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Program Structure B.E.

Computer Engineering
Fourth Year (Computer) ( Semester VII)
( REV 2012)
Course Code Course Name Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours)
Credits Assigned
Theory Pract Tut Theory TW/
Tut Total
CPC701 Digital Signal Processing 4 2 - 4 1 - 5
CPC702 Cryptography and System Security 4 2 - 4 1 - 5
CPC703 Artificial Intelligence 4 2 - 4 1 - 5
CPE7042X Elective-II
4 2 - 4 1 - 5
CPP701 Project I
- - - - 3 - 3
CPL701 Network Threats and Attacks Laboratory
- 4 - - 2 - 2
Total 16 12 - 16 09 - 25
Course Code Course Name Examination Scheme
Internal Assesment
Internal Assesment End Sem
( in Hrs)
Test 1 Test 2 Avg
CPC701 Digital Signal Processing
20 20 20 80 03 25 - 125
CPC702 Cryptography and System Security
20 20 20 80 03 25 25
CPC703 Artificial Intelligence
20 20 20 80 03 25 25 150
CPE7042X Elective-II
20 20 20 80 03 25 25 150
CPP701 Project I
- - - - - 50 50 100
CPL701 Network Threats and Attacks
- - - - - 25 50 50
Total - - 80 320 - 200 175 775
Program Structure for B.E. Computer Engineering
Second Year (Computer) ( Semester VIII)
(REV 201)
Course Code Course Name Teaching Scheme
(Contact Hours)
Credits Assigned
Theory Pract Tut Theory TW/
Tut Total
CPC801 Data Warehouse and Mining 4 2 - 4 1 - 5
CPC802 Human Machine Interaction 4 2 - 4 1 - 5
CPC803 Parallel and distributed Systems 4 2 - 4 1 - 5
CPE803X Elective-III
4 2 - 4 1 - 5
CPP802 Project II
- - - - 6 - 6
CPL801 Cloud Computing Laboratory
- 2 - - 1 - 1
Total 16 10 - 16 11 - 27
Course Code Course Name Examination Scheme
Internal Assesment
Internal Assesment End Sem
( in Hrs)
Test 1 Test 2 Avg
CPC801 Data Warehouse and Mining
20 20 20 80 03 25 25 150
CPC802 Human Machine Interaction
20 20 20 80 03 25 25 150
CPC803 Parallel and distributed Systems
20 20 20 80 03 25 25 150
CPE803X Elective-III
20 20 20 80 03 25 25 150
CPP802 Project II
- - - - - 50 50 100
CPL801 Cloud Computing Laboratory - - - - - 25 - -
Total 80 320 175 150 725
Elective I Sem 6
CPE6011 Operation Research
CPE6012 Project Management
CPE6013 Foreigh Language German
CPE6014 Foreigh Language French
Elective II Sem 7
System Group CPE7021 Advance Algorithms
CPE7022 Computer Simulation and Modeling
Electronics Group CPE7023 Image Processing
Software Group CPE7024 Software Architecture
CPE7025 Soft Computing
DB Group CPE7026 ERP and Supply Chain Management
Elective III - Sem 8
Electronics Group CPE8031 Machine Learning

Digital Group CPE8032 Embedded Systems
Network Group CPE8033 Adhoc wireless networks
CPE8034 Digital Forensic
DB Group CPE8035 Big data Analytics
Course Code Course/Subject Name Credits
Digital Signal Processing
1. To learn the fundamental concepts of Digital Signal Processing.
2. To explore the properties of DT in mathematical problem sol!ing.
". To illustrate T calculations mathematicall# and de!elop T based DSP algorithms.
$. To introduce DSP processor for real time signal processing application
Outcomes: %earner &ill be able to'
1. To understand the concept of DT Signal and perform signal manipulation
2. To perform anal#sis of DT s#stem in time domain
3. To de!elop T flo&(graph and ast DSP )lgorithms.
4. To design DSP s#stem for *eal Time Signal Processing.
Module Detailed Contents Hrs.
1 Discrete !ime Signal
1.1 +ntroduction to Digital Signal Processing, Discrete Time Signals,
Sampling and *econstruction, Standard DT Signals, Concept of Digital
re-uenc#, *epresentation of DT signal using Standard DT Signals,
Signal .anipulations/shifting, addition, subtraction, multiplication0,
Classification of Signals, %inear Con!olution formulation/&ithout
mathematical proof0, Circular Con!olution formulation/&ithout
mathematical proof0, .atrix *epresentation of Circular Con!olution,
%inear b# Circular Con!olution. )uto and Cross Correlation formula
2 Discrete !ime S"stem
2.1 +ntroduction to Discrete Time S#stem, Classification of DT S#stems
/%inear/Non %inear, Causal/Non Causal, Time +n!ariant/Time 1ariant
S#stems, Stable/ 2nstable0, 3+34 Time Domain Stabilit# Criteria. %T+
s#stem, Concept of +mpulse *esponse and Step *esponse.
2.2 Concept of ++* S#stem and +* S#stem, 4utput of ++* and +* DT
s#stem using Time Domain %inear Con!olution formula .ethod.
3 Discrete #ourier !rans$orm
".1 +ntroduction to DTT, DT, *elation bet&een DT and DTT, Properties
of DT &ithout mathematical proof /Scaling and %inearit#, Periodicit#,
Time Shift and re-uenc# Shift, Time *e!ersal, Con!olution Propert#
and Parse!als7 8nerg# Theorem0. DT computation using DT properties.
".2 Transfer function of DT S#stem in fre-uenc# domain using DT. %inear
and Circular Con!olution using DT. *esponse of +* s#stem calculation
in fre-uenc# domain using DT.
4 #ast #ourier !rans$orm
$.1 *adix(2 D+T(T algorithm, D+T(T lo&graph for N9$, : ; 6, +n!erse
T algorithm. Spectral )nal#sis using T, Comparison of complex and
real, multiplication and additions of DT and T.
% DSP &lgorit'ms
<.1 Carls7 Correlation Coefficient )lgorithm, ast Circular Con!olution
)lgorithm, ast %inear Con!olution )lgorithm, %inear +* filtering
using ast 4!erlap )dd )lgorithm and ast 4!erlap Sa!e )lgorithm,
( DSP Processors and &))lication o$ DSP
:.1 Need for Special architecture of DSP processor, Difference bet&een DSP
processor ; microprocessor, ) general DSP processor T.S"25C<$==
series, Case stud# of *eal Time DSP applications to Speech Signal
Processing and 3iomedical Signal Processing.
*ist o$ +,)eriments:
+mplementation of programs must be either in C or C>> onl#. )pplication can be de!eloped using open
source simulation soft&are such as Scilab. ) %ist of compulsor# eight experiments is gi!en belo&.
)dditional experiments &ithin the scope of the s#llabus can be added.
1. Sam)ling and -econstruction
To stud# sampling and reconstruction of signal
De!elop a program to sample a continuous time signal and con!ert it to Discrete Time Signal.
Problem De$inition:
1. Sample the input signal and displa# first <5 samples. Calculate data rate and bit rate.
2. *econstruct the original signal and displa# the original and reconstructed signals.
".1ar# the sampling fre-uenc# and obser!e the change in the -ualit# of reconstructed
2. !o )er$orm Discrete Correlation
To stud# mathematical operation Correlation and measure degree of similarit# bet&een t&o signals
1. @rite a function to find correlation operation.
2. Calculate correlation of a DT signals and !erif# the results using mathematical formulation.
". .easure the degree of similarit# using Carl7s Correlation Coefficient formula in time domain.
.n)ut S)eci$ications:
1. %ength of first Signal % and signal !alues.
2. %ength of second Signal . and signal !alues.
Problem De$inition:
1. ind auto correlation of input signal. @hat is the significance of !alue of output signal !alue
at n95A.
2. ind auto correlation of dela#ed input signal.
". ind cross correlation of input signal and dela#ed input signal,
$. ind cross correlation of input signal and scaled dela#ed input signal.
<. Compare the resultant signals. Bi!e #our conclusion.
:. TaCe t&o input finite length DT signals and de!elop a function to find Carl7s Correlation Coefficient
!alue. Determine the degree of similarit# of t&o signals from the calculated Carl7s Correlation
Coefficient !alue.
3. !o )er$orm Discrete Convolution
The aim of this experiment is to stud# mathematical operation such as %inear con!olution, Circular
con!olution, %inear con!olution using circular con!olution.

1. De!elop a function to find %inear Con!olution and Circular Con!olution
2. Calculate %inear Con!olution, Circular Con!olution, %inear Con!olution using Circular
Con!olution and !erif# the results using mathematical formulation.
". Conclude on aliasing effect in Circular con!olution
.n)ut S)eci$ications:
1. %ength of first Signal % and signal !alues.
2. %ength of second Signal . and signal !alues.
Problem De$inition:
1. ind %inear Con!olution and Circular Con!olution of % point se-uence xDnE and . point se-uence
2. ind %inear Con!olution of % point se-uence xDnE and . point se-uence hDnE using Circular
". Bi!e #our conclusion about No of !alues in linearl# con!ol!ed signal, and )liasing effect in
Circular Con!olution.

4. !o )er$orm Discrete #ourier !rans$orm
The aim of this experiment is to stud# magnitude spectrum of the DT signal.
1. De!elop a function to perform DT of N point signal
2. Calculate DT of a DT signal and Plot spectrum of the signal.
". Conclude the effect of Fero padding on magnitude spectrum.
$. Calculate the number of real multiplications and real additions re-uired to find DT.
.n)ut S)eci$ications:
1. %ength of Signal N
2. Signal !alues
Problem De$inition:
1. TaCe an# four(point se-uence xDnE.
ind DT =DCE.
Compute number of real multiplications and real additions re-uired to find =DCE.
Plot .agnitude Spectrum of the signal.
2. )ppend the input se-uence b# four Feros. ind DT and plot magnitude spectrum. *epeat the
same b# appending the se-uence b# eight Feros. 4bser!e and compare the magnitude spectrum. Bi!e
#our conclusion.

%. !o )er$orm #ast #ourier !rans$orm
To implement computationall# fast algorithms.
1. De!elop a program to perform T of N point signal.
2. Calculate T of a gi!en DT signal and !erif# the results using mathematical formulation.
". +llustrate the computational efficienc# of T.
.n)ut S)eci$ications:
%ength of Signal N
Signal !alues
Problem De$inition:
TaCe an# eight(point se-uence xDnE.
ind T =DCE.
@rite number of real multiplications and real additions in!ol!ed in finding =DCE.
(. #iltering o$ long Data Se/uence
To perform filtering of %ong Data Se-uence using 4!erlap )dd .ethod and 4!erlap Sa!e .ethod.
De!elop a function to implement ast 4!erlap )dd and ast 4!erlap Sa!e )lgorithm using T.
.n)ut S)eci$ications:
1. %ength of long data se-uence and signal !alues.
2. %ength of impulse response . and coefficient !alues of hDnE.
Problem De$inition:
ind the output of a Discrete Time s#stem using ast 4!erlap )dd .ethod 4* ast 4!erlap Sa!e
0. -eal !ime Signal Processing
To perform real time signal processing using T.S"25 Processor.
Stud# real time signal processing.
.n)ut S)eci$ications:
1. *eal Time Speech Signal
Problem De$inition:
10 Capture the real time audio signal.
20 ilter it b# con!ol!ing input signal &ith the impulse response of +* filter using
ast 4!erlap )dd filtering )lgorithm 4* ast 4!erlao Sa!e iltering )lgorithm.
"0 4bser!e the -ualit# of output signal.
1. &))lication o$ Digital Signal Processing
To implement an# Signal Processing operation on one dimensional signal.
To de!elop application of signal processing.
.n)ut S)eci$ications:
4ne dimensional signal.
1. Number of students in one Broup ? min ( 2 max ("
2. Decide one DSP application of #our choice. Collect the information related to the
application from the published granted patents. Do&nload the related published
papers from the standard refereed journals and conferences.
". De!elop a blocC diagram of the proposed s#stem and flo&chart of proposed s#stem
algorithm, implement it using Scilab/C, C>> language and obtain the appropriate
$. Prepare the three to four pages report on the mini project in +888 paper format.
*eport should include )bstract, +ntroduction, *elated Theor#, Proposed S#stem
Design/)lgorithm, 8xperimentation ; *esult )nal#sis, Conclusion, and *eferences.
!erm 2or3:
Term &orC shall consist of minimum 1 assignments and course project.
Gournal must include at least 1 assignment on each module and t&o -uiF.
The final certification and acceptance of term &orC ensures that satisfactor# performance
of laborator# &orC and minimum passing marCs in term &orC.
The distribution of marCs for term &orC shall be as follo&s?
%aborator# &orC /experiments0? ''''..'''.. /1<0 .arCs.
)ssignment?''''''''''''''..'' /5<0 .arCs.
)ttendance /Theor#> Practical0''''''''. /5<0 .arCs
!O!&*: 44444444444444444444. 52%6 Mar3s.
!e,t 7oo3s :
1. )shoC )mbardar, HDigital Signal Processing7, Cengage %earning, 255I,
+S3N ? JI6(61("1<(51IJ(<.
2. 8mmanuel C. +feachor, 3arrie @. Ger!is, KDigital Signal Processing? ) Practical )pproachL,
Pearson 8ducation +S3N 5(251(<J:1J( J
". S. Sali!ahanan, ). 1alla!araj, C. Bnanapri#a, HDigital Signal Processing7 Tata.cgra& Mill
Publication irst edition /25150. +S3N JI6(5(5I(5::J2$(:.
$. )!tar Signh, S.Srini!asan,LDigital Signal Processing7, Thomson 3rooCs/Cole,
+S3N ? J61(2$"(2<$($

-e$erence 7oo3s :
1. 3. 1enCatramani, .. 3hasCar ,LDigital Signal Processor7, Tata.cBra& Mill, Second 8dition,
/25510. +S3N ? JI6(5(5I(5I52<:(1.
2. Sanjit .itra, HDigital Signal Processing ? ) Computer 3ased )pproach7 , Tata.cBra& Mill, Third
". Dr, Shaila )pte, KDigital Signal Processing,L, @ile# +ndia, Second 8dition,251"
+S3N ? JI6(61(2:<21$2(<
$. ProaCis .anolaCis, HDigital Signal Processing ? Principles, )lgorithms and )pplications7
ourth 255I, Pearson 8ducation, +S3N 61("1I(1555(J.
