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Kathleen Pepper
{//11strated by Bode/ Rikys

Polair Publishing

sox 3-+886 1.0:\DO:'\ \\'8 6\


pol a irpu bl ish i k

First published

April 2007

Kathleen Pepper. 2007

l)rawings Bode! Rikvx, 2007

A catalogue

British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication

record for this book is available lrom t lie lkit ish Library
ISl~i'\ 978-1-90))98-12-6

Dedtcat ion
I 1101dcllike to dedicate this book to Ylana 1lavward, who \\'a\ my teacher ofmeditation
in 1975,ILwas on her ninetieth birthday that I 1'11fr,hcdthis book.
, sckuo, 1'/('(/g111111/s
I cannot adequately thank my husband. Roi'. for hi:..patience in helping me with the computer. I
should like Loacknowledge my gratitude LoGabriel ,\lojay. Principal of'l'hc Institute olTraditional
I lcrbal \ ledicine and Aromatherapy. wirh whom I st uclicd in 199). I le aw me deeper insights in Lo Lhe
qualities of essential oils. including their energetic (vihnu ional) propcrt ics. and many olthc keynotes
used for the essential oils discussed in this work. For the hriel'lii,torical overview ofthe use ofplant
materials. T111:1Rm11TllF.R
IP\' 1101ii.; Shirley Price (Thorxou. 199)) has been invaluable. Thanks
arc also due to Coli11111layll'arcl lor hi:..hclplu! suppor: and advice.

Set in .\rcpoat the i>ublishers

and printed in Creal Britain by Cambridge University Press


Csing Essential Oils and Plant

Materials in Medi lat-ion

rllchcmy and Essential Oils

The Chakras, the Subtle Body and

Oils in Medi talion
S11/Jtle.\11ato11~vatu! Esseuiiu! Oils
,\//1111i11gto the Spirit
of the Pla11t Essence
Essrntu)! Oil .'i1ljcty
Blmdi11g Oils lo Fapori:e
thc111at a I\forkshop


Spiritual Oualirics of
1lcdilalion Oils
1\11gclim roof

Cha 1110111

Ever!asti 11g
I lyssop
.\Ia ntla ri 11
.\Ir~v Cha 11g
.\ ~vrrh

















Love is lite only llting tluu opens out hearts. Lsscntia! oils cany lite
love vibraiunt ojjlo11ers and healing herhs

Tl IE IDEA for this lit Liebook arose from more than
thirty years experience or using essential oils as an
aid to meditation and in my work as a clinical aromathcrapist. for most of this Lime I have been Leaching and facilitat ing workshops in several t herapcut ic
areas, especially yoga. relaxation and meditation.
massage and aromatherapy, and 'Connecting with
Angels'. r usually use essential oils in a diffuser or
vaporizer to enhance the atmosphere in the room.
Essential oils vaporize cleanly and release their
aroma without smoke or ash. People often ask me
to supply the particular blend or oils used. This is
easier said than done. since I usually make a unique
blend for Ihe pu rposc or the even l, so it can be di I~
Iercnt each Lime. Jn 2006. I was asked Logive a Lalk
al the Summer Festival of" the White Eagle Lodge

in Hampshire. ILwas about the hislory of essential

oils and plant materials to enhance the benefits or
meditation. I also sold a meditat ion oil blend I had
formulated. which proved popular. The audience
asked where the\' could find out more information
and suggested I write a book about the topic, so here
it is. While writing this book, I used an electric essential oil vaporizer Lo evaporate the particular oil
T was describing. The meditat ions given here were
directly inspired by this USC or the oils. Others arc
culled from my meditation diaries. which I have kepi
over a period of"more than I hirt )'years. These meditations can be used as a starting point. hut always
lollow your own inspiration.
We shall not be discussing fully the therapeutic
and healing properties or the essential oils, as manv
books al read I' do this.
From the time of"ancient Egypt Lo the present,

