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The Fresno Bee

Fresno, California
Sunday Morning, January 7, 1934
Page B I

New Dictatorship
For U.S. Forecast
By Rosicrucians
Anew form ul g o v ern m en t for
the U nited EI iU cf d irected hy nn
inlelhucnl d ic ta to rsh ip is forecast
in a brochure of In c Rosie rpciar* i
O ruer. i-gccivcd by fie e rg e M. Offnor. 920 ijo'Hh F ifth S h e e t. locnl
com m issionm . 11 p re d ic ts F r a n k
lin D Roosevelt will lie th e last
president tc function find supervise
this country in th e sam e m a n n e r
or u n d er the sam e c o n stitu tio n al

Xhc hrochnrr oiso predicts the

lorrr.nlIon nf mi DHti-cnnie move
ment with ebap'ers In every com
munity with IV.r duty of Inst fuel
ing \hr younger pmplu in pcod citi
zenship, and piujihi'Mvs difficulties
for the liquor imlusliy due to an
inorcared ilPsirt: for liquoi r.ot aulioipnird by ihe manufacturei*.
I t fo recasts th a t expansion of.
thy d ep artm en t q j justice to In
clude investigD ttnu c.f Ihe nenligence of s la te officials ir, th e e n
forcem ent of Lhc la.v/.

The Fresno Bee

Fresno, California
Sunday, January 7,1934
Page B1

New Dictatorship for U.S. Forecast by Rosicrucians

A new form of government for the United States directed by an intelligent

dictatorship is forecast in a brochure of the Rosicrucian Order, received by George
M. Offner, 920 South Fifth Street, local commissioner. It predicts Franklin D.
Roosevelt will be the last president to function and supervise this country in the
same manner or under the same constitutional rules.
The brochure also predicts the formation of an anti-crime movement with
chapters in every community with the duty of instructing the younger people in
good citizenship, and prophesies difficulties for the liquor industry due to an
increased desire for liquor not anticipated by the manufacturers.
It forecasts that expansion of the department of justice to include investigation of
the negligence of state officials in the enforcement of the law.

The Daily Fanlaeraph

Bloomington, Illinois
Tuesday, January 9,1934
Page 6

in fu nc tio n a n d s u p e r v is e a f f a i r s of
the n a ti o n In th e e a m e m a n n e r or
u n d e r the s a m e c o n s t i t u t i o n a l rules
e prevailed u n d e r his p r e d e c e s
sors, the b ro c h u re declares.
The new fo r m of g o v e r n m e n t
predicted would be a n Intelligent
A prophecy t h a t an intelligent dictatorship. F o r m a t i o n of an an-j
di c ta to rs h ip will be evolved In tl-ciim e m o v e m e n t which will have
A m e ric a in the co urs e of a seven c h a p t e r s In every c o m m u n i t y and a
year* w a r In hi* n a tio n ag ai n s t p ro g r a m of i n s t r u c t i n g y o u n g e r
co rr u p ti o n , civic * I u g g ishness, people in the f u n d a m e n t a l s of good
c ri m e a n d syndicalism i* c onta in ed citizenship a r s propheslsd.
In a brochure, 1934-- a n d War," isT h e liq u o r Indu stry will f a c e a
aued by the G r a n d Lod ge of the pilous prob lem be cause of a de
R o e l c ru r ia n Order.
creased desire for alcoholic d r i n k s
A r o p j has hern received by Mra not now a n tic ip at e d by the m a n u
Elsie Rledermann. 1303 West Mli facturers, the b ro c h u r e asserts.
ler street, local c o m m i s s i o n e r for
T h e Able to Govern.**
the aoclefy
T h e f u t u r e will also s s s the
Not machine guna o r poison g* b ro a de nin g of d e p a r t m e n t of )u
but with tolerance, de velo pm en t of
tlce acMvitles to Include Invest iga
c u l t u r e and freedom of Individual
eap teaslon will this u n iq u e w a r ne tion ol negligence on t h e p a r t of
s ta t e official* in law e n f o r c e m e n t
fou gh t, the article statea.
The brochure c onclu de s with the
Mf . N. l.*t P r e s i d e n t .
te m e nt t h a t t h e real p ow e r of
P r es id e nt Roosevelt will he *he
r o u n iy m the f u t u r e will be
la t Preeldeni of th t nlied g is te s
In thr h.indo of those who have
d e m o r - ' i .vcd the ability to gove rn
a n d control t h e i r own perso nal a f
fair* a n d m i k e successes of th e ir
lives; placing those who a r e Indif
f e r e n t about thflr own p ro g r e s s
a nd high s t a n d i n g In th e social
s t a n d a r d * of the n a tio n beyond any
pow er to Influence or dir e c t the
nntIon's affairs.

Sees Dictatorship
Seven Years Hence

The Fresno Bee

Fresno. California
Saturday, January 13. 1934

Page A io

----------------- * -----------------

ON nO S IC K U C lA N DlOMlifr'S
E d ito r ol T h r B eeS ir: in y o u r
ini:nl ion of a t d l a i n b iu ch u ro pub
lished d u tiu g th e lu lie r p a r i of
1033 by .he R o sicru ciu n O rdei, you
co m m itted se v eral e rro rs.
R e g a rd in g R oarcvelt,
tins |u e d lo tio n 1$ n o t Ihnl he will
lie 1lie Inrt p resid e n t lu fun ctio n
I u n d e r Ihc sa m e constihiliuiiR j law s
j . i fo rm e r p re sid e n ts, b u t ihne he
wb. In o ilier w ords, he lias be
com e Ihc fit a! one of the presi
d e n ts of a new ord er wrtii d ic ta
to ria l pow ers.
T h e ltosic.Tucir.iiR p r e d i c t a
bloodless, re v o lu tio n a ry w ar in
lliu U nited S ln ln ; lo Iasi for seviiiyl years, possibly seven, " it Is
Lo be a w a r of co n stru c tio n in ste a d
or d c s lrjc lio n . I t is 1n bo a w a r
a g a in s t th e g re a te s t enem ies th a t
Lite A m erican n a tio n h a s ever h ad .
Thin is lo be A m ericas g re a t w n r
dg ain st the enem ies of civilization,
ol hajipinerj-, or prosperity, of
peace, the eiiciuics of those ideate
jp u n w hich th e A m erican govern
m ent \v;> founded."
T he liq u o r business, rntU ct th a n
nncoun tcriu i; diffieullie;. in su p p ly
ing .h i inereuFCd ilnriam ) fer w et
w ares, as y o u r p ap er htaled. will In*,
fared v illi
sudden i psli/.alinii
th a t ils pow er ond place in the nalir n is lc>.s im p o rta n t th a n it \,clievcd. Hs incom e will he lac bi>;o v w h a t it has au lir.ip aU d .

Anicm: several other intcic^ting

predictions K the birth ol a new
peace movement in 193-1. It w ill
have Ihc approval of Ihe many
who were unable to support ihc
League of N ations and disarm a
ment conference. Yours respect
F resn o . Cailf..
Jnnunry 11. HK. l.

The Fresno Bee

Fresno, California
Saturday, January 13, 1934
Page A 10


Editor of The Bee - Sir: In your mention of a certain brochure published during
the latter part of 1933 by the Rosicrucian Order, you committed several errors.
Regarding President Roosevelt, the prediction is not that he will be the last
president to function under the same constitutional laws as former presidents, but
that he was. In other words, he has become the first one of the presidents of a new
order with dictatorial powers.
The Rosicrucians predict a bloodless, revolutionary war in the United States to
last for several years, possibly seven. It is to be a war of construction instead of
destruction. It is to be a war against the greatest enemies that the American nation
has ever had. This is to be Americas great war against the enemies of civilization,
of happiness, of prosperity, of peace, the enemies of those ideals upon which the
American government was founded.
The liquor business, rather than encountering difficulties in supplying an
increased demand for wet wares, as your paper states, will be faced with a sudden
realization that its power and place in the nation is less important than it believed.
Its income will be far below what it has anticipated.
Among several other interesting predictions is the birth of a new peace
movement in 1934. It will have the approval of the many who were unable to
support the League of Nations and disarmament conference.
Yours respectfully,
Fresno, Calif.
January 11,1934

The New York A|>e

Ntw York. N t York
Saturday, January 13,1934
Page 10

America's great WAR lor the cre
ation of a new nation will begin tbit
year, according to the Rosscranan
prediction, 1934And War." "The
nation-wide army that will be form
ed will be drawn first of all from
the unemployed, as well as from those
who hare military training, and who
are members of the standing army,
and the various forms of state and
local militia.
The first great campaign the new
FORCES will be to direct this na
tional army in fe various State seg
"But there will be few lives lost
in this great war, aod very little
bloodshed; very little property will
be destroyed, and very little destruc
tion will follow in the wake of each
and every fiejee bank and contest;
for this is to be a war of CON
STRUCTION Instead of a war of
war against the greatest enemies that
the American natnoo has ever had,
or the greatest enemies that any na
tion has ever had But the enemies will
he conquered and made prisoners of
war without the unnecessary destruc
tion of Hfe or property.

This is to be Araaica's great war

against the enemies of d vitiation,
happiness, prosperity, peace, and
those deals upon which the Ameri
can Government was founded. It will
be a war against high gambling, syn
dicalism, depression, patriotic indif
ference and civic sluggishness." It
will be a war against crime of every
term within the nation.
Write far a copy of the complete
prophecy, TW4And JVar;" with
out colt from the Roswructan Bro
therhood. AMORC, San Jose, CaL
Those interested in the Great Work
t-f the Roskrociarw may have a gift
copy of The Wisdom of The Sages*
by writting a letter to Librarian III.

The New York Age

New York. New York
Saturday. January 20. 1934

Page 10

" ....T h e largest army under strict
military regulations, that has ever
been organised and sent to the field
of battle by any nation or country
in any part of the world in past his
tory." will be formed in the Uinted
States during th# present year, the
Rosicrodaria prophecy in their new
pamphlet, *1934And War."
"The first great campaign under
the new American Expeditionary
Forces will be to direct this nation
al army in its various State segments
to proceed to carry out with military
precision and military efficiency the
CONSTRUCTION of public e ssitifi of the utmost advantage to the
poptes of this nation as mdnndtuls.
and to the nation collectively, as a
great Western-World Empire.
Such coofltrtx&oa work will con
sist of the building of new highways
of advantage to the new forma of
industry and commerce, and of ad
vantage to the nation in its greater
cooperative work of the future. It
will also consist of cite building of
dams, the redirection of rivers, the
creation of new irrigation systems,
the pMulioB of forests, the unprtrrement of agricultural districts, and
the sanitation of infectious district*
"Other campaigns will involve the
buildinp of agw cities, new camps,
new districts of homes and indus
tries, which will provide shelter and
occupation for the members of the
army aftar, Ihe war is ended Other

/campaigns will be directed against

crime, and the suppression of the acInitict of cruninais, and those who
knirr crime.
Still caber campaigns will bg dK
reeled toward the elinunrtion. con
trol .and rehabilitation of those who
are until for citizenship in America,
& (feme who are political enemies, or
eswnsics of peace and luntentinwit,
and those who need modern owe and
treatment to qualify there for proper
place hi the new scheme of things,"
The Roswnsrian Brotherhood at
San Jose. Cal. will send yoo the en
tire prophecy for 1934, free upon recrawl. "The Wisdom of The Sages"
reveals die Great Work of the Borirruetam.

The Nn* York A|(c

New York. New York
Saturday, January 27, | t J 4
Page 10

"America n i t tht present time
beaded directly toward national dic
tators* ip." according to the Roaicrucian prophecy. 19134And War."
"It it inevitable, and if written in
the records of the fatore joss as sore
ly as is die a lw th ] ofthis coontry
written in such records.
But is will be a new (arm of
dictatorship, neither purely militar
istic nor Rcpdblcan. Certainly, there
will be no dement of tyranny, nor
personal aggrandisement." \ form
of dictatorship was already born m
the government of the nation and in
the oomdomatM of the people be
fore tie dose of lWi.
"There is retry reason to believe
from the records of the future that
the yreKi* President of the United
States, Franklin D. Rooarvelt, will
be the last President of the United
Stales to taction, direct, and superriae the a f s r i of this nation in the
same manner, or unda the same con
stitutional rules aad regulations
which conwroUad and regulated the
affaire of precedent prendre**. The
aueem of ttm leadership and detatorehio which will be attempted by
him will reread to fhi nation the need
far a gaadifirmlion of oaf pressat
farm of gorenmwre, aad will permit
of that form of dietatonfap which
will heooroe an outftandim mode! for
the world"

The f i k n u a i a pay that we are

ahoM to srftatos Use refresh of this
utetaa. during which limefor a yreiod of at h u t seven years tria l
war will he condoned w'*tn 0 t*oaaafinr* of the U"hed
K adhtari
Mrs. m4 ysinctpaPy hetwaa Ihs
ctuama of this treat country: a war
of COXSTTIUnriOK. naafly aa
important as the *e*olutipoannWr
of 1770). iJbrariaa 111, Roucruoan
Brotherhood. Saa Jam, Cal., will rend
you a free copy of 1934Aed War"
upon written remieit, "The Wisdofn
of the Sages" explains the Great
Work of the Roaicruijans.

I'hc Nt** York Age

Ntw York. New York
Saturday, February 3. 1934
Page 10

National events ire swiftly accel
lerating toward a state of war with
in the Ignited States, bearing out the
prophecy of the Rosicrouans, **1934
And War.**
The workers in this great army
will be paid a proper living wage,
and given proper homes and proper
conditions in which to improve thwnsclves while carrying on the great
battle," the prophecy says. "Funds
wHl be appropriated from the great
war chests of the nation, and from
every form of pot>lic and private
subscription* similar to those raised
for other great wars, and the "Lib
erty Bonds* issued by our country
for this great war will bring each
subscriber to the funds a larger per
centage of genuine benefit than has
ever come through the support of
any other war in history.
MIt will be a war that every cititen of gennine patriotic interest and
of real devotion to his country tnd^
its welfare will want to support j r i '
erously and enthusiastjcalhy"^
every dollar spent by this gr#*f
and cm * ?J*. * "
brim Pct.
bin>ine. ' nrf,
the n
tion instead / . *.
.. ,
u of being speed in that
destroyed and consum*5A um ed into Mood and ashes.
Ther^ will be a profit from every
f a l a r expended instead of a low.

The greatest engineers, scientists,

technical experts., and trained minds
will be drafted into this huge army,
and their combined power and
knowledge and intelkctuil usefulness
will be devoted to devising ways and
means of CONSTRUCTION rather
than destroy
life and property.*
The prophecy ato mention* a new
system of taxation, American dicta
torship, an anti-crime movement, a
new religious and peace movements,
control of Wall street md the liquor
problem. Write to Librarian 111 for
a free copy of "19U4And War." Al
so, 'Tlw Wisdom of The Sages" ex
plains the PRACTICAL mission of
the AMORC Roncruciani, address;
RoMcrucsan Park, San Jose, CaL

The .New York Age

New York. New York
Saturday, February 24, 1934
Page 10



The Rostcruoan phnnapJet of pro

phecy, 1934And War, predicted
in the fill of 1933 the illness of King
George of England during 1934. A
dispatch from that country lat week
reported the serious illness of King
George, but the report also carried
an official denial. But the prophecy
"The Ka^f of England will suffer
from a aenous illness which may he
naftgtttd by the phystcans and those
ia attendance upon him, and kept
from the public generally, hut it will
result in a very important change in
some of the affairs of England.
In Germany, during 1934/* the
prophecy continues the people will
begin a revolt against new and in
creasingly objectionable limitations
and regulations which they will con
sider as having a pressure upon their
freedom, and this will he the begin
ning of Germany i true regeneration.
Abo, there will be some friendly
gestures made between the United
Mates and Canada which will greatly
improve the business relationship! be
tween these countries, and hase a
very satisfactory psychological effect
in many ways/* This audition be
gan to manifest itself over two
weeks ago, a reported in the daily

The New York Age

New York, New York
Saturday, February 24, 1934
Page 10

Meanwhile the United States will

engage_in a great war of CON
STRUCTION along lines and sys
tems which will be under strict mili
tary discipline. The campaigns of
this greatest of all wars in the his
tory of the world, will contain noth
ing of a purely theoretical or experi
mental nature.
'There will be no
attempt to carry oat the utopia* ideas
of those who have promulgated such
plans in the past, or who are advo
cating them at the present time

The New York Age

New York, New York
Saturday, March 3,1934
Page 10

The great WAR of CONSTRUC
TION predicted by the Rosicruciam
to begin this year wll not be any
thing in the nature of an Utopian ex
periment in its various campaigns,
according to that historical document,
1934and War," published by the
Rroicnictans at San jose, California.
It says; There will be oo attempt
at the iarcial equalization of the na
tions wealth, nor any attempt to
solve the economical and industrial
problems by a new form or an old
form of altruistic experimentation.
Every move in the campaigns of
this great war will be carefully
analyzed and passed upon by the na
tion* most practical experts, and
will be approved and recommended by
the people themselves in local and
nation-wide conclaves,
Each month of etch year of the
wor(the war will last at least sev
en years before victory will be in
sight)will tee an additional feature
carefully selected, carefully analyzed,
and carefully propounded. The war
riors will work m cooperation with
the entire citizenship of the country,
fighting only the enemies of the law,
order, peace and national prosperity.

The Spirit of 34' wtl be a high

er and a more idealistic form of the
old 'Spirit of 7&' The great purpose
back of this new great war will be
the creation oi a new nation.IU in
direct benefits wiH be as many and
as important at its direct benefits.
It will show the youth of our nation
the value of higher education, the
benefit of definite training in the
trades and professions, and the use
fulness of tha development of per
sonal abilities. It will result in giv
ing every well-trained artisan and
artm , craftsman and thinker an op
portunity to apply his knowledge, to
use his abilities, and to carry out the
practical ideals and dreams which 'n
spire him"

----- a

The New York Age

New York. New York
Saturday, March 10, 1934
Page 11



s The KotJCinai&i. throagh t-cif

n cp ro d titu t and Iperaiar. I k H.
Specxrr L e w . h alt
1m ** to mmm m Ar
chs* bf lepportaif the l aanS
Flag** As*ooaxor ^the crane preictoa
t r e dnu*ir. w


n t lacorpgr*:

ated aaArr fVoaru Lmi ia~ Apitiha

!Q.*4. mder the t stk of 'U s s c a of!
The* skifar u Cnme Must Go!"
Tha slogan nas b*ea id c ? ^ - a ^ by
X nr York O y IV>l*or C ] i v i ! to- ,
er John ORyifiCtaotrs hf t V tVfcrd

.V*oaat>nr= are *


Frv& ttr Drttute Roaaevefcr jwwh

tex-geam !- Cok**: ] A. M#s.

farmwiy o: the 92nd Jm n o n of the
V. S Annr. act ve prenciit. Pa
triot !. Hnriey. i urine: >ecreuTjr of j
war. oazicaal chairman.
Mr. Mom and Mr. Hurley i atr.tir appointee Dr. Lewis at State
Cha.-nras ee the -Cootri; of '7c ier j
the State-ot Caihom- Dr. Lewis in p
t turn pledged the sep^ort of* the Rancrjoacs. whose headquarters arc at _
Sac Joae C al. to t*f Count:! of 7h
Persons nterened m crime p^eveotion* i ouid write to the executive >cc* j
retanr ot the assneanoo. Wilhair. F.
Seals. 92>I5tfc street N \ \ \ , \Yaw-

ngtcei. D C
T V war aga ns? rrrme is wnpiy

The New \ ork Age

New York. New York
Saturday, March 10, 1934
Page 11

Th? war aganst crime :

<rt phase of the petphecr corral- 1
ed in the Rosknriin parr^ lrt, !
**19MAnd War" in vh*h they pro- i
dined a rreat war he? v~m the cit-
m of this great coontry m order j
to bring about the rchrnh c* the natxr. This oew WAR OF CON- j
STRUCTION w*!; he under the com-1
:r.and of be
and " *ad *
dirreriy to nattc*m! f c t * t h e 1
R ^*m cans preahircy.
The power cf this country. the 1
R ^ rra c a:.* sa\. wl he p'aoed m
the hand* cf thoje who havr shown
ani d-Jr.fnrrared the abihty to pov- J
cm and control their own perse nil if* '
fairs and make a success of their
'.rres It w ill ptf a prem rr.
Persona! mastership. and make per
sooa. ursicHraer*. o! prere^z^Jte to
the cremoa of any ptfhjr cr in the '
of nation*

'in e rt

The New York Age

New York, New York
Saturday, March 10,1934
Page 11

The Rosicrucians , through their representative and Imperator, Dr. H. Spencer
Lewis, have pledged themselves to assist in the war against crime by supporting
the United States Flag Association, the crime prevention division of which was
incorporated under Federal Law in April 1924, under the title of "Council of 76."
Their slogan is "Crime Must Go!" This slogan has been adopted, also, by New
York City Police Commissioner John O'Ryan.
Officers of the United States Flag Association are:
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, president-general; Colonel James A. Moss, formerly
of the 92nd Division of the U.S. Army, active president; Patrick J. Hurley, former
secretary of war, national chairman.
Mr. Moss and Mr. Hurley recently appointed Dr. Lewis as State Chairman of the
Council of 76 for the State of California. Dr. Lewis in turn pledged the support of
the Rosicrucians, whose headquarters are at San Jose, Cal., to the Council of 76.
Persons interested in crime prevention should write to the executive secretary of
the association, William F. Seals, 923-15th street, N.W., Washington, D.C.
The war against crime is simply one phase of the prophecy contained in the
Rosicrucian pamphlet "1934-And War" in which they predicted a great war
between the citizens of this great country in order to bring about the rebirth of the
nation. This new WAR OF CONSTRUCTION will be under the command of the
military, and will lead directly to national dictatorship, the Rosicrucians prophecy.
The power of this country, the Rosicrucians say, will be placed "in the hands of
those who have shown and demonstrated the ability to govern and control their
own personal affairs, and make a success of their lives. It will put a premium upon
personal mastership and make personal unfoldment of prerequisite to the exertion
of any influence in the direction of national unfoldment..."

The New York Age

New York, New York
Saturday, March 17,1934
Page 11

The Rosicrucians in their pamj.,.
let of prophecy, 1934 And W ar/'
declare True democracy in America
ha not tailed because it has never
been truly tried. The American
ideals oi democracy are still mere
ideals, and rave never had sufficient
trial and sufficient application to be
called either a failure or a success.
.4 lie nation is too y9 ung, and the true
principles oi democracy, are too in
volved and require too long a period
of study and application, to have had
any fair trial in the United States.
But while dem ocracy has not fail
ed it is to be rejected in the future
because of a better system has been
unfolded, and will be more easily and
efftcie .tly
inaugurated, and more
abundantly demonstrated to be cor
rect. The old ideals of American
democracy vested the power of the
direction and control of t *is coun
try in the hands oi the majority of
the individuals regardless of quali
fication and ability, understanding and
comprehension. It is based upon the
false idea that a Quantitative power
is more efficient and more correct
tiian a qualitative one.

The new*forme of democracy will

place the power in the hands o i the
truly representative citizens the
qualified ones. It wit be a political
power emanating from an intellectual
source rather than from a purely
physical source. It will not be the
powe of the so-calicd Intclligcnt*ia nor that oi the clas commonly
referred to as aristocrats, but it wdl
be tiic power expressed by those who
will have education, training, under
standing. and a fully rounded com
prehension of the needs of the na

Alton Evening Telegraph

Alton, Illinois
Friday, March 23, 1934
Page 9

Nam ed. Registrar For

Rosicrucian School
WOOD RIVER. March 23Mrs.
Annie Ptskoski of 57 Edwardsville
road, has received her appointment
as district registrar for the RoseCrolx University, graduate school
sponsored by the Roslcruclan Order
at San Jose. Cal.
The ideal of the university as
well as the order, Mrs. Plskorstd
stated, is the reconciliation of
science with religion by the unifi
cation of spiritual concepts with
material revelations ol the labor
atory. The fraternity is non-sec
tarian, and the school's currlculm
Includes courses In ontology, biol
ogy, chemistry, physics, harmonics
cf music, ancient and mediavaJ
philosophy and modern physics.

The New York Age

New York, New York
Saturday, March 24, 1934
Page 11



THE GREAT WAR of con- !

strtsction, prophesied in detail by
the fttosicracian* in the fall ot I9ii
! in its sow world-famous pamphlet,
g3*And W ar/ is definitely
under way and will become more 1
intensified from day to day and I
will be in rts first great major cam*
pmgn m the fall ci 1934.
Those who may be apprehens
ive. thmking*that the progress of
the United States m ay become
endangered by impractical and ex
perimental Utopian ideas, will find
reassurance m the Rosicrucian
statement that "There will be
nothing of a pertly theoretical oc
experimental nature enterin* into
any of these campaigns There
will be no attempt to carry out
the UTOPIAN ideas of those -**
hare promulgated such pans ts
the past, or who are advocating
them at the present rime. . . .
Erery more m the campaigns oi
this great war will be carefully
ana ried and passed upon by th i
nation's most practical experts, anl
w ill be approved ind recommend
ed by the people them selves in
local and nationwide conclaves.
"It will place the power of this
coQntn in the hands of those who
have shown and demonstrated be
ability to govern and control their own personal affairs, and make a

The New York Age

New York. New York
Saturday, March 24, 1934
Page 11

own persona! iffair*, and make

nett?i of tbclr hxt* It wi!? put
a premium npon persona! master-'

ship, and make personal unfold

meet a to the a?*cr
tioB of any in&nence in the direct
ing of national anfe'drnent.
It will place tkose who are in
different about their own progres.
their own achievement5. a well as
their own high smnding in the so- J
rial standards of the ration, be- i
vond any pmrer to miwewre *w 4
direct the affa rs of the nation
There ia on!y one gename,
tn e Romcradts Order or
Brotherhood in America. It
ia known bp its abbreviated
name. AMORC. tad is di
rectly connected with every
other Coirnfa jnreviction of
AMORC Roeicrociaii thrmoet the cm band world.
HeedfM ter* of the Ameri
can forleActioe of AMORC
arc aft San Joec, CaL
Any other orgacseMm or
group mi hi in; the name
"Rowcmciai and not affifiatod with AMORC canoe
poawbty prove their authen
ticity TKa Wxtemcm may
be w r ilid by gomg to wry
library and aaktng to aee a
copy of the book, "H-oeicrarian Qwn me and Answers,
With Complete Htatory of
the Order.*

El Paso Herald-Post
El Paso, Texas
Saturday, March 24,1934
Page 3

^ A


IS !

The popular teachings of

.-schools and c h u r c h e s
color your v i s i o n . The
truth 3s concealed. Real
possibilities for your ad
vancement in 1 i f e are
kepi for the few. A power
great enough to change
3*our whole life is avail
able if you find the key,


will give you the true picLure of life and the my a-j
terjous forces that await'
your command. You will
find a different key to
your personal problems and a simple
way to more abundant realizations
of your desires. For many centuries
the Rosicrucian system has created
a new life with new possibilities lor
multitudes who are now happy and


I f you arc sincerely anxious to know
j lifeand know your own powers
write a letter and ask for this new,
] private book. I t will be gladly loaned
to you if you are really seeking to
change the course of your life. Ad
dress :

A M R C _________
, K<irti e m b e r

t h e R o sie r u c lo n a *r> N O T
R e U g lc o s O r ; a n l t i o n .