<. .onson M. Ma#es, KSchaums 4utline of Digital Signal Processing7 .cBra& Mill +nternational
second edition. +S3N ? JI6(55(I1:"<5J(I
Course Code Course/Subject Name Credits
Cr")togra)'" and S"stem Securit"
1. To pro!ide students &ith contemporar# Cno&ledge in Cr#ptograph# and Securit#.
2. To understand ho& cr#pto can be used as an effecti!e tools in pro!iding assurance
concerning pri!ac# and integrit# of information.
". To pro!ide sCills to design securit# protocols for recogniFe securit# problems.
Outcomes: %earner &ill be able to'
1. 2nderstand the principles and practices of cr#ptographic techni-ues.
2. 2nderstand a !ariet# of generic securit# threats and !ulnerabilities, and identif# ;
anal#Fe particular securit# problems for gi!en application.
". )ppreciate the application of securit# techni-ues and technologies in sol!ing real(
life securit# problems in practical s#stems.
$. )ppl# appropriate securit# techni-ues to sol!e securit# problem
<. Design securit# protocols and methods to sol!e the specific securit# problems.
:. amiliar &ith current research issues and directions of securit#.
Module Detailed Contents Hrs
1 .ntroduction
1.1 Securit# )ttacCs, Securit# Boals, Computer criminals, .ethods of
defense, Securit# Ser!ices, Securit# .echanisms
2 7asics o$ Cr")togra)'"
2.1 S#mmetric Cipher .odel, Substitution Techni-ues, Transportation
Techni-ues, 4ther Cipher Properties( Confusion, Diffusion, 3locC and
Stream Ciphers.
3 Secret 8e" Cr")togra)'"
".1 Data 8ncr#ption Standard/D8S0, Strength of D8S, 3locC Cipher
Design Principles and .odes of 4perations, Triple D8S, +nternational
Data 8ncr#ption algorithm, 3lo&fish, C)ST(126.
4 Public 8e" Cr")togra)'"
$.1 Principles of Public Ne# Cr#ptos#stems, *S) )lgorithm, Diffie(
Mellman Ne# 8xchange
% Cr")togra)'ic Has' #unctions
<.1 )pplications of Cr#ptographic Mash unctions, Secure Mash
)lgorithm, .essage )uthentication Codes O .essage )uthentication
*e-uirements and unctions, M.)C, Digital signatures, Digital
Signature Schemes, )uthentication Protocols, Digital Signature
( &ut'entication &))lications
:.1 Nerberos, Ne# .anagement and Distribution, =.<5J Director#
)uthentication ser!ice, Public Ne# +nfrastructure, 8lectronic .ail
Securit#? Prett# Bood Pri!ac#, S/.+.8.
0 0.1 Program Securit"
Secure programs, Nonmalicious Program 8rrors, .alicious Soft&are O
T#pes, 1iruses, 1irus Countermeasures, @orms, Targeted .alicious
Code, Controls against Program Threats.
0.2 O)erating S"stem Securit"
.emor# and )ddress protection, ile Protection .echanism, 2ser
0.3 Database Securit"
Securit# *e-uirement, *eliabilit# and +ntegrit#, Sensiti!e data, +nference,
.ultile!el Databases
0.4 .DS and #ire9alls
+ntruders, +ntrusion Detection, Pass&ord .anagement, ire&alls(
Characteristics, T#pes of ire&alls, Placement of ire&alls, ire&all
Configuration, Trusted s#stems.
1 1.1 .P Securit"
4!er!ie&, )rchitecture, )uthentication Meader, 8ncapsulating Securit#
Pa#load, Combining securit# )ssociations, +nternet Ne# 8xchange, @eb
Securit#? @eb Securit# Considerations, Secure SocCets %a#er and
Transport %a#er Securit#, 8lectronic Pa#ment.
1.2 :on;cr")togra)'ic )rotocol <ulnerabilities
DoS, DDoS, Session MijacCing and Spoofing, Soft&are 1ulnerabilities(
Phishing, 3uffer 4!erflo&, ormat String )ttacCs, SP% +njection.
!erm 2or3:
Term &orC should consist of at least 15experiments, 2 assignments based on abo!e theor#
The final certification and acceptance of term &orC ensures that satisfactor# performance of
laborator# &orC and minimum passing marCs in term &orC.
The distribution of marCs for term &orC shall be as follo&s?
%aborator# &orC /experiments0? ''''..'''.. /1<0 .arCs.
)ssignment?''''''''''''''..'' /5<0 .arCs.
)ttendance /Theor#> Practical0''''''''. /5<0 .arCs
!O!&*: 44444444444444444444. 52%6 Mar3s.
Practical=Oral e,amination:
Practical 8xam &ill be based on abo!e s#llabus.
S"llabus $or Practical
Suggested topics for experiment but not limited to?
1. *S) and .D< algorithms.
2. PacCet )nal#Fer.
". +PSec
$. Spoofing
<. PBP/Prett# Bood Pri!ac#0
:. Port Scanning
I. 1ulnerabilit# scanner
6. 3uffer 4!erflo&
J. +ntrusion Detection S#stem
15. Pass&ord cracCing
11. ire&all
12. SS%
!'eor" +,amination:
1. Puestion paper &ill comprise of total : -uestions, each of 25 .arCs.
2. 4nl# $ -uestions need to be sol!ed.
". Puestion 1 &ill be compulsor# and based on maximum part of the s#llabus.
$. *emaining -uestions &ill be mixed in nature /for example suppose P.2 has part /a0 from
module " then part /b0 &ill be from an# module other than module "0
.n /uestion )a)er> 9eig'tage o$ eac' module 9ill be )ro)ortional to number o$ res)ective
lecture 'ours as mentioned in t'e s"llabus.
!e,t 7oo3s:
1. Cr#ptograph# and Net&orC Securit#? Principles and Practice <th edition, @illiam
Stallings, Pearson.
2. Net&orC Securit# and Cr#ptograph# 2nd edition, 3ernard .eneFes, Cengage %earning.
". Cr#ptograph# and Net&orC, 2nd edition, 3ehrouF ) ourouFan, Debdeep
.uChopadh#a#, T.M.
-e$erence 7oo3s:
1. Cr#ptograph# and Net&orC Securit# b# 3ehrouF ). orouFan, T.M
2. Securit# in Computing b# Charles P. Pfleeger, Pearson 8ducation.
". Computer Securit# )rt and Science b# .att 3ishop, )ddison(@esle#.
Course Code Course/Subject Name Credits
&rti$icial .ntelligence
1. To conceptualiFe the basic ideas and techni-ues underl#ing the design of intelligent
2. To maCe students understand and 8xplore the mechanism of mind that enable intelligent
thought and action.
". To maCe students understand ad!anced representation formalism and search techni-ues.
$. To maCe students understand ho& to deal &ith uncertain and incomplete information.
Outcomes: %earner &ill be able to
1. )bilit# to de!elop a basic understanding of )+ building blocCs presented in intelligent
2. )bilit# to choose an appropriate problem sol!ing method and Cno&ledge representation
". )bilit# to anal#Fe the strength and &eaCnesses of )+ approaches to Cno&ledgeO intensi!e
problem sol!ing.
$. )bilit# to design models for reasoning &ith uncertaint# as &ell as the use of unreliable
<. )bilit# to design and de!elop the )+ applications in real &orld scenario.
Module Detailed Contents Hrs
1 .ntroduction to &rti$icial .ntelligence
1.1 +ntroduction , Mistor# of )rtificial +ntelligence, +ntelligent
S#stems? CategoriFation of +ntelligent S#stem, Components
of )+ Program, oundations of )+, Sub(areas of )+,
)pplications of )+, Current trends in )+.
2 .ntelligent &gents
2.1 )gents and 8n!ironments, The concept of rationalit#, The
nature of en!ironment, The structure of )gents, T#pes of
)gents, %earning )gent.
3 Problem solving
".1 Sol!ing problem b# Searching ? Problem Sol!ing )gent,
ormulating Problems, 8xample Problems.
".2 2ninformed Search .ethods? 3readth irst Search /3S0,
Depth irst Search /DS0 , Depth %imited Search, Depth
irst +terati!e Deepening/D+D0, +nformed Search .ethods?
Breed# best first Search ,)Q Search , .emor# bounded
heuristic Search.
"." %ocal Search )lgorithms and 4ptimiFation Problems? Mill(
climbing search Simulated annealing, %ocal beam search,
Benetic algorithms.
".$ )d!ersarial Search? Bames, 4ptimal strategies, The
minimax algorithm , )lpha(3eta Pruning.
4 8no9ledge and -easoning
$.1 Nno&ledge based )gents, The @umpus @orld, The
Propositional logic, irst 4rder %ogic? S#ntax and Semantic,
+nference in 4%, or&ard chaining, bacC&ard Chaining.
$.2 Nno&ledge 8ngineering in irst(4rder %ogic, 2nification,
*esolution, +ntroduction to logic programming /P*4%4B0.
$." ?ncertain 8no9ledge and -easoning:
2ncertaint#, *epresenting Cno&ledge in an uncertain
domain, The semantics of belief net&orC, +nference in belief
% Planning and *earning
<.1The planning problem, Planning &ith state space search,
Partial order planning, Mierarchical planning, Conditional
<.2 %earning? orms of %earning, +nducti!e %earning, %earning
Decision Tree.
<." 8xpert S#stem? +ntroduction, Phases in building 8xpert
S#stems, 8S )rchitecture, 8S !s Traditional S#stem.
( &))lications
:.1 Natural %anguage Processing/N%P0, 8xpert S#stems.
!erm 2or3:
The distribution of marCs for term &orC shall be as follo&s?
%aborator# &orC /experiments/case studies0? ''''.. /1<0 .arCs.
)ssignment?'''..''''''''''''' /5<0 .arCs.
)ttendance '''''''''''''''. /5<0 .arCs
!O!&*: 44444444444444444444. 52%6 Mar3s.
There &ill be at least t&o assignments co!ering the abo!e s#llabus.
Practical=Oral e,amination:
Practical examination based on the abo!e s#llabus &ill be conducted.
*ist o$ &. Practical = +,)eriments
&ll t'e )rograms s'ould be im)lemented in C=C@@=Aava=Prolog under 2indo9s or *inu,
environment. +,)eriments can also be conducted using available o)en source tools.
1. 4ne case stud# on N%P/8xpert s#stem based papers published in +888/)C./Springer or an#
prominent journal.
2. Program on uninformed and informed search methods.
". Program on %ocal Search )lgorithm.
$. Program on 4ptimiFation problem.
<. Program on ad!ersarial search.
:. Program on @umpus &orld.
I. Program on unification.
6. Program on Decision Tree.
)n# other practical co!ering the s#llabus topics and subtopics can be conducted.
-e$erence 7oo3s 5Practicals6:
1. +!an 3ratCo RP*4%4B Programming for )rtificial +ntelligenceR, Pearson 8ducation,
Third 8dition.
2. 8laine *ich and Ne!in Nnight R)rtificial +ntelligence RThird 8dition
". Da!is 8.Boldberg, RBenetic )lgorithms? Search, 4ptimiFation and .achine %earningR,
)ddison @esle#, N.S., 1J6J.
$. Man Namber, KData .ining Concepts and Techni-uesL, .organn Naufmann Publishers.
!e,t 7oo3s:
1. Stuart G. *ussell and Peter Nor!ig, R)rtificial +ntelligence ) .odern )pproach KSecond 8ditionR
Pearson 8ducation.
2. Saroj NaushiC K)rtificial +ntelligenceL , Cengage %earning.
". Beorge %uger K)rtificial +ntelligenceL %o& Price 8dition , Pearson 8ducation., ourth edition.
-e$erence 7oo3s:
1. +!an 3ratCo KP*4%4B Programming for )rtificial +ntelligenceL, Pearson 8ducation,
Third 8dition.
2. 8laine *ich and Ne!in Nnight K)rtificial +ntelligenceL Third 8dition
". Da!is 8.Boldberg, KBenetic )lgorithms? Search, 4ptimiFation and .achine %earningL,
)ddison @esle#, N.S., 1J6J.
$. Magan, Demuth, 3eale, KNeural Net&orC DesignL C8NB)B8 %earning, +ndia 8dition.
<. PatricC Menr# @inston , K)rtificial +ntelligenceL, )ddison(@esle#, Third 8dition.
:. Man Namber, KData .ining Concepts and Techni-uesL, .organn Naufmann Publishers.
I. N.P.Padh#, K)rtificial +ntelligence and +ntelligent S#stemsL, 4xford 2ni!ersit# Press.
Course Code Course/Subject Name Credits
&dvanced &lgorit'ms
1. To teach fundamentals of anal#sis of algorithm at depth
2. To pro!ide in depth stud# of ad!anced data structures and its uses
". To teach anal#sis of problems from different domains
Outcomes: %earner &ill be able to'
1. +dentif# and use suitable data structures for gi!en problem from different domains
2. )ppreciate the role of Braph algorithms in sol!ing !ariet# of problems
". )ppreciate the role of 4ptimiFation b# using linear programing
$. )nal#Fe the !arious algorithms from different domains
Module Detailed Contents Hrs
1 .ntroduction
1.1 Asymptotic notations Big O, Big ,Big , ,
notations ,Proofs of master theorem, applying
theorem to solve problems
2 &dvanced Data Structures
2.1 *ed(3lacC Trees? properties of red(blacC trees , +nsertions ,
2.2 3(Trees and its operations
2." 3inomial Meaps? 3inomial trees and binomial heaps, 4peration
on 3inomial heaps
3 D"namic Programing
".1 matrix chain multiplication, cutting rod problem and its anal#sis
4 Bra)' algorit'ms
$.1 3ellman ford algorithm, DijCstra algorithm, Gohnson7s )ll pair
shortest path algorithm for sparse graphs
% Ma,imum #lo9
<.1 lo& net&orCs , the ford ulCerson method ,max bipartite
matching , push *elabel )lgorithm , The relabel to front
( *inear Programing
:.1 Standard and slacC forms, ormulating problems as linear
programs, simplex algorithm, Dualit#, +nitial basic feasible
0 Com)utational Bgeometr"
I.1 %ine Segment properties, Determining &hether an# pair of
segment intersects, finding the con!ex hull, inding the closest
pair of points.
