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Which of the following techniques is used to define and analyze data requirem
ents that support the business processes of an organization?
Business Rules Analysis
Data Flow Diagram
Data modeling
Scope modeling
Answer: (c) Data modeling is a method used to define and analyze data requiremen
ts needed to support the business processes of an organization. The data require
ments are recorded as a conceptual data model with associated data definitions.
Actual implementation of the conceptual model is called a logical data model. Im
plementation of one conceptual data model may require multiple logical data mode
ls. Data modeling defines not just data elements, but their structures and relat
ionships between them. Data modeling techniques and methodologies are used to mo
del data in a standard, consistent, and predictable manner in order to manage it
as a resource. The use of data modeling standards is strongly recommended for a
ll projects requiring a standard means of defining and analyzing data within an
2. Harry is the business analyst for his organization and he's working with you
and other stakeholders to begin the elicitation process. Harry recommends that y
ou begin the process by starting with some lateral thinking. What is lateral thi
Focus groups
Answer: (c) Brainstorming is also known as lateral thinking as one person's comm
ents and ideas can help other stakeholders also think of ideas and requirements
3. Which of the following stakeholder roles provide an outstanding source of cur
rent problems and limitations with systems and processes to the business analyst
? Each correct answer represents a part of the solution. Choose two.
Domain SME
Business analyst
End user
Answer: (a,c) Domain SMEs and end users provide an outstanding source of current
problems and limitations with systems and processes to the business analyst.
4. All of the following stakeholders participate in the prioritization of requir
ements except for which one?
Domain subject matter expert
Implementation subject matter expert
Project manager
Project team
Answer: (d) The project team does not participate in the prioritization of requi
5. Which of the following is especially useful in clarifying roles and responsib
ilities in cross-functional/departmental projects and processes?
Responsibility assignment matrix
Coverage matrix
Requirements trace matrix
Project metric
Answer: (a) A responsibility assignment matrix (RAM), also known as RACI matrix
or Linear Responsibility Chart (LRC), describes the participation by various rol
es in completing tasks or deliverables for a project or business process. It is
especially useful in clarifying roles and responsibilities in cross-functional/d
epartmental projects and processes.
6. You are using interface analysis as part of your modeling approach to require
ments analysis. Which one of the following definitions best describes interface
Used to measure, manage, and report on the expected benefits of implementing a p
roposed solution.
Defines the purpose and structure of an organization or an organizational unit.
A method to add additional details to your solution interface requirements and i
ntegrate those requirements with the other requirements.
A basis for interoperability by recognizing inputs, outputs, and key data elemen
ts that enable your solution and its components to interact with other elements.

Answer: (d) Interface analysis establishes a basis for interoperability by recog
nizing inputs, outputs, and key data elements that enable your solution and its
components to interact with everything else that is already out there.
7. There are four inputs to the plan business analysis activities. Which one of
the following is not an input to the plan business analysis activities process?
Organizational process assets
Business analysis approach
Stakeholder list, roles, and responsibilities
List of identified risks
Answer: (d) Risk identification is not an input to the plan business analysis ac
tivities. The four inputs to the plan business analysis activities are organizat
ional process assets, business analysis approach, stakeholder list, roles and re
sponsibilities, and the business analysis performance assessment.
8. Which one of the following terms is not a business analysis planning and moni
toring approach?
Decision analysis
Requirements elicitation
Process modeling
Structured walkthroughs
Answer: (b) Requirements elicitation is a business analysis task; it is not a bu
siness analysis planning and monitoring approach.
9. You are the business analyst for your organization and you've been tasked wit
h creating a prototype. You are to create a mock-up of the new software system t
hat will show stakeholders how the software will look and feel, though it will p
rovide no real capabilities for requirements other than a shallow look at what t
he software may look like. What type of prototype are you to create?
Answer: (a) This is an example of a horizontal functional scope prototype. Typic
ally, no business logic is running under the covers of the mocked-up user interf
10. You have identified several stakeholders that you believe are kinesthetic le
arners. Which statement best describes the kinesthetic learning approach?
The learners are not interested in the topic unless they can immediately apply i
t to their lives or jobs.
The learners learn best by reading and pondering.
The learners learn best be experiencing the topic.
The learners learn best by seeing the topic in a model or through storyboards.
Answer: (c) Kinesthetic learners learn best by experiencing the topic through ha
nds-on exercises or experiences.
11. Which one of the following definitions most accurately describes the concept
of a data model?
It's a lexicon of terms so that all stakeholders can reference a common nomencla
ture for requirements.
It's a lexicon of terms illustrated with a flow of data through a system.
It's a visual representation of all people, places, things, and concepts that ar
e important to the business in regard to the requirement.
It's a visual representation of all the components of the business solution that
are important to verification of the requirement for acceptability.
Answer: (c)The only correct definition is that data models are visual representa
tions of all people, places, things, and concepts that are important to the busi
ness in regard to the requirement.
12. Martha is preparing for a requirements workshop as part of her elicitation p
rocess. In her preparation, she wants to review all of the details surrounding t
he problem and opportunities faced by the business to better interview and ask q
uestions in the workshop. What document should Martha review?
Business case
Business need
Solution scope
Feasibility study
Answer: (b) Martha should review the business need documentation. Business need
defines the problem or opportunity being faced by the business. This information
is used to determine the information to be elicited when developing business re
quirements early in the project life cycle.
13. Martha is preparing for a requirements workshop as part of her elicitation p
rocess. In her preparation, she wants to review all of the details surrounding t
he problem and opportunities faced by the business to better interview and ask q
uestions in the workshop. What document should Martha review?
Business case
Business need
Solution scope
Feasibility study
Answer: (b) Martha should review the business need documentation. Business need
defines the problem or opportunity being faced by the business. This information
is used to determine the information to be elicited when developing business re
quirements early in the project life cycle.
14. As a business analyst you may not be the actual trainer or instructional des
igner of a course for the end users of a solution, but you'll often need to cons
ider the educational deficits your solution may cause. When focusing on training
, what is the best method to keep users engaged in the learning?
Offer incentives for completing the training
Have an interesting instructor to teach a fun class
Take the class as an end user to see their perspectives
Relate the course information to roles and responsibilities
Answer: (d) Of all the choices, the best answer is to relate the course informat
ion to the learners' roles and responsibilities. If the learners can see why the
class is important to their lives, they'll be more engaged in the classroom
15. On which of the following knowledge areas does the business analyst define h
is/her approach for tracing project requirements?
Business analysis planning and monitoring
Enterprise analysis
Requirements analysis
Requirements management and communication
Answer: (a) The Requirements Management plan that is built as part of the Busine
ss Analysis Planning and Monitoring knowledge area defines the project's approac
h to traceability. Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring helps in defining t
he tasks related with the planning and monitoring of business analysis activitie
s, and with the monitoring and reporting on work executed to ensure that the bus
iness analysis effort generates the outcomes which meet stakeholder expectations
and needs.

16. What is the purpose of the business case?
The business case helps the organization determine if the solution is feasible.
The business case helps the organization determine the cost of the solution.
The business case helps the organization determine the duration and cost of the
The business case helps the organization determine if they can justify the inves
tment for the solution.
Answer: (d) Business case is a document that helps the organization determine if
the benefits of the solution is worth the investment of the solution.
17. Which one of the following best describes the tool and technique of user sto
ries as part of stakeholder analysis to be performed by a business analyst?
Scope models can show the business analysis team the set of stakeholders externa
l to the solution scope who interact with the solution in some way.
Stakeholder roles can be used as the basis for actors and roles if the business
analysis team has selected the scenarios and use cases modeling technique.
Analysts may use this technique to identify shared characteristics of a particul
ar business analysis stakeholder group.
Stakeholders involved with your efforts can be the source of possible risks, and
they can also help the team identify additional risks that may be important dow
Answer: (b) User stories allow stakeholder roles to be used as the basis for act
ors and roles if the business analysis team has selected the scenarios and use c
ases modeling technique.
18. Mark is the business analyst for his organization. Mark and his business ana
lysis team have used the whiteboard to record the documentation as the result of
requirements elicitation. What must be done with this information if Mark uses
a whiteboard?
The regulator must approve the writings on the whiteboard.
The scribe must include the white board information as part of the minutes.
The business analyst must document the white board information and get all parti
cipants' approval of the recording.
The business analyst must transfer the information to another medium before the
whiteboard is erased.
Answer: (d) The business analyst must make certain to record the collected infor
mation before cleaning the whiteboard.
19. When can changes to requirements occur in a business analysis planning and m
onitoring assignment?
Change to requirements can occur at any time before the key stakeholders approve
the identified requirements
Changes to requirements can occur at any time
Change to requirements can occur any time before the project scope statement is
Changes to requirements can occur any time after the project's change control sy
stem has been enacted
Answer: (b) Changes to requirements can and often, do happen at any time.