E. J. Bacon, of Sarasota, local
district Rosicrucian commissioner,
has just received an official com
munication informing him that the
first unit of the Rose-Croix uni
versity, a science building, at San
Jose, Cal., is now well under con
The science building will have an
auditorium, classrooms, laboratories
for physics and chemistry, two dark
rooms, oue for photography and the
other for study of light and its re
fraction, a motion picture projec
tion room and facilities for the en
largement and study of microscopic
views of living matter. The cur
riculum of the university will in
clude courses of ontology, biology,
chemistry, physics, harmonics of
music, ancient and medieval philos
ophy and modern metaphysics.
The primary function of the uni
versity, said iMr. Bacon, will be to
provide post graduate courses for
members of the Rosicrucian order
living in various parts of North
America wbo will go to San Jose
for definite periods while attending
the university. Its rounding this
year commemorates a quarter of a
century of Rosicrucian activity
since the orders re-organization in
this jurisdiction and under the guid
ance of its supreme officer, Dr. H.
Spencer Lewis.
A recent communication to Mr.
Bacon carried with it an appoint
ment of district registrar and the
right of preliminary enrollment of
students. It is declared that it is
quite likely a decision may be
reached by the faculty permitting
the enrollment of certin subjects
for those who are not members of
the Rosicrucian order.

Sarasota Herald tribune

Sarasota. Florida
Monday, March 26, 1934
Page 6

The W innipeg Tribune

W innipeg, Canada
M onday, March 26, 1934
Page 15

Following the rtosieruci&n tra
dition that the spring equinox s
the natural opening of the new
year, the installation of officers
of Winnipeg Chapter of the Ho4*
cruel tin Order, A.M.O.R.O, waa
held Tuesday, March 20,
Catherine McKerchar, past master
was installing officer.
The offieera are: U ID. Backman,
master; Mi-*a Muriel Michael, sec
retary , violin Metra, guardian:
Miss L!Hi in Hoblnaon, chaplain,
After installation, the ceremonial
feast was held. Three simple food
elements were partaken of, syrabollslng vegetable matter, salt and
Kosicrucian enter, a philo
sophical and non-religious move
ment, claims a history dating bark
to the reign of Amenhotep IV.
nf Egypt, in the 14th century R C.
Thr local chapter waa organized
in 1926.

The Morning Herald

Uniontown, Pennsylvania
Tuesday, March 2 7 ,1934
Page 11


A univeralty which bars, a& its Ideal

the reconciliation of religion and
science by uniting spiritual concepts
with thu material revelations of the
laboratory haa been founded by the
Rosicruclan Order, AM OHO, a nuusectarfan fraternity with Supremo
Temple at San Jose, California.
J. P, Monlagna, teacher of Instru
mental musio, Fayelta street (local
District Rosicruclan Commissioner)
has just received an official communi
cation informing him that the flret
unit of the Roso-Crolx unlveveiiy, n
eclt-iieo building. Is now well under
construction. The science building
will have an auditorium, classrooms,
laboratories for physics and chem
istry, two tfurk rooine, one for
photography and the other for Uio
study of light and lie refract loo, and
a motion picture projection room for
the enlargement and study of micro
scopic dewH of living mutter. The
curriculum of tho university vrlll In
elude courses of ontology, biology.

Thf Hopewell Herald

Hopewell. New Jersey
Wednesday, March 28. 1934

Roaicnirian Grand Lodge

Center of Important
W h ether fragile turquoise ~ blue
beads and scarab am ulets ornam ented
th e regal personage of a Pharaoh as
he surveyed his courtiers, or adorned
ao E gyptian noblem an's daughter, will
no longer be a m ystery. Egyptian and
A ssyrian relics in the Roaicrucian
O rien tal Museum a t San Joee, Cali
fornia, a re being electrically examined
to determ ine the sex of the original
ow ner, says th e R o slcm d an repre
sen tativ e
According to our correspondent, th e
se c re ta ry of th e Roelcrucain Grand
Lodge (A. M. O. R- C.) rep o rts that
th e ir electrical research h*a d eter
m ined the presence o f both negative
and positive m a g n e t i s m or electricity

M a


TtgwMuwii sad 8r

ife. T he stren g th of th e energy

In even a large Plant Is very small, aa
com pared with the electrical energy
ordinarily m easured or dealt w ith.
atutny the substance* of ob
jects to determ ine th e ir predom inant
' polarity, w hether positive o r nega
tive, i t was discovered th at inanim ate |
objects on galvanom eters registered a
distinct polarity. Those objects have
I lag been on the persons of m en, regis
tered a polarity different from those
women. The hypo thesis is th a t inani
m ate objects in constant contact with
hum ans absorb the m inute electrical i
and m agnetic radiations of th e hum an I
{body, which are indefinitely re ta in e d ,)
ex of 3 e owner of tit* o b je c t
Tbs !
R os!crucian secretary further states
th a t If additional te sts co n ctativ tiy
prove this, i t win undoubtedly be of
practical value in th e detection cf
i*ne mmi its tu u i vt ubphw expert - 1
m entations will tw incorporated Into
m anuscripts for the B o sfc ru d u i mam-

Roticraciu* Appoint Local

Registrar for University
A university v/hlch has, as its
ideal, the reconciliation of religion
and science by uniting spiritual con
cepts with Lhe mu Leila I revelations
of the laboratory, has been founded
by the Roslcruclan Order. AMOFtC,
a non-sectarian fraternity, with Su
preme temple at San j o se, Cali
Mrs. Anna M. Roush of 532 North
First avenue, local district Roslciuclan commissioner, has just received
an official communication informing
her that the first unit of the RoseCroix University, a science building,
is now well under, construction. The
science building will have an audi
torium, classrooms, laboratories for
physics and chemistry, two dark
rooms, one for photography and the
other for the study of light and Its
reflection, and a motion picture pioJection room for the enlargement
and study of microscopic views of
living matter. The curriculum of the
university will include courses of on
tology, biology, chemistry', physics.1
harmonics of music, ancient and
medieval philosophy and modern
mpta physics
The primary function of the umveislty. slates Mis. Roush, will be to
provide post graduate couises for
members of the Rosicruclan Order
living In various parts of North
America who will go to San Jose
for definite periods while attending
. the unlversiLy The founding of the
university this year commemorates
a quarter of a century of Rosicrucian activity since the orders re
organisation in this jurisdiction un
der the guidance of its Supreme ofcer. H. Spencer Lewis.
The recent communication to Mrs
Roush carried with the appointment
of district registrar and the right of
prelimihaty enrollment of students
pending their matriculation. It is
declared that it Is quite possible a
decision may be reached by the fac
ulty permitting the enrollment In
certain subjects for those who are not
members of the Rosicrucian Order.

Arcadia Tribune
Arcadia, California
Friday, March 30, 1934
Page 9

The Lincoln Evening Journal

Lincoln, Nebraska
Friday, March 30, 1934
Page 4

The Book of Je th e r.
LINCOLN. Some time *go in
your questions and answer* column
a p p e a r e d an inquiry about the
Book of Jaaher. The answer as
g i v e n evidently came from the
American Encyclopaedia and gave
very little, and none o f the f a c t s .
A history of the Book of dasher
is given in the May 1932 issue of
the Rusicrucian Digest published
by \m orc at San J o s e , Calif. It
savs in part
Th* Book of J**hrr I* ant of th* v#rjr
-d boo** which stmuM V
UicOrportlnl in tut prnt Cbrlillun Bibir
II ti mentioned In th* Book o* - * .
in 13 and second to m u ll 1 It. Aiculn. th*
Rome rue tan ^ho introdUi *d th* Koficruciao
Sts; tilnxa into the Palace School of Char
i, mans* dtecnvrred th* manuscript of th*
f t - * of J iiher In * * s e i

Carna. Perm*.
Alenin Ihr-d in the
cm lury and in known In ht*tory aa
Aihinua Alculnu* of Britain.
J *,r
utnor of th* Book o( Ja.h*r wa* bani
in Ckwhen. In Egypt, and * u *
th* might- Caleb, who wa* "' .w?1
the Iltb n w s, whilst
u w h J**"*
in MKisan.
Ja*h*r waa virger to * *
and Aaron ind ln * h* siw sy i
panted Mom* he had ample op^portur .1,
of leaminm the fact* recorded by him. Th*
book contain* Uiirtr**ev*n chapter* and u
quit* similar to the Bonk of (*n**i*
limned private printing w u mad* *,151
h -u t at Bruadm*ad*. England at ,h* c!w*e
of th* **v*nl*enlh century
The** oopiwi
are very rare, on* being In tb* Roilerucian
library at San Jo**. c a i i f r


C. L,


Altoona Tribune

Altoona, Pennsylvania
Saturday, March 31, 1934
Page 4


An Altoona busftne&s man has

been appointed registrar for a new
University of mystical lore being
erected by the secret Rosicruclan
society in San JoBe, California.
The new university official is W.
F. K urts of 2910 Pine avenue. The
Rosicruclans are building the uni
versity to carry out their ancient
plans to reconcile science and re
ligion. They hold th at spiritual
concepts must be taught in unison
with the mechanical revelations of
the laboratory. The first unit of
the new university, a hall of science,
is well under w'ay.

Rosicrucians Have
Named Hamilton
Woman Registrar
.\ linis urrity s!ncli Ins, its ils
irlrul l.ic h inneilmt:o:i of religion I
by miiliiij; spiritual emi
cc]its wiili t!io riniori/il revelation.)
if Hi<j lubf.t nlory r.ras liee.n founded
by tho Hi>it-rnci.*in Ortlrr, A.MOIlC,
n loii-soctariiiu fraternity iIh f i promo 1cm pi c i\i Smi .lose. Cali
.Mrs. Margncnfe 1J, Sri..inr!/, ol
Hltll High street, liion.l Ito'-iur.icinn, >
tins just rnrciveil im gemimniicritiori inlV>ri<)ii? Jirr I' m : IIk. i irnit of the lfnsr C io n Uin- ?
i i 'i l y , ft science building, is ricnv j
nrll wider I'OiiWniHioji. TJin sci- r
i in i' buiiiliiu: will Imso nn .nidi Ior- I
iinii rln-inomu, InlMinitnrifts tor :
pliy-ir* nml rlifiiiisfry, two dmk
11ii*i i for photography mid llie other
i m- llio study ol liybt nml ils ixf ,-m f ion, nml n nitdlmi picture* pro, *i:11irn jooiji lnr !*V ruhint'-nieiit
nml ^t ulv i f ii|iie viows of
hviii;; mnl Ii t . 'L be curriculum of
iIn: u n iiL-r^tty 'il l iiicitnlft rour=cs
.< milojii;:>, I,inlays, rliuumdry,
|iliisiis. In.i iiioiuii oi anisic, nui irul* .Old philosophy and
modem ir.u!ii|ilijiaus
Tin: ;n iii'.iny liaK'ioi: oC the univiT.-ily, states .Mrs. will
In: lo provide (lost graduate uimt-se:;
Tor iiii-iuiKT.; ol llio Kosici'iiri.-.ii Oi
Her living iu various parts cl K m Hi
America, ivbn will go lo >Sm; .lose
for definite permits while nlieadiiip
llii! university. This founding j l tinuniversity Ibis yenv e i n o u r i w i i l u j
<|iinklrr of n m ilni.v ul Kusumr,.in activity oinuc the order's rciirnr.imtion in this
mull*.* llio jjuidniiee of ils Kiipri'iim
<iH i. i t , IT Spi nrer Lewis.
f!.o (went communication lo Mis.
.Sdn> ii rial enirinl v illi it- Uic up
, j .ii Liurii L of District Kegislrai- a ml
l k jight ut! preliminary enrollment
A .--111 le.ll*, pending J.Vir innf riuuIr.'.inu. II is deulmed tlint it m
ipiilu | - ail: Ic a tier is mu liiny be
u-iu-lir l l.v I in; fncnl'y permit)ini',
llio eiinillinrsil lor rertmn subjects
nl t luir^i- **'in ill e sitil aieiubuns ol
llu* It: o nn- :ui Order.

Hamilton Journal-Thc Daily News

Hamilton, Ohio
Saturday, March 31, 1934
Page 4

The New York Age

New York, New Y'ork
Saturday, March 31, 1934
Page I !

An anti-eriroe movement, propbeord by the Roucrociao,' ui their
punpttet. -I9HAnd War." it now
under way in the renewed activities
of the United States Flag Associa
tion, whose new ants-crime division is
enrolIi. fi members threw# out the en
tire United State*. President Roose
velt i* head of the Association.
Those istere**d in he'pmfi to wipe
out crime and racketeering should
address a letter to the Allocation at
' Washington* D. C. Of this more
"AlrnwJ at a enmnanioo moveBxnt," n p the Rosjcruciao propbeci
"wil be oce along religious lines, but
noo-anctarian, or noo-ocxnoo (national,
I which will make a very popular ap
i peal, ar^f attract the atteatioa of mUlions who arc not at the prewni time
affihatud definitely with any church
or form of relsgm and will like
wise make a strong appeal to the
youth of our tn d . This religions
morawrat wiH be a*ed3evs. but will
e^xxand the true splntua) principal
m a new winner end wuh a higher
M e rp m u m it a t w ii be acceptable
to the minority.
"It w i grcafly Mi So n u w the
interest m church activities, especial
ly in those churches that will take
advantage of the prinnoia at the new
amvemed. and i w tt tend to such
better understeeiesg of the rights of
odindvi mjmmm kwrpretatioc as
to greatly e'raew k most uf the p ts -

Harrisburg Telegraph
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Saturday, March 31. 1934
Page 3

The organization meeting of a
discussion group of members of the
University Club was held last
night. M. W. Davidson led a dis
R. A. Moyer, 1516 State street,
local district Rosicrucian commis
sioner, has teen appointed local
registrar for the new university ol
the Roseicruclan Order, at San Jose,
Mrs. Willis Geiger, 434 Orescent


street, entertained at bridge recent

ly at her home. Miss Hartman and
Mrs. Paul Swab had high scores.

The Milwaukee Journal

Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Wednesday, April 4,1934
Page 3

Appoint Registrar Here

for Rosicrucian College
Mrs F. A Parm clee. 2624 N Tw en
ty-fourth st., district commissioner
of the Rosicrucian order, has been
appointed reg istrar for this district
for Rose-Croix university, an insti
tution for post graduate study for
m embers of the Rosicrucian order.
The university is now being con-
structed at San Jose. Calif., head
quarters of the order.

The New York Age

New York. New York
Saturday, April 7, 1934
Page 11

The anti-crime drririon of the
United Scatei Ftag Amooiuob a
now fulfilling the prophecy of the
Roticruciam made m tr fall of 1933
m their new paapbidt, M1934-Aod
W trr

"The format**! of an inti-crime

movement organis'd an pun otic
lines to assist the federal government
not only in the oppression of Grime,
bat the detection of the sources of
crime, and the elimination of those
cnsttftss. tidbits and pracxstts ntuch
te d to develop the inclination toward
crime and make it appear profitable.
"This orgmmaatioe will have ta t
mpport of the lend-eg ritisent in
every community, and will appeal to
the patriotic spirit of the younger
people to an unoioal degree, and re
suit in a surprising umafestatiwi of
the inherent civic loyalty now devel
oping in the youth of tsur land. "
**Durwg 1934 a new Peace and
'Safety* proposal for all nations will
be evolved in Europe and will be
sponsored by three of Europe's great
fenders. drawing to it one of Ameri
ca's great leaders and eventually culreinaiing m a great peace movement
throughout (hr world t* at will actu
ally benefit (he nations before fht
end of MSS A three paver pact
bu lately been signed, arid America's
participation is the peace plan is un
der way.

The Daily Plainsman

Huron. South Dakota
Monday, April 16, 1934
Paee 8

[Rosicrucians Start
j Building College Unit
Tlic fust uni; of Hose-Croix universi
ty. foijnaed at San Joso. Cal,, by the
Rosicruciarf order, Ainore. to provide
graduate courses for members nl the or
der throughout North America, is un
der construction, according to Mr*.
George C. Fullinweider. a member of
the order.
The purpose of the order, she said, is
. reconciliation of religion and science oy
uniting spiritual Concepts with tile ma
terial revelations of the laboratory. The .
curriculum will include courses hr on
tology, biology, chemistry, phy-sies* har
monica of music, ancient end medieval
philosophy, and modem metaphysics,
the said.

San Jose Evening News

San Jose, California
Saturday, M ay 19,1934
Page 13

Morrison Helling Is
Appointed Lecturer
Morrison P. Helling:, leader of the
Metaphysical Center at 80 East San
Fernando Street, has been appointed
a member of the national board of
lectureship for tho Kosecruclan Order
(Amorc) w h o s e headquarters for
North America Is located In this city*
Mr, Helling: leaves today on a lec
ture tour in tho interests of the order
and will be away from San Jose for
three weeks speaking in all of the
larger cities of the Pacific Northwest.

The New York Age

New York. New York
Saturday, May 19,1934
Page 11

-------- o - ----------

D O Y O U R E A L IZ E T H A T I. Man * iTi r t t f ihip of life ii dependeot upon the use of a power that
I e sleeping in bit nibconaaoua be*

The tooat (ucceasfni men and
women in lie world o k this power in
creating and controlling their destin
J. Man was never intended to he
a slave to other nor a victim of fate
and, Thousand* m every walk
of life, in eve'y eoiattry. have proved
this to he true. Have you?
Every obstacle in life n either
of our own making and acceptance
or can he overcome and made to
*erve a* a stepping *tone to inde
pendent happiness and ai f luenre.
There are ttmple methods
whereby the power v* the subcon
i *ciooa self can be awakened, enliv
ened. and applied to change the course
of your life for the better.
6. Mo degree of sooreti at prea
m t i a true indication of what your
life oan he if you wish it. B usm en
depression, periodic cycles of troubles,
a id National panic* mrao nothing to
the one who it master of his own
7. You have now. before >ou in
th i| leaflet, the opportunity of IrarnW r about the simple way to abund
ant life and Vfasierthip of your Life.
Send for the G ift Book today and
make -t a rv<f H t r r day m yner life.
HT k W isdom of The
! the nam e of the free book, which
out nes the purposes of the Brother
hood of Enlightenment.the Roairm e-ans
Address your mqurry to
herthe T. A. B- AMORC Temple.

t a n w fta,


Jaw ca

The New York Age

New York, New York
Saturday, May 19,1934
Page 11

DO YOU REALIZE THAT1. Mans mastership of life is dependent upon the use of a power that lies sleeping
in his subconscious being.
2. The most successful men and women in the world use this power in creating and
controlling their destinies.
3. Man was never intended to be a slave to others nor a victim of fate and chance.
Thousands in every walk of life, in every country, have proved this to be true. Have
4. Every obstacle in life is either of our own making and acceptance or can be
overcome and made to serve as a stepping stone to independent happiness and
5. There are simple methods whereby the power of the subconscious self can be
awakened, enlivened, and applied to change the course of your life for the better.
6. No degree of success at present is a true indication of what your life can be if
you wish it. Business depression, periodic cycles of troubles, and national panics
mean nothing to the one who is master of his own affairs.
7. You have now, before you in this leaflet, the opportunity of learning about the
simple way to abundant life and Mastership of your Life. Send for the Gift Book
today and make it a red letter day in your life.
"The Wisdom of the Sages is the name of the free book, which outlines the
purposes of the Brotherhood of Enlightenment - the Rosicrucians. Address your
inquiry to Scribe T.A.B. AMORC Temple, Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, Cal.

The New York Age

New York, New York
Saturday, May 26, 1934
Page 11

Have you found yourself drifting
down the stream of life? Are val
uable years going by? Life is a
system of wtH-established laws and
principles, each act decrees a cer
tain result. These laws of life are
fundamental, permanent. Learn to
understand, them, and you find your
self. You also find success and the
ifullfillment of your dreanjs. The>e
simple metaphysical principler
been used by the Rosicru ian fra
ternity for centuries. Thousands-of
men and women have known suc
cess and happin ss through the iue
of these principles.
Are you one of those few person*
out of every thousand human beings
who realise that tb're must be a
better system of living, a freedom
from the ordinary humdrum existvnr*5 Ar* you looking for a
practical yet simple proc**s of mas
tering sour particular difficulties of
liie? Are you ready to give a few
minutes rich day to the st,#l' of
those laws which will bring about
this lo-g sought for condition for hapoirc*? Are you ready to walk down
the street, radiating health with a
smile, and with gladness in your
'fart* Let the Roskrucians show
you how. If you believe you are
r ad y-then here is the key:
Write a personal letter Cnot a post
card), and ask for a free cop** of the
private book called, fh< Wisdom
of the Sages,** which explains the
tr*aure of helps the Rosicrucian
R*othp-hood has for you. You can
be aided, as have thousands of
others throughout the world, by thil
well-known brotherhood.
Address your letter carefully as
Librarian. T A. B., Rosicrucian
Park, San Jo% Calif.

Spokane Daily Chronicle

Spokane, Washington
Saturday, June 2,1934
Page 10



Do you understand what life is in compari

son to the other things about you ? Are you
a free agent? Is it really possible for you
to control fate? What is your true purpose
in life? Do you know what is meant by
Cosmic consciousness and how you can
attain it.
If these questions interest you, come and
hear the vitally interesting answers to
them. You will not forget this instruc
tive lecture.
"Debunking Popular Psychology"
Mr. Morrison Helling', world

Learn the truth about mental healing.

traveller, is a member of the
National Lecture Board of
Has prayer any zeal value today? Does
the R o s l c r u c i a n O rd er ,
the crystal ball and automatic writing
AMORO. He has had tw enty
and the black mirror contain a secret
years e x p e r ie n c e on the
public platform in the field
power? What is black magic? Does it
of m etaphysics, and is an
work? Can concentration really bring
unusually forceful speaker.
success ?9
Come, hear the truth about these things and obtain real knowledge.
Sunday, June 3


Monday, June 4

921 Sprague Avenue

8 P. M,
Sponsored by

T H E R O S IC R U C IA N B R O T H E R H O O D . IA M O R C )


l'he New York Age

New York, New York
Saturday, June 9, 1934
Page 11

Why Are We Here? Arc we
here for a definite duty?
Many a Time have you not often
wondered .Why?* Why you are as
you are, and others are
>vytri, bankers, clerk*, hou* .-wives, and
so forth? Why some are prosperous
and healthy. others in dire need ? Why
we are call'd equal, when such in
equalities exist?
Why are we permitted to make the
mistakes for which we must suffer
penalties? Why God, D-vinity, or
our Creator, which ever term you're
familiar with, permits ui to make
iuch errors? Why must we learn
through first suffering from a mis
take i Why are we not *h m n how
to prevent the mistake? Why caea
God and nature mathematically and
systematically decree the existence
and manifestation of everything n<re
on this plane, and still we do not our
selves, apparently know why we are
here, on this earth plane?
Why, if we are here for i defnite
purpose or act, do wc not return
again to be able to corapk : our duty
andpurpose on this plane? Perhaps
we do.
These questions the churches, uni
versities. and science in general at
tempt to answer; but stiM there is
much about these questions that caus
es the averate person to ponder and
he is left apparently wrtoout ade
quate information. Certainly someone
must know the answer and re*son
And now e i*w book-*** for silt

g . i

who seek self-evoluton, has been writ

ten by Sri. Ramatherio. Scribe. It
is called "Th* Wisdom of the
Sages." It contain* the jirai'te story
of the Rosicrucians and .heir secret
doctrine and shows HOW t?e abso
lutely sincere and worthy seeker of
today MAY BECOM a true stu
dent and adept of the knowledge and
attain such mastership as constitutes
Rosicrucian Power. Only the sincere,
kowever, promising to give the matter
careful thought and due consideration,
should apply for the book. Send a
letter stating your desire, and the
book will be sent, postpaid. Address \
Librarian T. A. B Rosicrucian Tem
ple. (Amorc), Rosier ucian Park,
San Jose, California.

The Oregon Statesman

Salem, Oregon
Sunday, June 10,1934
Page 11


All sincere seekers fo r the g re a t
tru th and m ystical power known to ttie
Ancients, w rite for the free book. "The
Wisdom of the Sages. It is m ailed
w ithout obligation to stu d en ts of the
higher law s of n atu re and m ental
F ria r 111
San Jose, C a lifo r n ia

M odern Sphinx
to Hold Secrets
P a r a lle lin g th e leg e n d s o f th e 1
G re a t S p h in x of G h iz e h . E gyp t, o f- ,
floors of th e R o sicru cia n O rder. ,
AM ORC, w ill d ep o sit in Hie b rea st
of a m odern sp h in x a p a r c h m e n t
scro ll, lr a m c U r a lly s e a le d in a lead
tube. T h e scroll w ill r o n ta in a
sum m ary,
p r in c ip le s
I th o u g h t 'b y th e m em b e r sh ip to be
j th e mo*t fu n d a m e n ta l of th e O rd ers
p h ilo so p h y a n d te a c h in g s a n d w h ich
sh o u ld be p reserved for p o sterity ." j
s a y s M rs. A n n a M. R o u sh o f 532
N orth F irst a v e n u e , local R o sic ru c la n d istrict c o m m issio n e r . A vote J
b ein g
R u slc r u c ia n s
th ro u g h o u t th e world to d e te r m in e
w h at p iu K ip te s are m o st w o rth y t o '
be preserved in th is m a n n e r ,
i h a v e just received from th e G ran d
: lodge of tm- O rdei in S a n -lose. C a ll- i
j I'm u fa. in stru ct io n s to c a s t a r e p r e - t
m n a tiv e vote for th e m em b e r sh ip In '
r tliis district," s ta te s M rs. R o u sh .
T h e hprinx. o n e o f a p a ir , e a c h
w e ig h in g a ton , is m o u n ted on an
e m in e n c e in fro n t of th e S c ie n c e
b u ild in g, now b eing c o m p le ted by
th e Order.
T h e cerem on y of d e p o sitin g t h e :
im p o r ta n t d o cu m en t w ill be h e ld
J u ly 12. du rin g th e R osicru cin n a n
n u a l c o n v e n tio n . T h e G r e a t S p h in x
o f G h iz e h . E gyp t, is over 172 fe e t in
' le n g th and G6 f e e t in h e ig h t, th e
sa n d being first c o m p le te ly u n e o v i ered from it by C aviglln in 1816, r e
v e a lin g a b r e a stp la te in scr ib e d by
T h o th m e s IV. th e tr a n sla tio n o f
w h ic h lea d s a r c h e o lo g ists to b eliev e
th a t so m ew h ere in its m a ss o f m a
so n ry was d ep osited a ta b le t In
ten d ed for p o sterity , c o n ta in in g th e
s e c r e t purpose o f th e b u ild e rs o f th e
G r e a t P yram id . T h e R o slc r u e ia n
O rder, AM O RC , a n o n -s e c ta r ia n fr a
te r n ity , h a v in g its tr a d itio n a l o r ig in
In Egypt, fu r th e r s ta te s M rs. R ou sh ,
Is th erefo re r e p e a tin g th is le g e n d a r y
a c t in a m o d e m m a n n e r .
Arcadia Tribune
Arcadia, California
Friday, June 15,1934

Page 7

Nevada State Journal

Reno, Nevada
Saturday,June 16,1934
Page 4

Com m issioner Nam ed

Ior R osicrusian Order

G eorge H. R ussell, 531 S outh C en

ter street, h a s received a certifica te
of a p p o in tm en t as com m issioner of
the R osicru cian s and w ill be in j
charge of ex ten sio n activ ities in this
com m unity.
T h e ap p oin tm en t w as m ade from
the headquarters of the order in
S a n Jose, Cal.
T h e R osicru cian s is n eith er a co m
m ercial nor a religious organization.
R ussell sta ted , and the com m ission
ers of this organ ization donate their

Harrisburg Telegraph
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Tuesday,June 19, 1934
Pages 6 and 8

Modern Prophecies
The Roeicrucian Brotherhood, a
San Jose organization, is out with
a little booklet making some pre
dictions for 1934, the third of a
series of early previews of coming
events. The first pamphlet entitled
**1932 and You/' was issued in the
fall of 1931 after a period of study
and investigation of the world cy
cles and charts of coming events
maintained in the archives of a
secret organization in Europe. These
charts with their curves and an
gles and their precise figures re
veal the outstanding events of the
world based upon periodic action
and reaction of definite cycles of
human experience. T h e y are nei
ther the result of Divine revelation
nor human invention. They are
precisely and geometrically config
urations of mathematical laws.