plants and herbs have rradirionallv

been used to
induce a meditative stale. ll is believed that certain
csscnt ial oils can be used to lead the mind lrom the
every day state into one or relaxation and med ital ion.
i\ lodcrn scientists use a piece ofequipment called an

lo measure the rate or brain
waves. In meditation, the rate or the brain waves
alters. To quote lrom a scicntifi report in another
book in this series. 'Evidence that meditation leads
lo an increase in alpha waves is extensive .... A characicrist ic brai n-wave pal tern or Jong-term mcditators
includes strong b11rsts of frontally dorn inan I I he! a
rhythms. during which mcditarors report peaceful.
drifting. and generally pleasant experiences with intact self-awareness.'
There arc several ways of' using essential oiJs as
an aid Lo meditation. They can he evaporated over
water using a lea liglil or in an electric diffuser or vaporizer. The~ c:111be used di rcctly on the body. -for
example. on the chest over Ihe heart chakra or the
third e~c(eyebrow cen Ire), on Ihe inside or Ihe wrists
or inner anklebones where the pulses arc. II'used directly on the skin, essential oils should be diluted
first in some vegetable oil. like almond or jojoha, as

11111~11:ri1T1TI01\1101<~~hv James

(Polnir Guides.2006).

l~alrzcll.i\ I J)


are very powcrfu I and can irri talc the skin when
used near. In all cases. use only a sale amount of' two
or three drops.
\\'e find that it was only in the twentieth cent my
that oils were extracted and used for their aroma.
hence the coining of' the word 'aromatherapy'. I listorically, the whole plant was used. as in herbalism.
The word aromatherapy has recently come lo be
used in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals as a selling
attract ion. I lowevcr, the earliest evidence for using

plan ls is found in cave pain Lings in the Dordognc region or France. da: ing from about eighteen thousand
vears ago. These paintings arc thought lo show hall'
plan ls were generally used for medicinal purposes.
There arc many ways to obtain aromatic extracts
from plants. These include expression of' the peel. as

with citrus fruits: en lieu rage, where jasmine flowers

arc laid on Lrays of' fat or oil lo extract ihc perfume:
maceration and solvent cxtracrion, as well as the
usual method of' distillation. DisLillaLion was traditionallv used Lo ex! racr cxot ic llowcr waters and essences for use in perfumes, such as rose. The amount
of essential oils present in the petals is very small.
You need six! y thousand roses Lo make 28 grams (a
fluid ounce) or rose essential oil. Thal is, twentv-Iivc
roses produce one drop or oil. making rose oil 1Try
expensive. IJ. as a child. you tried Lo make rose perfume by soaking rose petals, this is the reason that
the result was disappointingto say the least:
The earl icst evidence [or ext racling aroma! ic
substances from plan ls is found in EgypL and India.
about five thousand years ago. In both countries, the
use or plan Ls played an important role. linking religion and medicine Logelher. In India, there has been
con! inuous use of' plan ls in Ayurvcdic medicine until the present. One ofthe oldest references lo using

plants is found in the Vedas. In Xlohcnjo Dara, an

ancient city excavated in the Indus \'alley in wha: is
now Pakistan, lhere is archaeological evidence or a
method or pri 111 il ivc d isl illal ion. Plan! material. such
as sandalwood. ginger. myrrh. cinnamon and coriander, was placed in a clay vessel. lhen covered with
a thick layer or sheep's fleece and heated. The fleece
would gradually be saturated with the essential oil
from condensed steam and. when cool. it could be
squeezed lo produce the oil. lt is thought a similar
system was also used in Egypt,
There is plenty or informal ion about [he use or
plants in Fgypl and the :\ilc is known as the cradle
or medicine. Ccdarwood, lrankinccnse. mvrrh and
cinnamon were in common use. As well as the prirnil ivc means or dis! illat ion noted. the Fgypl inns used
lars or waxes to extract !~11-or wax-soluble molecules
from plan ls. and pain! ings or jars containing such
substances arc seen in EgypLian Lambs. The Egyplians were so successful in their use and knowledge
of plan ls tha: embalmed bodies arc still preserved
lIrrec thousand years later. Perfumery was associated
with the Egyptian priesthood, who worked out the
formulas that were used by the pharaohs Lo anoint
lhcmsclves for ceremony, war and love. Special incense called kvphi was burn! in offering al sunset lo

