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ISSN 1068-7998, Russian Aeronautics (Iz.VUZ), 2012, Vol. 55, No. 4, pp. 383387. Allerton Press, Inc., 2012.

Original Russian Text E.M. Kraeva, M.V. Kraev, 2012, published in Izvestiya VUZ. Aviatsionnaya Tekhnika, 2012, No. 4, pp. 4245.



Analysis of Three-Dimensional Flow in High-Speed Pump

Centrifugal Impeller
E. M. Kraeva and M. V. Kraev
Siberian State Aerospace University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Received March 12, 2012

AbstractRelations for calculating a shear flow in the centrifugal impeller channels are presented.
The results of three-dimensional flow visualization in the centrifugal forces field show a satisfactory
agreement with calculation data within a wide range of centrifugal pump design and operational
DOI: 10.3103/S106879981204101
Keywords: centrifugal impeller, visualization, blade, channel, flow.

High-speed centrifugal pumps are widely used in aircraft, space-rocket and power engineering devices
as a liquid working fluid supply unit in plants for generating a pulse producing power in automatic
equipment components, cooling and temperature control systems.
It is known [1] that the experimental power performance of a centrifugal pump and flow parameters
inside the pump differ significantly from parameters calculated for an ideal flow. Such a difference is
determined by the impact of different factors describing the real hydrodynamic flow in the centrifugal
forces field. The impact of viscous forces, which determine friction and vortex formation losses is
particularly important and in high-speed small-sized pumps the active cross-section of the flow affecting
the blade channel velocity value and gradients is reduced.
Several factors, namely, complex processes inside the flow passage of the closed-type impeller, lack of
clear understanding of flow hydrodynamics inside the narrow channels in which the effect of viscous
forces is dominant and separation zones are present, the diffusive flow pattern required that special
experimental studies were carried out using a full-scale pump of the class being considered. This enabled
us to define the main factors affecting the velocity value and distribution in the blade channels taking into
account the singularities of channel hydrodynamics proceeding from commensurability of the boundary
layer and mainstream core parameters.
When studying high-speed pumps, their design features present certain difficulties being complicated
by small absolute dimensions of the impeller flow passage; as a result, the tried-and-true research
methods being used for large-sized pumps calculation are unsuitable. In this case, very often it is
impossible to apply the standard equipment being used in ordinary studies; considerable transverse
gradients of the flow parameters complicate the experiments and necessitate creating special devices [2]
and new methods of direct or indirect determination of parameters [3].
The studies that do not disrupt the flow structure are particularly valuable; therefore, since the
photography survey has to be carried out at considerable angular velocities, that are specific to the highspeed pump, several photography methods were used. These methods combined with the flow
visualization technique made it possible to register processes taking place in the blade channels of the
high-speed pump at = 500 1 000 rad/s and different operation modes including fully-developed
cavitation in the impeller channels.
Visual observations were also carried out at stroboscopic illumination. Processes in the impeller blade
channels were photographed using the Zenit TTL camera with the Gelios-44M lens, under illumination of



the scene by an electric discharge with the glow time = ( 3 4 ) 10 6 s that is produced by a special

spark facility. The scene and camera were pre-protected from extraneous illumination. Discharge between
electrodes was produced by the capacitor being supplied by the UPU-1M type generator with controllable
output voltage varying from 7 to 14 kV. Capacitor charging and discharging was performed remotely
using the high-voltage initiating relay.
In the course of experimental studies of the impeller channels flow particular attention was paid to
developing the visualization techniques, which was performed in the following ways:
by placing fiber vanes in impeller blade channel flow;
applying special coatings on the surface of the impeller channel being investigated;
injecting coloring (tracer) agent into the impeller blade channels, using the unique model fluid
machine [2];
introducing the impurities depositing on the surface of the impeller blade channel.
All these techniques make it possible to conduct the studies in a wide range of variation in the design and
operational parameters ( C2 m U 2 = 0.025 0.14 ) of the high-speed pump with the impeller flow passage
dimensions corresponding to full-scale pumps. The blade outlet angle 2bl value varied from 20 to 110.
The qualitative flow pattern was obtained by pasting silk fiber vanes in different zones of the channel
and photographing the rotating impeller illuminated with an electric discharge. It should be noted that
despite their relatively small sizes (from 3 to 5 mm long, 0.1 mm in diameter) the vanes provided the high
quality of photos at the channel width b 3 mm; when b < 3 mm the vanes affected the flow and in a
number of experiments they distorted the flow pattern, whereas the smaller vanes were not registered on
the film at a short duration discharge = 3 10 6 s , which is due to the fact that photographing was

performed at the high impeller rotational speed.