20. Gina has been asked to provide decision analysis for her solution scope. Whi
ch one of the following best describes the decision analysis technique?
Cost-benefit analysis compares the cost of implementing a solution against the b
enefits gained. Financial analysis includes the use of financial models that est
imate the market value of an organizational asset.
Forecasts the size of the investment required to deploy and operate the proposed
Assessed to support benefit management, measurement, and reporting.
Used to assess potential risks that may impact the solution and the cost and ben
efits associated with it.
Answer: (a) Decision analysis relies on both cost-benefit analysis and financial
21. You are the business analyst for your organization. Management realizes that
a proposed solution has risks that may cause the entire project to fail. They w
ould like you to prioritize the requirements with maximum risk first so that if
the project fails, there is little loss of capital in the project implementation
. What requirements prioritization approach is management asking you to create i
n this instance?
Business or technical risk
Implementation difficulty
Relationship to other requirements
Likelihood of success
Answer: (a) Management is asking you to prioritize the requirements based on the
ir risks. The riskiest components are attempted first; if these fail, the projec
t can be scrapped with relatively little loss of investment or time.
22. Who among the following is responsible for mapping the quality assurance req
uirements of the company and the stakeholders to the project?
Quality assurance analyst
Project manager
Subject matter expert
Business analyst
Answer: (a) Quality assurance analyst is responsible for mapping the quality ass
urance requirements of the company and the stakeholders to the project. He ensur
es that project deliverable adhere to quality standards and scope fulfillment.
23. Which of the following inputs are used to determine the solution approach fo
r achieving a business need and deliver the required new capabilities? Each corr
ect answer represents a part of the solution. Choose three.
Business case
Business need
Organizational Process Assets (OPAs)
Required capabilities
Answer: (b,c,d)The task inputs used to determine the solution approach for achie
ving a business need and deliver the required new capabilities are as follows: B
usiness need; Organizational Process Assets (OPAs); Required capabilities
24. Enterprise analysis provides many things for an organization. All of the fol
lowing are tasks included in enterprise analysis except for which one?
Define business need
Assess capability gaps
Determine solution approach
Solution performance assessment
Answer: (d) Solution performance assessment is not a task of enterprise analysis
, it is in an input to this process. There are five tasks for enterprise analysi
s: define business need, assess capability gaps, determine solution approach, de
fine solution scope, and define business case.
25. Which of the following information should the business analyst maintain in o
rder to maintain the baselined requirements? Each correct answer represents a pa
rt of the solution. Choose three.
Description of the requirements change
Name of the person making the change
Reason why the changes were made
Higher-level capabilities or features
Answer: (a,b,c) Baselined requirements are considered to be the basis for future
project work. Future changes to the requirements can be recorded and tracked if
the business analyst has a baseline state for the project requirements. Changes
made to the baselined requirements should go through a formal change control pr
ocess versus the changes that are just being added.
26. Which of the following are the key inputs required to adequately prepare to
elicit requirements information on the project?
Business Case
Business Need
Solution Scope
Stakeholder List, Roles, and Responsibilities
Organizational Process Assets (OPAs)
Requirements Management Plan
Answer: (a,b,c,d) Review the prepare for elicitation Flow Chart.
27. As a business analyst you must understand the difference and effect assumpti
ons and constraints may have on a business solution and the assumption is:
The solution must work with existing software.
The solution should be completed by December 2.
The solution will cost less than $250,000.
The solution must satisfy the entire requirement as defined in the project scope
Answer: (c) The best choice of an assumption is that the solution will cost less
than $250,000. Assumptions are things that are thought to be true, but not prov
en to be true. A constraint is a must have - such as a deadline or a maximum bud
28. You are the business analyst for your organization and you've suggested a ne
w operating system for all employees in the organization. You want to reduce the
problems and costs of supporting multiple operating systems throughout the comp
any and your vision is to standardize the operating system for all users. Manage
ment asks you what affect does this have on the existing business processes, pol
icies, and rules, roles and responsibilities, software applications, and how the
organization communicates internally and externally. What is management actuall
y asking you to define?
The risks with the solution.
The solution components.
The constraints with the solution.
The enterprise environmental factors.
Answer: (b) Solution components are all of the parts and pieces of the solution
that span across the entire organization.
29. You are the business analyst for your organization and you've identified the
stakeholders in your organization. As part of this identification, you've ident
ified the stakeholder list, roles and responsibilities, the business case, the s
olution scope, and what other element is needed for the input to the prepare for
elicitation process?
Business need
Project charter
Executive sponsor
Supporting documentation
Answer: (a) Business need defines the problem or opportunity being faced by the
business. This information is used to determine the information to be elicited w
hen developing business requirements early in the project life cycle.
30. Over time technology will be superseded by more advanced solutions. When you
are considering replacing technology there are four primary approaches to consi
dering the replacement of the technology in regard to the investment that's alre
ady been spent on the outdated or fading technology. Which one of the following
is not an issue to consider when replacing technology?
Ongoing cost versus initial investment
Opportunity cost
Future value of investment
Answer: (d) Future value of investment is not an issue or consideration of the r
eplacement of known technologies. You'll likely consider one to all of the follo
wing issues: Ongoing cost versus initial investment, opportunity cost, necessity
, and sunk costs.
31. You propose a solution that will cost $450,000 to create but will earn the o
rganization $75,000 a month once the solution has been incorporated. Assuming th
at the solution will take six months to create, how long before the project will
reach its payback period?
Six months
One year
18 months
Two years
Answer: (b) The project will cost $450,000 to create and will earn $75,000 per m
onth. You must divide $450,000 by the $75,000 for a value of six months. However
, it will take six months before the project begins earning, so the correct answ
er is 12 months.
32. You are the business analyst for your organization and have identified a new
initiative for a software development project. Based on the set of stakeholders
, you and the management team have identified that you need to begin defining th
e need, set of requirements, and other information for the project work. Which o
ne of the following tasks is the first task you should do as the business analys
Organize the stakeholder resources
Define the project solution
Write the product scope statement as a baseline
Interview the stakeholders one-on-one
Answer: (a) The first task in the Elicitation knowledge area is where you prepar
e a detailed schedule of your elicitation activities.
33. According to the BABOK there are just four tasks in the elicitation knowledg
e area. Which one of the following is not one of the four tasks of the elicitati
on knowledge area?
Preparing for requirements elicitation
Conducting the elicitation activity
Documenting the elicitation results
Verifying the outcomes of the solution
Answer: (d) The fourth task is to confirm the elicitation results, not to verify
the outcomes of the solution. The question asked was that which one is not one
of the four tasks of the elicitation knowledge area.
34. You are the business analyst for a new project. Part of this project is for
the project team to manually install new workstations through the company's camp
us. Based on your research you have determined that the project team can install
25 new workstations per hour. Since there is a fixed amount of time that these
workstations need to be installed you are considering adding additional labor fo
r the implementation. You are also considering to adjust the prioritization of t
he project requirements based on the amount of workstations the project team can
install per hour. What does the 25 workstations per hour represent in this scen
Report project
Parametric estimate
Answer: (b) Timeboxing describes the amount of work that the project team is cap
able of completing in a set period of time.
35. What are the key inputs required to validate requirements? Each correct answ
er represents a complete solution. Choose all that apply.
Business Case
Stakeholder, Solution, or Transition Requirements (Verified)
Stakeholder Concerns
Requirements Structure
Answer: (a,b) Validating requirements make sure that the requirements support th
e business requirements and the business objectives for the project. In order to
be valid, the requirements should contribute directly or indirectly to the busi
ness case. Requirements validation is ongoing across the project life cycle; it
helps in ensuring that each level of detail a user adds to his/her requirements
aligns with the big picture.
36. Which of the following techniques promotes creative thinking about the capab
ilities of a new solution and enables out-of-the box thinking in a nonjudgmental
Document analysis
Focus groups
Interface analysis
Answer: (a) Brainstorming is a group creativity technique that identifies risks,
ideas, or solutions to issues by using a group of team members or subject-matte
r experts. The brainstorming technique promotes creative thinking about the capa
bilities of a new solution and enables out-of-the box thinking in a nonjudgmenta
l environment. A productive brainstorming session consists of two parts: idea ge
neration and idea reduction.
37. Which of the following team roles evaluates, reviews, and manages database r
esources and services in the organization?
Database analyst
Business analyst
Quality assurance analyst
Solution owner
Answer: (a) A database analyst evaluates, reviews, and manages database resource
s and services in the organization. He is also responsible for developing and im
plementing database policies and procedures in order to make sure the integrity
and availability of databases.
38. Paul is the business analyst for his organization. He is examining a single
solution to determine if the solution he and his team have identified carries en
ough business value to justify its implementation. What business analysis proces
s is Paul performing in this scenario?