Harrisburg Telegraph
Harrisburg. Penimlsania
Tuesday, June 19, 1934
Pages 6 and 8

It is further held that certain

surprising outgivings in 1931 were
as correct as of the spring of 1932.
The publishers state th at 1932 saw
fulfillment of practically every one
of the definite predictions made in
that pamphlet.
Surprising predictions are also
made in the booklet of 1934
which has to do with 1934 and
War/* The matter in this pamphlet
was prepared during September of
1933 and uttered publicly at various
meetings of industrial and civic or
ganizations during the early part
of October, amplified and analyzed
at a public meeting on Sunday, O c
tober 22. and ordered to be printed
on October 27, 1933.

Cyclic Events Forecast

In the 1934 pamphlet statements
are contained as the Result of care
ful study and analysis of the charts
of world events. The publishers in
sist that time and the cyclic course
of events will undoubtedly make
this third pamphlet an historical
document as in the case of the
two preceding ones. Without any
recognition of the value of these
prophecies the first one regarding
1934 states that 'during this year
the great American government
the government of the United
States of America will lay the
foundation for the greatest war
ever conducted under the American

Ilarriiburg Trlrgriph
llmrisburg, Pcnmylviinia
lunday. June 19, 1934
Page* 6 and 8

flag. It will involve more individ

uals and citizens of the country,
and require the services of the
largest army under strict military
regulations that has ever been or
ganized and sent to the field of
battle by any nation or country in
any part of the world in past his

Will Last Seven Tears

It is further pointed out in this
sensational prophecy that the great
war will last for many years and
that it will be actually in its first
campaigns by the end of 1934, and
the American people, and leaders
of the army, and the great military
strategists who will direct the war
activities, will be unable to predict
even at the beginning of 1935 when
the great war will come to an end.
It is also insisted as very probable
that the war will last at least seven
years. During these seven years of
war. however, there will be minor
victories that will inspire and en
courage everyone concerned, and
from the very first attack, from
the very first battle in 1934, there
will be a growing enthusiasm on
the part of the American people to
encourage and support the war in
all its features.
It is further confided to the rest
of us that it will be a war princi
pally between the citizens of this

Harrisburg lelegraph
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
fuestlay. June 19,1934
Pages 6 and 8

great country and the most unique

war in the history of civilization.
It will be revolutionary in the sense
that it will alter and change many
of the customs and habits of the
American people. It will be revo
lutionary in the sense that the mo
tives and purposes back of the war
will be contrary to all of the estab
lished ideas of warfare. It will
eventually call for the drafting o f ,
not only all of the single men, but i
all of the married men, and of the
children, and of the wives, and
of every member of every household
until the ultimate battles and vic
tories are won.

Few lives Will Be Loot

Then comes the most astonishing
statement of all as the prophecy
goes on: But there will be a few
lives lost in this great war and
very little bloodshed; very little
property will be destroyed; and very
little destruction will follow in the
wake of each and every fierce bat
tle and contest; for this is to be
a war of construction Instead of
a war of destruction. It is to be
a war against the greatest enemies
that the American Nation has ever
had, or the greatest enemies that
any nation has ever had. But the
enemies will be conquered and made
prisoners of war without the un
necessary destruction of life or

Harrisburg Telegraph
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Tuesday, June 19, 1934
Pages 6 and 8

Tills ought to be enough for one
sensational statement, but it goes
further as follows: T his is to be
America's grzat war against the
enemies of civilization, the enemies
of happiness, the enemies of pros
perity, the enemies o f peace, the
enemies of those ideals upon which
the American government was
founded. It will be a war against
crime, a war against high gam
bling. a war against syndicalism, a
war against depression, a war
against patriotic indifference and
civic sluggishness.

First the Unemployed

It Is pointed out further In this
remarkable prophecy and its still
more remarkable implications that
the nation-wide army that will be
formed will be drawn first of all
from the unemployed, as well as from
those who have military training
and the various forms of state and
local militia. The first great cam
paign under the new American E x
peditionary Forces will be to direct
this national army in Its various

(Continued on Page 8)

Harrisburg (rlfgmph
Harrisburg. Pennsylvania
Tuesday, June 19, 1934
Pages 6 and 8

(C oottaptd from editorial p ate)

state segments to proceed to carry
out with military precision and
military efficiency the construction
of public necessities of the utmost
advantage to the peoples o f this
nation as individuals and to the
nation collectively, as a great west
ern world empire. Such construc
tion work will consist of the build
ing of new highways of advantage
to the new forms of industry and
commerce, and o f advantage to
the nation in its greater co-opera
tive work of the future. It will also
consist of the building of dams,
the redirection of rivers, the crea
tion of new irrigation systems, the
protection of forests, the improve
ment of agricultural districts and
the sanitation of infectious districts.

Building o f New Cities

But as if this were not enough
It is stated further that other cam
paigns will involve the building of
new cities, new camps, new dis
tricts of homes and Industries which
will provide shelter ana occupation
for the members of the army after
the war Is ended. Other campaigns
will be directed against crime and
the suppression of activities of
criminals, and those who foster
crime. Still other campaigns will
be directed toward the elimination,
control and rehabilitation of those
who are unfit for citizenship in

Harrisburg Telegraph
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Tuesday, June 19,1934
Pages 6 and 8

America, or those who are political

enemies, or enemies of peace and
contentment, and those who need
modern care and treatment to qual
ify them for proper places In the
new scheme of things.
Naturally there will be inquiry
as to how the workers of this great
army are to be paid, and the pro
phecy goes on to tell us all about
it. Funds will be appropriated from
the great war chests of the nation,
and from every form of public and
private subscription similar to those
raised for other great wars, and
the Liberty Bonds1 issued by our
country for this great war will bring
each subscriber to the funds a
larger percentage of genuine bene
fit than has ever come through the
support of any other war in his
There is much more of the same

Harrisburg Telegraph
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Tuesday, June 19, 1934


sort which indicates that prophets

are not yet all of the ancient va
riety. The Roslcrucians evidently
want to. Put out a book which is
entitled Wisdom of the Sages/
and in reading this book all and
sundry are expected to approach
with an unbiased and unprejudiced
attitude and then listen to the still
small voice within which will un
doubtedly urge you to take the next
important step and start a new
career and a new life for the fu
tu re/
And so endeth the chapter.

Greeley Daily Tribune

Greeley, Colorado
Wednesday, June 20, 1934
Page 5

Scroll inside the Sphinx

O, M. \V tln o iir 1727 fiev a n lta nvenuo,

lo c a l R o ijlcru cla si, aayo lie Has b w ea
ABketl to c a s t a r o p r c a o n ta tlv c Toto fo r
R oslcrnclan a l a th is d is t r ic t a il Lhe
1& p r in c ip le s w h ic h a r e th o u g h t to h o
m o a t fu n d a m e n ta l o f t h e cirdera p h ilo u o p b y a n d leacidng. A scroll b e a r
in g a B u m m ary o f th o n e Is to ho d c
pnHltod In th e brea&t o f a m o d e r n
aiihitix o n a p a r c h m e n t Gcroll, s e a le d
In a le a d tu b a . T h i s rereirsu n y w ill
occur J u ly 12 d u r in g t h e Roaicruclan
r o p e u la a
loK on d ary a c t c o n n e c t e d w it h th o
G rea t S p h in x o f G izn h , E g y p t

Logansport Pharos-Tribune
Logansport, Indiana
Thursday, June 21,1934
Page 8

Mrs. Mable A. McMullen, 317
Twelfth street, has been named by
th grand lodge of the Hoslcrnclan
order, Amore, to cast a representa
tive vote for the membership in
this district on the principles of
the order to be sealed in the
"sphinx* befhg erected |n connec
tion with a new science building at
j San Jose, California. '
The ceremony of depositing the)
| document containing the principles

Harrisburg Telegraph
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Friday, June 22,1934
Page 10

Paralleling the legends of the
great sphinx of Ohlzeh, Egypt, of
ficers of the Rosiccrucian Order,
Amorc, will deposit in the breast
of a modem sphinx a parchment
scroll, hermetically sealed in a lead
tube. The scroll will contain the
summary of fifteen principles,
thought by the membership to be
the most fundamental of the order's
philosophy and teachings and which
should be preserved for posterity,
explained E. A. Moyer of 1516 State
street, local Rosicruclandistrlct com
missioner. A vote is being cast
throughout the world to determine
what Rosicrucian principles are
most worthy to be preserved in this
manner. I have just received from
the grand lodge of the order in San
Jose. Cal., instructions to cast a reo-

resentative vote for the membership

in this district, Mr. Moyer said.
The sphinx, one of a pair, each
weighing a ton. is mounted on an
eminence in front of the Science
building, now being completed by
the order.
The ceremony of depositing the
important document will be held
July 12, during the Rosicrucian an
nual convention In San Jose. The
great sphinx of Ohlzeh, Egypt, is
over 172 feet In length and sixtysix feet in height, the sand being
completely uncovered from It by
Cavlglia in 1816, revealing a breast
plate incribed by Thotmes IV, the
translation of which leads archeo
logists to believe that somewhere
In Its mass of masonry was de
posited a table Intended for pos
terity containing the secret purpose
of the builders of the great pyra
The Roscrucian
Amorc, a non-sectarian fraternity,
having its traditional origin In
Egypt, further states Mr. Moyer, is,
therefore, repeating this legendary
art in a modem manner.

Woodland Daily Democrat

Woodland, California
Monday, June 25,1934
Page 5



M iss Clara Fishback, Woodland

Rosierucian, has received inform ation
regarding an im portant project o th a t
order. O fficers o f the Rosicrucian
Order, Amorc, w ill deposit in - the
breast o f a m odem sphinx, to be erect;
t*d in San .Jose, a parchment scroll,
herm etically sealed in a lead tube. The
scroll will contain a summary of 15
principle-? thought by the membership
to hu the most fundam ental of the or
der's philosophy and teachings and
which should be preserved for p os
terity, according to Miss Fishback:;;
Miss Fishback has received instruc
tions from the San Jose Grand lodge
to east a renresentative vote for the
membership ' n this district. The cere
mony of depositing the*' im portant
document will be held July I2 r during
ihe Kodicrucian unnyal convention^,:-

El Paso Herald-Post
El Paso, Texas
Tuesday, June 26,1934
Page 9


RoSicrucians to Vote OU Preserving
Records of Order

FI Paso rtcsicrusinn? will take

part in a nation-wide poll to de1ermine w'lcat principles of chc
order sic* 11 be preserved in a lend
cube !o be sealed in. the breast o f ;
:i modern sphinx at the orders an
nual convention J.:ly 12, Mrs*. Lor
raine Russell, EJ Paso district co:nr..hrionrr, sa-d today.
The sphinx is one of two, endi
weighing n ten, mounted on an emi
nence in front of the Science Birig..
nt Sun Jnsc, Ceil if., now being com-
pieced. The sealing ceremony will
. parallel the legend
the great
Sphinx of Ghizeh, Egypt, traditional
j h:rthpiacc of the Rosicrucian move:r.ent.

El Paso Herald-Post
El Paso, Texas
Tuesday, June 26,1934
Page 9


Rosicrucians to Vote on Preserving Records of Order

El Paso Rosicrucians will take part in a nation-wide poll to determine what

principles of the order shall be preserved in a lead tube to be sealed in the breast of
a modem sphinx at the order's annual convention July 12, Mrs. Lorraine Russell,
El Paso district commissioner, said today.
The sphinx is one of two, each weighing a ton, mounted on an eminence in front
of the Science Bldg, at San Jose, Calif., now being completed. The sealing
ceremony will parallel the legend of the great Sphinx of Ghizeh, Egypt, traditional
birthplace of the Rosicrucian movement.

Dunkirk Evening Observer

Dunkirk, New York
Wednesday, June 27,1934
Page 7

Paralleling tho legends of the
Great Sphinx of Ghlzch, ISgypt, of
ficers of tho Rosicruclan Order,
AMORC will deposit In tho bruiwt
or a modern npblnx a parchraenL
scroll, herm etically icaled in a
lead tubo.
"The scroll will contain a Binnmary of fifteen principles thought
by the membership to bo tho moat
fundamental of the order's phil
osophy and teachings and which
should bo proserved for posterity,
says 0111 vo M.' H ass, of 73J Dear
street, Dunkirk, local Rosicruciuti
District C om m issioner/ A voto la
being cast by Tloslcruciana through
out the world to determine what
principles aro m ost worthy to bo

preaervod In this munnor. *I hnv

Just received from Lho grand lodge
of the order in San Jose, Calif.,
Instructions to cast a representa
tive voto for the membership In
Llila district, sta tes Mrs. Hass. Tho
sphinx, ono of a pair, each w elsh
ing n ton, is mounted on an emin
ence in front of the sclonco build
ing, now being completed by tho
The ceremony of depositing the
Important document will bo held
July 12 during tho ltoslcruclnn an
nual convention.
Tho Great Sphinx of Chizch,
Egypt, Is over one hnndred seven
ty-two feet In length and alxty-aix
feet in height, the Band being first
completely uncovered from It by
Cavlglia, Id ISlti revealing a breast
plate Inscribed by Thothmes JV, the
translation of which leads arche
ologists to believe that somewhere
In Its mass of masonry was depos
ited a tablet Intended for poster
ity, containing the Becret purpose
of the builders of the Great Pyra
AMORC, a non^aecLarlan fraternity,
having Its traditional origin In
Egypt, further sta tes Mrs. Ha.33 ,
Is thcreforo repeating this legend
ary act I d a modern manner.

The Winnipeg Evening Tribune

Winnipeg, Canada
Friday, June 29,1934
Page 8



M -vf i t h *r


P v o n

court p.
n fst r of
the local
'iijfO** > o f Hr*.- i r r u r i a r - - . l o;i\ f * crv
S.v, u i t {<
for S ' ioso C a iifo : i-iH


Me K eu-har


,1o , .i
Nort!* chapter

... i r t o . h o i n t o r n?i H e m
; "
{<) h e
he 1

* i*

noM cruci?ir^

i nv r t h r - . ? i .} riterf a r ii t h o b p ; i 1
r t : rv o f t h e
A i '
t n J u t j s c ! I c ! i o n 1o c a t

r<1 th* c

The Winnipeg Evening Tribune

Winnipeg, Canada
Friday, June 29, 1934
Page 8

Miss C. McKerchar, 517 Devon court, past master of the local chapter of
Rosicrucians, leaves on Saturday for San Jose, California. Miss McKerchar is the
chapter's official delegate to the international convention to be held at San Jose,
July 8 to 14. Rosicrucians from all over the world meet annually at the
headquarters of the North American jurisdiction located there.

The Winnipeg Tribune

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Saturday, June 30,1934
Page 25

RoMcrucian Mysteries






n.f pow tr known to the Ancientt, ^ rtt#

ft the
hook L:fht of E r r ^ t " mail*-*!
'; ' out ot>i:fit!on to
of the nlghrr
*vu of ruture.
t.lhrifts*.i 111. AMOFC TEMPLE

jour, C aliforn ia

Spcnccr Lewis
G iven Cross
By Flag Assn
A communication received here to
day from the United S tatu Flag As
sociation at Washington. D.
which President Franklin D. Roose
velt Is honorary president general and
other eminent American officials are
officers, states that Dr. H. Spencer
Lewis, Imperntnr of the Roslcruclan
Order, AMORO, with Its headquarters
on Naglcc Avenue, has been cited by
(he executive hoard of the association
for his excellent cervices in behnlf
of the patriotic principles of the or
ganization, and awarded the Cross of
Honorone of the higncst wards given
to American citizens. The certificate
and medal Invests Dr. Lewis with the
title of Knight of the Flag and car
ries with It life membership In The
Order of the Flag, headed by Colonel
Lindbergh, who was the first to re
ceive this same distinguished honor.
The communication received yes
terday by Dr. Lewis wss from Jnincs
A. Moss, retired colonel of the United
states Army and president of the
Flag Association, The letter is as fol
lows :
"It gives me pleasure to Inform you,
by direction of our executive board.
that you have been awarded the Cross 1
of Honor of the United States Fla*
Association, with the following c lta - '
MH. 6penccr Lewis. An American i
whose loyalty to the Ideals, principles. I
traditions and Institutions symbolized
by the Flag of the United States Is an
Inspiring example to others. He ren- .
dered during the year 1033 greater i
service than did anyone else to Thr
United States Flag Association In Us
efforts to combat crime, further ,
American patriotism and otherwise
make stronger and more secure th e .
'foundations on which the Republic Is
! established. Through Ills active and
helpful participation In the work of
the Flag Association, which has already
inspired many others, especially Roslcruclans. In all parts of the country

to co-opcratc in the activities of the i

organization, a new and vital force
has entered Into the life of T h e ,
United States Flag Association. The
award of the cross of honor Invests the
recipient with the title of Knight of
the Flag and carries life membership
In the Order of the Flag, headed by
Charles Augustus Lindbergh as the
first to receive the cross of honor
and become a member of the order.
"If agreeable to you, we would like
to have your cross of honor presented
by some outstanding Roslcrucltn, to
be selected for us by you. at the com
ing Roslcruclan convention In San
Jose. We would like to have the pre
sentation made In this manner In
recognition of th e ' fine co-operation
we have received from Roslcruclans In
all parts of the country. In our Judg
ment It would be most fitting. I will
gladly prepare and send with the dec
oration and certificate of award a
memorandum on which our represen
tative whom you select may base his I
"As you may know, Thomas W
Kuhn Is going to attend the conven- j
tlon and we are planning to send the |
cross of honor and the certificate to
you In his personal custody.
"Mr. Kuhn expects to leave for San
Jose July 3.
"May we ask that you plesse let
us know by return airmail or by wire
whether the plan of presentation sug
gested In this letter Is agreesble to
"With every good wish, I beg to
"Very sincerely youn,
"Colonel. U. S. Army, Retired
"President General."
In accordance with the suggestions
contained In this letter, the represen
tative from Washington, D. C bring
ing the medal and certificate to this
city, will present them to some high
| representative of the American Le
gion In this district, who will be pres! ent at the opening session of the
| Roslcruslan annual convention here

San Jose Evening News

San Jose. California
Saturday, June 30.1934
Page 2

Miami News-Record
Miami, Oklahoma
Sunday, July 1, 1934
Page 3

New Sphinx to Hide

Rosicrucian Secrets
TULSA, June 30 Paralleling
che legends of the Great Sphinx
of Ghizeh, Egypt, officers of the
Rosierucian Order, AiMOKC, will
deposit in the breast of a modern
sphinx a parclunen scroll, hermet
ically sealed in a lead tube.
"The scroll will contain a sum
mary of fifteen principles thought
by the membership to be the most
fundamental of the order's philoso
phy and teachings and which
should be preserved for posterity,"
says I. S, Mincks of Tulsa, local
Rosicrucian district commissioner.
A vote is being cast by Rosicrudans throughout the world to de
termine what principles ave most
worthy to be preserved in this
"I have just received from the
Grand lodge of the order in Sar.
Jose, Cal., instructions to cast a
representative vote for the mem
bership in this district," states I.
S. Mincks. The Sphinx, one of a
pair, each weighing a ton, is
mounted on an eminence in front,
of the Science building, now being
completed by tho order.

The ceremony of depositing the

important document will bo held
July 12 during the Rosicrucian an
nual convention. The Great Sphinx
of Ghizeh, Egypt, is over 172 feet
in length and 66 feet in height, the
sand being first completely uncov
ered from it by Caviglia in 1810,
revealing n breast plate inscribeo
by Thothmes IV, the translation
of which leads archeologists to be
lieve that somewhere in its mass
of masonry was deposited a tablet
intended, for posterity, containing
the secret purpose of the builders
of the Great Pyramid. The Rosi
crucian order, AMORC, a non-sec
tarian fraternity,, having its tra
ditional origin in Egypt, further
states I. S. Mincks, is therefore re
peating this legendary act in a
modern manner.

Lincoln Evening State Journal

Lincoln, Nebraska
Monday, July 2, 1934
Page 4

From the Daily Drift Column:

San Jose is lucky. It is head

quarters of the ancient and m ys
tical Order Rosae Crucis, Jurisdic
tion of North Am erica. It has the
wisdom of the sages" done in fine
T h a ts where it has the
advantage of the rest of us. W hat
little sense we have is the result
of a common school education, in
most cases. A sm all percent o f us
attend the universities and are p er
mitted to wrear the cap and gown
on state occasions. Some assum e
to know it all, but do not get very
far with the assumption. To the
full-fledged Roslcrucian, age-old
truths are as fully understood as
the m ultiplication table.
these seasoned m ystery-m ixers the
ambitious student m ay obtain the
key to all truth, or th at is w hat
the adepts will make him think
he has accomplished.

El Paso Herald-Post
El Paso, Texas
Tnesday, July 3 , 1934

Mrs. A, F. Berner of the lower

valley has gone to San Jose, Calif.,
to attend the Rosicrucian conven
tion. She will visit friends In San
Francisco while away*

Santa Cruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, Californis
Friday, July 6,1934
Page 3

F,trail dim: i! * l< mix of lh

C i .,! S; thmx .d r
Eg;tpt, offitH1> o1 1hi Rusienieinn Or. lor.
A.MOKO, will doj 1 it in *ho hit
<1 a mi <!rn >pb MX, a t... 1 ohmout
ro ll. In n n e . iir ai ls waled in a 1ead
I ho m roll will t intain ; iini" V ' I l.r) tj,:?ic'ipl thought b\ )it
ill ail i hip In be ihe itir si funda
ment.d (.f ill on* *i philt .--ophy and
and whioh .hould hr | re M-rvotl let poMerity, s.i\'s |}je Im al
IhtMt rth :.m d'.striof eonimLs.N;->nei,
Mr Adi 'a M Kollo.
A Vi to i.v being i . 1 - 1 l.y Kt ieru -

i i thi -ugh ut tl.i world 1o do t". mine vhat primiplo.- .n

pi >,
. tin ft I

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v. j 11 l K ifive I from (ho
ltd ' iff el *he II do. . S.tll Jo
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t o cost
o p t
tati v
v- ' ' r i! < m rnhor.' Hip in th 1 d
1: -o'," !..( Ms> K- !!r*i The phmx.
> of a part, each weighing a i n.
ip' iiM'-t! i n .<n inn, 'ir in trout
>! the* building, now bom",
eenndt !.i bi' th" in d *i

Tin * i nit n\ . 1 lit ; o.s;(mg tl

mo. - <i irurneiil will h r In Id
J oin 1 during tho Ko'deruaan an
nil..I tnr', f t ; on Tho ( I lent Sphmx
1 C ll.l! I.gyp! |.S IIVI*| 1VJ t**ft ill
length and fifi feet ,i! height. the -nai
e.i 1 fn>i t
pit udv unottvorod
ti >n. it by C.i inli.i m 1HK5. reveal-

Santa Cruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Friday, July 6, 1934
Page 3

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Santa Cruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Friday, July 6,1934
Page 3


Paralleling the legends of the Great Sphinx of Ghizeh Egypt, officers of the
Rosicrucian Order AMORC, will deposit in the breast of a modem sphinx, a
parchment scroll, hermetically sealed in a lead tube. The scroll will contain a
summary of fifteen principles thought by the membership to be the most
fundamental of the orders philosophy and teachings and which should be
preserved for posterity, says the local Rosicrucian district commissioner, Mrs.
Adria M. Keller.
A vote is being cast by Rosicmcians throughout the world to determine what
principles are most worthy to be preserved in this manner. I have just received
from the grand lodge of the order in San Jose, instmctions to cast a representative
vote for the membership in this district, states Mrs. Keller. The sphinx, one of a
pair, each weighing a ton, is mounted on an eminence in front of the Science
building, now being completed by the order.
The ceremony of depositing the important document will be held July 12, during
the Rosicrucian annual convention. The Great Sphinx of Ghizeh, Egypt, is over
172 feet in length and 66 feet in height, the sand being first completely uncovered
from it by Caviglia in 1816, revealing a breast plate inscribed by Thothmes IV the
translation of which leads archeologists to believe that somewhere in its mass of
masonry was deposited a tablet intended for posterity, containing the secret
purpose of the builders of the Great Pyramid. The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, a
non-sectarian fraternity, having its traditional origin in Egypt, further states Mrs.
Keller, is therefore repeating this legendary act in a modem manner.

Santa Cruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Saturday, July 14,1934
Page 4

\tll til! K* 'll*

7!l Hithati\
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w h ile hi 411*fnii (i t[hr annlid,1 Nelmnal H u i'ji ian <11i;V*nil* ii u Hit'h
w. hi Id .! 111\ H to 14 81 i i' th*
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K 1* i

Santa Cruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Saturday, July 14,1934
Page 4


Mrs. Adrian Keller, 79 Bethany Circle, has returned from San Jose, where she
attended the annual National Rosicrucian convention which was held July 8 to 14.
She is the Santa Cruz commissioner of the order.
While there she attended the dedication of the first unit of the Rosicrucian
college. The building is called the Science Hall and, it and a drinking fountain
were dedicated in honor of the late Charles Dana Dean, grand master of the order,
who died shortly after the annual convention last July.
This is the only college of the order in existence. Seven hundred fifty registered
at the convention and delegates came from all parts of the United States, Mexico
and South America. It was publicly announced from the platform of the convention
that all delegates should visit Santa Cruz and the Big Basin before returning home
if possible, said Mrs. Keller.

The Arcadia Tribune

\rcadia, California
Friday, July 20, 1934
Page 7

Arcadians Return i
from Convention
R eturning last Friday from a week
spent in attending the sixth annual
convention of the Roslcruclan order,
at San Jose, Mr, and Mrs. D. H . .
Roush Of 532 North First avenue, i
are very enthusiastic about the
growth of the order In the North
American continent.
Nearly BOO delegates, from all
parts of the United sta te s, Canada
and many countries of South Amerl- \
ca were present at the opening on j
July fi, and at the opening session, \
after the delegates had been sealed.
Judge Percy OConner of San Jose
welcomed the visitors on behalf of
the city, and then presented a clta- J
tlon and. gold cross of honor to the '
Im perator, Dr. H Spencer Lewis,
given by The United S ta tes Flag
Association, for work done in fur
thering the cause in the United
States. T he citation and medal was
sent by special m essenger, Thom as
Kuhn, from W ashington, D. C.. and
was the first citation to be presented
outside of th e c&pltol city.
It Ls Interesting to note," said
Mr. Roush, "that only four other c i
tations and medals have been pre
sented these four going to Col.
Charles Lindbergh, Miss Amelia
Earheart, W illiam Randolph Hearst
and Hon. Ellhu Root."

