o la!d $etwee! he old life a!d
the futue" Also it was sta!*e that the eu!io! should $e hee
i! the Cote 5%A8u' $ecause this was whee they had spe!t
thei last family holiday to*ethe" #i$$y o!ly had ha8y
memoies of it' $ut she emem$eed they had e!ted a!
apatme!t i! Me!to! a!d he fathe had tau*ht he to swim"
She emem$eed how much fu! it had $ee! a!d how patie!t
a!d lo+i!* he had $ee!"
It was whe! they etu!ed home fom that holiday that he
pae!ts had sepaated" Thee had $ee! !o clue to it
$efoeha!d' !o a*ume!ts' !o a!*y atmosphee" O!e day they
had $ee! a happy family"""o so she had thou*ht"""a!d the !e&t
he fathe was *o!e" A!d a few mo!ths late Sea! had mo+ed
i! with he mothe" At fist Sea! had seemed !ice' $ut #i$$y
had =uic)ly lea!t that $e!eath the smili!* facade lay a much
moe si!iste chaacte" She had missed he fathe' had as)ed
fo him a!d that had esulted i! a swift a!d fuious espo!se
fom he mothe%s !ew pat!e" #i$$y had tied !ot to as) too
ma!y =uestio!s afte that"
It was a yea afte he maia*e to Sea! that he mothe had
ta)e! he to o!e side a!d told he that he fathe was dead"
#i$$y had had !o easo! to dis$elie+e he wods" .ut !ow she
)!ew he mothe had lied" A!d it was such a cuel thi!* to do"
/hy had he usually *e!tle a!d lo+i!* mothe do!e such a
thi!*0 /as it simply to stop he as)i!* fo he fathe0 May$e
she had )!ow! he fathe did!%t wa!t to see he a!d it had
$ee! some $i8ae act of )i!d!ess0
These wee the =uestio!s that wee di+i!* he mad a!d
pushi!* he to ma)e co!tact with he fathe" It cetai!ly had
!othi!* to do with mo!ey as Mac Clayto! had so callously
Also' !ow that he mothe was dead' he fathe was he o!ly
li+i!* elati+e" #i$$y%s eyes $lued with sudde! teas as she
thou*ht a$out this" She still missed he mum4 he death had
$ee! such a shoc)" .ut thee was !o poi!t thi!)i!* a$out the
past' she had to loo) to the futue !ow"
She wo!deed whe! he fathe would ai+e a!d felt a flutte of
appehe!sio! deep i!side"
Had he eally told Mac Clayto! that he had tied to co!tact he
a!d that she had wa!ted !othi!* to do with him' had slammed
the doo i! his face0 /hy would he tell such a lie%0 /hy would
Mac ma)e it up0 No!e of it made se!se"
She si*hed a!d lea!ed he foehead a*ai!st the wi!dow"
May$e she should ha+e di!!e with the e!emy to!i*ht" It $eat
sitti!* alo!e i! a estaua!t a!d may$e she would lea!
The sudde! cha!*e of mi!d swept o+e he fom !owhee4
alo!* with the ealisatio! that whethe she li)ed it o !ot Mac
Clayto! was he o!ly li!) to he fathe" So fo the time $ei!*
she would ha+e to put up with him' $ut how was she *oi!* to
do that0 The ma! do+e he mad4 she !eeded a state*y' a
She emem$eed how he%d accused he of usi!* he femi!i!ity
to *ai! co!tol of the situatio!""" /ell' may$e that was!%t a $ad
idea9 May$e she could play that *ame' *it he teeth as he
flu!* i!sults at he a!d use some su$tle flattey' some eyelash
fluttei!*" He%d said he was!%t fooled $y he""" well' she would
test that theoy out"
She smiled to heself as she headed o+e to u!pac)" The idea
seemed se!si$le a!d' OK' she mi*ht $e playi!* with fie' $ut
she could ha!dle Mac Clayto!' she told heself co!fide!tly"""
could!%t she0
#i$$y%s co!fide!ce stated to falte as the time appoached fo
he to *o dow!stais a!d face Mac a*ai!" She *a+e heself a!
e&ta spay of pefume a!d chec)ed he appeaa!ce i! the
che+al mio" /hat to wea should!%t ha+e $ee! too much of a
po$lem' as she had!%t $ou*ht a lot of clothes with he" She
had two dessesB o!e was $lac) a!d plai!' the othe $uttefly3
$lue with shoesti!* shoulde staps" .ut u!fotu!ately she
had!%t $ee! a$le to ma)e he mi!d up $etwee! them a!d had
tied them $oth o! twice $efoe fi!ally decidi!* o! the $lue
Not that she caed what Mac Clayto! thou*ht of he' of couse'
$ut she !eeded the e&ta co!fide!ce of )!owi!* she loo)ed
*ood" He eyes flic)ed citically o+e he fi*ue" She was
co!sta!tly $attli!* to )eep he wei*ht dow!" #i$$y o!ly had to
loo) at a ceam ca)e a!d it seemed to appea o! he hips" A!d
at the mome!t she did feel as if she wee cayi!* a! e&ta few
pou!ds" The dess' howe+e' seemed to hide that fact" It was
summey a!d femi!i!e a!d it fitted to the cu+es of he $ody i!
a way that was su$tly se&y""" It would do' she told heself fimly
as she s!atched up he puse a!d left the oom"
She ai+ed dow!stais at a few mi!utes $efoe se+e!" Thee
was !o si*! of Mac so she sat o! o!e of the sofas i! the
eceptio! aea a!d flic)ed thou*h a ma*a8i!e' pete!di!* to
$e cool a!d calm a!d collected whe! i! fact she was a!ythi!*
Pull youself to*ethe' #i$' she told heself shaply" He%s ,ust a
ma!" You%ll ha+e him eati!* out of you ha!d $y the e!d of the
e+e!i!*" You ca! deal with him easily"
-Hi" It%s #i$$y Sheida!' is!%t it0% a fie!dly +oice e!=uied"
#i$$y *la!ced up i! supise at a ma! who was +a*uely
familia" She was!%t e&pecti!* to see a!yo!e she )!ew hee
a!d she could!%t place him at all" He was weai!* ,ea!s a!d a
*ey T3shit" Not $ad3loo)i!*' $lo!d hai a!d *ey i!=uisiti+e
eyes" %Hi"% She half smiled as he wal)ed acoss the eceptio!
towads he" 2Soy6do I )!ow you02
%Yes' <oh! /i*ht" /e met last wee) i! a #o!do! $a"% He sat
dow! !e&t to he o! the sofa a!d tu!ed to offe his ha!d"
#i$$y felt a ,olt of shoc)" -You%e that epote' ae!%t you02
%That%s i*ht"% His smile stetched e+e! wide' $ut he dopped
his ha!d whe! she did!%t ta)e hold of it" -I *a+e you my cad'
%Yes' I do" A!d I told you I could!%t help you'% she said =uic)ly"
-/hat ae you doi!* hee02
%I%m hee with a few fie!ds co+ei!* the film festi+al"%
-A!d you ae stayi!* hee' at this hotel0% #i$$y fow!ed"
-That%s i*ht"% He !odded" -So tell me6ha+e you made co!tact
with you fathe yet0%
#i$$y staed at him i! asto!ishme!t" -Ha+e you followed me
%No' of couse !ot" I told you' I%m hee fo the Ca!!es 1ilm
#i$$y should ha+e $elie+ed him4 afte all' it was too weid to
thi!) a epote would *o to the tou$le of followi!* her aou!d"
.ut $umpi!* i!to him twice did seem too much of a
coi!cide!ce" -#oo)' I told you $efoe" I am !ot i!teested i!
tal)i!* to you"%
-Oh' come o!' #i$$y' *i+e me a $ea)'% he imploed" -Cal
:ui!to! is hot popety at the mome!t a!d a stoy a$out his
eu!io! with his lo!*3lost dau*hte would $e of teme!dous
huma! i!teest" The ta$loids will pay $i* mo!ey" It will
defi!itely $e woth you while"%
-You ae wasti!* you time with this"% #i$$y put he ma*a8i!e
dow! as she saw Mac wal)i!* i!to the lo$$y a!d she *ot to
he feet =uic)ly" She did!%t wa!t Mac to see he tal)i!* with a
epote" Hea+e! alo!e )!ew what )i!d of spi! he would put o!
that' $ut she was willi!* to $et it would !ot $e *ood" She
emem$eed his wods i! the ca" -May$e you thi!) you ca!
sell you stoy to the pess"%
-#oo)' if you cha!*e you mi!d"% <oh! /i*ht also stood up a!d
tied to ha!d he his cad a*ai!"
Rathe tha! ma)e a sce!e she too) it" ->ood$ye' M /i*ht'%
she said succi!ctly' tu!i!* he atte!tio! fimly towads Mac"
He was weai!* a da) suit that seemed to emphasise the
width of his shouldes a!d the powe of his physi=ue a!d he
loo)ed so ha!dsome that #i$$y felt he mi!d *oi!* i!to a weid
)i!d of fee fall fo a seco!d"
She was acutely co!scious of the way he watched he as she
wal)ed acoss to him" No ma! had e+e loo)ed at he with that
)i!d of i!te!sity $efoe4 it was as if he was ta)i!* i! e+ey little
detail a$out he"
-Hi"% He smiled at he' a!d it was a smile that fo a mome!t lit
the da)!ess of his eyes" -You loo) lo+ely"%
-Tha!) you"% She was supised whe! he lea!ed close a!d
)issed he o! $oth chee)s" The touch of his lips a*ai!st he s)i!
a!d the sce!t of his colo*!e e!+eloped he i! a heady wa+e of
i!to&icatio!' se!di!* se!satio!s of pue e&citeme!t slithei!*
dow! he spi!e" It too) all of he ste!*th to step $ac) a!d
smile coolly up at him"
-So who is the *uy0% Mac co!ti!ued swiftly' loo)i!* past he to
whee <oh! /i*ht was !ow lea!i!* !o!chala!tly a*ai!st the
eceptio! des)"
#i$$y hesitated fo half a seco!d" She hated lyi!*' $ut he i!!e
+oice was telli!* he it was the thi!* to do" -Oh' ,ust some
E!*lish *uy who%s stayi!* hee"% She said the wods flippa!tly"
-/e wee ,ust passi!* the time of day"%
-Really"% Mac%s +oice was dy" -A!d which pape does he wo)
#i$$y felt he s)i! heat up as he waited laco!ically fo he
a!swe" -I ha+e !o idea what you ae tal)i!* a$out'% she
$lusteed" -Now' shall we *o o ae you *oi!* to shi!e a li*ht i!
my eyes a!d do a thoou*h i!teo*atio!0%
Mac hesitated a!d she thou*ht fo o!e awful mome!t that he
was *oi!* to *o acoss to tal) to the othe ma!" .ut to he
elief he ,ust tu!ed to lead the way out of the hotel"
The wamth of the e+e!i!* hit he as they stepped outside a!d
it was +ey welcome afte the ai3co!ditio!ed i!teio" She
!oticed that Mac still had the top dow! o! his ca a!d she
wished she had emem$eed to $i!* a tie fo he hai to stop
the $ee8e uffli!* it" She hoped it was!%t *oi!* to $e a
complete fi88 $y the time they eached the estaua!t" Mac
ope!ed the passe!*e doo fo he $efoe *oi!* aou!d to the
di+e%s side"
-So how ma!y meeti!*s ha+e you set up while you ae hee0%
he as)ed casually as he pulled the +ehicle out i!to taffic"
-Meeti!*s0% She fo*ot a$out he hai a!d *la!ced acoss at
him with a fow!"
-Yes' meeti!*s"% He loo)ed at he poi!tedly" -/ith ,ou!alists"%
He e!u!ciated the wods as if spea)i!* to a waywad child" A!d
as he spo)e he eached acoss a!d pulled the cad the epote
had *i+e! he fom he fi!*es"
#i$$y watched as he ead it' the! thew it away i!to the
$lac)!ess of the !i*ht' a!d he s)i! $u!ed with a!!oya!ce"
5am!' why had!%t she efused that cad0
-If you ae auctio!i!* you stoy to mem$es of the pess' the!
I hope you ha+e $i**e fish tha! him o! you hoo)'% Mac
co!ti!ued smoothly" -He%s !ot *oi!* to pay much"%
-I%m !ot doi!* a!ythi!* of the sot'% #i$$y mutteed a!*ily"
-So if you ae so i!!oce!t why did you lie a$out him $ei!* a
%.ecause"""% #i$$y *laed at him" %/ell"""$ecause' let%s face it' if
I%d told you I was as supised to see him thee as you wee' I
did!%t thi!) you would ha+e $elie+ed me' would you0%
Mac was sile!t fo a mome!t" -Po$a$ly !ot'% he co!ceded"
-/ell' thee you ae" I est my case"% She shu**ed sle!de
shouldes" -Althou*h' whe! I thi!) a$out it' I eally do!%t )!ow
why you would $e $otheed a$out my spea)i!* to the pess
He *la!ced o+e at he" -Ae you $ei!* deli$eately !ai+e0%
-I am !ot $ei!* !ai+e4 I ,ust fi!d the whole thi!* $i8ae" 1o
o!e thi!*' I do!%t )!ow a!ythi!* a$out my fathe%s life these
days" I ha+e!%t see! him si!ce I was se+e!" I did!%t e+e! )!ow
whee he was u!til last wee)"""actually' o! seco!d thou*hts I
still do!%t )!ow whee he is !ow"""a!d I ha+e epotes tac)i!*
me dow! fo my stoy"% She shoo) he head" -It%s all +ey
-You do ealise if you *i+e the pess a so$ stoy a$out you
fathe a$a!do!i!* you' that it could seiously affect his caee"
His !ew film' whee he plays the pat of a warm and
symathetic family man' could $e a complete flop at the $o&
#i$$y loo)ed acoss at him shaply" -I would !e+e do a!ythi!*
that would hut my dad"%
-/ell' that%s *ood to )!ow"%
#i$$y thou*ht she edetected a sado!ic !ote i! his +oice" -You
ae detemi!ed to thi!) $adly of me' ae!%t you0% He eyes
$la8ed $i*htly as she loo)ed acoss at him"
He *la!ced aou!d a!d fo a mome!t thei eyes met" %No"""o!
the co!tay' #i$$y' I do!%t wa!t to thi!) $adly of you at all"%
The *e!tle!ess of his +oice cau*ht he off *uad' made he feel
co!fused" Huiedly she loo)ed away fom him a*ai!"
-You could ha+e fooled me"% She tied to )eep he +oice cisp'
$ut it had lost its i!te!sity !ow"
They wee di+i!* alo!* the Co!iche d%O' a twisty oad that
hu**ed the coast *i+i!* spectacula +iews out acoss the
Meditea!ea!" A full moo! cast a sil+ey eflectio! o+e the
oad a!d the sea4 the s)y was studded with the *litte of a
millio! stas"
-/hee ae we *oi!*0% #i$$y as)ed cuiously"
-A little cou!ty estaua!t I )!ow' it%s !ot fa away !ow"
-Tyi!* to hide me away fom the pyi!* eyes of the
papaa88i0% She as)ed the =uestio! wyly' still u!a$le to $elie+e
that a!yo!e would $e i!teested i! he"
-I thou*ht it $est to *o somewhee =uiet whee we ca! tal) i!
They tu!ed a co!e a!d a spa)le of li*ht lit the !i*ht as they
appoached a small hamlet peched $y the sea" The! Mac
tu!ed the ca i!to a ca pa) !e&t to what loo)ed li)e a!
i!timate little estaua!t"
It was po$a$ly the )i!d of place whee lo+es di!ed' #i$$y
thou*ht as they stepped thou*h the fo!t doo" It had all the
am$ie!ce of a oma!tic hideaway" All the ta$les wee set withi!
pi+ate woode! $ooths a!d the o!ly li*ht was fom the ca!dles
that flic)eed thee a!d the soft *low of la!te!s that hu!* i!
the wi!dows" O!ce upo! a time it mi*ht ha+e $ee! a sea
captai!%s house4 !ow its u!e+e! woode! floos had $ee! *i+e!
a polished sophisticatio! a!d fesh flowes ado!ed e+ey ta$le"
They wee show! immediately to a $ooth a!d Mac odeed
some wi!e" #i$$y *la!ced dow! at the me!u she had $ee!
ha!ded a!d !oticed thee wee !o pices o! a!ythi!*"
O$+iously this was the )i!d of place whee it was ta)e! fo
*a!ted that the ma! would $e payi!*"
-So what do you fa!cy to eat0% Mac e!=uied as he lea!ed
acoss a!d filled he *lass"
-I%m !ot sue"% She *la!ced o+e at him"
-You did *et a! E!*lish me!u' did!%t you02
%Yes' $ut thee ae !o pices o! it"%
-/ell' suely you do!%t !eed a pice to decide what you wa!t to
eat' do you0% His +oice was *im"
-No' $ut I ,ust wa!ted to ma)e it clea that I will $e payi!* fo
my ow! meal" I am a! i!depe!de!t )i!d of peso! a!d I pefe
it that way"%
She could see fom the da) *litte i! his eyes that this
thoou*hly amused him" -/hate+e you say' #i$$y"%
/as he $ei!* facetious0 #i$$y staed at him fo a mome!t'
u!a$le to ma)e up he mi!d" He held he *a8e steadily' the!
smiled at he a!d aised his *lass" -Hee%s to i!depe!de!t
wome!"% Thee was a sli*htly hus)y' se!sual =uality to his to!e
that made ti!*les of awae!ess sudde!ly shoot thou*h he"
Huiedly she loo)ed away fom him a!d $ac) at the me!u"
She hated the way he was a$le to ma)e he feel so"""o! ed*e"
He was the most i!fuiati!* peso! she had e+e met9
The waitess ai+ed to ta)e thei ode a!d #i$$y ta!sfeed
he atte!tio! towads food" She was supised to fi!d that she
was +ey hu!*y' a!d the! she emem$eed that she had!%t
eate! a!ythi!* today apat fom a small $owl of ceeal $efoe
lea+i!* fo the aipot this mo!i!*"
Mac spo)e i! flue!t 1e!ch to the waitess4 she seemed to
)!ow him well a!d they lau*hed to*ethe a$out somethi!*"
-You spea) +ey *ood 1e!ch'% #i$$y ema)ed o!ce they wee
alo!e a*ai!"
-I was $ou*ht up hee" My mothe was fom Nice"%
-That e&plai!s you Meditea!ea! loo)s'% #i$$y said with a
!od" -/as you fathe 1e!ch as well02
%No' he%s E!*lish" .ut afte my mothe died he stayed o! i!
1a!ce4 he%s +ey at home hee" A!d I suppose I te!d to thi!) of
1a!ce as my home as well" I ha+e offices hee i! the Cote
d%A8u a!d a house ,ust outside Nice"%
-/hee do you spe!d the est of you time0% #i$$y as)ed"
-You seem +ey i!teested i! my pi+ate life'% Mac cou!teed
the =uestio! with a aised eye$ow"
-I was tyi!* to ma)e polite co!+esatio!""" .ut o! seco!d
thou*hts"""% she shu**ed -"""I )!ow the a!swe to that a!yway"
I%+e ead a$out you i! the papes"%
-Ha+e you !ow"%
%Yes """,ust i! passi!*"""a*es a*o'% she added hastily i! case he
thou*ht she was paticulaly i!teested i! him"
-So what ha+e you ead a$out me0% he as)ed la8ily"
-I!teested i! you ow! pu$licity0% she espo!ded wyly"
-I!teested to see how much eseach you%+e do!e $efoe
comi!* out hee"%
-I did!%t eseach you" I ead a$out you casually as lots of othe
people ha+e"% It was a! effot to )eep the shap to!e out of he
+oice" She was supposed to $e usi!* he femi!i!ity' she
emi!ded heself" -So let%s see6what ca! I emem$e"""0% She
pete!ded to thi!)" -/ell' I did!%t )!ow you mothe was
1e!ch" .ut I do )!ow you ha+e a $each house i! Mali$u'
Califo!ia' I $elie+e"% #i$$y had see! a pictue of it as well a!d'
fom what she emem$eed' the place was a hu*e ma!sio!
fo!ti!* o!to the sea' with massi+e +ea!das' a su!)e! pool
a!d a <acu88i' $ut she did!%t $othe to tell him she )!ew that"
1o some easo! she had the disti!ct impessio! he mi*ht thi!)
she had paid atte!tio! to those photos fo all the wo!*
easo!s" -A!d let%s see"""% #i$$y paused" -You ae thity3thee
a!d di+oced fom the film sta Maietta" A!d you ha+e a
dau*hte""" l thi!) she would $e a$out two yeas of a*e !ow"%
-Thee'% he coected he"
-Oh' well' it%s a while si!ce I ead a$out you"% #i$$y shu**ed"
-/hee is you little *il !ow02
%My e&3wife a!d I ha+e ,oi!t custody" So Alice spe!ds he time
$etwee! Maietta%s house i! .e+ely Hills a!d mi!e i! Mali$u"%
-It sou!ds a petty ci+ilised aa!*eme!t"%
-Yes' it is" ;!fotu!ately we could!%t ma)e ou maia*e wo)'
$ut we $oth adoe Alice" She is a +ey $eautiful little *il' cle+e
a!d sweet3!atued" A eal ay of su!shi!e to ha+e aou!d"%
#i$$y !oticed how his ma!!e ela&ed a!d his +oice softe!ed as
he tal)ed a$out his dau*hte" -5o you ha+e a photo of he0%
she as)ed impulsi+ely"
Mac hesitated fo a mome!t' a!d the! eached i!to his i!side
poc)et a!d too) out his wallet" He slid acoss a photo of a little
*il with lo!* $lo!de culy hai a!d a $i*ht chee)y smile" -She
does loo) adoa$le'% #i$$y said si!ceely' the! could!%t help
addi!*' -O$+iously she ta)es afte he mothe"%
Mac smiled at that" -Yes' I suppose she does"%
#i$$y seached he memoy a!d tied to emem$e what had
happe!ed $etwee! him a!d his e&3wife" She emem$eed thei
weddi!* pictues +ey clealy' emem$eed thi!)i!* what a
pefect couple they made" Mac was so +ey ha!dsome a!d
Maietta""" well' she was po$a$ly o!e of the wold%s most
$eautiful wome!' she had a fi*ue to die fo a!d lo!* wheat3
$lo!de hai" .ut althou*h #i$$y could emem$e those pictues
she could!%t emem$e a!ythi!* a$out the di+oce e&cept
somethi!* a$out Mac payi!* a hu*e settleme!t"
She slid the photo $ac) to him" -You must miss he while you
ae hee i! 1a!ce"%
-Yes' $ut she is ai+i!* soo! with Maietta' so she will $e
comi!* up to spe!d a few !i*hts at my house"%
2/ho6Maietta o Alice0% #i$$y as)ed' wo!dei!* ,ust how
ci+ilised thei aa!*eme!t was"
-Alice" Maietta will $e +ey $usy" She is stayi!* i! Ca!!es fo
the film festi+al"%
-I would ha+e thou*ht it would $e a +ey $usy time fo you as
-It is' $ut I ha+e a lot of $ac)3up hee" My fathe a!d my sistes
all wa!t to ha+e Alice o+e to stay with them"%
-So you ha+e a whole host of eady a!d willi!* $a$y3sittes"%
-Yes" That%s i*ht' a!d they ae all eally loo)i!* fowad to
seei!* he a*ai!"% He put the photo away" -So"""what a$out
you0% Mac as)ed sudde!ly" -Ha+e you e+e ta)e! the
matimo!ial plu!*e0%
#i$$y shoo) he head" -No' I%+e !e+e $ee! maied"% 1o a
mome!t she fou!d heself thi!)i!* a$out Simo!" She had eally
thou*ht that he was the -o!e% a!d that they would ha+e
maied a!d had childe! a!d li+ed happily e+e afte"
I! ho!esty' if she had )!ow! up fo!t that he had!%t wa!ted
childe! she po$a$ly would !e+e ha+e a*eed to li+e with
him' $ecause she was a peso! who wa!ted a family life" .ut
Simo! had lied to he $y omissio!' always ma!a*i!* to dod*e
the issue" A!d late' whe! she had disco+eed the tuth' she
had $ee! too fa i!to the elatio!ship to wa!t to e&ticate
heself fom it"
So she had made e&cuses fo him' told heself that $ecause
he%d had a few $o)e! elatio!ships i! the past he was ,ust
fi*hte!ed $y the thou*ht of such a hu*e commitme!t' that if
she was wam a!d patie!t a!d helped him to see how
wo!deful thi!*s could $e i! a lo+i!* elatio!ship he would
come aou!d to the idea of ha+i!* childe! i! his ow! time"
A!d she had eally $elie+ed that' $ecause she had $elie+ed
that he had lo+ed he"
-#i$$y0% Mac%s *e!tle +oice $ou*ht he =uic)ly $ac) to the
-Soy" I was miles away"%
-/hat wee you thi!)i!* a$out0%
-Nothi!* much"% #i$$y was *lad that thei food ai+ed at that
mome!t" She cetai!ly did!%t wa!t to tell Mac that she had
$ee! thi!)i!* a$out what a! idiot she had $ee! i! the past"
She could hadly $ea to ac)!owled*e the fact to heself' let
alo!e tell him" #i$$y a! a distacted ha!d thou*h he hai"
She had always thou*ht she was a! i!telli*e!t woma! a!d yet
whee lo+e was co!ce!ed he $ai!s seemed to scam$le" Hell'
thee had e+e! $ee! mo!ths whe! she had caied Simo!
fi!a!cially""" !ot to me!tio! the cedit3cad de$acle" She had
ca!celled that cad $efoe lea+i!* fo 1a!ce' $ut fom what
she could *athe she seemed to ha+e fu!ded a whole !ew
)itche! a!d helped him set up i! his !ew home whee+e that
was9 A!d he had!%t etu!ed a!y of he calls to tal) a$out it"
-A!d is thee a special ma! waiti!* fo you $ac) i! #o!do!0%
Mac lea!ed acoss a!d poued he a *lass of wi!e"
#i$$y hesitated" She was $y !atue a tuthful peso!' $ut fo
some easo!' may$e pide' she did!%t wa!t to tell this ma! that
thee was !o o!e i! he life" She wa!ted to hide fom him
$ehi!d a wam a!d happy facade"""
-Oh' yes"""% #i$$y shu**ed" %Simo! a!d I ha+e $ee! to*ethe
fo thee yeas !ow" /e ae +ey happy"%
As she *la!ced o+e a!d met the da)!ess of Mac%s eyes she
wished she had!%t added that last $it""" it was pehaps a $it
o+e the top"
.efoe Mac could as) a!ythi!* futhe she swiftly cha!*ed the
su$,ect" -So whe! will my fathe $e ai+i!* i! tow!0%
-He%s i! the States at the mome!t fi!ishi!* a tou of the chat
shows to pomote his film" He%ll $e hee diectly afte that"%
->osh9 You%e *etti!* +ey $a+e telli!* me whee he is9% #i$$y
loo)ed acoss at him teasi!*ly" -Ae!%t you afaid I mi*ht
misuse the i!fomatio!' ty to sell it o! the I!te!et o
-/ell' may$e I%+e decided it%s time to stat li+i!* da!*eously
whee you ae co!ce!ed"% Mac matched he li*ht $a!tei!*
to!e e&actly" -I! a!y case' most people will $e catchi!* him o!
ca$le tomoow !i*ht a!yway"%
2Shuc)s6!o pofit to $e made i! spilli!* that secet' the!"%
-Afaid !ot"%
#i$$y tasted he salad4 it was a$solutely delicious" -This is
-Yes' the food is always *ood i! hee"%
#i$$y wo!deed whom he usually $ou*ht to di!e with him
hee" He was so *ood3loo)i!* thee had to $e a woma! i! his
life' may$e e+e! a whole sti!* of them" As she loo)ed acoss
at him she wo!deed what it would $e li)e to $e dated $y Mac
Clayto!" Not that she was his type' of couse4 he po$a$ly o!ly
we!t fo stic) thi! model *ils" She fow!ed' a!!oyed $y the
thou*ht" She did!%t cae what Mac Clayto! thou*ht of he' she
emi!ded heself fimly' $ecause she did!%t e+e! li)e the ma!"
.ut she did !eed him to each he fathe' she emi!ded heself
shaply' a!d that mea!t swallowi!* he pide a!d $ei!* !ice to
-So you%+e decided to li+e da!*eously whee I%m co!ce!ed"%
She smiled at him a!d loweed he to!e to a sli*htly hus)y
!ote" -That sou!ds pomisi!*" 5oes that mea! you ae *oi!* to
tell me whee my fathe will $e stayi!* whe! he ai+es0%
%I do!%t see why !ot"% Mac%s +oice was e=ually low' e=ually
wam a!d hus)y"
May$e she could *et to li)e him afte all' she thou*ht ha8ily as
she loo)ed i!to his eyes" ->ood" I%m *lad we ca! $e ci+il a$out
-A$solutely"% Mac smiled" -All you !eed to do is *o alo!* with
my pla!s a!d po+e to me that you do ha+e you fathe%s $est
i!teests at heat' a!d I will help you eu!io! i! e+ey way I
The la8ily ao*a!t wods set fie to #i$$y%s *ood feeli!*s" He
eyes !aowed o! him" -I do!%t ha+e to po+e a!ythi!* to you"%
The wods wee out $efoe she could stop them"
-/ell' I thi!) you do" You see' you fathe hied me to loo) afte
his $est i!teests a!d that is what I i!te!d to do"%
The waitess ai+ed to clea the ta$le a!d $i!* thei mai!
couse" Thee was a sto!y sile!ce as she se+ed them" #i$$y
was despeately tyi!* to ei! i! he tempe"
As they wee left alo!e a*ai! Mac lea!ed acoss a!d topped
up he wi!e*lass"
-5o!%t loo) at me with those distessed $lue eyes' #i$$y'
$ecause I%m !ot *oi!* to fall fo you i!,ued3paty loo)" I ha+e
a duty of cae towads you fathe62
-5o!%t *i+e me that holie3tha!3thou outi!e' Mac Clayto!'
$ecause it is!%t washi!*'% #i$$y mutteed" -I am !ot stupid" I
)!ow dam! well that you ha+e po$a$ly i!+ested a lot of
mo!ey pomoti!* my fathe%s caee a!d his !ew film a!d the
o!ly duty of cae you ae woied a$out is to you pofit
Mac shu**ed' !ot o!e $it put out $y he ema)" -Yes' I%m a
$usi!essma!"""a!d' yes' I ha+e spe!t a lot of mo!ey pomoti!*
you fathe%s caee" .ut I also happe! to li)e you fathe a!d I
thi!) of him as a fie!d" So' a!y way ou!d you li)e to loo) at it'
I%m !ot *oi!* to let you ui! thi!*s fo him"%
-A!d I%+e told you I am !ot *oi!* to ui! a!ythi!* fo him"%
-/ell' *ood' the! we ae $oth i! a*eeme!t a!d thee is !o
The +ey smooth!ess of his to!e iitated #i$$y" -So !ow we ae
i! a*eeme!t' ae you *oi!* to put me i! diect co!tact with
my fathe0 I wa!t to tal) to him'% she said succi!ctly"
Mac i!cli!ed his head" -As soo! as he ai+es I will aa!*e a
-You li)e $ei!* i! co!tol' do!%t you02
%That%s the way it is' #i$$y'% Mac a!sweed he calmly"
-How is he' a!yway0% she as)ed sudde!ly' loo)i!* o+e at Mac'
he eyes wide with cuiosity"
-He%s fi!e' +ey e&cited a$out seei!* you a*ai!"%
So why could!%t he ha+e u!* he himself to tell he that0 #i$$y
-A!d i! the mea!time I thi!) we should *o o+e e&actly what
you ae *oi!* to tell the pess"%
#i$$y put he )!ife a!d fo) dow! a!d pushed the plate away"
-I%m !ot *oi!* to tell them a!ythi!*"%
-Yes' well' that mi*ht $e a mista)e" I thi!) we should face the
po$lem head3o! athe tha! $ac) away fom it"%
-Thee is !o po$lem""" e&cept i! you +ey fetile ima*i!atio!'%
#i$$y mutteed"
-OK' so emi!d me a*ai!' was that a ,ou!alist at you hotel o
was it ,ust a fi*me!t of my ima*i!atio!0%
#i$$y scowled at him"
-You emi!d me of a school*il" I thi!) it must $e those fec)les
o+e you !ose" All you !eed to do i*ht !ow is put that hai of
yous i! $u!ches a!d you%d $e pefect"%
-7ey fu!!y"% #i$$y put a self3co!scious ha!d up to he hai a!d
wo!deed sudde!ly if it was sitti!* OK" She had mea!t to *o to
the cloa)oom a!d chec) he appeaa!ce as soo! as they had
ai+ed a!d she had fo*otte!"
-You%e +ey li)e you fathe'% Mac ema)ed sudde!ly" -He
always li)es to $e i*ht as well" You%+e *ot the same fiey
tempeame!t' same damatic coloui!*' e&cept of couse you
ae much"""much moe $eautiful"%
The hus)y way he said those last few wods caused #i$$y%s
heat ate to i!cease" It was!%t that she was ta)e! i! $y the
complime!t" Mac was ,ust a smooth opeato4 he%d say that
)i!d of thi!* to a!y woma!""" No' it was moe the way he was
loo)i!* at he that eally caused ha+oc with he emotio!s"
Thee was somethi!* a$out the way his da) eyes held hes
a!d the! slowly' almost po+ocati+ely mo+ed to est o! he lips
that made he $lood pessue soa" 5espeately she tied to
fi*ht dow! the aw attactio! that seemed to spi!* up i!side
he fom !o3whee a!d co!ce!tate i!stead o! the moe
a!!oyi!* aspects of his wods" -You mea! you ty a!d $oss my
fathe aou!d as well0%
Mac lau*hed at that" -/ell' e+ey !ow a!d the! I ty"""$ut li)e
you he is i!cedi$ly stu$$o!"%
The waitess came to clea the ta$le a!d #i$$y used the time to
escape fom Mac to ty a!d clea he head" She chec)ed he
appeaa!ce i! the $i*ht li*hts of the estoom" Tha!)fully he
hai had!%t tu!ed to fi88 a!d was sitti!* elati+ely smoothly"
Not that she eally caed what she loo)ed li)e' of couse""" Mac
Clayto! was!%t he type4 he was fa too asseti+e a!d i!sulti!*"
She e3applied he lipstic) a!d emem$eed how he had made
he feel whe! his *a8e had ested o! he lips""" To he hoo
he ha!d tem$led a little" She flic)ed the lipstic) closed a!d
put it away"
You are attacted to him9 The wods lashed thou*h he $ai!
li)e a +ey loud accusatio!" A!d she could!%t de!y them at all"
OK' she fou!d him attacti+e""" of couse she did" He was a +ey
ha!dsome ma! a!d' moe tha! that' thee was a aw
se!suality a$out him that seemed to sti he i! a way !o othe
ma! had e+e do!e" Somethi!* happe!ed whe! he loo)ed at
he i! a cetai! way" She disli)ed him i!te!sely a!d yet he
e&cited he' set he ade!ali! aci!* a!d he pulse s)y3hi*h" It
was +ey sta!*e a!d moe tha! a little woyi!*" A! attactio!
had to $e $ased o! moe tha! *ood loo)s' moe tha! the a$ility
to tu! you i!sides to molte! fie" How could she feel li)e this
a$out someo!e she eally did!%t li)e0
You ae $ei!* idiculous' #i$$y' she told heself fimly" You
ca!%t $e attacted to him"""!ot e+e! se&ually9 1o a stat the
ma! thi!)s you ae a *old3di**e9 He has said hoi$le thi!*s to
you a!d he is tou$le with a capital T"
OK' e+ey !ow a!d the! thee was a chaisma a$out him that
fasci!ated he" .ut she had lea!t fom he mista)es i! the past
a!d she would !e+e' e+e allow heself to $e ta)e! i! $y a!y
ma! a*ai!" 1om !ow o! she was a !ew woma!' sto!*' uled
$y he head' !ot he heat" A!d she had Mac Clayto!%s
measue' that was fo sue"
A!othe thi!* fo sue was that tyi!* to use he femi!i!ity o!
him was $ac)fii!* ma,o style" As soo! as she loweed he
+oice hus)ily o tied to flit with him he espo!ded i! a simila
style a!d it seemed that his smooth masculi!ity was moe
o+epowei!* tha! he wea) flitatio!s"
She was *oi!* to ha+e to play thi!*s +ey caefully"
#I..Y too) a deep $eath a!d steeled heself to etu! to the
As she was lea+i!* the oom a +ey attacti+e $lo!de of a
simila a*e to heself $umped stai*ht i!to he"
-Pado!' madame!% The woma! stepped $ac) apolo*etically"
-It%s OK' I%m fi!e"% #i$$y smiled at he"
%Ah' you ae E!*lish' ae you !ot0%
/hy was it that whe! a 1e!chwoma! spo)e i! $o)e! E!*lish
it was the most attacti+e sou!d0 #i$$y was cetai! the same
could!%t $e said fo he whe! she spo)e i! he stum$li!*
-Yes' I am"% She !odded"
-I !oticed you i! the di!i!* oom"%
It was sta!*e' $ut #i$$y had!%t !oticed he"""$ut the! she had
$ee! co!ce!tati!* so had o! what Mac had $ee! sayi!* to
he that she had!%t eally !oticed a!y$ody"
-Tell me' is that Mac Clayto! you ae di!i!* with02
%Eh"""yes'% #i$$y a!sweed i! supise"
-I thou*ht so"""he is +ey attacti+e"%
-I suppose so62 .efoe #i$$y could fi!ish the woma! had swept
o! $y a!d i!to the $athoom"
/ith a fow! #i$$y etu!ed to he ta$le" She supposed that a
lot of people would eco*!ise Mac' he was a hi*h3pofile
cele$ity i! his ow! i*ht"
She was *oi!* to tell Mac a$out the i!cide!t' $ut as soo! as
she esumed he seat opposite him he co!ti!ued $is)ly'
-A!yway' *etti!* $ac) to the su$,ect i! ha!d"%
-Yes%0 /hat was that0% #i$$y as)ed distactedly"
-I thi!) you should *i+e the pess a shot stateme!t' somethi!*
alo!* the li!es of how much you lo+e you fathe a!d how
cicumsta!ces ha+e )ept you apat" You do!%t !eed to *o i!to
-Oh' I see"% He had he full atte!tio! !ow" -Pehaps you%d li)e to
wite a speech fo me' put a $it of emotio!al spi! i! thee while
you ae at it'% she su**ested dyly"
-Emotio!al spi!"""% Mac pete!ded to thi!) a$out that fo a
mome!t' a!d the! smiled at he" -Now' what do you su**est02
%Oh' I do!%t )!ow"% #i$$y wa+ed he ha!d aiily" -I%ll lea+e that
up to you' shall I0 .ecause' ,ud*i!* $y the thi!*s you ha+e
$ee! sayi!* to me' you do seem to ha+e a ema)a$ly +i+id
ima*i!atio!" May$e you could tell e+eyo!e I was lost at sea
a!d spe!t twe!ty yeas li+i!* o! a deset isla!d0-
-Yes' well' fom you poi!t of +iew I suppose that $eats telli!*
the tuth'% Mac said' cutti!* acoss he sacasm dismissi+ely"
-That you ha+e wa!ted !othi!* to do with you fathe u!til !ow
a!d the o!ly thi!* di+i!* you little eu!io! is the fact that he
!ow happe!s to $e i! the media spotli*ht a!d the mo!ey"%
#i$$y felt he s)i! heat with fuy at those i!sulti!* wods"
Thee' she told heself fuiously" Now he was showi!* his tue
colous a*ai!9 %That is you +esio! of the tuth'% she told him
ti*htly' -a!d it is way off li!e"% moe $elie+a$le tha! you deset3isla!d e&cuse' thou*h'%
Mac eplied !o!chala!tly"
#i$$y%s tempeatue felt as if it had shot thou*h the ceili!*
!ow" -I do!%t ha+e to ma)e e&cuses fo my $eha+iou' $ecause
I ha+e!%t do!e a!ythi!* wo!*"% He eyes $la8ed i!to his"
%If you say so"% Mac%s to!e was i!fuiati!*ly calm"
#i$$y wa!ted to stom out of thee a!d ha+e !othi!* moe to
do with him" It seemed the safest optio! as well9 Hastily she
pulled heself to*ethe' $ut it too) e+ey ou!ce of he self3
co!tol to ei! i! he tempe a!d emi!d heself that Mac was
he o!ly eal li!) with he fathe a!d wal)i!* out o! him i*ht
!ow was!%t eally a! optio!"