!erm 2or3:
Term &orC should consist of at least : experiments, 2 assignments based on abo!e theor#
The final certification and acceptance of term &orC ensures that satisfactor# performance of
laborator# &orC and minimum passing marCs in term &orC.
The distribution of marCs for term &orC shall be as follo&s?
%aborator# &orC /experiments0? ''''..'''.. /1<0 .arCs.
)ssignment?''''''''''''''..'' /5<0 .arCs.
)ttendance /Theor#> Practical0''''''''. /5<0 .arCs
!O!&*: 44444444444444444444. 52%6 Mar3s.
Practical=Oral e,amination:
4ral examination based on abo!e s#llabus &ill be conducted
S"llabus $or Practical
Suggested topics for experiment but not limited to?
1. *ed O blacC trees and its !arious operations
2. 3inomial Meaps and its !arious operations
". D#namic programing? matrix chain multiplication , cutting rod example
$. 3ellman ford , Gohnson7s algorithm for sparse graphs
<. ord ulCerson algorithm , push relabel to front methods
:. inding closest pair of points, Determining the con!ex hull
I. +mplementation of Simplex algorithm
!e,t 7oo3s:
1. T.M. Coreman , C.8. %eiserson, *.%. *i!est, and C. Stein, K+ntroduction to algorithmsL,2nd
edition , PM+ publication 255<
2. 8llis Moro&itF , Sartaj Sahni , S. *ajseCaran. Kundamentals of computer algorithmsL
2ni!ersit# press
Course Code Course/Subject Name Credits
.mage Processing
1. To learn the fundamental concepts of Digital +mage Processing and 1ideo Processing .
2. To understand basic image enhancement and segmentation techni-ues.
". To illustrate +mage Transform calculations mathematicall# and de!elop fast transform
$. To learn +mage Compression and Decompression Techni-ues
Outcomes: %earner &ill be able to'
1. 2nderstand the concept of Digital +mage and 1ideo +mage.
2. 8xplain image enhancement and Segmentation techni-ue.
". De!elop fast image transform flo&graph
$. Sol!e +mage compression and decompression techni-ues
<. Perform 3inar# +mage Processing 4perations
Module Detailed Contents Hrs.
1 Digital .mage and <ideo #undamentals
1.1 +ntroduction to Digital +mage, Digital +mage Processing S#stem,
Sampling and PuantiFation, *epresentation of Digital +mage,
Connecti!it#, +mage ile ormats ? 3.P, T+ and GP8B. Colour .odels
/*B3, MS+, S210 +ntroduction to Digital 1ideo, Chroma Sub(sampling,
CC+* standards for Digital 1ideo
2 .mage +n'ancement
2.1 Bra# %e!el Transformations, Tero .emor# Point 4perations, Mistogram
Processing, Neighbourhood Processing, Spatial iltering, Smoothing and
Sharpening ilters. Momomorphic iltering
3 .mage Segmentation and -e)resentation
".1 Detection of Discontinuities, 8dge %inCing using Mough Transform,
Thresholding, *egion based Segmentation, Split and .erge Techni-ue,
+mage *epresentation and Description, Chain Code, Pol#gonal
*epresentation, Shape Number, .oments.
4 .mage !rans$orm
$.1 +ntroduction to 2nitar# Transform, Discrete ourier Transform/DT0,
Properties of DT, ast ourier Transform/T0, Discrete Madamard
Transform/DMT0, ast Madamard Transform/MT0, Discrete Cosine
Transform/DCT0, Discrete @a!elet Transform/D@T0,
% .mage Com)ression
<.1 +ntroduction, *edundanc#, idelit# Criteria,
<.2 %ossless Compression Techni-ues ? *un %ength Coding, )rithmetic
Coding, Muffman Coding, Differential PC.,
<." %oss# Compression Techni-ues? +mpro!ed Bra# Scale PuantiFation,
1ector PuantiFation, GP8B, .P8B(1.
( 7inar" .mage Processing
:.1 3inar# .orphological 4perators, Mit(or(.iss Transformation, 3oundar#
8xtraction, *egion illing, Thinning and ThicCening, Connected
Component %abeling, +terati!e )lgorithm and Classical )lgorithm
!erm 2or3:
Term &orC should consist of at least 56 experiments.
Gournal must include at least 1 assignment on each module and t&o -uiF.
The final certification and acceptance of term &orC ensures that satisfactor# performance of
laborator# &orC and minimum passing marCs in term &orC.
The distribution of marCs for term &orC shall be as follo&s?
%aborator# &orC /experiments0? ''''..'''.. /1<0 .arCs.
)ssignment?''''''''''''''..'' /5<0 .arCs.
)ttendance /Theor#> Practical0''''''''. /5<0 .arCs
!O!&*: 44444444444444444444. 52%6 Mar3s.
Practical=Oral e,amination:
4ral exam &ill be based on the abo!e s#llabus
+mplementation of programs must be either in C or C>> onl#. ) %ist of experiments is gi!en belo&.
+nput can be .onochrome 4* Colour +mage. )dditional experiments &ithin the scope of the s#llabus
can be added.
1. +mage 8nhancement D )n# t&o techni-ues E
/10 using Tero .emor# Point 4perations.
/20 using Mistogram Processing Techni-ue
/"0 using Spatial iltering D Smoothing ilters/ Sharpening iltersE
/$0 using Momomorphic iltering
2. +mage Segmentation D )n# t&o techni-ues E
/10 MoriFontal and 1ertical %ine Detection
/20 8dge Detection
/"0 Split and .erge Techni-ue
/$0 8dge %inCing using Mough Transform
". +mage Compression and De(compression D )n# t&o techni-ues E
/10 )rithmetic Coding and Decoding
/20 Muffman Coding and Decoding
/"0 +BS PuantiFation/ 1ector PuantiFation based Compression and De(compression
/$0 Transform based +mage Compression and De(compression DT/ MT/DCT/ D@TE
$. 3inar# +mage Processing D )n# t&o techni-ues E
/10 4pening follo&ed b# Closing
/20 Mit or .iss Transform
/"0 Thinning/ThicCening/ *egion illling / 3oundar# 8xtraction
/$0 Connected Component )lgorithm
!e,t 7oo3s :
1. *afel C. BonFaleF and *ichard 8. @oods, HDigital +mage Processing7, Pearson 8ducation )sia,
Third 8dition, 255J,
2. S. Ga#araman, 8.8saCCirajan and T.1eerCumar, KDigital +mage ProcessingL Tata.cBra& Mill
8ducation Pri!ate %td, 255J,
". )nil N. Gain, Kundamentals and Digital +mage ProcessingL, Prentice Mall of +ndia Pri!ate %td,
Third 8dition
$. S. Sridhar, KDigital +mage ProcessingL, 4xford 2ni!ersit# Press, Second 8dition, 2512.
<. *obert MaralicC and %inda Shapiro, KComputer and *obot 1isionL, 1ol +, ++, )ddison
@esle#, 1JJ".
-e$erence 7oo3s:
1. D&a#ne Phillps, K+mage Processing in CL, 3P3 Publication, 255:
2. 3. Chandra and D.Dutta .ajumder, KDigital +mage Processing and )nal#sisL, Prentice Mall of
+ndia Pri!ate %td, 2511
". .ala# N. PaChira, KDigital +mage Processing and Pattern *ecognitionL, Prentice Mall of +ndia
Pri!ate %td, Third 8dition
$. red Malshall, K.ultimedia Communications? )pplications, Net&orCs Protocols and Standards,L,
Pearson 8ducation 2551
<. Da!id ). ors#th, Gean Ponce, KComputer 1ision? ) .odern )pproachL, Pearson 8ducation,
%imited, 2511
Course Code Course/Subject Name Credits
So$t9are &rc'itecture
Soft&are architecture is foundational to the de!elopment of large, practical soft&are(intensi!e
)fter successful completion of this course learner &ill be able to?
1isualiFe the architectural concepts in de!elopment of large, practical soft&are(
intensi!e applications.
*ather than focusing on one method, notation, tool, or process, this ne&
course &idel# sur!e#s soft&are architecture techni-ues, enabling us to choose the
right tool for the job at hand.
Module Detailed Contents Hrs.
1 7asic Conce)ts
1.1 Concepts of Soft&are )rchitecture
1.2 .odels.
1." Processes.
1.$ StaCeholders
2 Designing &rc'itectures
2.1 The Design Process.
2.2 )rchitectural Conception.
2." *efined 8xperience in )ction? St#les and )rchitectural Patterns.
2.$ )rchitectural Conception in )bsence of 8xperience.
3 Connectors
".1 Connectors in )ction? ) .oti!ating 8xample.
".2 Connector oundations.
"." Connector *oles.
".$ Connector T#pes and Their 1ariation Dimensions.
".< 8xample Connectors.
4 Modeling
$.1 .odeling Concepts.
$.2 )mbiguit#, )ccurac#, and Precision.
$." Complex .odeling? .ixed Content and .ultiple 1ie&s.
$.$ 8!aluating .odeling Techni-ues.
$.< Specific .odeling Techni-ues.
% &nal"sis
<.1 )nal#sis Boals.
<.2 Scope of )nal#sis.
<." )rchitectural Concern being )nal#Fed.
<.$ %e!el of ormalit# of )rchitectural .odels.
<.< T#pe of )nal#sis.
<.: )nal#sis Techni-ues.
( .m)lementation and De)lo"ment
:.1 Concepts.
:.2 8xisting rame&orCs.
:." Soft&are )rchitecture and Deplo#ment.
:.$ Soft&are )rchitecture and .obilit#.
0 Conventional &rc'itectural st"les
I.1 Pipes and ilters
I.2 8!ent( based, +mplicit +n!ocation
I." %a#ered s#stems
I.$ *epositories
I.< +nterpreters
I.: Process control
1 &))lied &rc'itectures and St"les
6.1 Distributed and Net&orCed )rchitectures.
6.2 )rchitectures for Net&orC(3ased )pplications.
6." DecentraliFed )rchitectures.
6.$ Ser!ice(4riented )rchitectures and @eb Ser!ices.
C Designing $or :on;#unctional Pro)erties
J.1 8fficienc#.
J.2 Complexit#.
J." Scalabilit# and Meterogeneit#.
J.$ )daptabilit#.
J.< Dependabilit#.
1 Domain;S)eci$ic So$t9are +ngineering
15.1 Domain(Specific Soft&are 8ngineering in a Nutshell.
15.2 Domain(Specific Soft&are )rchitecture.
15." DSS)s, Product %ines, and )rchitectural St#les.
!erm 2or3:
The distribution of marCs for term &orC shall be as follo&s?
%aborator# &orC /experiments0?''''''''.. /250 .arCs.
)ttendence?''.''''''''''''''' /5<0 .arCs.
!O!&*: 44444444444444444444. 52%6 Mar3s.
Practical=Oral e,amination:
)n 4ral examination is to be conducted based on the abo!e s#llabus
!o)ics #or +,)eriment:
1. .odeling using x)D%
2. )nal#sis ( Case stud#
". 1isualiFation using x)D% 2.5
$. +ntegrate soft&are components using a middle&are
<. 2se middle&are to implement connectors
:. @rapper to connect t&o applications &ith different architectures
I. Creating &eb ser!ice
6. )rchitecture for an# specific domain

!e,t 7oo3s:
1. KSoft&are )rchitecture? oundations, Theor#, and PracticeL b# *ichard N. Ta#lor,
Nenad .ed!ido!ic, 8ric Dashof#, +S3N? JI6(5($I5(1:II$(6
2. .. Sha&? Soft&are )rchitecture Perspecti!es on an 8merging Discipline, Prentice(Mall.
". %en 3ass, Paul Clements, *icC NaFman? Soft&are )rchitecture in Practice, Pearson.
1. KPattern 4riented Soft&are )rchitectureL b# ranC 3uchnan et al, @ile# +ndia.
2. KThe )rt of Soft&are )rchitectureL b# Stephen T. )lbin.
Course Code Course/Subject Name Credits
So$t Com)uting
1. To ConceptualiFe the &orCing of human brain using )NN.
2. To become familiar &ith neural net&orCs that can learn from a!ailable examples and
generaliFe to form appropriate rules for inference s#stems.
". To introduce the ideas of fuFF# sets, fuFF# logic and use of heuristics based on human
$. To pro!ide the mathematical bacCground for carr#ing out the optimiFation and
familiariFing genetic algorithm for seeCing global optimum in self(learning situation.
Outcomes: %earner &ill be able to'
1. )bilit# to anal#Fe and appreciate the applications &hich can use fuFF# logic.
2. )bilit# to design inference s#stems.
". )bilit# to understand the difference bet&een learning and programming and explore
practical applications of Neural Net&orCs /NN0.
$. )bilit# to appreciate the importance of optimiFations and its use in computer engineering
fields and other domains.
<. Students &ould understand the efficienc# of a h#brid s#stem and ho& Neural Net&orC
and fuFF# logic can be h#bridiFed to form a Neuro(fuFF# net&orC and its !arious
Module Detailed Contents Hours
1 .ntroduction to So$t Com)uting
1.1 Soft computing Constituents, Characteristics of Neuro
Computing and Soft Computing, Difference bet&een Mard
Computing and Soft Computing, Concepts of %earning and
2 :eural :et9or3s
2.1 7asics o$ :eural :et9or3s:
+ntroduction to Neural Net&orCs, 3iological Neural
Net&orCs, .cCulloch Pitt model,
2.2 Su)ervised *earning algorit'ms:
Perceptron /Single %a#er, .ulti la#er0, %inear separabilit#,
Delta learning rule, 3acC Propagation algorithm,
2.3 ?n;Su)ervised *earning algorit'ms: Mebbian %earning,
@inner taCe all, Self 4rganiFing .aps, %earning 1ector
3 #uDD" Set !'eor"
".1 Classical Sets and uFF# Sets, Classical *elations and uFF#
*elations, Properties of membership function, uFF#
extension principle, uFF# S#stems( fuFFification,
defuFFification and fuFF# controllers.