On W ednesday evening occurod

th e dedication of the new Science
building, and Professor A. Carlland
Bailey of Los Angeles will be In
charge of the studies to be taught
In the college. At the dedication of
the Science building a beautiful
fountain set in the sunken gardens
In front of the Science b u ild in g,1
eredted to the memory of the late
Charles D ana D ean, grand m aster
of the order, was also dedicated with
appropriate ceremonies.
Mr. and Mrs. Roush are quite
pi oud of the fact that they are mem
bers of the Roslcrucian Order, and
look forward each year to attending
the convention and m eeting other
members from all parts of the coun
try. "It is truly a week of educa
tion," said Mrs. Roush, in relating
her experiences In m eeting and talk
ing with the m any brilliant m ldds i

San Bernardino Daily Sun

San Bernardino, California
Saturday, July 28, 1934
Page 12

Rosicrucians in
Annual Conclave
Nearly eight hundred AMORC
poPicrucianF from through nut the
%vorld gathered at their sixth an
nual eonvenMon in San Jose. Cali
fornia, to witness the dedication
c f their science building founded
Cr. idealistic lines, according to A.
F Mettler of 1r,S5 Base Line, San
Bernardino. Mr. Mettler has re
turned from the Eosirrucian con
vention. hHv:r.LT represented there
thp membership of this district
F Francis Bacon 16r,0 A. D.
fa her of the present school of
fi icncc conceived in his novel "The
N f v. Ail ant is a university whose
object it would be to scientifically
Investigate- the hypotl eses and
theories advanced by learned men.
which because of their fan tastic
nature were considered beyond the
realm of religion or conventional

San Bernardino Daily Sun
San Bernardino, California
Saturday, July 28,1934
Page 12


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San Bernardino Daily Sun

San Bernardino, California
Saturday, July 28,1934
Page 12


Nearly eight hundred AMORC Rosicrucians from throughout the world gathered
at their sixth annual convention in San Jose, California, to witness the dedication of
their science building founded on idealistic lines, according to A. S. Mettler of
1085 Base Line, San Bernardino. Mr. Mettler has returned from the Rosicrucian
convention, having represented there the membership of this district.
Sir Francis Bacon 1600 A.D. father of the present school of science, conceived in
his novel The New Atlantis a university whose object it would be to
scientifically investigate the hypotheses and theories advanced by learned men,
which because of their fantastic nature were considered beyond the realm of
religion or conventional science.
The Rosicrucians, states Mr. Mettler, recognize Bacon as an early officer of their
order, and thus their science building of ornate Egyptian design and housing
chemistry, light, physics, radio and photographic laboratories will be devoted to
original research into strange phenomena. An important feature of the convention
was the conferring on Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, imperator of the order, a cross of
honor by the Washington representative of the American flag association for
distinguished service rendered the association in its war on crime. Educational
features consisted of philosophical addresses and addresses by Rosicrucian
authorities on outstanding spheres of science.

The Salt Lake City Tribune

Sait Lake C ity, Utah
Sunday, July 29, 1934
Page 12 B

Delegate Back From

Rosicrucian Meeting

R ep resen tin g th e m em bers of the

A. M. O. R. C. R osicrucian s of this
district, D on B. A ld er of 13B Third
East street r e c e n tly retu rn ed to S alt
L ake C ity from th e s ix th annual con
v en tion o f the ord er in San Jose,
. The m ain fea tu re o f the con ven
tion, Mr. A id er said, w a s th e dedica
tion of the orders' scien ce building
founded on id ea listic lin es o f orante
Egyptinn d esign and h ou sin g chemis-J
trj% ligh t, p h y sics, radio and photo
graphic la b oratories to be devofed
to origin al research into stran ge p h e
nom ena.

The Bryan Eagle

Bryan, Texas
Saturday, August 4,1934
Page 2

>t*i throtiuhi
X or'h America
to patron?
hi e The Hi im ician <rder i- a
The Biyan Public L thiaiy ha lll.ivtim nt devoted to the
jrpffivrtl it* tn t .*u|iy i<t tin tnd\ til ti.r bn hi r piirnipln of
Ru'it ruxian
which i- he-1 111 til*;, HI i I elat'd In titan
in,: j.r M-nu-ii \ n n nihly by th* and hr w Ifai * h i net a t,
>hen iquai U r oi th
Ho-tcruian leU* tM Coililitetcial i r t.-ntt/Ml lull
rtit-r i AMl'Ri i at San Jose i a.
'Thj* publication i' m>n-*ect&nar.
tn subject matter r, I pre-ent*
artuie* f intraphy>us. psychol
ory. and practical phii
phy *|
say* K G. Williams, local Rosicrucial member who ha* been in
f rmed of the (rift for the library.,
Becau*** of the treml of the
iitne*. Mr. William* iate. the oriraniialion eeretary inform ed him
that the r. ading public is columni rating upon iiirra tu ie of u .inniction nature, especially that
Iwhich provoke* serious thought.
T nr Roctir< lan I i * f * appears
:m eveiaj thousand public m libiar-

The Bryan Eagle

Bryan, Texas
Saturday, August 4,1934
Page 2


The Bryan Public Library has received its first copy of the "Rosicrucian Digest,"
which is being presented to it monthly by the headquarters of the Rosicrucian order
(AMORC) at San Jose, Cal. "This publication is non-sectarian in subject matter
and presents articles on intraphysics, psychology, and practical philosophy," says
R.G. Williams, local Rosicrucian member who has been informed of the gift for the
Because of the trend of the times, Mr. Williams states, the organization secretary
informed him that the reading public is concentrating upon literature of a non
fiction nature, especially that which provokes serious thought. The "Rosicrucian
Digest" appears in several thousand public libraries throughout North America and
is now available to patrons here. The Rosicrucian Order is a fraternal movement
devoted to the study of the higher principles of life as they are related to man and
his welfare. It is not a religious or commercial organization.

Noitli America* sole representa

tive in the newly organized "Fedr m t io n Uni verse lie I)rs Orders ot
Societies Imliatiquc" is the Rusicrucian Older, AMORC, m i Mute**
Mrs Keller of 711 Bethany envle
distnel commissioner of the Husierueian Order here
Mm. Keller ielates that in the
bulletin just reeeived from th Rnsierueian Cliand Lndg.- in San Jo-e
it is announeed that at an internatiimal eonvention held in Belgium
near Brussels in August. the highest
offieers and delegates of the oldest
fourteen initiative orders and so
cieties ' l e d ired the Rosiemcan O r
der, AMORC to he the sole body in
North America duly affiliated with
th federation
The federation, it is said, the first
of its kind, eonsisls of the world's
oldest esotene and arcane orders,
mn: I of which trace their traditional
origin to ancient Egypt Royer B a
con, till- alchemist, Francis Bacon,
the philosopher, Paracelsus and A u
gustine are hut a few of the lumi
naries that legends hold in have
been initiated into these mystery"
schools. The object of the unique
conclave which was participated in
by members from nearly all coun
tries of the wot Id, says Mrs Keller,
was to institut > an organization for
the perpetuation of the ancient
lights. ceremonies and teachings of
the respective bodies
Further to
assign such credentials to the
bodies composing the federation as
would signally distinguish them
fr-on im re psiledo mystical move
ments widespread in the western
world today The impTalor of the
Rosierucian Order, AMORC Dr 11
Spencer Lewis, was awarded high
honors m accoid with the organi
zation's new position and responsilnl !y in tilt federation it is stilted

Santa Cruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Thursday, September 27,1934
Page 5


North America's sole representative in the newly organized "Federation
Universelle Des Orders et Societies Initiatique" is the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC,
so states Mrs. Keller of 79 Bethany circle, district commissioner of the Rosicrucian
Order here.
Mrs. Keller relates that in the bulletin just received from the Rosicrucian Grand
Lodge in San Jose it is announced that an international convention held in Belgium
near Brussels in August, the highest officers and delegates of the oldest fourteen
initiative orders and societies declared the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, to be the
sole body in North America duly affiliated with the federation.
The federation, it is said, the first of its kind, consists of the world's oldest
esoteric and arcane orders, most of which trace their traditional origin to ancient
Egypt. Roger Bacon, the alchemist, Francis Bacon, the philosopher, Paracelsus and
Augustine are but a few of the luminaries that legends hold to have been initiated
into these "mystery" schools. The object of the unique conclave which was
participated in by members from nearly all countries of the world, says Mrs.
Keller, was to institute an organization for the perpetuation of the ancients rights,
ceremonies and teachings of the respective bodies. Further to assign such
credentials to these bodies composing the federation as would signally distinguish
them from mere pseudo mystical movements widespread in the western world
today. The imperator of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, Dr. H. Spencer Lewis,
was awarded high honor in accord with the organization's new position and
responsibility in the federation it is stated.

San Jose Evening News

San Jose, California
Saturday, Septem ber 29, 1934
Page 1

Rosicrucian Order
Buys P r o p e r t y
Acquisition of an additional 50 feet
of property on Naglec Avenue was re
vealed today by the Rosicrucian Order.
According to Ralph Lewis, the prop
erty will be used to extend the present
lawn on the property. Amount of
money Involved in the sale was not an
Lewis also revealed that the R osi
crucian Order will enlarge the seating
capacity of its auditorium by 400 seats.
T his enlargem ent work, however, is not
planned until next spring, probably in

Reading I imes
Reading. Pennsylvania
Monday, October 9, 1933
Section I wo - Page 9


Mr. S. J. Marx, grand councilor of
T he Ancient and Mystical O rder Rosae
Crucis. Jurisdiction of North America,
internationally known as A M. O. R
C.. with headquarters a' San Jose,
Calif., has been in Readme for the
past several days organizing a local
chapter to be comprised wholly of
members belonging to the national
loclsre. S R. Landis has been a p
pointed chairm an of the organiza
tion committee, and William Mann
end Francis I. O tt as his assistants.
The local chapter will include in l-s
jurisdiction the adjacent districts
L ancaster, Lebanon. Pottsville. Al
lentown and Pottsrown.
It was announced a conclave would
be held in Reading November or
December, when one of the grand
officers will lecture one night
members only and the following night
to the public.

Mrs. Lewis Is
At Lovely Tea
Mrs. J. E. Witherspoon, chairman
of the literature section of tho San
Jose woman's Club, was hostess for
the officers and chairman of other
sections of the club, and members
of her section at a charmingly ap
pointed tea yesterday afternoon at
her home on South Twelfth Street.
Mrs. Witherspoon welcomed the
guests and presented Mrs. H. Spen
cer Lewis, president of the club,
who has returned from an extended
European trip,
Mrs. E. E Stahl was speaker of
the afternoon, talcing Magazines"
ns the theme of an enlightening
The poets spook of books as
friends," said Mrs. Stahl, but no
one has attempted to classify maga
zines. There are so many and they
multiply so rapidly. There are more
than three thousnnd separate maga
zines printed In the United States,
some good, soma indifferent, and
some bad."
Mrs. Stahl went on to compare
magazines of the present with the
past, exhibiting an old copy of
Harper's printed 60 years ago,
which contained the statement that
the trip from New York to Buffalo
could be made by steam in five
days. She also exhibited an old
Delineator printed In 1905.
As showing the vnrlanco In size
and make-up of present-day maga
zines. copies of The Renders Digest
and Fortune wero contrasted.
M rs,'Shirley Willis was soloist of
tho day, delighting her hearers with
a group of three selections. Miss
Eleanor McDonnel provided sympa
thetic accompaniment.
More than 0Q members of tho.lit
erature section and guests shared
the afternoon, which was concluded
with a chat over tho tea cups.

The Evening News

San Jose, California
Saturday, October 20, 1^34
Page 16

Santa Cruz News

Santa Cruz, California
W ednesday, N ovem ber 14, 1934
Page 3

The Rev. Morrison i \ I lolling
of the College of Mystics of San
Jose will speak tonight at T :.'!<>
o clock at the Metaphysical li
oJ Walnut
a v en u e,
What Are You Waiting F o r ?
Friday night he will talk on Our
Unrecognized Opportunities and
Sunday niglu on The Mystery of
Lucifer or the Prayer of
Lordship. Mr. Helling has been it
student of Anna Itix Miiitz, foun-1
der of the University of Christ in
Los Angeles, and also u n d er thei
teachings of tin* Rosicruciun society in San Jose.

Santa Cruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Wednesday, November 14,1934
Page 5

Speaker at
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Dr. Lewis To
Speak Sunday
Tomorrow night the third discourse
of the scries at the Rosicrucian As*
scmbly will be given by Dr. H. Spencer
Lewis, treating upon the ways and
means of attaining success In life
through utilizing all of the Inner and
latent abilities possessed by man and
the development of special faculties
which will enable him to attune him
self with the newer and more progres
sive ideas of the evolving conscious
ness of the American people.
Dr. Lewis has Just returned from a
visit to Los Angeles, where he was
honored by tho mayor of the city and
civic officials and officers of the
United States Flag Association after
delivering a lecture to a very lArgc
assembly on the subject of the pre
vention of crime. In his talk tomor
row night he will point out that crime
is generally a result of failure in life
and success can be attained to such n
degree that man may become a potent
Influence for good rather than a pub
lic enemy.
The discourses on Sunday nights at
the Roslcrucian Assembly arc preceded
by music and the beautiful Oriental
ritual and ceremony is augmented by
a specially-trained choir directed by
Mrs. Violet Cowger.

San Jose Evening News

San Jose, ( ilifornia
Saturday, November 17. 1934
Page 8

The Evening Independent

St. Petersburg, Florida
Saturday, N ovem ber 17,1934
Page 5

U S E E L IF E '
S& fcA S


IS !

The popular teachings of
schools and churches color
your vision. The truth is
concealed. Real possibili
ties for your advancement
in life are kept for the few.
A power great enough to
change your whole life is
available if you find the



Will give you the true pic

ture of life and the mys
terious forces that await
your command. You will

find a. different key to your personal

problems and a simple way to more
abundant realizations of your desires.
Por many centuries the Roslcrucian
system bas created a new life wltb new
possibility for multitudes who are now
nappy and contented.


If you are sincerely anxious to know
lifeand know your own powerswrite
a letter and ask for this new, private
book. It will be gladly loaned to you
If you are really seeking to change the
course of your life. Address:
Scribe J.P .T .




"The Only Authentic Rod crucian Or

ganization in North America. Recog
nized by world federation of ancient

Reading limes
Reading, Pennsylvania
Monday, November 19,1934
Page 2

Local organization of the Junior
Order of the Torch Bearers, a cul
tural non-sectarian group open to
children between the ages of 0 and
16, has been started under the auaploes |f the Roaicrucian Order,
AMORO, Mrs. Margaret *. Lang, 711
N. Filth at* ha# been appointed ma
tron by R. Bpenoer Lewis, itnprecator for North and 0outh America.



Mrs,, Amy Gray Is

Hostess at Party
At Rio Del Mar
One of ihe Weeks delightful
events wan a party given by Mrs.
May d ray of San Jose at Rio Del
Mar. She entertained her guests,
members of the Scarab club, and
several visitors, at the lovely
summer cottage or her son and
daughter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs.
(leorge A. dray.
Luncheon was followed by o
sociul afternoon at cards enjoyed
by Mrs. H. Spencer Lewis, Mrs.
deorge L. Sullivan, Mrs. George
H. Ballantyne, Mrs. d u s Aurich,
Mrs. W. D. Van Arsdale, Mrs.
Edith JoneH, Mrs. J. R. Watrous,
Mrs. Preston H. Hoinnier, Mrs.
Robert II. Borchers, Mrs. Alison
Peacock, Miss Muyhelle Conboy,
Mrs. M. R. Book waiter, M is s
Townsend, Miss Thomas and Mrs.
Harry L. Bushman of Indianapo


Santa C ruz Evening New

Santa Cruz, California
Friday, November 23. 1934
Page 8

The Evening News

San Jose, California
Saturday, December 1, 1934
Page 8

Dr. Lewis to Give

Answers to Questions
Among the many questions th at Dr.
H. Spencer Lewis will answer on Sun
day evening a t the Roslcrucian Temple
arc some th at might seem very foolish
and some that are of great importance,
but all of them will jsc highly instruc
tive. A question th at has been often
asked and seldom answered is "Why
does a rooster crow?"
The audience attending these Sun
day night meotlngs of the Rosicrucians
at the large auditorium on Naglec
Avcnuo, near Park Avenue, are increas
ing In si7* every Sunday. Doors open
at 7 .oclock.


Oakland Tribune
Oakland, California
Saturday, D ecem ber 1, 1934
Page 6B


------------- *

R o s ic r u c ta n s to

H ear Past M aster

"Tiie Cofil of a Bosicrueipn" will
be the s ubj ec t of nil Address by Past
M aster Elrod Ward of San Fran
cisco, w ho will lie guest speaker al
the session of the Oakland mid Easibay chapter of the Ros crucian
Order at the M adison S treet T em
ple, F ifteen th and Madison, tom or
row even in g at 8 o'clock.

The Evening News

San Jose, California
Saturday, December 1,19 34
Page 8

Weekly Period for Self Unfoldment
Every Sunday Night at 7:30
General Public W'elcomeFree of Creeds
Largest Sunday Night Audiences in Santa Clara Valley
P r ic tle il halpttd Im tn ic llo n Si ro e d ln i and a c h in r Ilia problama (
dally |ito y o u *111 m ia t h ir v lha leadera ot n e r y * a lk ol Ula and

Um rnoal procresava mitucirs at UUi


Tomorrow Night's Discourse

A d


By H. Spencer Lewis, F, R.C., Ph.D.
Author, World T reitlcr, Brilliant Lecturer
W hit secret plana will alfar new apportuMUn dutlni lha eomln* rear I
How can every man and woman improve hlnutll to lata Oran toya al
tna new financial and loclsl ehaniea Ihal are eominyl Whal can
orarjona do to brim about personal. Individual p io ip n lu l Soma naw
and Inltrtvtlng facta will bo itrsaled.

Beautiful Instrumental and Organ Music

Special Robed Choir and Soloists
Impressive Oriental Ceremony
Comfortable and Pleasing Surroundings


A ltit (ha diaeaursa n e t] Sunday Dr L**li will anair quaafksna p a r
lainini tn rational and raitcral rriU an A letk nf lha qufinana <ci
ncn Sunday b i i *
e elelii
f i e n e r P an
tore i t 1


a t'lifu




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Mntdlia 1 B
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a r e l i e v e u b l i a l i e i U d r i f . n l
- . 0 . 1 Ih i d h a n l a i t a t i d i e i I f wha e l a t k m
H a t e I f i ) Id a u r g a r i i h i l l u t i l
Ie i hi i j i n af 1 hy teild i' i i fl i | 1

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A s liU fl

Every Sunday Evening, 7:80

Doora Open at T, Com* early and rnjvy ilia muele.

No Collection

All Welcome

Make Ihls plaea jour Sunday n lfh i hour ol real help In Im pronnt'your
health, prosperity and hupplnru.

Nuiflee Ave., Between Chapman and Park Ave.
Take Alameda Trolley to NAGLEE Are.
Plenty of Parking Space

The Independent
St. Petersburg, Florida
Saturday, December 8,1934
Page 5


Are Ton Blinded to th e Truth?
fe e all th e world's benefits just beyond
your reach? Ace yon held fast to one
position in life, one line of work, one
narrow margin of income! Is the treat
cry of th e SELF W ITH IV for freedom
and persona] power choked into stiUness
b y your lim itations?
Come, lay yonr biases, doubt and hesi-tancy aside! Learn the truth of yonr
possibilities as soon as yon free the
Inner self from its prison. The Ro si cru
cians w ill send yon a fascinating book
called <rThe Wisdom of th e Sates. i t
will tell yon how yon may recelTe the
R od era clan teachings for study in the
PRIVACY OF YOUR HOME. The Rodera clan teachings will reveal how YOU
TOUR DESIRES. Here Is a s opportun
ity, through study, to create yonr

SC R IB E R. P. G.


SAN JOS>6. c a u f o r n Ta

: c
c E c tr^ clcn organi
z a tio n in N orth Am erica. R ecofatacd

Ip world federation of ancient a d n .) >

Oakland Tribune
Oakland, California
Saturday, December 15,1934
Page 7B




R o s ic r tic ia n s to
H o ld C o n v o c a tio n
All Imiiroissive cerem ony, accom
panied by special pimm and vocal
K(ii eel ions*, it aider direction of Soror
Lidey, w ill reflect *tint * Chris! aims
.spirit in opening Ihe session o f the
Oakland mid Kastbay Chapter oi
ihe Rosi crucian Order at the Miuli*
son Street Tem ple, F ifteenth mid
Madison Streets, tomorrow veiling
at 0 o'clock. An address, "Jewels lit
the Path of id fcT delivered by
Frrder Albertos, w ill com plete the

------- -------- -


The Fresno Bee

Fresno, California
Sunday, January 6, 1935
Page 4 C

Rosicrusian Order Sees

Move For Dictator
World w id e public opinion and
action in 1935 will favor d icta to r
ship in the United States.
; Tide is or.e cil Lhe 103r p r e d ic tio n s ,
by the Itcsirru cia n Older, th e pre
dictions h a v in g been received by
Georgo M. Oflncr, 020 South F ifth
.Street, d istrict com missioner for
thr* order In Fresno.
T h is i>rediction Is based on gen
eral reco g n itio n tb n t political fa c
tions en d p erson alities w ill cla sh
during Lho year resu ltin g in an In
crea sin g b arrier to tlic p rogress nf
m odern so c ie ty and industry, thu
a n n o u n c e m e n t says.
Great a d v a n c em e n t In scien ce
will be m a d e during the year, a c
cording to the predictions, and
b ank in g and speculating s y s te m s
wi l l
receiv e
France will be distressed and ter*
rifled by w a r feard. Support of
tllllor In G erm a n y will he solidified
and A u stria will return to a form
of g o v e r n m e n t re&cmbling th e old
C h arges of deceit, fraud and de
liberate m isrcp rca-u tatlon w ill he
hroughL a g a in st h igh o ffic ers of the
United Stfitaa G overnm ent, the p re
d iction s co n tin u e.

The Brownsville Herald

Brow nsville, Texas
Wednesday, January 9,1935
Page 8

Rosicrucians Predict
Reign Of Dictators
Because of general recognition
that political factions and clash of
personalities high in pubiic office
constitute an ever increasing bar
rier z o the progress ot m odem soc
iety and the developm ent of indus
try, world-wide public opinion and
action in 1935 will faver dictator
T his is the prediction of the R osicrucian Order, AMORC, contained
In a brochure entitled. 1935 and
Surprise, according to Mrs. S te r
ling Davis of R1 Jardln, district com
missioner of trie order.
Mrs. Davis says the brochure is of
a scries of annual predictions Issued
by the Grand Lodge of the philoso
phic Order in Bar. Jo<sa* baiifornia,
and startling for their accuracy.
Further predictions included in the
brochure are that Austria will fight
for and secure a return to a m odified
form of monarchy. International a f
fairs of Germ any will bub solidify
the support of Hitler but also bring
about an alteration of h is objection
able -policies. Fra-nce, it is stared,
will be further distressed ar.d ter
rorized by a war fear complex.
A constant
display of her e v i
dent suspicion will affect her Inter
national good will, resulting in a
loss of trade. In the U nited States,
che brochure
continues, banking

The Brownsville Herald

Brownsville. Texas
Wednesday, January 9, 1935
Page 8

and speculating systems will receive

a number of new jolos during 1935.
and the present vacillating condi
tions in monetary matters will con
tinue for several months. Readjust
ment in the United Stares govern
ment. it Js contended, will bring
about during
next twelve
months a series of charges of deceit,
fraud, and deliberate misrepresenta
tion and secret alliances against the
highest officers of the government.
A favorable note, according to the
brochure, Is chat the relationship
between the United States and Can
ada wilt become more assuring, and
result in an expansion of trade be
tween both countries.
The predictions conclude with the
statement that great advancement
will be made by science in 193,5 in
connection with the scudy oi the in
fluence of high frequencies on the
cause nnd cure of disease, and par
ticularly of nervous disorders.

The Lincoln Star

Lincoln, Nebraska
Thursday, January 10, 1935
Page 8

More Dictatorship*
Predicted bp A M O R C
T h o r n b e r r y , 945 N orth
T w e n ty -th ir d str e e t, d istr ic t c o m
m issio n e r o f th e R o sic r u c ia n O r
d er, A M O R C , a n n o u n c e d T h u r s
d a y th a t d ic ta to r sh ip s w ill in
c r e a se in th e w orld in 1935 a c
co r d in g to a b ro ch u re o f th e o r
d e r e n title d , 1935 A n d S u r p r is e .
T h e b ro ch u re s a y s :
B e c a u se o f g e n e r a l r e c o g n itio n
th a t p o litic a l fa c tio n s and cla sh
o f p e r s o n a litie s h ig h in p u b lic
o ffic e c o n s titu te an e v e r ineren in g b a rrier to th e p ro g ress of
m o d ern s u c h I v and th e d e v e lo p
m en t o f
in d u str y ,
w o r ld -w id e
p u b lic o p in io n and a ctio n in 1935
w ill
fa v o i
d ic ta to r s h ip s . T h e
b ro ch u re p r o m ise s c o n tin u e d u n
r e st in so c ia l and p o litic a l life in
th e w o rld b ut g re a t a d v a n c e s in
s c ie n c e a re fo r e se e n .


The Fresno Bee

Fresno. California
Sunday, January 13, 1935
Page 4-B

Rosicrucian Principles
To Be Told By Lecturer
L ectu res on R o s ic r u c ia n pri nj ci pl rs w ill be p r e s e n t e d .it t he P a r
lor L ecture Club M fi n'clorlc T u es
d a y a n d W e d n e s d a y nvcntngjt by
C ec il A. P o o lc, a m em ber o f ib e

n ational board a f lectu resh ip *of the

R o s ie r u cin n B rullierhoad.
ITnw T o O b ta in T h e M o st F r o m
U fc
w ill be th e
s u b je c t o f th e ;
T u e s d a y le c tu r e , a n d o n W e d n c s-j
d a y P o o le w ill s p e a k o n T h e T r u th
A b o u t P o p u la r P s y c h o lo g y ,
T h e p u b lic is In v ite d a n d lbet*r
Is n o a d m is s io n c h a r g e .

The Fresno Bee

Fresno, California
Tuesday, January IS, 1935
Page 3-B


L>o you understand w hat life in In com pari
son lo Ihc olhcr Ihinjff. about you? Arc vn;i
ft free .apent? Is It really ja.*_sihlr for you
to ruulral fu le ? W hat is vour true
in llfp ? Do you know w hat in meant by
Cosm ic consciousness and how you can
nttain il ?

I f l'nc*c questions interest you. come ami

henr the vitally interesting answers In
thorn. Vou will not forget this iOtrueliv e l*M*lurp.

"The Truih Aboul Popular Psychology"

f.rnrn the tr.ilh about m enial healing.
.Has prayer any rcnl value today? Do
the crystal ball nn<l auUyunilc writing
And the black m irror contain k aecret
p o w er? W hat \s blue*; m agic? Does il
w o rk ? Can content ration really bring

( rell
a n a n lv r ot
1hr Nuiicnal t.'erurc 1W ii |
of i }m !a i r>h l.iu i V W ,
AMOK',. H f r .in M irMrr
sOil ir rspcnei*'.'tl lerlitrrr

ili l i i ' l l


ts mi ui;tl.:'isl!> fr ireful

Cornu. bear die (ruth about those things and obtain rcnl knowledge.



va.v nkss avknlt :

i T O - N IG H T , Jan. 15th, 8

P. M .; Wednesday, Jon. 16th

.e (tn p s a rrt| ty




The Kvening Herald

Provo, Utah
Friday, January 18,1935
Page 10

Brochure Predicts
More Dictatorships
Because of general recognition
that political factions and clash of
personalities high in public office
constitute an ever increasing bar
rier to the progress of modern
society and the development of in
dustry, world-wide public opinion
and action in 1935 will favor dic
This is the prediction of the
Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, con
tained in a brochure entitled, 1935
and Surprise/ according to George
D. Peterson of Provo, district com
missioner of the Order. Mr. Pet
erson says the brochure is one of
a series o f annual predictions is
sued by the grand lodge of this
philosophic order in San
C alifornia."
In the United States, the bro
chure says: banking and specu
I lating system s will receive a num
I ber of new jolts during 1935, and

The Evening Herald

Provo, Utah
Friday, January 18, 1935
Page 10

the present vacillating conditionsin monetary m atters will contin

ue for several months. Readjust
ment in the United States govern
ment, it is contended, will bring
about during the next
months a s e r i e s of charges of de
ceit, fraud, and deliberate misrep
resentation and secret alliances
again st the highest officers of the
A favorable note,
according to the brochure, is that
the relationship between
United States and Canada will be
come more assuring, and result I
in an expansion of trade between
both countries.