-So what ae you *oi!* to tell the pess' the!0% She foced
heself to as) the =uestio! calmly"
-/ell' cetai!ly !ot that you cedit ati!* is low'% he eplied
#i$$y%s face was o! fie with fuy !ow" -Thee%s !othi!* wo!*
with my cedit ati!*'% she $lusteed"
-Thee is accodi!* to my eseach"%
#i$$y staed at him i! co!ste!atio!" -/hat eseach02
%Oh' I%+e *ot a dossie o! you this thic)"% Mac held his ha!d
twel+e i!ches off the ta$le" -I put a pi+ate i!+esti*ato o! the
#i$$y was so shoc)ed she could hadly spea)" -I hope that is a
,o)e0% she splutteed"
-No"% I! co!tast to he' Mac sou!ded coolly composed" -1istly
I !eeded to ma)e sue you wee who you said you wee" A!d
seco!dly I wa!ted to )!ow as much a$out you as possi$le so
that I )!ew who I was deali!* with"%
-Really0% #i$$y%s head was eeli!* with this i!fomatio!" -So
you )!ow all a$out my misspe!t youth' the!0% She tied to
ma)e a ,o)e' $ut he +oice was filled with aid disdai!"
-;!fotu!ately my i!+esti*ato missed that $it out"% Mac
lea!ed his head i! his ha!ds a!d fi&ed he with a +ey
i!teested loo)" -/ould you li)e to tell me a$out it0 I pomise it
will *o !o futhe"%
-Much as I%m sue you ae the soul of discetio!' I thi!) I%ll pass'
tha!)s' ,ust i! case it *ets i!copoated i!to the little speech
you ae pepai!* fo the pess o! my $ehalf"%
%Pity"% Mac shu**ed" %I thi!) I mi*ht ha+e e!,oyed that piece of
i!fomatio!" I did lea!' howe+e' that you a!d you $oyfie!d
Simo! ha+e split up"""which $e*s the =uestio! why you lied to
me a$out that ealie0%
The !o!chala!t =uestio! made he stomach chu!" She !e+e
usually told lies"""it was ,ust he luc) that whe! she did she was
i!sta!tly fou!d out9 A!d $y Mac Clayto! of all people' he
aleady had a lowe3tha!3low opi!io! of he" /ith difficulty she
held his *a8e" -I did!%t lie" /e ae ,ust ha+i!* a $ea) fom
each othe' that%s all9 A!d we ae ma)i!* pla!s !ow to *et $ac)
to*ethe6!ot that it is a!y of you dam! $usi!ess"%
-Odi!aily I would a*ee" .ut I *ot to wo!dei!* why you had
split up' a!d whe! I saw the state of you fi!a!ces I could!%t
help wo!dei!* if Simo!%s depatue had a!ythi!* to do with
the fact that you ae hopeless with mo!ey """a compulsi+e
shoppe' I $elie+e"%
-You )!ow' Mac' I thi!) you ae =uite o$sessed with the
su$,ect of mo!ey"% He eyes $u!ed i!to his" -A!d I hate to
disappoi!t you' $ut you theoy is wo!*" Mo!ey had !othi!*
whatsoe+e to do with Simo! a!d I ta)i!* a $ea)9 A!d I am !ot
a compulsi+e shoppe"%
-.ut you ae all spe!t up'% he eflected" -So I suppose that was
whe! you decided to come a!d fi!d 5addy0%
#i$$y was so fuious !ow that she wa!ted to each out a!d
wipe that i!fuiati!*' smu*' )!ow3it3all e&pessio! off his face"
She li!)ed he ha!ds to*ethe a!d ei!ed i! ti*ht co!tol"
-You ema)s ae i!sulti!* a!d a$sud9% She *laed at him"
-A!d do you )!ow what%0 I%m !ot e+e! *oi!* to *ace them a!y
futhe with a! a!swe"%
She was =uite poud of the fact that he +oice was !ow +ey
cool a!d he ma!!e poised" Thee was !o way she was *oi!*
to allow this ma! to upset he futhe"
Mac met he eyes acoss the ta$le" He had to admit' he cool
di*!ity was impessi+e" Hell' the way she loo)ed at him with
those $i* $lue eyes e+e! made him feel mome!taily *uilty9 He
fow!ed" /hy should he feel *uilty0 She was the tic)ste
hee""" He had aleady cau*ht he out o! two lies this e+e!i!*"
-I%m soy I had to py' #i$$y" .ut fo you fathe%s sa)e I had to
chec) you out"%
She *la!ced at he watch" -If you do!%t mi!d' I%d li)e to *o !ow"%
-Yes' $ac) to my hotel" It%s $ee! athe a lo!* day"%
-You ha+e!%t eate! much" /hy do!%t you let me ode you
somethi!* else0%
#i$$y was supised that he had !oticed how much she had
eate!' a!d was e+e! moe ta)e! a$ac) $y that sudde! !ote of
co!ce! i! his +oice""" It was fa)e' of couse"
-I%m fi!e" I eally e!,oyed the meal" It was ,ust the compa!y
that was a $it dod*y"% She flashed him a poi!ted loo) fom
$i*ht $lue eyes a!d shu**ed" -.ut you ca!%t ha+e e+eythi!*'
ca! you02
%So they say"% Mac seemed !ot i! the least put out $y the
ema)" -Thou*h I%+e !e+e held with that se!time!t myself"%
No' he would!%t' #i$$y thou*ht as she watched him put up a
ha!d to summo! the waitess o+e" Mac Clayto! was o$+iously
+ey used to ha+i!* it all" Thee was a! u!mista)a$le ai of
powe a!d detemi!atio! a$out him that stated +ey clealy
that he *ot what he wa!ted" She still could!%t $elie+e he%d had
the audacity to put a pi+ate detecti+e o! he9
The $ill was poduced a!d Mac put his cedit cad dow! o! the
sil+e tay po+ided"
-So how much do I owe you0% #i$$y as)ed =uic)ly"
Mac wa+ed a ha!d dismissi+ely" -#et%s ,ust put it o! the
accou!t' shall we02
%/hat accou!t0%
%The accou!t to $e settled at a late date"% He loo)ed o+e at
he a!d smiled" -.y me"%
-I%d athe !ot' tha!) you"% She hoped she did!%t sou!d too
pim' $ut thee was !o way she was *oi!* to $e u!de a!
o$li*atio! to him" :uic)ly she stetched out a ha!d a!d too)
the $ill fom the plate"
As she *la!ced dow! at it she thou*ht fo a mome!t that she
was loo)i!* at a 7AT !um$e o the till3eceipt !um$e""" The
meal suely could!%t ha+e cost that much0 .ut' !o' as she
sca!!ed the list she saw that the $ottom !um$e was i!deed
the coect total" She cetai!ly did!%t ha+e e!ou*h cash o! he
to e+e! pay half9
She *la!ced o+e at him a!d half smiled" -I%ll ha+e to *i+e you
my cedit cad"%
Mac eached out a!d too) the $ill $ac) fom he" -I i!+ited you
to di!!e' #i$$y' a!d I am payi!*"%
-Cetai!ly !ot9% Hastily she sca$$led fo he puse' poduced
he cedit cad a!d dopped it o!to the sil+e plate alo!* with
his" -Thee"% She smiled at him" -<ust split it $etwee! the two
cads"% She was pleased $y how !o!chala!t he +oice sou!ded'
as if the amou!t was !othi!* to he"
1o a mome!t Mac%s eyes held with hes acoss the ta$le" He
!oticed the defia!t spa)le i! he *a8e a!d the eect way she
held heself so amod3stai*ht i! he chai" The! he stood up"
-I%m !ot fooled fo o!e mome!t $y that act' #i$$y"% He tossed
he cedit cad $ac) o! the ta$le" -Sa+e you Clittle miss
i!depe!de!tC chaade fo you fathe"%
.efoe she could a!swe him he had wal)ed away to ta)e the
$ill towads a small eceptio! aea"
#i$$y *laed at his eteati!*' $oad $ac)" -#oathsome ma!'%
she mutteed' putti!* he cad away"
A few mome!ts late Mac made his way $ac) to the ta$le" He
had a *im e&pessio! o! his face"
-E+eythi!* OK-0% She *itted he teeth a!d foced heself to
sou!d ci+il"
-Not eally'% he mutteed" -The papaa88i ae out at the fo!t of
the estaua!t so we had $ette lea+e $y the $ac) e&it"%
-Really0% #i$$y was astou!ded"
-Yes' eally" So what I su**est is that I lea+e the ta$le fist a!d'
,ust i! case they ca! see us thou*h the wi!dows' you *i+e me
a few mi!utes $efoe followi!*"%
#i$$y shoo) he head" -I ca!%t $elie+e they ha+e followed us out
-/ell' they ae defi!itely out thee" I%ll see you outside i! fi+e
/as this eally !ecessay0 Thee was !o time to as)4 Mac was
aleady mo+i!* away fom the ta$le"
She sat fo the e=uied amou!t of time a!d tied !ot to *la!ce
towads the wi!dows" The! she stood up a!d followed the
diectio! Mac had ta)e! towads the $ac) of the estaua!t"
This eally was sta!*e" /ho would e+e ha+e thou*ht that she
would $e fleei!* the papaa88i thou*h a $ac) doo0 Suely it
was!%t $ecause of he0 May$e they wee moe i!teested i!
Thei waitess was waiti!* fo he $y the $ac) doo a!d she
ope!ed it fo he with a smile" The! #i$$y fou!d heself i! a
moo!lit *ade! fa*a!t with the sce!t of la+e!de" <ust $eyo!d
the da)' !eat ows of flowe$eds' the sea was a sil+e a!d
chacoal mosaic of li*ht"
-O+e hee"% Mac was waiti!* fo he $y a *ate"
%This is idiculous'% #i$$y mutteed as she made he way acoss
to him" -Ae you sue the papaa88i ae out at the fo!t0 I ca!%t
u!desta!d why they would $e $otheed to follow us li)e this"%
%They did!%t follow us" Someo!e has tipped them off' told them
we ae hee"%
#i$$y stopped i! he tac)s" -I hope you ae !ot su**esti!* that
I did that9 .ecause I%m *etti!* eally tied of you thowi!*
these accusatio!s at me9% She put o!e ha!d o! he hip" -l did
!ot tip the pess off"%
Mac tu!ed a!d loo)ed dow! at the $i*ht spa)le of a!*e i!
he eyes" -You )!ow' I was i*ht9 You eally should ta)e up
acti!*" You ca! $e +ey co!+i!ci!*"'
%I%m telli!* you' Mac' I ha+e!%t tipped them off"%
-So you ha+e!%t *ot a mo$ile pho!e i! you ha!d$a*0 A!d you
did!%t ush off fom the ta$le to use it a little while a*o02
%No' I did !ot9 /hy would I02
%.ecause you ae playi!* a +ey da!*eous *ame"% Mac%s +oice
was hash a!d *ati!* a!d as he stepped close #i$$y
swallowed dow! a feeli!* of tepidatio!""" $ut she was!%t sue if
the feeli!* was *e!eated $y his mood o $y how da!*eously
attacti+e she fou!d him"
-I do!%t )!ow what you ae tal)i!* a$out"% She tied to ta)e a
step away fom him' $ut he cau*ht hold of he am" The touch
of his s)i! a*ai!st hes made he tempeatue stat to ise"
-It%s called playi!* two e!ds to the middle" You ae hopi!* to
*et mo!ey out of the pess"""a!d hopi!* you fathe cou*hs up
to shut you up" I suppose a!othe wod fo it is $lac)mail'
#i$$y $ushed his ha!d away fom he fuiously" -How dae you
say somethi!* so epu*!a!t%0%
%How dae you i!* the pess0%
-I told you I did!%t"%
-/ell' that%s sta!*e' $ecause I se!t ou waitess outside to see
what was *oi!* o!' a!d the papaa88i told he they had
ecei+ed a pho!e call fom a woma! a$out twe!ty mi!utes
a*o""" A$out the same time as you left the ta$le"%
-/ell' it%s a coi!cide!ce9% #i$$y splutteed i!di*!a!tly"
-<ust li)e the ,ou!alist at you hotel was a coi!cide!ce as well02
%/ell"""yes"""I ca!%t e&plai! it"""%
-No' I did!%t thi!) you could"% Mac eached out a!d pulled he
e+e! close" #i$$y felt he heat thud hea+ily a*ai!st he chest
as she sudde!ly $ecame awae of the touch of his ha!d a*ai!st
he waist !ow"
-You see' the thi!* is"""% Mac eached out a!d tipped he face
*e!tly upwads with o!e fi!*e u!de he chi! -"""that people
who play with fie should e&pect to *et $u!t"% Althou*h his
touch was *e!tle' his +oice was ou*h li)e sa!dpape o! he
#i$$y could!%t fi!d he +oice to $e a$le to ma)e a eply" She
could hadly thi!) stai*ht $ecause his fi!*es wee sto)i!*
li*htly a*ai!st the side of he face a!d the $uttefly3soft caess
was doi!* +ey sta!*e thi!*s to he emotio!s" The sce!t of his
colo*!e mi!*led with the sce!t of la+e!de i! the ai a!d it
i!to&icated he se!ses"
-/hat do you wa!t' Mac0% The =uestio! was !o moe tha! a
whispe i! the soft!ess of the !i*ht ai"
-I wa!t you to )eep away fom the pess'% he *ated' a!d do as
you ae dam! well told"%
1om somewhee she summo!ed up e!ou*h ste!*th of spiit
to put defia!ce i! he to!e" -I%+e !e+e $ee! o!e fo doi!* what
I%m told"%
-Now that I $elie+e"% 1o a seco!d his lips twisted i! a u**edly
ha!dsome smile"
-A!d I wo!%t $e $ullied o distacted away fom what I ha+e
come to 1a!ce to do' a!d that is see my fathe"%
-I ha+e !o i!te!tio! of $ullyi!* you'% Mac said wyly" -A!d I
thi!) you ae the o!e who is employi!* distactio! tactics"""%
1o a mome!t his eyes flic)ed dow! o+e the po+ocati+e way
he dess showed ,ust a hi!t of he cu+es" -You%+e deli$eately
wo! a +ey se&y dess to!i*ht a!d you )!ow e&actly what you
ae doi!* e+ey time you moiste! you lips"""$at you lo!*
eyelashes at me"%
-That is a$solute u$$ish"% He +oice tem$led a little a!d she
cused heself fo the sudde! loss of composue" .ut it was
eally had to thi!) stai*ht whe! he was sayi!* thi!*s li)e
that"""a!d loo)i!* at he with such i!te!sity"
A soft $ee8e $lew a sta!d of he hai acoss he face a!d he
eached out a ha!d to $ush it $ac)" The touch of his s)i!
a*ai!st hes se!t ti!*les of awae!ess ushi!* thou*h he"
-Is it0% He shoo) his head" -May$e you ,ust !eed to lea! a little
lesso! a$out playi!* with fie """hmm02
%Mac' I62
/hate+e else she had $ee! *oi!* to say was cut shot as his
lips cushed dow! a*ai!st hes i! a uthlessly pu!ishi!* )i!d of
She should ha+e pushed him away9 .ut the sta!*e thi!* was
that a! i!sta!t flame of passio! flaed as soo! as thei lips met'
a flame that was so i!te!se that it spu! all the way thou*h
#i$$y%s $ody ma)i!* he feel wea) with a a*i!* desie"
He ha!ds culed upwads aou!d his !ec) a!d she fou!d
heself )issi!* him $ac) with e=ual hu!*y i!te!sity"
The mome!t was sli*htly u!eal" The sou!d of the sea $ea)i!*
o! the $each $elow them thu!deed !ow i! he eas' a!d all
that seemed to matte wee the wo!deful se!satio!s of desie
that he was stii!* up i!side he" His lips wee wildly
i!to&icati!*4 his ha!ds as they sto)ed o+e the side of he face
a!d the! mo+ed dow! he $ac) wee mastefully co!fide!t a!d
yet so *e!tle that they melted e+ey i!ch of he" She lo!*ed to
$e close to him"""lo!*ed fo so much moe"""
The! sudde!ly the da) +el+et soft!ess of the !i*ht was to!
apat $y $i*ht flashes of li*ht" #i$$y stum$led $ac) fom Mac
i! shoc) a!d he eached to ta)e hold of he ha!d as me!
holdi!* cameas' as)i!* =uestio!s' suou!ded them"
-No comme!t' *uys'% Mac called as he tied to shelte he fom
them a!d huy he away thou*h the *ate out i!to the ca
He sou!ded so to*ethe' #i$$y thou*ht ha8ily as she *ot i!to
the ca" How was that' whe! she felt totally da8ed""" totally out
of he depth0
-/ho is the you!* lady' Mac0% O!e of the epotes shouted
the =uestio! as Mac $ac)ed the ca up" -Ae you *oi!* to let
us i! o! the secet0 Is she Cal :ui!to!%s dau*hte02
%She is !o$ody of a!y impota!ce to you'% Mac shouted $ac) at
them' a!d the! with a s=ueal of $a)es they do+e off i!to the
!"#"D$ of any imortance!2 The wods dummed thou*h
#i$$y%s se!ses as the ca sped thou*h the !i*ht"
-They wee pesiste!t"% She fi!ally fou!d he +oice' $ut it was
sha)y i! the e&teme" She hoped Mac would put that fact
dow! to the cicumsta!ce of u!!i!* fom the epotes' a!d
!ot o! the cicumsta!ces suou!di!* thei )iss' $ecause
a!ythi!* else would $e too em$aassi!*"
%he couldn't belie&e that she had resonded to him li'e that.
-I do!%t thi!) they *ot a clea photo of us'% Mac eplied
-No' a!d of couse telli!* them that I%m ,ust a !o$ody will eally
thow them off the sce!t"% He +oice was $ittle with sacasm
a!d she could feel a!*e thu!dei!* thou*h he i! wa+es" .ut
she did!%t )!ow whom she was moe fuious withB heself fo
)issi!* him li)e that' o him fo sayi!* somethi!* so coldly
i!sulti!*"""so coolly flippa!t afte such a! i!te!sely passio!ate
mome!t" .ut of couse that )iss had mea!t !othi!* to him4 he
had meely $ee! toyi!* with he' a $it as a lio! mi*ht toy with
its pey" The )!owled*e i!te!sified he a!*e' a!d also
cuiously she was awae of a dull )i!d of aw ache spi!*i!* up
i!side he fom !owhee"
He *la!ced acoss at he" -I did!2t put it =uite li)e that" I said
you wee !o$ody as fa as they wee co!ce!ed"%
-I thi!) that amou!ts to the same thi!*' does!%t it0% she said
-I was ,ust tyi!* to )eep you out of the pess"% He *la!ced o+e
at he a*ai!" -.ut you do!%t wa!t that' do you0% His +oice
hade!ed" %You wa!t to $e ce!te sta*e i! all this"%
-No' I do !ot9% She culed he fi!*es i!to ti*ht fists"
%I%m telli!* you' #i$$y' !o matte how much i!teest you ty to
whip up with the pess' you wo!%t ma)e that much mo!ey fom
selli!* you stoy" You will $e a two3mi!ute wo!de"%
%I%+e *ot you woied' thou*h' ha+e!%t I0% #i$$y could!%t esist
the ,i$e"
-I2m co!ce!ed' !ot woied'% Mac etoted shaply" -This is a
+ey impota!t time fo you fathe"""$ut the! you ae well
awae of that' ae!%t you0 You )!ow e&actly what you ae
-All I wa!t to do is see him'% she mutteed" -I do!%t thi!) that is
-No' it%s !ot" A!d as lo!* as you play $y my ules' I will aa!*e
that fo you"%
-You ules0% He +oice tem$led sli*htly" -I do!%t )!ow who the
hell you thi!) you ae' odei!* me aou!d""" pou!ci!* o! me9%
-Pou!ci!* o! you0% Thee was a hi!t of amuseme!t i! Mac%s
to!e !ow"
-You had !o i*ht to )iss me li)e that'% she mutteed"
-It was ,ust a )iss' #i$$y"% He said the wods *e!tly' a!d the!
*la!ced aou!d at he" -You could ha+e pulled away"""$ut you
did!%t" I! fact' I would *o so fa as to say that you e!,oyed it"%
-Oh' you thi!) so' do you0% He eally was a! ao*a!t so3a!d3
so9 /ell' she would )!oc) him dow! a pe* o two a!d e!,oy it"
-1o you i!fomatio!' actually' I was *oi!* to pull away"% She
smiled at him as thei eyes met" -.ut I saw the pess
appoachi!* a!d I thou*ht why !ot *i+e them somethi!* to
-I see"% Mac loo)ed $ac) at the oad" -It was a co!+i!ci!* act'
I%ll *i+e you that"%
She was sli*htly mollified to hea that his to!e had lost a little
of its cool ao*a!ce" >ood9 She si!ceely hoped that she had
de!ted some of that male e*o" Thee was !o way that she
wa!ted him to )!ow ,ust how much he had tu!ed he o!" It
was fa"""fa too em$aassi!*"
-So is this you way of admitti!* that it was you who tipped the
papaa88i off0%
His i!soucia!t =uestio! made he mome!tay feeli!* of tiumph
disappea +ey =uic)ly"
-No9 It cetai!ly is !ot9% she said =uic)ly" -I told you I did!%t
pho!e the pess"%
-Ri*ht"% Mac%s +oice was filled with dy dis$elief" -You ,ust
played up fo the papaa88i out of a phila!thopic !eed to *i+e
them somethi!* moe ,uicy to photo*aph"%
-#iste!' if we ae *oi!* to *et peda!tic' you )issed me fist9%
she etoted swiftly" -May$e you pho!ed the pess a!d wee
mil)i!* it fo e+ey pe!!y"%
-A!d why would I do that02
%I do!%t )!ow"% #i$$y sou*ht a$out wildly i! he $ai!" -May$e
you thou*ht you%d *i+e the situatio! some emotio!al spi!"
5istact the pess fom the eal stoy $y thowi!* i! a $it of a
*ood old3fashio!ed lo+e i!teest02
%7ey amusi!*9% Mac shoo) his head" -I ca! assue you' #i$$y'
that I ha+e !o i!te!tio! of *i+i!* you a pu$lic seal of appo+al"
1o o!e thi!* I ha+e my positio! as you fathe%s a*e!t a!d
pu$licist to co!side"%
-/ould!%t wa!t to demea! youself i! the pess%s eyes with a
mee !o$ody' you mea!0 Soy"""silly me"% #i$$y%s +oice *ated
dyly" -You eally ae =uite a pompous stuffed shit' ae!%t
you0% She *laed out towads the sea' a!d was fuious with
heself fo feeli!* upset" /hat o! eath was wo!* with he%0
She )!ew pefectly well that Mac had a low opi!io! of he a!d'
OK' so she had e!,oyed $ei!* )issed $y him9 That had $ee! a
mista)e"" a stupid"""stupid mista)e9 .ut it was ,ust a )iss a!d
$ette fo*otte!9
-I%m a $usi!essma! fist a!d foemost' #i$$y'% he etoted
$lu!tly" %A!d I su**est you $ea that i! mi!d $efoe you play
a!y moe *ames" If thee ae to $e wi!!es a!d loses i! this'
the! I ha+e !o i!te!tio! of $ei!* the lose"%
#i$$y made !o eply' ,ust co!ti!ued to stae out to sea" She
was willi!* to $et that Mac Clayto! !e+e lost' that he was
pepaed to $e as uthless as it too) to *et e&actly what he
-I thi!) u!de the cicumsta!ces that we should mo+e you out
of you hotel stai*ht away"%
The sudde! su**estio! made he loo) $ac) at him i! supise"
-Cetai!ly !ot9 I ca!%t see the poi!t i! that at all'% #i$$y said
-The poi!t is that the pess ae all o+e you aleady" It is o!ly
*oi!* to *et wose"%
-/ell' that is a cha!ce I%m willi!* to ta)e"%
-I%m sue you ae'% Mac said laco!ically" -.ut it%s !ot o!e I wa!t
to ta)e" No' I wa!t you whee I ca! )eep a! eye o! you"%
-That%s as may $e' $ut I%m !ot mo+i!* out of my hotel"%
-If you wa!t to see you fathe' you will do as you ae told"%
-Now who is usi!* $lac)mail0% #i$$y *a+e a sha)y' i!cedulous
-This is fo you $e!efit as well as you fathe%s"%
-A!d I eally $elie+e that9% #i$$y mutteed sado!ically"
-t ha+e a house !ot fa fom my ow!4 I )eep it fo special
clie!ts who !eed pi+acy whe! they ae o+e hee o! $usi!ess"
The secuity is +ey ti*ht thee" It has electic fe!ces a!d *ates'
a!d it is u! $y a +ey tustwothy staff"%
%You wa!t to loc) me away $ehi!d electic fe!ces0% #i$$y was
e!a*ed" -You must $e ,o)i!*9 That%s a $it li)e $ei!* se!t to
piso!' is!%t it0 /ell' you ca! fo*et that9%
-No' I wo!%t fo*et it a!d I%m deadly seious"%
-/ell' so am I whe! I say that I would!%t wa!t to mo+e i!to you
house if it was the last place with a oof left o! the Cote
-I ca! assue you that the aa!*eme!t will $e pefectly
ci+ilised a!d it will $e !othi!* li)e $ei!* i! piso!"% Mac
sou!ded la8ily amused $y he +eheme!ce' $efoe co!ti!ui!*
fimly' -The house is the last wod i! lu&uy with ma*!ifice!t
+iews o+e the Meditea!ea! a!d a heated outdoo swimmi!*
pool" You ca! come a!d *o as you please a!d you will ha+e
you ow! coo)' clea!es a!d chauffeu"%
She was mome!taily distacted" It sou!ded too *ood to $e
tue" -A!d it would all ,ust $e fo me"""02
-Thee would $e !o$ody else i! the e!tie house e&cept fo me
a!d the staff0% She chec)ed a*ai!"
-That%s coect"% Mac smiled to himself" He wa!ted he out of
Ca!!es a!d away fom the pess a!d he felt he had he withi!
si*hts of his hoo) !ow" He *la!ced aou!d at he a!d added
casually' -I%ll $e thee !ow a!d a*ai!' of couse" The house is
!e&t doo to mi!e a!d has a co!!ecti!* pi+ate $each"%
Alam $ells a!* +ey loudly i!side #i$$y" She could!%t help
emem$ei!* the way Mac had )issed he a!d the wild passio!
that had ta)e! them o+e" It was impeati+e that she )ept he
dista!ce fom him9 %So what will you $e doi!*4 doppi!* o+e to
collect the e!t0% she as)ed dyly"
-I mi*ht ha+e )!ow! that the fist thi!* you%d thi!) a$out
would $e mo!ey" You will of couse $e a$le to stay thee fee of
#i$$y ope!ed he mouth to say that she had!%t actually $ee!
thi!)i!* a$out mo!ey' a!d the! closed it a*ai!" It was too
em$aassi!* to $oach what had mome!taily flic)ed thou*h
he mi!d"
Thee was a mome!t%s sile!ce"
-The aa!*eme!t will $e completely a$o+e $oad'% Mac said
sudde!ly" -If that%s what%s $othei!* you"%
-I did!%t fo o!e mome!t thi!) a!ythi!* else9% she lied"
-5id!%t you0% he flic)ed a wyly amused *la!ce i! he diectio!
a!d she tied without success !ot to $lush"
-I would ,ust athe stay whee I am'% she said fimly a!d loo)ed
away fom him huiedly"
The $lu!t =uestio! a!!oyed he" %.ecause that is whee I wa!t
to $e"%
%.ecause it%s whee you told the pess you%d $e02
%No9% She shu**ed" -I ,ust thi!) that it is $est that you a!d I
)eep ou dista!ce"%
-You%ll $e i! a sepaate house to me'% Mac said dyly" -How
much dista!ce do you wa!t0%
As they left the da)!ess of the coast oad $ehi!d a!d e!teed
the $i*ht li*hts of the city Mae slowed the ca a!d cha!*ed
dow! a *ea" His ha!d $ushed a*ai!st he am as he mo+ed" It
was ,ust a casual' accide!tal touch of his s)i! a*ai! hes' $ut it
immediately se!t a hot se!se of awae!ess aci!* thou*h
#i$$y%s whole $ody"
Sepaate pla!ets would po$a$ly $e too close' fo he peace of
mi!d' she thou*ht with a se!se of a!!oya!ce" She hated the
fact that he had this powe o+e he se!ses" How could she let
such a hateful ma! set he pulses aci!* li)e this0
-Thee is a$solutely !o easo! why you should wa!t to stay o!
i! that hotel of yous' e&cept fo the fact that you ae playi!*
*ames with me a!d with the pess'% Mac co!ti!ued with
-I am doi!* !o such thi!*" A!d"""a!yway thee is a!3othe
easo! why I wa!t to stay i! my hotel" It%s co!+e!ie!t"%
-Not as co!+e!ie!t as ha+i!* you ow! chauffeu"%
-E+e! so"""% She sou*ht aou!d fo somethi!* else to thow i!" %I
do ha+e my eputatio! to thi!) a$out"% It was the fist thi!* that
came i!to he mi!d" -1o all we )!ow pictues of us )issi!*
could $e splashed all o+e the papes tomoow a!d the! if I
mo+e i!to the house !e&t doo to you"""well"""people will stat to
put two a!d two to*ethe a!d each fi+e' wo!%t they02
%I do!%t thi!) so" /hy should they02
%/ell"""$ecause of the papes62
-The papes ae moe i!teested i! you elatio!ship with you
fathe' #i$$y" No$ody will thi!) thee is a!ythi!* *oi!* o!
$etwee! us"%
#i$$y $it dow! o! the soft!ess of he lip' a!d somethi!*"""
may$e some spa) of pide""" made he add' -Yes' well' my
$oyfie!d mi*ht !ot ta)e such a ela&ed +iew of thi!*s' a!d if
he fi!ds out a$out that )iss a!d the! heas I%+e mo+ed fom my
hotel' he mi*ht !ot $e so easily pesuaded that !othi!* is *oi!*
o! $etwee! us"% She smiled to heself' pleased $y the =uic)3
thi!)i!* eply" OK' she was!%t a! impota!t cele$ity' $ut she
was!%t *oi!* to let Mac Clayto! thi!) that !o o!e *a+e a dam!
a$out he"
-/ell' may$e you should ha+e thou*ht a$out that $e3foe you
)issed me'% Mac said dismissi+ely"
-/ell' may$e I should'% she *ated" -.ut I ha+e !o i!te!tio! of
ma)i!* thi!*s wose $y mo+i!* out of my hotel a!d i!to a
house that you ow!" That could $e see! i! a much moe seious
li*ht'% she $lusteed" -That could eally oc) thi!*s $adly
$etwee! Simo! a!d l" A!d I do!%t !eed a!y futhe
complicatio!s i! my life"%
Mac shu**ed' -I eally do!%t thi!) the pess will play up a
oma!tic co!!ectio! $etwee! us4 if you wee mo+i!* i!to my
house' !ot the house !e&t doo may$e they would $e
i!teested" Howe+e' if they do pi!t somethi!* a!d you e&
eally lo+es you' may$e it will ,ust ma)e him all the )ee!e"
Mi*ht e+e! ma)e him e*et letti!* you *o i! the fist place"%
Mac sla!ted a wy loo) acoss at he" -.ut the! pehaps you
aleady thou*ht of that whe! you a!* the pess0% he added
wyly" -May$e you thou*ht you%d )ill two $ids with o!e sto!e02
%5o you thi!) I spe!d all my time deami!* up ways of
ma!ipulati!* people0% #i$$y *ated' wildly iitated $y the
-I thi!) you ae a woma! of hidde! depths"%
-<ust $ecause you ae deep a!d de+ious does!%t mea!
e+eyo!e else is'% she mutteed"
Mac smiled at that" -/ell' if I thou*ht the woma! I lo+ed was
seei!* someo!e else I%d $e doi!* somethi!* a$out it """a!d
petty =uic)ly" E+e! if that somethi!* was ,ust calli!* to as)
what was *oi!* o!"%
-Yes' well' I wo!%t hold my $eath o! that"% #i$$y had!%t mea!t
to say those wods aloud" So much fo )eepi!* he pide' she
thou*ht a!*ily"
-The! he%s !ot wothy of you a!d you should fo*et him'% Mac
said *e!tly"
#i$$y fow!ed" He was ,ust playi!* *ames' of couse"""
pete!di!* to $e sympathetic fo a mome!t" She was!%t *oi!*
to $e ta)e! i! $y that"
-E+e! thou*h I%m a cold3$looded *old3di**e0% She mutteed
the wods u!e+e!ly"
Mac *la!ced o+e at he a!d smiled" %Yes"""well' you ae also a
+ey attacti+e woma!'% he mumued with wy humou"
#i$$y wished that his hus)y' teasi!* to!e had !o effect o! he'
$ut u!fotu!ately ,ust the la8y i!flectio! i! his to!e had a
swili!*' co!fusi!* effect o! he emotio!s" .ut she ma!a*ed to
push the feeli!* to o!e side a!d e*ai! some composue"
-Comi!* fom someo!e who is po$a$ly a compulsi+e
woma!i8e' I wo!%t let you complime!ts *o to my head'% she
etoted sacastically"
Mac lau*hed at that"
Hell' he e+e! had the most attacti+e lau*h9 #ife ,ust was!%t
fai' #i$$y thou*ht ha8ily as she sto+e fo immu!ity" She felt
tied !ow a!d emotio!ally dai!ed" A!d sudde!ly she was
lo!*i!* fo the peace a!d ta!=uillity of he hotel oom"
-So shall I pic) you up at a$out te! tomoow mo!i!*0% Mac
as)ed calmly"
-/hat fo0% #i$$y fow!ed"
-I told you" To mo+e you i!to my safe house'% he eplied calmly"
-I do!%t !eed a safe house9% She shoo) he head"
-A!d I thi!) you do"%
-/ell' I do!%t thi!) that my mo+i!* out of the hotel will help
a!ythi!*" I! fact' it will ,ust complicate thi!*s futhe"%
-I%ll woy a$out the complicatio!s" You ,ust pac) you stuff a!d
$e eady fo me to pic) you up tomoow mo!i!* at te!"%
Mac%s to!e was u!compomisi!*" He pulled the ca up outside
he hotel" -A!d do!%t tal) to the pess u!til I *et hee"%
-I wish you would stop telli!* me what to do"% She *laed at
him" -.ecause I eally62
A!ythi!* else she had $ee! a$out to say was cut off as he
lea!ed acoss towads he"
2Mac62 He wods wee sile!ced $y the soft!ess of his lips"
She tied to ma)e heself pull $ac) fom him' tied !ot to etu!
his )isses' $ut they wee so te!dely po+ocati+e that she could
feel heself stati!* to sue!de' stati!* to melt towads him"
<ust at the mome!t whe! she )!ew she was lost a!d stated to
)iss him $ac)' he pulled away"
-/hat was that fo0% She loo)ed up at him $eathlessly"
-I suppose I wa!ted to chec) a!d see ,ust how much of that last
)iss eally was fo the pess%s $e!efit'% he said softly"
-5e!ted you e*o' did I0% She ma!a*ed to ma)e a flippa!t
eply' $ut she could!%t tea he eyes away fom his4 they
seemed to hold he spell$ou!d" She could hea he heat
thu!dei!* a*ai!st he chest a!d she hoped si!ceely that he
could!%t hea it too $ecause it was wildly out of co!tol"""a little
li)e he emotio!s"
He smiled at he" %No"""!ot i! the sli*htest' $ecause I do!%t thi!)
the pess had a!ythi!* to do with the way you )issed me
$efoe" I thi!) chemisty is a much moe ealistic e&pla!atio!"%
#i$$y shoo) he head' a!d despeately tied to clea he
se!ses" -You eally ae a! ao*a!t so3a!d3so' Mac Clayto!"