The points of flow trajectory were obtained by visualization in a specially designed fluid machine [2] by
injecting the coloring agent through a number of drain holes in the impeller disk. The model fluid machine
(Fig. 1) being used for the visual study of the working fluid flow in the impeller blade channels has body 1
with transparent cover 2, container 9 with water-soluble granules of the coloring agent located inside body 1
on the impeller shaft with blades 4. Covering disk 5 is
transparent, and driving disk 3 has a system of draining
channels that connect the container chambers with the blade
channels of the impeller being investigated. Container 9 has
permeable membranes 8, which provide the supply of the
working fluid to the chamber with the coloring agent granules.
When impeller shaft rotates, the container chamber serves as a
fluid supercharger that continuously feeds the dissolved
coloring agent into the rotating impeller blade channels.
By means of photographing the cavities, injecting the
coloring agent to the flow and using fiber vanes, we
managed to register the trajectories and define the pattern of
the flow core motion in the impeller blade channels. To the
basic flow features should be added the areas of steady flow
Fig. 1. Scheme of the model fluid
fluid motion along the pressure side of the blade and the
machine working section layout: (1)
areas of cocurrent flow on the suction side.
body; (2) transparent cover; (3) impeller
driving disk; (4) impeller blade; (5)
The pressure gradient along the impeller blade channel
transparent covering disk; (6) inlet pipe;
step is established when the fluid flows under the action of
(7) coloring agent granules; (8)
the Coriolis and centrifugal forces, resulting in the angle
permeable membrane; (9) container with
flow shear in the radial plane along the disks confining the
coloring agent granules.
channel [4]. The importance of the shear flow calculations


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when analyzing the flow parameters analysis in the impeller channel is related to the fact that the highspeed pump confining disk surfaces are larger than the blade surfaces.
Let us restrict ourselves to the simplified analysis of the flow core in the relative motion and consider
the balance of volume element of the fluid with dm mass. We also assume that all streamlines in the
impeller channels go at an angle bl to the circle. In the coordinate system rotating with the impeller,
the fluid in the radial channel is subjected to the action of the centrifugal inertial force dm2 R that
appears due to impeller rotation, as well as of the Coriolis inertial force dm 2 wcR .
For an inviscid flow core the resultant of these forces is counterbalanced by the pressure force
dP = dp dF of the adjacent fluid layers. The pressure gradient is established along the blade channel
step, and the fluid equipressure surface will be perpendicular to the resultant force. Hence:
dR dm2 wchR 2 wchR
cot =
dm2 R
For the radial blade machine at the constant angle bl of streamline slope relative to the circle, the

expression for velocity distribution along the blade channel step will be written in the following way:
wch = w0 + 2 t.


Since the cascade pitch is t = D z , expression (2) can be represented as:

wch = w0 + 2D z .

and the value of relative velocity

Taking into account that the radial velocity is wRav = wav sin bl
along the channel midline is
wav = wdt ,
the expression for calculating the flow velocity along the impeller radius will take the following form:
wchRav = wch 0 sin bl + U sin bl .
Equation (1) with account for expression (4) will be:
cot avi = ch 0 sin bl +
sin bl .
At the impeller inlet for the relative velocity w1 at C1m = w1 sin bl we will obtain:

C D 2

cot avi = 2 2 m 2 +
sin bl ,
U 2 Di

where Di is the current value of the impeller diameter varying from D1 to D2 .

In the case of a curved blade, the current value of the blade slope angle i relative to the circle of Di
diameter equals to:
i = arccos 2 cos 2 bl + i
2 Rbl 2 Rbl Ri
so expression (6) will take the following form

cot avi =

2C2 m D2 4
sin arccos 2 cos 2 bl + i
2 Rbl 2 Rbl Ri
U 2 Di


The flow core shear angle was calculated for the conventional assumed linear velocity distribution
with respect to the channel step and the characteristic blade profile. As will be further shown, the effect of
blade profile slight curvature on the flow shear can be neglected. Besides, the real pattern of the viscous