The Winnipeg Evening Tribune

Winnipeg. Manitoba, Canada
Saturday, January 19,1935
Page 19

Rosicrucians Predict Reign

of Dictators
To the E ditor of The Tribune.
8lr,"Because of general recog
nition that political faction* and
clash of personalities high In public
ofrico ccnatitute an over'lncreaslng
barrier to the progress of m odern
society and the developm ent of in
dustry, world-wide public opinion
and action In 1936 will favor
This is the prediction o f the
Roslcrucian Order, A.M.O.R.C., eon- I
tslned in s brochure entitled 1932
and Surprise.* The hrochure V* on#
o f & series o f anrual predictions
Issued by th e Grand Lodge of the
philosophic Order in San Jose, C ali
fornia. and startling for their accuracy.
Further predictions Included In
the b!Tehnr<* arc that Austria will
1tight for and secure a return to a
! modified form of monarchy. Inter
national affairs of Germ any will
but solidify the support of Hitler,
but ak?o bring about an alteration
o f his objectionable policies
France. It Is stated, will be
further distressed and terrorized by
a w ar fear complex. A constant
display of her evident suspicions
will sffect her international good
will. resulting in s loss of trade.
In the United States, the brochure
continues, banking and speculating
system s will receive s number of
new jolts during 1935. and the pre
sent vacillating conditions In m one
tary m atters will continue for
several m onths. R eadjustm ent In
the United tttates governm ent. It is
, contended, will bring about during
(th e next 12 months a series of

I'he Winnipeg Evening Tribune

Winnipeg. Manitoba, Canada
.Saturday, .January 19, 1935
Page 19

' char*** against high officers of the

governm ent.
K favorable note, according to
the brochure, la that the relationhip between the United S tates sn d
I Canada will become more assuring,
and result in an expansion of trade
between both countries.
The predictions conclude w ith the
statem ent that great advancem ent
w ill be m ade by science in 1935.
D istrict Com m issioner of the R O .i
A.M.O.R.C 207 IV.Ion Trust Bldg .
W innipeg.

Mass Meeting
Fights Crime
Crime m ust go I
Thnfc Is the theme of the mass
m eeting to be held in the Rosicruclan
Auditorium on Naglee Avenue at 8
oclocle this evening, under th e direc
tion of Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, Cali
fornia State chairm an of the United
S tates Flag Association.
Out of tonights m eeting will be
form ed the San Jose Council of '76,
w hich will be the official local unit of
th e crlm e-combattlng division.
Throughout the United States the
flag association o f which Franklin
Roosevelt Is honorary president gen
eral. has formed these local units. The
objective of the council of *76 Is to Im
press the public with the seriousness of
th e crime problem. As a national or
ganization, already organized In most
cities, the council threatens to be the
crim inals nemesis.
Dr. Lewis will outline the work of
th e association tonight, and he urges
th a t parents nnd Parent-Teacher As
sociation members attend.
Other speakers on the program will
be Mrs. Ethel Ward and Virgil L.
Rankin, State director of publicity for
the Counoll of '76.

Spokane Daily Chronicle (Early Edition)

Spokane, W ashington
M onday, February 4 ,1 9 3 5
Page 3

V i'/

T ho p o p u la r te a c h in g s
o f s c h o o ls an d ch ir<h**a
c o lo r y o u r v isio n .
4 he
tru th Is c o n c e a le d .
K* h1
p o s s ib ilitie s for y o u r a d
vancem ent
lift 1 a r e
k e p t for tho fe w . A p o w er
g r e a t e n o u g h to c h a n c e
y o u r w h o le lif e is m a i l
a b le if you fin d t h *1 k ey.


W i ll g iv e yo u th o tru e p ic tu r e o f
lifo and th o m y s te r io u s force-* ih a t
a w a it y o u r c o m m a n d .
You wi l l
find a different key to your
problems and a sim ple way to n >ro
abundant realizations of your tv -u r s .
For many centuries the Rosie iu. .an
system has created a new life ;n
new possibilities for m ultitudes who
are now happy and contented.


If you are sincerely anxious to
know life and know your own pow
erswrite a letter and ask for t: a
new. prtvato book
It will be g.ft-.iy
loaned to you if you are really &re*wig
. to change the course of your life Ad
Scribe C W. D.

S A N J O S S , 'C A L I F O R N I A
The only organization In America
perpetuating the original Rosier u c u n

Hamilton Journal - The Daily News

Hamilton, Ohio
Monday, February 4, 1935
Page 10

RosicmciaD Mysteries
Alt hiueero seekers fou the grent
truth ujid mystical power known to
II'm ancients write lor the free
lxok> Tim. Wisdom of Ihe Sages-'*
It is mailed without obligation to
students of the higher Inwe 11af u i o a n d menial science Frinr 1 1 1 ,
Ainure Temple, Snu Jose. Califoriiin,

The Gazette and Daily

York. Pennsylvania,
Tuesday, March 5. 1935




1. E D W A R D

S T R A YER . E ditor

Programs In Eastern Standard Tima

A. M .
8 :30 WEAFCheerio.

I :1BWEAFMa Perkins.
W'JZMarley trio.
WORAfternoon Mualcal revue.
8 : 3 0 - IVORTalk.
WJZHarvest of Boof.
W IPllrooklyn trio.

W K A F-Y our Child.
W JZ -T on e Wont.
W C A l - R a d i o debuts.

IVORFrank and Flo.

11 :3 n -W E A F -T h r ee Shadea of Blue.
W IPStlldlo cnaiJliblr.
WCAU-WABCU. S. Nnvy band.
WJZr. S. Marine band.
WOKJacob Tarlih.
11:43W lP -P h lllp Irving.
WORTom Davla' tenor.
WEAFPlano duo.

1 2 :0 0 -W E A F -T h e Story of Mary Mar
WABC-WCAUVoice of Experi
WOKCurrent Events.
W IPEddie Prior's orch.
IV I.'
iVCAl -WAHC The Gumps.
WOKMonH Loive,
I2:3u WEAF.Merry Madcaps.
WABC-WCAUFire Star Jones.
W IP-M id-H uy Service.
WJZNatl. Farm and Home hour.
WOKl'aullne Alport.
12:45WABC-WCAU The

S:0BW41V-WKAPLeo icelsman'a orch.

WOKIlorrah Mlnevitch'a rascals.
C'FKB Eclipse Uld Tlinera.
WJZ-WLWEno Crime ware.
..WABC-WCAULavender and old
. .W IPVnl Krncy'a orch.
WONI'almer House ensemble.
8:15WONDance orch.
W IP -J n n , Jude nnd Jerry.
8:30 WEAFLady Bather serenade.
WJZLawrence Tihbett.
.W I P Rev. Robert Fraxer.
WOT Wayne King's orch.
WOK-WLWCrosley Follies.
WABC-WCAU Metudianu.
WONPalmer House ensemble.
8:43--WONNorthweatero D. program
8 :0 0 - WGY-WEAK-Ren Uernlei orch
IVJZUrace Moore.
l-riioalcrucian ofaerl

iw Metqrty nimw.

WOK"Happy Hnl'a llouaewarm

WABC-WCAU -Bing Crosby.
WGNKay Kyser's orch.
8:13WON Lawrence Salerno's orch.
CFKBTom llamllton.
8 :30 WLIV -WOY-WEAF - Ed Wynn,
the Fire Chief.
WOKDramatic sketch.

ARE YOU AN . . .
Are You Blinded to the Truth7
Are all tho world a benefits Juat beyond
your retch? Are you held fa it to ona
position In life, one line of work, one n ar
row margin of Income? Is the great cry
of the "SELF WITHIN" for freedom and
personal power, choked Into uillneis by
your limitations?


Come, lay your biases, doubt and hesi
tancy aside! Learn the truth of YOUR
POSSIBILITIES as soon as you free the
inner self from its prison. Out of the
grateful hearts of thousands in many
lands have been set aside funds to pay for
the printing and mailing of a strange mes
sage of Hope and Help. The Rosicrudans.
a practical brotherhood of learning and
instruction, will see that this book Is sent
you. It is called "The Wisdom of the
Ssgea," and It tells how the secrets of
Nature and of mans mind have been pre
served sines the days of Egypt's great
powerand HOW YOU. In the prlvary of
your home, may study these simple laws to
widen your circle of personal power and
DESIRES Address iho Scribe below and
get a copy of this book at once If you are
really sincero In your request.

sem ne c. w. it.

The only orcanliatlon In America per
petuating the original RoilcrucUn teachins*

Spokane Daily Chronicle

Spokane, Washington
Saturday, March 9, 1935
Page 2

The Ogden Standard-1

Ogden, Utah
Tuesday, March 19, I?
Page 5

Ceremony To Start
Rosicrucian Year
Tlic vernal equinox on March 21,
when the sun enters the nstronomlcal sign of Arles upon its celestial
Journey nround the Zodlnc. marks
the ancient beginning of the New
Year commemorated by the Roslcrucian Order, AMORC, ft philo
sophical fraternity. Donald Benson
Alder, secretary of the local Rosi
crucian Salt Lake city chapter,
states: T h e traditional history of
the Poslcruclans," relates Mr. Don
ald B. Alder, "records its establish
ment during the Tcign of Pnraoh
Amenhotep IV 1350 B. C., who is
said to have Instituted the ancient
ceremony and feast, which is con
tinued in commemoration in the
same ancient manner by the Roslcruclans throughout the world to
day. The Imperator of the Order
declares by proclamation from the
Grand Lodge of the Order In San
Jose, California, annually, the exact
date of the ceremony."
The newly appointed officers for
the local body will be Installed fol
lowing the ancient rites. Rosicruclans from adjacent cities arc ex
pected to attend.
---------------- + + ----------------

1be W*ri* News-Tribune

Waco. Texas
Wednesday, March 20, !935
Page 10

Vernal Equinox Start Of

RosicTucians' New Year
Mis* Marjorie ( U l s t e r of
261! II o m a n Avenue
Iclh A b o u t Ancient
Rites of Order

salt a n d t r a p s Jules, r e p r e s e n t i n g
the prin< ipal e l e m e n t s of m a n s Qdtu r s , Mi*s ( ' u a t e r aa v s
T r a d itio n a l

H is t o r y

" T h e t r a d i t i o n a l h is to r y
of t h a
R o a i c r u c ia n s
a v e r s Mi*a C u s t e r .
T h a * r m l a q tn n o i of T h u rs d a y .
reotd* M* e s t a b l i a h m e n t
M a r c h 21, w h e n t h e t u n e n t e r s th e th e reign of P h a r a o h A m e n h o t e p IV,
l.lfgi H C , w h o is s a i d to h a v e ina s t r o n o m i c a l s ig n of A r i e s u p o n it* Minted th e a n c i e n t c e r e m o n y a n d
c e l e s t i a l j o u r n e y a r o u n d ih# go dia e f e a s t w h ic h ta c o n t i n u e d tn c u m m a r k s th e a n c i e n t b e g i n n i n g of th e m * i n o r a ti o n In t h a s a m a
new y e a r to he r o m m e m o r a t e d by m a n n e r bv th e Ro*< r u c i a n s t h r o u g h
lot al m e m b e r * of t h e K o m c r ti r in n out th e wo rld t o d a y . "
o r d e r . A M< HU.*, a p h i l o s o p h i c a l f r a
All H o s i c r u r i a n s in a d j a c e n t ci ti e s
h " ' e also hen o f f ic i a ll y n o ti f ie d of
Anelm| Rite* f o l l o w e d
l h a d a t e of t h a m v s t i c a l c e r e m o n y
Mias M a r j o r t e ( ' u a t e r . 2^11 H o m a n
a \ e n u e local H o a i r r u r i a n aa>a aha
h a s r e c e i v e d a p r o c l a m a t i o n h \ the
i m p e r a t o r of t h e o r d e r f r o m Ms
g r a n d lodge In Man J o s e
C alif,
d e c l a r i n g M a r c h 21 t h e d a v to rmm e m o r a t a t h e a n c i e n t rit e
( ' u a t e r s a v a t h a t for c e n t u r i e s the
p e o p l e s of t h e o r i e n t c e l e b r a t e d the
b e g i n n i n g of t h e n e w > e a r on or
s h o u t M a r c h 31 w h e n th i s a g r o
n o m i c a l ph e n o m e n o n o c c u r r e d a n d
w h i c h a l s o a p p e a r e d th e
ti m e , b e i n g t h a b e g i n n i n g of sp rin g,
w h e n all n a t u r e i* in a a t a t e of r a birth and aw akening
The ancient
E g y p t i a n s d e c l a r e d t h e e v e n t a n oec a a m n for festivities and partook
of a symbolic feast of eornhread.

Morning News
Florence, South Carolina
Thursday, March 21, 1935



Ancient Ceremony
Observed Today
Th vernal equinox today when
the iun ehtoca the agronom ical
U&n of Arles upon Ua celestial Jour*
nrjr around U * zdiac. n u ifci the
ancient beginning q| tli New Year
U be commemorated by the local
member* of the RoslcruUn ord<*\
liU t o n c , a philosophical Iraternur.* friid James II. Perkins of 107
fipruce street, a Florence
Mr, Perklra Mla tie nan receiv
ed a proclamation by the Imperiiicr of the order from Its grand
ledge In Ban Jv-e. Ca!lf dectaim O ! I r t E T T W f T y To com oehfs>rale \ h% ancient n tc.
*l-tnr centuries ih r people of the
Onent celebrated the New Y ir
cn w about March 71. h en the
i5trnnottial piier-amenon
iim u red and which also appeared to be
'ihe trv(?!n] time, bctnjt spring when
al nVure lx in & atatw of rrblrtli
and aacentne.
T he ancient Cgiptlxtia declared
the event an occasion for fesUvItfcs
and par look of a syo.!>ollc fe>*tt
of com bread, w it and em p? lutce.
representing th e principal element
of man'* nature.
*TTe traditional history of the
Itadcmciar.s,* Itr. Pcrkiaa
"records Its establishment In 13S0

11, c . outing the feign of PlumaU

Amrrvolcp IV who Is said to have
instituted the ancient ceremony.

The Kane Republican

Kane. Pennsylvania
Friday, March 22,1935
Page 4

The vernal equinox yesterday, when

the sun entered the astronomical sign
I of Aries upon its celestial journey
around the Zodiac, also marked the
beginning of a new year for members
of the Rosicrucian order, Amorc, a
philosophical cult . . . for centuries
the Orient celebrated the beginning
| of the new year on or about March
21 . . . the ancient Egyptians de
clared the event an oocasion for fes
tivities and partook of a symbolic
feast of cornbread, salt and grape
| juice, representing the principal ele*
ments of man's nature . . . modern
Rosicrucians claim their order was es! tablished during the reign of Pharoah
! Amenhotep IV, 1350 B. C., who was
said to have instituted the ancient
ceremony and feast still used by mem-s
bers of the c u lt

A n cien t Feast Starts

Rosicrucian ISeiv Year
The Rosicrucian Order Amorc, a j
philosopical fraternity, w ill hold its;
annual ceremony and feast tonight at
7:30 at the Friendship Hall, 113 North
Eight street.
The Rosicrucian New Year of 3288 in
the order begins on Thursday, March
21, the first day of Spring, when ac
cording to the founder, all nature is in
a state of rebirth and awakening. The 1
ancient Egyptians declared the advent
an occasion for ceremony and festivi
Traditional history records its estab
lishment during the reign of Pharaoh
Amenhotep IV, 1350 B. C., and which
l is continued in the same ancient manI nor by the Rosicrucians throughout
the world today.
The new ly appointed officers of the
local chapter w ill be installed follow
ing the ancient rites. Rosicrucians
from adjacent cities are expected to

Reading Eagle
Reading, Pennsylvania
Sunday, March 24. 1935
Page 7

Santa Ana Daily Register

Santa Ana, California
Thursday. March 28, 1935
Page 9

C < u n m issin n er ( )t
R o s ic n io m n ( )i\lc r
A np>m feii f It* re

Santa Ana Daily Register

Santa Ana, California
Thursday, March 28,1935
Page 9

Commissioner O f Rosicrucian Order Appointed Here

The Rosicrucian order in this community will be represented in
extension activities in the future by Kate I. Rockefeller, Santa Clara
avenue, it was announced today, who has received a certificate of
appointment as commissioner from San Jose headquarters.
The California headquarters of the organization is for the North
American jurisdiction. Each country has its various sectional lodges,
chapters and extension commissioners. Commissioners are not paid for
their service.
Mrs. Rockefeller said the order is a fraternity which is devoted to the
dissemination of knowledge o f the natural laws o f life and the teaching
of philosophy and is not a commercial or religious organization.

Nevada Slate Journal

Reno, Nevada
Sunday, April 21, 1935
Page 8

Rosicrucian to
Lecture Tuesday
C ecil A. P oole, a m em ber of the 1
n a tio n a l board o f lectu resh ip o f 1
th e R o sicru cia n order, w ill speak
! here a t 8 p. m . T u esd ay.
lectu re will be held in th e W ashoe
co u n ty library buildin g.
P oole's su b je c t w ill be ' M y steri
o u s L egen d s an d S c ie n tific F a c ts
o f th e L ost C o n tin en t o f L cm urla
and A tla n tis "
A s an ad d ed featu re a sound
p ictu re rev ea lin g th r in terior o f
th e G reat P yram id o f G izeh w ill be
s h o v r .. T h e film e x p la in s th e m vot c r h i s p a ssa g e s o f th is tem p le and
de.5er.b 0 s
th e secret passagew ay
e x is tin g b etw een th e S p h in x and
th e G r e a t P yram id .

Nevada State Journal

Keno, Nevada
Tuesday, April 23,1935
Page 9

National Rosicrucian
Lecturer Talks H ere
Speaks Tonight

Pyramids, S p h i n x
S u b j e c t s of
Cecil A. Poole, national BoM*
crucian lecuvor. vUi fixa* at 8
p. ni lodity In the auditorium ot
me Washoe county library build-


Cecil A. Poole

aill speak on "Tlic Orr.-i:

Pyramid of Giarh." He arrlvr.1
here yesterday with Ills technician
K.'nda; I. Broker In the RoMcmcan courier car a hich Js on a
nationwide tour.
The cor i* specially dcMpnod
and filled with modern scientif.c
equipment and paraphernalia for
\u* in douvjnslraUnt; latest d e
velopments :o Rrno icsidejus. a
senes of lectures will be held here
Poole's laclure tomuM will be
followed by .1 special sound and
lalkinp motion picture
or the
Pyramid and Sphm x. revealliK
thefc' conreciion by a vjt>>rrraneair
pnc.saKtN.ay. Titc public U in
A private *howsnir wav
> *
icrdny for Rosicruoan m embers

---- -----K --------------

Rosicrucians Will
Hold District Meet
Rosicrucians within a 50 - mile
nren will attend a series of addresses
to be Riven by Cecil A. Poole. K. R.
C. . member ol the national board of
lectureship of the Roslcruclan or
der. AMORC, beginning Friday,
April 26. In the Ncwhousc hotel. Salt
Lake City.
D. Spencer Gunnnrson, 115 West
Second street. Ogden, local Roslcrudnn, said these conclaves arc tra
ditional with the order. It Is declar
ed that during the reign of Amcnhotep IV. pharaoh of Egypt. 1350
D. C.. the period In which the phil
osophical order is traditionally as
serted to have had Its origin. Roslcruclnns began to periodically meet
In grotto temples. These, secret
meetings were for the discussion
nnd contemplation of the then ad
vanced knowledge of the time. Treks
to theso early conclaves were ever
the desert wastelands of northern
Africa. By contrast, Mr. Gunnarson
states, the grand lodge of the order
in Ban Jose, Calif., provides modern
talking motion picture equipment
nnd other devices to tour the Unit
ed States
to demonstrate to its
mcmbcrrhlp the philosophical and
scientific principles of the move
ments nnd teachings.
------------- -*--------------

The Ogden Standard-Examiner

Ogden, Utah
Wednesday, April 24, 1935
Page 7

The Sail Lake Tribune

Salt Lake City, Utah
Saturday Morning, April 27, 1935
Page 14

Did a r te a of supermen
buiid the G re a t Pyramid? Are the
tales of the sunken continents o f Atlantis
and Lemur!a legend or scientific fact? Do you know
about the strange culture and wisdom which these
f, peoples of the lost races left behind them? The secrets of
the ancient mystery schools live on. Learn the truth about the
hidden power of mind and tha strange forces of life and soul.
These art but some of the fascinating subjects of this lecture:

With Tuning
Motion Pifluro

All Are Welcome Come and bring a friend to hear M r. C . A. Poole,

National Rosierucian lecturer, make this forceful address. Also, SEE
and HEAP, the motion pictures, The Human Crucible and The
Mystery Schools of Egypt.11 There are no fee* or collections.

Tom orrow
II p. ;n.


Fourth South and M ain S treet

The R O S I C R U C I A N S

April 28




The legends and facts of the lost

continents of Lemuria and Atlantis
will be discussed at a public lecture
Sunday at 8 p. m. in the Newhouse
hotel by Cecil A. Poole, a member of
the national board of lectureship,
Roslcrucian order, AJMORC, it was
announced Saturday. The lecture
w ill be sponsored by local Rosicruclans.
The Salt Lake Tribune
Salt Lake City, Utah
Sunday, April 28, 1935
Page 46


Roslct ucTfvn* Attend

D istrict C o n clave
A ll l(irlL'nu luiis w ith in 50 niHc* of
D e n v e r are p la n n in g tn attend tlia
eerioe of a d d re sse s to b e jjh e n b y
C e cil A. Poole, K. It. C. m em b er o f the
n atio n al lmard of le ctu re sh ip o f the
llo B len tela n order, A . M. O, It. C., be
g in n in g W e d itL 'b ila .v , Mny l. M ooring
w ill lie belli Ju th e h all at 1S07 lA iiroin
Btreel, D enver.
(J. At. W illson . I . R. C., of 1 U 5 1
T w e l/ lh a ven u e, local
H o jirm rla n .
s ta te s that lbe.-0 c o n c la v e s a re tra
d itio n al w ith the order.
Public is c o rd ia lly Invited to hear
tint /reo Ioc Uito, " K c c ro ls o f n I'oigotton W orld" hy M. Iuiiln and to soe the
m otion p iem res, l h e U nm an Cruela b le " mid " T h e A lyptory Sch ools o ft
>Igypi." T h e r e will 1m shown K riday
a t th e hallraom o f the A lb a n y h otel a t
6 P. m.
----------------------------- - A - - i _________________

Greeley Daily Tribune

Greeley, Colorado
Tuesday, April 30, 1935
Page 4

Hamilton Journal - I hr Daily Mews

Hamilton. Ohio
Monday, May 6, 1935
Page 12

H osier u ciaa M ysteries

All sincere .wkwa J ol* lhe

ti nIh aruJ jiiyslicnl power known lo
Uio Ancients write 1nr iho free
ijouka "Thu Wisdoms at the Sages
U is ninilril witliuiit obligation toj
sliidenlb uL the higher laws nl nnInn; niul lnemnl .^uiuuec.

The Fresno Bee

Fresno. California
Thursday, June 13, 1935
Page 6 A


_______ ________________

J o s e C n 't T h e f t I s

L a id T o
SAX JOSE. June 13.rVi Vii-Ril
Rar.ltln. advert Islnc aconey opera
tor ami former head of (ho San Jose
Bettor B u r n e r s Bureau, is sought
to-day on a warrant charging om*|
bczzlcmcnt o f
Trom tlio Roai-'
crucian Order,
Rnnlcln, who disappeared laal
empowered to place
. Rosinrunlan iniVcrLlsInr copy will: niaeav.lnee. Hnrvcy MllOB.f
Roolcrurlan IreaBurer, launched anInvrstiqatlon amt learned, he s^td.j
Ihat Rankin appropriated, mo:v\v
which was In have gonc in payment'
for advertising.

The Modesto Bee and News Herald

Modesto. California
Thursday. June 13, 1935
Page 2

|San Jose Ad Man

Is Sought In Th^ft
SA.V J O S E . J u n e 13. ( I N jj )
|A c c u s e d of cmhefcfcJIng
V irgil
j L. Rnnlcirt, 35, a d v e r tis in g
la n d fo r m e r h ead o f th e t a n J o se
, B e tte r B u o in e ss E u ic r u , Is w a n te d
h e r e lo-riay.
T h e c o m p la in t sig n ed by H a r n e y
M iles. Izeafsiner of the rtoRlenreian
Order, charged R /in k ln w ith mis
appropriation of fund* of the!

R a n k in l p ft h ere F r id a y a fte r ,
d e e d in g hla hom e to h is w ife .

Morning News
More nee. South Carolina
Thursday, June 13,1935
Page 3

Rosicrucians Plan
expedition to Isle
In South Pacific
T he itupendcus and prttctque
figures on Easier Island, laoliird
ui She Kuuth Pacific. 2300 miles
**t ( i Chile, arc to become the
tbjnrl of Investigation by a IWt*
crucian txpidiUon.
Flo^irru clans
J * m is U. Perkins of 107 Spruce
, itrcch local RO-lcrueUn commUi sioncr, that Easter
Inland Is a
(vestLee of ttie once treat rontlns m l of Lcm ufli, thought tot cm*
turies to be a mythical bud. i*ne
iic .e sculpiurts and monohilis jj * l
^exited with pleturcfraphs, H ii
said. bear a uniat kable* }
Llcnce to Hie ones found In the
ruins of Yucatan.
There 1* sufliclen: ir o o r . to be
lieve thal at a prehistoric period
the survivors of the ftreal cj Iurlysm
reached the \h o r cl
Mexico b tiJ je-eitablished their
civilization. The Amorc Ilnslcru*
ila n s plan. folio* bur their E gyy
tlan expedition, which begin* m
January of 19M, to investigate the
1mr.'ieries of Easier Island, led by
jjntn-birts o* the faculty of HikeCroix
University. an aHUUted
tod y.
Mr. Perkins states that he has
Lecn ic<;iifs;rd tu acquaint all
members cf the philosophical or
der ir. thl section during the
icur^e of the year, wuh the partirulars or the expedition so that
I all who racy *ist\ to accompany
tlu> expedition mar do so.

Morning News
Florence, South Carolina
Thursday, June 13,1935
Page 3

It Jia5 been rrstoried Ltut the

j m ic .*

m ay

a lio


b ic lu d e j


Ihe itinerary, b-rrauie recent ceo*

tin- pe>*
j^.tUlty that titty are estlne* \o h
* r-*nip

j :incut.



a iu b m t r t e d --on-

------------------------------------------ .