A!d I hate to $e the $eae of $ad !ews' $ut the tuth is you
)iss left me cold" Othe wome! may fall at you feet' $ut fa!)ly
I%m !ot li)e othe wome!"%
-Yes' I thi!) I aleady *atheed that much"% He sou!ded +ey
amused" -.ut if that is you espo!se whe! left cold"""I ca!%t
wait to wam you up"%
#i$$y eached a!*ily fo the doo ha!dle" -<ust""" ,ust )eep
away fom me' Mac"% Thee was a defi!ite wo$$le i! he +oice
a!d she cused heself fo it"
His smile *ew" -I%ll see you i! the mo!i!*" Pleasa!t
-Afte the !i*ht I%+e had I%ll po$a$ly $e $eset $y !i*htmaes"%
She tossed the wods at him o+e he shoulde a!d wal)ed
Mac watched he *o' admii!* he fie a!d he spiit a!d the
way he shapely $ody mo+ed as she mached away fom him"
He po$a$ly should!%t ha+e )issed he"""$ut the temptatio! had
$ee! too sto!* a!d he had $ee! i*ht a$out the chemistyB
she was da!*eously po+ocati+e" It was a lo!* time si!ce a
woma! had i!ti*ued him so much" OK' she was a loose ca!!o!
as fa as his clie!t was co!ce!ed' a!d totally
u!tustwothy"""$ut"""what the hell0 /hy !ot e!,oy a little
playtime alo!* the path to *etti!* id of he0 She was a wothy
The li*ht we!t out as #i$$y was halfway to he $edoom a!d
she sca$$led he way $li!dly to he doo" This was a $it li)e
he life at the mome!t' she thou*ht wyly" She felt totally lost
whee Mac Clayto! was co!ce!ed" She )!ew he was playi!*
*ames with he" Theefoe she should fi!d it easy to )eep him
at am%s le!*th' so why did she )eep )issi!* him $ac) li)e that0
A!d why was the e&peie!ce so e!,oya$le0 No o!e had e+e
)issed he li)e that $efoe""" tu!ed he o! with such ease
$efoe" He seemed to $each he defe!ces with the ease of a
hi*h tide a*ai!st a sa!d wall" It was scay" How could a ma!
she did!%t e+e! li)e do that to he0
She fou!d he $edoom doo a!d pactically fell i!side" O!e
thi!* fo sue' she would !ot mo+e out fom this hotel """ !o
matte what9
#i$$y stipped off a!d headed i!to the $athoom to sta!d u!de
the showe" She tied to clea all thou*hts of Mac Clayto! fom
he mi!d' $ut she )ept emem$ei!* the feel of his lips a*ai!st
hes' his ha!ds a*ai!st he s)i!"
He was o$+iously a s)illed woma!ise' she told heself shaply"
A!d if she *a+e i! to his )i!d of chams she eally would
dese+e to $e $adly $u!t"
/HEN #i$$y fi!ally *ot i!to $ed she fell immediately asleep'
a!d he deams wee a co!fused mi& of he fathe as she had
last see! him a!d the! Mac"
O!e mome!t she was a child a*ai!' chasi!* afte he dad'
as)i!* him !ot to lea+e" The! Mac stepped i!" -I%m afaid you
fathe is!%t comi!* $ac) a!d he does!%t wa!t to see you a*ai!'
#i$$y'% he said ste!ly"
The wods made he toss estlessly i! the $ed"
The! she was hee i! this hotel with Mac" -.ut if you do as you
ae told' may$e I%ll aa!*e a meeti!* fo you"% He had a +ey
detemi!ed loo) o! his face as he said those wods' yet his
+oice had a cuiously hus)y ed*e to it" -You play this $y my
ules' o !ot at all"% He eached out to ta)e hold of he a!d she
stu**led to *et away' $ut he was too sto!*" The! he was
)issi!* he a!d the !e&t mome!t they wee i! a! u!familia
$edoom with a fou3poste $ed a!d he was stati!* to u!dess
he" -I )!ew you%d come aou!d to my way of thi!)i!*"% He
whispeed the wods a*ai!st he ea as she stated to
sue!de willi!*ly to his caesses"
His ha!ds wee wam a*ai!st he $ody' a!d his caesses
distu$i!*ly te!de"
The! sudde!ly he was pulli!* away a!d thee was the loud
$a!* of a doo as he slammed it $ehi!d him"
Thee was to $e !o meeti!* with he fathe a!d' li)e Simo!' he
had *o!e without a $ac)wad *la!ce"
#i$$y wo)e with a stat a!d sat up i! he $ed' he heat
thu!dei!* a*ai!st he chest"
It too) a mome!t to ealise that the $a!* of the doo had !ot
,ust $ee! i! he deams" Thee was someo!e outside i! the
The! she emem$eed that she was i! a hotel a!d that the
sou!ds she could hea wee othe people lea+i!* thei ooms"
#i$$y lay $ac) a*ai!st the pillows' he heat ate *adually
/hat sta!*e deams9 She did!%t )!ow which $it had upset he
most' the fact that she had *i+e! i! to Mac%s lo+ema)i!*"""that
would ne&er haen""" o the fact that e+e! i! he deams he
fathe did!%t wa!t to see he"
<ust say he eally did!%t wa!t to meet up with he0 <ust say he
was cool a!d withdaw! a!d told he he did!%t wa!t a!y futue
co!tact"""did!%t wa!t to e$uild $id*es" The thou*ht was li)e
ice i!side he4 #i$$y did!%t thi!) she would $e a$le to $ea that"
She did!%t wa!t to i!tude o! his life' $ut it would $e !ice ,ust
to )!ow that he caed' e+e! at a dista!ce"
Tyi!* to dismiss the deams' she loo)ed at he watch" It was
almost se+e! i! the mo!i!*"
She wished that he accommodatio! had i!cluded $ea)fast
$ecause she would ha+e *i+e! a!ythi!* fo a cup of coffee a!d
a coissa!t" Thowi!* $ac) the co+es' she *ot up a!d padded
acoss to daw $ac) the cutai!s" The s)y was a cloudless $a$y3
$lue4 it loo)ed as if it was *oi!* to $e a lo+ely day" Time to *o
out a!d fi!d a cafe' she thou*ht' feeli!* happie"
5o!!i!* pale de!im shots a!d a pi!) T3shit' she left he oom
a!d spi!ted fo the lift as fast as he pi!) flip3flops would
allow' ma)i!* it ,ust $efoe the li*hts cut out" She was *etti!*
the ha!* of this' she thou*ht with a smile as she pessed the
$utto! fo the *ou!d floo"
It was wam outside' a!d the pa+eme!ts wee =uiet" She
stolled alo!* the $ac) steets a!d $efoe lo!* tu!ed a co!e
a!d fou!d heself dow! i! the old =uate of tow!" Thee was a
!ewsa*e!t%s ope! a!d' emem$ei!* he $ush with the pess
last !i*ht' she we!t i!side to see if thee was a!ythi!* a$out
he i! the papes"
Thee wee !o E!*lish papes so she $ou*ht a local 1e!ch o!e'
thi!)i!* that she could at least flic) thou*h the pictues a!d
ty out he school*il 1e!ch"
Tuc)i!* it u!de he am' she co!ti!ued o! u!til she eached a
pa+eme!t cafe whee the smell of feshly $a)ed $ead a!d
*ou!d coffee $ea!s was too *ood to i*!oe"
#i$$y sat dow! a!d odeed a coffee a!d a coissa!t a!d the!
lea!ed $ac) i! he chai sa+oui!* the wamth of the mo!i!*
a!d the ela&ed am$ie!ce" Thee was !owhee li)e 1a!ce' she
thou*ht with a si*h4 it was ,ust so ci+ilised"
1o a while she watched the people wal)i!* $y' !oti!* how
attacti+e a!d sle!de the 1e!chwome! wee a!d how
ele*a!tly dessed" The!' with a pomise that she would stat
*oi!* $ac) to the *ym as soo! as she *ot home' she ope!ed
he pape"
To he elief thee wee !o em$aassi!* photos of he )issi!*
Mac Clayto!" Thee was a photo of he fathe' howe+e" She
stu**led to ma)e se!se of the aticle' $ut she could eally o!ly
u!desta!d o!e wod a!d that was hospital9
A flash of appehe!sio! a! thou*h he" /as he fathe ill0
As the waite came out to se+e someo!e else #i$$y cau*ht his
atte!tio!" -5o you spea) E!*lish0% she as)ed hopefully"
-A little"% He !odded"
-I ,ust wo!deed if you could tell me what this aticle says'
please0% She poi!ted to the pape a!d the waite lea!ed close"
-It is a$out the acto' Cal :ui!to!" He has $ee! i!+ol+ed i! a
$ad accide!t"%
-Is he OK0% #i$$y felt cold with fea"
The waite shu**ed" -It ,ust says that he has $ee! ta)e! to a
hospital i! #A"%
-Tha!) you"% Somehow #i$$y )ept calm a!d paid he $ill' the!
she huied $ac) towads he hotel' he heat aci!*" <ust say
he fathe was dead0 The thou*ht made he feel sic) i!side"
She emem$eed feeli!* li)e this $efoe' whe! he mum had
told he he was dead""" emem$eed the *ief a!d the tome!t
of !ot )!owi!* e&actly what had happe!ed to him" How
poi*!a!t to thi!) she was withi! a whispe of seei!* him
a*ai!"""o!ly to lose him a*ai!9 She had !e+e felt so helpless o
so isolated" How was she *oi!* to fi!d out a$out he dad0
1om !owhee a ush of othe memoies we!t thou*h he
mi!dB he dad ta)i!* he to school o! he fist day"""a!d waiti!*
fo he whe! she came out" She emem$eed he%d $ou*ht he
a little $a* of sweets" -A little somethi!* to $i*hte! my
pi!cess%s day'% he%d said" He eyes $lued with teas" She
could!%t $ea thi!)i!* that somethi!* had happe!ed to
him"""that she had come so close to seei!* him a*ai! o!ly fo a
cuel twist of fate to ta)e him away" She wished sudde!ly that
she had Mac%s telepho!e !um$e"
The! as she ou!ded a co!e she saw Mac%s ca pa)ed
outside he hotel a!d he heat aced with elief"""with pa!ic"
/hat was he *oi!* to tell he0
She saw him comi!* out of the hotel" He was dessed i! ,ea!s
a!d a plai! white T3shit a!d as she watched he *la!ced at his
watch as if he was i! a huy" -Mac9% She called o+e to him
a!d he loo)ed up"
-Thee you ae9 I was wo!dei!* whee you%d *ot to"%
-Is my fathe OK0% She stated to coss o+e to him"
%#i$$y' $e caeful'% he called"
.ut it was too late $ecause she had aleady stepped out'
completely fo*etti!* the taffic was comi!* i! a diffee!t
diectio!" The !e&t mome!t thee was a! almi*hty s=ueal of
$a)es as a ca headi!* stai*ht fo he tied to stop"
1o a mome!t the wold seemed to mo+e i! slow motio! as she
tied to *et out of the path of the ca' lost he $ala!ce a!d fell
o!to the oad' hitti!* he head with a cac) a*ai!st the tamac"
She loo)ed up ,ust as the ca s)idded to a halt a few i!ches
fom he"
Mac was $eside he i! a! i!sta!t a!d she !oticed that he
loo)ed +isi$ly sha)e!" -Ae you OK02
%Yes" I thi!) so"% She allowed him to help he to he feet a!d
pic) up he ha!d$a*4 o!ly +a*uely did she e*iste the fact that
!ow thee was a heated e&cha!*e *oi!* o! $etwee! him a!d
the di+e of the ca"
-It was my fault' Mac'% she mumued' feeli!* sha)e! a!d +ey
-He was di+i!* too fast"% Mac put a! am aou!d he a!d
helped he to the othe side of the oad" -.ut what o! eath
wee you thi!)i!* a$out0 You could ha+e $ee! )illed"%
-I )!ow4 it was stupid of me"% #i$$y tied to pull heself
to*ethe" -.ut I%m all i*ht"%
-You scaed the hell out of me"% His to!e was so si!cee a!d so
*e!tle !ow that it caused *oose3$umps o+e he s)i!" He put a
ha!d u!de he chi! a!d tipped he face up to his" -You%+e cut
you foehead"%
-Ha+e I0% His touch a!d his to!e wee doi!* sta!*e thi!*s to
he emotio!s a!d she wa!ted to cy sudde!ly" -I%m fi!e' eally I
-I thi!) we should *et you to a docto"%
-Thee is !o !eed"% #i$$y pulled away fom him' the! loo)ed up
at him' he eyes wide" -Mac' is my dad OK0 I saw a! aticle i!
the pape a!d it said he%d had a! accide!t"%
-Yes' he%s OK"% Mac%s eyes a)ed o+e he' !oti!* he e&teme
pallo' the o+e $i*ht *litte of teas i! he eyes"
-Ae you sue%0% He +oice wa+eed"
Mac !odded" -I was spea)i!* to him o! the pho!e o!ly this
A sweet flood of elief ushed thou*h he" -Tha!) >od9 I saw
the pape a!d I could!%t u!desta!d it" I thou*ht he mi*ht $e
dead"% He +oice was filled with the hoo of that thou*ht"
Mac fow!ed" #i$$y loo)ed so *e!ui!ely distessed that it too)
him a$ac)" /as this why she had $ee! ushi!* acoss the oad
i! such a*itatio!0
-Come o!' let%s *et you i!side'% he mumued hus)ily" -You
!eed to atte!d to that wou!d"%
She did!%t a*ue' he head was thumpi!* a!d she felt a $it sic)"
-May$e I ,ust !eed to lie dow! fo a $it'% she said sha)ily"
-You )!ow' I do!%t thi!) that is a *ood idea" You%+e o$+iously
hit you head =uite had4 you could ha+e co!cussio!"% Mac led
he i!to the hotel a!d stepped i!to the lift with he"
#i$$y was so distacted $y his wods that she did!%t e*iste the
fact that he was comi!* upstais with he" -5o you thi!) so0%
She had to admit he head was +ey pai!ful"
-/ell' I%d li)e to ta)e you to a docto' ,ust to $e o! the safe
The lift doos ope!ed o! the fouth floo"
-No' Mac' I do!%t thi!) that is !ecessay9%
-/ell' we will see'% Mac co!ti!ued smoothly as he too) hold of
he am a!d led he out i!to the coido" -My i!sti!cts ae
telli!* me we should =uic)ly pac) up you thi!*s a!d chec) you
out of hee' the! I%ll di+e you up to Casualty"%
The li*ht clic)ed out' lea+i!* them i! total da)!ess" She
stum$led a!d Mac put a steadyi!* am aou!d he shoulde"
The *estue $ou*ht home the fact that he was upstais with
he' a!d sudde!ly she ealised that sueptitiously he was
po$a$ly tyi!* to mo+e he out of hee a!d i!to his house'
po$a$ly usi!* the hospital as a! e&cuse to *al+a!ise he9
-I%m !ot *oi!* to hospital" It%s idiculous" I%+e o!ly $a!*ed my
head sli*htly"% .ut e+e! as she said the wods #i$$y was all too
awae that he head was thumpi!* +ey pai!fully"
-/ell' we wo!%t $e a$le to tell how $ad the wou!d is u!til we%+e
clea!ed it up"% Mac%s am ti*hte!ed aou!d he as she tied to
pull away" -How fa dow! is you oom0%
-It%s ,ust hee"% As she tu!ed towads he doo she half stepped
a*ai!st Mac a!d fo a mome!t fou!d heself aw)wadly
pessed i! his ams" The mome!t of i!timacy i! the da)!ess
made he heat ace4 she was awae of the delicious sce!t of
his aftesha+e' the wamth of his $ody' the touch of his ha!d
a*ai!st he $ac)"
-That%s OK"% His +oice sou!ded +el+ety deep a*ai!st he ea"
She stepped huiedly away" -Thee was !o !eed fo you to
come up hee' you )!ow" I%ll $e fi!e !ow"% She fum$led i! he
$a* fo he )ey cad' a!d the! stu**led to fi!d the slot i! the
doo to i!set it"
-Hee' let me help"% His ha!d was o+e hes' ta)i!* the cad"
The touch of his s)i! made he se!ses swim"
It was a teme!dous elief whe! the doo ope!ed a!d they
stepped i!to the su!!y oom"
-Tha!) you' Mac' you ca! *o !ow"% She )!ew she sou!ded a
$it li)e someo!e +ey impeial *i+i!* out odes' $ut she
could!%t help heself"
Mac smiled" -I%m !ot lea+i!* hee without you' #i$$y'% he said
calmly" -.ut let%s see to you foehead fist"% He eached out
cau*ht hold of he ha!d a!d led he i!to the en suite $athoom"
She was *oi!* to a*ue' $ut as she cau*ht si*ht of he
eflectio! i! the mio o+e the wash$asi! she decided may$e
he was i*ht" He foehead was $adly *ashed at the side4 !o
wo!de he head was pou!di!*"
Mac tu!ed o! the hot wate a!d the! tu!ed he fimly aou!d
to face him" #i$$y felt a $it li)e a child $ei!* loo)ed afte
a*ai!st he will" >e!tly he $ushed he hai $ac) fom he face
a!d su+eyed the dama*e u!de the $i*ht o+ehead li*hts" He
was loo)i!* at he so i!te!tly that she could almost feel his
eyes o! he s)i! a!d she felt acutely self3co!scious" It was
ca8yB he head was huti!* a!d she felt ill' $ut i!stead of
thi!)i!* a$out that she was wishi!* i!stead that she had put
some $i*hte lipstic) o! this mo!i!*' made moe of a! effot
with he hai"
Thee was some cotto! wool $y he spo!*e $a* a!d he too)
some out' a! it u!de the tap' a!d the! *e!tly swa$$ed the
aea aou!d the wou!d" He was +ey *e!tle' $ut the hot wate
stu!* a!d she fli!ched"
-Stay still' #i$$y"% He put o!e ha!d o! he am a!d co!ti!ued
caefully" -It is!%t deep'% he mumued' -$ut it%s a !asty $ump"%
#i$$y was tyi!* to co!ce!tate o! somethi!* othe tha! the
*e!tle touch of his ha!d a!d his close!ess' $ecause it was
ha+i!* a +ey petu$i!* effect o! he" -I%ll $e OK !ow"% She
tied to pull away' $ut he held he steady"
-Stop $ei!* such a $a$y'% he mumued' his eyes o! he
foehead as he fi!ished what he was doi!*" -Thee"""% He
eleased he"
-Tha!) you"% She stepped $ac) fom him hastily"
Thei eyes met a!d fo a mome!t thee was a sta!*e feeli!* of
i!timacy swili!* $etwee! them"
He smiled at he *e!tly" -You%e welcome"% The! he tu!ed
away fom he to wash his ha!ds u!de the u!!i!* wate"
-Ha+e you *ot a!y a!tiseptic i! thee0% he as)ed' !oddi!*
towads the spo!*e $a* o! the wi!dow sill"
-Yes' 5octo"% She could!%t esist the ,i$e" He sou!ded so
Mac%s lips twisted i! a smi)" -/ell' I su**est you apply some"%
She !odded" -So how is my dad' Mac0 /hat happe!ed to him02
%I%ll tell you all a$out that late" I! the mea!time I su**est you
pac) up you thi!*s"%
-I%+e aleady told you I do!%t wa!t to lea+e this hotel' Mac"""%
She stated to ma)e the potest $ut he was!%t liste!i!*' he had
aleady wal)ed out of the oom $efoe she had fi!ished
Hell' $ut he was i!fuiati!*" She ope!ed up he spo!*e $a*'
too) out some a!tiseptic a!d da$$ed it o+e the *ash o! he
head" It did!%t loo) too $ad !ow that Mac had clea!ed the
-I su**est we *et a mo+e o!' #i$$y'% Mac said fom the
She put the tu$e of ceam away a!d headed thou*h to the
othe oom" -#oo)' I appeciate you help today""" $ut62 #i$$y
came to a supised halt as she saw that he had put he ca!+as
$a* o! top of the $ed a!d u!8ipped it" As she watched him he
tu!ed towads the
wado$e a!d stated to ta)e he clothes off the ha!*es to
thow them i!to the $a*"
-Mac9% #i$$y was hoified" -I%+e told you I%m !ot lea+i!* hee"
Now' will you please stop0%
He *la!ced o+e at he" -I thou*ht I made it clea last !i*ht that
you ae !ot i! a positio! to a*ue a$out this"%
-I )!ow what you said last !i*ht' $ut62
-/ell' the!' you )!ow that if you wa!t me to help you *et i!
touch with you dad you ae *oi!* to ha+e to ta)e my ad+ice
a!d come with me !ow"% Calmly he co!ti!ued to ta)e the est
of he clothes off the ha!*es"
#i$$y $it dow! o! he lip as fuy mou!ted i!side he" She hated
to *i+e i! to his domi!eei!* $ullyi!* tactics""" .ut what should
she do0 Mac was he o!ly poi!t of co!tact with he fathe"
As much as she hated to admit it"""e+e! to heself"""she eally
did!%t ha+e a choice" If she wa!ted to spea) to o see he dad'
she was *oi!* to ha+e to do as she was told" She cetai!ly
did!%t wa!t to feel the way she had a little while a*o whe! she
had!%t e+e! )!ow! if he was ali+e o dead9
Mac had fi!ished emptyi!* he wado$e a!d was tu!3i!*
towads the chest of dawes !ow"
-E&cuse me9 I%ll ta)e o+e fom hee' tha!) you"% She stepped i!
smatly $efoe he could stat ta)i!* the co!te!ts of he
u!dewea dawe out"
-/ell' *et a mo+e o!"% Mac smiled to himself as he watched
he empty the co!te!ts of he dawes i!to the $a*" It loo)ed
as if he had wo! this ou!d' he thou*ht"""$ut' hell' she was a
tou*h coo)ie to $ea)"
#i$$y was fi88i!* i!side4 she hated $ac)i!* dow!" She *la!ced
up a!d met his da)' watchful eyes" -5o!%t feel too smu*'% she
told him poi!tedly" -You%+e *ot twe!ty3fou hous to aa!*e a
meeti!* fo me with my dad" A!d if you ha+e!%t do!e that' the!
I%m mo+i!* out of you safe house a!d $ac) hee"%
Mac shu**ed" -I%ll see what I ca! do'% he said casually"
-You%ll do moe tha! that62
%#i$$y'% he cut acoss he smoothly' -,ust fi!ish you pac)i!*"%
-Hateful"""hateful ma!"% #i$$y we!t i!to the $athoom to *et he
spo!*e $a*" As she 8ipped it up she *la!ced i! the $athoom
mio at he eflectio!" He head was spi!!i!* with the effot
of a*ui!* with Mac a!d he foehead loo)ed ed a!d soe
a*ai!" She put he ha!d up to it a!d fo a mome!t fou!d
heself emem$ei!* how te!dely Mac had $athed the
wou!d"""how co!ce!ed he had sou!ded"
Not that she was ta)e! i! $y a $it of false sympathy" He%d o!ly
helped he up to he oom so he could pac) he $a*" A!d she%d
let him9 .iti!* dow! o! he lip' she emi!ded heself that *oi!*
alo!* with Mac%s pla!s was a !ecessay e+il"
-Ae you eady%0% /he! she we!t $ac) thou*h to the $edoom
Mac was sta!di!* $y the doo with he $a* i! his ha!d"
-I thi!) so"% #i$$y huiedly had a last chec) aou!d the oom to
ma)e sue she had e+eythi!*' $efoe followi!* him
-I eally do!%t )!ow what the huy is all a$out'% she mumued
as they stepped out i!to the su!shi!e"
-The pess mi*ht $e s!iffi!* aou!d soo!"% He ope!ed the
passe!*e doo of his ca fo he $efoe thowi!* he case i!
the $oot" -A!d' $esides' you !eed to *et that wou!d o! you
head chec)ed out a!d I ha+e othe thi!*s to do today" I%m a
$usy ma!"%
-I po$a$ly do !eed my head testi!*'% she said dyly" -I must $e
mad letti!* you mo+e me out of my hotel"%
Mac smi)ed at that" -1o what it%s woth I thi!) you made the
i*ht decisio!"%
%I%m sue you do'% #i$$y mutteed" -A!d I do!%t eally !eed a
docto" I%ll $e OK afte a est"%
She watched him put the ca i! *ea a!d pull out i!to the flow
of taffic away fom the hotel" The feeli!* that she was ma)i!*
a +ey $i* mista)e would!%t *o away""" I! fact' it was *etti!*
sto!*e with e+ey mome!t that passed" A pat of he wa!ted
to tell him to stop the ca so she could clim$ out"
She lea!ed he head $ac) a*ai!st the comfota$le seat a!d
tied to ela&" He headache seemed to $e *etti!* wose' $ut
pehaps it was due to te!sio!"
-So how is my fathe0% she as)ed te!tati+ely"
-I told you" He%s fi!e"%
-I )!ow what you said'% #i$$y mumued" -.ut do you thi!) you
could *i+e me a little moe detail0 /hat happe!ed to him
e&actly0 Is he i! hospital0%
Mac did!%t a!swe he immediately4 he seemed to $e
co!ce!tati!* +ey had o! the taffic"
-You fathe is fi!e' #i$$y"% He flic)ed a! impatie!t *la!ce o+e
at he" -I do!%t )!ow e&actly what happe!ed' $ut he%s !ot i!
hospital" He%s at his house i! #A"%
-Oh9 /ell' that%s *ood"%
#i$$y%s +oice sou!ded so heatfelt that Mac was stuc) o!ce
a*ai! $y how *e!ui!ely co!ce!ed she seemed a$out he
fathe" He fow!ed a!d told himself impatie!tly that she
po$a$ly o!ly caed $ecause if a!ythi!* happe!ed to he fathe
she mi*ht !ot *et a!y of his mo!ey"
The! he *la!ced o+e at he a*ai!" He head was ela&ed $ac)
a*ai!st the ca seat a!d she had closed he eyes" He could see
the wou!d at the side of he foehead =uite clealy i! the
su!li*ht a!d it loo)ed pai!ful" I! fact she loo)ed +ey fa*ile'
he $eautiful s)i! completely ashe!' he lo!* da) lashes a!d
*lossy da) hai a sta) co!tast a*ai!st the u!!atual pallo" It
was had to $elie+e that a!yo!e who loo)ed so defe!celess a!d
so $eautiful could ha+e a $ad thou*ht i! he head"
He *la!ced $ac) at the oad a!d told himself !ot to $e ta)e! i!
$y appeaa!ces" A few mome!ts passed i! sile!ce"
%#i$$y' you%e +ey =uiet" Ae you feeli!* OK0%
She did!%t a!swe him"
%#i$$y0% He loo)ed shaply o+e at he a*ai! a!d fo o!e awful
mome!t he wo!deed sudde!ly if she had passed out" %#i$$y'
ae you OK0%
He eyelashes flic)eed upwads $iefly" -Yes" Stop ma)i!* a
Relie+ed $y the !omal a!ta*o!ism i! he to!e' he had to
smile" -How%s the head02
%it huts a little' $ut I%ll $e fi!e"% She closed he eyes a*ai!"
-You sou!d a $it sleepy0%
-I am a $it" Po$a$ly the aftemath of woyi!* a$out 5ad"%
The si*!s fo the hospital wee comi!* up a!d Mac switched
la!es to follow them" -May$e you had $ette !ot sleep u!til
you%+e $ee! chec)ed o+e $y a docto"%
#i$$y ope!ed he eyes" -Mac' I%+e told you I do!%t !eed a
%<ust humou me' OK02
%I thi!) I%m humoui!* you e!ou*h mo+i!* to this safe house of
yous'% she mumued"
-E+e! so' I%d feel $ette if you had a chec)3o+e" 5o!%t fo*et6if
a!ythi!* happe!s to you' I ha+e you fathe to a!swe to"%
Would her dad really care? The =uestio! $u!ed u!pleasa!tly
i!side he a!d she closed he eyes a*ai!st the hash eality
that may$e the a!swe to that would $e !o"
-#i$' do!%t *o to sleep"% Mac eached out a!d touched he am"
-I%m !ot asleep'% she said fimly"
The ca came to a halt a!d she ope!ed he eyes to fi!d that
they wee outside a hospital" -Mac' this is idiculous9 I do!%t
eally thi!) we should waste a docto%s time o! a small $ump
o! the head"%
Mac i*!oed he totally a!d clim$ed out of the ca" -Come o!'
let%s *et you i!side"% He came aou!d to help he out"
She wa!ted to tell him that she did!%t !eed the am he put
aou!d he" .ut sta!*ely it felt li)e too much effot to pull
away" Ha8ily she could!%t help feeli!* that it was a shame Mac
Clayto! was such a uthless $astad $ecause whe! she closed
he eyes a!d melted a*ai!st him it felt *ood""" His ams felt li)e
a safe place to $e"
May$e she was!%t well if she was thi!)i!* li)e that9 The
thou*ht *a+e he the ste!*th to pull away fom him" -Mac'
I%m fi!e"% .ut e+e! as she said the wods she did feel a little
Medical staff met them as they wal)ed thou*h the fo!t doo"
#i$$y liste!ed to the foei*! +oices a!d felt =uite *ateful that
Mac was with he a!d a$le to deal with thi!*s"
-They ha+e a docto who spea)s E!*lish' they ae ,ust *etti!*
him'% he told he"
-OK' tha!)s"%
Someo!e poduced a wheelchai" -I do!%t !eed that9% #i$$y
-Come o!' do!%t $e a difficult patie!t"%
-Mac9% She was *oi!* to a*ue with him' $ut she felt a $it
di88y' as if someo!e had swu!* he aou!d o! a da!ce floo
u!de $i*ht disco li*hts u!til e+eythi!* was spi!!i!* aou!d
he" A!d sudde!ly the *ou!d ,ust seemed to fold u!de he
a!d the last thi!* she emem$eed was Mac catchi!* he a!d
holdi!* he close"
THEY wee shi!i!* li*hts i! he eyes a*ai!" #i$$y felt as if she
had $ee! podded a!d po)ed e!ou*h" Althou*h she was i! a
pi+ate oom i! the hospital a!d she could!%t fault the le+el of
cae' she still felt that o!e !i*ht i! hee was lo!* e!ou*h"
-So do you thi!) I ca! *o home !ow' 5octo02
%/ill you $e o! you ow!0% The docto spo)e E!*lish with a
deli*htful acce!t" If #i$$y had!%t $ee! so a!&ious to lea+e she
mi*ht ha+e $ee! tempted to ,ust lea! $ac) a*ai!st the pillows
a!d liste! to him all afte!oo!"
-I%m *oi!* to $e stayi!* i! a +illa fo a few days a!d I thi!)
thee will $e staff thee6why do you as)0%
-You ha+e had mild co!cussio! a!d eally !eed to ta)e it easy
fo a day o two" Also you !eed to ma)e sue thee is !o
ecue!ce of you symptoms" That mea!s caeful mo!itoi!*"
If you ha+e someo!e with you to watch o+e you it would $e
This made #i$$y fow!" -/ell' I%m sue the staff will $e thee'%
she said' tyi!* to sou!d moe positi+e" She eally did!%t wa!t
to spe!d a!othe !i*ht i! hospital"
Thee was a tap o! the doo a!d she loo)ed o+e a!d saw Mac
sta!di!* thee a $ou=uet of $eautiful flowes i! his ha!ds" -Is it
OK if I come i!%0% He loo)ed fom the docto towads he a!d
#i$$y felt +ey *lad to see him"
%Yes' come i!'% she said huiedly"
He smiled at he a!d it was a smile that se!t sta!*e little
$utteflies da!ci!* thou*h he $ody"
Thee was !o dou$t a$out itB he was too dam! ha!dsome' she
thou*ht ha8ily" A!d he loo)ed especially *ood this afte!oo!
dessed casually i! a pai of chi!os a!d a ceam shit that sat
easily o! his $oad3shouldeed fame" He ,ust seemed so
powefully se&y that he too) he $eath away"
-(a &a) *arc0% the docto said ,o+ially" The fact that he *eeted
Mac $y !ame too) #i$$y a$ac) sli*htly"
Mac put the flowes dow! $eside he o! the $ed sta!d"
-They ae lo+ely' tha!) you'% #i$$y said' admii!* the mi& of
pale peach oses a!d +i+id $lue iises"
-So how ae you feeli!*0% Althou*h Mac as)ed the =uestio!