Assess proposed solution
Allocate requirements
Assess organizational readiness
Define transition requirements
Answer: (a) The Assess proposed solution is the process Paul is performing. The
process can be done on an individual solution or among multiple solutions if nee
39. Which of the following describes the amount of work that the project team is
capable of completing in a set time period?
Decision analysis
MOSCOW analysis
Answer: (c) Timeboxing describes the amount of work that the project team is cap
able of completing in a set time period. Timeboxing and budgeting helps in prior
itizing requirements for implementation that is based on the allocation of a fix
ed resource, such as, time or money.

40. Which of the following statements are true about plan-driven approach? Each
correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose all that apply.
It describes the business analysis activities and focuses on reducing up-front u
It ensures that the solution is fully defined before implementation begins in or
der to maximize control and minimize risk.
It is preferred while taking an exploratory approach for incremental improvement
of an existing solution.
It approaches to business analysis deal with rapid delivery of the business valu
Answer: (a,b) The plan-driven approach describes the business analysis activitie
s and focuses on reducing up-front uncertainty. This approach ensures that the s
olution is fully defined before implementation begins in order to maximize contr
ol and minimize risk. It is preferred when requirements are effectively defined
in advance of implementation.
41. You work as a Business Analyst. You are working on a project GHT in which th
e timing of the business analysis work is early in the project life cycle. Which
of the following business analysis approaches will you use for your project?
Answer: (c)The plan-driven approach describes the business analysis activities a
nd focuses on reducing up-front uncertainty. This approach ensures that the solu
tion is fully defined before implementation begins in order to maximize control
and minimize risk. It is preferred when requirements are effectively defined in
advance of implementation.
42. What are the key inputs required to assist the requirements structure during
requirements analysis? Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choo
se all that apply.
Organizational Process Assets
Stated Requirements
Solution Scope
Requirements Management Plan
Stakeholder List, Roles, and Responsibilities
Answer: (a,b,c) Project requirements should be structured and organized into a s
et of information, which is complete, comprehensive, consistent, and understanda
ble to stakeholders. The business analyst is responsible for deciding how to str
ucture individual requirements, group those requirements, and show the relations
hips between them. A good requirements structure provides consistency, repeatabi
lity, and a high level of requirements quality.
43. Mark is the business analyst for his organization and he's presenting his bu
siness case to management for their approval. In the business case, Mark has cle
arly defined the benefits, the estimated costs of the solution, and how the orga
nization should measure the expected results. What other element should Mark inc
lude in the business case?
His preference for the project solution
His recommendation for the project manager
How the organization recoup their investment
His assessment of the initial risks
Answer: (d) As part of the business case, the business analyst should define the
benefits, the estimated costs, the measurements for the expected results, and t
he initial risks for the solution.
44. You are the business analyst for your organization and you are preparing to
elicit the requirements for a new business opportunity. What is the prerequisite
for conducting an elicitation process?
You need to ensure that all needed resources are organized and scheduled for con
ducting the elicitation activities.
You need to receive permission from functional management to interview and elici
t requirements for the stakeholders.
You need authority granted to you from the sponsor to utilize resources for the
elicit requirements process.
You need to determine which elicitation techniques are needed for the requiremen
ts gathering technique.
Answer: (a) The prerequisite for elicitation process includes gathering of all r
esources needed, and scheduling the resources for conducting the selected elicit
ation activities.
45. Which of the following steps should the business analyst perform to sequence
project work activities for designing and deploying the capabilities that are f
ound in the requirements?
Producing the traced requirements
Creating and maintaining key dependencies and relationships
Producing maintained and reusable requirements
Preparing a Requirements Package
Answer: (b) Creating and maintaining key dependencies and relationships helps th
e business analyst in sequencing project work activities in order to design and
deploy the capabilities that are found in the requirements. It also helps in pro
perly distributing requirements to solution components.
46. You are the business analyst for your organization. Marcy is your supervisor
and she has just informed you that a key stakeholder has demanded a requirement
be added to your solution. You agree and allow the requirement to be added to t
he solution scope. You document the change. What activity must you do because of
the added requirement?
Charge the stakeholder for the additional requirements.
Complete a change request form.
Baseline the requirements.
Approve the solution scope.
Answer: (c) Requirements should be baselined when changes are added. Because the
change has been approved, it is now part of the solution scope and your deliver
y of the solution should reflect the added requirement. If you do not baseline t
he requirements, then final delivery of the solution will be different than what
the requirements call for.
47. Which of the following tasks is performed by business analyst in the Require
ments Analysis knowledge area? Each correct answer represents a complete solutio
n. Choose all that apply.
Prioritize requirements
Organize requirements
Verify requirements
Confirming elicitation results
Answer: (a,b,c) The Requirements Analysis knowledge area focuses on analyzing th
e stated requirements from the elicitation efforts and building the real stakeho
lder or solution requirements for the project.
48. Which solution scope technique can help the business analyst understand the
scope of the work by breaking down the scope into smaller work products?
Functional decomposition
Interface analysis
Scope modeling
User stories
Answer: (a) Functional decomposition is the process of breaking down the scope i
nto smaller, more manageable deliverables. It ensures that all of the active cha
racteristics of the proposed solution are identified, documented, and capable of
being tracked.
49. According to the BABOK, elicitation is performed for all types of requiremen
ts a business analyst may utilize as part of their roles and responsibilities. A
s a business analyst, you must know that the four types of requirements to elici
t are which one of the following?
Business, stakeholder, solution, and transition
Project, Product, solution, and transition
Business, stakeholder, solution, and implementation
Business, Project, solution, and Implementation
Answer: (a) The business analyst must elicit requirements for business, stakehol
der, solution, and transition.
50. Elizabeth is a project stakeholder in your project and she is asking for a c
hange in one of the project requirements. Before this change can be approved, yo
u'll need to determine the effect of the change on all other project requirement
s. What term best describes the examination of the relationships that may be aff
ected by the change in requirement?
Integration management
Change control process
Answer: (a) Traceability facilitates better decision making when it comes to ass
essing the impact of change requests on a project.
51. Which of the following is the practice of obtaining the requirements of a sy
stem from users, customers, and other stakeholders?
Enterprise analysis
Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring
Requirements Management and Communication
Answer: (a) Elicitation is the practice of obtaining the requirements of a syste
m from users, customers, and other stakeholders. The practice is also sometimes
referred to as requirements gathering.
52. You are the business analyst for your organization and you've identified the
stakeholders in your organization. As part of this identification, you've ident
ified the stakeholder list, roles and responsibilities, the business case, the s
olution scope, and what other element is needed for the input to the prepare for
elicitation process?
Business need
Project charter
Executive sponsor
Supporting documentation
Answer: (a) Business need defines the problem or opportunity being faced by the
business. This information is used to determine the information to be elicited w
hen developing business requirements early in the project life cycle.
53. Which of the following stakeholder roles provides assistance in allocating c
apabilities to solution components while defining solution scope?
Project manager
Implementation SME
Business analyst
Answer: (b) Detailed release planning and component allocation activities should
be integrated into the project plan. The implementation SME provides assistance
in allocating capabilities to solution components
54. Mark is the business analyst for his company and he is working with the stak
eholders to elaborate on the requirements for a new software design the customer
s have requested. Mark is working to determine the connection between the propos
ed solution and how it may (or may not) satisfy the requirements of the customer
. What knowledge area is Mark utilizing in this elicitation process?
Enterprise analysis
Requirements analysis
Answer: (b) Mark is working through the requirements analysis to determine if th
e proposed solution is in alignment with the request of the customer. Requiremen
ts Analysis steps you progressively through elaborating and prioritizing the sta
keholder and solution requirements for a project. Stakeholder requirements defin
e the needs of stakeholders and how they will interact with a solution. They act
as a bridge between high-level business requirements and more-detailed solution
55. Which of the following knowledge areas has the set of requirements communica
tion and management tasks that helps in ensuring that the right people are invol
ved in developing, understanding, and approving the project requirements?
Enterprise Analysis
Solution Assessment and Validation
Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring
Requirements Management and Communication
Answer: (d) Communicating information about the requirements is required to be d
eveloped across the project life cycle. The Requirements Management and Communic
ation knowledge area contains the set of requirements communication and manageme
nt tasks, which helps in ensuring that the right people are involved in developi
ng, understanding, and approving the project requirements. Also, the requirement
s themselves should be accessible and managed during the requirements developmen
t work and the project life cycle.
56. You are the business analyst for your organization and preparing to plan the
business analysis approach. There are three inputs to the business analysis app
roach. Which one of the following is not an input to this process?
Business Need
Expert Judgment
Organizational Process Assets
Enterprise Environmental Factors
Answer: (d) Enterprise environmental factors are the rules, policies, and proced
ures that the business analyst must adhere. These are already established, and t
herefore, are not considered to be an input to this process. The three inputs to
the plan business analysis approach are the business needs, expert judgment, an
d organizational process assets
57. As part of your role as a business analyst you'll need to prepare the organi
zation for the change your solution brings about. All of the following methods a
re acceptable preparedness for change except for which one?
