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Cr e a tiv e Co n te n t S p e c ia lis t fo r H e a th e r B lo n d Pr e m iu m R e s o r t W ear (2014)

Responsible for strategizing and planning new content for the retail website.
Influence customer behavior across new media channels

Create level interactive multi<media content.

Soc i al M ed i a C oor d i n at or f or M au r een C on n ol l y B r i n ker T en n i s Fou n d at i on (2 0 1 4 )
Manage all channels of social media and expand online presence.
Established and designed MCB lifestyle blog.
Responsible for branding the foundation and strategically increase
Develop innovative media and creative content for social media platforms.
brand visibility; and find relevant potential sponsors.
Pr o g r a m Co o r d i n a t o r f o r S M U F a s h i o n M e d i a (2 0 1 3 - 2014)
Worked alongside Program Director of SMU Fashion Media.
Advised fashion media majors and minors. Communicated upcoming events,
objectives, relevant course information, and internship opportunities
F as hion J our na lis t & L ife s ty le B lo g g e r (20 12 -20 14 )

Awarded for published articles on official SMU Fashion Media website.


Creator of the fashion and lifestyle blog, MDR Casual.

In t ern for Ty ler B e - New Y ork (20 09 - 20 10)

Worked directly alongside the co<founders, Sam and Karol Be, who
also design, manufacture and, market their own original sportswear

Assisted with Pier 94 Fashion Trade Show in New York City (January,
2010/ 2011).

Attentive organizing of clothing layout and presentation; as well as

enthusiastic sporting of various key pieces for the spring collection.
In t ern for R es pons ible Media - W elles ley, Mas s a chus etts ( 2008 - 2009 )

Responsible Media Inc. deals advertising space for Vogue, the New Yorker,
and Rolling Stone.

Served as a trusted personal assistant to the President of Responsible


Responsible for Excel spreadsheets and updated all contact

MDR Casual signed by Reward Style, a top<tier full service

monetization blogging platform.
Well<versed, unique perspective on latest trends and fashion finds.

One<on<one interaction with clients both existing and prospective

Communicated the Tyler Be style and message to clients in order to
close sales.
Organized and collected important clientele information and compiled
order forms.

Co<ordinated office functions such as organization, scheduling,

sorting and filing.
Compiled display book presentations for The New Yorker and Vogue.

L E A D E R S H I P , A W A R D S & A C H I E VE M E N T
Student Government: Class President (2005<2006)
Varsity Field Hockey (2005<2008), Coaches Award (2007)
Varsity Squash (2006<2009), USSA
Varsity Tennis (2006<2009)
Boston Globe AllKScholastic Art Award (2009)

SMU Retail Club (2010<Present)

SMU Program Council (2010<Present)
President of Students for New Learning (2012<Present)


Experience filming with Sony HD SX5U camera.

Apt working in fast<paced environment and ability to multi<
Well<developed organizational abilities and communication skills.
Proven ability to work successfully in a team environment .

Microsoft Office Suite: Excel, Word, Powerpoint, and Outlook.


Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator.

Producer of multi<media presentations.
Well<versed in social media and brand networking
Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Wordpress, Blogger, Pintrest,
Storify, Youtube,
Final Cut Pro 7<proficiency creating and editing video.
IBM SPSS Citrix Pro Statistical analysis software.

Southern Methodist University, 2014 Dallas, TEXAS

Major: Communication Studies Minor: Fashion Media

Newton Country Day School of the Sacred Heart, 2009

Newton, Massachusetts

References available upon request

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