*e!tly' his eyes seemed to $u! thou*h he i! a way that
made he feel +ey self3co!scious" A!d sudde!ly she wished
that she wee!%t lyi!* i! $ed a!d that she wee weai!*
somethi!* a little moe stylish tha! this plai! white hospital
-I feel OK"% She shu**ed" -Ready to lea+e' i! all ho!esty"%
-I was ,ust e&plai!i!* to #i$$y that I ca! discha*e he' $ut I
feel it would $e $est if she has someo!e close $y to watch o+e
he fo the !e&t twe!ty3fou hous'% the docto told Mac"
-/ell' that is !o po$lem'% he said swiftly" -It *oes without
sayi!* that I%ll )eep a close eye o! he"%
->ood"% The docto smiled at #i$$y" -Thee' that is all settled"
Now' if you e&peie!ce a $lac)out o feel li*ht3headed'
a$!omally dowsy o !auseous' I wa!t you to see) medical
assista!ce immediately"%
-Yes' of couse"% #i$$y smiled wea)ly $ac)" She was elie+ed to
$e lea+i!* hospital' $ut the thou*ht of Mac Clayto! watchi!*
o+e he fo twe!ty3fou hous made he e&temely ed*y"
She dated a hesita!t loo) up at him a!d he smiled" -You will
feel much $ette whe! you *et out i! the fesh ai a!d *et
some su!shi!e o! you s)i!"%
-Yes' I suppose I will' tha!) you"% #i$$y eassued heself that
he was po$a$ly o!ly pete!di!* that he would )eep a! eye o!
he" Po$a$ly he would as) his coo) o his clea!e at his house
to stay o+e a!d chec) i! o! he" Not that she !eeded
watchi!*" I!deed she felt =uite a faud $ei!* detai!ed i! hee
o+e!i*ht" She felt fi!e"
Mac accompa!ied the docto out of the oom a!d #i$$y
!oticed that they spo)e i! 1e!ch as they left" She watched as
they stood outside a!d co!ti!ued to tal)" /hat wee they
sayi!*0 she wo!deed" Mac was o$+iously as)i!* =uestio!s
a$out he health' a!d he loo)ed co!ce!ed"
A !use $ustled i! a!d smiled at he" -#on+our) mademoiselle"%
%#on+our"% #i$$y smiled $ac) at he"
-I will help you *et dessed eady to *o home """yes02
%Yes"% #i$$y !odded a!d wo!deed whee home was *oi!* to $e
fo the !e&t few !i*hts"
The doo was closed a!d Mac was lost fom si*ht" -You
$oyfie!d is +ey ha!dsome'% the !use said with a *i! as she
$ou*ht #i$$y%s thi!*s o+e fo he"
#i$$y lau*hed" -He%s !ot my $oyfie!d" He%s ,ust"""% She
hesitated" /hat was Mac to he0 %He%s"""well' he%s moe a
$usi!ess associate"%
-I am supised9% The !use shu**ed" -/e all thou*ht that a
oma!ce was i! the ai" *onsieur Clayto! was so co!ce!ed
a$out you" He stayed hee with you u!til +ey late last !i*ht"%
-5id he0% #i$$y was stu!!ed at that piece of i!fomatio!4 the
time i! hospital was all a $it of a $lu to he"
-,h) oui.% The !use !odded" -A!d he i!sisted that you had the
$est pi+ate oom""" $ut the! *onsieur Clayto! is a +ey cai!*
-You seem to )!ow him =uite well"%
-Mm" Clayto! spe!ds a lot of time i! 1a!ce" He is a fie!d of
the docto a!d +ey hi*hly espected"% The !use *i!!ed fo a
mome!t" -A!d of couse $ecause he is so *ood3loo)i!* a!d so
hi*h pofile e+eyo!e is i!teested i! his oma!tic life"%
-/ell' I ca! assue you thee is !o oma!ce $etwee! us'% #i$$y
said emphatically" -/e hadly )!ow each othe' i! fact"%
The !use loo)ed disappoi!ted" %Ah' such a pity" /e all thou*ht
what a lo+ely couple you ma)e a!d how he o$+iously adoes
you $ecause he was so co!ce!ed"%
1o a mome!t #i$$y felt a wam *low of pleasue at the wods"
The! she ealised that Mac had po$a$ly ,ust $ee! woied i!
case the pess tu!ed up a!d she said somethi!* out of
tu!"""That was moe ealistic"
It was sta!*e' $ut the atio!al e&pla!atio! $ou*ht with it a
+ey cold disappoi!tme!t" #i$$y fow!ed" May$e she did ha+e
co!cussio!9 She )!ew all to well how little Mac thou*ht of he
a!d his opi!io!s wee of !o impota!ce9 All that matteed was
*etti!* out of hee a!d seei!* he dad' she emi!ded heself
A little while late #i$$y was lea+i!* the hospital" Mac wal)ed
alo!*side he as they stepped thou*h the fo!t doos' a
helpi!* ha!d u!de he am" To #i$$y%s supise they wee met
$y a *oup of epotes a!d as cameas clic)ed =uestio!s wee
-Ca! you tell us if thee is a!y tuth i! the umous that Ms
Sheida! is Cal :ui!to!%s dau*hte0% someo!e called' $ut Mac
was huyi!* he away' his am potecti+ely shieldi!* he fom
the i!tusi+e *lae of cuiosity"
-Please' *uys' *i+e us a $ea)'% he said cutly" -Ms Sheida!
eally is!%t up to this"%
-/hat a$out the umous comi!* fom the hospital that thee is
a oma!ce $ewi!* $etwee! the two of you0%
Mac made !o eply to that as he helped he i!to the ca"
-/ell' I%m *lad to *et out of thee'% #i$$y mumued o!ce they
wee di+i!* away"
Still Mac made !o eply4 he seemed to $e lost i! thou*ht"
#i$$y studied his pofile eflecti+ely" He loo)ed athe ste!' she
thou*ht' a!d sudde!ly she wo!deed if he%d had the !otio! she
had somethi!* to do with those oma!tic umous at the
hospital that the pess had as)ed a$out" -#oo)' i! case you ae
wo!dei!*' I had a$solutely !othi!* to do with stati!* those
umous at the hospital'% she told him heatedly" -The !usi!*
staff *ot the wo!* idea $ecause you seemed co!ce!ed a$out
me" I mea!"""they wee!%t to )!ow that you could!%t eally *i+e
a toss if I li+ed o died a!d wee ,ust woied a$out the pess
*etti!* to me"%
Mac was watchi!* he with a pu88led fow! $etwee! his eyes"
%#i$$y' I did!%t fo o!e mome!t thi!) you had stated a!y
umous at the hospital'% he said calmly" -They ae po$a$ly
o!ly as)i!* $ecause of those photos of us )issi!* the othe
-Oh9% #i$$y settled $ac) a*ai!st he seat a!d felt a $it foolish
fo *etti!* so a*itated !ow" -A!yway' I scotched the umou
$efoe I left the wad'% she mumued" -I told the !use you
wee ,ust a $usi!ess associate"%
-A $usi!ess associate0% Mac sou!ded amused"
-/ell' I had to say somethi!*'% she said emphatically" -I did!%t
wa!t that stoy *oi!* aou!d eithe"%
-No' of couse !ot"% He too) his eyes off the oad a!d fo a
mome!t his *a8e mo+ed o+e he with *e!tle co!templatio!"
-You%+e *ot you eco!ciliatio! with you $oyfie!d to thi!)
a$out' ha+e!%t you0%
Immediately she felt a flae of em$aassme!t as she
emem$eed how she had lied a$out that" %/ell""" yes'% she
-A!d ,ust fo the ecod I did cae a$out you welfae at the
hospital" I! fact' I was e&temely woied a$out you"2
%/ee you0% Thee it was a*ai!' that ca8y' wam *low of
pleasue"""He did!%t mea! it' she emi!ded heself fimly"
He smiled at he" -You *a+e me =uite a scae' i! fact"%
The wam *low sudde!ly $ecame distu$i!*ly i!te!se"
-I thi!) the o!ly thi!* that tuly co!ce!s you is the effect of
!e*ati+e pu$licity o! my fathe%s caee'% she said"
-/ell' it *oes without sayi!* that I am appehe!si+e a$out
that'% he said with a shu*"
Thee' you see' she told heself esolutely" He eally does!%t
*i+e a dam! a$out you" Now if o!ly she could mai!tai! the
same cool e=uili$ium aou!d him' this situatio! mi*ht !ot feel
so e&plosi+e"
She *la!ced o+e at him a*ai!" It was a pity he was so *ood3
loo)i!*4 that was a defi!ite distactio!" To ma)e heself feel
$ette she seached fo faults" He loo)ed +ey autocatic' she
told heself" His !ose was sli*htly a=uili!e a!d his mouth
cu+ed with a $lata!t se!suality" He was!%t at all he type" .ut
he was +ey attacti+e""" a small +oice i!sisted"
As he eyes studied him she !oticed that he still loo)ed
e&temely seious' almost as if somethi!* was tou$li!* him"
-If you do!%t mi!d my sayi!* so you loo) a $it"""pe!si+e'% she
said distactedly" -Is a!ythi!* wo!*0%
%No"""!othi!* is wo!*"% Mac *la!ced o+e at he a*ai! a!d
*a+e he a eassui!* smile"
The! he applied his atte!tio! fimly $ac) to the oad"
1o some easo! #i$$y did!%t $elie+e him" -Ae you sue02
%Positi+e"% Mac%s to!e was $is)" He did!%t wa!t to tell he that
i! fact he had $ee! deep i! co!templatio! a$out a pho!e call
he had made this mo!i!* to he fathe"
He%d u!* to say that #i$$y was i! hospital' $ut !ot to woy'
she was OK' a!d he had half e&pected Cal to wa!t to dash to
he $edside' had $ee! pepaed with calmi!* wods to stop him
woyi!*' $ut Cal had made !o such pa!ic)y su**estio!" All
he%d said was that he was *lad she was ma)i!* a full eco+ey"
It was a $it of a supise"""$ut the! !ot e+eyo!e eacted to a
cisis i! the same way" May$e Cal had $ee! tyi!* to play
dow! the fact that he was eally despeately woied a$out his
-My dad is well' is!%t he0% #i$$y as)ed sudde!ly" -You%e !ot
)eepi!* a!ythi!* fom me' ae you0%
Mac *la!ced o+e at he with a fow!" She sou!ded moe
co!ce!ed a$out he fathe tha! he had a$out he" It was a
-Yes' he%s fi!e'% he mumued distactedly' a!d loo)ed $ac) at
the oad"
-He is still comi!* to the film festi+al0%
Mac *la!ced o+e at he a*ai! a!d she smiled hopefully' he
$lue eyes wide with a!ticipatio!"
She is ,ust a *ood acto' he emi!ded himself fimly" -Yes' he
will $e ai+i!* i! a few days"%
-A few days"% The e&citeme!t faded i! he eyes" -I thou*ht he
would ai+e ealie tha! that" 5id!%t you say somethi!* i! you
email a$out him ai+i!* two days afte me02
%Yes' well' thee has $ee! a cha!*e of pla!"%
%Oh"""I see9% #i$$y tied !ot to feel disappoi!ted a!d told heself
that the o!ly thi!* that matteed was that she saw him $efoe
she had to etu! to #o!do!" .ut the dull ache i!side efused to
*o away" She wo!deed if Mac was espo!si$le fo the delay i!
he fathe *etti!* hee"
Mac *la!ced o+e at he a!d !oticed the way the li*ht seemed
to ha+e faded fom he e&pessio!"
-You%ll e!,oy a few days $ei!* pampeed at the +illa'% he told
he cheefully" -It%s ,ust what the docto odeed"%
She smiled' $ut it lac)ed he usual spa)le"
-A!d tomoow we could *o fo lu!ch i!to Nice' if you%d li)e0%
He fou!d himself impulsi+ely issui!* the i!+itatio!"
-/hy0% She loo)ed o+e at him suspiciously"
He lau*hed" -5o we ha+e to ha+e a easo! to ha+e lu!ch0%
She shu**ed" -I thou*ht you wa!ted to )eep me tuc)ed up i!
this safe house of yous' away fom the pyi!* eyes of
epotes a!d a!yo!e else with a passi!* i!teest02
%#u!ch i! Nice will $e OK" Most of the pess i!teest will $e
ce!ted i! Ca!!es"%
-Yes' well' I thi!) I%ll pass' tha!)s'% she said moodily"
He loo)ed o+e at he with a fow!" -/hy02
%.ecause ha+i!* lu!ch with someo!e who thi!)s so $adly of me
does!%t sou!d li)e much fu! a!yway"%
-I see"% Mac%s +oice seemed to ta)e o! a hade ed*e" -/ell' if
you cha!*e you mi!d the offe still sta!ds"%
-I wo!%t cha!*e my mi!d'% she said fimly" #i$$y tied to
co!ce!tate o! the sce!ey a!d !ot o! the sudde! te!se
atmosphee i! the ca" The +iew was spectacula" They wee
ta+elli!* alo!* a !aow wi!di!* oad that hu**ed the side of
a cliff" The oc) face was a da88li!* ed a*ai!st a $lue s)y a!d
the +i+id tu=uoise of the sea" E+ey !ow a!d the! she
*limpsed secluded co+es whee people lay i! the su! a!d
swam i! the wamth of the Meditea!ea!" #i$$y wished that
she wee dow! o! o!e of those $eaches with !othi!* to woy
a$out othe tha! which su! facto to wea"
Mac tu!ed the ca up i!to a pi+ate di+e a!d stopped to allow
imposi!* wou*ht3io! *ates to swi!* ope! automatically" The
ca swept thou*h a!d they closed smoothly $ehi!d them as
they co!ti!ued up a lo!* tee3li!ed di+e"
-That%s my piso! peimete' is it0% #i$$y half ,o)ed"
He flic)ed a wy loo) o+e at he" -You ca! come a!d *o as you
li)e'% he said" -I told you that" You will ha+e <ac=ues to di+e
-I ca! di+e myself' you )!ow'% she mumued" -A!d I do!%t
!eed a spy out with me watchi!* my e+ey mo+e"%
%<ac=ues is a chauffeu' #i$$y' !ot a spy" A!d I%d let you ha+e a
ca' $ut that would i!+ol+e *etti!* you i!sued" It%s easie ,ust
to use my di+e"%
It sou!ded so pactical that #i$$y almost felt co!+i!ced"""
almost $ut !ot =uite" She )!ew all too well that she was o!ly
hee $ecause Mac wa!ted to )eep a close eye o! he" Of
couse the chauffeu would $e a spy"""it stood to easo!"
The di+e wide!ed out i!to a coutyad a!d i! fo!t of them was
a la*e a!d impessi+e po+i!cial +illa" It had a ed3tiled oof
a!d its pale $lue walls wee co+eed i! a iot of $ou*ai!+illea
a!d wisteia" Cu+ed sto!e steps led up to a *lossy da) $lue
fo!t doo"
-5o you ow! this place0% #i$$y was impessed"
-Yes" 5o you li)e it02
%It%s $eautiful"""$ut moe li)e a ma!sio! tha! a +illa"%
Ma) smiled" -I ha+e some staff who li+e i!4 Maio! the
house)eepe a!d he hus$a!d Claude' who loo)s afte the
*ade!" They occupy the side a!!e&e of the house"%
-A!d you )eep the place ,ust fo clie!ts who !eed space a!d
%Yes"% He pulled to a halt $y the fo!t doo a!d she pic)ed up
he ha!d$a* a!d the $ou=uet of flowes Mac had $ou*ht fo
he $efoe tu!i!* a!d allowi!* him to help he out of the ca"
Mo!ey was o$+iously !o o$,ect to Mac Clayto!' she thou*ht as
they wal)ed i!to a +ey *a!d e!ta!ce hall with a sweepi!*
staicase' polished wood floos a!d mode! cha!delies"
She wo!deed what his house !e&t doo would $e li)e if this
was ,ust a! au&iliay eside!ce"
-Now' the docto has *i+e! me stict i!stuctio!s that you ha+e
to ta)e thi!*s easy'% Ma) said as he tossed some )eys dow!
o!to the hall ta$le" -So what I su**est is that' afte you%+e
settled i!' we sit a!d ha+e a di!) i! the *ade! $efoe ha+i!*
-5o!%t you ha+e to *et $ac) to you ow! house0% #i$$y as)ed
politely" -I )!ow what a $usy ma! you ae6you must ha+e a
millio! thi!*s to do"%
Mac decided it $est to i*!oe the !ote of sacasm i! he to!e"
-No' I%+e cleaed my cale!da ,ust fo you'% he said' matchi!*
he to!e e&actly"
%Ah' a!d hee%s Maio! !ow"2 Mac smiled as a woma! of a$out
si&ty' weai!* a! attacti+e flowe3pi!t dess' appeaed fom
the $ac) of the house" -Pehaps you%d $e *ood e!ou*h to show
#i$$y up to he oom' Maio!" I ,ust !eed to ma)e a few pho!e
Maio! smiled at he as she led the way upstais" -/e wee
soy to hea a$out you accide!t' mademoiselle" How ae you
feeli!* !ow0%
-Much $ette' tha!) you"% #i$$y *la!ced aou!d a!d saw Mac
disappeai!* i!to a study off the hallway"
Maio! led he up o!to a wide la!di!* a!d ope!ed the fist doo
fo he"
#i$$y wal)ed i!to a lo+ely oom with pale lilac walls a!d
wi!dows that loo)ed out towads the sea" .ut it was the $ed
that too) he atte!tio! a!d the fact that it was a )i!*3si8ed
fou3poste oma!tically daped with white musli!"
Sudde!ly out of !owhee she emem$eed he deam fom the
othe !i*ht whe! Ma) had ta)e! he i!to his ams a!d made
lo+e to he"
He heat missed a $eat a!d thudded +iole!tly a*ai!st he
chest at the +i+id a!d distu$i!*ly i!te!se ima*e" She
emem$eed the way she had sue!deed to him so easily"""
a!d' most dis=uieti!*' the way he had told he if she did as she
was told he would aa!*e a meeti!* fo he with he fathe""" a
pomise he had su$se=ue!tly !ot fulfilled"
-Shall I ta)e these flowes fo you a!d put them i! some
wate0% Maio! lea!ed acoss a!d too) the $ou=uet fom he"
The *estue s!apped he out of he e+eie" That had ,ust $ee!
a stupid deam4 it was ca8y to e+e! *i+e it a seco!d thou*ht'
she told heself ste!ly"
-Thee is a! en suite $athoom thou*h thee'% Maio!
co!ti!ued with a wa+e towads a doo at o!e e!d of the oom"
-Tha!) you"%
-I%ll aa!*e fo you $a* to $e $ou*ht up"%
Maio! left the oom a!d #i$$y wa!deed thou*h to the
$athoom" It was fitted out i! white a!d *old a!d was +ey
She *la!ced at he eflectio! i! the mioed walls" She loo)ed
+ey pale a!d he foehead still loo)ed i!flamed at o!e side"
She decided to ta)e a showe a!d wash the hospital feeli!*
away" A!d the! may$e Mac was i*ht a!d a =uiet spell i! the
*ade! would ma)e he feel $ac) to !omal"
Thee was a tap o! the $edoom doo a!d whe! #i$$y we!t
thou*h to i!+esti*ate she saw he $a* had $ee! $ou*ht up
fo he"
:uic)ly she u!pac)ed he thi!*s" She wished she had $ou*ht
moe clothes with he !ow" This house a!d this situatio!
seemed to call fo somethi!* a little moe *lamoous tha! a
couple of summe desses"
/ith a si*h she closed the dawes a!d we!t to showe a!d
/he! #i$$y we!t $ac) dow!stais she could see Mac was still
i! the study tal)i!* o! the telepho!e" So she left him a!d
wa!deed dow! the hallway u!til she fou!d the sitti!* oom" It
was a +ey ele*a!t oom with pimose capets a!d pale $lue
chais" Althou*h thee was a se!se of opule!ce a$out the
deco' thee wee also petty touches li)e the taditio!al
po+i!cial pi!t of the cushio!s a!d the cutai!s a!d the
e!omous sto!e fieplace that was so la*e you could ha+e sat
i!side it $y the fie"
#i$$y *la!ced out of 1e!ch wi!dows that led towads a well3
ma!icued *ade!" A swimmi!* pool spa)led i!+iti!*ly i! the
su! a!d $eyo!d it the Meditea!ea!" #i$$y tied the doos' $ut
they wee loc)ed" She tu!ed a!d wo!deed if she should tell
Mac that she was dow!stais a!d the! o! seco!d thou*hts she
,ust sat i! o!e of the comfota$le amchais a!d decided to
wait u!til he had fi!ished his calls"
Thee was a emote co!tol fo the T7 $eside he a!d she
flic)ed it o!" The fist couple of cha!!els wee i! 1e!ch' so she
)ept flic)i!* u!til she eached a! E!*lish3spea)i!* statio!"
-A!d !ow fo that latest update o! Cal :ui!to!%s accide!t"% A!
Ameica! !ewscaste with pefectly styled $lo!de hai smiled
cheefully" -The acto was luc)y to escape with ,ust a few cuts
a!d $uises whe! he was i!+ol+ed i! a ca cash i! #A"%
A pictue of a ma!*led ca flashed o!to the scee!' a pictue
that hoified #i$$y"
-1ie!ds close to the acto say that he is i! *ood spiits a!d
loo)i!* fowad to the Ca!!es 1ilm 1esti+al whee62
#i$$y loo)ed up as Mac wal)ed i!to the oom" -You did!%t tell
me my fathe had $ee! i!+ol+ed i! such a $ad ca cash'% she
mumued sha)ily" -You said it was !othi!*9%
Mac pic)ed up the emote co!tol a!d switched the T7 off" -It
was a pu$licity stu!t' #i$$y'% he said' cutti!* acoss the a!&ious
=uestio!s that wee poised o! he lips" -Thee was !o ca
cash' ,ust a! ela$oate set3up fo the pess to *et thei teeth
-I see"% She was tha!)ful that he fathe had!%t $ee! i! that
ca9 .ut afte the i!itial elief a feeli!* of a!!oya!ce too) he
o+e" Mac should ha+e told he the tuth a$out the situatio!"
-A!d I ta)e it this pu$licity stu!t was pla!!ed well i! ad+a!ce02
%No' actually' it was a last3mi!ute decisio!"%
-.ut you )!ew a$out it whe! you too) me out fo di!!e the
othe !i*ht0%
Mac hesitated mome!taily a!d the! i!cli!ed his head" -Yes' I
-So why did!%t you tell me0% She *ot to he feet a!d *laed at
him" -5o you ealise ,ust how woied I was whe! I saw that
!ewspape epot0 You could ha+e sa+ed me that at least9%
His eyes flic)ed o+e he" She was weai!* the $lue summey
dess she had wo! o! the e+e!i!* they we!t fo di!!e" She
loo)ed lo+ely"""she also loo)ed delicate a!d +ey pale" A!d
$ehi!d the a!*e i! he $lue eyes he ima*i!ed he could see a
shimme of u!$eaa$le sad!ess"
-I%m soy' #i$$y' eally' I had !o i!te!tio! of causi!* you
The deep ste!*th of his to!e did !othi!* to assua*e the hut
i!side he" -Soy eally ,ust does!%t cut it'% she said sha)ily"
-Ha+e you a!y idea what it is li)e to $e sepaated fom
someo!e you o!ce lo+ed0 To ha+e them wal) out of you life
without a!y e&pla!atio! a!d !e+e see them a*ai!0% He +oice
held a temo of deep emotio!"
Mac fow!ed" -.ut you could ha+e see! him a*ai! if you had
wa!ted to'% he emi!ded he *e!tly"
-Oh' yes' soy' silly me" I fo*ot9 I%m ,ust some u!feeli!*'
mo!ey3*a$$i!*""" halot' ae!%t I0%
His lips twisted wyly at that" -I !e+e said you wee a halot"%
-You%+e !e+e said a!ythi!* !ice a$out me eithe"% She flaed"
-I suppose you did!%t tell me the tuth $ecause you wee afaid
I%d let it slip to the pess that it was ,ust a pu$licity stu!t02
%That did coss my mi!d"% He shu**ed"
1o some easo! that calm admitta!ce hut as well"
-Hey"% He eached out a!d *e!tly touched he face" -I am soy"
I eally did!%t mea! to upset you" I%d hoped to pic) you up fom
you hotel $efoe the !ews a$out you fathe $o)e" The! I
could ha+e eassued you myself" I was a $it supised to fi!d
you wee!%t i! the hotel whe! I ai+ed"%
The touch of his ha!d was +ey disco!ceti!*' as was the
*e!tle!ess of his to!e" She stepped =uic)ly away fom him"
-Those ae ,ust e&cuses' Mac" The fact is you deli$eately )eep
me i! the da)"%
Mac felt a ti!*e of *uilt" May$e if he had told he the tuth
a$out that PR stu!t she would!%t ha+e stepped out i! fo!t of
that ca" How *e!ui!e was he co!ce! a$out he fathe0 he
wo!deed" Had he *ot it wo!*0 O was she ,ust dam! *ood at
playi!* ma)e3$elie+e0
Maio! came i! at that mome!t with a tay i! he ha!d" -I
$ou*ht you some iced tea"% She smiled at Mac" -/ould you
li)e it i! hee o out i! the *ade!02
%I! the *ade!' mecy' Maio!'% Mac eplied"
As the woma! u!loc)ed the 1e!ch doos a!d disappeaed
outside Mac a)ed a ha!d distactedly thou*h his hai" No
matte what the tuth of the situatio!' he did )!ow o!e thi!*
fo cetai! a!d that was how fa*ile a!d +ul!ea$le #i$$y had
loo)ed i! that hospital $ed" -#oo) #i$$y' you should!%t eally $e
upsetti!* youself li)e this" 5 #a+elle said that you should ta)e
thi!*s easy' a+oid stess" So what do you say we call a tuce0 I
am *e!ui!ely soy that I did!%t tell you a$out the pu$licity
stu!t"""a!d you ha+e my wod that I wo!%t )eep you i! the da)
a$out a!ythi!* li)e that a*ai!' a!d I pomise I will aa!*e a
meeti!* fo you with you fathe"%
-Really0% #i$$y loo)ed up at him waily" -You pomise0%
He !odded a!d eached out to ta)e hold of he am" -Come o!'
let%s *o a!d sit outside a!d ela&"%
#i$$y hesitated fo a mome!t" The loo) i! his eyes had $ee! so
solem!' $ut could she eally tust him to follow thou*h with
that *uaa!tee0
They wal)ed out thou*h 1e!ch wi!dows i!to the *ade!"
Thee was a spectacula +iew o+e the Meditea!ea!" #ittle
white saili!* $oats wee flec)ed o+e the hoi8o! a!d the
,a**ed coastli!e stetched fo miles' thic)ly wooded with !o
othe houses i! si*ht" The tees e+ide!tly scee!ed Mac%s
place' $ut a !aow twisty path led dow! thou*h the *ee!ey
to a secluded pi+ate co+e ,ust $elow them" She emem$eed
Mac telli!* he the $each co!!ected the two popeties"
-This is some place'% #i$$y ma+elled as she wal)ed with him
towads the ta$le a!d chais $y the pool"
-Yes' e+e!tually I%d li)e to li+e out hee i! 1a!ce full time"% He
pulled a lou!*e aou!d fo he so that she was u!de the
shade of the paasol a!d could ela& a!d loo) out to sea"
-.ut what a$out you little *il0 You would!%t lea+e he' would
%No"% Mac shoo) his head" -That would $e u!thi!)a$le" .ut I
ha+e some pla!s that could allow me the $est of $oth wolds"%
-/hat )i!d of pla!s0% she as)ed cuiously"
He smiled" -.ei!* o! the supestitious side' I%d athe !ot say at
the mome!t" #et%s ,ust lea+e it that I shall $e putti!* my
poposal i!to actio! dui!* the Ca!!es 1ilm 1esti+al"%
-Sou!ds i!ti*ui!*"% #i$$y could!%t help wo!dei!* if the eal
easo! he was!%t telli!* he his pla!s was dow! to the fact that
he did!%t tust he with them" /ell' she did!%t tust him eithe'
she told heself fimly as she ad,usted the chai a!d sat dow!'
hitchi!* he s)it up ,ust a little to let the su! at he le*s"
-/hat a$out you0% Mac as)ed sudde!ly" -5o you li)e li+i!* i!
%It%s OK" 1eels a $it li)e $ei!* i! a at ace sometimes' $ut it has
its compe!satio!s" Thee ae *ood shops' *ood theates a!d
it%s a cosmopolita! way of life"%
-You ae i! ad+etisi!*' I $elie+e02
%Yes"% She loo)ed o+e at him with a aised eye$ow" -.ut you
aleady )!ow all thee is to )!ow a$out me' do!%t you0 O
athe you thi!) you do' coutesy of you pi+ate detecti+e0%
He smiled" -Now' that is !ot tue at all" I o!ly as)ed him to
chec) you out to ma)e sue you wee who you said you wee"%
-Plus a little fi!a!cial assessme!t o! the side"% #i$$y could!%t
)eep the dy to!e out of he +oice" -Oh' a!d a little pee)
aou!d i! my pi+ate life as well"%
Mac shu**ed" -You ca!%t $lame me fo $ei!* cuious"%
#i$$y ope!ed o!e eye a!d loo)ed at him" -Yes' I ca!' actually"%
He *a+e a wy smile" -If it%s a!y co!solatio!' I was completely
fasci!ated $y you fom the mome!t I saw you photo*aph"%
The wods wee said i! a wamly se!sual to!e" -A!d thee is a
lot moe that I would li)e to fi!d out a$out you"%
To #i$$y%s dismay she fou!d he $ody espo!di!* =uite fiecely
to those wods" Heat stated to si88le thou*h he a!d she felt a
se!se of hei*hte!ed awae!ess as thei eyes co!!ected"
/ith difficulty she pulled heself to*ethe" -Now' Mac' I )!ow
that you laid3$ac) flattey po$a$ly chams most wome!' $ut
it does!%t wo) o! me'% she told him $is)ly"
-5oes!%t it0% He lea!ed a little close" -Ae you sue0% he as)ed
with a la8y )i!d of amuseme!t that i! itself made he heat
$eat faste"
-Of couse I%m sue'% she mumued" -.ecause I eco*!ise you
type a!d I )!ow e&actly what you ae thi!)i!*"%
-A!d what is my type0% he as)ed' as if held spell$ou!d $y he
e+ey wod" He lea!ed e+e! close"
-/ell' you ae"""% She could hadly thi!) stai*ht with him so
close" E+e! the sce!t of his aftesha+e seemed to distu$ he
se!ses" -You%e po$a$ly totally u!pi!cipled" You thi!) that the
i*ht wods a!d the i*ht""" loo) will *et you e&actly what you
-As $ad as that' eh0%
The amuseme!t i! his to!e was most disco!ceti!*" She
*la!ced o+e at him with appehe!sio! a!d !oticed the way his
eyes flic)ed dow! o+e he cu+aceous $ody a!d lo!*' shapely
-So' do you )!ow what I%m thi!)i!* !ow0% His +oice loweed to
a hus)y dawl"
#i$$y was sudde!ly acutely awae that $ehi!d the li*ht3heated
$a!tei!* lay a much moe i!te!se feeli!* of se&ual
ma*!etism" She could feel it li)e a physical pese!ce swili!*
$etwee! them' a!d fo some easo! the emotio!s scaed he"
She could so easily"lose heself i! him' she thou*ht ha8ily as
she staed i!to the da)!ess of his eyes" Hastily she loo)ed
%Yes"""you ae thi!)i!* that I%m a pusho+e'% she said a$uptly"
-A!d' I ca! assue you' I%m !ot"%
He lau*hed at that" It was most u!fai' she thou*ht *imly'
$ecause e+e! his lau*h was attacti+e"
-I !e+e fo o!e mome!t thou*ht that a$out you' #i$$y"%
->ood"% She *la!ced $ac) at him a!d could!%t help $ut smile as
she met his *a8e" -As lo!* as we u!desta!d each othe'% she
-Oh' I thi!) we u!desta!d each othe pefectly"% His *a8e
mo+ed towads he lips"
Somethi!* a$out the way he was loo)i!* at he made he
tem$le i!side"""made he wa!t to lea! close acoss the small
*ap $etwee! them a!d )iss him""" melt a*ai!st him a!d fo*et
e+eythi!* else"""
Huiedly she *la!ced away fom him a!d mo+ed the
co!+esatio! o!' sayi!* the fist thi!* that came i!to he mi!d"
-You )!ow' I hope you do!%t feel you ha+e to stay aou!d hee
with me $ecause of what the docto said" I%ll $e pefectly OK o!
my ow!' if you%d li)e to *o"%
He did!%t a!swe he immediately a!d whe! she loo)ed $ac) at
him she !oticed thee was a seious e&pessio! i! his da) eyes
!ow" -I *a+e my wod to the docto that I would watch o+e
you' a!d I ha+e !o i!te!tio! of lea+i!* you' #i$$y"%
-.ut I am fi!e"""eally I am"%
-E+e! so"% He smiled at he" %I%m afaid you ae stuc) with me
fo the e+e!i!*"%
He eached to pou he a di!) fom the ta$le at the othe side
of him" The o!ly sou!ds i! the *ade! wee the soft cli!) of ice
cu$es a*ai!st *lass' a!d the do!e of a $ee as it plu!deed the
hea+y head of a pi!) clim$i!* ose" It was a pefectly ta!=uil
sce!e a!d yet #i$$y could feel the da!*e i! he situatio!
swili!* aou!d he"
She was se&ually attacted to Mac" No matte how she tied to
de!y it' thee was a cetai! chemisty $etwee! them that
would!%t *o away" A!d e+e! moe tou$li!* was the fact that
she was sue Mac was ,ust as awae of it as she was"
As MARC ha!ded #i$$y the *lass of iced tea he !oticed how
caefully she accepted it' as if she wa!ted to a+oid a!y co!tact
with him"
The sile!ce $etwee! them was hea+y"
#i$$y sou*ht aou!d fo somethi!* to say to $ea) the feeli!*
of te!sio!" -This di!) is +ey efeshi!*"%
-Yes' it%s Maio!%s ow! special ecipe" She is a! a$solute *em"%
-;!fotu!ately I ha+e!%t *ot +ey *ood culi!ay s)ills"% #i$$y
)!ew she was tal)i!* u$$ish !ow4 it was somethi!* she did
whe! she felt !e+ous"
-/ell' you po$a$ly ha+e othe moe impota!t tale!ts tha!
coo)i!*' #i$$y'% he said smoothly"
She did!%t dae loo) o+e at him4 the low' se&y =uality to his
to!e was e!ou*h to tell he they had $y !o mea!s s)ated o!to
safe *ou!d"
I!stead she watched the su! as it stated to *o dow! lea+i!* a
shimme of pi!) o+e the ta!=uil do+e3$lue sea" The e+e!i!*
was dawi!* i! fast !ow a!d li*hts stated to tu! o! i! the
*ade!" They twi!)led i! the puple li*ht of dus) alo!* the
ed*es of the flowe$eds a!d hi*hli*hted the pool i! fluoesce!t
#i$$y dated a *la!ce o+e at Mac a!d fou!d he was watchi!*
he almost as closely as she had $ee! watchi!* the su!set" It
made he feel acutely self3co!scious" She did!%t )!ow if she
was *lad of the +el+ety da)!ess that was stati!* to suou!d
them' o moe petu$ed $y its i!timacy"
-So' tell me' Mac' what is my dad li)e these days0% she as)ed'
tyi!* to put he mi!d to moe impota!t thi!*s"
-He%s a eally !ice *uy'% Mac said cautiously"
-Tell me a little $it a$out him"%
Mac hesitated" -I suppose you )!ow that' cou!ti!* you
mothe' he has $ee! maied thee times02
%Yes' I had head" He does!%t seem to ha+e much luc) i! lo+e'
does he0% #i$$y eflected" -It%s sta!*e that he has!%t had moe
-Not eally" I thi!) losi!* you cut him up petty $adly"%
#i$$y wo!deed how tue that was"
-Apat fom that thee is !ot much to tell'% Mac co!ti!ued" -He
li+es i! #A a!d he had a modeately successful caee i! local
T7 thee" That was whee I disco+eed him a!d fom that poi!t
thi!*s eally too) off fo him i! a $i* way"%
#i$$y smiled at that" -You ae !othi!* if !ot modest' Mac"%
-I%m ,ust telli!* you what happe!ed"% He shu**ed" -Cal did!%t
ha+e pope epese!tatio!' $ut he did ha+e a lot of tale!t" I' o!
the othe ha!d' ha+e the $usi!ess acume! a!d the co!tacts4 I
saw the possi$ilities' stepped i! a!d si*!ed him" Si!ce the! his
caee has $ee! i! shap asce!da!cy i! the States" A!d !ow
he%s stai!* i! a film with <ulia Hy!es who as you )!ow is +ey
much o! the A list whe! it comes to cele$ities" So I thi!) you
could say he eally has made the $i* time !ow"%
As Mac was spea)i!* she could see the *li!t of achie+eme!t i!
his eyes" -You o$+iously lo+e the cut a!d thust of $usi!ess'%
she mumued" -.ut it%s =uite a uthless i!dusty' is!%t it02
%It ca! $e"% Mac fi!ished his di!)"
-Is that why you li)e it0% she as)ed impulsi+ely"
He *la!ced o+e at he a!d fo a mome!t thei eyes held"
-/ell' put it this way' I ha+e !e+e $ac)ed away fom a
challe!*e'% he said =uietly"
A little shi+e aced dow! #i$$y%s spi!e" >oi!* head to head
a*ai!st Mac was a is)y $usi!ess" She supposed she had
)!ow! that fom the fist mome!t she%d met him at the aipot"
He was a ma! who *ot what he wa!ted a!d was!%t afaid to
play ou*h if cicumsta!ces dema!ded it" So' )!owi!* how
uthless he was pepaed to $e """why was she' so attacted to
him0 she wo!deed da8edly" /as it the se!se of da!*e that
was tu!i!* he o!0
-I thi!) you ae the same'% Mac said sudde!ly" -I thi!) you also
do!%t li)e to $ac) away fom a challe!*e"%
-May$e"""% She admitted the fact almost u!de he $eath"
-A!d may$e that is why thee is a cetai! chemisty $etwee!
us'% Mac eflected softly"
-Is thee0% She moiste!ed he lips !e+ously a!d wo!deed how
they had ma!a*ed to slide o!to such da!*eous *ou!d so
-You )!ow thee is"% His eyes wee o! he lips !ow a!d she
could feel he heat thu!dei!* a*ai!st he chest"
She was +ey *lad that Maio! chose that mome!t to step out
of the house a!d a!!ou!ce that di!!e was eady"
-Sa+ed $y the $ell'% Mac eflected wyly"
-l do!%t !eed sa+i!*' Mac"% She $atted wide $lue eyes up at
him' a!d i*!oed the ha!d he held out to help he up"
His lips twisted wyly" -If you say so'% he mumued" -.ut I thi!)
time will tell"%
#i$$y lay i! the deep comfot of the fou3poste $ed' $ut she
could!%t sleep" Not o!ly was she u!$eaa$ly hot' $ut also he
mi!d )ept eplayi!* $ac) o+e the e+e!i!*"
She had to admit that it had $ee! deli*htful sitti!* i! Mac%s
di!i!* oom with the ca!dleli*ht flic)ei!* o! the ta$le
$etwee! them" The food had $ee! delicious a!d Mac had $ee!