Ra. the Egypl ian sun god. There arc several recipes
for kyph: and it included such ingredients as wine.
honey, raisins, myrrh. cardornom, juniper. mint.
cypress, spikenard, cassia and cinnamon. Ii was reputed lo heal the soul. The Egyptians were not the
only people who used aromas or resins in religious
ceremonies. Assyrians. Hahylonians, Phoenicians,
I lchrews, Chinese. Greeks and Romans. as well as
Christians all burnt resins like frankincense in their
religious ceremonies.
When Moses led the Hebrews out of Egypt, he
would have taken his knowledge about oils, herbs
and spices to Israel. Lie was brought up in the palace of' the pharaoh, as Ihe adopted son or a princess.
and would probably have known about Ihe religious
use ofoils and perfumes. Several oils. such as hyssop,
myrrh. frankincense and spikcnard, arc referred Lo
in the Old 'lcstament. Olive oil would have been the
usual carrier oil at that Lime in the xtiddlc liast. In
Ihe Book or Samuel. the prophet anointed Saul as the
lirst king or Israel. Soaking resins or other plan I matcrial. such as Rowers. stems, leaves or roots, in vegctuhlc oil uni ii it absorbed the resins and essences.
could make rragranl oils for religious use. Sometimes
the juice or flowers and plan ls would be squeezed
out into the carrier oil.

The Greeks went to Egypt to study medicine and

essences and classified and indexed the knowledge
of plants. Hippocrates said the way Lohealth was Lo
have an aromatic bath every day. The Romans gave
us the word 'perfume', which comes from the Latin
per lumum, meaning through the smoke, referring
Lothe burning of' incense. Roman soldiers Look seeds
Lothe countries they ruled so that herbs, like fennel.
parsley. sage. rosemary and thyme, came lo Britain.
Dioscoridcs, a Roman who lived in the first century
AD. wrote about the uses of' five hundred plants in
his hook, De s utteria i\tfedica.
In the first millennium, Baghdad became the centre for rose oil from Persia. It is Ihought that the Arabs
were the first lo clisLilethyl alcohol from fermented
sugar, so providing the first alternative method of
extracting essential oils using solvents, Damascus
also had a perfume industry. Tn the tenth century.
the famous Persian physician, Avicenna, discovered
the modern method of distillation. Improving the
simple dist iilaLion methods of the time, he extended
the cooling pipe and coiled it, enabling the vaporized plant molecules and steam lo cool more quickly
and cfiicienlly. Knowledge about using essential oils
and perfumes was brought LoEurope by the Crusaders. ?\ lonastcrics began lo grow fragrant plants for

their religious and medicinal USC. Hildegard or Bingen grew lavender for its oil, and frankincense and
pine oils were burned lo combat the plague. France
became famous for its perfumes.
In the twentieth century, investigation began
in Lo the healing properties of' essential oils. and the
term aromatherapy came into use about 1950. Escnrial oils arc used in beau Lytherapy, massage, clinical aromatherapy and as a supplement lo spiritual
healing. All of these therapies work on body, mind
and spirit, seeing the body in a holisLic way. Used in
massage, or in baths or as compresses, the molecules
of the essential oils arc quickly absorbed through the
kin by means of' the hair follicles and fine pores. Ln
inhalation .. as on a tissue or from a vaporizer, they
are absorbed through the olfactory nerve and into
the Limbic system and then circulaLccl Lhrough the
nervous system. Often essential oils can get straight
to the emotions or places that need healing. Different essences have different proper! ies, on which arc
based the traditional herbal use. Traditional talcs of
the way in which gods, goddesses and archetypes arc
associated with plants and herbs also provide clues
to their spiritual use.*
*For much or this information. I have drawn Oil Shirley
Price's A1to~1.1T11E1t1P11101tK1100K(Thorsons. London. 1993).