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flow in the impeller channel is much more complex as compared to that accepted in the flow model
analysis. On the high pressure blade side, where velocity is lower, boundary layer separation can occur;
however, the Coriolis inertial force presses the jet being separated to the blade, whereas the low-energy
area of low pressure is formed on its suction side.
Since visualization of surface streamlines by injecting the coloring agent to the flow can give only
the qualitative pattern as the jet sizes can be compared to the boundary layer thickness, more clear-cut
patterns of surface streamlines were obtained by applying a thin coating layer (1015 m) on the blade
channel surface; its compositions includes as a substrate the ED-5 grade compound with 23% of finely
divided carbon powder (soot) or biro ink with the particle size equal to 23 m. The coating was applied
to the prepared surface of the impeller, which was made from the material providing the reliable
adhesiveness with the coating during tests corresponding to operating regimes of the full-sizes pump.
It should be mentioned that to find the desired suitable composition, we tested many conventional
solutions like oil-base paint, liquid pigments, compositions including kerosene, soot and oleic acid,
machinery oil or TSIATIM-221 and soot and etc. which turned out to be unacceptable in studying.
In comparing the data obtained with the investigation results of other authors we have received
the further support that both the research method and coating composition are acceptable. It is possible to
warm water not more than by 40 to get a more clear-cut flow pattern when operating under conditions
of low consumption and reduced test cycle. The further increase of the water and impeller temperature
leads to a sharp decrease of adhesiveness between the coating and impeller surface and even to
stratification of a binder and filler.
The tests showed the feasibility of using the surface streamlines visualization technique not only for
qualitative analysis, but also for quantitative calculations of flow parameters along the impeller disks. It is
significant that photos of the surface streamlines (Fig. 2) produced more accurate results than
measurements with the use of probes.




Fig. 2. Pattern of surface streamlines on the impeller disks: (a) 2 bl = 30; (b) 2 bl = 45; (c) 2 bl = 60

( = 628

rad s;

V = 12 10 5 m 3 s; w = 3; 1bl = 30 ) .

In the course of studies we varied main design and operational parameters of the high-speed pump
impeller operation, for example, we tested impellers which had the 2bl angle values equal to 30, 45, 60,
75, 90 at b2 D2 = 0.0085 0.125 , as a result, we obtained the flow patterns in the impeller channels with
the divergence degree W = 0.56 9.0. In this case, the value of the channel width was varied not only at the
outlet b2 , but also at the inlet b1 . The consumption of the working fluid (distilled water) varied from the
zero value to V = 1.5Vnom . Taking into account that a divergent type of blade channels is typical for high-

speed pump impellers, particular attention was paid to estimating the limiting value of Wch .
Figure 3 shows the dependence of the value of the surface streamlines deflection angle along the
impeller channel midline calculated using Eq. (6). Figure 3 also shows the experimental values of the
flow shear angle along the channel midline and experimental results from [4, 5] at the regimes corresponding
to the design one. Figure 4 shows the change of the surface streamlines deflection angle at different values of


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consumption and different angles of blade midline slope. It should be mentioned that the value decreases as
the consumption and the blade slope angle increase reaching its minimum value in the case of the radial
blade ( 2 bl = 90 ) . Along with a satisfactory agreement of calculation experimental data, a certain

discrepancy can be observed for the impeller channel inlet and outlet sections.

Fig. 3. Change of the flow shear angle along the impeller

channel radius (C2u/U2 = 0.05): (1) calculated dependence; (2)
experimental data ((2) authors experiments; (3) S.N. Shkarbul'
experiments [4]; (4) K.P. Seleznev and Yu.B. Galerkin
experiments [5]).

Fig. 4. Change of the flow shear angle as

a function of the blade slope angle at different
C2 m U 2 and Di = 0.6; z = 6 (notation is the
same as in Fig.3).

The following main conclusions should be made from the studies presented:
The research technique and the model plant for flow visualization in the centrifugal impeller channels
were developed.
The flow in the blade channels of a number of centrifugal impellers was studied with variations of the
blade slope angle and under operation conditions different in consumption using spark photography along
with different methods of flow visualization.
The three-dimensional flow in the centrifugal impeller channels of the high-speed pump was calculated
including the determination of the shear flow parameters on the confining surfaces of the blade channel.
On the basis of integrated visualization studies and their adequate agreement with the calculation
results we consider it reasonable to use the techniques presented not only for qualitative but also for
quantitative analysis.
This work was carried out in the framework of the Federal Target Program Scientific and ScientificPedagogical Personnel of Innovative Russia in 20092013 (project NK-711 P.1.2.1, state contract no. P.231 of
April 23, 2010).

1. Kraeva, E.M., Vysokooborotnye nasosy aerokosmicheskikh sistem malogo raskhoda (Low-Discharge HighSpeed Pumps of Aerospace Systems), Krasnoyarosk: Izd. SibGAU, 2005.
2. Bobkov, A.V., Kraev, M.V., and Sobolev, A.N., USSR Inventors Certificate no. 1355886, Byull. Izobret.,
1987, no. 44.
3. Kraev, M.V., Kishkin, A.A., Melkozerov, M.G., et al., RF Patent no. 2217724, Byull. Izobret., 2003, no. 33.
4. Sharbul, S.N. and Valchuk, V.S., Analysis of Three-dimensional Boundary Layer in Fluid Machine
Centrifugal Wheel, Energomashinostroenie, 1971, no. 1, pp. 1416.
5. Seleznev, K.P. and Galerkin Yu. B., Tsentrobezhnye kompressory (Centrifugal Compressors), Leningrad:
Mashinostroenie, 1982.


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