Enterprise architecture
Focus groups
Answer: (b) The enterprise architecture is actually an input to the task of asse
ssing organizational readiness. So, this choice is correct.
58. Which of the following roles is responsible for ensuring the compatibility o
f business analysis plan with the project plan?
Project manager
Risk manager
Business analyst
Infrastructure analyst
Answer: (a) A project manager work as a professional in the field of project man
agement. Project managers are responsible for the planning, execution, and closi
ng of any project. Project manager works with the business analyst, executive sp
onsor, and key stakeholders for gaining approval on project deliverables. He is
also responsible for ensuring that the business analysis plan is compatible with
the project plan.
59. You are the business analyst for your organization and you're helping manage
ment to determine which project will bring the most value to the organization. I
n your presentation, you're showing management what they can expect to receive a
s a reward for the risk of investment over five years after solution implementat
ion. What technique is used to demonstrate the return of investment?
Discounted cash flow
Net present value
Payback period
Average rate of return
Answer: (d) This is an example of the average rate of return because you're show
ing management the return of investment over five years.
60. You are the business analyst for your organization. You are currently with s
everal key stakeholders as part of the determination of which business analysis
approach is most appropriate for the current project. Which stakeholder is not c
onsidered when completing the business analysis planning and monitoring task to
determine a business analysis approach?
Project manager
Functional management
Answer: (d) Functional management describes the layer of management that often o
versees business analysts, project manager, and lines of business. This layer is
not considered a key stakeholder for the selection of the business analysis app
roach unless this layer is directly involved in the project or problem the busin
ess analyst is working on. If the functional management is considered a stakehol
der, then they are considered to be a customer, domain subject matter expert, en
d user, or supplier.
61. You are the business analyst for your organization and you're working with s
everal stakeholders regarding a solution that's being implemented. These stakeho
lders are having an argument about the functionalities of the solution. They bel
ieve that the solution isn't functioning as planned. What term best describes th
e disagreement in this scenario?
Requirements gap
Answer: (a) Issues are matters that are in dispute or question as in this scenar
62. Mark is the business analyst for his company and he is working with the stak
eholders to elaborate on the requirements for a new software design the customer
s have requested. Mark is working to determine the connection between the propos
ed solution and how it may (or may not) satisfy the requirements of the customer
. What knowledge area is Mark utilizing in this elicitation process?
Enterprise analysis
Requirements analysis
Solution assessment and validation
Feasibility studies
Answer: (b) Mark is working through the requirements analysis to determine if th
e proposed solution is in alignment with the request of the customer. Requiremen
ts Analysis steps you progressively through elaborating and prioritizing the sta
keholder and solution requirements for a project. Stakeholder requirements defin
e the needs of stakeholders and how they will interact with a solution. They act
as a bridge between high-level business requirements and more-detailed solution
63. You are the business analyst for your organization and you're gathering proj
ect requirements for a small project to create a simple website for a client. Ma
nagement requires that you use a tool to trace all requirements throughout the p
roject life cycle even for smaller projects. Based on this smaller project, what
type of requirements tracing would you recommend?
Coverage matrix
System matrix
Roles and Responsibilities matrix
RACI matrix
Answer: (a) The coverage matrix technique is specific to the Manage Requirements
Traceability task. Basically, a coverage matrix is a table or spreadsheet used
to manage and facilitate tracing of requirements. This simple approach is used o
n simple projects where there are only few requirements or on other projects whe
re traceability is very limited and not too detailed
64. In order to validate the solution, you'll need just two inputs for this task
. Which two?
Requirement and the Solution
Requirements (prioritized and validated) and Solution (constructed)
Stakeholder analysis and Project charter
Project scope statement and Business rules
Answer: (b) The best answer is that you'll need the Requirements (prioritized an
d validated) and the Solution (constructed).
65. Which of the following outputs can be produced by the solution validation ef
forts that trigger the project in the first place? Each correct answer represent
s a part of the solution. Choose three.
Identified defects
Mitigating actions
Solution validation assessment
Organizational readiness assessment
Answer: (a,b,c) The solution validation efforts produce the following outputs: I
dentified defects: Identified defects are the problems found in a created soluti
on. They should be logged, reviewed, and resolved. Mitigating actions: Mitigatin
g actions are processes taken to reduce the impacts of an identified defect. Sol
ution validation assessment: The solution validation assessment defines whether
the constructed solution achieves the business and project requirements at an ac
ceptable level of quality.
66. Which of the following is a plan for an exceptional risk that is impractical
or impossible to avoid?
Scope management plan
Action plan
Contingency plan
Requirements management plan
Answer: (c) A contingency plan is a plan for an exceptional risk that is impract
ical or impossible to avoid.
67. Marcy is a business analyst for her organization and she's planning the appr
oach she'll take in the business analyst effort. She wants to define how she'll
do the business analysis activities, perform stakeholder analysis, and report on
her efforts. Based on this information which knowledge is Marcy likely working
Enterprise analysis
Business analysis planning and monitoring
Requirement management and communication
Answer: (b) Marcy is planning her business analysis approach, so this is part of
the first knowledge area of business analysis planning and monitoring.
67. Marcy is a business analyst for her organization and she's planning the appr
oach she'll take in the business analyst effort. She wants to define how she'll
do the business analysis activities, perform stakeholder analysis, and report on
her efforts. Based on this information which knowledge is Marcy likely working
Enterprise analysis
Business analysis planning and monitoring
Requirement management and communication
Answer: (b) Marcy is planning her business analysis approach, so this is part of
the first knowledge area of business analysis planning and monitoring.
69. Which task input for project stakeholders is best described as Looking at th
e organization and how it is sliced and diced, and assists the business analyst
in stakeholder analysis activities?
Business need
Organizational process assets
Enterprise environmental factor
Enterprise architecture
Answer: (d) Enterprise architecture stakeholders is best described as Looking at
the organization and how it is sliced and diced, and assists the business analy
st in stakeholder analysis activities.
70. You are the business analyst for your organization and are preparing to cond
uct stakeholder analysis. As part of this process you realize that you'll need s
everal inputs. Which one of the following is NOT an input you'll use for the con
duct stakeholder analysis task?
Business need
Enterprise architecture
Organizational process assets
Enterprise environmental factors
Answer: (d) There are just three inputs to the conduct stakeholder analysis proc
ess: the business need, enterprise architecture, and organizational process asse
ts. Enterprise environmental factors describe the rules and policies of an organ
71. Which one of the following best describes the process of timeboxing/budgetin
g for requirement prioritization and analysis?
A technique best described as a prioritization for requirements for implementati
on is based on the allocation of a fixed resource, usually either time or money.

A technique to estimate the amount of time and money needed in the project is ba
sed on the prioritization of a requirement.
A technique to estimate the amount of time and money needed in the project; as m
ore requirements are added, a set amount of time and money are added to the cost
and schedule.
A technique best described as a prioritization for requirements is based on cost
s and resource availability.
Answer: (a) Timeboxing/budgeting considers the whole costs of the project and th
e whole amount of time of the project with the assumption that all requirements
are needed. As requirements from the box time and money for each requirement are
72. Your technical solution has caused new business rules to be implemented in t
he organization. These new business rules affect the security, data access, and
physical access to the technology in the organization. What type of a business r
ule has your solution created?
Answer: (c) This is an example of an operative business rule because it affects
the operations of the organization. Operative business rules guide the actions o
f people working in the organization and are enforced by the organization as a m
atter of policy
73. You are trying to determine the cost effectiveness of buying versus building
a solution for your company. If you buy the solution, the vendor will charge yo
u $55,000 and charge a $987 monthly service fee. If you build the solution, the
initial costs will be $76,000 and your monthly support fee will be $850. How lon
g will it take your internal solution to break even in relation to the build sol
6 months
25 months
107 months
153 months
Answer: (d) To find this answer, you'll find the difference of the out-of-pocket
expenses for both solutions, which is $21,000. Then you'll find the difference
of the monthly support fees, which is $137. Then you'll divide the $21,000 by $1
37 for a value of 153.28 months. In this example, it will take a long time for t
he internal solution to be a better choice than the vendor's solution.

74. You are the business analyst for your organization and are working on priori
tizing requirements. What plan should guide you through this process?
Scope management plan
Project management plan
Risk management plan
Requirements management plan
Answer: (d) The requirements management plan defines the process for prioritizin
g requirements.
75. What element of the plan business analysis process affects the business anal
ysis duties that need to be performed?
The type of project or initiative
The experience of the project manager
The experience of the business analyst
The expected completion date of the business analysis duties
Answer: (a) The type of project or initiative greatly influences which business
analysis duties will be selected. Not all business analysis tasks are appropriat
e for all initiatives.