4 H"brid s"stem
$.1 +ntroduction to M#brid S#stems, )dapti!e Neuro uFF#
+nference S#stem/)N+S0.
% .ntroduction to O)timiDation !ec'ni/ues
%.1 Derivative based o)timiDation; Steepest Descent, Ne&ton
%.2 Derivative $ree o)timiDation; +ntroduction to 8!olutionar#
( Benetic &lgorit'ms and its a))lications:
:.1 +nheritance 4perators, Cross o!er t#pes, in!ersion and
Deletion, .utation 4perator, 3it(&ise 4perators,
Con!ergence of B), )pplications of B).
!erm 2or3:
The distribution of marCs for term &orC shall be as follo&s?
%aborator# &orC /experiments/case studies0? ''''.. /1<0 .arCs.
)ssignments?''.'''''''''''''' /5<0 .arCs.
)ttendance '''''''''''''''. /5<0 .arCs
!O!&*: 44444444444444444444. 52%6 Mar3s.
Practical=Oral e,amination:
Oral e,amination 9ill be based on t'e above s"llabus.
)ll the programs should be implemented in C/C>>/Ga!a/.)T%)3 under @indo&s or %inux
en!ironment. 8xperiments can also be conducted using a!ailable open source tools liCe
4CT)18 and SC+%)3
*.S! O# SC P-&C!.C&* = +EP+-.M+:!S
1. 4ne case stud# on uFF#/Neural/B) based papers published in +888/)C./Springer or an#
prominent journal.
2. To implement uFF# Sets.
". To implement uFF# *elations.
$. To implement uFF# Controllers.
<. To implement 3asic Neural Net&orC learning rules.
:. To implement an# Super!ised %earning algorithm.
I. To implement an# 2nsuper!ised %earning algorithm.
6. To implement a simple application using Benetic )lgorithm.
)n# other practical co!ering the s#llabus topics and subtopics can be conducted.
-e$erence 7oo3s 5$or )racticals6 ?
1. S.N.Si!anandam, S.N.Deepa RPrinciples of Soft ComputingR Second 8dition, @ile#
2. S.*ajaseCaran and B.).1ija#alaCshmi Pai RNeural Net&orCs, uFF# %ogic and Benetic
)lgorithmsR PM+ %earning.
". Magan, Demuth, 3eale,RNeural Net&orC DesignR C8NB)B8 %earning, +ndia 8dition.
$. Satish Numar, KNeural Net&orCs O) classroom approachL, Second 8dition,T.M
!e,t 7oo3s:
1. Timoth# G.*oss RuFF# %ogic @ith 8ngineering )pplicationsR @ile#.
2. S.N.Si!anandam, S.N.Deepa RPrinciples of Soft ComputingR Second 8dition, @ile#
". S.*ajaseCaran and B.).1ija#alaCshmi Pai RNeural Net&orCs, uFF# %ogic and Benetic
)lgorithmsR PM+ %earning.
$. G.(S.*.Gang RNeuro(uFF# and Soft ComputingR PM+ 255".
<. GaceC...Turada R+ntroduction to )rtificial Neural S#temsR Gaico Publishing Mouse.
-e$erence 7oo3s:
1. Satish Numar RNeural Net&orCs ) Classroom )pproachR Tata .cBra&Mill.
2. Timmermann M.S RuFF# Set Theor# and its )pplicationsR Nlu&er )cademic Publishers.
3. Da!is 8.Boldberg, RBenetic )lgorithms? Search, 4ptimiFation and .achine %earningR,
)ddison @esle#, N.S., 1J6J.
4. Magan, Demuth, 3eale, RNeural Net&orC DesignR C8NB)B8 %earning, +ndia 8dition.
Course Code Course/Subject Name Credits
+nter)rise -esource Planning and Su))l" C'ain
Management 5+-P F SCM6
1. To understand the technical aspects of 8*P and SC. s#stems.
2. To understand the steps and acti!ities in the 8*P and SC. life c#cle.
". To identif# and describe t#pical functionalit# in an 8*P and SC. s#stem.
$. To understand tools and methodolog# used for designing 8*P and SC. for an
Outcomes: %earner &ill be able to'
1. To conceptualiFe the basic structure of 8*P and SC.
2. To identif# implementation strateg# used for 8*P and SC..
". To appl# design principles for !arious business module in 8*P and SC..
$. To appl# different emerging technologies for implementation of 8*P and SC..
Module Detailed Contents Hours
+nter)rise -esource Planning
1 .ntroduction
1.1 @hat is an 8nterpriFe, +ntroduction to 8*P, Need for 8*P,
Structure of 8*P, Scope and 3enefits, T#pical business
2 +-P and !ec'nolog"
2.1 8*P and related technologies, 3usiness +ntelligence, 8(business
and 8(commerce, 3usiness Process *eengineering,
3 +-P and .m)lementation
".1 8*P implementation and strateg#, +mplementation %ife c#cle,
Pre(implementation tasC, re-uirement definition , implementation
4 +-P 7usiness Modules
$.1 .odules? inance, manufacturing, human resources, -ualit#
management, material management, marCeting. Sales distribution
and ser!ice.
% +,tended +-P
<.1 8nterprise application +ntegration /8)+0, open source 8*P, cloud
Su))l" C'ain Management 5SCM6
( .ntroduction and strategic decisions in SCM 56
:.1 +ntroduction to SC., Beneric T#pes of suppl# chain, .ajor
Dri!ers of Suppl# chain, Strategic decisions in SC., 3usiness
Strateg#, C*. strateg#, S*. strateg#, SC4* model.
0 .n$ormation !ec'nolog" in SCM
I.1 T#pes of +T Solutions liCe 8lectronic Data +nter change /8D+0,
+ntranet/ 8xtranet, Data .ining/ Data @arehousing and Data
.arts, 8(Commerce, 8( Procurement, 3ar coding, *+D, P*
1 Mat'ematical modelling $or SCM
6.1 +ntroduction, Considerations in modelling SC. s#stems,
Structuring the logistics chain, o!er!ie& of models? models on
transportation problem, assignment problem, !ehicle routing
problem, .odel for !endor anal#sis, .aCe !ersus bu# model.
C &gile Su))l" C'ain
J.1 +ntroduction, Characteristics of )gile Suppl# Chain, )chie!ing
)gilit# in Suppl# Chain.
1 Cases o$ Su))l" C'ain
15.1 Cases of Suppl# Chain liCe, Ne&s Paper Suppl# Chain, 3ooC
Publishing, .umbai Dabba&ala, Disaster management, 4rganic
ood, ast ood.
!erm 2or3:
The distribution of marCs for term &orC shall be as follo&s?
.ini project?''''''''''''.'''' /250 .arCs.
)ttendance ''''''''''...'''''. /5<0 .arCs
!O!&*: 44444444444444444444. 52%6 Mar3s.
Practical=Oral e,amination:
Oral e,amination 9ill be based on t'e above s"llabus.
The lab &ill be conducted on mini project &hich ma# be conducted on the follo&ing?
10 Simulating business processes of an 8nterprise.
20 Designing a &eb portal for an 8nterprise using 8(business .odels.
"0 8(procurement model.
$0 4pen source 8*P
<0 Cloud 8*P
:0 3usiness process agilit#
I0 SC. model.
60 +mplementing 3usiness +ntelligence
J0 )n# other rele!ant topics co!ering the s#llabus.
!e,t 7oo3s:
1. 8nterprise *esource Planning ? concepts ; practices, b# 1.N. Barg ; N.N.
1enCataCrishnan U PM+.
2. Suppl# Chain .anagement Theories ; Practices? *. P. .ohant#, S. B. DeshmuCh, (
Dreamtech Press.
". 8*P Dem#stified? ++ 8dition, b# )lexis %eon,.cBra& Mill .
$. 8nterprise &ide resource planning? Theor# ; practice? b# *ahul )lteCar,PM+.
-e$erence 7oo3s:
1. 8*P to 8
8*P? ) Case stud# approach, b# Sandeep Desai, )bhisheC Sri!asta!a, PM+.
2. .anagerial +ssues of 8*P s#stem, b# Da!id 4lson, .cBra& Mill.
Course Code Course/Subject Name Credits
Com)uter Simulation and Modeling
Course Objectives:
This course presents an introduction to discrete e!ent simulation s#stems.
8mphasis of the course &ill be on modeling and the use of simulation
languages/soft&are to sol!e real &orld problems in the manufacturing as &ell as
ser!ices sectors. The course discusses the modeling techni-ues of entities,
-ueues, resources and entit# transfers in discrete e!ent en!ironment. The course
&ill teach the students the necessar# sCills to formulate and build !alid models,
implement the model, perform simulation anal#sis of the s#stem and anal#Fe
results properl#. The Ktheor#L of simulation in!ol!es probabilit# and statistics,
thus a good bacCground in probabilit# and statistics is a re-uired prere-uisite
Course Outcomes:
1. )ppl# simulation concepts to achie!e in business, science, engineering, industr# and
ser!ices goals
2. Demonstrate formulation and modeling sCills.
3. Perform a simulation using spreadsheets as &ell as simulation language/pacCage
4. Benerate pseudorandom numbers using the %inear Congruential .ethod
5. 8!aluate the -ualit# of a pseudorandom number generator using statistical tests
6. )nal#Fe and fit the collected data to different distributions
Module Detailed Contents Hours
Com)uter Simulation and Modeling
1 Introduction to Simulation.
Simulation Examples.
General Principles
2 Statistical odels in simulation.
!ueuin" odels
3 #andom $um%er Generation.
&estin" random num%ers '#e(er to &)ird edition*
#andom +ariate Generation, In-erse trans(orm tec)ni.ue/
0irect &rans(ormation (or t)e $ormal 0istri%ution/
Con-olution et)od/ 1cceptance2#e3ection &ec)ni.ue 'onl4 Poisson
4 1nal4sis o( simulation data , Input odelin" /+eri(ication/ Cali%ration
and +alidation o( Simulation / odels / Estimation o( a%solute
% 1pplication , Case stud4 on 1. Processor and emor4 simulation
2. anu(acturin" 5 aterial )andlin"
Text Books:
0iscrete E-ent S4stem Simulation6 &)ird Edition/ 7err4 8an9s/ 7o)n Carson/ 8arr4 $elson/
and 0a-id . $icol/ Prentice2:all
0iscrete E-ent S4stem Simulation6 ;i(t) Edition/ 7err4 8an9s/ 7o)n Carson/ 8arr4 $elson/
and 0a-id . $icol/ Prentice2:all
4. S4stem odelin" 5 1nal4sis6 1-erill <a=/ 4
Edition &:.
5. Principles o( odelin" and Simulation6 8an9s C / So9olo=s9i 7 16 >ile4
6. S4stem Simulation 6 Geo((re4 Gordon 6 EEE
7. S4stem Simulation =it) 0i"ital Computer6 $arsin" 0eo/ P:I
Term work:
<a%orator4 =or9, 10 mar9s
ini Simulation Pro3ect presentation, 10 mar9s
1ttendance , 5 mar9s
Suggested Practical List (If Any):
Per(orm simulation exercises "i-en in t)e text %oo9 't)ird edition* usin" spreads)eets and?or
simulation lan"ua"e?pac9a"e
5. !ueue2 sin"le ser-er/ multi2ser-er/ classic case2 dump truc9
6. In-entor4 @ <ead timeA0/ lead time (ixed/ lead time pro%a%ilistic
7. #elia%ilit4 pro%lem
B. &utorials on statistical models
C. #andom num%er "enerate and test
10. Goodness o( (it test
11. Dutput anal4sis @ Point estimate and Con(idence Inter-al
Simulation, #eal >orld Examples @ can %e in t)e (ield o( %usiness/ transportation/ medical/
computin"/ manu(acturin" and material )andlin"2 Presentation to %e ta9en.
Practical=Oral e,amination:
Oral e,amination 9ill be based on t'e above s"llabus.
Course Code Course/Subject Name Credits
:et9or3 t'reats and attac3s *aborator"
Outcomes: &$ter com)letion o$ t'is *aborator" course learner &ill be able To
1. 2se net&orC(based tools for net&orC anal#sis
2. 2se techni-ues for Net&orC scaning
". +dentif# net&orC !ulnerabilit#
$. 2se tools to simulate intrusion detection s#stem
<. To understand and install a fire&all
Module Detailed Contents
1 1.1 !itle: Stud# the use of net&orC reconnaissance tools liCe @M4+S, dig, traceroute,
nslooCup to gather information about net&orCs and domain registrars.
Objective: 4bjecti!e of this module to ho& to gather information about the net&orCs b#
using different n/& reconnaissance tools.
Sco)e: Net&orC anal#sis using net&orC based tools
!ec'nolog"? Net&orCing
2 2.1 !itle: Stud# of pacCet sniffer tools liCe &iresharC, ethereal, tcpdump etc. Sou
should be able to use the tools to do the follo&ing
1. 4bser!er performance in promiscuous as &ell as non(promiscous mode.
2. Sho& that pacCets can be traced based on different filters.
Objective: 4bjecti!e of this module is to obser!er the performanance in promiscuous ;
non(promiscous mode ; to find the pacCets based on different filters.
Sco)e: PacCet grapping, message and protocol anal#sis
!ec'nolog": Net&orCing
3 3.1 !itle: Do&nload and install nmap. 2se it &ith different options to scan open ports,
perform 4S fingerprinting, do a ping scan, tcp port scan, udp port scan, etc.
Objective: objecti!e of this module to learn nmap installation ; use this to scan
different ports.
Sco)e: used for ip spoofing and port scanning
!ec'nolog"? Net&orCing
4 4.1 !itle: Detect )*P spoofing using open source tool )*P@)TCM.
Objective: 4bjecti!e of the module to find )*P spoofing using open source.
Sco)e? +p spoofing using arp pacCaging tool
!ec'nolog": Net&orCing
% %.1 !itle: 2se the Nessus tool to scan the net&orC for !ulnerabilities.
Objective: 4bjecti!e of the module is scan s#stem and net&orC anal#sis.
Sco)e: +t used for s#stem anal#sis, securit# and process anal#sis
!ec'nolog": Net&orCing
( (.1 !itle: +mplement a code to simulate buffer o!erflo& attacC.
