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Fancy Baby Socks

by Melissa Burt Exclusively for Knit Picks

I designed these socks for my baby girl to wear with her
Easter dress, but they would be cute for other occasions
too! Choose red or green for the main color, and you have
fancy Christmas socks. Or knit the main color in blue
and use piping instead of lace for dapper baby boy socks.
Te fun is in the details, so dont skimp on nding the
perfect buttons and edging trim. Te socks are knit from
the top down so that you can make them in advance and
leave the foot stitches on the needles to nish at the last
minute, since babies grow so fast. Tese are a great rst
sock project for an adventurous beginner who knows how
to knit in the round with DPNs.
Using MC and a knitted cast on (very stretchy for chubby baby ankles), CO
24 sts and distribute evenly onto 4 DPNs. Join to work in the round. Work in
k1, p1 ribbing for 12 rounds. Work next 12 sts.
Heel Flap
Te heel ap is worked with half of the sts on one dpn. Ignore the other 12
stitches for now.
With the next 12 sts on one dpn, work heel ap as follows:
Row 1 (WS): sl-1k, p to end
Row 2: sl-1k, k to end
Repeat these two rows 3 more times for 8 total rows.
Heel Turn
Row 1 (WS): sl1, p6, p2tog, p1, turn
Row 2: sl1, k3, ssk, k1, turn
Row 3: sl1, p to within 1 st of gap, p2tog, p1, turn
Row 4: sl1, k to within 1 st of gap, ssk, k1
You now have 8 sts on your needle
Divide your sts in half over two DPNs. Te center of the heel will be the new
beginning of your round. You will resume working in the round.
Rnd 1: PU 5 sts from the side of the heel ap, knit instep sts, PU 5, k4
Rnd 2: k5, ssk, k2tog, k12, ssk, k2tog, k to end
Rnd 3: knit
Rnd 4: k5, ssk, k12, k2tog, k to end
You now have decreased back down to 24 sts and are ready to work the foot.
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Finished size:
One size ts most (approx. 3-6 month)
Knit Picks Shine Sport (60% Pima Cotton, 40%
Modal natural beech wood ber, 25% Nylon; 110
yards/50g): MC: Blush 23614, CC: White 24486 (1)
US 3 (3.25mm) 4 DPNs (or 6 if you prefer)
yard of cotton lace or other edging
Two 5/16 buttons
24 sts & 32 rows = 4 inches in stockinette
Work in stockinette for 12 rnds or until 1 from the end of the foot.
Toe decreases
Knit the sts on the rst needle. Te side of the toe will now be the
beginning of the round.
Rnd 1: * k1 ssk, k to end of needle, k to 3 sts before end of needle,
k2tog, k1, * repeat. (20 sts)
Rnd 2: knit
Repeat these two rounds once more (16 sts).
Repeat round 1 only (12 sts).
Place the sts from the top of the sock onto one needle and the bottom
sts on another. Graft toe sts tog with kitchener st.
Folded Ankle Cu
Note: Te cu is worked back and forth on dpns in stockinette and is
designed to fold down over the leg. Te right and left directions are slightly
dierent, so be sure to follow the directions for the appropriate sock.
Left sock
Pick up sts around leg as follows. Insert your needle from the inside
of the sock at the side where your cast on tail is to pick up and knit
each st around the leg. At the end of the round, CO 4 sts using the
backwards loop method. Turn.
Row 1 (WS): p to end, turn.
Row 2: k to end, turn.
Repeat these two rows once more.
Buttonhole row (WS): p2tog, yo, p to end, turn.
Continue working in stockinette for 4 rows.
Next 4 rows: Continue in stockinette, but BO the rst 2 sts of each
Bind o all sts.
Right sock
Pick up sts around leg as follows. Insert your needle from the inside
of the sock at the opposite side where your cast on tail is to pick up
and knit each st around the leg. Turn.
Row 1 (WS): p to end, CO 4 using the backwards loop method,
Row 2: k to end, turn.
Row 3: p to end, turn.
Row 4: k to end, turn.
Buttonhole row (WS): p to last 3 sts, yo, p2tog, p1, turn.
Continue working in stockinette for 4 rows.
Next 4 rows: Continue in stockinette, but BO the rst 2 sts of each
Bind o all sts.
Weave in all ends. Sew a button on the side of each sock. Sew
cotton lace trim along the edge of each folded cu. Put socks on baby
and take lots of pictures!
( ) rep inst bet ( )s as many
times as noted afterward
* rep inst foll single * as
* * rep inst bet * *s as many
times as noted after
[ ] rep inst bet [ ]s as many
times as noted after
alt alternate
approx approximately
beg begin/beginning
bet between
BO bind o
CC contrast color
cm centimeter(s)
cn cable needle
CO cast on
cont continue
dec decrease(es)
DPN(s) double pointed needle(s)
EOR every other row
front loop(s)
foll follow(s)(ing)
inc increase
inst instructions
K, k knit
K1-b knit 1 st tbl
k2tog knit two sts together
KFB knit into the front and
back of stitch
kwise knitwise
LH left hand
lps loops
m meter
M1 make one stitch
M1L make a left-leaning st
M1R make a right-leaning st
MC main color
mm millimeter(s)
ndl(s) needle(s)
oz ounce
P1-b Purl 1 st tbl
P up pick up
P, p purl
p2tog purl 2 sts together
pat pattern
pm place marker
pop popcorn
pr previous row
prev previous
psso pass slipped stitch over
pwise purlwise
R row
rem remain(ing)
rep repeat
Rev st st reverse stockinette stitch
RH right hand
rnd(s) round(s)
RS right side
RT right twist
sk skip
sk2p sl 1, k2tog, pass slipped
stitch over k2tog: 2 sts
skp sl, k, psso: 1 st dec
sl slip
sl st slip stitch(es)
sl1k slip 1 kwise
sl1p slip 1 pwise
sm slip marker
ssk sl, sl, k these 2 sts tog
sssk sl, sl, sl, k these 3 sts tog
st st stockinette stitch
sts stitch(es)
tbl through back loop
t through front loop
tog together
w&t wrap & turn (see specic
instructions in pattern)
WE work even
WS wrong side
wyib with yarn in back
wyif with yarn in front
yd(s) yard(s)
yfwd yarn forward
yo yarn over
yon yarn over needle
yrn yarn around needle

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