The Winnipeg Tribune

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Monday, June 24, 1935
Page 4

Rosicrucians Plan

Easter Island Expedition

Rosicruclans of America are plan
ning an expedition to Easter
Island. 2.300 miles west of Chile, to
Investigate its stupendous etono
flumes, A. H. Hill, 212A Enderton
bldg., district commissioner of the
order, said today. The visit will <

follow an expedition to Egypt in

January ,1936.
Mr. Hill said there was sufficient
evidence to ahow that Easter Island
is the vestige of a vast continent
and that its inhabitants escaped to
Mexico where they re-established
their civilisation. There Is great
resemblance In design and sym
bology between the figures on
Easier Island and those found in
the ruins of Yucatan.

The M ilwaukee Journal

M ilwaukee, W isconsin
Saturday, July 6 ,1 9 3 5
Page 5



I S!

T hc popu lar te a c h in g s o f
sch o o ls and ch u rch es color
y o u r vision . T he tru th Is
con cealed . R eal p o ssib ili
tie s fo r y o u r a d v a n c e m en t
in life are k e p t for th e
few . A p ow er g r e a t en ou gh
to ch a n g e y o u r w h ole life
Is a v a ila b le If you find th e


W ill g iv e you th e tru e p ic
tu re o f life and th e m y s
ter io u s fo rc e s th a t a w a it
y o u r com m an d . You w ill
find a d ifferen t k e y to y o u r
person al p rob lem s and a
sim p le w a y to m ore ab u n d an t r e a l
iz a tio n s o f you r d e sir e s. F or m a n y
c e n tu r ie s th e R osicru clan s y s te m
h a s crea ted a new life w ith n ew
p o ssib ilities for m u ltitu d es svho are
now happ y and co n ten ted .

Sealed Book Loaned

I f you are sin c e r e ly a n x io u s to
k n o w life and k n ow y o u r ow n
p o w ers - w r ite a le tte r and ask
fo r th is new , p rivate book. It w ill
be g la d ly loaned to you If you are
r e a lly se e k in g to c h a n g e th e cou rse
o f y o u r life. A d dress: (J.W.J.

T h e

o si c r u c i a n s
Tim Itoulcruclani are NOT a
rrllglou* organization"

Cecil A. Poole, member of the
national board of lectureship of the
Rosicrucian order, will present a
series of lectures in Philadelphia
starting July 15.
A number of Reading Rosicrucians, headed by William Brisan,
422 N. Twelfth st., Reading member,
will attend the lectures, one of
which will be a discussion of
legends and archaeological finds
pertaining to the continents of
Lemuria and Atlantis, referred to by
Plato and Sir Francis Bacon.

Reading Times
Reading, Pennsylvania
Thursday, July 11,1935
Page 9

I Cecil A. Poole, a member of the

! AMORC Roeierutian R a t i o n a l
Board of Lectureship, will give ft
public address on secrets of ft
Forgotten World" at I o'clock fdmorrow night at Malta Tample,
SO? N, 2nd street. The public U
Invited to attend, and there will
be no fees or collections.
Following the lecture talking
motion pictures of the Sp'tinx and
the Pyramids will be shown.
The Oreac Pyramid of Glaeh,
th enigmatic mass ol masonry
th at has stood upon the edge of
the great Sahara for centuries end
which Is marveled at as much to
day by the modern tourist as It
was during the time of the Greek
historian, Herodotus, or {arcus
Aurelius and Napoleon. Is not the
tomb of a pharoah but a great
temple of learning," says Pools,

Harrisburg Telegraph
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Saturday, July 13, 1935
Page 12

Harrisburg Telegraph
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Saturday, July 13,1935
Page 12

Cecil A. Poole, a member of the
AMORC Rosicrutlan N a t i o n a l
Board of Lectureship, will give a
public address on secrets of a
Forgotten World" at 8 oclock to
morrow night at Malta Temple,
607 N. 2nd street. The public Is
Invited to attend, and there will
be no fees or collections.
Following the lecture talking
motion pictures of the Sphinx and
the Pyramids will be shown.
The Great Pyramid of Gizeh,
th enigmatic mass of masonry
th at has stood upon the edge of
the great Sahara for centuries and
which is marveled at as much to
day by the modern tourist as it
was during the time of the Greek
historian, Herodotus, or Marcus
Aurelius and Napoleon, is not the
tomb of a pharoah but a great
temple of learning," says Poole.

The Evening News

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Saturday, July 13, 1935
Page 2

Did a race of suparman

build fha Great Pyramid? Art th*
false of fho lunkan contintrrti of Atlantii
ndLamuna legend or icientific fact? Do you know
about tfie itrange culture and witdom which thait
' peoples of the lort race* left behind them7 The lecreti of
the ancient mystery schools five on. Learnthe truth about the
hidden power of mind and the strange forces of Cfa and soul.
These ere but some of the fascinating subjects of this lecture.

All Are Welcome Come end bring a friendto hear Mr. C. A. Pool#,
National Rosicrueian lecturar, make this forceful address. Also. SEE
and HEAR the motion pictures, "The Human Crucible" and "The
Mystery Schooh of Egypt.** Thtre are no feos or collections.

N ltht. 8 PM.


0 ? No. Second SL

July 14th



Malta Temple to Give

Rosier uciotn Lecture

The Evening News

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Saturday, July 13, 1935
Page 10

Scientific facts and mysterious

legends of the lost continents of
Semuria and Atlantis will be de
scribed in a lecture entitled, Se
crets of a Forgotten World." spon
sored by the local Rosicrucian Order,
A. M. O. R. C., tomorrow night at 8
o'clock in Malta Temple, 607 North
Third street.
Free to the public, the lecture will
be given by Cecil A. Poole, member
of the National board of lectureship
of the order. Following the address,
a special sound and talking machine
picture of the Pyramid and Sphinx,
revealing thejr connection by a sub
terranean passageway, will be pre

The Scranton Republican

Scranton. Pennsylvania
Friday, July 19, 1935
Page 13

Rosicrucian Addresses
Exchange Club Meeting
Cecil A. pcole, a member of the
National Board of Lectureship of 'he
Rosicrucian Order, addressed the
Scranton Exchange Club last night at
Hotel Casey on "The Egyptian Pyra
Mr. Poole described the historic
background of the pyramids, saying
that 1,000 years before the birth ol
Christ they were considered ancient,
and traced their relationship to the
Rosicrucian Order. He said that the
Rosicrucians held meetings in the
secret chambers of the pyramids in
ancient times and gained entrance to
tnem through tunnels located where
the Sphinx now stands. The Rev. C. J>
Bradbury presided.

Rosicrucian Talk
To Be Given Here
Poole Will Lecture To
morrow Night
Cecil A. Poole, a member of the
National Board of Lectureship of the
Roslcrucian Order. AMORC. will speak
on Secrets of a Forgotten World" to-

morrow night at T oclock at the
Chamber of Commerce Building.
Mr. Poole's lecture is sponsored by
Rosicruciazis of this region. He will
explain the mysterious legends and
scientific facts of the Jost continents
of Lemuria and Atlarrfls.
An unusual feature of the program
is a sound motion picture revealing
the interior of the great pyramids of
Oiseh and explaining the mysterious
passages of this temple of initiation
until recently thought to be the tomb
of Pharoah Cheops.

The Scranton Republican

Scranton. Pennsylvania
Saturday, July 20, 1935
Page 11

The Scranton Republican

Scranton, Pennsylvania
Saturday, July 20, 1935
Page 5

D id a race o f sup#rmen
build the G re a t Pyramid? A r t the
talas o f tb # sunken continents o f A fla n tii
and Lamuria legand or scientific fact? Do you know ,
about tb# strang# culture a n d wisdom which tb#i#
peoples of tb# lost races left behind them? The secrets of
the ancient mystery schools live on, le e m the truth about the
hidden power of mind and the strange forces o f life and soul.
These are but soma o f the fascinating subjects o f this lacture;

AH A r e W elcom e C o m e end bring e friend to haer M r. C . A. Pool#,
National Roticrucian lacturar, maka this forcaful address. Also, SEE
end H E A R the motion pictures, "T h e Human C ru cib la" and "The
M ystary Schools of E gyp t." Thar# are no fees or coRtctiont.

Public Lector* Hall, 1st Fleer

u .lr r U u
Chamber of Commerce Bide.
N lt b l I P. ss-Mnlbtrry g|. Waahlnrton Are.

J i l j *1*

The R O S I C R U C I A N S (Amoro

Lost Continents

Rosicrucian L e c t u r e r
Speaks Here
An outline of the history and culture
of the almost mythical continents of
Lemuria and Atlantis was given by
Cecil A. Poole, a member of the Na
tional Board of Lectureship of the
Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, last night
at the Chamber of Commerce Build
Mr. Poole said that there is scien
tific evidence that both continents
existed but had sunk beneath the sea
through changes in the surface of
teh earth. Lemuria long preceded At
lantis, he said, and the people living
on it reached a high decree of culture,
the secrets of which have been passed
down through the ages through a so
ciety of learning now known as the
Rosicrucian Order.
The great pyramid of Gizeh, he
continued, was the meeting place of
the Rosicrucians in the early days of
our present civilization, and it was
through their efforts that art and
learning flourished in Egypt. He said
that the secret of intelligent living
passed down through the ages from
Lemuria and Atlantis is' that men
should work with nature and not
against it.

* i^

The Scranton Republican

Scranton, Pennsylvania
Monday, July 22, 1935
Page 3

Miami News-Record
Miami, Oklahoma
Wednesday, July 24, 1935
Page 6


Additional volumes treating on

the subject of Rosicrucianism have
been added to the collection of Rosicrucian philosophy at the local pub
lic library. Miss Lily V. Ulrey, 205
South Main street, local Rosicru
cian member, states that she has
been informed by the grand secre
tary of the Rosicrucian order with
national headquarters in San Jose,j
Cal., that because of the demah&i
for works on this subject, it has
been found necessary to donate
further copies to the Miami library*
Miss Ulrey also declares that since
the Rosicrucian Order, known aa
AMORC, is not a religious organiz
ation, ail of its publications are
treatises on philoshpoy, metaphysica, the sciences and artsthe
object of the organization being to
acquaint the student or member
with the nature of existence and to
give an understanding of the funda
mental laws of life so as to per
mit him to realize a fuller and more
abundant existence.

Delegate Describes
Black Light Showing
An eerie ray ol light w h ich . is
not visible hut which makes per
ceivable in a luminous manner in
visible objects was demonstrated at
the seventh international conven
tion of the Rosicrucian order,
AMORC, July 29 in San-Jose, Cal.,
relates Mrs. Elna Harris of 591
Twenty-ninth street, a delegate who
hac just returned from the conclave.
The black light demonstration was
conducted in the light and physics
laboratory of the Rose-Croix uni
versity by H. Spencer Lewis, imperator of the society.
Mrs. Harris said 12 countries and
every state of the union were rep
resented at the conclave, at which
nearly eight hundred persons at
A night pageant, with the partic
ipants flooded by colored lights in a
setting of an Egyptian colonade,
depicting by mystical dance the
esoteric principles of the order, was
the most coloi^ui feature.
The convention was distinguished
by a graduation ceremony of the
first classes of summer students of
the newly instituted Rose-Croix un
iversity. Tim six day meet con
cluded with the election of a new
grand council of the order for 1936.

The Reading Times

Reading, Pennsylvania
Wednesday, July 31. 1935
Page 2

S. R. Landis, of 602 Schuylkill
ave., was elected Grand Councillor
and Inspector General of the An
cien t and Mystical Order Ro.sae
Crucis at th e recent national con
vention at Ban Jose, California, it
waa learned yesterday when Landis
T h e newly-elected officer repre
sented the Reading and Philadel
phia Rosicrurian chapters at the
convention which was attended by
members from all parts of North
America, Hi.s district includes P enn
sylvania. New Jpr.'vey and,Delaware.
A complete re|K>rt of the sessions
will be made by Kandis when the
local chapter holds a picnic August
11. A', that time vis1tors are ex
pected from Philadelphia Lancaster.
Allentown and Harrisburg.

Berkeley Daily Gazette

Berkeley, California
Saturday, August 3, 1935
Page 5

Rosicrucian Order
Will Meet Sunday
At the regular bc-ss Ion of the Oak
land Chapter of the noslcrurlan Order
AMORC tomorrow evening at 16th and
Madison Streets. Oakland, members
will discuss the unusual demonstration
of black light which was given at
the seventh International convention
of the Rosicrucian order held recent
ly In San Jose. The demonstration
was conducted In the light and phvsics
laboratory of the Rose Croix Univer
sity nil educational and research
foundation of the Order.
Black light Is an essential phase of
the lower portion of the solar spec
trum and has great penetrating pow
ers, but Is absolutely harmless In na
ture. It Is expected to be a great boon
to medical science, because It has the
peculiar quality of making oertaln
parts of the living organism luminous
to the naked e y e , and thus capable
of being cosily photographed.
Dr, W. 3. Baker, master of the Oak
land Chapter and delegato to the con
vention. reports that twclvo countries
and every Siato In tho Union were
represented at the convention.
Tho two most colorful features of
tho convention were the graduation
exercises of the summer class of tho
Rose Croix University students, which
was preceded by a surprise recital of
tho Rosicrucian Orchestra and Olec
Club. The second feature was a night
pageant, with the participants flood
ed by colored lights in an Egyptian
setting, depleting by a mystical danco
tho esoteric principles of the Order,
The six-day meet concluded with
the election of a new Grand Council
of tho Order for 1036.

The Sunday Herald

Provo, Utah
Sunday, August II, 1935
Page 5

Rosicrucian Meet
Demonstrate Use
O f Black Light
All L'fi'H* ray of light, appro* ,
pi lately
iNimt't) black
lig h t . |
which is not :i visible ray but
which m akes perceivable in a
lum inous mannvi invisible objects,
w as dcnm nstrated at the seventn
international convention ol the
K i.sicnician OrJcr. AMORC. on
J u ly L'U at Sun Jose. C alifornia,
relates (Jeorgc L>. Peterson ol
l*rnvi City, local Rosicrucian dele*
g a te a n ti district Commissionor |
w ho has just returned from the
conclave. The black light dem on- J
st ration w as conducted in the.1
light and physics laboratory of the}
Htjsc-Croix un iversity nt the order
bv Dr. H Spoilier. im perator ol
the society.
C om m issioner Peterson s t a t e s . __________ _______ _____________
tw elve countries and every sta te
in the union w as represented at dents cl the new instituted Rosethe 1935 conclave.
i Croix university.
The six day
Tin1 convention w a s d istin g u ish -1m eet concluded w ith the election
ed by a graduation cerem ony o f ! ol a new grand council of the
tile first cla sses of sum m er slu - order for l3ti.

Pequot Matron Back



Rosicrucian Meet
An aerie ray of light, which is not
visible but which makes perceiv
able in a luminous manner invis
ible objects, was demonstrated at
the Seventh International conven
tion of the Rosicrucian order, Atnorc, on July 20. at Son Jose. Cal
ifornio, relates Mrs. Leo Norwood
of Pequot, Minn., local Rosicrucian
delegate who has Just returned
from the conclave. The black light
demonstration was conducted In
the light and physics labratory of
the Rose Croix university of the Or
der by H Spencer Lewis. Imperalor
of the society.
Black light is said to be an es
sential phase of the lower portion
of the solor spectrum ar|d has
great penetrating power but is ab
solutely harmless in nature. It Is
expected to be a great boon to med
ical science, It Is declared, because
it hag the peculiar quality of mak
ing certain parts of a living organ
ism luminous to [he naked eye, and
thus Capable of being easily pho
tographed. Unliked other ultra
violet rays, black light is not de
structive to living tissue, regardless
of the length of time living matter
may be exposed to It.
Mrs. Ndrwood further slates that
twelve countries and cvct.' slate of
the union was represented at the
conclave at which nearly eight
hundred persons attended.

The Brainerd Daily Dispatch

Brainerd. Minnesota
Thursday, August 15, 1935
Page 7

The Brainerd Daily Dispatch

Brainerd, M innesota
Thursday, August 15,1935
Page 7

Pequot Matron Back

After Attending
Rosicrucian Meet
An aerie ray o f light, w hich is not
visible but which m akes perceiv
able in a lum inous m anner in v is
ible objects, w as dem onstrated at
th e S even th Internationa] conven
tion of the R osicrucian order. Amorc, on July 20, at San Jose. Cal
ifornia, relate* Mrs. Leo Norwood
o f Pequot, M inn., local R osicrucian
delegate w ho has ju st returned.
from the Conclave. The black light
dem onstration w as conducted in
the light and p hysics la b ra to iv o
the R ose Croix u n iversity of the Or
der by H. Spencer Lewis. Im peraior
of the society.
Black ligh t is said to be an e s
sential phase o f the l o w e r portion
o f the solor spectrum and has
great p en etratin g power but is ab
solutely h a rm less in nature. It is
expected to be a great boon t.o m e d
ical science, it is declared, because
It has the peculiar quality of m ak
ing certain parts of a living organ-

The Brainerd Daily Dispatch

Brainerd, M innesota
Thursday, August 15, 1935
Page 7

ism lum inous to the naked eye. and

thug capable o f being easily pho
tographed. U nliked other Ultra
Violet rays, black light is not de
stru ctiv e to livin g tissue, regardless
of th e len gth of tim e living m atter
m a y be exposed t o it.
M rs. N d rw o o d fu rth er sta te s th a t
t w e l v e c o u n t r i e s a n d c v e i / .slate o f
th e u n io n w a s represented at the
C o n c la v e
w hich
eigh t
h u n d red p e r so n s attended.

The Bismarck Tribune

Bismarck. North Dakota
Friday. DSeptembcr 20, 1935
Page 5

Mrs. Bertsch Named

By Rosicrucian Order
Mrs. Curl Bertsch 903 Seventh St
has received a certificate of appoint
ment as district commissioner of the
Rosicrucian order. Amore, for Bis
marck The appointment came from
the organization s headquarters at
San Jose, Calif, home office for the
North American Jurisdiction
Mrs Bertsch states the Rosicrucian
order's membership Is devoted to a
study of natural laws as expressed in
man and nature for the purpose of
mastering an understanding of life
She says that the mo\ement world- j
wide In extent, is not religious.
Appointment as district commis
sioner Is purely honorary, according i
to Mrs. Bertsch. and carries a 1th it
no remuneration The duties are to
look after the affairs of the organiza
tion In this area and to promote in- :
terest In its work

The Kansas City Star

Kansas City, Missouri
Friday, September 20, 1935
Page 2


K R O S H H l U A> O F F IC E R ,

O. la. K m o r y Is A p p o i n t e d D i s t r i c t
i ' omi nK* in ner.

O. L. Emory, 1426 West Twentyninth street, has been appointed a

district commissioner of the Rosie rucian Order, bv vote of the grand lodge
of the organization at San Jose. Cal.
As such he will be largely in charge
of distribution of Rosicrucian litera
ture and other propaganda here.
The Rosicrucian philosophical order
claims inception in Egypt in the days
on the Pharaohs. Today its mem
bership studies natural laws as aids
in understanding life.

Santa Cruz News

Santa Cruz, California

Saturday, September 21, 1935
Page 2


Live Oak Pupils

See Rosicrucian
Temple In S. J.
Tilt* sixth g r a d e o f
th e L iv e
Ouk sc h o o l. u n d e r t h e d irection
o f p rin cip a l
L aw ren ce
(M inder,
a s s is t e d by M rs. B e r t h a
H ou gh lo n . wan tak en o n a n ex cu rsio n
to S an Jose to v is it th e H oaicruc ia n tem p le and m u s e u m .
A n cien t c iv iliz a t io n s
th rou gh
r e p lic a s , relics
m om etitoes
! w ill he s tu d ie d , p tir tic u la r ly th e
KKyptiuu c iv iliz a tio n . T h is is tite
fir s t project in t h e six th g ra d e
is o c ia l scien ce s t u d ie s an d will he
{fo llo w e d liy o t h e r s .
Mr. M artin.
, d r iv e r of th e S o q u e l U n ion sch o o l
b u s i fu r n ish in g tin* I ram porta*
t io n .

The Salt Lake Tribune

Salt Lake City, Utah
Sunday, September 22,1935
Page 4A

Pyramid Ceremonial
Planned by Amorc
Lodge Rosicmcians
Six thousand years ago, w hen the
sun on Its celestia l Journey w as en
tering the zodiacal sign of Libra, the
ancient E g y p tia n s, during tho reign
of Cheops, bogan tli9 building of tho
Great P yram id o f Glzch, according
to the R osicruciana. In com m em ora
tion of th at event, the local lodgo of
the R osicru clan order, know n ns
Amorc, w ill con d u ct a ccrom ony
at M em ory park on Septem ber 25,
1035, nt w h ich tim e a m iniature sym
bolical pyram id w ill bo erected.
H erm an R. B an gertcr of 3288
South Second W e st street, m aster
of tho local R oslcrucians, sta tes th at
tho order d ates its traditional origin
back to the n in eteen th dynasty of
Egypt, and looks upon tho building
of the G reat P yram id as m an's first
forwnrd Btcp from barbarism to
civilization. It w a s used, they contond, as a place of Initiation by the
secret sym bols of E gyp t, w here the
neophyte w as Introduced into the
m ysteries of the basic scien ces of
astronom y, m athem atics, physics
and geography.
Mr. B an gerter states th a t the
grand lodge of the order, in San
Jose, issu es a pronunciam ento nnnuaiiy, ann oun cin g tho date of the
outdoor fete, w hich is strictly of a
nonroliglous nature and Is observed
by the R osicru clan lodges and ch ap
ters throughout tho world. It Is ex
pected that nil local m embers of the
philosophical order w ill attend.

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Sunday, September 22, 1935
Page 2

Pupils of Live
Oak Given Trips
For Atmosphere
LIVE OAK. S ' p \ 21Th -ix?h
-'rade. '
of 32 pupils, of the
L. vi Oak ,-chool wore taken on a trip
* San Jt se Saturday by Principal
Oiir.b t anti Mr Bcitha Houghton
: . the p.jipc.s*- f vi-iting the R -ic>*ucian ma-eum : nd temple* of A
M. O.R C The ancient civilization-,
through rd.C'. rcpiica- and memen s. particularly the* Eyyp <.n civluzatn n, were the objective of this
v i* Thir :> ih'- first p r o p ct in the
>:xth grade social science .-tudies.
with others tc follow.
Mr Ollnder u ok thi sever-th grade

the Roger pieun-. Srr*ami. at Round the Bend at the New

Santa Cruz ih ate:, and the eighth
*o the "Cid or the Wild"
I- r .

i hie.; . r. .! v a lu e.

Santa Cruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Sunday, September 22,1935
Page 2

Pupils of Live Oak Given Trips for Atmosphere

LIVE OAK, Sept. 21 - The sixth grade, consisting of 32 pupils of the Live Oak
school were taken on a trip to San Jose Saturday by Principal Olinder and Mrs.
Bertha Houghton for the purpose of visiting the Rosicrucian museum and temple
of A.M.O.R.C. The ancient civilizations, through relics, replicas and mementoes,
particularly the Egyptian civilization, were the objective of this visit. This is the
first project in the sixth grade social science studies, with others to follow.
Mr. Olinder took the seventh grade the Rogers picture, "Steamboat Round the
Bend at the New Santa Cruz theater, and the eighth grade to see the "Call of the
Wild" for its educational value.

Oakland Tribune
Oakland, California
Saturday, September 28,1935
Page 6B

/?ostcrucmris P la n
B u ild in g C e re m o n y
A "Pyramid Building Ceremony;
followed by a progressive dinner,
w i l l be held by the Oakland Chap
ter of the Eosicrucian Order
AMOKC tomorrow, at 5 oclock, at
1he home of Mrs. Violet GluUt, 5558
Mcrriewood Drive. Following the
ritual the first course of the dinner
w i l l be served, alter which mem
bers will progress from borne to
home for the balance of*the dinner.
The regular monthly meeting of
the ch ap ter was held Iasi night at
the home of Mrs, Elm ira Barnes.

Hamilton Journal - The Daily News

Hamilton, Ohio
Wednesday, October 2.1935
Page 13

Rosicnician Honor
To Mrs. Schwartz
The honor tod responsibility of
acquainting Hamilton people with
tho Mims and actmtioa of the philo
sophical society known as (be &oti~
crucian Order, (AMORC) was today
tfirro Mrs. Maqtacnte E. Sefawarit,
of 1004 High stm t. Mrs. Schwarts
received a certificate of appoint'
uient m district commissioner of
tho Roaierueian Order for Hamilton
front Ibc Graud Lodge of the organi
zation, located in San Joss, Cal.
Duties include tbo selection of
.certain public libraries and obarl*
table institutions to receive os gifts,
the nameroue educational treatises
and publications issued by tbo order
tud also a selection nf distrust new*,
papers and Todjo stations as media
for the paid population* of the
Rutjcnicinii principles.
The order had it* traditional inecptiori during the reign of Amen*
hutej) IV, Pharaoh of Bjypt, 1360
B, C., and it is declared to have
brcoino an important factor in ih#
educational aud spiritual renaissunee of that period.

The l imes and Daily News Leader

San Mateo. California
Wednesday, October 16, 1935
Page 9

KNX, Hollywood
8 : 4 5 P . M . 1 0 8 0 k e .

Mysteries of Life
S tu d e n ts of metaphysics, payehology and h ig h e r th o u g h t wilt
tin moat pleased w ith tills series
o f weekly discussions by* H i t t
M u rra y . The topic t o r IhL*
evening will be

Sponsored by Ihe

Rosicrueian Order

(\* |

rrlleifiai iirganltallO)

Albuquerque Journal
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Tuesday, October 29,1935
Page 8

Did raa f luperman

r build thS-Great Pyramid? Are the

torn of the *unk*r\ continent! of AtUntii
r andlemurialegondor idtf\tiftcfect7 D-ovouivyv
abcut tke- rtrenge culture and vriicJom which Miase
paoptei 1 rt-.e lost racei lettbahind fham? The itrre h tf
the ancient myifory ithoffls live un, Loarntha truth about the
hidden po'wr-T of mind and the straaga forc> of Ufa and icu|,
f Thai* are but rcrrtft of tH# fwonaHag jutyectl of tbH lecture.


With Tdltiag


AH At* Wok cm* Come and bring friend to bear Mr. C. A.

Nalnjnal Roticrudan lecturer, make this forceful addrm . Af*o, SEE
and HEAR the motion pictures, The Human Crucible" and "The
Mystery 5chooll of Egypt/' There r no ftp* or coiWcliant,

t. m,

Chamber of Cwameic*
Room, ConrthoBi*

o<uibtw m<h



Prescott Evening Courier

Prescott, Arizona
Wednesday, October 30, 1935

Rosicrucians Will .
Hear Phoenix Talk
Many Rosicrucians within a hun
dred-mile area wilt attend a series
of addresses to be Riven by Cecil A.
Poole, K. R. C member of the Na
tional Board of Lectureship of the
Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, begin
ning November 2, in Phoenix.
Ermon Smith of 838 Fairgrounds
avenue, lpral Rosicrucian, states that
these conclaves are traditional with
the order. It is declared that during
the reign of Amenholep IV, Pharaoh
of Egypt, 1360 B. C. the period in
which the philosophical order is
traditionally asserted to have had
its origin. Rosicrucians began pc
radically to .meet fn grotto temples.
These secret meetings were for the
discussion and contemplation of the
then advanced knowledge of the
time. Treks to these early conclaves
were ovfcr the desert waste lands of
Northern Africa. By contrast he
states, the grand lodge of the order
in San Jose, Calif., equips modern
motor vehicles with the latest sound
and talking motion picture equip
ment, and other devices, to tour the
United States to demonstrate to. its
membership the philosophical and
scientific principles of the move
ments teachings.
The three special discourses, with
sound and talking motion pictures,
will be held at The Women's club,
0u3 North First avenue, beginning
at 8 p. m. The last discourse Monday
night, November 4, will bo open to
the public and will consist of a dis
cussion of the legends and archaeo
logical finds appertaining to the con
tinents of Lemuria and Atlantis, re
ferred to by Plato and Sir Francis
Bacon. It is expected several Yava
pai county Rosicrucians will attend
the sessions.