Alchemy and Essential Oils

In medieval Europe, alchemy was a philosophy and
branch or science lhat sough! lo find a \\'a)' or turning base metal in Logold. and to discover the elixir or
lilc. or the philosopher's stone. a universal cure. ILis
thought today that this was a metaphor for turning
the denseness or the physical body into the gold or
spiritual enlightenment. Another definition is that ii
is a synonym for the means or transformat ion.
Paracelsus, in the sixteenth century, maintained
lhal the main role or alchemy was not LOturn base
metals into gold, hut rather Lo extract the healing
properties of plan ts. I le !Cit that dis Lillat ion released
the mos! spiritual essences or the plants, and so aromathcrapy can be considered a form or alchemy. J\s a
result ofhis work, essential oils of ccdarwood, cinnamon, frankincense, myrrh, rose, rosemary and sage
became well known.
Essential oils. by their very name, arc the essences
of the plants. In distillation, the spirit ofthe plan! is
released and preserved in the essential oil. The more
you honour Ihe spirit of the oil, the more it will Leach
you. \Ne now live in a very technical era, surrounded
by the designs of modern Lcchnology. Yet 11clive on
a beautiful planet, called by many Caia, or Mother

Earth. for she provides us with all our needs. Even

medicines and pharmaccut icals arc derived from
plan Ls, but Ihe different chemical components are
extracted and isolated lo provide the relevant medicine. On the other hand. essential
oils contain the whole plant essence. Ii is said 1ha1 Iheir synergistic allcrt is more Ihan Ihe sum of
lire separate components.
If' you love gardens, Ihere is
refreshment 10 be found just by
welkinst' or siuinut'I amonut' the
plants and lrees. The seen! or lire
plan ls and shrubs refresh the senses as lire cool breezes or warmth of
l hc sun disperses their scents. /\II
our senses arc involved with this
taste. scent. seeing and hearing.
The sense of' smell is connected to the limbic
system, the mos! primitive pan of' our brain. II is
the basis of' our emotions and feelings. The scent
or a perfume or plant can instantly recreate our old
memories. A client or mine. when I asked her if she
would like rose oil in the massage blend. categorically refused. She said she couldn't bear the scent

or roses because. when she ll'CIS ten years old (sixt )'
years previously). her father died. She was forbidden lo cry bu! allowed lo throw roses into Iris grave
al the burial. Likewise. the seen! or orange blossom
(neroli) can instant ly I ransport
a woman back in memory Lo her
wedding day, or jasmine to warm
summer nigh Lson holiday in tropical countries. Ccdarwood or pine
oil can bring the memories or eelebration during ihe winier season,
with their warming scents.
\\'c can all become alchemists.
Through the heaviness and difficultics of Ihe material life darkness
can be transformed into light, into
the gold of the spirit By knowing
darkness as well as lighL. we arc able lo experience
transformation. B111 this can only he experienced
wit Ir love and joy. th rough our foeLingsand emotions.
not by the cold analysis or the chemist or by following formulae. So, as Paracelsus said. love is the only
Lhing that opens our hearts. Our daily work needs Lo
be done in a spirit oflove andjoy. and this attitude is
also the one Lobring Loour work with essential oils.


Subtle Anatomy and Essential Oils
l.:\ Tl IE lradi tional spiritual Leachi ngs of'yoga, it is said
that lhe sub! le body, consisting of many layers around
the physical body. contains 72,000 tuulis. A nadi is
a point in the physical body where energy connects
the cncrgy bodies Lo the physical bodv. \\'hen I was Traditional Chinese \ ledicinc on Cabricl
.\lojays course. l was fascinated lo realize that the
tsubos (acu-points) of acupuncture, acupressure and
hiatsu arc also used in ~oga.The same places where
pressure is placed on the body i11a yoga posture arc
the tsubos where pressure is applied in acupressure
and aromatherapy massage. The yoga asanas puL
pressure on the same tsubos during the lime lhe
posture is held. while using the correct breathing
technique, either mahat pra11aym11a (full yogic breath)
or 1ljjayi pra11ayaJ11a (victorious breath), depending on
the post urc and tradition being followed.
\ Vhilc it is not possible LOhave a full discussion of'
chakras here, there must be an alchemical connection
between them and the way in which oils arc absorbed