Objective: 4bjecti!e of the module +s to checC buffer o!erflo& in an NS2 en!ironment
Sco)e: +t uses to anal#se memor# o!erflo& attacC
!ec'nolog"? Net&orCing
0 0.1 !itle: Set up +PS8C under %+N2=
Objective: 4bjecti!e of the module for implementing securit# !ulnerabilities
Sco)e: to stud# different ipsec tools.
!ec'nolog"? Net&orCing
1 1.1 !itle: +nstall +DS /e.g. SN4*T0 and stud# the logs.
Objective: Simulate intrusion detection s#stem using tools such as snort
Sco)e: +t is used for intrusion detection s#stem !ulnerabilit# scans
!ec'nolog": Net&orCing
C C.1 !itle: 2se of iptables in linux to create fire&alls.
Objective: To stud# ho& to create and destro# fire&all securit# parameters.
Sco)e: s#stem securit# and net&orC securit#
!ec'nolog"? Net&orCing
1 1.1 !itle: .ini project
Objective: To implement Net&orCing concepts
Sco)e: To understand Net&orC ; s#stem tools
!ec'nolog": Net&orCing
!erm 2or3:
The distribution of marCs for term &orC shall be as follo&s?
%ab )ssignments?........................................................ /150
.ini project?''''''''''''.'''' /150 .arCs.
)ttendance ''''''''''...'''''. /5<0 .arCs
!O!&*: 44444444444444444444. 52%6 Mar3s.
Oral e,amination:
4ral examination is to be conducted b# pair of internal and external examiners based on abo!e
s#llabus and the mini projects done.
1. Net&orC Securit# )ssessment b# Chris .cNab, 47*eill#
2. Net&orC Securit# MacCs, )ndre& %ocChart, 47*eill#
". The @eb )pplication MacCer7s MandbooC 2
8dition b# Daf#dd Stuttard ; .arcus
Pinto,@ile# Publication/251$0.
$. Securing the 1irtual 8n!ironment b# Da!i 4ttenheimer ; .atthe& @allace,@ille#
Course Code Course/Subject Name Credits
Data Warehousing and Mining
1. To study the methodology of engineering legacy databases for data warehousing and data
mining to derive business rules for decision support systems.
2. To analye the data! identify the problems! and choose the relevant models and
algorithms to apply.
Outcomes: "earner will be able to#
1. $nable students to understand and implement classical algorithms in data mining
and data warehousing% students will be able to assess the strengths and wea&nesses of the
algorithms! identify the application area of algorithms! and apply them.
2. Students would learn data mining techni'ues as well as methods in integrating
and interpreting the data sets and improving effectiveness! efficiency and 'uality for data
Module Detailed Contents Hrs.
01 Introduction to Data Warehousing
1.1 The Need for (ata )arehousing% *ncreasing (emand for Strategic
*nformation% *nability of +ast (ecision Support System% ,perational -/s
(ecisional Support System% (ata )arehouse (efined% .enefits of (ata
)arehousing %/eatures of a (ata )arehouse% The *nformation /low
0echanism% 1ole of 0etadata% Classification of 0etadata% (ata )arehouse
2rchitecture% (ifferent Types of 2rchitecture% (ata )arehouse and (ata
0arts% (ata )arehousing (esign Strategies.
02 Dimensional Modeling
2.1 (ata )arehouse 0odeling -s ,perational (atabase 0odeling% (imensional
0odel -s $1 0odel% /eatures of a 5ood (imensional 0odel% The Star
Schema% 6ow (oes a 7uery $8ecute9 The Snowfla&e Schema% /act Tables
and (imension Tables% The /actless /act Table% :pdates To (imension
Tables; Slowly Changing (imensions! Type 1 Changes! Type 2 Changes!
Type < Changes! "arge (imension Tables! 1apidly Changing or "arge
Slowly Changing (imensions! =un& (imensions! >eys in the (ata
)arehouse Schema! +rimary >eys! Surrogate >eys ? /oreign >eys%
2ggregate Tables% /act Constellation Schema or /amilies of Star.
0 !"# $rocess
<.1 Challenges in $T" /unctions% (ata $8traction% *dentification of (ata
Sources% $8tracting (ata; *mmediate (ata $8traction! (eferred (ata
$8traction% (ata Transformation; Tas&s *nvolved in (ata Transformation!
(ata "oading; Techni'ues of (ata "oading! "oading the /act Tables and
(imension Tables (ata 7uality% *ssues in (ata Cleansing.
0% Online &nal'tical $rocessing (O#&$) 34
4.1 Need for ,nline 2nalytical +rocessing% ,"T+ -/s ,"2+% ,"2+ and
0ultidimensional 2nalysis% 6ypercubes% ,"2+ ,perations in
0ultidimensional (ata 0odel% ,"2+ 0odels; 0,"2+! 1,"2+! 6,"2+!
0* Introduction to data mining
A.1 )hat is (ata 0ining% >nowledge (iscovery in (atabase B>((C! )hat can
be (ata to be 0ined! 1elated Concept to (ata 0ining! (ata 0ining
Techni'ue! 2pplication and *ssues in (ata 0ining
0+ Data !,-loration
@.1 Types of 2ttributes% Statistical (escription of (ata% (ata -isualiation%
0easuring similarity and dissimilarity.
0. Data $re-rocessing
D.1 )hy +reprocessing9 (ata Cleaning% (ata *ntegration% (ata 1eduction;
2ttribute subset selection! 6istograms! Clustering and Sampling% (ata
Transformation ? (ata (iscretiation; Normaliation! .inning! 6istogram
2nalysis and Concept hierarchy generation.
0/ Classi0ication
E.1 .asic Concepts% Classi0ication methods:
1. (ecision Tree *nduction; 2ttribute Selection 0easures! Tree
2. .ayesian Classification; NaFve .ayesG Classifier.
/.2 $rediction; Structure of regression models% Simple linear regression!
0ultiple linear regression.
/. Model !valuation 1 2election: &ccuracy and $rror measures! 6oldout!
1andom Sampling! Cross -alidation! .ootstrap% Comparing Classifier
performance using 1,C Curves.
/.% Combining Classi0iers; .agging! .oosting! 1andom /orests.
03 Clustering
H.1 )hat is clustering9 Types of data! +artitioning 0ethods B>I0eans! >I
0edoidsC 6ierarchical 0ethodsB2gglomerative ! (ivisive! .1*C6C!
(ensityI.ased 0ethods B (.SC2N! ,+T*CSC
10 Mining 4re5uent $attern and &ssociation 6ule
13.1 0ar&et .as&et 2nalysis! /re'uent *temsets! Closed *temsets! and
2ssociation 1ules% /re'uent +attern 0ining! $fficient and Scalable /re'uent
*temset 0ining 0ethods! The 2priori 2lgorithm for finding /re'uent
*temsets :sing Candidate 5eneration! 5enerating 2ssociation 1ules from
/re'uent *temsets! *mproving the $fficiency of 2priori! 2 pattern growth
approach for mining /re'uent *temsets% 0ining /re'uent itemsets using
vertical data formats% 0ining closed and ma8imal patterns% *ntroduction to
0ining 0ultilevel 2ssociation 1ules and 0ultidimensional 2ssociation
1ules% /rom 2ssociation 0ining to Correlation 2nalysis! +attern $valuation
0easures% *ntroduction to ConstraintI.ased 2ssociation 0ining.
"erm Wor7:
Term wor& should consist of at least of the following;
1. ,ne case study given to a group of < /4 students of a data mart/ data warehouse.
a. )rite (etail Statement +roblem and creation of dimensional modeling
Bcreation star and snowfla&e schemaC
b. *mplementation of all dimension table and fact table
c. *mplementation of ,"2+ operations.
2. *mplementation of classifier li&e (ecision tree! NaFve .ayes! 1andom /orest
using any languages li&e =ava
<. :se )$>2 to implement li&e (ecision tree! NaFve .ayes! 1andom /orest
4. *mplementation of clustering algorithm li&e >Imeans! >I 0edoids!
2gglomerative! (ivisive using languages any li&e =ava! CJ ! etc.
A. :se )$>2 to implement the following Clustering 2lgorithms K >Imeans!
2gglomerative! (ivisive.
@. *mplementation 2ssociation 0ining li&e 2priori! /+0 using languages li&e =ava!
CJ! etc.
D. :se )$>2 to implement 2ssociation 0ining li&e 2priori! /+0.
E. :se 1 tool to implement Clustering/2ssociation 1ule/ Classification 2lgorithms.
H. (etailed study of any one .* tool li&e ,racle .*! S+SS! Clementine! and L"0iner etc.
Bpaper 2ssignmentC
Internal &ssessment:
*nternal 2ssessment consists of two tests. Test 1! an *nstitution level central test! is
for 23 mar&s and is to be based on a minimum of 43M of the syllabus. Test 2 is
also for 23 mar&s and is to be based on the remaining syllabus. Test 2 may be
either a class test or assignment on live problems or course project
$ractical8Oral e,amination:
2n oral e8am will be held based on the above syllabus
"e,t 9oo7s:
1C 6an! >amber! N(ata 0ining Concepts and Techni'uesN! 0organ >aufmann <
2C +aulraj +onniah! O(ata )arehousing; /undamentals for *T +rofessionalsP! )iley *ndia
<C 1eema Theraja O(ata warehousingP! ,8ford :niversity +ress.
4C 0.6. (unham! N(ata 0ining *ntroductory and 2dvanced TopicsN! +earson $ducation
6e0erence 9oo7s:
1C 1andall 0atignon! N(ata 0ining using S2S enterprise miner N! )iley Student edition.
2C 2le8 .erson ! S. =. Smith! O(ata )arehousing! (ata 0ining ? ,"2+P ! 0c5raw 6ill.
<C -i&ram +udi ? 1adha >rishna! O(ata 0iningP! ,8ford 6igher $ducation.
4C (aniel "arose! O(ata 0ining 0ethods and 0odelsP! )iley *ndia.
Course Code Course/Subject Name Credits
Human Machine Interaction
1. To stress the importance of a good interface design.
2. To understand the importance of human psychology in designing good interfaces.
<. To motivate students to apply 60* in their day K to K day activities.
4. To bring out the creativity in each student K build innovative applications that are
user friendly.
A. To encourage students to indulge into research in 0achine *nterface (esign.
Outcomes: "earner will be able to#
1. To design user centric interfaces.
2. To design innovative and user friendly interfaces.
<. To apply 60* in their dayItoIday activities.
4. To criticise e8isting interface designs! and improve them.
A. To (esign application for social and technical tas&.
Module Detailed Contents Hrs.
01 Introduction
1.1 *ntroduction to 6uman 0achine *nterface! 6ardware! software and
operating environment to use 60* in various fields.
1.2 The psychopathology of everyday things K comple8ity of modern devices%
humanIcentered design% fundamental principles of interaction% +sychology
of everyday actionsI how people do things% the seven stages of action and
three levels of processing% human error%
02 :nderstanding goal directed design
2.1 5oal directed design% *mplementation models and mental models%
.eginners! e8perts and intermediates K designing for different e8perience
levels% :nderstanding users% 0odeling users K personas and goals.
0 ;:I
<.1 benefits of a good :*% popularity of graphics% concept of direct
manipulation% advantages and disadvantages% characteristics of 5:*%
characteristics of )eb :*% 5eneral design principles.
0% Design guidelines
4.1 perception! 5esalt principles! visual structure! reading is unnatural! color!
vision! memory! si8 behavioral patterns! recognition and recall! learning!
factors affecting learning! time.
0* Interaction st'les
A.1 menus% windows% device based controls! screen based controls%.
0+ Communication
@.1 te8t messages% feedbac& and guidance% graphics! icons and images%
"erm Wor7:
The distribution of mar&s for term wor& shall be as follows;
"aboratory wor& Be8periments/case studiesC; ####.. B1AC 0ar&s.
2ssignment;#.#.############### B3AC 0ar&s.
2ttendance ###############. B3AC 0ar&s
"O"&#: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<. (2*) Mar7s.
Internal &ssessment:
*nternal 2ssessment consists of two tests. Test 1! an *nstitution level central test! is
for 23 mar&s and is to be based on a minimum of 43M of the syllabus. Test 2 is
also for 23 mar&s and is to be based on the remaining syllabus. Test 2 may be
either a class test or assignment on live problems or course project
$ractical8Oral e,amination:
Oral e,amination =ill be based on the above s'llabus.
Students are free to choose any tool that they feel appropriate for a given e8periment. $ach e8periment
will involve research about a certain category of people! and then developing an appropriate interface.
Students are e8pected to perform at least eight e8periments from the given list.
#I2" O4 HMI $6&C"IC&# 8 !>$!6IM!?"2
1. >now your client K
a. Children B4IA years of ageC; 2n application to teach math.
b. Teenagers; (esign a digital diary for young teens to help them overcome various
social pressures they deal with during their teen years. The diary should also be li&e a
self help tool which would help them deal with incidents li&e bullying! peer pressure!
etc.. This is an open project and you can thin& in any direction to ma&e the children
sail through their teen years while trying to discover life around them.
c. ,lder generation; /ol&s from the older generation has been very wary of using
their credit card on the *nternet. They have various concerns when it comes to paying
their bills. 2lso because of their old age! it will be beneficial for them to use the
internet and pay their phone! electricity! gas! etc. bills
d. 1ural people; 2T-0 for train tic&eting in rural area
2. :nderstand the trouble of interacting with machines I 1edesign interfaces of
home appliances li&e microwave oven! landIline phone! fully automatic washing
<. "earn 6C* design principles K heuristic evaluation; *dentify A different websites
catering to one specific goal Beg. 5oal K onIline shopping and A different websites K ebay!
amaon! flip&art! ovi! myntraC and perform a competitive analysis on them to understand
how each one caters to the goal! the interactions and flow of the payment system and
prepare a report on the same..
4. "earn the importance of menus and navigation K website redesign; News websites
li&e CNN are always cluttered with information. *t ta&es the user a few minutes to find
his way through and maybe more minutes to loo& for some specific information.
1edesign the news websites to ma&e it loo& less cluttered! provide relevant information Ba
person sitting in 1ussia should not get :S news as top newsC! intelligently dig
information that he might be interested in based on his searches on the web.