76. Which of the following helps the team in categorizing the various potential
causes of issues that may exist in business?
Five whys
Organizational chart
Fishbone diagram
RACI chart
Answer: (c) A fishbone diagram is used to identify the causes of a problem. It i
s also known as Ishikawa or cause-and-effect diagram. A fishbone diagram helps t
he team in categorizing the various potential causes of issues that may exist in
77. There are four types of elicitation activities that business analysts must c
omplete as part of their roles and responsibilities. Which one of the following
is not an elicitation task that the business analyst may complete as part of the
ir roles and responsibilities?
Preparing for requirements elicitation
Conducting the elicitation activity
Documenting the elicitation results
Writing the project scope statement
Answer: (d) Writing the project scope statement is a project management process,
not a business analyst activity. The correct tasks are: preparing for requireme
nts elicitation, conducting the elicitation activity, documenting the elicitatio
n results, and confirming the elicitation results.

78. Risk identification is an important part of the planning phase. What are the
common approaches for identifying risks? Each correct answer represents a compl
ete solution. Choose all that apply.
Documentation reviews
Root cause analysis
Interface analysis
Enterprise analysis
Answer: (a,b,c,d) The risk management plan describes the process for identifying
and quantifying project risks and outlines how risks will be addressed or contr
olled. Risk identification is an important part of the planning phase. Risk iden
tification is performed to identify all the risks involved with the project and
to prioritize and analyze the effect each risk has on the project. Following are
the common approaches for identifying risks:
79. Martha is the business analyst for organization and she's coaching Linda, a
new business analyst, on the importance of recording key dependencies between re
quirements. Which one of the following is the primary reason why key dependencie
s should be recorded?
To identify the necessities of the requirement
To identify the value of the requirement
To trace the requirement across the project life cycle
To determine who owns the requirement in the project life cycle
Answer: (c) Key dependencies and relationships between requirements should be re
corded so they can be traced across the project life cycle. Creating and maintai
ning this information assists the business analyst in sequencing project work ac
tivities to design and deploy the capabilities found in the requirements. It als
o assists the business analyst in correctly allocating requirements to solution
80. You are the business analyst for your organization and management wants to k
now when they can expect to reach management horizon based on current project pe
rformance. What term is also known as management horizon?
Present value
Payback period
Net present value
Breakeven point in time
Answer: (b) The payback period describes the point in time where the project's v
alue equates to the project investment. The payback period is also known as mana
gement horizon.
81. Which of the following defines the approach for the business analyst to take
on the project while prioritizing the project requirements?
Requirements Management Plan
Organizational Process Assets (OPAs)
Solution scope
Stated Requirements
Answer: (a) The requirements management plan defines the approach for the busine
ss analyst to take on the project while prioritizing the project requirements.
82. What is the term used to describe the cost of the solution after the solutio
n has been implemented in production by a vendor?
Total ownership costing
Total cost of ownership
Lifecycle maintenance fees
Sustainability fees
Answer: (b)The total cost of ownership (TCO) is a financial estimate designed to
help consumers and enterprise managers assess direct and indirect costs. It is
used in many organizations. TCO tries to offer a statement on the financial impa
ct of deploying information technology during its whole life-cycle.
83. Which of the following steps the business analyst should perform to determin
e the solution approach for achieving a business need and deliver the required n
ew capabilities? Each correct answer represents a part of the solution. Choose t
Document the assumptions
Identify alternative solution options
Generate assumptions and constraints
Rank and select the solution approach
Analyze current capabilities
Answer: (b,c,d) The following steps are performed to determine the solution appr
oach for achieving a business need and deliver the required new capabilities: Id
entify alternative solution options; Generate assumptions and constraints; and R
ank and select the solution approach.
84. Gary is a business analyst for his organization and he's discovering that th
e technicians, information technology specialist, the customer, and other stakeh
olders use many acronyms and terms that are not synonymous across the list of st
akeholders. For consistency sake, what tool can Gary use to ensure proper commun
ications of the elicitation terms?
Data dictionary and glossary
Defined lexicon
Organizational process assets
Style guide
Answer: (a) It is a best practice to start your business glossary immediately du
ring that project's controlled start and to keep it updated throughout the proje
ct life cycle. Much of the information that goes into the glossary will be a res
ult of your business, stakeholder, solution, and transition requirements develop
ment efforts. Data dictionaries are a bit more technical in nature. A data dicti
onary is used to define data elements, their meanings, and their allowable value
85. Tom is the business analyst for his organization and is about to complete th
e manage solution scope and requirements as part of his business analysis duties
. His assistant, Jennifer, is helping Tom and is collecting the required inputs
for this process. Jennifer needs to collect four inputs. Which one of the follow
ing is not one of the three inputs Jennifer will need to gather for Tom?
Requirements management plan
Solution scope
Stakeholder list, role, and responsibilities
Requirements trace matrix
Answer: (d) The requirements trace matrix is a table that tracks requirements fr
om their identification through the business analysis duties, to project executi
on. It is not one of the four inputs needed for the manage solution scope proces
s. The fourth input that Jennifer needs to gather is the stakeholder, solution,
or transition requirements.
86. Ned is the business analyst for the NHQ Company. He is working with Stan on
completing the requirements prioritization of all the identified requirements. W
hy would Stan and Ned complete requirements prioritization?
To determine which requirements should be completed first
To determine which requirements should not be completed at all
To determine which requirements carry the most risk
To determine who created what requirement based on their position in the organiz
Answer: (a) Part of the prioritize requirements process is to determine which re
quirements may be completed first based on their urgency.
87. There are four different assessments that you will create as a business anal
yst operating in the solution assessment and validation knowledge area. Which on
e of the following best describes the organizational readiness assessment?
It is how the operational solution is performing relative to business goals and
It describes stakeholder readiness to accept the change associated with a soluti
on and their ability to use the solution effectively.
It will assess the solution's ability to meet the business need at an acceptable
level of quality.
It is the value delivered by each proposed solution and recommends the best solu
Answer: (b) The organizational readiness describes stakeholder readiness to acce
pt the change associated with a solution and their ability to use the solution e
88. You are the business analyst for your organization and the project manager h
as reported that an error in the solution has actually been deployed. This error
, while minor, will cause some frustration with users. You create a plan to mana
ge the error and assure users the problem will be fixed. What action have you ta
ken in this instance?
Answer: (b) This is an example of mitigation as it has reduced the probability a
nd/or impact of the issue in the solution.
89. What business analysis plan defines the process to be followed in managing t
he solution scope and requirements?
Change management plan
Scope management plan
Project management plan
Requirements management plan
Answer: (d) The requirements management plan defines how the business analyst wi
ll manage the solution scope and the requirements.
90. According to the BABOK, elicitation is performed for all types of requiremen
ts a business analyst may utilize as part of their roles and responsibilities. A
s a business analyst, you must know that the four types of requirements to elici
t are:
Business, stakeholder, solution, and transition
Project, Product, solution, and transition
Business, stakeholder, solution, and implementation
Business, Project, solution, and Implementation
Answer: (a) The business analyst must elicit requirements for business, stakehol
der, solution, and transition
91. You are the business analyst for the HND organization and you're creating a
use case model for your organization. In this model, you'll show how network eng
ineers will use your proposed solution as part of their role in the organization
. In a use case scenario, what term is given to stakeholders in the scenario?
Answer: (d) The stakeholder roles are called actors. Scenarios and use cases sho
w how actors interact with the solution to accomplish one or more of their goals
or in response to a particular event.
92. What element of the conduct elicitation activity is tracked to provide a bas
is for future planning?
Time actually spent eliciting the requirements
Cost of actually eliciting the requirements
Number of stakeholders that did not participate in the requirements elicitation
Changes that entered the scope throughout the requirements elicitation activitie
Answer: (a) The time that is spent actually doing the requirements elicitation a
ctivities is tracked for help with future planning.
93. Once the requirements risk is determined by the business analyst, a structur
ed approach is followed to manage the risks. Which of the following are determin
ed by the business analysis team for each risk? Each correct answer represents a
complete solution. Choose all that apply.
Intervention difficulty
Precision of risk assessment
Mitigation strategy
Documentation reviews
Answer: (a,b,c,d,e) Once the requirements risk is determined by the business ana
lyst, a structured approach is followed to manage the risks. In a structured app
roach, identified risks, requirements, and conditions within the organization ar
e reviewed regularly. The business analyst plans risk reviews weekly or biweekly
. Proper monitoring of the risk events is needed in order to have an accurate as
sessment of the determined risks and their status by the business analysis team.

94. Which one of the following is the most accurate definition of the solution s
It determines if an organization can justify the investment required to deliver
the proposed solution.