Harrisburg Telegraph
Harrisburg. Pennsylvania
Tuesday, November 12, 1935
Page 2

The Roslcrucians of this com
munity will be represented in their
extension activities by Arthur A.
EUtermann, of 33 North Eighteenth
street, headquarters of the Hostcrucian Order (AMORC) in San
Jose, California, announced. The
Rosicruclan Order is a fraternity
devoted to the dissemination o f
knowledge of the natural laws of
life and the teachings of a philo

The Kansas City Star

Kansas City, Missouri
Sunday, November 17,1935
Page 6 B

Special Photicit9
ROWCBUCIAN secret teachings are offered
to those who seek to use them aolely for
the perfection of their Inner faculties and In
the m istering of the daJtly obstacles of life;
the International Organization of Rosicrucians will be happy to receive the re
quests of these who believe that worthiness
and sincerity determine the right for one
to have such wisdom, to them, a copy of
'The Secret Heritage.* a fascinating book,
will be given without pr;ce: 1ft this book
fu:de you to the conservative plan whereby
you may widen your scope of personal power,
flimplv address your >tter to Bcribe N. W.
E . a MORC TEMPLE, Rosicruclan Park, San
Jose, California.

San Jose Evening News

San Jose. California
T uesday, November 19,
Page I

Rosicrucians To
Carry Case Up To
Supreme Court
Bitter controversy revolving about
the order of Rosae Crucis, with head
quarters in San Jose, will continue
In the California supreme court, it*
was determined today when the court
denied a motion to dismiss an appeal
from a $1 judgment.
The order, the Supreme Grand
Lodge of the Ancient and Mystical
Order of Rosae Crucis, sued George
L. sm ith and E. E. Thomas for
$10,000 damages, charging they had
not conserved the ritualistic secrets;
had conspired with others to get
members to withdraw, and had made
implied charges against Dr. H. Spen
cer Lewis, "lmperator of the order.
Santa Clara Countys superior
court ruled in favor of the order on
July 19, 1934, enjoining Smith nnd
Thomas from further activities with
the conspirators" and ordering them
to return documents. Nominal dam
ages of $1 were granted,
The defendants appealed and the
order countered with a petition for

Provo Evening Herald

Provo, Utah
Thursday, Novem ber 21, 1935
Page 8

"Mansions of the Soul/ by Dr.
H. Spencer Lewis, P. R. C., the
most talked-about book of the
times, is now available to the pub
lic served by the Provo public
library. It is not a church book,
nor the exponent of a new relig
ious doctrine. Presenting an eas
ily understood explanation of the
mystical phases of life, and an
swers clearly the age-old question:
"Why Are We Here?" Verifying
the strange facts of life, present
ing a full account of the birth,
youth, "middle years," and the .
later periods in the life_span of
George D. Peterson of Provo, j
district commissioner for the
AMORC Rosicrucian Order, states
that the book was presented to the
Provo public library by popular
request made to the Provo council
of the AMORC, that the book be
made available to patrons of the
Mr. Peterson states further that |
the Provo council lias received of- j
ficial notification from the Rosi- |
crucian headquarters in San Jose,
California, that the "Rosicrucian
Digest. a monthly publication, is
also available to the library pa
trons each month; and also the
new Rosicrucian book entitled, A
Thousand Years of Yesterdays."

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Thursday, November 28,1935
Page 6



Mrs. W. P. Cronin has left for

Earl Harris is at Los Banos on a
Denver Colo. After a visit there
duck hunting trip.
with relatives she will continue to
home at Nemo, Calif.
F. W. Fowler, a book seller and t
stationer of Los Angeles, has been
Miss Gladys Lynam of the faculty
here on a visit.
of the high school at Livermore, who
Alfred A. Williams, comptroller of has been at the Alameda county
the Rosecrucian order, has been over teachers institute at Oakland, is
spending the holidays with her
from San Jose.
mother, Mrs. W. E. Lynam, on Laurel
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Gianone and ! street.
daughter, Miss Helen Gianone, are

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil A. P oole are

' spending this month with her par
en ts. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stew art of
C hehalis. Mr. P oole Is nation al lec
turer and field representative of the
Rofiicrncian Order, Amorc.
D uring
the past year he has been on a trana' con tin en tal tour of the United S ta te s
v isitin g nil cities in 4 0 states. Mr.
and Mrs. P oole have both lived in
the northw est before and both like it
i the best of any sectiou of the country.
The Chehalis Bee-Nugget
Chehalis, Washington
Friday, December 13, 1935
Page 7

Oakland Tribune
Oakland, California
Tuesday, December 17, 1935
Page 28

Rostcruciart O rder
S u e d for S
SAN .JOSE, Dec. 17.Virgil Bmikin. form er advertising roanuttcr
for the Roslcrucian Order, which
m aintains headquarters hero, today
filed suit in the Superior Court fur
$100,000 damages attains! the order
and H arvey Miles, treasurer, charg
ing fnIso arrest.
Rankin's complaint recites that h e
w as arrested June 11 of this year
on chor/rcs of misappropriating $42.ri
of the order's advertising funds, and
w as hold in jail for 3ft days.
On Septem ber 12, his complaint
_ nays, the charge was dismissed by
Ju stice of the Peace Grandin II.
M iller.

Rosicrucians To
Give Christmas
Tableau Sunday
A m ystical C hristm as tableau w ith
o p t i c a l illusions and appropriate
C hristm as m usic w ill be featured to
m orrow n ig h t a t the R oslcruclan A s
sem bly on N aglcc A venue near Park
In connection with a brief discourse
on the m ystical sign ifican ce o f C hrist
m as given by Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, the
robed choir w ill present a num ber of
special and attractive C hristm as n u m bersi and the tableau w ill depict In a
very Impressive m anner the birth of
th e In fa n t Jesus In the m anger at
B eth leh em . T h e tableau w ill occupy
th e cen ter of th e stage and is one of
th e m ost dram atic optical Illusions
ever seen in th is district. A sim ilar
tableau given la st year by the R osicru
cian s w as acclaim ed by a thousand per
son s to be a very beautiful and Im
pressive settin g.
Dr. Lew is h as ju st returned from a
long trip to eastern cities, and will
con tin u e the S u n day n ig h t m eetings
for four more Sun day nigh ts.
S u n d ay n ig h t, D ecem ber 20, th e New
Year's eve program will be given, w hich
Includes oriental dances w ith a beauti
ful sta g e settin g and special m usic by
th e robed choir.
T he Sunday even in g services begin
prom ptly a t 7:30, but to accom m odate
th e large audiences the doors are open
a t 7. A ll are w elcom e regardless of
creed, and n o collection Is taken.

The San Jose News

San Jose, California
Saturday, December 21, 1935
Page 8

The San Jose News

San Jose. California
Saturday, December 28, 1935
Page 8

ire Dance Will

Be Presented At
AMORC Assembly
At the Roslcruclan public assembly
tomorrow night In the auditorium on
Naglcc Avenue near Park Avenue, the
special feature for the New Year pro
gram will be an Oriental lire dance
by Miss Ruth Prcll, classical inter
preter of the dances of India and
Egypt. Miss Prcll will present her
interpretation of the ancient fire and
tomplo rhythmic dAnccs under the
direction of C. Laffcrty. She will be
accompanied by the Roslcruclan Or
chestra and robed choir under the
direction of Mrs. Violet Cowgcr.
The stage of the auditorium will be
arranged to present the color effects
and lights of the Oriental temples,
and the dances by Mias Prell will in
terpret the origin of rhythmic motion
and its association with sacred cere
monies in ancient anti medieval times.
Dr. H. Spencer Lewis will deliver a
special discourse on the significant
prophecies for the coming year and
give an encouraging message. The
doors arc open at 7 o'clock and the
program begins promptly at 7:30. All
are welcome without charge or obli
It is being planned to present on
Sunday evening, January 5, the mov
ing picture recently completed by
the Roslcruclons entitled, "The Sink
ing of tho Continent of Lcmuria."
This picture Includes scenes taken in
the Pacific and other parts of the
world. It shows the activities on the
ancient continent of Lcmuria, which
wns located in the center of the Pa
cific Ocean, and the final great ca
taclysm and catastrophe which caused
tho continent to sink, taking with Jt
the temples and people. The pictures
will show the life of tho people be
fore the sinking, and with all of the
sound effects accompanying the an
cient historical disaster, the world's
greatest catastrophe will be presented.
This special feature will be announced
further In the newspapers.


Rosicrucians To
Hear Dr. Lewis
The last of tho winter series of as
semblies will be hold tomorrow eve
ning nt the Rosloruclan Auditorium.
Nagles near Park Avenue. Dr. J.
Spencer Lewis will speak on the sub
ject of "Prayer and Its Many Mys
Dr. Lewis will anywer questions on
the subject and will analyze the
prayers of great leaders of religious
thought of all denominations. Tho
Rosloruclan choir and orchestra will
offer a series of selections in addition
to the uwual organ concert.

San Jose Evening News

San Jose, California
Saturday. January 1J. 1936
Page 5

Oakland Tribune
Oakland. California
Saturday, January 18, 1936
Page 6 B

F or g o tte n W o r ld s
S ecrets* Is T h e m e
Secrets nT a Forgotten World"
will be Die? Iheme nT (lie address by
C. A. Pooic, NiUjonnl Hosieruciun
lecturer, who will lecture next
Monday evening at 8 o'clock in the
Ehefl Auditorium, 1410 Harrison
"Arc the strange temples and
pyramids of the Yucatan related to
ancient Lemuria?
Did a race of
people of high culture nnd civiliza
tion inhabit this lost continent of
the Pacific? These and other ques
tions will he considered by the lec
turer, who says he will disclose
scientific facts to support Ihe leg
ends of Lemuria, or Mu.

AMORC Prediction
Sees End of Gold
Oold. the tradition*I medium of ex
change, will begin Its final bow I n 1
1036, giving way to a successor that
i will be derided upon by the major
nations of the world.
Oliver E. Hof' nan. local district
commissioner of the Roalcruclan Or
der. AMORC. said today this Is one
of a series of predictions contained!
In the annual booklet issued by the
grand lodge of the philosophic order
of San Jose, Cal. He states that the
declarations of the booklet are not
based upon any system of divination,
but upon cyclical charts and diagrams
showing human and economic tendenrles.
The departure from gold, the bror
chure relates, will be caused by the
steady flow of gold shipments to the
few large creditor nations, giving them
a complete monopoly of the world's
Other predictions for 1938. states
Oliver E. Hoffman, are that real
estate will take a great boom In the
United States. England and Canada,
and that war will rage throughout
the far east before 1936 goes to rest.

Spokane Daily Chronicle

Spokane, Washington
Tuesday, February 4,1936
Page 3

Santa Cruz News

Santa Cruz, California
Friday, February 21,1936
Page 2

Alleged Secrets
Of Rosicrucians
Bared In Court
Alleged secrets" of the
Order of RosierurlniiH were hared
in federal court
in opening
phases of the trial in which cerlain members seek control of the
orders marble temple of San
Jose. $3I)b,0(>l) worth of proper
ly and flO'D.OOO Cftflh.
The defendants. Imperatoj* 11.
Spencer Lewis, his wife, his son
Ralph, his wife and the late
Charles Dean, are accused of set
ting up u dictatorship under the
name of the supreme grand lodge
.ind of taking over all the orders
asset s.
Another charge is the Lewises:
established a "secret police" un
der the title "militia" which til-!
iegeiily -pied on numbers whose
activities were "Inimical to the
supreme grand lodge.
Ralph L win. secretary of the
order, was on the stand yester

Rosicrusians Hold
Conclave A t Tucson
Carrying out traditions started in
1300 B.C. when early members of
the Rosicrusian order traveled
miles over desert wastes in N orth
ern Africa to attend periodical con
claves. Arizona members ofthe or
der traveled Arizona deserts last
week to attend a conclave held at
Tucson, beginning last Friday. Ce
cil A. Poole, K.R.C., member of the
national board of lectureship of the
Rosicrucian order, AMORC, deliv
ered a series of addresses.
"These conclaves are traditional
with the order, Mrs. Helen Ransdell. Florence, explained. It is de
clared that during the reign of
Amenhotep IV, Pharoah of Egypt,
in 1350 B.C., the period in which
the philosophical order is thought
to have had its origin. Rosicrusians
began treks across the desert to
meet periodically in grotto temples.
These secret meetings were for the
discussion and contemplation of
the then advanced knowledge of
the times.

Casa Grande Dispatch

Casa Grande, Arizona
Friday, February 21, 1936
Page 5

The Camden News

Camden, Arkansas
Wednesday, February 26, 1936
Page 2


All Rosierutions within a hun
dred mile area w ill attend a scr
ies of addresses to be given by
Cecil A. Poole, K. R. C. member
ol the National Board of Lecture
ship of the Rosicrution prefer,
AMORC, beginning March 8lh in
L ittle Hock.
Mrs. Ruth A. Bonner of this
city, local Rosicrution, states that
these conclaves are traditional
with the order. It is declared
that during the reign of Amenhotep IV, Phuroah of Egypt, 1350
B. C., the period in which the
philosophical order is traditional
ly asserted to have had its origin,
Rosicrutions began to periodically
meet in grotto temples.
secret meetings were for the dis
cussion and contemplation of the
then advanced knowledge of the
lime. Treks to these early con-

The Camden News

Camden, Arkansas
Wednesday, February 26,1936
Page 2

claves were over the desert waste

lands of Northern Africa. By
contrast, Mrs. Bonner states, the
Grand Lodge of the order in San
Jose, California, equips modern
motor vehicles with the latest
sound and talking motion picture
equipment, and other devices to
tour the United States to dem on
strate to its membership the phil
osophical and scientific principles :
of the m ovem ents teachings.
One of the discourses, It is said
is to consist of a discussion of the
legends and archaeological finds
appertaining to the continents of
Lcmuria and Atlantis, referred to
by Plato and Sir Francis Bacon.
It is expected that all local
Rosicrutions w ill attend the ses

Koaicrucians Attend Conclave

All Rosicruciana within a fifty mile
area will attend a series of ad
dresses to be given by Cecil A.
Toole, K. K. C., member of the Nat-1
ional Board of Lectureship of the j
Kosicrucian Order, AMORC, begin
ning Sunday, March 29th in Indian
Mrs. II. R. Manlove of Milton,
local Rosicrucian, states that these
conclaves arc traditional with the
order. It is declared thdt during the
reign of Amenhotep IV, Pharaoh of
Egypt, 1350 B, C., the period in
which the philosophical Order is tra
ditionally asserted to have had its
origin, Rosicruciana began periodi! cally to meet in temples, These ae1cret meetings were for the discussion
and cointemplation of the then ad vanced knowledge of the time,
j Treks to these curly conclaves were
over the desert waste lands of nor
thern Africa.
By contrast, Mrs.
Manlove states, the Grand Lodge of
the Order in San Jose, Cal., equips
modern motor vehicles with the. latest
sound and talking motion picture
equipment, and other devices, to tour
the United States to demonstrate the
philosophical and scientific principles
of the movement's teachings.
One of the discourses, it ia said, is
to consist fof a discussion of the
legends and archaeological finds ap
pertaining to the continents of Lcmuria and Atlantis, referred to by
Plato and Sir Francis Bacon. It is
expected that all local Koaicrucians
will attend the sessions.

The Cambridge City Tribune

Cambridge City, Indiana
Thursday, March 26, 1936
Page I

The Cambridge City Tribune

Cambridge City, Indiana
Thursday, March 26, 1936
Page 1

RoHicrucians Attend Conclave

All Rosicruciana within a fifty mile
area will attend a series of ad
dresses to be given by Cecil A,
Poole, K, K. C., member of the Nat-1
ional Board of Lectureship of the J
ltosicrucian Order, AMORC, begin
ning Sunday, March 29th in Indian
j Mrs. R R. Manlove of Milton,
local ltosicrucian, states th at these
conclaves are traditional with the
order. * It is declared th at during the
reign of Amenhotep IV,1 Pharaoh of
Egypt* 1350 B. C., the period in
which the philosophical Order is tr a
ditionally asserted to have had its
origin, Rosierucians began periodi| cally to meet in temples. These se
cret meetings were for the discussion
and cointemplation of the then ad
vanced knowledge of the time.
Treks to these early conclaves were
over the desert waste lands of nor
thern Africa.
By contrast, Mrs.
Man love states, the Grand Lodge of
the Order in San Jose, Cai., equips
modern motor vehicles with the. latest
sound and talking motion picture
equipment, and other devices, to tour
the United States to dem onstrate the
philosophical and scientific principles
of the movement's teachings.
One of the discourses, it is said, is
to consist ^of a discussion of the
legends and archaeological finds ap
pertaining to the continents of Le-

The Cam bridge C ity Tribune

Cam bridge City, Indiana
Thursday, M arch 26, 1936
Page 1

O n e o f t h e d i s c o u r s e s , it is s a i d , is
t o c o n s i s t &of a d i s c u s s i o n o f t h e
le g e n d s and a r c h a eo lo g ica l fin d s a p
p e r t a i n i n g to t h e c o n t i n e n t s o f L c m u r ia and A t la n t is , r e fe r r e d to by
P la to and S ir F ra n cis B acon.
It is
R oaicru cian s

The lola Register

Iola, Kansas
Monday, March 30,1936
Page 3


All sin cere seek ers for th e

G rea t
tru th
an d
m y stica l
pow er know n to th e A n cien ts,
w rite for free book. T h e W isdom of th e S a g e s. It is
m ailed w ith o u t ob ligation to
stu d en t^ o f th e h ig h e r law s of
n atu re and m en ta l scien ce.
Am orc T em ple,
S a n Jose, C a lifo rn ia

The Daily Messenger

Canandaigua, New York
Monday, April 13, 1936
Page 5

Rosicrucians Plan to
Attend Lecture Series
AU Rosicrucians with in a 50 mile*
r.rea will attend u series of addresses
to be given by Cecil A. Poole. K. R.
C., member of the National Board
of Lectureship of the Rosicrucian
Order, AMORC, beginning Wednes
day, April 15 at 8 p. m. in Rochester
Business Institute Auditorium, 172
Canton Av. S. Rochester, N. Y.
George' W. Erickson of R. D. 2
Canandaigua. N. Y. local Rosicru
cian, states that these conclaves are
traditional with the order. It is de
clared that during the reign of
Anienhotep IV, Pharaoh of Egypt.
1250 B. C., the period in which the
philosophical Order is traditionally
asserted to have had iti origin, Ro
sicrucians began to periodically meet
in grotto temples. These secrei
meetings were for the discussion and
contemplation of the then advanced
knowledge of the time. Treks to
these early conclaves were over the
desert waste lands of Northern Afri-

The Daily Messenger

Canandaigua, New York
Monday, April 13, 1936
Page S

these early conclaves were over the

desert waste lands of Northern Afri
ca. By contrast, Mr. Erickson states,
the grand lodge pf the order in San
Jose, California, equips modern mo
tor vehicles with the latest sound
and talking motions picture'equip
ment and other devices, to tour the
United States to demonstrate to its
membership the philosophical and
j scientific principles of the teachings.
One of the discourses, it is said, is
to consist of a discussion of the
legends and archaeological finds ap
pertaining to the continents of Le
nt'ria and Atlastis. referred to by
Plato and Sir Francis Bacon, It is
expected that all local Rosicrucians
will attend the sessions.

I he Casa Grande Dispatch

Casa Grande. Arizona
Friday, April 24. 1936
Page 7

* -------------------------------------------

County Records!
49348 Mercy E. Pyeatt to John G.

Pyeattt $10. N 4 of Sec 33-6-5 Eaat

49164 Frank Hayes to James
Luthy and wife $10. Lots 1, 3 and 4
in blk 1, Scagoe Add. to Coolidge.
49180 E. \V. McFarland to Tom
Fulbright and wife $10. NWWNEI4
and S'/iXEViNEV* of Sec 31-4-10
E ast
49181 C. E. Hull. Rec. of First
National Bank of Florence tn Edna
Fudbright 52000. Part of blk 149,
49182 George W. Llng&rd and
wife to trustees of Methodist Epis
copal Church South of Casa Gran
de $800. Lots 5 and 6 in blk 38
Casa Grande.

49221 In the matter of the estate

of I. E. Gartin, deceased. Decree
of Distribution. To the Ancient
Mystical Order Riosae Crucla N a
tional Lodgeor North America, A.
rM. 6 . r . c . Aii of ec 4,
"Sec 2i al iof See 36-4-14 E-, State
Land leases and personal property.
49224 M. J. Reed to T. V. Stokes
$10. NEViSEVi Sec 21 W%NW%
and NW14SWW of Sec 22-6-9 E ast
49225 R- J. Nunneley and wife
to Alvin T. Ethington $10. N ttSE tt
of Sec 33-6-7 7. and water rights.
40227 Frederic A. Shaffer, exe
cutor of estate of 1 E Gartin. $10.
To Ancient Mystical Order Rosae
Crucla, etc. Water right in S e 2
TJETTfeec 22 SW^NWVi Sec 23.
Devils Canyon and SEV4NWV4, Sec
22-6-17 E; and water right in SEV4
SW14 sec 22., N E ii Sec 27. and wat
er right In SE ^SW tt Sec 2 2and
SEKSW& Sec 17-6-17 East .
49253 William P. Keith and wife
to M. A. Anderson and wife $10.
Lot 3 in blk 30, Evergreen Add to
Casa Grande.
49260 William Coleman to James
W. Coleman $10. NW*i of Sec 8-7-6
49271 Y. C. White. Supt and Rec
of Old Dominion Bank, to Buelo
Bennett Lots 1 land 12 in blk 17

Santa Cruz Evening News

Santa Cruz, California
Saturday, May 2,1936
Page 2A - Five Star Weekly Section

S t?

Replica o f Egyptian Tomb, in San Jose, California W ith in tin D ark

D o o r Lie the Undies of Noble Families, I his Silent Tom b Is Lighted
by Candles so Long as a M ember t/f the fam ily Lises,

Palace Domes of Ancient

Lost Race Seen on Mt. Shasta

L e ft: Symbols Carved in Rocks N ear Klamath Falls, Above: Professor L

City Through Long Distance Telescope.

n #.i



Upper: Snow Covered A lt. Shasta, \ \ hen

Strange G lim m ering Buildings W ere D istin
giddied Lower: Map Showing Fahlrd Sunket
Land o f Lemuria, From \V hich This Early Ran
Could Dave Escaped to the Pacific O u s t

K tfr

R t|ilic ni fis r p tijn liit p h , In San Jcnv, California. W ith in tin D ark
D o or L it th t ll m lij i at N o h lr ilin . th is S iltnt Tom b It Lighted
by Candles mi Long is a Member at the Family Lists.

Palace Domes of Ancient

Lost JRace Seen on Mt. Shasta

+ f$

L e ft: Symbol} Carved in Rucks Near Klamath F nlli. Above; Professor Larkin Views Mystic
City Through Long Distance Telescope.

thi* way In leave a record which man ho.

t been able to read.
Historian* have recorded the fn< t that In Cali
imlH and Mexico there In evidence to shov
that people iprcamiiahly I*emurianai have live*
and taken refuge in ihe renter of an extlnr
volcano, hidden from all possible worldly oh
aervfltlnn. It la pmmible that these people of Mt
flh i*t/i nre so hvlne w ith Juat ft few hulldiru.M

! 1*




Upper; Snow Covered Mi, Shasta, When.

Strange Glimmering Buildings Were Distin
guislied. Lower; Map Showing Fabled Sunken
Land of Lemuria, From Which This Early Race
Could Have Escaped to the Pacific Coast.

Palace Domes o f Ancient

Lost Race Seen on Mt. Shasta
OMEWHERE in the hidden reaches of West
ern mountains, so the story (toes, a strange
race of people lives, works and plays; a race
or Lemurians," which came to these shores
from the Lost Continent of the Pacific.
An old, fanciful tale, you say? Well, that's
not half of it. For there have been stories about
these Letnurians from credible witnesses and
the witnesses Insist the Lemurians have the
power of invisibility.
Weird lights that flash from mountain peaks
notably Mt. Shasta -and queer, undecipher
able hieroglyphics chiseled in the solid rock lend
credence to the belief that this race exists.
Scientists have puzzled iong over the possi
bility that a great continent once reared Itself
In mid-Pauiflc, There is evidence to prove this
And when this continent sank in places, leaving
the Paclflo islands, could not the peoples have
escaped to our shores? The theory, you see, Is
not so Impossible as it first sounds
I sought out old seamen and they said It was
so. I sought old records, logs and rare writings
and they agree1 From the lips of weather-beat
en men with eyhs trained on far horizons, I
heaid of ancient cultured lands submerged by

ND after this, It did not seem so Impos-

ble for Lemurians to exist on Mt Shasta

to pray thore and dig for gold- to remain se
cluded while they pursue their spiritual exist
ence. And further, I found an outstanding re
port made by Professor Edgar Lueln Larkin,
former director of Mt. Lowe observatory in
Southern California.
This record Is given by Wlshar S. Cerve.
whose collection Is now the property of the
Roslcruclan Library at San Jose. They have,
too, other old world records- facts which are
convincing. There are accurate reproductions of
Egyptian rock tombs; the golden sarcophagus
of King Tutankhamen from l.'ifiO DC ; the fa

mous RenPdlcUon stone from th> temple in

Egypt under which Moses stood when ho ap
pealed in behalf of the tribes of Israel, and
scarabs of rare nature.
Wltii lids background In mind, here is the
Cerve report on (he Lemurians of Mt. Shasta:
While he i Prof Larkin) was engaged in ex
perimenting with a new feature of a long dis
tance telescope, he turned it north and south
of his location along the top of the mountain
range on which the observatory was established
many years ago, merely for the purpose, he
said, of testing its daytime usefulness Rnd to
help him In gauging a new standard scale for
determining distances. He claims that he had
never heard of the mystery about Sliusta and
probably would have taken little interest in It if
he had heard of it.
"He picked out Mt. Shasta, however, as an
objert upon which to focus his vision, because
the snow-capped lop of Shasta stood out clearly
against the deep, blue sky. Aftpr he consulted
the mnps of California and determined in miles
ami feet Ihe distance between himself and the
peak of Shasta and made his notations, he
moved Ihe telescope so that its field of vision
Included the lower eastern side of Shasta and,
anticipating that he would only see the tops of
trees in the foreground, he was surprised to see
a glimmering curved suiface. As the sun shone
upon this glittering object he was Impressed
with the thought that he was looking at a goldtinted dome of some Oriental building. At vari
ous intervals, 20 minutes apart, he made further
notations and as the sun moved In Its course
he gradually discovered that there were two
domes rising above the tree tops near Shasta
Slid that tile part of a third one could be seen
several hundred feet distant.
Moving the telescope once again he found
visible' between the trees a corner of another
structure, seemingly made of marble. Knowing
that there were no such structures in Northern
California and especially in the lnnd around
Shasta, he left his telescope fixed to sec what

Left: Symbols Carved in Rocks Near Klamath Falls. Above: Professor Larkin Views Mystic
City Through Long Distance Telescope.
these things would look like In the net tine aun
and in darkness. He was surprised to find later
In the night that around this dome were gieat
lights, apparently white, which partially Illumi
nated and made them visible even though there
was no moon to cast any light at that time."
HERE are literally hundreds of tales re
ported by the butcher, the baker and the
candlestick maker" of the little towns near this
section. They tell of this light which Prof. Lar
kin apparently saw, and say that the buildings
seem to be made of marble and onyx.
These people (Lcmurians) are said to shop
in the nearby stores, to wear white, with white
sandals on their feet and have hair that Is long
and curly such as was worn In Biblical days.