A. "earn the importance of connecting humans K service design ; 6ow often have
you found yourself waiting at the airport for a flight that is delayed or youGve missed it
and the ne8t one is 4 hours from now! or waiting for a connecting flight9 (esign an
e8perience for passengers to deal with the long waiting hours.
@. "earn the use of statistical graphics K e8pense trac&er; 0att is a young engineer
who just finished his summer internship at a leading Software Company in the :nited
States. 6e has never been independent in handling his own finances and after this
internship his father has as&ed him to start managing his money on his own. 6e is
loo&ing for a tool/app/software that would help him budget his finances! create goals and
trac& them! categorie and trac& his credit card spending and also get insights on the
various types of categories heGs spending on. (esign a tool/app/software that would help
0att manage his personal finances given the above re'uirement.
D. "earn the importance of graphics K way finding; (esign a map for someone who
is new to the city/town/village and is trying to understand how to commute from one
place to another Binspired by New Qor& Subway 0aps! "ondon Subway 0apsC
E. *con designing; Choose a uni'ue domain! design a few icons and show how it can
be accommodated on an interface.
H. :nderstand the need of colors and animation K web site for an artist; 2 celebrity
in some form of art li&e music! dance! painting! martial arts! etc Bnot actorsC. This site will
be used to display his wor&s and should portray his character.
13. :nderstand the various input methods available for interaction K concept
generation; Study the various technologies for typing K standard &eyboards 7)$1TQ!
TH Bpredictive te8tC! multiItouch BSQ)+$! etc.C! gestures and brainstorm on the various
ways in which you could improve one of the e8isting technologies. Qou could choose any
of the different input types.
11. 2ny other new relevant topics covering the above syllabus.
"e,t 9oo7s:
1. 2lan (i8! =. $. /inlay! 5. (. 2bowd! 1. .eale O6uman Computer *nteractionP!
+rentice 6all.
2. )ilbert ,. 5alit! OThe $ssential 5uide to :ser *nterface (esignP! )iley publication.
<. 2lan Cooper! 1obert 1eimann! (avid Cronin! O2bout /ace<; $ssentials of *nteraction
designP! )iley publication.
4. =eff =ohnson! O(esigning with the mind in mindP! 0organ >aufmann +ublication.
A. (onald 2. Normann! O(esign of everyday thingsP! .asic .oo&s% 1eprint edition
6e0erence 9oo7s:
1. (onald 2. Norman! OThe design of everyday thingsP! .asic boo&s.
2. 1ogers Sharp +reece! O*nteraction (esign;.eyond 6uman Computer *nteractionP!
<. 5uy 2. .oy OThe 6andboo& of 6uman 0achine *nteractionP! 2shgate publishing
Course Code Course/Subject Name Credits
$arallel and Distributed 2'stems
1. To provide students with contemporary &nowledge in parallel and distributed systems
2. To e'uip students with s&ills to analye and design parallel and distributed applications.
3. To provide master s&ills to measure the performance of parallel and distributed
Outcomes: "earner will be able to#
1. 2pply the principles and concept in analying and designing the parallel and distributed
2. 1eason about ways to parallelie problems.
<. 5ain an appreciation on the challenges and opportunities faced by parallel and distributed
4. :nderstand the middleware technologies that support distributed applications such as
1+C! 10* and object based middleware.
A. *mprove the performance and reliability of distributed and parallel programs.
Module Detailed Contents Hrs.
01 Introduction
1.1 +arallel Computing! +arallel 2rchitecture! 2rchitectural Classification
Scheme! +erformance of +arallel Computers! +erformance 0etrics for
+rocessors! +arallel +rogramming 0odels! +arallel 2lgorithms.
02 $i-eline $rocessing
2.1 *ntroduction! +ipeline +erformance! 2rithmetic +ipelines! +ipelined
*nstruction +rocessing! +ipeline Stage (esign! 6aards! (ynamic
*nstruction Scheduling!
0 2'nchronous $arallel $rocessing
<.1 *ntroduction! $8ampleIS*0( 2rchitecture and +rogramming +rinciples!
S*0( +arallel 2lgorithms! (ata 0apping and memory in array
processors! Case studies of S*0( parallel +rocessors
0% Introduction to Distributed 2'stems
4.1 (efinition! *ssues! 5oals! Types of distributed systems! (istributed
System 0odels! 6ardware concepts! Software Concept! 0odels of
0iddleware! Services offered by middleware! Client Server model.
0* Communication
A.1 "ayered +rotocols! 1emote +rocedure Call! 1emote ,bject *nvocation!
0essage ,riented Communication! Stream ,riented Communication
0+ 6esource and $rocess Management
@.1 (esirable /eatures of global Scheduling algorithm! Tas& assignment
approach! "oad balancing approach! load sharing approach! *ntroduction
to process management! process migration! Threads! -irtualiation!
Clients! Servers! Code 0igration
0. 2'nchroni@ation 3E
D.1 Cloc& Synchroniation! "ogical Cloc&s! $lection 2lgorithms! 0utual
$8clusion! (istributed 0utual $8clusionIClassification of mutual
$8clusion 2lgorithm! 1e'uirements of 0utual $8clusion 2lgorithms!
+erformance measure! Non To&en based 2lgorithms; "amport 2lgorithm!
1icartK2grawalaGs 2lgorithm! 0ae&awaGs 2lgorithm
D.2 To&en .ased 2lgorithms; Suu&iI>asamiGs .roardcast 2lgorithms!
SinghalGs 6eurastic 2lgorithm! 1aymondGs Tree based 2lgorithm!
Comparative +erformance 2nalysis.
0/ Consistenc' and 6e-lication
E.1 *ntroduction! (ataICentric and ClientICentric Consistency 0odels!
1eplica 0anagement.
Distributed 4ile 2'stems
E.2 *ntroduction! good features of (/S! /ile models! /ile 2ccessing models!
/ileICaching Schemes! /ile 1eplication! Networ& /ile SystemBN/SC!
2ndrew /ile SystemB2/SC! 6adoop (istributed /ile System and 0ap
"erm Wor7:
Term wor& should consist of at least 13 e8periments! 2 assignments based on above theory
The final certification and acceptance of term wor& ensures that satisfactory performance of
laboratory wor& and minimum passing mar&s in term wor&.
The distribution of mar&s for term wor& shall be as follows;
"aboratory wor& Be8perimentsC; #########.. B1AC 0ar&s.
2ssignments; ################# B3AC 0ar&s.
2ttendance ###############. B3AC 0ar&s
"O"&#: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<. (2*) Mar7s.
Internal &ssessment:
*nternal 2ssessment consists of two tests. Test 1! an *nstitution level central test! is for 23 mar&s
and is to be based on a minimum of 43M of the syllabus. Test 2 is also for 23 mar&s and is to be
based on the remaining syllabus. Test 2 may be either a class test or assignment on live problems
or course project
$ractical8Oral e,amination:
Oral !,amination =ill be based on above s'llabus
Syllabus for Practical
Suggested topics for e8periment but not limited to;
1. "oad .alancing 2lgorithm.
2. Scalability in (istributed $nvironment
<. Client/server using 1+C/10*.
4. *nterIprocess communication
A. $lection 2lgorithm.
@. (istributed (eadloc&.
D. Name 1esolution protocol.
E. Cloc& Synchroniation algorithms.
H. 0utual $8clusion 2lgorithm.
13. 5roup Communication.
11. C,1.2 architecture.
12. +arallel 2lgorithms.
1<. 0essage +assing *nterface.
"e,t 9oo7s
1. 0.1. .hujade! O+arallel ComputingP! 2nd edition! New 2ge *nternational +ublishers
2. 2ndrew S. Tanenbaum and 0aarten -an Steen! O(istributed Systems; +rinciples and
+aradigms! 2nd edition! +earson $ducation! *nc.! 233D! *S.N; 3I1<I2<H22DIA.

6e0erence 9oo7s
1. 5eorge Coulouris! =ean (ollimore! Tim >indberg! O(istributed Systems; Concepts and
(esignP B4th $ditionC! 2ddison )esley/+earson $ducation.
2. +radeep > Sinha! O(istributed ,perating Systems ; Concepts and designP! *$$$
computer society press
Course Code Course/Subject Name Credits
!lectiveAIII Machine #earning
1. To introduce students to the basic concepts and techni'ues of 0achine "earning.
2. To become familiar with regression methods! classification methods! clustering methods.
<. To become familiar with support vector machine and (imensionality reduction
Outcomes: "earner will be able to#
1. 2bility to analye and appreciate the applications which can use 0achine "earning
2. 2bility to understand regression! classification! clustering methods.
<. 2bility to understand the difference between supervised and unsupervised learning
4. 2bility to appreciate (imensionality reduction techni'ues.
A. Students would understand the wor&ing of 1einforcement learning.
Module Detailed Contents Hrs.
01 Introduction to Machine #earning
1.1 )hat is 0achine "earning9! >ey Terminology! Types of 0achine
"earning! *ssues in 0achine "earning! 2pplication of 0achine "earning!
6ow to choose the right algorithm! Steps in developing a 0achine
"earning 2pplication.
02 #earning =ith 6egression
2.1 "inear 1egression! "ogistic 1egression.
0 #earning =ith trees
<.1 :sing (ecision Trees! Constructing (ecision Trees! Classification and
1egression Trees BC21TC.
0% 2u--ort Bector Machines(2BM)
4.1 0a8imum 0argin "inear Separators! 7uadratic +rogramming solution to
finding ma8imum margin separators! >ernels for learning nonIlinear
0* #earning =ith Classi0ication
A.1 1ule based classification! classification by bac&propoagation! .ayesian
.elief networ&s! 6idden 0ar&ov 0odels.
0+ Dimensionalit' 6eduction
@.1 (imensionality 1eduction Techni'ues! +rincipal Component 2nalysis!
*ndependent Component 2nalysis.
0. #earning =ith Clustering
D.1 >Imeans clustering! 6ierarchical clustering! $8pectation 0a8imiation
2lgorithm! Supervised learning after clustering! 1adial .asis functions.
0/ 6ein0orcement #earning
E.1 *ntroduction! $lements of 1einforcement "earning! 0odel based learning!
Temporal (ifference "earning! 5eneraliation! +artially ,bservable
"erm Wor7:
The distribution of mar&s for term wor& shall be as follows;
"aboratory wor& Be8perimentsC; ###..#####... B1AC 0ar&s.
2ssignments;###.############# B3AC 0ar&s.
2ttendance ###############. B3AC 0ar&s
"O"&#: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<. (2*) Mar7s.
Internal &ssessment:
*nternal 2ssessment consists of two tests. Test 1! an *nstitution level central test! is for 23 mar&s and is to
be based on a minimum of 43M of the syllabus. Test 2 is also for 23 mar&s and is to be based on the
remaining syllabus. Test 2 may be either a class test or assignment on live problems or course project
$ractical8Oral e,amination:
Oral e,amination =ill be based on the above s'llabus.
#I2" O4 M# $6&C"IC&# 8 !>$!6IM!?"2
1. To implement "inear 1egression
2. To implement "ogistic 1egression
<. To implement *(<.
4. To implement Support -ector 0achine.
A. To implement .ayesian Classification.
@. To implement >INearest Neighbour.
D. To implement &Imeans Clustering.
E. To implement 2gglomerative Clustering.
2ny other practical covering the syllabus topics and subtopics can be conducted.
"e,t 9oo7s:
1. +eter 6arrington O0achine "earning *n 2ctionP! (reamTech +ress
2. $them 2lpaydRn! O*ntroduction to 0achine "earningP! 0*T +ress
<. Tom 0.0itchell O0achine "earningP 0c5raw 6ill
4. Stephen 0arsland! O0achine "earning 2n 2lgorithmic +erspectiveP C1C +ress
6e0erence 9oo7s:
1. )illiam ).6sieh! O0achine "earning 0ehods in the $nvironmental SciencesP! Cambridge
2. 6an >amber! O(ata 0ining Concepts and Techni'uesP! 0organn >aufmann +ublishers
<. 0argaret.6.(unham! O(ata 0ining *ntroductory and 2dvanced TopicsP! +earson $ducation
Course Code Course/Subject Name Credits
!lectiveAIII !mbedded 2'stems
1. (evelop! among students! an understanding of the technologies behind the
embedded computing systems% and to differentiate between such technologies.
2. 0a&e aware of the capabilities and limitations of the various hardware or software
<. $valuate design tradeoffs between different technology choices.
4. Complete or partial design of such embedded systems
Outcomes: "earner will be able to#
1. (escribe the special re'uirements that are imposed on embedded systems
2. (escribe the &ey properties of microprocessor and digital signal processor
<. S&etch a design of an embedded system around a microprocessor or (S+
4. $8plain how microprocessor! memory! peripheral components and buses interact
in an embedded system
A. $valuate how architectural and implementation decisions influence performance
and power dissipation
@. +roduce efficient code for embedded systems
D. +oint out the role of the compiler in the embedded system design process
E. (efine the properties of a realItime operating system
H. $stimate the re'uirement for additional hardware for optimied performance
13. :nderstand and distinguish between the 1*SC and the 2dvanced 1*SC
11. :tilie embedded systems to perform operations such as signal processing in real
12. (evelop drivers for e8ternal peripheral devices as per re'uirement.
Module Detailed Contents Hrs.
01 Introduction to com-utational technologies
1.1 1eview of computation technologies B210! 1*SC! C*SC! +"(! S,CC!
architecture! event managers! hardware multipliers! pipelining.
6ardware/Software coIdesign. $mbedded systems architecture and design
02 $rogram Design and &nal'sis
2.1 *ntegrated (evelopment $nvironment B*($C! assembler! lin&ing and
loading. +rogramIlevel performance analysis and optimiation! energy
and power analysis and program sie optimiation! program validation
and testing. $mbedded "inu8! &ernel architecture! 5N: cross platform
tool chain. +rogramming with "inu8 environment.
0 $rocess Models and $roduct develo-ment li0e c'cle management
<.1 State machine models; finiteIstate machines B/S0C! finiteIstate machines
with dataIpath model B/S0(C! hierarchical/concurrent state machine
model B6C/S0C! programIstate machine model B+S0C! concurrent
process model. :nified 0odeling "anguage B:0"C! applications of :0"
in embedded systems. *+Icores! design process model. 6ardware software
coIdesign! embedded product development life cycle management.