*ood compa!y" Somehow the co!+esatio! had $ee! steeed
away fom a!y )i!d of da!*eous *ou!d fo most of the !i*ht
a!d they had e+e! ma!a*ed to lau*h to*ethe a$out some silly
i!co!se=ue!tial mattes"
She se!sed !ow that it had $ee! Mac who had do!e the
steei!*" He had cle+ely daw! he out a!d she had said a few
thi!*s she had!%t mea!t to" 1o o!e' she had admitted that he
cedit cad $ills wee out of ha!d"""
That had $ee! a $i* mista)e4 as soo! as she%d said it she%d
wa!ted to $ite he to!*ue out" .ut Mac had led the
co!+esatio! to that poi!t""" she ealised that !ow" She tied to
tell heself it did!%t matte""" afte all' Mac aleady )!ew she
was i! fi!a!cial tou$le fom his epot o! he a!d she had!%t
a!sweed his =uestio! a$out why she was i! so much de$t"
She tossed estlessly a!d the! *ot up to ope! the $edoom
wi!dow" Thee was a hea+e!ly smell of la+e!de outside a!d
the s)y was clea a!d filled with a millio! stas" 1o a while
#i$$y ,ust lea!ed a*ai!st the wi!dow sill a!d loo)ed out"
Moo!li*ht eflected i! the swimmi!* pool a!d *liste!ed o+e
thee da)!ess of the sea"
It was a +ey oma!tic setti!*' o!ly the *e!tle topical sou!d of
cicadas to fill the wamth of the !i*ht" #i$$y sudde!ly
emem$eed the way Mac had touched he ha!d li*htly acoss
the ta$le as he%d made a poi!t a$out somethi!* ti+ial" It had
,ust $ee! a! i!si*!ifica!t fleeti!* mome!t' $ut it had set
#i$$y%s $ody completely o! fie"
Had he do!e it o! pupose0 she wo!deed !ow" Had he $ee!
testi!* he' *au*i!* he eactio!"""li)e a pedato o$se+i!* his
pey%s wea)!ess0
A!!oyed $y the thou*ht' she huied $ac) to $ed" She was
$ei!* idiculous' ima*i!i!* thi!*s"
Yet e+e! so the u!decue!t of te!sio! i!side he efused to
*o away' efused to allow he to sleep"
She tied to thi!) a$out othe thi!*s' $ut he mi!d )ept
etu!i!* to Mac"
It had $ee! +ey clea ,ust how much he adoed his dau*hte4
his lo+e fo the little *il had sho!e thou*h i! some of the
thi!*s he had said a$out he a!d #i$$y had $ee! e!ta!ced" It
had made he li)e him moe"""made he ela&"
-It%s *ood that you ae thee fo Alice'% she had told him
impulsi+ely" -5i+oce ca! $e had o! childe!" I )!ow I was
u!happy fo a lo!* time afte my pae!ts split up"
-You mothe emaied' thou*h' did!%t she0%
#i$$y !odded" -.ut it was !ot the same" My stepfathe was"""%
As soo! as she stated to tell him a$out Sea! she ealised he
mista)e" The i!fomatio! was simply too peso!al' a!d she
had!%t mea!t to e+eal a!ythi!* li)e that to him"
-/as what0% he po$ed *e!tly"
.ut $y the! tha!)fully she had withdaw! fom the $i!)"
Ope!i!* up a!d e+eali!* pai!ful memoies to you e!emy was
!ot a *ood idea" She !eeded to )eep sto!* aou!d Mac
Clayto!""" e+ey i!sti!ct told he that" A!d' $esides' out of
espect fo he mothe she eally did!%t thi!) she should tal)
a$out how +olatile thi!*s had $ee! i! he mothe%s elatio!ship"
-He was OK'% she said i!stead"
As thei eyes met #i$$y had the disti!ct impessio! that Mac
)!ew she was ai$ushi!* thi!*s out"
She *la!ced at he watch the!" -I suppose it is *etti!* athe
-Is it0% He also loo)ed at the time" -It%s o!ly te!3thity"%
-Yes' $ut I should tu! i!"% She smiled acoss at him" -A!d I%m
sue you%ll wa!t to *et $ac) to you ow! house" You%+e
po$a$ly *ot a millio! thi!*s to do tomoow" The film festi+al
must $e a $usy time fo you"%
-Yes' it is" .ut thi!*s wo!%t eally heat up u!til the day afte
tomoow" I suppose you could say this is the calm $efoe the
stom" This wee) I ha+e a few pemiees to atte!d a!d a lot of
$usi!ess meeti!*s"%
-/hat day will Family Values pemiee02
%/ed!esday"""I thi!)"%
-You thi!)0% #i$$y loo)ed at him with a aised eye3$ow"
-You fathe is!%t my o!ly clie!t' #i$$y"%
%No"""of couse !ot"%
E+e! so she se!sed he was pe+aicati!*" She was sue Mac
Clayto! )!ew e&actly what dates his clie!ts% films wee
That thou*ht *a+e he the impetus to sta!d up fom the ta$le"
-/ell' tha!) you fo a lo+ely e+e!i!*'% she said politely"
-My pleasue"% He also *ot to his feet" -I%+e e!,oyed you
He wal)ed with he fom the oom a!d stopped $y the $ottom
of the stais" -/ell' tha!)s a*ai!'% she said' feeli!* aw)wad fo
some easo!"
%#i$$y"% He cau*ht hold of he am as she made to tu! away
a!d the!' to he supise' $e!t to )iss he chee)"
The mome!tay co!tact was ta!talisi!*ly po+ocati+e" #i$$y
lo!*ed to tu! he head a!d meet his lips" It too) all he will3
powe to tu! away fom him a!d wish him a cool *ood!i*ht"
Thi!)i!* a$out that mome!t !ow made he tempeatue ise
futhe" She tossed estlessly" The thi!* that eally iitated he
was that she )!ew e&actly what )i!d of ma! Mac Clayto! was
a!d yet she still felt daw! to him"""li)e a lemmi!* to a cliff"
She thew the sheets $ac)' a!d *a+e up the pete!ce of tyi!*
to sleep" Thee was !o way she could lie i! this $ed a mome!t
lo!*e' she was too filled with estless e!e*y"
#i$$y wa!deed o+e to the wi!dow a*ai! a!d loo)ed dow! at
the da)!ess of the *ade! a!d the deseted teaces aou!d
the pool" She wo!deed sudde!ly if the wate i! that pool would
$e wam" May$e a swim was ,ust what she !eeded"
Impulsi+ely she we!t o+e to the chest of dawes' too) out he
$athi!* suit a!d slipped it o!" The! she put o! he o$e' too) a
towel a!d cept dow!stais"
The house was i! total da)!ess a!d she switched o! a few
lamps as she wal)ed i!to the dawi!* oom" The! she tied the
1e!ch doos' half e&pecti!* them to $e loc)ed' $ut to he
supise they swu!* ope! easily"
The ai outside was wam' a!d' althou*h all the *ade! li*hts
wee switched off a!d the law!s a!d $odes wee i! shadow'
the pool was lit $y the full!ess of the moo!"
#i$$y $e!t dow! a!d tested the wate with he ha!d" It was!%t
+ey wam" 1o a mome!t she co!templated *oi!* $ac) to $ed4
o!ly the thou*ht of lyi!* awa)e fo a!othe few hous stopped
She was out hee !ow' so she mi*ht as well ma)e the most of
it" /ithout *i+i!* heself time to cha!*e he mi!d' she slipped
off he o$e a!d wal)ed dow! the steps"
The wate e!+eloped he i! its da)' sil)y folds a!d fo a
mome!t it felt fee8i!* a*ai!st he s)i!' $ut as she stated to
swim he tempeatue i!ceased a!d $y the time she had
eached the opposite side the wate felt sudde!ly wam"
She swam se+eal le!*ths' e!,oyi!* the e&ecise" The! she
allowed heself to dift' loo)i!* up at the clea sta3studded s)y
u!til the chill of the wate stated to $ite a*ai! a!d she decided
to *et out" It was o!ly as she tu!ed to swim o+e to the steps
that #i$$y sudde!ly ealised that she was !ot alo!e"
Mac was sitti!* o! o!e of the chais o! the patio"
-How lo!* ha+e you $ee! thee0% she as)ed i! supise"
-:uite a while'% he said la8ily" -I did!%t feel tied so I came out
hee to *et some fesh ai"%
-I thou*ht you had *o!e home a*es a*o"% She pushed he wet
hai out of he eyes a!d clu!* to the side of the pool' etice!t
a$out clim$i!* out !ow that she )!ew he was watchi!*"
-/ell' I%m *lad I did!%t" I would!%t ha+e li)ed to thi!) you wee
out hee alo!e afte ,ust *etti!* out of hospital'% he said ste!ly"
-I%m fi!e' Mac"%
-That is a matte of opi!io!" If you had a $lac)out while i! the
wate you could dow!"% He stood up fom the chai a!d as he
wal)ed close she could see that he was still weai!* the same
clothes fom di!!e" O$+iously he had!%t $ee! home"
-I%m !ot *oi!* to $lac) out" A!d thee is !o !eed to fuss"%
-All the same' I pomised 5 #a+elle that I%d )eep a! eye o!
you"% He pic)ed up he o$e fom the floo" -Come o!' you%d
$ette *et out of thee $efoe you catch a chill"%
-I%m !ot cold"% She eally did!%t wa!t to step out of the wate i!
fo!t of him" He swimmi!* costume was +ey $ief a!d she felt
i!cedi$ly self3co!scious" -A!d I a$sol+e you fom the
espo!si$ility of watchi!* o+e me'% she said with a *i!"
He couched dow! $eside he" -If you ae !ot cold' how come
you ae shi+ei!*0%
The amuseme!t i! his to!e eally iitated he" -I%m !ot'% she
said fimly a!d tied +ey had to stop he teeth fom
chattei!*" -A!d I%ll *et out i! a mi!ute o!ce you%+e *o!e"%
He smiled" -I tell you what' I%ll do the *e!tlema!ly thi!* a!d
tu! my $ac) while you *et out a!d put you o$e o!' OK0%
#i$$y hesitated" %Yes """OK' tha!)s"% She did !eed to *et out of
hee" Now she had stopped swimmi!* it was +ey cold"
He stai*hte!ed a!d tu!ed his $ac) o! he" .ut it was o!ly as
she *ot out of the wate a!d loo)ed aou!d fo he wap that
she ealised he was still holdi!* it" %Mac' you%+e *ot my o$e9%
-So I ha+e"% He tu!ed aou!d a!d fo a seco!d his eyes difted
dow! o+e he fi*ue" -I do!%t )!ow why you wee hidi!* fom
me" You ha+e a $eautiful $ody"""+ey shapely"%
The hus)i!ess of his to!e caused the shi+es i!side he to
i!cease damatically" -<ust cut the smooth tal)' Mac' a!d *i+e
me my o$e"% She held he ha!d out impatie!tly"
I!stead of ha!di!* it to he' he came o+e a!d wapped it
aou!d he shouldes" -Thee' that%s $ette"%
He was so close to he that she could feel the wamth fom his
She wa!ted to step $ac) fom him' $ut she was too close to the
ed*e of the pool" -I suppose you thou*ht that was fu!!y0% She
*laed at him as she u$$ed heself dy with the o$e"
-/hat was fu!!y02
%Pete!di!* to $e a *e!tlema!9%
-I thou*ht I%d $eha+ed impecca$ly'% he said"
-/ell' I $e* to diffe"%
-5o you0% He eached out a!d touched he face" His ha!d
caessed sil)ily o+e he wet s)i! a!d made he stat to shi+e
a*ai!"""fo all the wo!* easo!s"
-I was +ey well $eha+ed at di!!e"""did!2t ma)e a si!*le pass
at you a!d' $elie+e me' I was e&temely tempted"%
-/ee you0% She loo)ed up i!to his eyes a!d could feel he
heat thumpi!* a*ai!st he chest +iole!tly"
He !odded" -A!d the! I wished you *ood!i*ht with ,ust the
li*htest pec) o! the chee) whe! i! fact what I eally wa!ted to
do was this"""% He lea!ed close a!d she ealised he was *oi!*
to )iss he' $ut she could!%t ma)e heself mo+e away"
His lips wee wam a*ai!st the cool!ess of hes4 the feeli!* was
e&temely se!sual' the )iss mi!d3$lowi!*" She was eeli!* with
the aftemath of it as he pulled $ac) to loo) i!to he eyes" -I let
you wal) away fom me up the stais' whe! eally what I
wa!ted to do was sweep you up i!to my ams a!d ta)e you to
The softly spo)e! wods caused a! i!te!se ush of
co!ste!atio! mi&ed with e&citeme!t" The tuth was she had
wa!ted that too' she still did" A!d that was what was scai!*
the hell out of he"
-So' you see' I thi!) I%+e $ee! +ey estai!ed'% he mumued
hus)ily" -I came out hee to cool dow!"""a!d the! I saw this
+isio! of lo+eli!ess diso$i!* to e+eal ta!talisi!* cu+es" It
eally was +ey distacti!* a!d all my *ood i!te!tio!s seem to
$e deseti!* me"%
-I did!%t )!ow you wee hee"% She whispeed the wods
-.ut may$e deep dow! you wee hopi!* I was0% He taced a
fi!*e dow! the side of he face' a!d the! lowe to whee the
tim of he $athi!* suit cu+ed aou!d he femi!i!e fom"
-You ae +ey sue of youself' Mac Clayto!'% she said" -I ha+e
to tell you I do!%t e+e! li)e you +ey much"""%
-5o!%t you0% His fi!*es sto)ed lowe o+e the wet costume
a!d he could feel the had pea)s of he $easts" -You $ody
$e*s to diffe"%
-I%m cold'% she mumued' tyi!* +ey had to fi*ht the melti!*
fies i!side"
-No' #i$$y"""at this mome!t' I%d say you ae +ey"""+ey hot"% His
mouth fou!d hes a*ai! a!d this time the )iss was hu!*y a!d
i!te!se" She felt the last little *limmes of esista!ce fadi!*
u!de the masteful sto)es of his ha!d a!d his mouth" A!d
sudde!ly she was *i+i!* i! completely to the desie that he
could sto)e i!side he with such ease"
He ha!ds te!tati+ely eached out to touch his shouldes' a!d
the! seemed to ta+el of thei ow! +olitio! to a)e thou*h his
hai as she )issed him hu!*ily $ac)"
She felt the staps of he $athi!* suit come loose as he u!tied
them' felt him slowly pulli!* it dow! as his lips mo+ed dow!
o+e he !ec) a!d the! lowe" #i$$y was completely poweless
to esist"
His thum$ $ushed o+e the se!sitised pea) of he $east
$efoe the wamth of his mouth co+eed it' a!d she cau*ht he
$eath at the pue ecstasy of the se!satio!"
The! sudde!ly he was pulli!* he o$e closed" A shap dat of
disappoi!tme!t seaed thou*h he" /as he putti!* a stop to
As he stepped $ac) fom he she loo)ed up i!to his eyes a!d
ealised she had passed the poi!t of tu!i!* $ac)" The ache
i!side he was too i!siste!t to i*!oe"
He sto)ed he wet hai $ac) fom he face" The *estue was
cuiously te!de a!d it made he stomach tu! o+e with desie"
-Shall we *o upstais' ma)e ousel+es moe comfota$le0% he
su**ested softly"
A te!se sile!ce twisted $etwee! them"
#i$$y hesitated' to! $etwee! the wei*ht of he desie a!d the
i*!o$ility of i!+iti!* a ma! who had !o e*ad fo he6i!deed'
thou*ht she was !othi!* $ut a *old3di**e6i!to he $ed" If she
slept with him this would ,ust $e se&4 thee would $e !o te!de
feeli!*s attached" She had !e+e do!e that i! he life $efoe"
She shi+eed +iole!tly a!d Mac pulled the o$e close aou!d
he" -#et me help you *et out of those wet thi!*s'% he
mumued playfully a!d lea!ed close to )iss he a*ai!"
His )iss was so seducti+ely passio!ate it was had to emem$e
that this was ,ust a fli!*"
#i$$y )issed him $ac) te!tati+ely' a!d sudde!ly the caess
deepe!ed' se!suality hei*hte!ed a!d she fo*ot he
mis*i+i!*s""" fo*ot e+eythi!* e&cept the aw' pimal !eed that
was aci!* $etwee! them"
-OK' you ca! ta)e me to $ed'% she whispeed a*ai!st his lips"
-<ust this o!ce"""$ut it does!%t mea! a!ythi!*"""%
E+e! as she was spea)i!* he was swi!*i!* he up i!to his
#I..Y staed up at the ceili!* a!d watched shadowy ealy3
mo!i!* su!li*ht ceep i! acoss the oom"
She felt shell3shoc)ed' could hadly $elie+e that she had *i+e!
heself so completely to Mac Clayto! last !i*ht9 .ut if she
tu!ed he head a factio! of a! i!ch o! the pillow' thee he
was !e&t to he" She had slept with the e!emy9 A!d' what was
wose' it had $ee! a$solutely fa!tastic9
>oa!i!* i!wadly' she tied !ot to thi!) a$out how wo!deful
it had $ee!" .ut the memoies wee +i+idly fesh i! he mi!d"
She emem$eed whe! Mac had $ou*ht he up to the
$edoom she had disappeaed i!to the $athoom to =uic)ly
showe the chloi!e fom he s)i!" It had $ee! a! e&cuse to
escape fo a mome!t' to ty a!d pull $ac) fom the $i!) of
disaste" .ut as the steami!* wate had hit he $ody the
showe doo had ope!ed a!d Mac had ,oi!ed he" She would
!e+e' e+e fo*et the way he had tu!ed he o!' the feel of his
ha!ds so co!fide!t a!d so s)illed i! the at of seductio!' his
mouth plu!dei!* a*ai!st hes' the powe of his $ody a*ai!st
hes" He stomach tu!ed o+e with late!t desie at the +ey
thou*ht of it"
Mac had awo)e! a deep a!d passio!ate se!suality i! he that
she had!%t e+e! )!ow! e&isted u!til !ow" No$ody had e+e
made he lose co!tol li)e that $efoe""" !ot e+e! Simo!' a!d
yet she had thou*ht she had lo+ed Simo! with all he heat9 It
was $i8ae that a ma! li)e Mac6a ma! whom she eally
did!%t li)e' she emi!ded heself fimly6could tu! he o! li)e
It was ,ust chemisty' she supposed"""$ut' wow' had it $ee!
poweful9 She emem$eed how he had caied he $ac) to
$ed' ma)i!* lo+e to he with a co!tol that had di+e! he ca8y
with !eed u!til she had $e**ed fo elease' a!d whe! that
elease had come it had $ee! tumultuous" She $it dow! o! he
lip as she emem$eed that complete loss of estai!t" It was
dau!ti!* to thi!) that a! e!emy could ha+e that amou!t of
powe o+e he" A!d he%d o$+iously fully e&pected to ha+e se&
with he4 a foil pac)et had mysteiously appeaed whe! he%d
*ot he i!to $ed"
/he! she had loo)ed up at him with =uestio!i!* eyes he had
smiled wyly"
-I li)e to play'% he had mumued" %.ut I always play safe"%
He eyes mo+ed o+e him co!templati+ely !ow" E+e! i! sleep
he loo)ed powefully co!fide!t" Thee was !o hi!t of
+ul!ea$ility a$out him" His featues wee sto!*' his lips
se!sually cu+ed" She !oticed how lo!* a!d da) his eyelashes
wee a*ai!st his ta!!ed s)i!' the da) shadow alo!* his s=uae
,aw li!e" He *a8e mo+ed lowe to whee the white sheet had
slipped dow! to his waist" His toso was wide a!d muscula' his
stomach completely flat" She was sudde!ly filled with a!
o+ewhelmi!* impulse to each out a!d touch him' wa)e him
with a )iss' as) him to ma)e lo+e to he a*ai!"
#i$$y culed he ha!ds i!to ti*ht fists a!d willed heself !ot to
do a!y such thi!*" She had *i+e! i! to him e!ou*h9 #ast !i*ht
was a o!e off"
It too) a teme!dous effot of will to ma)e heself tu! away
fom him a!d swi!* he le*s out of the $ed' $ut she did it"
-/hee ae you *oi!*%0%
Mac%s deep +oice made he se!ses ace i! chaotic disaay' as
did the touch of his ha!d as he tailed it +ey softly dow! the
le!*th of he $ac)"
-I%m *etti!* up"% She did!%t loo) aou!d' $ut i!stead eached fo
he sil) dessi!* *ow! that was lyi!* o! the floo"
-It%s ealy yet"%
-Yes' $ut I thou*ht I%d *o out' do a little si*htseei!* a!d some
shoppi!*"% She foced heself to thi!) ahead"""thi!) of a!ythi!*
e&cept the ta!talisi!* pospect of lyi!* $ac) $eside him"
/appi!* he dessi!* *ow! aou!d he !a)ed $ody' she stood
up" -A!d I suppose you ha+e impota!t thi!*s to do today as
well'% she co!ti!ued cisply"
-Not eally"""$ut I ca! thi!) of a few thi!*s I%d li)e to do"% He
used the same playful to!e that had stied he se!ses so
damatically last !i*ht"
#i$$y flic)ed a te!tati+e loo) aou!d at him" He was sitti!*
popped up a*ai!st the white pillows !ow a!d he loo)ed so
ha!dsome that he heat seemed to tu! o+e" 5id he mea!
that he wa!ted he to come $ac) to $ed0 The temptatio! was
i!te!se" She ima*i!ed heself falli!* $ac) i!to his ams a!d
allowi!* him to slip he dessi!* *ow! off to peppe sweet
)isses all o+e he $ody"
1imly she shut out the thou*ht a!d ti*hte!ed the $elt of he
*ow!" -I hope you ealise that last !i*ht was ,ust a $it of fu!'
Mac'% she said fimly' $ut e+e! as she spo)e she )!ew she was
tyi!* to co!+i!ce heself moe tha! him" -It did!%t mea!
a!ythi!*""" a!d it cetai!ly does!%t mea! you ca! sidetac) me
away fom the eal easo! I%m hee"%
-Of couse !ot"% Althou*h his eyes wee seious' his lips twisted
i! a moc)i!* smile" -I )!ow you $ette tha! to ty somethi!*
li)e that' #i$$y"%
->ood"% She swallowed had o! a sudde! aw feeli!* i!side"
Yes' he did )!ow he""" he )!ew e+ey i!ch of he $ody
i!timately a!d she had *i+e! heself to him moe completely
tha! she had do!e to a!y othe ma!" Yet aside fom that he
did!%t eally )!ow he at all" He thou*ht she was a *old3
di**e""" a chalata!" A!d he was playi!* *ames with he" She
was!%t stupid" A ma! li)e Mac Clayto! would !e+e eally $e
i!teested i! he" She had see! the type of wome! he we!t fo
pictued with him i! *lossy ma*a8i!es" He was a
multimillio!aie tycoo! with a! opi!io! of himself4 he we!t fo
similaly *lamoous film stas"
-/ell' I%m *oi!* to ha+e a showe a!d the! I%m *oi!* to *o out"%
She foced heself to smile $i*htly at him" -A!d I would
appeciate it if you would aa!*e that meeti!* fo me with my
-I%ll do that as soo! as he ai+es' $ut' as I told you yesteday'
he wo!%t $e hee fo a few days"%
-You could i!* him !ow'% she said"
-I could' $ut I%m !ot *oi!* to"%
The $lu!t se!te!ce made #i$$y fow!" -/hy !ot02
%.ecause of the time diffee!ce' fo o!e thi!*' a!d fo a!othe
you fathe has a few othe meeti!*s a!d i!te+iews to
o*a!ise fist"%
His cool' $usi!essli)e to!e i!fuiated he" -/ell' my time is
+alua$le as well' Mac'% she emi!ded him" -5o!%t fo*et I%+e
o!ly *ot fou days left $efoe my fli*ht $ac) to #o!do!"%
-I ha+e!%t fo*otte!'% he said softly" A!d $efoe she ealised his
i!te!tio!s he had lea!ed fowad' cau*ht hold of he am a!d
pulled he $ac) dow! o!to the $ed"
She lay $eathlessly' loo)i!* up at him as he olled o+e a!d
pi!!ed he fimly $e!eath him"
-Thee' that%s $ette"% He smiled dow! at he with a *leam of
satisfactio! i! his da) eyes" -Afte all' if we o!ly ha+e limited
time we may as well ma)e the most of it"
-Mac' I62
-So whee wee we0% He cut acoss he potestatio!s fimly"
-Ah' yes"""% His eyes a)ed o+e he' ta)i!* i! the tum$le of he
da) hai a*ai!st the white sheets' the fa*ile $eauty of he
featues" The! his ha!d mo+ed to u!tie the $elt of he dessi!*
*ow!" -<ust a$out hee' I thi!)"""%
The seducti+e to!e of his +oice was followed $y a! e=ually
seducti+e )iss" She felt heself melti!* i!to him' felt all the
easo!s fo !ot $ei!* i! his ams dissol+e li)e s!ow i! spi!*"
All she could say i! a athe *uff to!e was' -This po$a$ly is!%t
a *ood idea"""%
He smiled at that" -I thi!) it is a +ey"""+ey *ood idea"%
The! wods wee lost amidst a much fiece stom of passio!"
/he! #i$$y awo)e she stetched out a ha!d to the space !e&t
to he i! the $ed' $ut it was empty" Pushi!* he hai out of he
eyes' she sat up" She was alo!e i! the $edoom" Mac%s clothes
wee *o!e fom the floo' a!d e&cept fo the dull ache of
letha*y i! he $ody it was as if last !i*ht """a!d this mo!i!* """
had ,ust $ee! a deam"
.ut it was!%t a deam" She had *i+e! heself o!ce a*ai! +ey
completely to Mac Clayto!"
Thee was a )!oc) at the doo a!d she felt a shap dat of
a!ticipatio! as she huiedly pulled the sheets moe fimly o+e
he !a)ed $ody' a!d called fo whoe+e it was to come i!"
It was Maio! $i!*i!* a tay of tea fo he' a!d #i$$y did!%t
)!ow whethe to $e disappoi!ted that it was!%t Mac """o
-#on+our) mademoiselle"% The house)eepe smiled at he as she
put the chi!a tea se+ice dow! o! the dessi!* ta$le"
%#on+our' Maio!" *erci' that is +ey )i!d of you'% she said
Maio! eached to stai*hte! the cutai!s" -*onsiour Clayto!
said you would po$a$ly pefe tea to coffee" I hope that is
%That%s fi!e"% #i$$y !odded"
The woma! smiled" -Oh' a!d he says he will pic) you up to ta)e
you fo lu!ch i! Nice at ele+e! o cloc)'% Maio! added casually"
-He said !ot to $e late $ecause he is o! a ti*ht schedule a!d
!eeds to etu! home $y fou"%
-I see"% #i$$y a)ed he ha!d thou*h the da)!ess of he hai"
<ust who the hell did Mac Clayto! thi!) he was0 Ma)i!* lo+e to
he as if """as if he ow!ed he9 The! issui!* odes to he +ia his
house)eepe9 She had aleady tu!ed dow! that i!+itatio! to
lu!ch yesteday"
She had a *ood mi!d to tell Maio! to pass a messa*e $ac)
that she would !ot $e fee fo lu!ch" Thee was !o way she
wa!ted him to thi!) she was a complete wal)3o+e"
Howe+e' the pospect of spe!di!* time i! Nice was tempti!*"
A!d may$e tu!i!* Mac dow! a*ai! would!%t achie+e much"
/hat was that old ada*e a$out )eepi!* e!emies close0 He
heat s)ipped a couple of appehe!si+e $eats""" She cetai!ly
could!%t ha+e *ot a!y close last !i*ht9
She lay $ac) a*ai!st the pillows as Maio! left the oom" Thee
was a pat of he that still could!%t $elie+e that she had slept
with Mac" She had always $ee! so +ey cautious a!d caeful
a$out he elatio!ships" I! a way she was a $it old3fashio!ed
a!d $elie+ed i! lo+e a!d oma!ce *oi!* ha!d i! ha!d"""
Ta)i!* a deep $eath' she pushed the co+es $ac) a!d *ot up"
People had casual fli!*s all the time these days" Mac would!%t
$e *i+i!* it a seco!d thou*ht a!d !eithe should she"
Putti!* o! he dessi!* *ow!' she sat dow! at the ta$le a!d
poued he tea" Outside the wi!dow the s)y was a pefect $lue
a!d aleady it loo)ed +ey hot out thee" /hat time was it0 she
wo!deed a!d *la!ced at he watch" #i$$y was hoified to see
that it was almost te!3thity4 she had!%t slept this late i! yeas9
Plus she o!ly had half a! hou to showe a!d *et eady9
She was a$out to ush a$out fa!tically a!d the! thou*ht $ette
of it" Mac could wait" It would do him *ood"
It was ele+e!3fiftee! $efoe #i$$y was dessed a!d eady a!d
Mac still had!%t ai+ed" Not wa!ti!* to *o dow!stais to wait
fo him' she spe!t some e&ta time o! he hai a!d ma)e3up"
She would act cool a!d sophisticated today' she told heself
fimly" Thee was !o way she would let him thi!) that last !i*ht
was causi!* he a mome!t%s thou*ht" 5espite the pep tal)'
#i$$y%s emotio!s wee a!ythi!* $ut cool as she head his ca
pulli!* up outside"
She flic)ed a last citical loo) at he eflectio!' chec)i!* fo
faults" He hai was loose aou!d he face to co+e the $uise
o! he foehead' a!d she woe a smat white )!ee le!*th s)it
a!d a matchi!* shot3slee+ed ,ac)et" /ith it she had teamed a
pale pi!) halte3!ec) top with matchi!* pale pi!) +ey hi*h3
heeled shoes" The outfit suited he4 she loo)ed stylish' yet
you!* a!d +i$a!t"
As she left the $edoom the *a!dfathe cloc) o! the la!di!*
was chimi!* the half3hou' a!d she could hea Mac as)i!*
Maio! whee she was"
-I%m up hee"% She paused at the top of the stais a!d loo)ed
dow! at him i! the hall $e!eath" -A!d you ae late"%
-/ell' I thou*ht if I told you ele+e!' you would cetai!ly $e o!
time fo half past"%
-You ae too sue of youself $y fa'% she told him li*htly' a!d
was +ey pleased at how $lase a!d i! co!tol she sou!ded"
Mac watched as she wal)ed dow! the stais" She loo)ed
wo!deful" He lo!* le*s had aleady ac=uied a ho!ey3
$u!ished to!e fom yesteday i! the *ade!' a!d he da) hai
swu!* *lossily aou!d he shouldes"
-You loo) *eat"%
The admiatio! i! his to!e made he heat flutte a little"
He did!%t loo) $ad himself9 He was weai!* desi*!e $lue ,ea!s
a!d a white T3shit a!d the casual attie made him loo) +ey
se&y" As she eached the $ottom of the stais she wa!ted to
lea! acoss a!d )iss him *ood mo!i!*" Kiss him a!d )iss
him """a!d !e+e stop"
He heat was aci!* !ow" She moiste!ed he lips' tossed $ac)
he lo!* da) hai a!d stayed well $ac) fom him" -Tha!)s"%
She smiled coolly" -Actually I was!%t *oi!* to ,oi! you fo lu!ch'
$ut I cha!*ed my mi!d"%
-/ell' I%m *lad you did'% he said with a )i!d of la8y humou that
made he se!ses eel e+e! moe" He stepped $ac) to the doo
a!d ope!ed it" -Shall we0% he as)ed' waiti!* fo he to poceed
him out of the doo"
She smiled a!d swept past him' awae that he was watchi!*
he e+ey mo+e" It was o!ly as she eached his low3slu!* spots
ca that she wo!deed if pehaps she had wo! the wo!*
outfit4 this s)it was a little o! the ti*ht side fo low +ehicles"
Mac ope!ed the ca doo a!d waited"
She met his eyes $iefly a!d the! huiedly loo)ed away"
He watched as she sat dow! a!d swi+elled he le*s sideways
i!to the ca" It was a difficult ma!oeu+e' $ut she ma!a*ed it"
It was o!ly as she $ecame awae of his eyes mo+i!* alo!* the
shapely le!*th of he le*s that she ealised he s)it had idde!
Swiftly she pulled it dow!"
He smiled a!d slammed the doo shut" #i$$y watched as he
wal)ed aou!d a!d *ot i! $eside he" To he co!ste!atio! he
did!%t stat the e!*i!e stai*ht away' $ut i!stead tu!ed to loo)
o+e at he"
-So how ae you feeli!* this mo!i!*0% he as)ed casually"
-1i!e"% She felt he s)i! flae with em$aassed colou" She
hoped he was!%t *oi!* to tal) a$out what had ta!spied
$etwee! them last !i*ht9
-No headaches o di88y spells0% His da) eyes seemed to *leam
with a hi!t of teasi!* amuseme!t"
-Oh9% Now she could feel heself *etti!* e+e! moe hot a!d
$otheed" She had!%t ealised he was tal)i!* a$out he head"
-No' !othi!* li)e that"%
->ood"""% He eached out a!d sto)ed he da) hai $ac) fom
he foehead' his eyes o! the dull ed ma) whee she had
stuc) it o! the co!cete"
To he hoo' his touch i!sta!tly eawa)e!ed the desie she
felt' fo him" A!d she was sudde!ly +ey awae of how close he
was to he i! the co!fi!es of the ca" The sce!t of his colo*!e
was ta!talisi!*ly familia fom last !i*ht4 if she lea!ed he head
a little close she would $e i! his ams" He eyes ested o! his
lips' a!d ed3hot sce!es fom last !i*ht flashed thou*h he
mi!d" Mac ma)i!* he $e* fo moe""" Mac )issi!* he all
o+e"""Mac soothi!* he a!d the! ta)i!* he with a domi!a!ce
that had ta)e! he $eath away"
#i$$y could hea the steady $eat of he heat pou!di!* i! he
-Should!%t we $e ma)i!* a mo+e0% she as)ed i! a hus)y'
te!tati+e whispe"
-/hat )i!d of a mo+e wee you thi!)i!* a$out0% he as)ed' his
eyes o! he lips"
-7ey fu!!y' Mac"% /ith difficulty she loo)ed away fom him"
He smiled a!d to he elief switched o! the ca e!*i!e" -Soy"
You !eed to ela&' #i$$y6you loo) a $it te!se" I ca! assue you
I%m !ot *oi!* to pou!ce o! you"%
-A!d I ca! assue you I%m !ot te!se'% she s!apped' a!d the!'
$ecause she did sou!d a $it te!se' added moe casually' -A!d I
did!%t thi!) fo o!e mome!t you wee *oi!* to pou!ce o! me"%
She tied to close out of he mi!d the way he had pulled he
$ac) to $ed this mo!i!*" -You%e a ma! of the wold' I%m a
woma! of the wold' !eithe of us ha+e a!y illusio!s o ha!*3
ups a$out"""last !i*ht"% Thee she had foced heself to me!tio!
-7ey *ow! up"% Mac !odded"
-E&actly"% She smiled at him" -I%m sue you ha+e a sti!* of +ey
*lamoous *ilfie!ds to thi!) a$out a!d I ha+e Simo!"%
O!e da) eye$ow lifted at that" -I do!%t ha+e a sti!* of
*ilfie!ds'% he coected he" -I always co!ce!tate o! wome!
o!e at a time"%
-Oh9% /hat woma! was he co!ce!tati!* o! at the mome!t0
she wo!deed"
He *la!ced o+e at he a!d added sado!ically' -A!d' coect
me if I%m wo!*' $ut you did!%t appea to $e thi!)i!* +ey had
a$out Simo! last !i*ht eithe"%
.efoe she could a!swe that Mac put the ca i!to *ea a!d
the ca sped dow! the di+eway"
5am! ma!9 she thou*ht i! a!!oya!ce" He eally !eeded to $e
ta)e! dow! a couple of pe*s" .ut all the same she wished she
had !e+e me!tio!ed Simo!"