It determines the things that are believed to be true in the solution but they h
ave not yet been proven to be true.
It defines what must be delivered in order to meet the business need.
It defines the business need, identified key stakeholders, describes the positiv
e impact of the solution.
Answer: (c) The solution scope clearly defines what must be delivered in order t
o meet the business need
95. There are six tasks that comprise the business analysis planning and monitor
ing and that must be completed by the business analyst. Which one of the followi
ng items is not one of the six tasks that you should complete as a business anal
yst following the traditional business analyst planning and monitoring approach
to a project?
Planning the business analysis approach
Conducting quality assurance processes
Planning business analysis communication
Managing business analysis performance
Answer: (b) Quality assurance is not one of the six business analyst activities
that you'll do in the planning and monitoring domain of business analysis activi
ties. The correct six activities are: the business analysis approach, conducting
stakeholder analysis, planning business analysis activities, planning business
analysis communication, planning the requirements management process, managing b
usiness analysis performance.
96. You are the business analyst for your organization and have identified a new
initiative for a software development project. Based on the set of stakeholders
, you and the management team have identified that you need to begin defining th
e need, set of requirements, and other information for the project work. Which o
ne of the following tasks is the first task you should do as the business analys
Organize the stakeholder resources
Define the project solution
Write the product scope statement as a baseline
Interview the stakeholders one-on-one
Answer: (a) The first task in the Elicitation knowledge area is where you prepar
e a detailed schedule of your elicitation activities.
97. Which one of the following statements best describes the role of a business
A person who performs the set of tasks and techniques used to work as a project
manager among stakeholders in order to understand the structure, policies, and o
perations of an organization and to recommend solutions that enable the organiza
tion to achieve its goals.
A person who performs the set of tasks and techniques used to work as a liaison
among project managers in order to understand the structure, policies, and opera
tions of an organization and to recommend solutions that enable the organization
to achieve its goals.
A person who performs the set of tasks and techniques used to work as a liaison
among project manager, project team members, and other business analysts in orde
r to understand the structure, policies, and operations of an organization and t
o recommend solutions that enable the organization to achieve its goals.
A person who performs the set of tasks and techniques used to work as a liaison
among stakeholders in order to understand the structure, policies, and operation
s of an organization and to recommend solutions that enable the organization to
achieve its goals.
Answer: (d) A business analyst is a person who works as a liaison among stakehol
ders, not project managers, project teams, and program managers - stakeholders.
98. Thomas is looking to prioritize requirements for his project based on items
that are easiest for the team to implement. What priority ranking scheme is Thom
as using?
Likelihood of success
Stakeholder agreement
Implementation difficulty
Answer: (c) The implementation difficulty ranking is characterized as the easies
t for the team to implement in the project.

99. What are the key inputs required to validate requirements? Each correct answ
er represents a complete solution. Choose all that apply.
Business Case
Stakeholder, Solution, or Transition Requirements (Verified)
Stakeholder Concerns
Requirements Structure
Answer: (a,b) Validating requirements make sure that the requirements support th
e business requirements and the business objectives for the project. In order to
be valid, the requirements should contribute directly or indirectly to the busi
ness case. Requirements validation is an ongoing across the project life cycle;
it helps in ensuring that each level of detail a user adds to his/her requiremen
ts aligns with the big picture.
100. What component of a data model designate the responsibilities and actions o
f a particular role in the data model?
Terminal points
Answer: (b) Swimlanes designate the responsibilities and actions of a particular
role in the data model.
101. What does the T in SWOT analysis mean?
Answer: (a) SWOT is a business analysis technique to measure several facets of a
solution, component, or resource. SWOT means strengths, weakness, opportunities
, and threats.
102. The identified defects need instant resolution or can be mitigated after an
expected time. Which of the following ways can be followed to mitigate the impa
ct of a defect using a workaround? Each correct answer represents a complete sol
ution. Choose three.
Add quality control checks
Introduce new manual processes
Remove support for exceptions and errors
Adopt informal policies and procedures
Record additional information
Answer: (a,b,c) The identified defects should be reviewed and assessed. Some of
them need instant resolution and others can be mitigated after an expected time.
The following ways can be followed to mitigate the impact of a defect using a w
orkaround: Add quality control checks, Introduce new manual processes, Remove su
pport for exceptions and errors
103. What type of a business analysis approach focuses on the rapid delivery of
business value in short iterations?
Answer: (b) The change-driven approach looks to create business value in short i
terations. The downside of this approach, however, is that there is more risk an
d uncertainty in the overall direction. The change-driven approach relies on tea
m interaction to define requirements and gather feedback on the solution.
104. Holly creates a data model that represents how data will move between stake
holders in the process. In some instances, the data is moved between just two st
akeholders, and other times the data is moved from stakeholder to stakeholder. W
hat type of data diagram would best serve Holly in this instance?
Sequence Diagram
Process flow
Communication model
Answer: (b) Sequence diagrams show how the information gets passed back and fort
h between two people. Sequence diagrams are commonly used during object-oriented
analysis to show how classes and objects interact during a scenario.
105. You are the business analyst for your organization. You are currently with
several key stakeholders as part of the determination of which business analysis
approach is most appropriate for the current project. Which stakeholder is not
considered when completing the business analysis planning and monitoring task to
determine a business analysis approach?
Project manager
Functional management
Answer: (d) Functional management describes the layer of management that often o
versees business analysts, project manager, and lines of business. This layer is
not considered a key stakeholder for the selection of the business analysis app
roach unless this layer is directly involved in the project or problem the busin
ess analyst is working on. If the functional management is considered a stakehol
der then they are considered to be a customer, domain subject matter expert, end
user, or supplier.
106. Beth is the business analyst for her organization and she's working with Ma
rk, a data analyst, for a new initiative. Mark wants to know when elicitation fo
r the requirements takes place and when Beth will be done with the process. Whic
h one of the following statements best describes when elicitation takes place in
the project?
The tasks in the Elicitation knowledge area begin before the project life cycle
and typically end during the more detailed requirements development phase of the
The tasks in the Elicitation knowledge area begin early in the project life cycl
e and typically peak during the more detailed requirements development phase of
the project.
The tasks in the Elicitation knowledge area begin and end before the project ini
tiation phase.
The tasks in the Elicitation knowledge area must end before project execution.
Answer: (b) The correct answer is the elicitation tasks begin early in the proje
ct life cycle and peak during the detailed requirement development phase. Techni
cally, elicitation can happen throughout the project as changes to the requireme
nts may be introduced
107. Which of the following imposes limitations on a particular solution?
Answer: (a) Constraints impose limitations on the solution that does not support
the business or stakeholder needs. It is a kind of restriction set that a solut
ion must follow.
108. Beth is the business analyst for her organization and she's working with Ma
rk, a data analyst, for a new initiative. Mark wants to know when elicitation fo
r the requirements takes place and when Beth will be done with the process. Whic
h one of the following statements best describes when elicitation takes place in
the project?
The tasks in the Elicitation knowledge area begin before the project life cycle
and typically end during the more detailed requirements development phase of the
The tasks in the Elicitation knowledge area begin early in the project life cycl
e and typically peak during the more detailed requirements development phase of
the project.
The tasks in the Elicitation knowledge area begin and end before the project ini
tiation phase.
The tasks in the Elicitation knowledge area must end before project execution.
Answer: (b) The correct answer is the elicitation tasks begin early in the proje
ct life cycle and peak during the detailed requirement development phase. Techni
cally, elicitation can happen throughout the project as changes to the requireme
nts may be introduced.
109. What are the various techniques that the business analyst may choose to app
ly when verifying requirements? Each correct answer represents a complete soluti
on. Choose all that apply.
Structured Walkthrough
Problem tracking
Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria Definition
Risk analysis
Answer: (a,b,c,d) Checklist: A checklist is a structured and component-specific
tool. It is used to verify that a set of required steps has been performed. It m
ay be simple or complex. Various organizations have standardized checklists in o
rder to ensure uniformity in frequently performed tasks. Quality checklists are
used in the perform quality control process. Structured Walkthrough: Structured
walkthrough is a tool used to analyze the system design in order to make sure th
at it addresses all requirements. It is a mean of ensuring conformity to standar
d. Once the recommended techniques are applied to communicate the requirements,
it can be said that these requirements have been communicated. Problem tracking:
Problem tracking allows the business analyst to manage any issues identified wi
thin requirements by stakeholders and to ensure that those issues are resolved.
It provides an organized approach to tracking, management, and resolution of def
ects, issues, problems, and risks throughout business analysis activities. Manag
ement of issues is important so that they can be resolved in a timely manner to
ensure success. Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria Definition: The business anal
yst should identify the quality criteria against which he evaluates his requirem
ents as part of requirements verification.
110. Which of the following describes the amount of work that the project team i
s capable of completing in a set time period?