0% High $er0ormance 2Abit 6I2C &rchitecture
4.1 210 processor family! 210 architecture! instruction set! addressing
modes! operating modes! interrupt structure! and internal peripherals.
210 coprocessors! 210 Corte8I0<.
0* $rocesses and O-erating 2'stems
A.1 *ntroduction to $mbedded ,perating System! multiple tas&s and multiple
processes. 0ulti rate systems! preemptive realItime operating systems!
priorityIbased scheduling! interIprocess communication mechanisms.
,perating system performance and optimiation strategies. $8amples of
realItime operating systems.
0+ 6ealAtime Digital 2ignal $rocessing (D2$)
@.1 *ntroduction to 1ealItime simulation! numerical solution of the mathematical
model of physical system. (S+ on 210! S*0( techni'ues. Correlation!
Convolution! (/T! /*1 filter and **1 /ilter implementation on 210. ,pen
0ultimedia 2pplications +latform B,02+C
"erm Wor7:
Term wor& should consist of at least 13 practicals and one mini project. ,bjective type term wor&
test shall be conducted with a weightage of 13 mar&s.
The distribution of mar&s for term wor& shall be as follows;
"aboratory wor& Be8periments/projectsC; ###.##.. B13C 0ar&s.
0ini project; ################# B13C 0ar&s.
2ttendance ###############. B3AC 0ar&s
"O"&#: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<. (2*) Mar7s.
The final certification and acceptance of Term )or& ensures the satisfactory performance of
laboratory wor& and minimum passing in term wor&.
Internal &ssessment:
*nternal 2ssessment consists of two tests. Test 1! an *nstitution level central test! is for 23
mar&s and is to be based on a minimum of 43M of the syllabus. Test 2 is also for 23 mar&s
and is to be based on the remaining syllabus. Test 2 may be either a class test or assignment
on live problems or course project
$ractical8Oral e,amination:
Oral e,amination =ill be based on the above s'llabus.
#ist o0 !,-eriments:
"o-icA1: "roubleshooting "ools C&n' OneD
*nICircuit $mulator B*C$C and *nICircuit (ebugger B*C(C! "ogic 2nalyer! Spectrum
2nalyer! +attern generator and (igital Storage ,scilloscope.
"o-ic A2: &6M $rocessors 1 Inter0aces C&n' 4ourD
"$(s and >eyboard *nterface! "C( *nterface! Counting e8ternal events with on chip
counters! 1eal Time Cloc& B1TCC! +ulse )idth 0odulation B+)0C! 1elay and .uer
Control for alarm events! Stepper 0otor Control ! ,n chip 2(C/(2C S+* / *2C / :21T
*nterface! .luetooth/SigIbee interface.
"o-icA: 6ealAtime 2ignal $rocessing &6MAD2$ C&n' "=oD
1ealItime physical model simulation! Correlation! convolution! (/T! /*1 or **1 design! 1ealI
time (2S and 5:* using +C and 210! (esign with +rogrammable "ogic (evices
"o-icA%: Device Driver Develo-ment C&n' OneD
(rivers for C2N! (rivers for :S.! (rivers for $thernet! S-52! (rivers for 5raphics T/T
"o-icA*: 6eal "ime O-erating 2'stem (6"O2) C&n' "=oD
1T"inu8 ! 0icroC/,ST**! -8)or&s! )*N C$! 7NL! +alm ,S! Symbian ,S! 2ndroid
,S or e'uivalent ,S.
"e,t 9oo7s:
1. $mbedded Systems an *ntegrated 2pproach K "yla . (as! +earson
2. Computers as Components K 0arilyn )olf! Third $dition $lsevier
<. $mbedded Systems (esign; 2 :nified 6ardware/Software *ntroduction K /ran&
-ahid and Tony 5ivargis! =ohn )iley ? Sons
4. 2n $mbedded Software +rimer K (avid $. Simon K +earson $ducation Sough 2sia
A. 210 System (eveloperGs 5uide (esigning and ,ptimiing System Software K
2ndrew N. Sloss! (ominic Sysmes and Chris )right K $lsevier *nc.
6e0erence 9oo7s:
1. $mbedded Systems! 2rchitecture! +rogramming and (esign K 1aj >amal K Tata
0c5raw 6ill
2. $mbedded "inu8 K 6ollabaugh! +earson $ducation
<. $mbedded 1ealtime Systems +rogramming K Sriram - *yer! +an&aj 5upta K Tata
0c51aw 6ill.
4. /undamentals of 0icrocontrollers and 2pplications in $mbedded Systems K 1amesh
5aon&ar K +enram *nternational +ublishing B*ndiaC +vt. "td.
A. $mbedded / 1ealITime Systems; Concepts! (esign ? +rogramming K (r. >. -. >. >.
+rasad K (reamtech +ress! *ndia.
Course Code Course/Subject Name Credits
!lectiveAIII &dhoc Wireless ?et=or7s
1. To *dentify the major issues associated with adIhoc networ&s
2. To identify the re'uirements for protocols for wireless adIhoc networ&s as
compared to the protocols e8isting for wired networ&.
<. To e8plore current adIhoc technologies by researching &ey areas such as
algorithms! protocols! hardware! and applications.
4. To +rovide handsIon e8perience through realIworld programming projects
A. To provide advanced in Kdepth networ&ing materials to graduate students in
networ&ing research.
Outcomes: "earner will be able to#
1. (efine characteristics and features of 2dhoc Networ&s
2. 2ppreciate the designing of 02C protocol for 2dhoc networ&s
<. *mplement few protocols
4. 2pply security principles for routing
Module Detailed Contents Hrs.
01 Introduction
1.1 *ntroduction to wireless Networ&s. Characteristics of )ireless channel!
*ssues in 2d hoc wireless networ&s! 2dhoc 0obility 0odels;I *ndoor
and outdoor models.
1.2 2dhoc Networ&s; *ntroduction to adhoc networ&s K definition!
characteristics features! applications.
02 M&C #a'er
2.1 02C +rotocols for 2d hoc wireless Networ&s; *ntroduction! *ssues in
designing a 02C protocol for 2d hoc wireless Networ&s! (esign goals
and Classification of a 02C protocol! Contention based protocols with
reservation mechanisms.
2.2 Scheduling algorithms! protocols using directional antennas. *$$$
standards; E32.11a! E32.11b! E32.11g! E32.1A! E32.1@! 6*+$1"2N.
0 ?et=or7 #a'er
<.1 1outing protocols for 2d hoc wireless Networ&s; *ntroduction! *ssues in
designing a routing protocol for 2d hoc wireless Networ&s!
Classification of routing protocols! Table driven routing protocol! ,nI
demand routing protocol.
<.2 +roactive -s reactive routing! :nicast routing algorithms! 0ulticast
routing algorithms! hybrid routing algorithm! $nergy aware routing
algorithm! 6ierarchical 1outing! 7oS aware routing.
0% "rans-ort #a'er
4.1 Transport layer protocols for 2d hoc wireless Networ&s; *ntroduction!
*ssues in designing a transport layer protocol for 2d hoc wireless
Networ&s! (esign goals of a transport layer protocol for 2d hoc wireless
Networ&s! Classification of transport layer solutions! TC+ over 2d hoc
wireless Networ&s! ,ther transport layer protocols for 2d hoc wireless
0* 2ecurit'
A.1 Security; Security in wireless 2d hoc wireless Networ&s! Networ&
security re'uirements! *ssues ? challenges in security provisioning!
Networ& security attac&s! >ey management! Secure routing in 2d hoc
wireless Networ&s.
0+ Eo2
@.1 7uality of service in 2d hoc wireless Networ&s; *ntroduction! *ssues and
challenges in providing 7oS in 2d hoc wireless Networ&s! Classification
of 7oS solutions! 02C layer solutions! networ& layer solutions.
"erm Wor7:
Term work should consist of at least 12 experiments.
Journal must include at least 2 assignments.
The final certification and acceptance of term work indicates that performance in
laboratory work is satisfactory and minimum passing marks may be given in term work.
The distribution of mar&s for term wor& shall be as follows;
"aboratory wor& Be8perimentsC; ####..###.. B1AC 0ar&s.
2ssignment;####.############ B3AC 0ar&s.
2ttendance ###############. B3AC 0ar&s
"O"&#: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<. (2*) Mar7s.
Internal &ssessment:
*nternal 2ssessment consists of two tests. Test 1! an *nstitution level central test! is for 23 mar&s
and is to be based on a minimum of 43M of the syllabus. Test 2 is also for 23 mar&s and is to be
based on the remaining syllabus. Test 2 may be either a class test or assignment on live problems
or course project
$ractical8Oral e,amination:
oral examination based on above syllabus will be conducted
2uggested $racticals 0or &dhoc Wireless
1. *nstallation of NS2 in :buntu 12.34 "inu8.
2. .uild and e8change data in simple infrastructure and 2dhoc networ& by using
personal computer and 2ndroid based mobile.
<. (evelop sample wireless networ& in which
a. implement 2,(- and 2,0(- protocol
b. Calculate the time to receive reply from the receiver using NS2.
c. 5enerate graphs which show the transmission time for pac&et.
4. *mplement wireless networ&. Capture data frame and identify fields using NS2.
A. Configure )ireless 2ccess +oint B)2+C and build different networ&s.
@. *mplement 0obile device as a wireless access point.
D. Communicate between two different networ&s which has following
a. ,ne networ& has Class 2 networ& with OTora protocolP
b. Second has Class . networ& O2,(- protocolP
Practical exam will be based on the above syllabus.
"e,t 9oo7s:
1. Siva 1am 0urthy and ..S.0anoj! O2d hoc )ireless Networ&s 2rchitectures and protocolsP!
2nd edition! +earson $ducation! 233D
2. Charles $. +er&ins! O2dhoc Networ&ingP! 2ddison K )esley! 2333
<. C. >. Toh!P2dhoc 0obile )ireless Networ&sP! +earson $ducation! 2332
6e0erence 9oo7s:
1. 0atthew 5ast! OE32.11 )ireless Networ&s; The (efinitive 5uideP! 2nd $dition! ,U1eilly
0edia! 2pril 233A.
2. Stefano .asagni! 0arco Conti! Silvia 5iordan and *van Stojmenovic! O0obile 2dhoc
Networ&ingP! )ileyI*$$$ +ress! 2334.
<. 0ohammad *lyas! OThe handboo& of 2dhoc )ireless Networ&sP! C1C +ress! 2332
Course Code Course/Subject Name Credits
!lectiveAIII Digital 4orensics
1. To focus on the procedures for identification! preservation! and e8traction of electronic
evidence! auditing and investigation of networ& and host system intrusions! analysis and
documentation of information gathered! and preparation of e8pert testimonial evidence.
2. To provide hands on e8perience on various forensic tools and resources for system
administrators and information system security officers.
Module Detailed Contents Hrs.
01 Introduction:
1.1 *ntroduction of Cybercrime; Types! The *nternet spawns crime! )orms
versus viruses! ComputersU roles in crimes! *ntroduction to digital
forensics! *ntroduction to *ncident I *ncident 1esponse 0ethodology K
Steps I 2ctivities in *nitial 1esponse! +hase after detection of an incident.
02 Initial 6es-onse and 0orensic du-lication
2.1 *nitial 1esponse ? -olatile (ata Collection from )indows system I
*nitial 1esponse ? -olatile (ata Collection from :ni8 system I /orensic
(uplication; /orensic duplication; /orensic (uplicates as 2dmissible
$vidence! /orensic (uplication Tool 1e'uirements! Creating a /orensic.
2.2 (uplicate/7ualified /orensic (uplicate of a 6ard (rive.
0 $reserving and 6ecovering Digital !vidence
<.1 /ile Systems; /2T! NT/S I /orensic 2nalysis of /ile Systems I Storage
/undamentals; Storage "ayer! 6ard (rives $vidence 6andling; Types of
$vidence! Challenges in evidence handling! ,verview of evidence
handling procedure.
0% ?et=or7 4orensics
4.1 *ntrusion detection% (ifferent 2ttac&s in networ&! analysis Collecting
Networ& .ased $vidence I *nvestigating 1outers I Networ& +rotocols I
$mail TracingI *nternet /raud.
0* 2'stem investigation
A.1 (ata 2nalysis Techni'ues I *nvestigating "ive Systems B)indows ?
:ni8C *nvestigating
A.2 6ac&er Tools I $thical *ssues K Cybercrime.

0+ 9odies o0 la=
@.1 Constitutional law! Criminal law! Civil law! 2dministrative regulations!
"evels of law; "ocal laws! State laws! /ederal laws! *nternational laws !
"evels of culpability; *ntent! >nowledge! 1ec&lessness! Negligence
"evel and burden of proof ; Criminal versus civil cases !-icarious
liability! "aws related to computers; C/22! (0C2! C2N Spam! etc.
"erm Wor7:
Term work should consist of at least 12 experiments.
Journal must include at least 2 assignments.
The final certification and acceptance of term work indicates that performance in
laboratory work is satisfactory and minimum passing marks may be given in term
The distribution of mar&s for term wor& shall be as follows;
"aboratory wor& Be8perimentsC; #########.. B1AC 0ar&s.
2ssignment; ################# B3AC 0ar&s.
2ttendance ###############. B3AC 0ar&s
"O"&#: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<. (2*) Mar7s.
Internal &ssessment:
*nternal 2ssessment consists of two tests. Test 1! an *nstitution level central test! is for 23 mar&s
and is to be based on a minimum of 43M of the syllabus. Test 2 is also for 23 mar&s and is to
be based on the remaining syllabus. Test 2 may be either a class test or assignment on live
problems or course project.
$ractical8Oral e,amination:
Oral exam will be based on the above syllabus.