He stopped the ca to wait fo the electic *ates to ope! a!d
*la!ced o+e at he" -5id I upset you $y me!tio!i!*""" you e&'
li)e that0%
#i$$y wo!deed if she should stic) to he stoy a!d tell him that
Simo! was!%t he e&" .ut u!de the cicumsta!ces the pete!ce
felt wo!*" So she ,ust shoo) he head"
-I ha+e to tell you' #i$$y' that last !i*ht was +ey special"%
Of couse' he po$a$ly said thi!*s li)e that to e+ey woma! he
slept with' $ut e+e! so the hus)y wods made he $lush with
pleasue" Mac watched he closely a!d thee was a da) *leam
i! his eye as if he eactio! satisfied him" The! he eached out
a!d sto)ed a ha!d dow! o+e the sil)y soft!ess of he hai" -So
what do you say0 Shall we call a tuce fom a!y hostilities a!d
,ust ela& a!d e!,oy ousel+es today0%
/he! he touched he li)e that' loo)ed at he li)e that' she
would ha+e do!e a!ythi!* fo him' she thou*ht ha8ily"
-/hat hostilities0% she as)ed softly"
He smiled" The *ates ope!ed a!d the ca oaed thou*h"
#ife sudde!ly felt e&taodi!aily *ood as they do+e alo!* the
coast oad towads Nice" #i$$y lea!ed $ac) i! he seat a!d
watched as Mac ha!dled the poweful spots ca with almost
as much s)ill a!d co!fide!ce as he had ha!dled he last !i*ht"
As his ha!d pushed the *ea up a!d the! dow! she
emem$eed how he had ta)e! he up a!d dow! a *ea with
e=ual ease a!d he i!sides tu!ed to li=uid heat"
Tyi!* to ta)e he mi!d away fom se&' she loo)ed at his
ha!dsome pofile i!stead" He eally was too *ood loo)i!*9 It
was !o' wo!de all the wome! seemed to swoo! o+e him"
-E+eythi!* OK0% Mac *la!ced sideways at he a!d cau*ht he
watchi!* him"
-1i!e"% She smiled a!d tied to co+e heself $y sayi!*' -I was a
millio! miles away' ,ust thi!)i!* a$out what shoppi!* I%d li)e to
do today"%
-A!d whethe o !ot you cedit cad will sta!d the stai!0% He
too) his eyes off the oad to loo) at he a*ai!' aisi!* his
-No9% She fow!ed a!d wished fo the millio!th time she had!%t
admitted he cedit cad de$t" -That%s ,ust a tempoay *litch' it
will $e soted out +ey soo!"%
-I see"% Mac shu**ed"
At least' she hoped it would $e soted out +ey soo!' she
thou*ht dismally" Simo! suely would!%t e&pect he to fu!d him
i! his !ew home9 He%d pay he $ac)""" would!%t he0
Hell' $ut she eally could pic) me!9 May$e it was a family
cuse0 He fathe did!%t seem to ha+e had much luc) i! his
elatio!ships eithe' a!d !eithe had he mothe' fo that
She a)ed a ha!d thou*h he hai a!d fo a mome!t a ay of
pleasue we!t out of the day"
All she had e+e wa!ted was a settled family life" 7ey old3
fashio!ed' $ut thee it was" A!d somehow it ,ust seemed to
)eep eludi!* he"
Hastily she tu!ed he mi!d away fom Simo!" She could do
without him a!d it was $ette to $e o! he ow! tha! with the
wo!* peso!"
/he! she *ot home she was *oi!* to fi!d heself a !ew flat
a!d $e completely self3sufficie!t" May$e *et a cat"
She smiled to heself at the thou*ht"
-/hat is so amusi!*0% Mac as)ed he sudde!ly"
-Nothi!*"% She shu**ed" -I was ,ust thi!)i!* that may$e I do!%t
!eed !ew clothes today" Afte all' I will $e etu!i!* home i! a
few days"%
-/ell' it%s always *ood to ta+el li*ht'% Mac said !o!chala!tly"
-Yes I suppose' it is"% She shu**ed" A!d i! moe ways tha!
o!e' she thou*ht sudde!ly" Emotio!al $a**a*e could $e ,ust as
hea+y"""if !ot hea+ie"
O!ce she saw he dad she was *oi!* to close the chapte o!
the past a!d stat afesh" She was sto!*e tha! she thou*ht"""
hell' she could e+e! ha+e o!e3!i*ht sta!ds with da!*eous'
e&citi!* sta!*es without $atti!* a! eyelid"
She loo)ed o+e at Mac a!d met his *a8e""" /ell' may$e she
was!%t =uite as ela&ed as she had hoped' she thou*ht hastily
as she loo)ed away a*ai!" .ut she was defi!itely moe mode!
i! he outloo) tha! she had $ee!' say' a day a*o"
/he! they eached Nice' Mac pa)ed the ca a!d they stolled
alo!* the Pome!ade des A!*lais" The su! was $eati!* dow!
fom a clea $lue s)y a!d a wam $ee8e uffled the sea'
se!di!* white3capped wa+es aci!* acoss the $ay" They stood
fo a while admii!* the +iew alo!* the pome!ade $efoe
cutti!* away fom the seafo!t with its palm tees a!d chic
hotels to wa!de alo!* a pedestia! 8o!e with stylish $outi=ues
a!d pa+eme!t cafes"
Thee wee some $eautiful desi*!e shops a!d o!e i! paticula
cau*ht #i$$y%s eye' ma)i!* he pause outside the wi!dow fo
a! e&ta few mi!utes"
-That dess would eally suit you'% Mac said' !oddi!* towads a
+ey *lamoous e+e!i!* *ow!"
She shoo) he head" -It%s a$solutely $eautiful' $ut I do!%t thi!)
it would loo) i*ht o! me"%
-/ell' I disa*ee" Come o!' let%s *o i! a!d ta)e a close loo)"%
.efoe #i$$y could potest Mac was ta)i!* he ha!d a!d
leadi!* he thou*h the doo"
It eally was a! Aladdi!%s ca+e i!side" #i$$y had !e+e see! so
ma!y e&=uisite desses a!d touse suits"
E**ed o! $y Mac' she too) a few thi!*s i!to the fitti!* ooms'
i!cludi!* the white e+e!i!* *ow!"
-/ould you li)e a!y help' madame0% The sales assista!t
ho+eed outside the doo"
-No' I ca! ma!a*e' tha!) you"% #i$$y had ,ust fou!d the pice
ta* o! the dess a!d was eco+ei!* fom the shoc)" Thee was
eally !o poi!t i! tyi!* it o! $ecause she could!%t affod it"
Howe+e' as she was aleady u!dessed !ow' she put it o+e
he head"
It loo)ed spectacula" #i$$y was so ama8ed that she could o!ly
stae at he eflectio! i! wo!de" It had shoe3sti!* staps that
*litteed with heat3shaped hi!esto!es" .ut it was the cut of
the dess that was especially wo!deful4 it fell o+e he cu+es
i! a se&y yet su$tly flattei!* way' emphasisi!* he lo+ely
shape' a lo!* split showi!* he le*s as she wal)ed" She loo)ed
as if she had the most fa!tastic fi*ue"
The sales assista!t *la!ced aou!d the doo a!d the! smiled at
he" -It is pefect" You must show you hus$a!d"%
-Oh he is!%t"""% .ut the woma! was aleady ope!i!* the doos
so that Mac could see he"
-/ow"""% Mac *a+e a lo!*' low whistle" -You loo) fa$ulous"%
#i$$y had to admit that she did feel *ood i! the dess" She had
!e+e possessed a!ythi!* as $eautiful as this"
-You should ha+e it'% Mac said decisi+ely"
Remem$ei!* the pice ta*' #i$$y shoo) he head e*etfully" -I
do!%t thi!) so' Mac" The fact is I !e+e *o a!ywhee fomal
e!ou*h to wea somethi!* li)e this"% She tied to $e pactical"
-.ut you !e+e )!ow whe! a dess li)e that mi*ht come i!
Much to the sales assista!t%s loo) of disappoi!tme!t' #i$$y
shoo) he head" -No' it is !ot fo me'% she said fimly' $efoe
tu!i!* $ac) to the fitti!* oom"
As soo! as #i$$y too) the dess off' the assista!t wal)ed i!'
pic)ed it up a!d swept out of the oom a*ai!"
A few mi!utes late' whe! #i$$y we!t $ac) out i!to the shop'
Mac was !owhee to $e see! a!d the sales assista!t was
deali!* with a!othe custome" She wa+ed cheeily at #i$$y
whe! she saw he"
-Tha!) you' madame) au re&oir"%
-,u re&oir'% #i$$y called $ac)" Steppi!* out i!to the steet'
#i$$y loo)ed up a!d dow! fo Mac' $ut thee was !o si*! of
him" She was ,ust a$out to wal) a little futhe dow! to loo) fo
him whe! he appeaed aou!d the co!e"
-Soy a$out that'% he said" -I had to !ip $ac) to the ca4 fo*ot
my mo$ile pho!e"%
-That%s OK"% #i$$y smiled"
-That dess loo)ed fa$ulous o! you'% he said as they wal)ed o!"
-It was e&=uisite"% She si*hed" -.ut did you see the pice ta*0%
Mac shu**ed" %Ah' $ut you ae woth it9%
#i$$y *i!!ed" -I should!%t ha+e let you pesuade me to ty it
o!" It *ot the sales assista!t fa too e&cited"%
-It *ot me petty e&cited as well'% Mac said with a smile"
She *la!ced up at him" It was sta!*e shoppi!* a!d lau*hi!*
li)e this with him" He was eally *ood fu!" Simo! would !e+e
had $ee! i!teested i! what clothes suited he"""a!d he would
!e+e ha+e teased he a!d flited so outa*eously with he"""
She fow!ed" Mac could!%t $e tusted' she emi!ded heself
ste!ly" He was o!ly $ei!* !ice to he $ecause he was at a
loose e!d a!d it se+ed his puposes to )eep he away fom the
-.efoe we ha+e lu!ch' pehaps you%d help me $uy a few thi!*s
fo Alice"% Mac li!)ed his am thou*h hes" -She could do with
a few !ew desses"%
-That sou!ds fu!'% #i$$y said' a!d she mea!t it" Thee was
somethi!* +ey pleasa!t a$out wa!dei!* thou*h these
$ustli!* steets with him" As they paused outside diffee!t
shops she admied the achitectue of the city' the old
$ou*eois $uildi!*s' thei $alco!ies filled with flowes' a!d the
wo!deful pale pi!) a!d asp$ey colous they wee pai!ted i!"
They passed $y the >alleies #afayette a!d *la!ced dow! the
A+e!ue <ea! Medeci! whee thee wee lots of othe la*e
depatme!t stoes" It was thee that they fou!d a lo+ely
childe!%s $outi=ue"
#i$$y helped Mac choose se+eal outfits fo his dau*hte" A!d
the! i!sisted he added a cute little teddy $ea to his puchases"
-She%ll lo+e him'% she said fimly"
-Tha!)s' #i$$y"% He smiled at he"
/he! they stepped $ac) out i!to the heat of the afte!oo! a
pa+eme!t musicia! had stuc) up a 1e!ch tu!e o! the
accodio!" The music was wo!defully atmospheic a!d
ela&i!*" People wee sitti!* at cafes u!de the shade of
aw!i!*s' tuc)i!* i!to delicious3loo)i!* seafood dishes a!d
salad dishes with la*e *lasses of wi!e"
-I $et you ae sta+i!* !ow'% Mac said as he pic)ed up thei
pace" -Soy a$out that" I should ha+e left the shoppi!* fo
Alice u!til late"%
-That%s OK" I e!,oyed it'% she said ho!estly"
-/ell' you wee a $i* help" ;sually I%m at a loss i! those places
a!d eally miss a woma!%s eye o! the su$,ect"%
-I ca!%t $elie+e that you would e+e miss a woma!%s eye'% #i$$y
-Ae you fliti!* with me' Ms Sheida!0% he as)ed softly"
-No9% She loo)ed up at him i! co!ste!atio! a!d he lau*hed"
-I was )i!d of hopi!* you wee"% He put his am aou!d he"
It felt *ood a!d she allowed heself to lea! a*ai!st him a little
a!d *i+e i!to the oma!tic feeli!* of the day"
They wee dow! i! the old =uate of the city !ow" It was a
pictues=ue place with a ma8e of !aow wi!di!* steets that
had a +ey Italia! feel to them4 it emi!ded #i$$y that the
Italia! $ode was!%t too fa away"
-.ut of couse the old pat of Nice had =uite a! Italia! i!flue!ce
i! $y*o!e days'% Mac said whe! she ema)ed o! this to him"
-You ca! still see the Italia! !ames fo the steets up alo!*side
the 1e!ch o!es"%
#oo)i!* up' #i$$y could see that the steets did i!deed ha+e
two !ames witte! o!e o! top of the othe"
-It ma)es fo a +ey i!teesti!* a!d ich $le!d of cultue' !ot to
me!tio! the fact that the pasta hee is to die fo'% Mac
co!ti!ued with a swift smile"
They wal)ed acoss a wide s=uae a!d tu!ed a co!e i!to a
deli*htful old flowe ma)et" The colouful stalls a! most of the
way dow! the ce!te of a lo!* pla8a a!d suou!di!* it wee
estaua!ts' thei ta$les a!d chais spilli!* out $e!eath wide
It was to o!e of these estaua!ts that Mac led he" They sat
outside i! the shade a!d #i$$y watched the wold *o $y a!d
the flowe selles pepae thei $ou=uets"
-It eally is lo+ely hee"%
-Yes' +ey pictues=ue"% Mac smiled" -/hat would you li)e to
di!)' #i$$y0% he as)ed as he cau*ht the waite%s atte!tio!"
-I%d lo+e a *lass of white wi!e' please"%
Mac odeed fo he' a!d the! tu!ed his atte!tio! $ac) to he
acoss the ta$le"
She was sudde!ly awae that he seemed to $e watchi!* he
+ey closely4 his +el+et da) eyes wam with a! i!teest that
made he stomach flip with a sta!*e )i!d of e&hilaatio!"
-I%m *lad you came out with me today'% he said softly" -I%+e
eally e!,oyed you compa!y"%
She felt sudde!ly shy"""ca8y whe! she co!sideed how
i!timate they had $ee! with each othe last !i*ht" -I%+e e!,oyed
myself as well'% she said' a!d the!' i! case he *ot the wo!*
idea' added hastily' -I mea! I would!%t ha+e wa!ted to miss
seei!* Nice" It eally is a $eautiful city"%
-Of couse"% He smiled at he"
1o a mome!t sile!ce fell $etwee! them"
It felt li)e a sta!*ely i!timate sile!ce somehow" She wo!deed
what he was thi!)i!* as he studied he with those watchful
eyes" /as he thi!)i!* a$out last !i*ht0 The idea made he feel
e+e! moe self3co!scious"
She sou*ht aou!d fo somethi!* to say to $ea) the feeli!*"
-/he! will you e&3wife a!d you dau*hte $e ai+i!* i! tow!02
%This e+e!i!*"%
-Oh' well' that%s *ood" Not lo!* to wait !ow" I hope Alice li)es
he !ew clothes"%
Mac smiled" -I%m sue she will"%
The waite ai+ed with thei di!)s a!d as #i$$y too) a sip of
he wi!e she !oticed a woma! stai!* at them fom a ta$le a
little futhe away" She was you!* with $lo!de hai a!d was
+ey attacti+e" She also seemed familia somehow a!d #i$$y
fow!ed as she tied to place he"
-E+eythi!* OK0% Mac as)ed he"
-/ell"""% she loweed he +oice -"""do!%t loo) !ow' Mac' $ut
thee is a woma! at a ta$le o+e thee who has $ee! stai!* at
us" A!d I feel I%+e see! he somewhee $efoe"""$ut I ,ust ca!%t
place he"%
Mac *la!ced o+e a!d his eyes co!!ected with the woma!%s"
-She%s a ,ou!alist"%
-Really0% #i$$y was stu!!ed" -How do you )!ow02
%She%s i!te+iewed some of my clie!ts"%
-Oh' !ow I emem$e whee I%+e see! he $efoe9% #i$$y smiled
at him tiumpha!tly" -She was at the estaua!t you too) me to
o! the !i*ht I ai+ed"""do you emem$e02
%I emem$e ta)i!* you to the estaua!t' $ut I do!%t emem$e
seei!* he thee"%
-/ell' she was" She e+e! spo)e to me i! the est3oom""" as)ed
me if I was with Mac Clayto!9 I $et she%s the o!e who a!* a!d
aa!*ed fo those photo*aphic ,ou!alists to come9%
-Really0% Mac%s to!e was dy"
-Yes' eally9% #i$$y fow!ed a!d he heat missed a pai!ful
$eat" -You do $elie+e me' do!%t you02
%Yes' of couse'% he a!sweed he smoothly" May$e too
smoothly' a!d sudde!ly #i$$y wo!deed if he was ,ust pacifyi!*
he $y sayi!* that" If eally deep dow! he did!%t $elie+e he at
all" The thou*ht $ou*ht with it all the u!pleasa!t memoies
fom that e+e!i!*' the way Mac had accused he of $ei!* !o
$ette tha! a! oppotu!ist""" how he had tossed a comme!t to
the epotes a$out he $ei!* ,ust a !o$ody"
She tied to dismiss the thou*hts' tied to tell heself that she
a!d Mac had eached a! u!desta!di!* !ow" They wee
e!,oyi!* each othe%s compa!y' fo hea+e!%s sa)e9 A!d he had
pomised to aa!*e the meeti!* with he dad fo he"
-E&cuse me"% Mac stood up fom the ta$le" -I%ll ,ust *et id of
#i$$y watched as he wal)ed acoss towads the ta$le a!d
!o!chala!tly lea!ed o+e to tal) to the woma!"
Althou*h #i$$y stai!ed he eas' she could!%t ma)e out what
they wee sayi!*" Not o!ly wee they spea)i!* i! u!deto!es'
$ut i! 1e!ch" A few mome!ts late the woma! *ot up a!d left"
-Thee' all soted out"% Mac etu!ed to his seat at the ta$le"
-/hat did you say to he02
%I told he that he pese!ce hee was!%t welcome'% Mac said
-A!d what else0%
Mac loo)ed acoss at he with a aised eye$ow"
-You wee tal)i!* to he fo at least fi+e mi!utes' Mac"%
-/as I0% Mac shu**ed" -I did!%t ealise I was $ei!* mo!itoed"%
#i$$y i*!oed the dy to!e" -5id you as) if it was he at that
estaua!t that !i*ht0%
-No' #i$$y' I did !ot"% He shoo) his head" -1o the simple easo!
that I $elie+ed you whe! you said it was he"%
-Oh9% She $it dow! o! he lip as a wa+e of elief su*ed thou*h
he" -/ell' that%s OK' the!"%
Mac smiled" -If you eally wa!t to )!ow she was as)i!* me the
usual =uestio!s a$out my oma!tic life"""was I ha+i!* a! affai
with you"""% He *la!ced acoss at he poi!tedly a!d she felt
heself $lush" -O was I *oi!* to *et $ac) to*ethe with my e&3
#i$$y loo)ed o+e at him i! supise a!d felt he heat do a!
e+e! deepe dip" -Is that o! the cads0% she as)ed' tyi!* to
sou!d !o!chala!tly i!diffee!t"
-Thee has $ee! a umou ciculati!* fo a while"%
-Has thee0 I ha+e!%t head it9% #i$$y was stu!!ed"
If Mac wa!ted to *et $ac) with his e&3wife' that was his
$usi!ess' she told heself fimly" Nothi!* to do with he" /hat
they had shaed last !i*ht was ,ust a casual fli!*"""!o
sti!*s"""!o commitme!ts""" !o pospect of it $ei!* a!ythi!*
/hich was fi!e' she told heself fiecely" So why did she feel so
THE waite ai+ed at the ta$le to ta)e thei ode a!d #i$$y
hastily pic)ed up the me!u a!d tied to study it"
Of couse she was!%t eally upset' she told heself heatedly"
She was *etti!* he emotio!s co!fused that was all""" May$e
$ecause of the passio! they had shaed last !i*ht""" Yes' that
could $e it" #i$$y latched o!to the thou*ht li)e a lifeli!e"
-I%ll ha+e the Salad Nicoise' please'% she said as she put the
me!u dow! a*ai!"
She watched as Mac odeed some pasta a!d the! they wee
left alo!e a*ai!"
-So what did you say to *et id of that ,ou!alist0%she as)ed'
tyi!* to switch he thou*hts away fom he emotio!s"
-I pomised he a! e&clusi+e i!side stoy' $ut o!ly if she
+a!ished stai*ht away"% He smi)ed"
-The i!side stoy o! you eu!io! with you e&02
%I did!%t specify'% Mac said easily" -It%s $est that way' )eeps
them da!*li!* a!d hu!*y fo moe"%
-Yes' I suppose so"% She shu**ed"
#i$$y toyed with he *lass' a!d tied to stop heself as)i!* a!y
=uestio!s a$out him *etti!* $ac) with his e&" She lasted a$out
fi+e mi!utes" -So is thee a!y tuth i! these umous02
%Is thee a!y tuth i! the umou that you ae *etti!* $ac)
to*ethe with Simo!0% he pe+aicated"
#i$$y shu**ed a!d did!%t )!ow what to say to that" If she said
!o he smo)escee! would $e *o!e"""a!d she had he pide" -I
do!%t )!ow what will happe! $etwee! Simo! a!d I"2
%/hy did you split up i! the fist place0%
The peso!al =uestio! made he +ey u!comfota$le' $ut she
a!sweed him tuthfully" -I suppose it was $ecause I wa!ted
childe! a!d he did!%t'% she said hus)ily" -I mea!' he did!%t say
that o a!ythi!* """$ut"""% She shu**ed" -If I%m ho!est that
po$lem was always thee $etwee! us i! the $ac)*ou!d"%
-That%s a $i* po$lem to o+ecome'% Mac said softly"
-Yes"""% She too) a sip of he wi!e"
-If you wa!t my opi!io!' the ma! is a fool"%
The *e!tle wods made he *o wam i!side" She tied to i*!oe
the *low"""tied to thi!) se!si$ly" -Tha!)s fo the +ote of
co!fide!ce"% She loo)ed o+e at him" -.ut ae!%t you the ma!
who thi!)s I%m a *old3di**e0%
The =uestio! lay $etwee! them a!d whe! Mac did!%t
immediately a!swe he the sile!ce tu!ed i!cedi$ly pai!ful"
#i$$y too) a!othe sip of he wi!e a!d tied to tell heself she
did!%t cae what he thou*ht of he" -See' I est my case"% She
ma!a*ed to say the wods flippa!tly as if she did!%t cae"
%#i$$y' I62 /hate+e Mac was a$out to say was cut off $y the
i!* of his mo$ile pho!e" %E&cuse me"% He too) the pho!e out of
his poc)et' a!sweed it impatie!tly' a!d the! switched to
spea)i!* i! 1e!ch"
Thei food ai+ed ,ust as his co!+esatio! came to a close"
-Soy a$out that' #i$$y'% Mac said as he s!apped the pho!e
closed" -It was Piee' my assista!t4 he%s pic)i!* up o!e of my
clie!ts fom the aipot today"%
-/hich clie!t is that0% #i$$y as)ed idly"
Mac hesitated" -Re$ecca .ouchet"%
-A!othe A3list cele$ity'% #i$$y mumued" -You cetai!ly
mi!*le with the $est"%
-.ut of couse"% He aised his eye$ows" -How is you salad02
%It%s +ey tasty"% #i$$y toyed with the food4 it was lo+ely' $ut i!
tuth she seemed to ha+e lost he appetite"
-So' #i$$y"% Mac eached fo his *lass" -Tell me' why is it so
impota!t to you !ow that you see you fathe a*ai!0%
The sudde! =uestio! too) he $y supise" -I thou*ht you
aleady )!ew the a!swe to that'% she a!sweed *li$ly" -1o his
mo!ey' of couse"%
O!e da) eye$ow ose" -I was $ei!* seious"%
-So was I"2 She held his *a8e acoss the ta$le"
Mac !oted the shadows i! he $lue eyes' the +ul!ea$le twist
of he lips"
-You see' I eally ca!%t compehe!d why you !eed to as) me
that =uestio!'% she said softly" -The simple fact is that it%s
twe!ty yeas si!ce my dad wal)ed out" I do!%t )!ow why a!d I
do!%t )!ow whee he we!t" /ould!%t you wo!de a$out you
dad0 /ould!%t you wa!t to fill i! the i!te+e!i!* $la!) yeas
a!d see him02
%/ell' my elatio!ship with my dad is possi$ly a lot diffee!t to
-Yes' it most po$a$ly is'% #i$$y said =uic)ly" -.ut I thou*ht I
had a *ood elatio!ship with my dad"""may$e mista)e!ly' $ut
thee you *o"""% She shu**ed" -A!d the fact emai!s that afte
all these yeas I%+e still *ot =uestio!s to as)" O$+iously I )!ow
the easo! my pae!ts% maia*e $o)e dow! was $ecause my
mum fell i! lo+e with someo!e else' $ut I do!%t )!ow why" I
do!%t ha+e a!y details a$out why she fell out of lo+e with my
dad"""% She tailed off" She had $ee! *oi!* to say she did!%t
)!ow why he mum had told he he dad was dead' $ut such a
e+elatio! was too peso!al"""a!d out of loyalty to he mum' !ot
o!e to $e aied"
-You do!%t )!ow why0% Mac pompted he *e!tly"
#i$$y shoo) he head" -I do!%t )!ow why my elatio!ship with
my dad had to $ea) dow! as well'% she fi!ished i!stead' he
+oice hus)y" -I could !e+e ha+e a discussio! with my mothe
o! the su$,ect" That was always ta$oo" So I suppose I ,ust wa!t
to put the past to est !ow""" lea! $y its mista)es """ which
po$a$ly sou!ds stupid $ut"""% she shu**ed %"""thee it is"%
Thee was sile!ce fo a mome!t" -No' that does!%t sou!d
stupid'% Mac said *e!tly"
#i$$y met his *a8e acoss the ta$le" -I do!%t e&pect a!ythi!*
fom him apat fom his time" Half a! hou a!d I%ll wal) away"%
Mac !odded" -I will tell him' #i$$y" He%s due to pho!e to!i*ht"%
#i$$y loo)ed o+e at him with a fow!" -You could *i+e him my
pho!e !um$e if you%d li)e02
%I do!%t thi!) that would help' eally"%
-/hy !ot02
%.ecause he%s """out of the cou!ty a!d I thi!) he feels a $it
appehe!si+e a$out tal)i!* to you" He%d athe meet face to
#i$$y !odded" -/ell' I ha+e to admit it would $e easie tha!
tal)i!* o! the pho!e"%
-So we will lea+e it li)e that'% Mac said fimly"
-Yes"% #i$$y wa!ted to as) him if he $elie+ed !ow that she
was!%t a *old3di**e' $ut she feaed she mi*ht !ot li)e the
a!swe a!d the =uestio! stuc) i! he thoat" May$e he was
i*ht a!d they should ,ust lea+e the co!+esatio! thee"
-So what is you elatio!ship li)e with you dad0% she as)ed
li*htly i!stead" -Now that I%+e $aed my soul you should tell me
a little a$out youself at least"%
-Thee is eally !ot much to tell" I%+e always *ot o! e&temely
well with him"% Mac smiled wyly" -He a!d my mothe wee
maied fo foty yeas a!d aised thee childe! a!d' althou*h
they had thei occasio!al a*ume!ts' they wee $lissfully
-That%s a $i* achie+eme!t i! today%s a*e of di+oce'% #i$$y said
-Yes' tell me a$out it" My di+oce came as a $i* shoc)" .ut the
family allied aou!d a!d they wee suppoti+e' which mea!t a
lot i! those da) days"%
-/hy did you *et di+oced02
%/ell """ou oma!ce was a whilwi!d coutship" /e met whe!
Maietta came i!to my office to tal) a$out my epese!ti!* he"
Ei*ht wee)s late we wee maied"%
-That sou!ds oma!tic'% #i$$y said =uietly"
-Yes' it was' a!d it seemed li)e the i*ht thi!* to do at the
time" Maietta was pe*!a!t' we wee $oth +ey e&cited a!d"""%
Mac tailed off" -/ell' $asically' I do!%t thi!) eithe of us had
thou*ht it thou*h popely" /e tied to ma)e a *o of it' $ut
Maietta%s ,o$ as a! actess was such that it too) he away a
lot" She had a! affai with he leadi!* ma!"%
-Oh' Mac' I%m soy" That must ha+e $ee! awful fo you"%
-It was!%t a pleasa!t time" I pactically had to $i$e the pess to
shut the stoy dow!" /e tied to pic) up the pieces a!d cay
o!' $ut we could!%t put thi!*s $ac) to*ethe"%
-How lo!* is it si!ce you di+oced02
%Two yeas !ow"% His lips twisted wyly" -Thee%s $ee! a lot of
wate u!de the $id*e si!ce the!"%
-A!d !ow you ae thi!)i!* of *i+i!* the elatio!ship a!othe
*o0% The =uestio! felt hollow i!side he"
Mac shoo) his head" -I do!%t thi!) so' #i$$y" 1o Alice%s sa)e
it%s e!ou*h that we%+e sal+a*ed a *ood fie!dship" /e should
,ust ha+e emai!ed fie!ds i! the fist place" I do!%t thi!) eithe
of us wee thi!)i!* stai*ht whe! we tied the )!ot"%
-I see"% It was idiculous to feel happy a$out the fact that he
was!%t *etti!* $ac) with his e&" It was !othi!* to do with he'
she told heself fimly" -/ell' it%s *ood that you%e fie!ds"%
-Yes' it is"% Mac !odded" -Alice%s welfae is the most impota!t
thi!* to me"%
The wods stied somethi!* i!side #i$$y" -I thi!) that is eally
lo+ely'% she said seiously"
1o a mome!t thei eyes held acoss the ta$le" She eally li)ed
Mac' she thou*ht sudde!ly" A!d his attitude towads his child
seemed i! such ma)ed co!tast to he fathe%s as she%d *ow!
up" The thou*ht cept i! u!welcome a!d u!wa!ted" That was!%t
fai4 she did!%t )!ow the tuth a$out he dad' she emi!ded
heself fimly" May$e somethi!* had happe!ed to pe+e!t him
fom comi!* $ac)""" may$e he stepfathe had theate!ed him0
Sea! had cetai!ly $ee! !asty e!ou*h fo that' $ut the! a*ai!
may$e he dad ,ust had!%t eally $ee! i!teested e!ou*h to
Mac watched the sudde! shadows flic) thou*h #i$$y%s
Cal was still fimly mai!tai!i!* that he had tied to *et i!
co!tact with #i$$y' $ut that she had!%t wa!ted to see him u!til
!ow" A!d he was !ot at all happy a$out he tu!i!* up hee4 he
thou*ht the timi!* was appalli!*" The $usi!ess side of Mac
was $ou!d to a*ee" Yet whe! #i$$y tal)ed a$out the past
thee was a delicate +ul!ea$ility a$out he that touched him"
Mac fow!ed a!d tied to emem$e his $usi!ess o$li*atio!s"
-/ould you li)e a!othe di!)0%
#i$$y shoo) he head"
-/ell' may$e we should *o"% Mac *la!ced at his watch"
-;!fotu!ately I ha+e a! appoi!tme!t at fou"%
The di+e $ac) alo!* the coast was made mostly i! sile!ce"
#i$$y wished she )!ew what Mac Clayto! was thi!)i!*" He
loo)ed pe!si+e' she thou*ht' as if his mi!d was a millio! miles
/he! he pulled the ca to a halt $y the fo!t doo he tu!ed to
loo) at he a!d #i$$y could feel the familia swil of chemisty
$etwee! them' it was a hea+y' pote!t feeli!* a!d it clouded
a!d +eiled all othe thou*hts"
-/ell' tha!)s fo a lo+ely afte!oo!'% she said =uietly"
-My pleasue"%
-5o you wa!t to come i!' o ae you ushi!*0%
Mac *la!ced towads the cloc) o! the dash$oad" -I *uess I
ha+e time to come i! a!d ha+e a coffee"%
As they we!t i!to the house #i$$y wo!deed if it had $ee! a
mista)e i!+iti!* him i!" /hat a$out acti!* cool0 she emi!ded
heself" Tou$le was' she eally did!%t wa!t to act cool" A!d she
was *lad he had come i!"
-Now you%ll ha+e to poi!t me i! the diectio! of the )itche!'%
she said' tyi!* to co+e the sudde! feeli!* of aw)wad!ess"
-Seco!d doo o! the left"% He smiled at he"
-I wo!%t $e steppi!* o! Maio!%s toes ma)i!* coffee' will I0% she
as)ed as she made he way dow! the coido"
-No' Maio! will $e o+e i! he ow! pat of the house a!d wo!%t
$e $ac) hee u!til it%s time to stat di!!e at se+e!"% Mac
paused $y the fo!t doo" -I%+e fo*otte! my pho!e a*ai!"
/o!%t $e a mi!ute"%
#i$$y we!t o! i!to the )itche!" It was a +ey la*e a!d mode!
oom with white cup$oads' da) *a!ite wo) sufaces a!d
stai!less3steel accessoies" At o!e side thee was a seati!*
aea loo)i!* out towads the *ade!"
/hat she would!%t *i+e to ha+e a )itche! li)e this at home'
#i$$y thou*ht as she filled the )ettle a!d fou!d some cups"
She smiled o+e at Mac as he came i!"
-This is such a lo+ely house"%
-Yes' it%s OK"% He lea!ed $ac) a*ai!st the wo)top a!d watched
as she made the coffee" She loo)ed e&temely se&y' he thou*ht
-You sou!d +ey $lase'% she said" -O$+iously you ae used to
-I suppose I am"% He cau*ht hold of he am as she made to
wal) past him" -You wee petty dam! pefect i! that dess this
afte!oo!"% He mumued the wods i! a! u!deto!e"
#i$$y loo)ed up at him a!d felt as if she wee dow!i!* i! the
da)!ess of his eyes' could feel the twist of se&ual attactio!
sto!*e tha! e+e $etwee! them"
Mac eached out a!d touched the side of he face li*htly"
-Shall we fo*et a$out the coffee0% he as)ed hus)ily"
How was it that ,ust the sli*htest $ush of his fi!*etips a*ai!st
he s)i! set he ali*ht0 she wo!deed ha8ily"
-I thou*ht you wee i! a huy fo a! appoi!tme!t0% She tied
despeately to hold $ac) fom him"
-I ca! eschedule'% he mumued' $ushi!* a fi!*etip li*htly
o+e he lips i! a teasi!*' po+ocati+e caess" The! his mouth
co+eed hes4 thee was !a)ed hu!*e i! the )iss a!d it made
he $ody tho$ with e&citeme!t"
She felt his ha!ds mo+e up u!de he top' pushi!* he flimsy
$a away' e&posi!* the smooth cu+es of he $ody to the
dema!ds of his touch"
1o a mome!t #i$$y *a+e heself up to the wild a!d wo!deful
tome!t of his )isses' the! as she felt his ha!ds stati!* to pull
up he s)it she dew away"
-Not hee"""Mac"%
-/hy !ot0% As he spo)e he pic)ed he up a!d sat he o! the
cou!te3top" He )issed he a*ai!' a!d the passio! was so
i!te!se it du**ed he se!ses" She )issed him $ac) heatedly"
He ,ac)et was discaded' he top followed a!d a few mome!ts
late she was o!ly weai!* he s)it"
#i$$y had *i+e! up e+e! tyi!* to desist" She felt poweless i!
the *ip of he desies4 all she could thi!) a$out was how much
she wa!ted him"
-Hold o!"% Mac was the o!e to pull $ac)" -/e%ll ha+e to ad,ou!
a!d *o upstais4 I left the potectio! thee"%
This was po$a$ly #i$$y%s cha!ce to *athe he se!ses a!d pull
$ac) fom the situatio!" .ut she did!%t wa!t to pull $ac)" So she
allowed him to ta)e he ha!d a!d lead he out of the oom a!d
up the stais"
/he! #i$$y ope!ed he eyes she could hea the sou!d of the
showe i! the en suite $athoom" The oom was i! da)!ess
a!d she felt disoie!ted' !ot )!owi!* what time of the day o
!i*ht it was" Sha)ily she eached out a ha!d a!d switched o!
the $edside lamp"
It was se+e! i! the e+e!i!*9 Mac had missed his appoi!tme!t"
She smiled to heself as she emem$eed the heat of thei
passio!" It had $ee! wild a!d e&hausti!*' $ut it had also $ee!
totally a!d uttely wo!deful" She had thou*ht thei lo+ema)i!*
last !i*ht a!d this mo!i!* was *ood"""$ut this had $ee! e+e!
moe i!cedi$le" He mi!d difted la8ily $ac) o+e the e+e!ts"""
How was it that Mac was a$le to tu! he o! li)e that0 /hy did
he $ody espo!d so ade!tly to him' a!d he se!ses soa0
She e+e! lo+ed the sou!d of his +oice' the *e!tle' seducti+e
way he cadled he i! his ams aftewads a!d mumued
sweet !othi!*s i!to he ea"
I%m i! lo+e with him"""The thou*ht hit he out of !owhee" I%d do
a!ythi!* fo him"
/ildly she tied to $ac)tac)" .ut the plai! facts wee
i!escapa$le" No othe ma! had e+e made he feel the way
Mac did" She had *i+e! heself to him so completely $ecause
he emotio!s wee completely o+ewhelmed $y he feeli!*s fo
him" She had tied to hide fom them""" put he $eha+iou dow!
to chemisty""" pue se&""" told heself she did!%t e+e! li)e him9
.ut the tuth was she was head o+e heels i! lo+e" That was the
easo! she had $ee! so upset whe! she had thou*ht Mac was
*oi!* to *et $ac) with his e&3wife" A!d the easo! why it hut
so $adly that he thou*ht she was a *old3di**e"
5id he still thi!) that0
#i$$y eally did!%t )!ow the a!swe to that' $ut' emem$ei!*
how te!dely he had ,ust held he' it was had to ima*i!e that
he did" A!d sudde!ly she daed to hope that this mi*ht !ot ,ust
$e a few s!atched hous of $liss' $ut the stat of somethi!*
#i$$y pushed the $edclothes dow! a!d *ot up out of the $ed"
She should!%t $e thi!)i!* li)e this" The situatio! was too
pecaious to hope"
She *la!ced aou!d fo he clothes' a!d the! emem$eed how
she had +ey !ealy made lo+e with Mac i! the )itche!9 He
$a a!d he ,ac)et wee po$a$ly still lyi!* dow! thee o! the
floo" A!d Maio! would $e *oi!* i! thee to ma)e di!!e9
A wa+e of em$aassme!t washed thou*h he a!d huiedly
she pulled o! a pai of $lac) touses a!d a white T3shit that
wee sitti!* o! the $edoom chai" -Mac' I wo!%t $e a mome!t'
I%m ,ust *oi!* dow!stais'% she called out" .ut he o$+iously
could!%t hea he o+e the !oise of the showe"
#i$$y pactically a! dow!stais a!d i!to the )itche!" To he
elief thee was !o si*! of Maio! yet" She etie+ed he ,ac)et
fom the cou!te3top a!d the! had to $e!d dow! a!d pic) up
he $a fom $e!eath o!e of the comfota$le seats u!de the
wi!dow" As she stai*hte!ed she saw a !ewspape pushed
u!de the cushio! of the chai' a!d somethi!* made he pull it
out to ta)e a close loo)"
The pape was a local o!e' $ut it was i! E!*lish a!d the fist
thi!* she saw was a pictue of he fathe"
The wods ,umped out at #i$$y' a!d a +ey cold feeli!* *ipped
he as she *la!ced at the date" It was yesteday%s pape9
Mac had told he cate*oically that he fathe was!%t ai+i!*
fo a few days9
/ith a sic) feeli!* she a! he eyes o+e the est of the aticle"
Cal :ui!to!' thity3!i!e"""
Thity3!i!e9 /ell that was defi!itely wo!*' #i$$y thou*ht
wyly" /ith difficulty she ead o!"