They are quiet and refined and seek no pub

licity. It Is Bald when strangers attempt to ac
company them to' their city they find that these
Lemtirlans leave by just disappearing in the
It would seem that instead of becoming in
visible It might be possible for these people to
leave by mountain paths unknown to strangers
or town dwellers.
Shasta mountaineers tell of seeing this light
at n distance with hundreds of figures In prayer
There are hieroglyphics carved on stones nearby
which have under them, translated in English,
the words "Ceremony of Adoration to Guntama.
By "Guntama" historians say they mean Amer
ica and get. by deduction, the fact that these
people express gratitude for the saving of their
forefathers from the great lost continent, which
was covered by the oceun.
HESE white lights are often reported In vari
ous parts of California, especially around
San Jose and Santa Clara. There are also hun
dreds of hieroglyphic characters on rocks all
about California, especially tn the neighborhood
of Klamath Falls. I have never, however, been
able to find any one to translate them or any
student who could make an alphabet from them.
However, Ihe symbols are similar, showing that
an alphabet must surely be hidden within their
meaning. Apparently these earlier races meant

n this way to leave a record which man mis

>t been able to rend.
Historians have recorded the fact that in Cahirnlu and Mexico there Is evidence to show
that people (presumably Lemurlansi have lived
and taken refuge in the center of an extinct
volcano, hidden from all possible worldly ob
servation It is possible that these people of Mt
Shastu are so living with just n few buildings
outside. This may explain the "invisible city "
As to the lost continent," there are hundreds
of records, geological and historical, to prove
that indeed islands have been disappearing and
re-appearing, sinking and rising in the PacilU
since the known world has been able to record
There are today lalnnda which arc apparently
rising up out of the water and others v,hr. i
have disappeared,
At Ponape, in the Caroline Islands, 2300 miles
from Japan, Is u deserted city, called Metalnnlm
the ruins of which cover 11 square miles Then
are massive walls, great temples intersected br
miles of artificial waterways.
Sailors call It "The Venice of the Pacflic
Professor Macmillan Hrown, an authority on
such matters, believes that this could have bee,
built only by tens of thousands of laborers, y, t
now the place is not large enough to necom
modate 20,000, and on all islands within n radius
of 1500 miles, all together there are not 50,000
people today' What happened to all the others'
Geologists believe that there was once a con
tlnent which formerly filled a large part of tin
world's most extensive maritime basinthe Pa
cific! The former home of the early Lemurlans,
I'd say, the last of whom live quietly and pray
on Mt. Shasta and buy food with gold nuggets
from little nearby wayside grocery stores.

Santa Cruz Evening News

Santa Cruz, California
Saturday, May 2,1936
Page 2 A
Five Star Weekly Section

R osicrucians
P hiladelphia, Harrisburg, and N ew
Jersey Joined m em bers o f th e R ea d in g chapter a t an outdoor g a th e r
ing addressed by T hor K iim aleh to,
form er Grand M aster and at p resen t
grand councilor and Inspector g e n
eral o f the order, in E gelm an s park,
A special m eetin g of R osicrucians
w ill take place in L ancaster on
May 30.
Reading Times
Reading. Pennsylvania
Monday, May 18, 1936
Page 13

The Bakersfield Californian

Bakersfield. California
Wednesday, May 27, 1936
Page 12

History of Stars
Will Be Revealed
Modern science la now ready to
add realism to the Biblical story of
tho Throo Wise Men and tho sacred
Star of the East as tho new Host*
crucian Planotarlum being rushed
to completion In Ban Jose will read
astronomically tho constellations as
they wero at tho tlmo of ChrlHt.
This announcement was received
hero today by Mrs. H. Q, Holt. 2210
Nlnetoenth street. The apparatus
being Installed will project mechani
cally Into a huge 60-foot domo tho
positions of tho stars, planots and
constellations as they wero moro
than 20 conturlcs ago.
M aterialistic astronomers contend
that tho Biblical phenomenon was
duo to tho rising of a heliacal star.
Heliacal stars aro only periodically
visible and dorivo their names from
thb fact that thoy rlso or sot near
tho sun. Iloliacal stars of centuries
previous aro now dlsccrnlblo regu
larly In other areus of tho heavons.
Tho ustronomlcal projector of this
unlquo planotarlum will mako possi
ble a probable Identification of the
Btar of tho East. Tho lecturer, it is
said, will manipulate tho movoment
of tho planets, sun and moon by a
keyboard operation similar to the
manual of a modern organ.
It is also stated that In addition
to demonstrating tho Copernlcan
theory of cosmology now generally
accepted by science, the ancient goocentric and Ptolemaic theories of the
structure of tho unlverao will be ex
hibited. The planetarium will be
officially dedicated on July 14 on the
occasion of the annual convention of
tho AMORC Roatoruolan Order.


Modern science now odds real
ism lo the Biblical story of tho
Three Wise Men and the sacred
Star of the East. The new Roslcruclan Planetarium, being rush
ed to completion In San Jose. Cal
ifornia, the fourth in the United
Slates, will reveal astronomically
the heavens as they were at the
time of Christ. The apparatus be
ing installed will project mechani
cally into a huge fifty-foot dome
the positions of the stars, planets
and corvtellatlonsi as they were
more than twenty centuries ngo.
Materialistic astronomers
tend. says C. E. Archer of 705.East
Evans Street. Florence. South Car
olina. local member of the Rosicrucian Otxder. that the Biblical
phenomenon was due to the ris
ing of a heliacal star. Hellacul
stars are only periodically visible,
and derive their names from the
fact that they rise or set ntur the
sun. Heliacal stars of centuries
previous are now discernible regu
larly in other areas of the heav
The astronomical projector
of this unique planetarium
make possible a probable identifi
cation of the Star of the East. The
lecturer. It is said, will manipu
late the movement of the planets,
sun and moon by a keyboard oper
ation similar to the manual or a
modern organ.
C. E. Archer also states that In
addition to demonstrating the Copernican theory of cosmology now
generally accepted by science, the
ancient geocentric and Ptolemnic
theories of the structure of the
universe will be exhibited.
planetarium will be officially dedi
cated on July 14 on the occasion
of the annual Convention of the
Amorc Rosicrucian Order.

The Oshkosh Northwestern

Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Thursday, May 28,1936
Page 6


To The Northwestern: Modern
science now adds reaJism to the
Biblical story of the three wise
men and the sacred star of the
cast. The new ttosicrucinn plane
tarium, being rushed to comple
tion in San .lose. California, the
fourth in the United States, will
reveal, astronomically, the heav
ens as they were at the time of
Christ. The apparatus being In
stalled will project. mechanically
Into a huge 00 fool dome, the po
sitions of the stars, planets and
constellations as they were more
than 2 0 centuries ago.
Materialistic astronomers con
tend that the Biblical phenome
non was due to the rising of a
heliacal star. Heliacal stars are
only periodically visible, and de
rive their name from the fact that
they rise or set near the sun.
Heliacal stars of centuries ptevious are now discernible regularly
in other areas of the heavens.
The astronomical projector of
this unique planetarium will make
possible a probable identification
of the star of the east. .The lec
turer, It is said, will manipulate
the movement of the planets, sun
and moon, by a keybord operation
similar to the manual of a modern

The Oshkosh Northwestern

Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Thursday, May 28, 1936
Page 6

In addition to demonstrating
the Copernican theory of cos
mology. now generally accepted
by science, the ancient geocentric
and Ptolem aic theories of the
structure of the universe will also
be exhibited. The planetarium will
be officially dedicated on July 14,
on the occasion of the annual con
vention of the AMORC Rosicrucinn order at San Jose. California
Emma E. Perkins, District Com
missioner. AMORC.

The San Bernardino Sun

Sunday Magazine
San Bernardino, California
Sunday, June 7,1936
Page 6A

Those strange feelings of intuition]
and premonition are the urges of
pour inner self. Within you there is]
ia world of unlimited power. Learn]
to use it and you can do the right]
thing at the right dme and realise*
a life of happiness and abundance.]
Send for new, FREE, SEALED,
BOOK that tells how you map re j
[eeive these teachings. Addrtssi

( A H O K C )


Montana Standard
Butte, Montana
Friday, June 19,1936
Page 14


Peter Allwicker. a Unite minor
who has born Inking lessons by mall
from the Kosccrnclan society, left
Tuesday for San .lose, Cal., where
he will complete his nt the
Uosccruclnn amorc. He will return
to hullo in a few weeks and be u
weekly lecturer before the local
unit or the organization.
The course for who plan lo

enter the work requires 12 years.

Noted persons who held membership
hi tiic society Include the ialc Ella
Wheeler Wilcox and Ex-President
Taft. The organization Is on the air
each Wednesday evening over KNX
nt 0:30 BuLic time.

The Modesto Bee and News H erald

Modesto. California
Friday, July 3, 1936
Page 5

- --------------------------------- ------ -----

Rosicrucians Lose
$21,000 Judgment
PI 'C ouneel for the order of Ito&lcruciRTis
planned an appeal i.o-day from a
^2lt!>f.*0 j u r y
vurdicL rendered;
apfaSnst the organization Sate yes-j;
teidav in superior court hero.
The Jury, after deliberating three
hours, awarded Virgil L. Rankin,
Sun Francisco salesman, the dam
ages. Rankin claimed hn wns ar
rested In ftcr.n nr.ri hold In Jail here
several days on embezzlement
cbnrges. He was released after Dr.
K. Spencer Lew!;?, grand Imperson
ator of the nrdrr, withdrew the
charges, Rankin averted .

In the suit on file the salesman

sought, a total award of $100,.100.
-------------- --------- ----------

The Ogden Standard-Exam iner

O gden, Utah
Friday, July 17, 1936
Page 2



---------- -------------

S A N F R A N C ISC O , J u ly 17 (A P )
In a s u it for $200,000 d a m a g e s the R o sa e C ru cis ord er and
certain of its o ffic ia ls, A lfred A ram ,
San J o se, ch a rg es in
su p erio r
courL ehre he w a s libeled.

Santa Cruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Friday, July 17,1936
Page 1


Alfred Aram. San .Inst* attorney,
filed a $200,000 libel suit in superior
court today against the Ho-ai Crusi.'. Order, its "Impcrator, II Spen
cer Ijowis, and a score of other d e 1fendanls.
The M i l t was filed through the o f
f i c e of John L. McNab. Aram's at
torney. Aram was formerly attorney
for the order officially known a.-* the
Grand Supreme Lodge of the An
cient and Mystic Order of Ro.m C ru
Aram charges Lewis and other di
rectors of the organization with
malice and hatred" arranged for
publication of a booklet entitled
For the Audi Alteram Partem"
(hear the other side) in which he
was held up to public contempt
and obloquy "

The Bakersfield Californian

Bakersfield, California
Monday, July 20,1936
Page 6



SUES FOR $200,000

SAN KTtANCiSCO, Ju ly 20. (U. P.)
A lfred Aram , San J oho a tto rn e y , filed
s u it in S uperior C ourt hero today
for $200,000 libel dam ages a g a in st
II, S pencer Lewis, Im p erato r of tho
O rder of Hosao C ru d e.

Navy Mothers Club

To Hold Charter
Ceremony Tomorrow
Final arrangements ore being com
pleted today for the ceremonies to
morrow night which will Inaugurate
the local chapter of the National
Navy Mothers' Club. These services
will be held In Schofield hall at the
Y. W. C. A.
Presentation of an American flag
and a silk chapter banner will be
made by the Roslcrucian Order,
through Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, 1mperator of the order, and California
State chairman of the United States
Flag Association. Dr. Lewis will pre
sent these flags to the, club chairman,
Mrs. Velma Moore.
The charter for the Son Jose club
will also be presented at this time
by an officer of the national body,
whose membership is confined en
tirely to mothers having sons In the
service at the present time.
Speakers on the program will in
clude Judge Percy O'Connor, Charles
Bishop, president of the city council,
and Dr. Lewis. Dr. Lewis' address
will be, "What Navy Mothers Can
Do For the Navy.

San Jose Evening News

San Jose, California
Thursday, July 23, 1936
Page 9

The Bakersfield C alifornian

Bakersfield, California
Tuesday, July 28,1936
Page 6

Mr. nn<l Mrs. Jumps Hrport
on Inlcrrslijitf Mod of
Mr. and Mr*. (harles JninoN have
rcturni-f! from u v ac atio n ,
trip to \ a *h c lutrit and Han .lour, 1
During their f l a y In the north they j
attended part of the minion* of tho |
International A M O IU \ lluMcruclan
convention In San .lose.
Ex p erim en t Made
Among the m a n y Iniorp^.lRu ex
periments d em onstrated hefon* the
delegate* wo* th at or v n r y ln K the i
tension of w a te r by concentrated
thought, they report. The expert- I
ment, conducted In Mir phynlra lab
oratory of the order, revealed t h a t
w a te r placed in a trnslononiclor and |
registering a definite rcMtatance could I
have Itn prenaun* dlscornlbly altered |
by the concentration of thouKht ]
upon It. Mr. and Mr*, .lamoa wild.

S flrnlhl Speak*
W h e th e r the h u m a n mind hna cer
tain CApacItlcN which radiate from
!: ^r.d which are not limited hv time
and apace Ik no longer an Interest
ing speculation. b u t the subject of
scientific Inquiry, It wan developed.
Dr. .7. II. R yan of Duke University,
nationally known pnyehologlKt, ad
dressed the convention upon his own
renowned researches In this field.

The Bakersfield Californian

Bakersfield, <California
Tuesday, July 28, 1936
Page 6

Doctor Hyan wild In p a r t: " I n a d

dition to th e general relations of
spACO and time, wo w ant to find out
w h a t the relationship of these ca*
pacltleo la to ourmrlve, to o u r mom*
tal processes, to sense perception,
to will, to a tten tio n , an d we nre
finding out s o m eth in g slowly and
surely. AVo h av e found certain con*
dltiona un d er which these capacities

I s r c e Attendance
The convention w as attended by
nearly 1000 persons from 12 co u n
tries and nearly e v e ry s ta te In tho
Union. Of ap o d a l Im portance was
the u n an im o u s vote ap p ro v in g the
present ad m in istratio n of tho Ftoslcruclan order.

The Arcadia Tribune
Arcadia, California
Wednesday, July 29, 1936
Page I

| Nearly 1,000 Rosicrucians To
Meet In San Jose As 12
Countries Represented
Laboratory Tests Prove Mind
Exerts Influence Over
Matter, Report
V arying th e tension of w ater by
co n cen trated th o u g h t in laboratory
tests conclusively proves th a t m ind
ex eits an influence upon m atter,*
Mrs No a P ine, 105 W W aln u t ave*
nue, said today in discussing th e In
tel n a tio n a l
AMOHC R oslcrucian
convention held recen tly in S an
Jose w hich she w as fen tu n ate
enough to be able bo atten d .
N early 1,000 people from every
walk of life a tte n d e d th e S a n Jose
conclave. M rs. F ine revealed, w it
nessing several u n u su al scientific
d em o n stratio n s

I hr A m elia I'rihunr
Arcadia, California
Wednesday, July 2), 1936

Mrs. F ine disclosed today th a t nu- i

merous ex p erim en ts conducted d u r- {
ing the convention week in the
physics lab o rato ry of the ordershowed th a t w a te r placed in a te n - I
sicnom eter and reg isterin g a d efi-l
m te resistan ce could have its p re s -'
sure discernlbly a ltered by th e con- j
I cen tratio n of th o u g h t upon it.;
W hether the h u m a n m ind h a s ce r
ta in capacities w hich rad ia te from
it an d w hich are n o t lim ited by
tim e a n d space is no longer a n lnte .estln g sp ecu latio n , b u t th e su b
ject of scientific in q u iry
Dr J. B. R>am cl D uke U niversity, ?
n atio n ally know n psychoogist, ad - j
dressed th e R oslcrucian convention ;
. I
Mrs F ine said, upon his renow ned
researches in th is field
S peaking
of science. D r. R y an said in p a rt:
**In ad d itio n to th e general relaticns of sp ace an d tim e, we w a n t.
to find o u t w h a t th e relatio n sh ip of |
these capacities is to ourselves. tr|
otn m en tal piocesses to sense per
ception, to ^ ill, to a tte n tio n an d
we aie fin d in g o u t som eth in g slow
ly and suicly We have found cer
tain u n d er which these
c?;:ac'Ues fu n ctio n m ore d e fim te lv '
tlv>n o th ers '
I t ls also related th a t the Rcsl
crucian convention w as atten d e d by
ncuily 1.000 persons fio m 12 coun
'tr ie s and alm o st cvciy S ta te in tin*
U -ic n
Of special im p o rtan ce w a ;
th e u n anim ous vote app ro v in g th**
p resen t a d m m istia ti .n of the Rosi
cru cian Oi der

The Times and Daily News Leader

San Mateo. California
Friday, July 31,1931
Page 5

S. M, Member Tells
OfRosier,ucian Meet
Robert A. Sweensy o f Sn Mateo,
home from
AMORC, Rosie rticmn convention, In
San .lose, declared today th a t con
vention experiments showed that
vjtter placed in & lenaionm ctor and
registering a deflntto resistance
could have its pressure dlscernibly
allured by Ihc concentration of
Dr. J. R. Rhine of Drike univer

sity, notionally known psychologist,

add rented t!m Hastcrucion convouticn on his researches in this field.
Nearly lCfO delegates, reprcscnU

i r g 12 countries ami n e a r l y ovary

state mi the Union, Attended the


Reading Times
Reading, Pennsylvania
Saturday, August 1,1936
Page 2


S tu art R. Landis. 002 Schuylkill

ave., was re-elected grand councillor
of the Rosicruclan order. AMORC,
a t the recent international conven
tion of the organisation in S a n Jose,
| California.
Landis, who returned to Reading
yesterday after attending the con
vention. said that a niflhber of ex
perim ents aJid dem onstrations, in
cluding varying the tension of j
water by concentrated thought.*'
were performed at the convention.
Dr. J .B. Ryan, of Duke univer
sity, nationally known psychologist,
was one of a number of speakers at
the sessions which ended on July 18.

The Ogden Standard-Examiner

Ogden. I'tsh
Tuesday, August 4, 1936
Page 14

Ogdenife Tells
of M ind Tesfs
Varvinp the tension of water by '
concentrated thought ir. laboratory
tests conclusively proves th at mind ,
exerts an influence upon m atter,
says Mrs. E n a Harris, of 591 Twenty-nintb street.
Mrs. Harris, returning from the
international AMORC, Rostcrucian
convention ir. San Jose, Calif., states
numerous experiments conducted
during the convention week in the
physics laboratory of the order re-
vealed th a t water placed in a tensionometer and registering a defin
ite resistance could have its pres
; sure discernibly altered by the con
centration of thought upon it.
Whether the human mind has cer
tain capacities which radiate from
it and which are not limited by
time and space is no longer
teresting speculation, but the sub
je c t of scientific inquiry', she added.
It was related th at the Roslcrucian convention was attended ^>v
nearly one thousand persons from
twelve countries and nearly every
.state of the Union.
--------------- +-------- ------- -

Reading hagle
Reading, Pennsylvania
Friday, August 21. 1936
Page 4







by three grand councilors.

The speakers will be Thor KiimaNew York city, grand councilor,
inspector general, and former grand
A delegation of Reading and Berks
county Rosicrucians will attend a
rally of heir order at Long's Park,
near Lancaster, on Sunday to hear

master; Thomas Kuhn, Washington,

D. C., grand councilor, inspector gen
eral, and district commissioner, and
Stuart R. Landis, Reading, also a
grand councilor.

Oakland tribune
Oakland, California
September 20,1936
Page 6

T ria l o f L o d g e S u it
O r d e r e d C o n tin u e d
SAN .JOSE, Sept. 10.,-Trial of <S !
suit brought by Bernard Justice. J
member nf the Rosicrucian O rder,'
demanding that Dr. H. Sprncerj
Lewie, the organization's imperalor, be. forced to return S15.000 to
the treasury after assertectly wast
ing it cn unnecessary expenditures,
has been continued until Novem
ber 16 by Superior Judge William
F . James. Justice alleges that Doc
tor Lewis spent the 515.000 without
need to settle a suit brought against
Lewis, his son and the R osicrudan,
Order by George Smith of Bakers- j
field in May, 1933. Tn addition, Jus- j
nee seeks 52500 attorneys ices and
costs of his suit.

Santa Cruz News

Santa Cruz, California
Friday, October 16,1936
Page 2

IARP Gfotip To
Hear Speaker j
Tomorrow Eve
The affiliated clubs
of (he
league will hold an open public
meeting tomorrow night, begin
ning at 8 o'clock to hear William
Uiesener of Sail Francisco.
Riesener, founder of the Riesener Chocolate ( o., of Sail Fran
cisco. and for many yearn super
intendent of t h e Ghirardelli Co.,
will speak on old age security fort
tin* ARP clubs,
night in Hackley hall.
lie has built and run chocolate
I factories in Germany,
land, Spain, Austria, Russia, Hol
land, Norway
and the
His world-wide
and experiences give his thoughts I
ou pensions and security for tin*
aged a special value. This meet
ing is open to the public and will
In* of special value to those in
terested in this phase of our so
cial problems.
Central club will hold its reg-j
ular weekly business meeting im! mediately preceding this meeting,
with Harry Worrali, president, as

Reading Times
Reading, Pennsylvania
Saturday, October 31,1936
Page 2

Mystical Orders Members
Told of Early Traces
In Berks County

Influence Found in Rites
Granting Church Sites,
Councillor Says
Kosicrucians played an im portant
p art in the settlem ent and cultural
development of America during
Colonial times according to S tuart
R. Landis, grand councillor of the
Ancient, Mystical Order Rosae
Crucis, who spoke a t a banquet and
party held in W ashington hall by
Reading chapter of the order last
The practice of donating land
for a church and accepting a rose
as payment, so prevalent in Berks
and other parts of southeastern
Pennsylvania, during Colonial clays
is indicative of the Rosicrucian in
fluence, Landis declared. Ben
jam in Franklin and Thomas Jeffer
son were officers of the order dur
ing th a t period.

Reading Times
Reading, Pennsylvania
Saturday, October 31,1936
Page 2

Founded Cloisters
The E phrata Cloisters, Landis
said, were erected by Rosierucians
led by Conrad Beissel, of Germany,
who come to America in 1720. The
first order first came to the United
States in 1694 when Grand Master
John Kelpius, of th e Jacob Boehn
lodge of Europe, brought a small
band to Philadelphia. Buildings
constructed by the members are
still to be seen In Fairm ount Park,
W ithin the past year, Landis said,
a Rosicrucian tomb containing 16
bodies was discovered in the heart
of Baltimore. A sword found in the
tomb was covered with-Rosicrucian
"Many persons th in k of Rosicru
cians as followers of a cult or spe
cial religion, Landis said. As a
m atter of fact the AMORCO is a
lodge, a brotherhood. While belief
in a supreme being is a requisite
to membership, th e Rosicrucian
brotherhood has no special religion
of its own. Instead it urged its

members to join a church of their

own choosing.

To Act as Grand Master

During the banquet it was a n
nounced th a t Thor Kiimalehto, New
York city, had been called by offi
cers of the G rand Lodge in San, California, to be acting grand
master, due to prolonged illness
of the grand m aster, Dr. Clement
B. LeBrun. Kiim alehto has often
visited the Reading chapter.
Games, prizes and music were on
the program. Judson Sever ns was
m aster of ceremonies. L i n c o l n
Steiger wait, district commissioner,
was toastm aster. Carl Scholtzhauer
is master of the Reading chapter.

The Reading Times

Reading, Pennsylvania
Saturday, November 7,1936
Page 2


Two new member* were initiated
into the Ancient, Mystical Order,
Rosae Cruel* last night at a meet
ing of the Rosicniclan Brotherhood
in Washington hall.

El Paso Herald - Post

El Paso, Texas
Wednesday, December 9, 1936
Page 5

El Paso Order Will Contribute To
Tomb Hunt
E l P aso R osicrucians w ill h elp
co n trib u te to a fu n d to search for
m ystic form ulas, believed to be h id
d en in a tom b In S o u th e rn F ran ce,
R ay W. Oakes, local d irecto r, said
. '
T h e tom b,.according to M r. Oakes,
h old th e body of P ap as, le a d e r of
a n eig h teen th c e n tu ry school of
P lan s fo r th e search w e re m ade in
E u ro p e b y R. M. Lew is, g ra n d sec; re ta ry of the R osicrucians, M r. O akes
| said.

The Reading Times

Reading, Pennsylvania
Wednesday, December 16,1936
Page 17

American Rosicrucians will llnance
! the excavation of the tomb of
leader of a popular
Eighteenth Century school of philo
sophy and named the Unknown
Philosopher,'* the Reading Chapter
of . the Ancient, Mystical Order,
Rosae Crucis. announced yesterday.
Legends say the philosopher was
buried In southern France and with
him manuscripts containing form
ulas, mystical
secrets of nature entrusted to him
and for some reason buried with
him. The search will begin early
next year,

Harrisburg Telegraph
Harrisburg. Pennsylvania
Friday. December 18, 1936
Page 21

Seek Tomb of
Unknown Philosopher
A search for the mystic wisdom
and cryptic formulas of the Medie
val alchemists, alleged to be en
tombed in the foothills of Southern
France, is to be begun in 1937 by
the Roslcrucians. R. M. Lewis,
grand secretary of the Rosicrucian
Order, AMORC, with headquarters
in San Jose, California, declared in
a special bulletin to the local repre
sentative of the order, D. N. Bair
of 1930 Logan street, HairiHfeflsr
th a t the tomb possesses the body ol
Papus, leader of a popular Eight
eenth century school of philosophy
who was heralded as the unknown

The Fresno Bee

Fresno. California
Wednesday, December 23. 1936
Page 5B


SAN FRANCISCO, D m . 22.-1*1
A pull lim )k!n( control of the
fupremc todsri of lb A nclert Or*
dtp and Mvvtlc Order of the f lo u t
Cnscta* Jurisdiction pf North Ameri
ca. waa dlamltaed In frd m t court
today by Ju d te A. F. Bt. Sure. The
action v u brought by Roy W.
Smith and A. EL Smith aialnat 1L
Spencer U w lt, lila wife. Martha;
their ion, Ralph; hia wife. GUdya;
Cipinent Lebrun and A. Leon

Oakland Tribune
Oakland, California
Wednesday, December 23,1936
Page 29

Suit Over Lodge Is \

Ordered Dismissed;
A suit involving control of the Su
preme Lodge of the Ancient and
Mystic Order of the Rosae Crucis,
Jurisdiction of North America, was
dismissed in Federal court today
by Judge A. F. Sh Sure.
The action was brought by Roy
W. Smith and A. E. Smith against
j H. Spencer Lewis, his wife, Martha.
; their pod, Ralph. his wife, Gladys,
Clement Lebrun and A. Leon
The litigation, instituted in 1934,
alleged the defendants held con! trol of the lodge at trustees im
properly and in violation of ihc j
order's constitution, that they had j
diverted $150,000 of the lodge funds, i
, *tiu ieiuMtd u> conauct an election.

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