Decision analysis
MOSCOW analysis
Answer: (c) Timeboxing describes the amount of work that the project team is cap
able of completing in a set time period. Timeboxing and budgeting helps in prior
itizing requirements for implementation that is based on the allocation of a fix
ed resource, such as time or money.
111. You are the business analyst for your organization and are working through
the six tasks in the business analysis planning and monitoring checklist. As a b
usiness analyst when should you complete the six tasks of the business analysis
planning and monitoring?
Throughout the entire project life cycle
During the project prestart phase
During the project initiation
As needed during the project management processes
Answer: (a) The tasks in the Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring knowledge
area occur throughout the project life cycle. Many of these tasks are done as a
part of pre-project activities as the basis of a project's controlled start. Th
e business analysis deliverables created at the beginning of a project are used
to define, govern, and monitor the performance of all other business analysis ta
sks across the project life cycle
112. A new solution has been proposed in the BHQ Company for how they do their w
ork. This will affect how data is entered into their information systems, how th
e data is utilized, and how the data moves through and out of the system. If you
were to draw a diagram tracking the data what would you be creating?
Pareto chart
Data Flow Diagram
Data Analysis Sequence
Critical path
Answer: (b) Data flow diagrams can be very helpful as you identify activities th
at will change when the new solution gets implemented
113. Which of the following will be produced when the business analyst assesses
the capability gaps between current and new capabilities of the organization?
Solution approach
Business need
Required capabilities
Business case
Answer: (c) After identifying the business needs, the business analyst should id
entify the required capabilities that can help in achieving the business needs a
nd delivering the preferred outcomes. The business analyst should determine whet
her the organization's current capabilities are suitable for achieving the busin
ess needs.
114. Juan is the business analyst for his organization and he's performing stake
holder analysis. During this process, Juan wants to create a method to capture t
he roles and responsibilities for each of the stakeholders. Some of the stakehol
ders, for example, will be responsible for specific tasks while other stakeholde
rs just need to be kept informed of the progress of the work. Which tool should
Juan use to best facilitate this approach?
Stakeholder register
Stakeholder management plan
Stakeholder RACI Chart
Roles and Responsibilities matrix
Answer: (c) Of all the choices presented, this is the best answer. A RACI chart
can be used when conducting stakeholder analysis. A RACI matrix is used to defin
e business analysis stakeholder roles across four designations: Responsible, Acc
ountable, Consulted, and Informed.
115. Which of the following defines data elements, their meanings, and their all
owable values?
Data dictionary
Nonfunctional requirements analysis
Problem tracking
Answer: (a) Data dictionaries are used to define data elements, their meanings,
and their allowable values. It defines the key terms and data, relevant to a bus
iness domain.
116. You have identified a task in your task list that cannot be completed until
the inspector for the project signs off the initial deliverables. The inspector
's signoff on the initial deliverables is called as?
Answer: (c) The current task is dependent on the preceding task of the inspector
signing off on the deliverables.
117. Which of the following permits the business analyst to identify and documen
t the lineage of each requirement that includes its relationship to other projec
t requirements, to work products, and to the solution components?
Requirements workshop
Requirements traceability
Structured walkthrough
Requirements package
Answer: (b) Requirements traceability permits the business analyst to identify a
nd document the lineage of each requirement, which includes its relationship to
other project requirements, to work products, and solution components.
118. Which of the following is another name for an organized peer-level review o
f a requirements document?
Focus group
Structured walkthrough
Requirements workshop
Answer: (c) Structured walkthrough is a tool used to analyze the system design i
n order to make sure that it addresses all requirements. It is a mean of ensurin
g conformity to standard.
119. You are the business analyst for your organization and are preparing to com
plete the allocate requirements process. This process assigns stakeholder and so
lution requirements to solution components and to releases. One of the elements
of this process is solution components. All of the following are solution compon
ents except for which one?
Business policies and business rules
Business processes to be performed and managed
Assessment of proposed solution
Software applications and application components used in the solution
Answer: (c) The assessment of the proposed solution is not a solution component.
120. Which of the following shows how information moves into, through, and out o
f a system?
Data flow diagram
Data modeling
Sequence diagram
State diagram
Answer: (a) Data flow diagrams permit a user to organize his/her requirements ba
sed on how information or data flows through the system. It shows how informatio
n moves into, through, and out of a system.
121. What document should you reference to define the costs and benefits of the
proposed project as part of the preparation for elicitation?
Business need
Business case
Solution scope
Project management plan
Answer: (b) The business case assesses the costs and benefits of a proposed proj
ect. This business framework is used along with the solution scope to determine
the information to be elicited when developing stakeholder, solution, and transi
tion requirements.
122. The RGQ Organization utilizes a change log. What is a change log?
It is a document that tracks all unauthorized changes to the project solution.
It is a document that records all change requests for the project.
It is a document that tracks the changes that have been received, including thei
r implementation to the project solution.
It is a document that tracks all characteristics and status of changes that have
been received.
Answer: (d) A change log tracks all characteristics of a proposed change request
and it status.
123. You are the business analyst for a large software development project. Ther
e are several issues that must be resolved by certain dates or the problem will
prevent the project from advancing. What technique can you use to track problems
with the requirements?
Problem tracking
Issue tracking
Answer: (a) The technique you'll use is simply problem tracking. This technique
allows the business analyst to manage any issues identified within requirements
by stakeholders and to ensure that those issues are resolved.
124. One of the processes within requirements analysis is to prioritize requirem
ents. As a business analyst, why would you ever want to prioritize requirements?
You may need to determine the cost of each requirement.
You may need to determine the schedule for each requirement.
You may need to determine which requirements are most critical so the analysis a
nd implementation efforts focus on the most critical requirements.
You may need to determine which requirements are most critical so additional ris
k analysis can be completed on those requirements.
Answer: (c) Some requirements are more important than others. Requirements prior
itization is a process to determine which requirements are most critical so the
business analyst can focus the efforts on the most critical components.
125. All of the following are techniques that can be used to specify or model re
quirements except for which one?
Organization modeling
State diagrams
Data modeling
Work breakdown structure creation
Answer: (d) The Work breakdown structure creation is generally a decomposition o
f the scope, not a model of the identified requirements.
126. Which of the following stakeholder roles reviews the results of the solutio
n performance assessment to verify whether any improvement to the solution have
to be made?
Domain SME
Project sponsor
Business analyst
Answer: (b) From a business point of view, the project sponsor is responsible fo
r solution operations. He reviews the results of the solution performance assess
ment to verify whether any improvement to the solution have to be made.
127. Which of the following is a specific business analysis process output that
the team plans to deliver?
Requirements trace matrix
Requirements package
Work product
Answer: (d) Deliverables are specific business analysis process outputs that the
business analyst or the business analysis team plans to deliver.
128. You are the business analyst for your organization and are beginning the re
quirements analysis processes. Which one of the following statements best descri
bes the requirements analysis processes?
It covers the definition of stakeholder requirements, which describes what a sol
ution must be capable of doing.
It ensures that analysis and implementation efforts focus on the most critical r
It defines all of the work, and only the required work, to complete the project
It is conformity to requirements and a fitness for use.
Answer: (a) The requirements analysis processes are a collection of processes th
at work together to define the stakeholder requirements, the solution to satisfy
the stakeholder, and a definition of the solution in enough detail so that the
solution components can be constructed.
129. You are a business analyst for your organization. Management has asked you
to create the solution scope for an identified problem. In order to complete thi
s task, you'll need three elements. All of the following are elements you'll nee
d in order to write the solution scope except for which one?
Solution scope definition
Implementation approach
Work breakdown structure
Answer: (d) You will not need the work breakdown structure (WBS) in order to cre
ate the solution scope. The WBS is a decomposition of the project scope into sma
ller, achievable deliverables.
130. The tasks included in the Enterprise Analysis knowledge area produce variou
s key business analysis deliverables, which are the building blocks of the proje
ct's business requirements. Which of the following do these deliverables include
? Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose three.
Business need
Required capabilities
Coverage matrix
Business case
Answer: (a,b,d) The Enterprise Analysis knowledge area defines and documents the
business requirements for a project. The business requirements justify why a pa
rticular project should be initiated to deal with a particular business requirem
ent. Business requirements provide much-needed context for detailed requirements
activities. The business analyst checks out the organization's existing capabil
ities that are related to a business need, problem, and opportunity. After this,
he defines a feasible solution scope and approach for addressing the situation.
131. You are the business analyst for your organization and are preparing to con
duct stakeholder analysis. As part of this process you realize that you'll need
several inputs. Which one of the following is NOT an input you'll use for the co
nduct stakeholder analysis task?