"""has had a! e&citi!* few yeas" 1ollowi!* his success i! the
.oadway show ,#- his ise to fame has $ee! meteoic" Now it
seems that his oma!tic life is also set to soa' fo it is
umoued that he a!d his co3sta <ulia Hy!es ha+e falle! i!
lo+e" Ms Hy!es' who is twel+e yeas his ,u!io' is said to $e
shoppi!* fo a weddi!* tousseau i! Pais $efoe flyi!* dow! to
Ca!!es to ,oi! him fo the pemiee of thei film"
How much of that was tue0 #i$$y wo!deed" They had
cetai!ly *ot he fathe%s a*e wo!*" He was foty3fi+e" He
eyes mo+ed to the last paa*aph"
Cal :ui!to! has $ee! maied thee times a!d has a dau*hte
fom his fist maia*e" Sadly Cal%s dau*hte has shu!!ed him
o+e the yeas despite his !umeous attempts to see he"
Had Mac Clayto! fed the colum!ist that scuilous piece of
i!fomatio!0 It cetai!ly sou!ded li)e it" #i$$y felt he heat
stati!* to hit a*ai!st he chest with a pai!ful mome!tum"
A!d was it tue that he fathe was aleady hee0 Half of he
wa!ted to $elie+e that the pape had *ot that wo!*" She did!%t
eally wa!t to co!side that Mac had lied to he li)e that"
.ut as she loo)ed a*ai! at the photo*aph she !oticed that it
had $ee! ta)e! i! Ca!!es" He fathe was sta!di!* o! the
Coisette4 she eco*!ised the Calto! fla*s wa+i!* i! the
$ee8e $ehi!d him"
So Mac had lied to he9 The )!owled*e made the cold feeli!*
i!side he i!te!sify" No wo!de he had $ee! i! such a huy to
mo+e he out of Ca!!es9 He%d deli$eately misled he' $ou*ht
he hee to )eep he out of the way"""
He heat $eat fiecely as she emem$eed how easily she had
allowed him to do all that" OK' she had )!ow! that he did!%t
e&actly thi!) he moti+es fo $ei!* hee wee wo!deful' $ut
she had thou*ht they had ta!sce!ded $eyo!d that" She had
actually $elie+ed him whe! he had pomised to set up a
meeti!* fo he with he fathe"
A!d had ima*i!ed heself i! lo+e with him"
He heat fo8e as she emem$eed the foolish thou*hts that
had flow! thou*h he mi!d ,ust a few mome!ts a*o9
A!d how she had actually daed to hope that Mac mi*ht $e
feeli!* somethi!* fo he' whe! i! eality he must $e lau*hi!*
at he9 He was toyi!* with he' amusi!* himself with he' a!d
she had willi!*ly *o!e alo!* with it" Had *i+e! heself to him
Remem$ei!* how wild a!d a$a!do!ed he espo!ses had
$ee! to him' all she could thi!) a$out !ow was what a fool she
had $ee! a!d the cold' !um$ feeli!* stated to cha!*e i!to
fuious wa+es of a!*e"
1o a mome!t she stood i!decisi+ely' a!d wo!deed what to do"
Should she co!fo!t Mac with he )!owled*e' o play it ca*ey'
see if she could *lea! a!ythi!* out of the situatio!0 Heai!*
footsteps i! the hallway' she too) the impulsi+e decisio! to play
dum$ a!d hastily pushed the pape $ac) u!de the cushio!"
Maio! came i!to the oom a!d loo)ed o+e at he i! supise"
%#onsoir) madamoiselle!%
#i$$y could see the woma!%s *la!ce mo+i!* towads the chai"
-I was ,ust collecti!* my ,ac)et' I left it i! hee ealie"% It was
a! effot to smile" 5id Maio! )!ow that Mac was )eepi!* he
fathe%s pese!ce i! Ca!!es a secet0
-I was ,ust a$out to stat pepai!* di!!e' mademoiselle" /ill
*onsieur Clayto! $e ,oi!i!* you0% the house)eepe as)ed"
-Not this e+e!i!*"% #i$$y hesitated" -A!d actually I thi!) I%ll s)ip
di!!e as well' Maio!" /ould you $e so )i!d as to call a ta&i fo
Maio! hesitated" -My hus$a!d ca! di+e you whee+e you
wa!t to *o"%
#i$$y was dam! sue she did!%t wa!t a!yo!e spyi!* o! he'
telli!* Mac whee she was *oi!*" -That wo!%t $e !ecessay'
Maio!" If you%d ,ust call a ta&i that would $e *eat' tha!) you"%
Awae that Maio! loo)ed a $it disco!ceted' #i$$y headed out
i!to the hallway"
Ta)i!* co!tol of the situatio! was ma)i!* he feel a $it $ette"
OK' Mac o$+iously was!%t *oi!* to )eep his pomise a!d
aa!*e a meeti!* fo he with he fathe"""$ut that did!%t mea!
she could!%t ta)e mattes i!to he ow! ha!ds" She would fi!d
out whee he fathe was a!d she would *o thee heself"
#i$$y was a$out to *o $ac) i!to the $edoom whe! she head
Mac%s +oice fom withi! a!d paused" He was tal)i!* to
someo!e o! the pho!e"
She pessed he head a little close to the doo"
-Soy to miss ou meeti!*'% Mac was sayi!* $is)ly" -I had
some u!fi!ished $usi!ess to deal with"%
He was describin. her as unfinished business! #i$$y felt heself
*o hot i!side with hut a!d with shame"
-Yes' well' I%m u!!i!* late !ow" I%m due to ha+e di!!e with
Maietta i! half a! hou' so ca! we meet tomoow i!stead' say
a$out te!0%
5i!!e with Maietta sou!ded cosy" /as that a!othe lie0 #i$$y
wo!deed" /as he dati!* his e&3wife0
-OK' Cal"""I%ll see you the!"%
/arl. He was tal)i!* to he fathe""" #i$$y%s ha!ds culed i!to
fists that wee so ti*ht he !ails du* deep i!to the soft!ess of
he flesh"
5id he fathe e+e! )!ow that she was aleady i! tow!0 May$e
Mac was playi!* them off a*ai!st each othe' telli!* he he
was!%t hee a!d +ice +esa" The thou*ht stuc) he sudde!ly
a!d it seemed +ey possi$le" O$+iously Mac was the o!e i!
co!tol" He had eplied to he email' he had pic)ed he up fom
the aipot"""He had mo+ed he out hee a!d made sue she
was i! Nice athe tha! Ca!!es today so that thee was !o
possi$ility of them $umpi!* i!to each othe"
A!d he was a shaply astute a!d uthless $usi!essma! who had
i!+ested time a!d mo!ey i!to he fathe%s caee' she emi!ded
heself fimly" He did!%t wa!t a!ythi!* to distact fom Cal%s
S!ippets of pe+ious co!+esatio!s flitted thou*h he mi!d"
-I%m a $usi!essma! fist a!d foemost' #i$$y'% he had wa!ed
he $lu!tly" -A!d I su**est you $ea that i! mi!d $efoe you
play a!y moe *ames" If thee ae to $e wi!!es a!d loses i!
this' the! I ha+e !o i!te!tio! of $ei!* the lose"%
She had $ee! such a! idiot' #i$$y thou*ht pai!fully" He had
e+e! wa!ed he up fo!t" So how could she ha+e allowed
heself to $e swept alo!* $y his lies a!d his deceitful *ames0
#i$$y could hea him mo+i!* aou!d the $edoom" A!y mi!ute
!ow he was *oi!* to wal) out hee a!d catch he loitei!*
outside the doo"
Ta)i!* a deep $eath' she foced heself to *o $ac) i! a!d face
-I was wo!dei!* whee you had *ot to"% Mac loo)ed o+e at
he a!d smiled" He was fully dessed a!d had ,ust sat dow! o!
the ed*e of the $ed to put his shoes o!" His eyes wee
wam"""his ma!!e ela&ed"
-I emem$eed I%d left my clothes i! the )itche!"% She tied to
smile $ac) at him" -A!d I thou*ht I%d $ette pic) them up $efoe
Maio! is too shoc)ed"%
%Ah' yes" >ood thi!)i!*" /e would!%t wa!t to shoc) Maio!"% 1o
the fist time she !oticed the la!*uid amuseme!t i! his to!e' i!
his eyes" -I%d li)e to ha+e made lo+e to you i! the )itche!" Ne&t
time I%ll emem$e to come pepaed"""% His +oice was teasi!*
a!d seducti+e"
#i$$y wa!ted to fiecely tell him thee would $e !o !e&t time"
.ut she foced heself to emai! sile!t"
-Ae you OK02
%Yes' fi!e"%
Mac stood up fom the $ed a!d $efoe she could mo+e out of
his each he pulled he close a!d put a ha!d u!de he chi!'
tippi!* he face up so that she was foced to loo) at him" -Ae
you sue you ae OK0% he as)ed softly"
The co!ce! i! his to!e a!d the wamth of his da) eyes made
he heat tu! o+e" She sudde!ly wished e+eythi!* wee OK"""
a!d she could ,ust melt i! a*ai!st him a*ai!""")iss him a*ai!"
.ut that was ca8y" Mac was playi!* with he""" usi!* he a!d
she could!%t let it co!ti!ue"
-E+eythi!* is fi!e'% she said sha)ily"
->ood"% He smiled a!d fo a mome!t his eyes li!*eed o! he
lips" -You )!ow' you%+e made me fo*et a$out my appoi!tme!t
a!d that is somethi!* I would !e+e !omally do"
-/o) always comes fist'% she added dyly" -Yes' I )!ow that
a$out you"%
Mac sto)ed a ha!d li*htly dow! the side of he face a!d she
could feel he tempeatue isi!*" -A!d I%m afaid I wo!%t $e
a$le to *et $ac) hee this e+e!i!*" So I%ll ha+e to see you i! the
-That%s fi!e" I did!%t e&pect you to come $ac)"% /ould he $e
stayi!* o+e!i*ht with Maietta0 she wo!deed" Not that she
*a+e a dam!' she told heself $us=uely9 She )!ew !ow how
iatio!al she had $ee! ima*i!i!* heself i! lo+e with him" It
had $ee! stupid i! the e&teme"
-You sou!d te!se"% He !i$$led o! the side of he ea" -#et me
u!wi!d you'% he mumued *uffly"
The feeli!* of his lips a*ai!st he s)i! made little shi+es of
desie i!sta!tly shoot thou*h he" She wa!ted to tu! a!d )iss
him4 the !eed was so *eat it was li)e a physical ache i!side
a!d at the same time she hated heself fo the wea)!ess"
Hastily she pulled away"
-5o!%t' Mac9%
Mac smiled" -No' you%e i*ht' I%d $ette !ot othewise I will
!e+e *et out of this house to!i*ht"% He *la!ced at his watch'
a!d the! tu!ed to pic) up his wallet fom !e&t to the $ed"
-.y the way' I%+e left you a little somethi!*"%
#i$$y watched as he wal)ed acoss to the wado$e a!d too)
out a cad$oad $o& with a desi*!e !ame o! it" -Thee"% /ith a
loo) of sly satisfactio! he put it dow! o! the $ed" -You ca!
ope! it whe! I%+e *o!e"%
-/hat is it0% #i$$y as)ed suspiciously"
-I told you' ope! it whe! I lea+e62
-I%d athe ope! it !ow"% #i$$y eached out a!d flic)ed the lid
off' the! folded $ac) the tissue pape to loo) at what was
-It%s the dess you tied o! today'% Mac said whe! she did
!othi!* $ut stae at it"
-Yes' I ca! see that"% #i$$y fi!*eed the delicate mateial a!d
fuy lic)ed thou*h he $ody" A!d sudde!ly thee was !o
cha!ce that she was *oi!* to play this cool" -Is this my
%Soy0% He tu!ed to loo) at he with a fow!" -I do!%t follow
%/ell' o$+iously *old3di**es li)e me wa!t some emu!eatio!"%
He +oice tem$led with fuy" -So I ta)e it this is mi!e"%
-I $ou*ht you the dess $ecause you loo)ed se!satio!al i! it
a!d I thou*ht you would li)e it'% Mac a!sweed coolly"
#i$$y put the lid $ac) o! the $o&" -/ell' the thi!* is' Mac' that
I am !ot =uite that cheap" If you wa!t to $uy me off it will cost
you a lot moe tha! a mee desi*!e dess"%
-/hat the hell is that supposed to mea!0%
%Oh' do!%t loo) so supised' Mac" Afte all' you )!ow the eal
tuth a$out me' do!%t you0% He +oice dipped with sacasm"
-Ou little fli!* has $ee! all +ey well' $ut I thi!) we ca! dop
the pete!ce !ow' do!%t you02
%/hat pete!ce is that0% Mac as)ed' his eyes !aowed o! he
-You )!ow dam! well the pete!ce I%m tal)i!* a$out"% She
pushed a ha!d thou*h he hai impatie!tly" -My fathe is hee
i! Ca!!es" You%+e lied to me"%
%Ah' I see"%
The +ey calm!ess of his to!e i!fuiated he" -Is that all you ca!
say0 You ha+e led me dow! the *ade! path' Mac Clayto!" You
ha+e lied to me a!d decei+ed me """a!d all you ca! say is' CAh' I
%#i$$y' calm dow!"% He wal)ed a step close a!d she held up a
-<ust stay away fom me"%
-I pomised you a meeti!* with you fathe a!d I i!te!d to
deli+e o! that'% he said smoothly"
-/he! wee you thi!)i!* of doi!* that0 The yea two thousa!d
a!d twe!ty%0% He +oice *ated u!e+e!ly" -5oes my fathe e+e!
)!ow I%m hee0%
Mac loo)ed sudde!ly u!comfota$le"
-No' I thou*ht !ot9% #i$$y *laed at him with $i*ht' fuious
eyes" -You $astad' Mac9%
He a)ed a ha!d thou*h the da)!ess of his hai"
-#oo)' #i$$y' this is !ot a! easy situatio!"%
-/ell' it%s $ee! easy fo you" I%+e made it easy' a!d you%+e
co!!ed me a!d wal)ed all o+e me"%
%I ha+e!%t co!!ed you62
-That is a matte of opi!io!"% #i$$y $ushed past him a!d
ope!ed he wado$e doo a!d without e+e! pausi!* fo
thou*ht she *ot he ca!+as $a* out fom the top a!d stated to
thow he clothes i!to it" She did!%t e+e! $othe to fold
a!ythi!*' it all ,ust *ot ,ammed i! a!y old way"
%#i$$y' what ae you doi!*0%
-I would ha+e thou*ht that was o$+ious" I%m *etti!* out of
-You ca!%t *o li)e this'% he said =uietly" -/e !eed to sit dow!
a!d tal) popely"%
How could he sou!d so see!e whe! i!side she was $u!i!* up
with fuy0
-I%+e do!e all the tal)i!* I wa!t to do" A!d I ha+e a$solutely
!othi!* moe to say to you"% She deli$eately left the dess
Mac had $ou*ht fo he o! the $ed a!d 8ipped up he $a*"
The! she tu!ed to loo) at him" As thei eyes met she felt a
flic)e of pai! deep i!side fo what mi*ht ha+e $ee!""" fo the
old feeli!*s he had stied i! he""" the way he could )iss he
a!d melt e+ey si!ew i! he $ody' the way he had made he
feel so special whe! she lay i! his ams"""7ey =uic)ly she
s=uashed those emotio!s" It had all $ee! a lie" E+eythi!* had
$ee! a lie"
-I do!%t wa!t you to lea+e' #i$$y"""!ot li)e this"%
-Oh' I )!ow you do!%t"% He +oice dipped with sacasm" -You
wa!t me to stay hee out of ham%s way while you co!tol the
pess" /ell' *uess what' Mac"""I do!%t *i+e o!e toss a$out what
you wa!t" I%+e e!,oyed the fli!*' $ut !ow I%m doi!* thi!*s my
way"% She tossed he da) hai o+e he shoulde a!d lifted he
$a* up"
Mac was sta!di!* $y the doo"
-Please *et out of my way'% she told him coldly"
Mac hesitated" %#i$$y' I do!%t )!ow whee you thi!) you ae
*oi!*" This house is miles fom the !eaest tow!' you ca!%t
wal) a!ywhee"%
-I said *et out of my way"% She aised he chi! a!d fi&ed him
with a +ey detemi!ed loo)"
1o a mome!t she thou*ht he was!%t *oi!* to do as she as)ed"
The! with a shu* he stood $ac)"
She swept past him' he head held hi*h"
-So whee ae you *oi!*0% he as)ed as he followed he out o!to
the la!di!*"
-No!e of you $usi!ess"% She wal)ed dow! the stais a!d called
fo Maio!"
%"ui) mademoiselle?% The woma! came out of the )itche!"
-5id you ma!a*e to pho!e that ta&i fo me0% #i$$y as)ed
%,h) non"""% Maio! flic)ed a! u!cetai! *la!ce up towads Mac"
-The li!e was $usy' mademoiselle"%
-/ell' pehaps the! you hus$a!d will di+e me i!to tow!0%
A*ai! Maio! loo)ed up towads Mac fo co!fimatio!"
-5o as #i$$y as)s' please' Maio!'% Mac told he calmly"
The house)eepe !odded" -O!e mome!t mademoiselle'% she
said politely a!d tu!ed to *o dow! the coido towads the
othe side of the house"
%<ac=ues will dop you a!ywhee you wa!t to *o' #i$$y'% Mac
said =uietly"
#i$$y made !o eply" She was!%t *oi!* to say tha!) you"
-#iste!' why do!%t we aa!*e to ha+e $ea)fast tomoow so
we ca! tal) thi!*s o+e0% Mac said smoothly"
#i$$y i*!oed him a!d wal)ed out of the fo!t doo' closi!* it
=uietly $ehi!d he"
A few mome!ts late a lo!* $lac) stetched limousi!e cu!ched
o+e the *a+el di+e a!d pulled up $eside he"
THERE was a stom $ewi!*" #i$$y could see flashes of
li*ht!i!* playi!* o+e the sea fom the da)e!ed wi!dows of
the limousi!e4 they lit up the !i*ht li)e a seachli*ht tu!i!* the
sea a!d the mou!tai!s to sil+e li)e a e+ese !e*ati+e o! a oll
of film"
.ut #i$$y%s mi!d was!%t o! the stom4 it was o! the
co!+esatio! she had ,ust had with Mac" She supposed she
should ha+e played it coole' pete!ded she did!%t )!ow he was
lyi!* to he' $ided he time" The! pehaps she would ha+e
fou!d out e&actly whee he fathe was" I!stead he defe!ces
a!d he co!tol had cac)ed' i! the same way the fo)s of
li*ht!i!* wee splitti!* the da)!ess of the s)y !ow"
O!e mome!t she had $ee! detemi!ed to )eep calm a!d play
him at his ow! *ame"""a!d the !e&t he calm esol+e had *o!e'
$uied u!de much moe comple& feeli!*s of hut"
She eally had fo a ca8y mome!t ima*i!ed that she was i!
lo+e with him9
A oa of thu!de toe thou*h the sile!ce of the !i*ht a!d the!
the ai! stated" It dummed wildly a*ai!st the ca wi!dow li)e
a co!ti!uous sheet of wate' the sou!d echoi!* he heat$eats'
echoi!* the teas that wee welli!* up i!side ,ust thi!)i!*
a$out Mac"
/ith detemi!atio! she pulled heself to*ethe" She was!%t
*oi!* to allow Mac Clayto! to upset he' she told heself
fimly" He was!%t woth it9
She ope!ed he ha!d$a* a!d fou!d a com$ fo he hai a!d put
o! some lipstic)" She did!%t wa!t to ai+e $ac) at he hotel
loo)i!* a mess"
They wee i! Ca!!es !ow" The li*hts alo!* the Coisette
eflected o! the wet oad i! a mosaic of colou" The sea was a
da) swil lit $y the occasio!al flash of li*ht!i!*" #i$$y watched
as the hotels a!d $uildi!*s swished $y"
She could see the Calto! hotel up ahead" A!d sudde!ly she
was emem$ei!* he fathe%s pictue i! the pape" The Calto!
$each had $ee! $ehi!d him' the fla*s fom the hotel had $ee!
clealy +isi$le"
-5id you say you wa!ted the Rosette hotel0% <ac=ues as)ed he
sudde!ly fom the fo!t"
-Actually' will you dop me outside the Calto!0% #i$$y as)ed
%"ui) *ademoiselle"%
-/ould you mi!d waiti!* fo me0% #i$$y as)ed as the ca
slowed a!d she loo)ed up towads the impessi+e e!ta!ce"
She did!%t wa!t to $e lu**i!* he old piece of lu**a*e with he
i! thee' she thou*ht wyly"
-Cetai!ly' *ademoiselle"%
As #i$$y eached fo the doo ha!dle it was ope!ed fo he
fom the outside" She loo)ed out a!d saw a dooma! waiti!*
fo he with a! um$ella eady to shield he fom the ai!"
-*erci"% She smiled at the ma! as she headed past him a!d
thou*h the *lass doos i!to a! impessi+e lo$$y"
The ai of ele*a!ce a$out the hotel was sti)i!*" 1o a mome!t
#i$$y was distacted fom he missio! as she loo)ed aou!d i!
appeciatio!" The! she wal)ed fowad to the des) whee a
eceptio!ist was deali!* with a! attacti+e you!* woma!
weai!* a desi*!e $lac) touse suit"
As #i$$y waited she a$se!t3mi!dedly admied the woma!%s
>ucci cases a!d tied !ot to thi!) a$out how !e+ous she felt
a$out the pospect of fi!ally seei!* he fathe a*ai!"
-Ca! I help you' madame0% A!othe eceptio!ist stepped
-Yes' I hope so"% #i$$y smiled at him" -I was wo!dei!* if you
could tell me if you ha+e a M Cal :ui!to! stayi!* hee0%
The eceptio!ist shoo) his head apolo*etically" %Ah' madame' I
e*et I ca!!ot *i+e you this i!fomatio!" I hope you will
u!desta!d0 It is classified"%
-Yes' of couse"% #i$$y smiled at him" She supposed she should
ha+e )!ow! that would $e the a!swe' $ut e+e! so #i$$y
could!%t help feeli!* disappoi!ted" -I shall ,ust ha+e to co!tact
him i! some othe way" Pehaps I could wite a !ote fo him
a!d lea+e it with you""" <ust i! case he chec)s i!02
%You may' a!d if he chec)s i! I will $e sue to *i+e it to him"%
The eceptio!ist smiled at he a!d ha!ded he acoss some
hotel !otepape"
-Tha!) you"% As #i$$y pic)ed up a pe! she !oticed the woma!
who had $ee! i! fo!t of he *la!ci!* aou!d" A!d with a stat
#i$$y eco*!ised he as <ulia Hy!es' the sta of he fathe%s
film' a!d if the papes wee to $e $elie+ed the woma! he
fathe was *oi!* to may9
She was a$out #i$$y%s a*e a!d e&ceptio!ally slim a!d $eautiful
with lo!* $lo!de hai a!d classically pefect featues"
-If you%d li)e to si*! hee' please' mademoiselle0% The
eceptio!ist spo)e to <ulia a!d she tu!ed away" -A!d we will
aa!*e fo someo!e to $i!* you lu**a*e up to you oom"%
#i$$y wo!deed if she should *o acoss to he' tell he she was
Cal%s dau*hte a!d as) if he fathe would see he"
.efoe she could mo+e the lift doos ope!ed a!d a few moe
people e!teed the lo$$y" Thee was a $u88 of e&citeme!t as
<ulia Hy!es was eco*!ised a!d she was lost fom #i$$y%s si*ht
as a cowd stated to *athe aou!d he as)i!* fo auto*aphs"
The! #i$$y saw he $ei!* *eeted $y a ma! i! a smat $lac)
-5ali!*' it%s so *ood to see you"% The woma!%s heat3felt to!es
difted a$o+e othe +oices"
The ma! em$aced he a!d as he tu!ed sli*htly #i$$y%s $eath
fo8e i! he thoat" It was he fathe' she eco*!ised him
Thei eyes met a!d held acoss the $usy co!couse' a!d she
could see the eco*!itio! i! his e&pessio!' could see he )!ew
e&actly who she was" 1o a mome!t it was as if e+eyo!e else
melted away" #i$$y could feel he heat thuddi!* so hea+ily
a*ai!st he chest that it hut"
He eally did!%t loo) that diffee!t" Yes' he was olde4 thee
wee a few sil+e hais at his temples' a few li!es at the co!es
of his $lue eyes' $ut apat fom that he loo)ed the same"""
E&cept that he was diffee!t" It was had to defi!e" It was as if
he was the same o! the outside' $ut that spa) of wamth
i!side"""that way he%d had of smili!* at he that had made him
special a!d -he dad% had *o!e"""
<ulia was sayi!* somethi!* a$out Pais $ei!* ,ust di+i!e' $efoe
co!ti!ui!* o! to say' -Oh' a!d a few mome!ts a*o a woma!
was as)i!* a$out you at the des)" Is it someo!e you )!ow0 I
thi!) she is still hee"""% <ulia stated to tu! aou!d"
Cal loo)ed away fom #i$$y a!d put his am thou*h hes"
-<ulia' I ca!%t see a!yo!e I )!ow i! hee" #et%s *o' dali!*" I wa!t
to hea all a$out Pais o+e di!!e"%
Shoc) si88led thou*h #i$$y' $ut somehow she *atheed heself
to*ethe a!d' lea+i!* the $la!) piece of pape o! the des)' she
tu!ed to wal) out of the hotel" O$+iously he fathe did!%t wa!t
to see he' a!d if that was the case she was!%t *oi!* to wal)
o+e to him" She had he pide"
It was a elief to clim$ i!to the limousi!e a!d hide $ehi!d the
ti!ted *lass away fom pyi!* eyes"
All i*ht' she had o!ly $ee! se+e! whe! he fathe had wal)ed
out' $ut she )!ew he had eco*!ised he4 she had see! that
loo) of ecollectio! i! his eyes" He%d )!ow! she was his
dau*hte""" yet he had still tu!ed away"
He had!%t wa!ted to )!ow he9
-/hee to' *ademoiselle0%
The di+e%s +oice cut i!to he thou*hts"
She o!ly hesitated fo a seco!d $efoe sayi!* hus)ily" %<ac=ues'
would you ta)e me to the aipot' please02
%Yes' of couse' *ademoiselle"%
As the limousi!e sped thou*h the da)!ess of the e+e!i!*
#i$$y wished she could wa+e a ma*ic wa!d a!d ,ust $e home i!
the secuity of he ow! flat" A!d she wished moe tha!
a!ythi!* that she had !e+e come hee"
Aftewads that tip to Nice aipot ,ust seemed li)e a $lu" She
tha!)ed the di+e as he dopped he off outside the mai!
temi!al $uildi!*' a!d she huied i!side"
The aipot was $usy a!d she had to wait a while $efoe
someo!e could deal with he at a des)" He ai tic)et home was
useless as it was fo a few days% time' so she had to puchase
a!othe o!e" It seemed to ta)e a! a*e to sot out' as the time
a!d a+aila$ility of a fli*ht to #o!do! was chec)ed"
The o!ly a+aila$le seat was o! a fli*ht at two the !e&t mo!i!*"
#i$$y *la!ced at he watch" It was o!ly !i!e3thity !ow' $ut
althou*h it sou!ded li)e a! i!temi!a$le time to wait she slid
he cedit cad acoss a!d $oo)ed it" All she wa!ted was to *o
The chec)3i! des) fo he fli*ht did!%t ope! fo o+e a! hou' so
she was stuc) with he lu**a*e u!til the!" Cayi!* he $a*
o+e towads a cafe' she $ou*ht heself a *lass of mi!eal
wate a!d waited" 1o a while she watched lo+es em$ace'
families say *ood$ye a!d the fli*ht i!fomatio! $oads flic)
o+e" All of life seemed to pass he $y"
She emem$eed how hopeful she had $ee! whe! she ai+ed
hee" Hopeful that she would' !ot o!ly fi!d he fathe' $ut
etu! to a time a!d place i! life whe! she had lo+ed someo!e
deeply a!d felt lo+ed i! etu!" Remem$ei!* the e&pessio! i!
he fathe%s eyes as he%d tu!ed away fom he' she ealised
how foolish that hope had $ee!" You could !e+e *o $ac) i!
time $ecause !othi!* stayed the same" You could o!ly mo+e
A!d the! thee was Mac" She ealised !ow that she had *ot it
wo!* whe! she had accused him of !ot telli!* he dad she
was hee" .ut that still did!%t cha!*e the fact that he had lied
to he a$out he fathe%s whee3a$outs """ used he" A!d he%d
po$a$ly $ee! the o!e to tell the pess that she had shu!!ed
he fathe fo yeas" Mac would do whate+e it too) to potect
his $usi!ess i!teests" Had to $elie+e whe! he had )issed he
so passio!ately' made lo+e to he so ade!tly" .ut lo+ema)i!*
fo him was po$a$ly ,ust a eceatio!al pastime" He was
po$a$ly with his e&3wife !ow' ha+i!* a sophisticated suppe"""
A cold' *!awi!* ache spa!* up i!side he"
She eally could!%t $ea to thi!) a$out Mac"
The familia to!e too) he +ey much $y supise a!d as she
loo)ed up i!to Mac%s da) eyes she thou*ht fo a mome!t that
she was ima*i!i!* thi!*s" .ut she was!%t ima*i!i!* it4 he was
sta!di!* !e&t to he ta$le loo)i!* diectly at he' a!d he heat
luched ca8ily"
-/hat ae you doi!* hee0% she as)ed hus)ily"
Mae smiled" -I%+e come to fi!d you' of couse"%
He was so i!dole!tly co!fide!t that it $ou*ht $ac) he fi*hti!*
spiit" -/ell' you should!%t ha+e do!e'% she said i! a!!oya!ce"
He pulled out the chai opposite he" %May I sit dow!02
%I%d athe you did!%t"%
He i*!oed that a!d sat dow! a!yway' a!d a small pat of
he """the a$solutely mad pat that was *lad he had i*!oed
he""" was *lad he was hee"
To cou!teact that silly emotio! she *laed at him" -<ust *o
away' Mac"%
-/e ha+e thi!*s to sot out'% he said calmly"
-I do!%t thi!) so"% She too) a sip of he wate a!d tied to e*ai!
co!tol of he emotio!s" -Should!%t you $e ha+i!* di!!e with
you e&3wife0%
He did!%t loo) supised that she )!ew this" -Yes' $ut u!de the
cicumsta!ces I thou*ht it $est to ca!cel"%
-/hat%s the matte' Mac0 1i*hte!ed that you ha+e a loose
ca!!o! o! you ha!ds0% she *ated sado!ically" -Scaed I
mi*ht u! to the pess a!d mali*! you clie!t0 Is that why you
ae hee02
%No" A!d I do!%t thi!) fo o!e mome!t that you ae *oi!* to do
-No0% #i$$y fi&ed him with a pecepti+e stae" -I ta)e it this is
the poi!t i! the co!+esatio! whee you offe me a pay3off0%
-No"% Mac shoo) his head" -This is the poi!t i! the co!+esatio!
whe! I tell you I%+e come to ta)e you to see you fathe"%
The ema) too) #i$$y $y supise" -/hy !ow0%
-.ecause I am a ma! of my wod' #i$$y" I pomised you that I
would aa!*e a meeti!* fo you a!d I ha+e"%
-/ell' it%s too late fo that !ow"% As she lifted the *lass of wate
to he lips a*ai! she was alamed to fi!d that he ha!d was
sha)i!*" Huiedly she put the *lass $ac) dow! a*ai! a!d
hoped that Mac had!%t !oticed' $ut she could see his eyes
watchi!* he' !oti!* he e+ey mo+eme!t"
-It%s !ot too late'% he said *e!tly"
-1o me it is'% she said fimly" -Apat fom a!ythi!* else I ha+e
$oo)ed a!d paid fo a fli*ht to #o!do!"%
-Ca! I see you tic)et0%
The calm =uestio! pu88led he" -/hy do you wa!t to see my
tic)et0 5o!%t you $elie+e me0 5o you thi!) I%m ,ust sitti!* hee
fo the *ood of my health02
%I $elie+e you' #i$$y" I ,ust wa!t to see it"%
-/ell' if it will ma)e you *o away"""% She *a$$ed he ha!d$a*'
too) out the tic)et a!d slid it acoss to him"
She watched as he ope!ed it" -1li*ht at two a"m"'% he
mumued" -I do!%t thi!) you ae *oi!* to $e a$le to ma)e that'
.efoe she could stop him he had put the tic)et away i!to the
i!side poc)et of his ,ac)et"
-Mac' what the hell do you thi!) you ae doi!*0% He +oice
ose u!steadily a!d a few people at !ei*h$oui!* ta$les
*la!ced o+e at them cuiously" ->i+e me my tic)et $ac)9%
-All i! *ood time"% Mac pushed his chai away fom the ta$le
a!d eached to pic) up he lu**a*e" -Now' let me *i+e you a
ha!d with this"%
-No' tha!) you9% She tied to stop him' $ut he was too =uic) fo
he a!d *ot thee fist so that he ha!d ,ust closed o+e his o!