"e,t 9oo7s:
1. >evin 0andia! Chris +rosise! O*ncident 1esponse and computer forensicsP! Tata
0c5raw6ill! 233@
2. +eter Stephenson! N*nvestigating Computer Crime; 2 6andboo& for Corporate
*nvestigationsN! Sept 1HHH
<. $oghan Casey! N6andboo& Computer Crime *nvestigationUs /orensic Tools and
TechnologyN! 2cademic +ress! 1st $dition! 2331
1. S&oudis. $.! +erlman. 1. Counter 6ac&; 2 StepIbyIStep 5uide to Computer 2ttac&s and
$ffective (efenses.+rentice 6all +rofessional Technical 1eference. 2331
2. Norbert Saenglein! N(is& (etective; Secret Qou 0ust >now to 1ecover *nformation
/rom a ComputerN! +aladin +ress! 2333
<. .ill Nelson! 2melia +hilips and Christopher Steuart! O5uide to computer forensics
investigation OCourse technology! 4th edition
Course Code Course/Subject Name Credits
!lective III A 9ig Data &nal'tics
1. To provide an overview of an e8citing growing field of big data analytics.
2. To introduce the tools re'uired to manage and analye big data li&e 6adoop! NoS'l 0apI
<. To teach the fundamental techni'ues and principles in achieving big data analytics with
scalability and streaming capability.
4. To enable students to have s&ills that will help them to solve comple8 realIworld
problems in for decision support.
Outcomes: "earner will be able to#
1. :nderstand the &ey issues in big data management and its associated applications
in intelligent business and scientific computing.
2. 2c'uire fundamental enabling techni'ues and scalable algorithms li&e 6adoop!
0ap 1educe and N, S7" in big data analytics.
<. *nterpret business models and scientific computing paradigms! and apply software
tools for big data analytics.
4. 2chieve ade'uate perspectives of big data analytics in various applications li&e
recommender systems! social media applications etc.
Module Detailed Contents Hrs.
01 Introduction to 9ig Data
1.1 *ntroduction to .ig (ata! .ig (ata characteristics! types of .ig (ata!
Traditional vs. .ig (ata business approach! Case Study of .ig (ata
02 Introduction to Hadoo-
2.1 )hat is 6adoop9 Core 6adoop Components% 6adoop $cosystem%
+hysical 2rchitecture% 6adoop limitations.
0 ?o2E#
<.1 )hat is NoS7"9 NoS7" business drivers% NoS7" case studies%
<.2 NoS7" data architecture patterns; >eyIvalue stores! 5raph stores!
Column family B.igtableC stores! (ocument stores! -ariations of NoS7"
architectural patterns%
<.< :sing NoS7" to manage big data; )hat is a big data NoS7" solution9
:nderstanding the types of big data problems% 2nalying big data with a
sharedInothing architecture% Choosing distribution models; masterIslave
versus peerItoIpeer% /our ways that NoS7" systems handle big data
0% Ma-6educe and the ?e= 2o0t=are 2tac7
%.1 Distributed 4ile 2'stems : +hysical ,rganiation of Compute Nodes! "argeI
Scale /ileISystem ,rganiation.
%.2 Ma-6educe: The 0ap Tas&s! 5rouping by >ey! The 1educe Tas&s!
Combiners! (etails of 0ap1educe $8ecution! Coping )ith Node /ailures.
%. &lgorithms :sing Ma-6educe; 0atri8I-ector 0ultiplication by 0ap1educe !
1elationalI2lgebra ,perations! Computing Selections by 0ap1educe!
Computing +rojections by 0ap1educe! :nion! *ntersection! and (ifference by
0ap1educe! Computing Natural =oin by 0ap1educe! 5rouping and
2ggregation by 0ap1educe! 0atri8 0ultiplication! 0atri8 0ultiplication with
,ne 0ap1educe Step.
0* 4inding 2imilar Items
A.1 2pplications of NearINeighbor Search! =accard Similarity of Sets!
Similarity of (ocuments! Collaborative /iltering as a SimilarISets
+roblem .
A.2 Distance Measures: (efinition of a (istance 0easure! $uclidean
(istances! =accard (istance! Cosine (istance! $dit (istance! 6amming
0+ Mining Data 2treams
+.1 "he 2tream Data Model; 2 (ataIStreamI0anagement System!
$8amples of Stream Sources! Stream 7uerie! *ssues in Stream +rocessing.
+.2 2am-ling Data in a 2tream ; ,btaining a 1epresentative Sample ! The
5eneral Sampling +roblem! -arying the Sample Sie.
+. 4iltering 2treams;
The .loom /ilter! 2nalysis.
+.% Counting Distinct !lements in a 2tream
The CountI(istinct +roblem! The /lajoletI0artin 2lgorithm! Combining
$stimates! Space 1e'uirements .
+.* Counting Ones in a Windo=;
The Cost of $8act Counts! The (atarI5ionisI*ndy&I0otwani 2lgorithm!
7uery 2nswering in the (5*0 2lgorithm! (ecaying )indows.
0. #in7 &nal'sis
D.1 +age1an& (efinition! Structure of the web! dead ends! :sing +age ran&
in a search engine! $fficient computation of +age 1an&; +age1an&
*teration :sing 0ap1educe! :se of Combiners to Consolidate the 1esult
D.2 Topic sensitive +age 1an&! lin& Spam! 6ubs and 2uthorities.
0/ 4re5uent Itemsets
/.1 Handling #arger Datasets in Main Memor'
2lgorithm of +ar&! Chen! and Qu! The 0ultistage 2lgorithm! The 0ultihash
/.2 "he 2O? &lgorithm and Ma-6educe
/. Counting 4re5uent Items in a 2tream
Sampling 0ethods for Streams! /re'uent *temsets in (ecaying )indows
03 Clustering
H.1 C:1$ 2lgorithm! StreamIComputing ! 2 StreamIClustering 2lgorithm!
*nitialiing ? 0erging .uc&ets! 2nswering 7ueries
10 6ecommendation 2'stems
13.1 2 0odel for 1ecommendation Systems! ContentI.ased
1ecommendations! Collaborative /iltering.
11 Mining 2ocialA?et=or7 ;ra-hs
11.1 Social Networ&s as 5raphs! Clustering of SocialINetwor& 5raphs! (irect
(iscovery of Communities! Sim1an&! Counting triangles using 0apI
"erm Wor7:
2ssign a case study for group of 2/< students and each group to perform the following
e8periments on their caseIstudy% $ach group should perform the e8ercises on a large dataset
created by them.
The distribution of mar&s for term wor& shall be as follows;
+rogramming $8ercises; #########..#.. B13C 0ar&s.
0ini project; ################ B13C 0ar&s.
2ttendance ###############. B3AC 0ar&s
"O"&#: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<. (2*) Mar7s.
Internal &ssessment:
Internal 2ssessment consists of two tests. Test 1! an *nstitution level central test!
is for 23 mar&s and is to be based on a minimum of 43M of the syllabus. Test 2 is
also for 23 mar&s and is to be based on the remaining syllabus. Test 2 may be
either a class test or assignment on live problems or course project.
$ractical8Oral e,amination:
&n oral e,am =ill be held based on the above s'llabus.
2uggested $ractical #ist: Students will perform at least E programming e8ercises and
implement one miniIproject. The students can wor& in groups of 2/<.
1. Study of 6adoop ecosystem
2. programming e8ercises on 6adoop
<. programming e8ercises in No S7"
4. *mplementing simple algorithms in 0apI 1educe B<C I 0atri8 multiplication! 2ggregates!
joins! sorting! searching etc.
A. *mplementing any one /re'uent *temset algorithm using 0apI1educe
@. *mplementing any one Clustering algorithm using 0apI1educe
D. *mplementing any one data streaming algorithm using 0apI1educe
E. 0ini +roject; ,ne real life large data application to be implemented B:se standard (atasets
available on the webC
a. Twitter data analysis
b. /raud (etection
c. Te8t 0ining etc.
"e,t 9oo7s:
1. 2nand 1ajaraman and =eff :llman O0ining of 0assive (atasetsP! Cambridge
:niversity +ress!
2. 2le8 6olmes O6adoop in +racticeP! 0anning +ress! (reamtech +ress.
<. (an 0cCreary and 2nn >elly O0a&ing Sense of NoS7"P K 2 guide for managers
and the rest of us! 0anning +ress.
1. .ill /ran&s F GTaming The .ig (ata Tidal )ave; /inding ,pportunities *n 6uge (ata
Streams )ith 2dvanced 2nalyticsP! )iley
2. Chuc& "am! O6adoop in 2ctionP! (reamtech +ress
Course Code Course/Subject Name Credits
Cloud Com-uting #aborator'
Outcomes: "earner will be able to#
1. 2ppreciate cloud architecture
2. Create and run virtual machines on open source ,S
<. implement *nfrastructure ! storage as a Service.
4. *nstall and appreciate security features for cloud
Module Detailed Contents #ab 2ession
01 "itle: Study of Cloud Computing ? 2rchitecture.
Conce-t: Cloud Computing ? 2rchitecture.
Objective: ,bjective of this module is to provide students an overview
of the Cloud Computing and 2rchitecture and different types of Cloud
2co-e: Cloud Computing ? 2rchitecture Types of Cloud Computing .
"echnolog': III
02 "itle: -irtualiation in Cloud.
Conce-t: -irtualiation
Objective: *n this module students will learn! -irtualiation .asics!
,bjectives of -irtualiation! and .enefits of -irtualiation in cloud.
2co-e: Creating and running virtual machines on open source ,S.
"echnolog': >-0! -0ware.
0 "itle: Study and implementation of *nfrastructure as a Service .
Conce-t: *nfrastructure as a Service.
Objective: *n this module student will learn *nfrastructure as a Service
and implement it by using ,penStac&.
2co-e: *nstalling ,penStac& and use it as *nfrastructure as a Service .
"echnolog': 7uanta +lus /2ptana />ompoer
0% "itle: Study and installation of Storage as Service. 02
Conce-t: Storage as Service BSaaSC
Objective: is that! students must be able to understand the concept of
SaaS ! and how it is implemented using ownCloud which gives
universal access to files through a web interface.
2co-e: is to installation and understanding features of ownCloud as
"echnolog': ownCloud
0* "itle: *mplementation of identity management.
Conce-t: *dentity 0anagement in cloud
Objective: this lab gives an introduction about identity management in
cloud and simulate it by using ,penStac&
2co-e: installing and using identity management feature of ,penStac&
"echnolog': ,penStac&
0+ "itle: )rite a program for web feed.
Conce-t: )eb feed and 1SS
Objective: this lab is to understand the concept of form and control
2co-e: )rite a program for web feed
"echnolog': +6+! 6T0"
0. "itle: Study and implementation of SingleISingI,n.
Conce-t: Single Sing ,n BSS,C!open*(
Objective: is to understand the concept of access control in cloud and
single sing on BSS,C! :se SS, and advantages of it! and also students
should able to implementation of it.
2co-e: installing and using =,SS,
"echnolog': =,SS,
0/ "itle: Securing Servers in Cloud.
Conce-t: Cloud Security
Objective: is to understand how to secure web server! how to secure
data directory and introduction to encryption for own cloud.
2co-e: *nstalling and using security feature of ownCloud
"echnolog': ownCloud
03 "itle: :ser 0anagement in Cloud.
Conce-t: 2dministrative features of Cloud 0anagenet !:ser
Objective: is to understand how to create! manage user and group of
users accounts.
2co-e: *nstalling and using 2dministrative features of ownCloud
"echnolog': ownCloud
10 "itle: Case study on 2maon $C2.
Conce-t: 2maon $C2
Objective: in this module students will learn about 2maon $C2.
2maon $lastic Compute Cloud is a central part of 2maon.comUs
cloud computing platform! 2maon )eb Services. $C2 allows users to
rent virtual computers on which to run their own computer applications
11 "itle: Case study on 0icrosoft aure.
Conce-t: 0icrosoft 2ure
Objective: students will learn about 0icrosoft 2ure is a cloud
computing platform and infrastructure! created by 0icrosoft! for
building! deploying and managing applications and services through a
global networ& of 0icrosoftImanaged datacenters. 6ow it wor&!
different services provided by it.
"echnolog': 0icrosoft aure
12 "itle: 0ini project.
Conce-t: using different features of cloud computing creating own
cloud for institute! organiation etc.
Objective: is student must be able to create own cloud using different
features which are learned in previous practices.
2co-e: creating a cloud li&e social site for institute.
"echnolog': any open system used for cloud
"erm Wor7:
Term work should consist of at least 6 experiments and a mini project.
Journal must include at least 2 assignments.
The final certification and acceptance of term work indicates that performance in
laboratory work is satisfactory and minimum passing marks may be given in term
The distribution of mar&s for term wor& shall be as follows;
"aboratory wor& Be8perimentsC; #########.. B1AC 0ar&s.
0ini project presentation; ############# B3AC 0ar&s.
2ttendance ###############. B3AC 0ar&s
"O"&#: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< (2*) Mar7s.
"e,t 9oo7s:
1. $nterprise Cloud Computing by 5autam Shroff! Cambridge!2313
2. Cloud Security by 1onald >rut and 1ussell (ean -ines! )iley I *ndia! 2313 !
3. 5etting Started with ,wnCloud by 2ditya +atawar ! +ac&t +ublishing "td! 231<
4. www.openstac&.org
Course Code Course/Subject Name Credits
CP701 / CP802 Project I/ II 3 / 6
Guidelines for Project
o Students should do literature survey/visit industry/analyze current trends and identify the
problem for Project and finalize in consultation with Guide/Supervisor. Students should use
multiple literatures and understand the problem.
o Students should attempt solution to the problem by experimental/simulation methods.
o he solution to be validated with proper justification and report to be compiled in standard
Guidelines for Assessment of Project I
o Project ! should be assessed based on followin" points
#uality of problem selected
Clarity of Problem definition and $easibility of problem solution
%elevance to the specialization
Clarity of objective and scope
&readth and depth of literature survey
o Project ! should be assessed throu"h a presentation by the student project "roup to a panel of
!nternal examiners appointed by the 'ead of the (epartment/!nstitute of respective Pro"ramme.
Guidelines for Assessment of Project II
o Project !! should be assessed based on followin" points
#uality of problem selected
Clarity of Problem definition and $easibility of problem solution
%elevance to the specialization / !ndustrial trends
Clarity of objective and scope
#uality of wor) attempted
*alidation of results
#uality of +ritten and ,ral Presentation
o %eport should be prepared as per the "uidelines issued by the -niversity of .umbai.
o Project !! should be assessed throu"h a presentation by the student project "roup to a panel of
!nternal and /xternal /xaminers approved by the -niversity of .umbai
o Students should be motivated to publish a paper based on the wor) in Conferences/students

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