Business need
Enterprise architecture
Organizational process assets
Enterprise environmental factors
Answer: (d)There are just three inputs to the conduct stakeholder analysis proce
ss: the business need, enterprise architecture, and organizational process asset
s. Enterprise environmental factors describe the rules and policies of an organi
132. Beth is the business analyst for her organization and she's been working wi
th the stakeholders for a new technical solution that will be implemented throug
hout her company. In her analysis she's learnt that the end users of the solutio
n upset by the changes, are reluctant to embrace the new technology, and feel th
at they were not informed about the change the solution will bring. This scenari
o best describes which one of the components of assessment findings?
Cultural assessment
Operational assessment
Technical assessment
Answer: (a) The cultural part of your assessment focuses on the willingness of y
our key stakeholders to change.
133. Which of the following task inputs are used to assist the business analyst
in assessing capability gaps in the organization to meet the business needs? Eac
h correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose three.
Business need
Enterprise architecture
Business Goals and Objectives
Solution performance assessment
Answer: (a,b,d) The task inputs used to assist the business analyst in assessing
capability gaps in the organization to meet the business needs are as follows:
Business need, Enterprise architecture, Solution performance assessment
134. Which of the following Requirements Management and Communication tasks can
look for review and approval on the communicated project requirements?
Communicate requirements
Prepare requirements package
Maintain requirements for reuse
Manage requirements traceability
Answer: (a) Work performed as part of the Requirements Management and Communicat
ion knowledge area organizes and structures the project requirements appropriate
ly. After organizing the project requirements, they can be shared with key stake
holders for review, understanding, and approval. This task holds the business an
alyst responsible for effectively communicating requirements to make sure the st
akeholder understands.
135. Which of the following is a diagram that shows the structure of an organiza
tion and the relationships and relative ranks of its parts and positions/jobs?
Organizational chart
Resource Breakdown Structure
Responsibility Assignment Matrix
RACI chart
Answer: (a) An organizational chart (often called organization chart or organiza
tional breakdown structure (OBC)) is a diagram that shows the structure of an or
ganization and the relationships and relative ranks of its parts and positions/j
obs. An organization chart is arranged by departments, units, or teams.
136. What plan will describe the stakeholder groups, communication needs, and th
e level of formality that is appropriate for the requirements?
Business analysis communication plan
Requirements management plan
Scope management plan
Project management plan
Answer: (a) The business analysis communication plan defines who needs what info
rmation regarding the requirements, when the information is needed, and how the
information is to be presented.

137. Robert is the business analyst for his organization and he's working with s
everal stakeholders to identify the business need for an opportunity. Robert nee
ds to identify the stakeholder that will be responsible for authorizing the acti
ons needed in order to meet the identified business need. Which stakeholder does
Robert need to identify?
Implementation Subject Matter Expert
Answer: (c) A sponsor is a person or group responsible for making sure the busin
ess need is met by authorizing the needed actions. The sponsor is usually someon
e with authority over the needed resources to meet the business need.
138. You are the business analyst for your organization and you're currently ass
essing multiple proposed solutions for your organization. In your assessment, yo
u will first look to determine if the proposed solution actually satisfies the b
usiness need and what other component to determine if the proposed solution is a
good choice?
Answer: (c) The second factor you should determine is if the proposed solution p
rovides value to the organization. Value means the relationship of the cost, sch
edule, and implementation to the rewards and return the investment will bring.
139. There are four types of elicitation activities that business analysts must
complete as part of their roles and responsibilities. Which one of the following
is not an elicitation task that the business analyst may complete as part of th
eir roles and responsibilities?
Preparing for requirements elicitation
Conducting the elicitation activity
Documenting the elicitation results
Writing the project scope statement
Answer: (d) Writing the project scope statement is a project management process,
not a business analyst activity. The correct tasks are: preparing for requireme
nts elicitation, conducting the elicitation activity, documenting the elicitatio
n results, and confirming the elicitation results.
140. The business analysis team has determined the solution approach and defined
the solution scope. Which of the following is the team's most likely next step?
Describing and understanding the business need
Assessing capability gaps in the organization
Determining the most feasible business solution approach
Defining a business case for the proposed solution
Answer: (d) After determining the solution approach and defining the solution sc
ope, the business analysis team should define a business case for the proposed s
141. Which of the following describes the process for identifying and quantifyin
g project risks and outlines how risks will be addressed or controlled?
Risk management plan
Requirements management plan
Scope management plan
Project management plan
Answer: (a) The risk management plan describes the process for identifying and q
uantifying project risks and outlines how risks will be addressed or controlled
142. Beth is the business analyst for her organization and she's working with he
r team to identify the activities list for the business analysis duties. In orde
r to properly and completely create the activities list, what document should Be
th creates first based on the scope of the business analysis work?
Work breakdown structure
Risk management plan
Answer: (a) The BABOK recommends decomposing the scope of work to be done in a W
ork Breakdown Structure, building an activity list, and linking the business ana
lysis work activities in a logical sequence in order to get them done. Work and
costs are then estimated, resources are assigned and optimized, and the business
analysis team iterates until they have a plan that is good to go. The resulting
business analysis plan or plans should easily integrate with the project plans
that contain their specific slice of business analysis work.
143. Which of the following tasks is performed by business analyst in the Requir
ements Analysis knowledge area? Each correct answer represents a complete soluti
on. Choose all that apply.
Prioritize requirements
Organize requirements
Verify requirements
Confirming elicitation results
Answer: (a,b,c) The Requirements Analysis knowledge area focuses on analyzing th
e stated requirements from the elicitation efforts and building the real stakeho
lder or solution requirements for the project.
144. Which of the following inputs determine whether the outputs of the solution
fall within acceptable limits?
Solution scopes
Validated solutions
Prioritized and validated requirements
Stakeholder concerns
Answer: (c) The prioritized and validated requirements of the project are used t
o determine whether the outputs of the solution fall within acceptable limits. T
hese requirements are associated with acceptance criteria, which define the acce
ptable limits to measure against.
145. You are working as a senior business analyst in an organization. Ralph is a
lso working with you. You decide to move a low priority requirement above a high
priority requirement because it is needed to be implemented before some of the
more important requirements. Ralph disagrees with your decision because ranking
of the requirements is always done based on their level of difficulty. Who is co
rrect and why?
You are correct because you are the senior business analyst.
You are correct because a low priority requirement is placed above a higher prio
rity requirement if it is needed to be implemented first.
Ralph is correct because the requirements are always ranked according to their i
mportance and business value.
Ralph is correct because the sequencing of requirements is done according to the
project activity list.
Answer: (b) The ranking of the requirements based on their level of difficulty i
s fine, but you may also include a requirement's relationship to other requireme
nts. If higher priority requirements cannot be completed until the lower priorit
y requirements are done, then the requirements should be ordered as such for the
order of implementation.
146. Which of the following elements should the business analyst address while d
efining the solution scope? Each correct answer represents a part of the solutio
n. Choose three.
Define the actual solution scope
Determine the implementation approach
Validate the solution metrics
Capture solution dependencies
Answer: (a,b,d) While defining the solution scope, the business analyst should a
ddress the following essential elements: Define the actual solution scope; Deter
mine the implementation approach; Capture solution dependencies
147. One of the most important activities you'll do as a business analyst is sta
keholder analysis. This process helps you, the project team, and the project man
ager understand who the stakeholders are, and what their roles in the project wi
ll be, their priorities for their requirements and communication demands. When d
oes stakeholder analysis typically occur?
During the controlled start phase of the project
During project initiation
Before the project begins
As often as needed
Answer: (a) The business analyst initially performs stakeholder analysis during
the controlled start phase of a project, or as part of the pre-project activitie
s. Analysis activities at this point in time focus on key stakeholders who are i
mpacted by the business need and the proposed solution.
148. Management has asked you to collect the metrics for a quantitative measurem
ent of the solution you've implemented. This is part of the evaluation of the so
lution performance. Which specific action of the task is management asking you t
o do?
Understand the value delivered by the solution
Validating the solution metrics
Considering the solution replacement
Ongoing cost versus initial investment
Answer: (a) You need to collect the metrics that describe solution performance.
Some software applications may provide these metrics to you automatically. Other
types of solutions will require manual collection of quantitative and qualitati
ve solution metrics for evaluation.
149. Which of the following helps in assessing the costs and benefits of a propo
sed project?
Business case
Business need
Solution scope
Stakeholder List, Roles, and Responsibilities
Answer: (a) The business case helps in assessing the costs and benefits of a pro
posed project. This business framework is used along with the solution scope for
determining the information to be elicited when developing stakeholder, solutio
n, and transition requirements.
150. Which of the following elements are involved in evaluating solution perform
ance? Each correct answer represents a part of the solution. Choose three.
Address any conflicts and issues
Validate the solution metrics
Understand the value delivered by the solution
Consider solution replacement or elimination
Answer: (b,c,d) The following elements are involved in evaluating solution perfo
rmance: Understand the value delivered by the solution, validate the solution me
trics, consider solution replacement or elimination

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