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Text : Matthew 9 : 9-13

A very good morning bros and sisters in Christ..
This morning we heard of the Gospel Matt 9:9-13 being
read to us all..which is a story of how Matthew became
one of the disciples of Jesus Christ. The other well known
disciples of Jesus Christ, like Peter, Andrew, James and
John were fishermen. In Matt 4:18-20, we read that Jesus
saw Peter and Andrew while they were out fishing at the
Sea of Galilee and he called them, Follow Me and they
left their fishing nets and followed Jesus.
In Matt 4: 21-22, we read Jesus saw again 2 brothers,
James and John sitting in a boat with their father,
Zebedee, mending their fishing nets.
Jesus called out to them, Follow Me and they left their
fishing nets at once and followed Jesus.
Now, who is this Matthew? Matthew received a personal
call from Jesus Christ to follow him. So, this
In our Gospel reading this morning, Matt 9:9, we read
thatJesus saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax
collection booth. Again, Jesus called out and said to
Mathew, Follow Me.
What was Matthews response? Matthew got up and
followed Jesus.
Matthew was a tax collector for the Roman Govt. Tax
collecting jobs were greatly sought after as a sure way to
get rich quickly. So, you can say that a lot of people
applied for this job as a tax collector..but only a few would
be successful. Tax collectors earned their living from the
commission they get out of the taxes they collected.
But, the problem with the tax collectors in those days was
that most of them overcharged the people and kept the
profits to themselves. As such, they were highly despised

and treated as great sinners. The Tax collectors were

regarded as traitors/pengkhianat by the Jews because they
were working for the Roman Govt.
Bros & Sis, more than any other disciples, Matthew had a
clear idea of how much it would cost to follow Jesus, yet
he did not hesitate a moment.
So, for Mathew, when he answered the call of Jesus, there
was no turning back.
When he left his tax collecting booth, Matthew guaranteed
himself unemployment. For Peter, Andrew, James and John
they can always go back to fishing, but for Mathew there
was no turning back.
Bros & Sis, two changes happened to Mathew when he
decided to follow Jesus.
Firstly, Jesus gave him a new life. Matthew must have
been tired of the kind of life he was living as a tax
collector. Matthew must have been feeling lonely and
dejected. He got all the wealth that he wants but Matthew
realized that there is still something missing in his life. So
when Jesus called out to him, Follow Me, Matthew did not
hesitate. He got up and followed Jesus.
Now, not only he belonged to a new group of people no
longer despised; he belonged to the Son of God.
Secondly, Jesus gave Matthew a new purpose for his
skills. When Matthew followed Jesus, the only tool from his
past job as a tax collector that he carried with him was his
pen. This was the same pen that Mathew used to record
the people who paid their taxes. This was the same pen
that Matthew used to record the hutang, the names of
people who did not pay their taxesthat same pen now is
used to record the life and works of Jesus Christ
throughout the 3 years of Jesus ministry to the people.
Matthew was a natural record keeper. Jesus Call
eventually allowed Matthew to put his skills to their finest
work Matthew is the author /writer of the Gospel we read
this morning.

In The Call of Matthew, Jesus demonstrated the

transforming power of the Gospelof the good news of
Jesus Christ.
The good news of Jesus Christ is able to transform a
despised tax collector like Mathew and turn him into a
beloved apostle of Jesus Christ. How does this happen?
You see, of all the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ, Matthew
was the first to be healed by forgiveness.
(Jesus was already talking about Forgiveness of
Sins in Matthew Chap 9 : Vs 1-8. )
The first step to a transformed life is through the
forgiveness of our sins. We have to acknowledge our
need..(answers to lifes question) our need to be
forgiven..the next step is to acknowledge that we have
been forgiven.
In other words, we accepted the forgiveness of sins Jesus
offered us.
As you can see, in Vs.10, Matthew invited Jesus and his
disciples to a dinner at his house. It was a celebration..and
you guess who was also invited?
(many tax collectors and other notorious sinners).
The transforming power of the gospel of the good news of
Jesus Christ is able to appeal to social outcasts, providing
love,hope and acceptance for a new life.
Jesus said in Vs.13, For I have come to call sinners, not
those who think they are already good enough.
Have you recognized Jesus saying to you, Follow Me?
What has been your response?
Point for Reflection: God never called anyone to be a

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