the ha!dle" The physical co!tact made he i!sta!tly eli!=uish
the $a* a!d fli!ch away as if she had $ee! $u!t"
He watched as she u$$ed at he ha!d as if tyi!* to ease the
memoy of his s)i! a*ai!st hes"
-#i$$y"""I ,ust wa!t to put thi!*s i*ht"% The hus)y' *e!tle to!e
cut stai*ht thou*h he"
-As if you *i+e a dam! a$out that9% She *a+e him a fulmi!ati!*
*lae fom +i+id $lue eyes" -You ae ,ust thi!)i!* a$out a
possi$le PR disaste $efoe you pecious clie!t%s pemiee"%
Mac shoo) his head" -You could!%t $e futhe away fom the
-/ell' I do!%t $elie+e that" I! fact I do!%t $elie+e o!e wod you
say a!y moe"% She emai!ed fim a!d held out he ha!d" -Now
*i+e me my $a* $ac)"%
-No"% The *e!tle to!e was *o!e !ow' eplaced $y a steely )i!d
of calm!ess that totally i!fuiated he"
-#oo)' if you do!%t *i+e my lu**a*e a!d my tic)et $ac) to me'%
she s!apped' -I%m *oi!* to stat ma)i!* a sce!e"%
-Really0% Thee was a flic)e of amuseme!t i! his da) eyes
!ow" -/hat ae you *oi!* to do0%
Hell' $ut this ma! was i!fuiati!*" How she could e+e ha+e
thou*ht that she lo+ed him9 She cast a$out fa!tically i! he
mi!d fo some theat" %I%ll yell that I%+e $ee! mu**ed"%
Mac shu**ed" -Yell away' $ut I%ll ,ust say we ae ha+i!* a
lo+es% spat' a!d the 1e!ch ae +ey u!desta!di!* a$out
affais of the heat"%
.efoe she could say a!ythi!* to that he was wal)i!* away
fom he' ta)i!* he lu**a*e with him" She hesitated fo ,ust a
seco!d $efoe followi!* him"
-#oo)' Mac' I ca! assue you that I ha+e !o i!te!tio!s of
tal)i!* to the pess a$out my fathe' so you ca! ,ust put my
$a* dow!' *i+e me my ai tic)et a!d let me *o"%
-I ca!%t do that'% Mac said tesely"
They wee outside !ow" It had stopped ai!i!*' $ut the oads
*liste!ed with wate u!de the steet li*hts" Mac put up his
ha!d a!d the $lac) limousi!e that had dopped #i$$y off pulled
up $eside them"
<ac=ues *ot out a!d came aou!d to ta)e #i$$y%s $a* fom Mac
a!d ope! the doos fo them"
-I suppose <ac=ues told you whee I was0% #i$$y mumued as
she watched he $a* $ei!* deposited i! the $oot"
-Of couse"% Mac !odded towads the ca" -Now' ae you *oi!*
to *et i!' o am I *oi!* to ha+e to put you i! thee $odily02
%You would!%t dae9% She was hoified"
He too) a step towads he a!d she *ot huiedly i!to the ca"
%This """this is )id!appi!*'% she said fuiously"
-5o!%t $e so damatic"% Mac slid i! $eside he" -You wa!ted to
see you fathe a!d I am ma)i!* sue you *et you wish"%
-I told you' it%s too late fo that9% He heat pou!ded u!easily
a*ai!st he chest"
-No' it%s !ot" I%+e spo)e! to Cal a!d he is waiti!* fo you at his
-I%+e aleady $ee! to his hotel"% #i$$y $it dow! o! he lip"
-I )!ow that" .ut they will let you i! !ow I%m with you"%
#i$$y shoo) he head a!d fo a mome!t he eyes $lued with
-They will' #i$$y' a!d I%+e cleaed it with you fathe" He is
e&pecti!* you"%
#i$$y could!%t a!swe that"""could!%t tell him that i! fact he
fathe had aleady see! he""" a!d tu!ed away"
The limousi!e pulled out o!to the $usy oads" #i$$y sat =uietly
as fa away fom Mac o! the comfota$le lo!* leathe seat as
she could"
-/ould you li)e a di!)0% Mac ope!ed the di!)s ca$i!et
opposite" -I ha+e champa*!e"%
-I o!ly di!) champa*!e whe! I ha+e somethi!* to cele$ate'%
#i$$y said !um$ly"
-/ell' you ha+e *ot somethi!* to cele$ate" I%m ta)i!* you to
see you fathe"%
#i$$y shoo) he head"
-A *lass of white wi!e' the!0% Mac eached fo a $ottle"
-I do!%t wa!t a di!)' Mac" I ,ust wa!t to *o $ac) to the aipot
to catch my pla!e"%
Mac closed the ca$i!et a!d sat $ac) i! the seat" -#oo)' I am
soy that I told you you fathe had!%t ai+ed i! 1a!ce" At the
time it seemed li)e a !ecessay lie"%
-I $et"% #i$$y a+eted he *a8e fom his" -You did!%t tell me that
he was dati!* his leadi!* lady eithe"%
-I thou*ht it was you fathe%s place to tell you that" Not mi!e"%
-.ut my fathe did!%t wa!t to see me' did he0%
The wods dopped i!to the sile!ce a!d lay thee fo what
seemed li)e a !e+e3e!di!* peiod of time"
-You fathe has $ee! u!de a lot of stai!' #i$$y'% Mac said
fi!ally" -It%s !ot easy $ei!* u!de the full *lae of the media
spotli*ht" I )!ow this is difficult fo you as well' $ut I thi!) you
should ty a!d cut him some slac)"%
#i$$y loo)ed o+e at him the!' he *a8e shap" -You should
ha+e told me the tuth"%
Mac held he *a8e steadily" -I thou*ht a$out it """$ut I did!%t
wa!t to upset you"%
#i$$y olled he eyes" -Oh' please"""do you thi!) I am
completely !ai+e0%
-.elie+e it o !ot' that is the tuth'% he cut acoss he fimly"
-Yes' I po$a$ly did the wo!* thi!* pete!di!* that you fathe
was!%t hee' I ealise that !ow" .ut I ,ust did!%t wa!t to tell you
that he was!%t eady to see you"%
This stateme!t tuly i!ce!sed he" -He%s had twe!ty yeas to
pepae himself to see me' Mac" #et%s !ot pussy3foot aou!d
this a!y moe" The fact is he ,ust does!%t wa!t to see me"%
Mac loo)ed o+e at he steadily" -I wo!%t lie to you' #i$$y" He%s
+ey !e+ous a$out seei!* you' $ut that is to $e e&pected'% he
said =uietly"
-/hy0 .ecause I%+e shu!!ed him o+e the yeas0% #i$$y%s +oice
dipped with deisio!" -I suppose it was you who lea)ed that
little tit$it to the pess"%
-I ha+e!%t said a!ythi!* to the pess a$out you' #i$$y"%
-A!d I do!%t $elie+e you"% He +oice tem$led with fuy"
-/ell' it%s tue"% 1o a mome!t his lips sla!ted i! a wy smile" -If
you emem$e' I%m the o!e who wa!ted to )eep you out of the
pess completely" I was all fo ,ust issui!* a o!e off stateme!t"%
-.ecause of couse you ae such a *e!tlema!"% She pactically
spat the wods at him"
He smiled at that' $ut it was a self3depecati!* smile" -I tied to
Somethi!* a$out the way he loo)ed at he a!d the hus)y
tim$e of his to!e cut i!to he aw emotio!s"
It was had to ead the e&pessio! i! his eyes' $ut she could
see a pulse $eati!* i! the side of his ,aw"
%#i$$y' I ealise I%+e ha!dled thi!*s $adly" /he! I mo+ed you
i!to my house I eally did it fo the $est of i!te!tio!s" I wa!ted
to help soothe thi!*s o+e $etwee! you a!d you fathe" I did!%t
i!te!d fo thi!*s to *o as fa as they did $etwee! us"% He
eached out a!d touched he face' $ut she fli!ched away fom
him a!d the aw!ess i!side he $ecame a physical ache"
-.ut somewhee alo!* the li!e I62
-I do!%t wa!t to hea this" I eally mea! it"% She steadfastly
a+oided loo)i!* at him" .ut i!side she felt as if he heat wee
$ea)i!*" Those wods -I did!%t i!te!d fo thi!*s to *o as fa as
they did $etwee! us% wee $u!i!* i!side he" -A!d I do!%t wa!t
to see my fathe"% The fie had *o!e fom he to!e !ow"
%#i$$y' I%m !ot tu!i!* $ac)" It%s $est we *et this o+e with"%
Easy fo him to say' she thou*ht" .ut the idea of faci!* he
fathe !ow' )!owi!* he did!%t wa!t he hee' was too much
hut to $ea"
-I do!%t see the poi!t'% she mutteed" -I ,ust wa!t to *o home
-The poi!t is that o!ce you do this you will feel moe at
peace"""$e a$le to mo+e o! with you life"% Mac%s *e!tle to!e
made he heat tu! o+e"
She *laed o+e at him a!d he eyes shimmeed with teas"
-5o!%t pete!d to u!desta!d how I feel' Mae""" $ecause you
ha+e !o idea"%
-I thi!) I do'% he said softly"
She shoo) he head a!d loo)ed away fom him" -You ,ust thi!) I
am cold3heated a!d mece!ay""" fai *ame' i! fact"%
%#i$$y' I do!%t thi!) that"%
The wamth a!d the soft!ess of his to!e made he wa!t to cy
all the moe' $ut she held heself to*ethe with difficulty" -5o!%t
lie to me' Mae" I )!ow the o!ly easo! that you ae hee !ow is
that you ae woied a$out what I will say to the pess a$out
you pecious clie!t" You%ll potect him to the hilt" You wee
doi!* it a while a*o with all the spiel a$out how had it is fo
him i! the media spotli*ht"%
-I%m !ot tyi!* to potect him' #i$$y4 I%m tyi!* to potect you'%
he said softly" -I was tyi!* to e&plai! that Cal is so cau*ht up
i! his caee that he does!%t thi!) clealy sometimes"%
-He was thi!)i!* clealy e!ou*h a few hous a*o whe! he
$la!)ed me i! the hotel lo$$y'% #i$$y etoted swiftly"
-A!d he%s full of emose'% Mac said =uic)ly"
-Oh' so you )!ow a$out that0% He +oice tem$led sli*htly"
-Yes' I *ot a distau*ht pho!e call fom him"% Mac%s +oice was
*im" -You !eed to see him a!d sot this out"%
As Mac fi!ished spea)i!* the limousi!e pulled up outside the
Calto! hotel a*ai!"
-5o this' #i$$y' fo youself as much as fo him"% Mac%s to!e
was low a!d pesuasi+e a!d he eached out a!d touched he
ha!d" -It will lay *hosts of the past to est"%
The touch of his fi!*es a*ai!st he s)i! i!sta!tly tu!ed he
feeli!*s of a!&iety i!to somethi!* much moe +olatile" She
pulled away fom him"
-I%ll *i+e him fi+e mi!utes'% she said hus)ily" -.ut the! I wa!t to
*o home' Mac"%
He !odded" -I%ll wait fo you i! the foye"%
#I..Y chec)ed he appeaa!ce i! the mio outside he
fathe%s oom" He hai was sitti!* i! easo!a$le ode' $ut she
smoothed it dow! futhe o+e the $uise at the side of he
She wished she had stu$$o!ly efused to *o thou*h with this"
.ut she was hee !ow' she told heself se!si$ly' so it was $est
to *et it o+e with"""
/ith a apidly $eati!* heat she tu!ed towads the doo" At
least she was !o lo!*e ima*i!i!* a happy e3u!io!' i! fact was
u!de !o illusio!s at all a$out this meeti!*"""so she did!%t )!ow
why she felt so !e+ous"
She )!oc)ed fimly o! the doo"
-Come i!' it%s ope!"%
#i$$y *la!ced at he watch" 1i+e mi!utes""" the! she was out of
hee' she told heself"
Ta)i!* a deep $eath' she tu!ed the ha!dle a!d wal)ed i!"
The fist thi!* #i$$y !oticed was how lo+ely the suite was with
pa!oamic wi!dows loo)i!* out o+e the pome!ade" Softly
shaded lamps lit the oom a!d music was playi!* i! the
The! she !oticed the ma! sta!di!* i! the fa shadows of the
-5ad0% He +oice was !o moe tha! a te!tati+e whispe"
He stepped fowad a!d she could see immediately that it was
he fathe" He was weai!* the same da) suit a!d white shit
that he had $ee! weai!* ealie"
.ut it was the e&pessio! o! his face that held he i+eted" He
loo)ed so stai!ed a!d te!se' as if he was as !e+ous a$out this
meeti!* as she was"
She could!%t mo+e4 she could!%t say a!ythi!*"
-I%m soy a$out""" $efoe' #i$$y" I ca! hadly $elie+e I did that"%
His +oice tem$led a!d $o)e" -I eco*!ised you stai*ht away'
you )!ow"%
-Yes' I ealised that"% He +oice was stiff"
%Mac had show! me some photo*aphs of you" .ut I still would
ha+e )!ow! it was you' e+e! thou*h you ae all *ow! up a!d
so $eautiful" You still loo) li)e my dau*hte""" A!d so li)e me"%
-Yes' Mac said I was li)e you""" stu$$o! a!d a $it difficult' I
thi!) wee his wods"% #i$$y did!%t )!ow why she said that' $ut
it seemed to li*hte! the atmosphee"
He dad smiled" %Mac is a !ice *uy" He is also a teme!dous
$usi!essma!4 I%m luc)y to ha+e him" I%+e *i+e! him a difficult
time o+e the last few days"%
-Ha+e you02
%Oh' yes"% Cal%s +oice was hea+y" -Thee was a poi!t whe! I
was so !e+ous a$out seei!* you that I was!%t e+e! *oi!* to
come to Ca!!es fo the pemiee" I sta*ed a ca accide!t i! the
hope of it e&cusi!* me" .ut Mac would!%t let me away with
that4 he told me I had to atte!d the pemiee" He also )ept
telli!* me I had to see you' a!d I )ept ma)i!* e&cuses""" told
him I was ill"""*a+e him the u!3aou!d"%
-I see"% #i$$y was supised' it sou!ded as if Mac had $ee!
$atti!* i! he co!e all alo!*" .ut po$a$ly fo sou!d $usi!ess
easo!s athe tha! a!y desie to help he' she told heself
=uic)ly" He%d had !o compu!ctio! a$out lyi!* to he"
-All you had to do was tell me you did!%t wa!t to see me' a!d
I%d ha+e *o!e away'% she said softly"
Cal fow!ed" -It%s !ot that I did!%t wa!t to see you'% he said
ste!ly" -It%s !ot =uite that simple"%
-So what was it a$out0%
Cal shoo) his head" -I%+e let you dow!' #i$$y" I )!ow that" A!d
I suppose a lot of what I%+e do!e has $ee! do!e thou*h *uilt"
1istly *uilt at wal)i!* out a!d seco!dly *uilt at the lies I%+e told
to co+e my tac)s"%
A$uptly he tu!ed away fom he a!d we!t acoss to a
side$oad" -I do!%t )!ow a$out you' $ut I could use a di!)"
/ould you li)e a whis)ey0%
-No' tha!) you"% She sat dow! o! the am of o!e of the chais"
-I%m soy I ha+e!%t $ee! i! touch' #i$$y"% His +oice cac)ed a
little" -A!d I%m !ot tal)i!* !ow a$out the last few days"%
-No"% She loo)ed dow! at he shoes" She did!%t )!ow what to
-I did ty"% He tu!ed the! a!d loo)ed at he" -A yea afte I left
you mothe I came $ac) o! holiday to E!*la!d fo a few days
to see you' $ut """You wee out i! the *ade! with you mum
a!d you stepfathe""" a!d you loo)ed li)e a pope family"% He
shu**ed" -You wee so you!* a!d I had !othi!* to offe you
the! """!o dece!t ,o$ a!d !o home" It seemed )i!de to wal)
#i$$y fow!ed a!d *la!ced up" -I did!%t wa!t a!ythi!* fom
you' 5ad" I ,ust wa!ted to see you"""e+e! a! occasio!al lette
would ha+e $ee! $ette tha! !othi!*9%
Cal%s eyes misted with teas" -I made a $loody mess of
e+eythi!*'% he *ated" -My maia*e a!d my ole as a fathe"%
-You did you $est"% #i$$y did!%t )!ow what else to say"
-A!d it was!%t *ood e!ou*h" I told myself that you wee $ette
off without me"% Cal shoo) his head" -You mothe a!d I wee
+ey you!* whe! we *ot maied' #i$$y" A!d' I%ll $e ho!est' I
fou!d the espo!si$ility had"%
#i$$y !oticed that his ha!d was sha)i!* as he too) a sip of his
-5ad' I )!ow that the maia*e was!%t happy62
-I told you mothe I was lea+i!*" I%d $ee! offeed a ,o$ i!
Califo!ia" Not much of a ,o$' I%ll *a!t you' $ut I wa!ted to ta)e
it' wa!ted to pusue my deams of $ecomi!* a! acto" She
thou*ht we would all *o """a!d I e+e! let he thi!) that fo a
while""" $ut"""% Cal shoo) his head" -It was!%t that I did!%t lo+e
you""" I ,ust could!%t ha+e affoded to suppot you $oth" I
!eeded to $e fee a!d it would ha+e $ee! !o life fo you"%
#i$$y fow!ed" -.ut I thou*ht Mum left you fo Sea!0%
Cal shoo) his head" -Sea! ,ust made thi!*s easie fo me to
lea+e" At least I )!ew she had someo!e a!d62
-You mea! Mum was with Sea! o! the e$ou!d0%
Cal shu**ed" -I )!ow he was head o+e heels i! lo+e with
Sudde!ly e+eythi!* was $ecomi!* cleae i! #i$$y%s mi!d" He
mothe must ha+e $ee! so hut""" a!d it could!%t ha+e $ee!
easy $ei!* left with a you!* child" She had made a difficult
choice mayi!* Sea!""" $ut she had $ee! lo!ely a!d u!happy'
had still $ee! i! lo+e with Cal' a!d had )!ow! that he was!%t
comi!* $ac)"
No wo!de Sea! had $ee! so a**essi+ely a*ai!st he dad' he
had po$a$ly )!ow! he mothe had still lo+ed Cal' a!d had
$ee! ,ealous"
It had $ee! a ecipe fo disaste"
Cal%s +oice shoo)" -I )!ow I was selfish' #i$$y' $ut a!
oppotu!ity came up fo me i! Califo!ia" So I too) it' a!d
stated o+e"%
-A!d you told youself that I did!%t !eed you a!y moe0% #i$$y%s
+oice was u!e+e!"
-It was wo!* I )!ow that' $ut I did!%t ealise what I was
thowi!* away' #i$$y"""a!d if it%s a!y co!solatio! I ha+e $ee!
ac)ed with e*et a!d with *uilt e+e si!ce"%
-I do!%t wa!t you to $e ac)ed $y *uilt'% #i$$y mumued"
-It%s po$a$ly had fo you to $elie+e' $ut I !e+e stopped
thi!)i!* a$out you" <ust $efoe you te!th $ithday I se!t you
mothe my addess a!d told he that if you wa!ted to loo) me
up' I%d lo+e to see you" .ut you !e+e did *et i! co!tact"%
#i$$y%s face dai!ed of colou" -I did!%t *et the messa*e'% she
said hus)ily" The! she too) a deep $eath $efoe admitti!*'
-A!d it was ,ust $efoe my te!th $ithday that Mum too) me to
o!e side a!d told me you wee dead"%
Cal put his *lass dow! o! the side$oad a!d loo)ed at he i!
hoo" -My >od9 I did!%t thi!) Elle! hated me that much9%
-I do!%t thi!) she did"% #i$$y emem$eed how he mothe had
loo)ed past he towads Sea! as she%d told #i$$y that lie" -He%s
dead'% she had said a*ai!"
#i$$y u!destood that mea!i!*ful to!e !ow" A!d althou*h she
was still appalled $y he mothe%s lie' she could u!desta!d it
moe !ow" He mothe had wa!ted to fo*et the past a!d ma)e
a fesh stat with Sea!" They had $ee! esta!*ed at the time'
$ut soo! afte that he stepfathe had mo+ed $ac) i!to the
house a!d thi!*s had settled dow!" The maia*e had su+i+ed"
-I thi!) she ,ust wa!ted to potect he maia*e"%
-Yes' $ut to say such a thi!*9%
-/e all ma)e mista)es' 5ad' do!%t we0% she said softly"
-I%+e made moe tha! my fai shae" I%+e $ee! maied thee
#i$$y !odded" -A!d !ow you%+e met someo!e else02
%.ut this is the eal thi!*' #i$$y"%
-/ell' that%s *ood"% #i$$y smiled" -I hope you%ll $e happy"%
-Tha!) you'% Cal said emotio!ally" %#i$$y' I ha+e to tell you
that I%+e told a lot of lies whee you ae co!ce!ed" A!d I feel so
ashamed a!d hum$led"""$ut' I mea!' how could I tell a ma! li)e
Mac Clayto! that to all i!te!ts a!d puposes I had a$a!do!ed
my dau*hte0 He%s such a dece!t a!d ho!oua$le )i!d of $lo)e
a!d he adoes his dau*hte" He%d !e+e wal) away fom he"
He%s a *ood family ma!"% Cal shoo) his head" -I ,ust could!%t
tell him" He would ha+e lost all espect fo me"%
-So you told him that you%d tied ma!y times o+e the yeas to
co!tact me0 Se!t me e&pe!si+e pese!ts0%
Cal%s face flushed ed with em$aassme!t"
-It%s all i*ht'% #i$$y told him dyly" -I%m !ot paticulaly
$otheed what Mae thi!)s"%
.ut e+e! as she was sayi!* those wods she )!ew she was
lyi!*" She did!%t wa!t to cae"""$ut she did"
-The lies wee!%t ,ust fo Mac%s sa)e" I did!%t wa!t <ulia to )!ow
what a u$$ish fathe I am eithe" A!d I epeated the lies fo
the pess"%
-I thou*ht it was Mac who fed the pess those lies'% #i$$y
%Mac is too ho!oua$le fo that"% Cal shoo) his head" -I am
soy' #i$$y" 5oi!* this family3ma! pat i! a film has fea)ed
me out a $it4 e+eyo!e assumes I%m li)e the chaacte I play"
A!d it%s had to admit I%m !ot" .ut I will ma)e thi!*s i*ht"""if
you ,ust *i+e me a few days I will tell e+eyo!e the tuth"%
#i$$y shu**ed" -That%s up to you" I%m !ot *oi!* to say
-No' the tuth must $e told"% Cal fow!ed" %#i$$y' would you
li)e to come to the pemiee of my film0% he as)ed sudde!ly"
-Tha!)s' 5ad' $ut' you )!ow' I thi!) I%+e had e!ou*h of $ei!*
i! the limeli*ht" I thi!) I%ll ,ust *o home"%
-/ell' may$e you will come a!d +isit me i! Califo!ia"%
He cossed the oom the! a!d sudde!ly she fou!d heself
e!+eloped i! the wamth of his em$ace"
She put he ams up a!d aou!d his !ec) a!d ,ust clu!* to him"
I! those few mi!utes it was as if time we!t $ac)wads a!d she
was i!deed his little *il a*ai!"""a!d he was the ma! she had
loo)ed up to a!d lo+ed with all he heat"
#i$$y felt a $it emotio!al whe! she left the oom"
A chapte had closed4 she could *o home' put all this $ehi!d
he a!d *et o! with he life"
-How did it *o0% Mac%s deep +oice comi!* fom futhe dow!
the hall made he ,ump"
-It we!t OK"% She loo)ed o+e at him" He loo)ed so ha!dsome"""
a!d so co!ce!ed that he heat seemed to tu! o+e with a
ca8y )i!d of !eed to u! i!to his ams"
-So what do you wa!t to do !ow0% He too) a step close"
Hastily she loo)ed away fom him" ->o home' of couse"%
-Home to Simo!0%
That =uestio! made he fow!" Simo! was the futhest peso!
fom he thou*hts" -5oes it matte0% she as)ed softly"
-It mattes to me"%
The =uietly spo)e! wods made he se!ses leap" .ut he was
po$a$ly tal)i!* a$out the $usi!ess of PR' she emi!ded
heself" All he was co!ce!ed with was he fathe%s film' a!d he
po$a$ly wa!ted to )eep he at his house loc)ed away fom the
pess fo as lo!* as possi$le"
-I%+e told you I am !ot *oi!* to say a!ythi!* to the pess"%
#i$$y stated to seach i! he $a* fo a ha!d)echief' $ut
could!%t fi!d o!e"
-You%e upset9% He eached out a!d touched he am" %#i$$y'
ho!ey' do!%t cy" I hate seei!* you li)e this"%
-I%m !ot cyi!*" I%m ,ust a $it emotio!al afte seei!* my dad'
that%s all9% .ut as she *la!ced o+e at him she )!ew that was!%t
all" The fact was' she was i! lo+e with Mac Clayto! a!d the
thou*ht of lea+i!* hee a!d !e+e seei!* him a*ai! made he
feel as if he heat would tuly $ea) i!to a millio! ti!y pieces"
/ith difficulty she pulled heself to*ethe a!d *la!ced at he
watch" -I !eed to *et $ac) to the aipot" If I lea+e !ow I ,ust
mi*ht ma)e that fli*ht"%
-I do!%t thi!) you%ll ma)e it"% He said the wods softly"
-I ha+e to9% She *laed at him thou*h a shimme of teas"
-No' you do!%t" You ca! stay hee with me"%
#i$$y $ushed past him towads the lifts" %Mac' I am !ot
liste!i!* to this" I%+e told you I wo!%t ma)e tou$le fo 5ad%s
pemiee a!d I mea!t it"%
-This is!%t a$out you dad """o the pemiee" This is a$out us'%
Mac said =uietly"
-;s0% He heat luched ca8ily a!d she tu!ed to loo) at him"
-/hat do you mea!0%
Mac too) hold of he ha!d a!d led he towads the lifts" -#et%s
*et out of hee"% The doos wee ope!' they stepped i!side a!d
Mac pushed the $utto! fo the eceptio!"
%#i$$y' I )!ow you $elie+e that you a!d Simo! ca! put you
elatio!ship $ac) to*ethe' $ut I do!%t thi!) he de3se+es a
seco!d cha!ce with you" I thi!)"""% He paused as if choosi!* his
wods with *eat cae"
-/hat do you thi!)0% #i$$y as)ed cuiously"
The lift stopped o! the floo $e!eath a!d a!othe couple *ot i!"
Mac put a! am aou!d he shoulde a!d held he close" -I
thi!) it%s $est we tal) pi+ately i! the ca'% he mumued
a*ai!st he ea"
#i$$y felt a shi+e of desie shoot thou*h he" His close!ess
was i!to&icati!* a!d' althou*h she tied to tell heself that
tusti!* a!ythi!* Mac Clayto! said to he was a $i* mista)e'
she could!%t help feel a *limme of pleasue at ,ust $ei!* !ea
The lift doos slid ope! o! the *ou!d floo a!d they stepped
out" /hat did Mac wa!t to say to he0 she wo!deed"
/hate+e it was she should!%t liste!""" she told heself fimly"
She should lea! $y he mista)es of the past" No ma! was
*oi!* to sweet3tal) he i!to thi!*s' o ta)e ad+a!ta*e of he
As they left the fo!t e!ta!ce of the hotel a $i*ht flash of
li*ht!i!* lit the s)y' followed $y a! i!cedi$ly loud oa of
thu!de" A!d fo a mome!t #i$$y was *lad to clim$ i!side the
waiti!* limousi!e" The! Mac *ot i! $eside he a!d the doo
closed' lea+i!* them alo!e i! the da) i!timacy of the leathe
The ca pulled out i!to the taffic"
Mac held he *a8e acoss the limited space $etwee! them a!d
she felt a flutte of appehe!sio!" She lea!ed fowad a little to
tal) to the di+e" %<ac=ues' you will ta)e me diectly to the
aipot' wo!%t you02
%He ca!%t hea you thou*h that *lass' #i$$y' a!d he ca!%t see
you'% Mac told he" -I%+e closed the pi+acy patitio!" .ut do!%t
woy' I%+e *i+e! him his i!stuctio!s"%
-Oh9% #i$$y sat $ac)" %You )!ow' you do!%t !eed to come with
me to the aipot' Mac"% She tied to thi!) se!si$ly" -I
mea!"""you ha+e a date with you e&3wife"""do!%t you0 May$e
you should )eep it"%
-That was!%t a date' #i$$y4 it was di!!e to tal) a$out $usi!ess"
Maietta has la!ded a $i* pat i! a! epic !ew film that is $ei!*
shot o+e hee" They ae ma)i!* a tilo*y $ac) to $ac) so it will
mea! she will $e $ased hee i! the South of 1a!ce fo at least
the !e&t fou' may$e fi+e yeas"%
-/as that what you wee tal)i!* a$out whe! you said that you
mi*ht $e a$le to li+e $ac) hee i! 1a!ce a!d ha+e Alice close
%Yes"% He !odded" -The !e*otiatio!s ae !ot fully fi!alised' $ut it
loo)s li)e I%m *oi!* to *et my wish' I%ll $e $ac) hee moe o
less full time a!d ha+e my dau*hte"%
-Co!*atulatio!s" You must $e o+e the moo!"% #i$$y wo!deed
if Maietta would also $e full time i! his life a*ai!" The thou*ht
-Yes' life would he petty !ea dam! pefect e&cept fo o!e
-/hat%s that0%
2You lea+i!*"%
-#oo)' Mac' I )!ow you ae thi!)i!* a$out my fathe a!d his
eputatio!' $ut I swea I !e+e i!te!ded to ma)e a!y difficulties
fo him" Really' you ca! dop this !ow"%
-I told you' #i$$y' this has !othi!* to do with you fathe" This
is to do with you a!d I"%
#i$$y staed at him u!cetai!ly"
-I wa!t you to stay'% he said hus)ily"
%Stay """fo the !i*ht0%
Mac shoo) his head" -#oo) I ealise you thi!) you mi*ht $e i!
lo+e with this Simo! *uy' $ut suely you ca! se!se the
chemisty $etwee! us0 Suely you ealise that what we ha+e is
too special to thow away0%
#i$$y was so stu!!ed that she could!%t fi!d he +oice"
-I lo+e you' #i$$y"% Mac lea!ed fowad a!d too) hold of he
%Mac' do!%t say thi!*s li)e that"""e+e! i! ,est """if you do!%t
mea! them'% she whispeed u!steadily"
-.ut I do mea! them"% He eached out a!d sto)ed the side of
he face" -1o*i+e me' #i$$y' $ut I ,ust ca!%t )eep my ha!ds off
you" I !eed you so much it is li)e a physical ache i!side me"%
She staed up at him wodlessly"
-I )!ow I should!%t ha+e lied a$out the fact that you fathe was
hee4 I should ha+e told you he was pe+aicati!* a$out seei!*
you" .ut you loo)ed so dam!ed +ul!ea$le e+ey time we
me!tio!ed you dad that I did!%t ha+e the heat to tell you he
was $ei!* difficult"""%
-You thi!) I%m a *old3di**e'% she accused him !um$ly" -You
$elie+ed all those thi!*s my fathe said a$out me"%
Mac !odded" -Yes' I did at fist" I ,ust could!%t $elie+e that a!y
ma! would wa!t to shut his dau*hte out of his life" A!d I had
!o easo! !ot to $elie+e Cal whe! he said he was heat$o)e!"
A!d the!"""%
%A!d the!0% He eyes held with his a!d she did!%t e+e! dae to
-A!d the! I met you a!d all my peco!cei+ed ideas wee
thow! i!to chaos"%
-You mea! you $elie+e me !ow0% A lo!e tea tic)led dow! he
-Oh' dali!*' please do!%t cy"% He wiped away the tea with
te!de fi!*es a!d she wo!deed if this wee a deam4 may$e
at a!y mome!t she would wa)e up" -Yes' I $elie+e you" As soo!
as I met you I stated to ha+e se+ee dou$ts' a!d the! Cal )ept
ma)i!* e&cuses why he could!%t meet with you a!d I )!ew
the! that he was!%t $ei!* completely tuthful"%
-You did!%t say a!ythi!*"%
-I suppose deep dow! I was fi*hte!ed of ma)i!* a mista)e" I
do!%t e+e wa!t to *o thou*h the heatache I we!t thou*h
with Maietta a*ai!"""so I thou*ht I%d play thi!*s cool"%
-Oh' did you !ow0%
He !odded" -A!d the! you mached out of my house a!d out of
my life a!d I )!ew I had to say somethi!*""" e+e! if you e,ect
me' #i$$y" I ca!%t let you *o without sayi!* how I feel" That%s
why I came afte you to the aipot to!i*ht"%
-I thou*ht it was $ecause of $usi!ess""" $ecause of my fathe"%
Mac shoo) his head" -I po$a$ly do!%t dese+e a seco!d
cha!ce' $ut I%ll do a!ythi!* to wi! $ac) you tust" A!ythi!*"
I%m soy fo lyi!* to you a$out you fathe' $ut I pomise I did it
with the $est of i!te!tio!s"%
The hus)y wods made he heat we!ch" -A!d you ae !ot i!
lo+e with Maietta0% she whispeed"
He shoo) his head" -I%m i! lo+e with you'% he said ea!estly" -I
thi!) I adoed you fom the fist mome!t I set eyes o! you i!
that aipot"%
-No' you did!%t" You thou*ht I was *oi!* to ma)e tou$le'% she
emi!ded him"
-/ill you stop a*ui!* with me0% His +oice was *e!tle" -Yes' I
)!ew you wee *oi!* to $e tou$le"""$ut mai!ly $ecause I was
so dam! ta)e! with you"%
-I )!ew you wee *oi!* to $e tou$le as well"% He +oice
wo$$led pecaiously"
-#oo)' #i$$y' I do!%t wa!t to ta)e you $ac) to the aipot' $ut
o$+iously I ca!%t )eep you hee i! 1a!ce a*ai!st you will62
-I suppose you could ty'% she said playfully"
%#i$$y0% He loo)ed at he hopefully" -A!d what a$out Simo!02
%I%m !ot i! lo+e with Simo!4 I%m i! lo+e with you'% she whispeed
-Really0% He loo)ed so woied' so ea!estly solem!' that she
half smiled"
%Mac' !o$ody has e+e made me feel the way you do" I%m wild
a$out you" /hy else do you thi!) I%+e espo!ded to you the
way I ha+e """ made lo+e to you the way I ha+e0% She shoo) he
head" -I )!ow I tied to pete!d that I was a mode! woma!
a!d it did!%t mea! a!ythi!*" .ut I was lyi!*" It mea!t so much
that I was ca8y with lo!*i!* a!d lo+e fo you" A!d I ealised
that Simo! was !e+e i*ht fo me" I !e+e felt li)e this a$out
The! sudde!ly they wee )issi!*" It was a deeply passio!ate
em$ace a!d it shoo) #i$$y so i!te!sely that she could o!ly
cli!* to him i! wo!de"
-I thou*ht you said you did!%t mea! fo thi!*s to *o this fa
$etwee! us'% she emi!ded him $eathlessly as he pulled $ac)"
-A!d I did!%t'% he whispeed" -I !e+e mea!t to let my heat *et
so i!+ol+ed' $ut the shot time I ha+e spe!t with you has
cha!*ed my life aou!d'% he mumued hus)ily" -Si!ce my
di+oce I%+e )ept elatio!ships at a dista!ce' !ot wa!ted a!y
commitme!ts' a!d the! you walt8 i! with you $i* $lue eyes
a!d you wam' lo+i!* ways a!d I was hoo)ed' completely
-/ee you0% She loo)ed up at him wo!dously"
-You ha+e !o idea the co!tol it too) to ty a!d )eep my ha!ds
off you"%
-You mea! you wee e&ecisi!* some co!tol0% #i$$y half
smiled at him"
-Yes"""% Mac smi)ed at he" -.ut I )!ew that I had well a!d
tuly lost a!y $attle o! that scoe"% He pulled he close i!
a*ai!st his chest"
%Mac' I lo+e you with all my heat'% she said =uietly"
It was a lo!* time $efoe eithe of them spo)e a*ai!" Thei
)isses wee passio!ate a!d thei caesses moe a!d moe
-You%d $ette tell <ac=ues !ot to *o to the aipot'% #i$$y said as
she s!u**led close"
%<ac=ues is!%t *oi!* to the aipot" He%s ta)i!* us home"%
%Mac9% She pulled $ac) a!d loo)ed at him i! moc) hoo" -Is!%t
that called ta)i!* me fo *a!ted02
%I do!%t *i+e up without a fi*ht' #i$$y"% He pulled he $ac)" -I
)!ew o!ce I%d *ot you $ac) to my place that the chemisty
would ta)e o+e a!d you%d see se!se"%
-I was !e+e *oi!* to *et $ac) with Simo!' you )!ow"% #i$$y $it
dow! o! he lip" -Not o!ly did he fi!ish with me' $ut he a! up
a load of de$ts o! my cedit cad whe! he left"%
Mac pulled $ac) fom he with a fow!" -/hy did!%t you tell me
%You aleady thou*ht I was a !o *ood *old3di**e" I do!%t thi!)
telli!* you that would ha+e helped"% She lea!ed a*ai!st him
a!d si*hed" -.esides' I had my pide"%
-I%m soy that I dou$ted you' #i$$y"%
-So you should $e"% She smiled a!d eached to )iss him"
-So if you%+e fo*i+e! me' does that mea! you%ll may me0%
1o a mome!t #i$$y thou*ht she had mishead him" She pulled
away a!d loo)ed at him i! supise" -Ae you seious0%
-I would !e+e ,o)e a$out somethi!* as seious as this"% His
eyes wee *e!tle a!d watchful"
/he! she did!%t a!swe him immediately he eached out to
-I%m so much i! lo+e with you that it huts' a!d the a!swe is'
yes' I%d lo+e to may you"%
Mac )issed he the! with such sweet' o+ewhelmi!* passio!
that she melted i! a*ai!st him with pleasue"
She lo+ed the ste!*th of his $ody a*ai!st hes' the feel of his
lips pessed a*ai!st hes' $ut most of all she lo+ed the feeli!*
of tuly $elo!*i!*" It was as if this was the place whee she was
mea!t to $e""" No matte what happe!ed i! the outside wold'
this was what matteed" This was whee she was cheished a!d
potected a!d lo+ed" This at last was the eal thi!*"

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