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Christmas is special for good reason

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By C. TINSLEY | Posted: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 12:00 am | (2) Comments

What makes Christmas so special? Is it sharing warm memories over eggnog and
cookies? The magic of glowing lights on a sparkling Christmas tree? Festive parties
where we wear finery and exchange gifts? All these unique joys of the season set the
tone, but the reason we celebrate Christmas is to honor the birth of our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ.

In response to the secular humanism piece of Dec. 8, why celebrate Christmas without
acknowledging its purpose? Whether people accept Christ and submit their lives to him is
a personal choice, but he was also a historical figure. The Bible chronicles Jesus'
genealogy, life, death and resurrection. Yet if someone doubts the Bible, there are
numerous other historical documents to confirm its accuracy, such as Greek manuscripts,
the Babylonian Chronicles, and writings by Suetonius, Josephus, Pliny the Younger, and
Lucian. People who would deny the historicity of the Bible should do their research.

History also teaches the importance of biblical ideals to the Renaissance. The invention
of the printing press in the 1450s allowed Bibles to be printed and widely circulated,
corresponding to the height of the Italian Renaissance. A study of Renaissance
masterpieces reveals Christian influence: Botticelli's Adoration of the Magi,
Michelangelo's David and DaVinci's The Last Supper.

History revisionists who deny the Christian foundations of our democracy ignore
American history. This nation was built by Pilgrims who sought to establish a country
founded on biblical Christianity. Despite attempts to deny this fact, historical
documentation confirms this. The Mayflower Compact explains: "Haveing undertaken,
(the journey) for the glorie of God, and advancemente of the Christian faith." In the
1630s, the first public school and Harvard were both established to teach people to read
the Bible and promote Christianity. Attempting to strip the United States of this Christian
heritage is a form of discrimination, persecution and repression.

Humanism originally referred to the study of humanities such as language, art and
rhetoric and existed in harmony with Christianity. Indeed, much of Western civilization's
progressive ideas can be traced back to the Bible. Can one imagine Shakespeare without
Biblical allusions or Mozart's Requiem without Jesus?

There is a growing revulsion against Christianity. Public schools and government are so
hostile that even a legal mention of Christianity or the Bible can land someone in court or
create controversy. Consider the powers around the world that disallow freedom of
worship. Who would have this nation become like Saudi Arabia, China or North Korea?
Capitalism needs choice, including freedom to worship.

Until humanity has the answers to every question in the vast expanse of the universe, I
will follow God. He has bestowed the human mind with rational thought to explore his
highly ordered universe through scientific inquiry. We should thank God for everything
we have, including allowing us to live every day. But thank him most of all for his
sacrifice to redeem us through his mercy and grace, which is the only reason to celebrate

Posted in Commentary on Wednesday, December 23, 2009 12:00 am Updated: 2:03 pm. |
Tags: Cal, Community Forum, Opinion

Originally published at

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