from the subtle body. where the chakras arc. into the
phvsicul bodv, The seven major chakras are connected
Lo the spine. They connect with the physical body
Lhrough the endocrine glands, which arc the physical
counterparts or the chakras. The spine, which is like
a tree-trunk, or slall; supports your body. The nerves
and circulation svstem in ihc physical body and the
uadis in the subtle body are like the branches and
Iwigs lhat radiate out and carry energy around lhem .
The Iirmcr and stronger the spine is, lhe bcucr the
posture is, and the better is the circulation or nut ricn ls
and subtle life-forces that flow around our bodies.
The ancient ~oga texts inform us that there is a
subtle energy called pmna contained in the air we
breathe and in lhe pure food we cal that nourishes
our bodies. Ln the east. it is called qi or chi. The I lebrews called it iuarch. The Creeks referred lo it as
p11e11J11a.All lhesc words carry a sub! lcr message
about breath than the English word docs. The lilcforce. then, is carried around the body in the blood
circulution and the subtle cncrcv
throushti Lile tuulis
and chakras. The chakras arc 'attached lo the spinal


column as centres ofligl1t rather like bell bell-shaped

flowers.' They arc 'like receivers .... They seem Loabsorb. take in. the Light: they seem to be where the
body breathes in the vital forces (VVhiLeEagle. Spiritual unfoldment I).
White Eagle, a twentieth-century spiritual teacher. continues that the centre or the chakra system is
the heart chakra. not the head centre or the brain.
IL is like the sun around which the solar system revolves. 'Then the 'precious jewel within the lotus
quickens and grows. \:\'hen the oils are inhaled in Lo
the respiratory system the subtle essences arc taken
up into the circulatory system through the heart.
When essential oils are applied like perfume' to the
pulse points inside the wrists and inner ankles. they
connect with some or the tsubos and also the arterial system. When the oil is applied onto the higher
chakra points. like the crown or the head, third eye.
throat and heart, the spiritual benefits or the oil are
absorbed into all the bodies. physical and subtle. or
spiritual. (In meditation, use one point only to apply
the oils.) Also. during inhalation of' the essential oils.
they arc carried directly into the brain through the
limbic system.
"Remember lh;rl essential oils should be blended in 1cgetable oil when used di reel Iv on Ihe skin.

Attuning to the Spirit of

the Plant Essence
Once when I was in Texas, working with the Native
American teachings. my teacher told me to forget
what I had been told about the way in which the
indigenous peoples had found out the healing and
spiritual properties or plants. 'Did you think,' she
asked. 'that in those days. the medicine people ate a
tiny portion and waited to sec what would happen?
No. th;_itwasn't how they found out. They sat with
the plant and tuned in lo it. The plant told them how
to use it. \\'c can still do it, if'we learn how and practise and ifwe radiate love and respect lo it.'
Dr Edward Bach, who discovered and developed the l~ach flower healing essences, also used
this method. He developed such sensitivity in body
and mind that he would search the fields and hedgerows for flowers that would heal the negative stales
or mind that he suffered, bringing him back lo harmony. lkforc discovering the particular remedy. he
would experience the emotional states that would be
healed by the plant.
~ly teacher got me to sit under trees and ask
them to tell me how I could use them. I was amazed
at what they said. especially as r did not recognize

the trees and plants of Texas. She wouldn't tell me

what thev were until after I had tuned in. So here
is the way that you can tune in to plants and their
essences. We arc so used Loreading a reference book
or looking up the Internet. 11eforget we can rely on
our own inspiration and intuition. It's a matter of
trusting ourselves. Keep a notebook and record your
plant attuncmcnts or meditations. so you begin to
build up a record or what you receive. You will get
diffcren Lideas whenever you do th is. J\ Ithough th is
book will 0
zive \'OU some ideas to bcuin with. vou can
also learn Lo rely on your own intuition. Share your
insi.ghts with a group or friends who arc also interJ

cslcd in plan Ls. SO a Ill'\\' tradition or plant use can

be built up.
In distillation, the spirit or the plant is released
and preserved in the essential oil. The more you
honour the oil. the more iL will Leach vou. \\'hen I
use essential oils during my workshops. I choose and
dedicate the relevant oil for the purpose. according
Lo the topic or the work, lo inspire the participants
and release old pall ems in order Lobring in new wisdom and knowledge.
I. Choose the plant if'vou have it. or an essential
oil of"your choice. Organic or wild plants arc best if"
you can get them. Ifyou use an essential oil. you G111
use a vaporizer or put one or two drops on a tissue
to smell it. You can also use a drop over the third eye
(eyebrow centre) or the heart centre al the centre
of the chest. Use one drop or the essential oil in a
teaspoon or l'cgetable oil-almond
oil or grapcsced
oil arc easily available at the pharmacist. lojoba also
makes a good hasc but iLwill be solid in cold weather.
You can blend your mixture in an egg-cup or similar
small vessel and cover with cling film. keeping it in
the rcf"rigcrator for use on another occasion. II"the
plant is lrom another country or continent. and no
supplies arc available here, you can find pictures
of Lhe plant Lo help with vour visualization. The


internet is a good source or information and you

cou Id pri 11l off the pi cl ure.
2. Sil in a quiet place where you will not be
disturbed. Turn ollthc phone. II'you Like meditative
music. play some music lo create the right atmosphere. especially if you live in a noisy place. Light a
candle lo represent light. Csc a while candle or one
that isl he colour or lhe flower or plant.
1. Tune in lo vour breath. Notice each breath
as it comes in and goes out. II' your mind wanders.
bring it back lo the breath.
4. Visualize vourself surrounded by pure white
light. Tin while light reflects silver and gold lights
and the colours or the plant or flower. Breathe it in
until you feel you arc lillecl b~this light and it surrounds you. You find yourself sitting in a sphere or
beautiful light. As you continue Lo focus on your
breath and the colours. Lake them into the centre of
your chest, the heart centre. or mind in the heart as
\\'hi le Eagle, the spiritual teacher. calls iL.
5. Now bring your attention and intention Lo
the oi I or plan I. II'you know the colour of the flower
or plant. visualize the colour. Tune in Lo ii. Think
or nothing else and brcat he from your heart centre
in Lothe plant 's energy. You may sec the shining form
or the plant dcva, all light and colour, which will be

working wil h you to use the plan I.* Shower the plant
with love from your heart. assuring it you will use iL
for ihc hishcst
<rood. Trusl what .vou arc Laid bv"'
it. Be open lo any pictures, thoughts, colours. feelings or ideas that come Loyou.
6. \\'hen the med ital ion is complete. focus
your alien lion back lo your breathing. Deepen your
breath and start Lolisten Loany sounds around you.
Feel your ICeLon lhe lloor, rub your hands Logelher lo
create warmth and then cup them over your closed
eyes . xlassagc your brow, checks. jaw and chin and
then open your eyes and stretch your body. \\'rile
down what you experienced. Some or the ideas and
meditations I used in this book came Lo me manv
years ago. but insights arc no! lost ifwritten down.

Essential Oil Safety

Never take essential oils internally
Dilute essential oils before using on the skin. As
a general rule. USL'Onl'to two drops of essential Oil
'Purucclsus called this the archvus (sec\ lojal'. 1Ro.11 vrurup. -1:9).ll is the spiritual essence,
the Iile-force of Ihr plant. also called lhe qi.
11>1 ron 1111111>:(; 1111~111ur.

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